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France vs England

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Who's better?
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The Eternal Anglo is called that for a reason, altho i do think that a world where France had the most global influence would have been a better one
Not really, look at Canada
The French were statist pansies long before they English were, so I'll give it to England.

Also, the French eat snails and then prattle on about their "haute cuisine" and how the rest of the world are culinary troglodytes by comparison.

Fuck France.
Snails are delicious you pleb
t. jacques
I prefer France
Burn in hell English scum
Up late, lad.









only cucks like france
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L'anglais est un patois français
Les anglais sont des bâtards français

They tried to invade France several time through History, sometimes even turning the whole world against us. Yet we are still here. We couldn't care less about those shitty island jews.
French were cooler, but English looked less gay
you guys are pretty much the same thing, i see no difference between european wh*tes
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France, obviously

putain de anglos
France has a nuclear carrier so it's their point.
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Italy they is the real niggaz
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bad post

good post

good post

bad post

bad post

excellent post

good post

bad post

bad post


bad post

bad post
Canada is boring because it's not 100% French, lad.

Excellent post

t. a cuck

>Paternity testing is regulated by the state and only allowed in certain cases:

>Without a court order the express consent of the person must be obtained in writing before the carrying out of the examination, after the person has been duly informed of its nature and its purpose.[18]
With a court order (if consent could not be obtained)
This is partially due to the official desire to "preserve the peace" within French families, with the French government citing psychologists who state that fatherhood is determined by society, rather than biology

Fucking defend this frogs

>The maximum penalty for carrying out secret paternity testing is one year in prison and a €15,000 fine.

Top Cuck
>Having a national sorry day
Defend this aussies.

Also :
>Australian music
>Having a national sorry day

Made up shit by leftists that doesn't actually exist
England practically conquered most of the known world.
>The Eternal Anglo is called that for a reason,

Made up by autistic Germans trying to deflect attention away from themselves and the damage they constantly inflict.
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Britain is the only in world history to defeat Russia, India and China in war. And Brits burnt down the capital of the US. That is pretty cool.
>France vs England
>posts France vs the U.K.
Absolute state of the American education system
Because France hasn't tried to conquer Britain multiple times. Learn how to sail you miserable frog chewing munter.
The poorly educated kiwi is back.
Not an argument. Anglos haven't won a single war, especially against France though legitimate means, they always on numbers or others to fight for them.
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>having allies is a bad thing
No, but taking credit for a victory that was achieved solely by one's allies is
He is literally retarded, don't bully him.
>achieved solely by one's allies
Wew, it's almost as if Britain was s naval power or something.
Navies don't count, silly. The sea only covers two thirds of the Earth's surface. It's irrelevant.
Frankreich. Gott strafe England!
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Yeah, we were a naval power and we used lesser nations like Prussia and Austria to fight land campaigns for us.

After Napoleon France became one of those lesser nations btw.
>wew, it's almost as if Britain was a professional hiding-behind-the-sea-like-a-giant-pussy-and-get-its-shit-pushed-in-in-every-fair-fight country !

Based Germany knows
Ah yes.
>they always on numbers or others to fight for them.

So in other words they are better at war
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None is better than the other, but both are better than the rest of the world.
>fair fights
>in real war
Underage please leave.
Yes, have you never heard of Waterloo? that was one such example.
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>fair fight
Ah yes.
>In September 1956, due to a common foe during the Suez Crisis, an Anglo-French Task Force was created. French Prime Minister Guy Mollet proposed a union between the United Kingdom and the French Union with Elizabeth II as head of state and a common citizenship. As an alternative, Mollet proposed that France join the Commonwealth. British Prime Minister Anthony Eden rejected both proposals

Reminder the EU only exists becuase the UK rejected a franco-british union proposed by France in which they would become subjects of the British monarchy.
The british also proposed it in 1940 after the... you know when we... hum how to say that

we - maginot line - germans
we - germans - maginot line

idk if it's clear
>a battle commanded by a British general which included 25,000 British Army troops and which had the French in a desperate position in large part due to the Royal Navy was won solely by the British allies

>a country which can apparently "get" other countries to fight "for" them is weak
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Britain did try to fight on land, they didn't try again for quite a while
France because they've turned out surprisingly more useful in the natural sciences/computer sciences than all of Europe save for probably Kraut

You mean De Gaulle begged them to propose it to temporarily try and convince his government there was an alternative to surrender.
No, Churchill offered it himself.
>6,000 from KGL
>17,000 from Netherlands
>11,000 from Hanover
>6,000 from Brunswick
>3,000 from Nassau

and of course the 50,000 Prussians that arrived to save them

>The British opposed a French surrender, and in particular the possible loss of the French Navy to the Germans, and so sought to keep Reynaud in office. On 14 June British diplomat Robert Vansittart and Morton wrote with Monnet and his deputy René Pleven a draft "Franco-British Union" proposal. They hoped that such a union would help Reynaud persuade his cabinet to continue the war from North Africa, but Churchill was skeptical when on 15 June the British War Cabinet discussed the proposal and a similar one from Secretary of State for India Leo Amery. On the morning of 16 June, the War Cabinet agreed to the French armistice request on the condition that the French fleet sail to British harbors. This disappointed Reynaud, who had hoped to use a British rejection to persuade his cabinet to continue to fight.[1]

>Reynaud supporter Charles de Gaulle had arrived in London earlier that day, however, and Monnet told him about the proposed union.[1] De Gaulle convinced Churchill that "some dramatic move was essential to give Reynaud the support which he needed to keep his Government in the war".[2]
England choose self distruction so France
I never said Britain had the most land troops in that army.

But you said it was solely won by our allies (such as the Prussians who were late), which is a weird thing to say considering there were 25,000 actual British troops there from the beginning
>not responsible for all the bad things in the world
Fucking shopkeepers. Capitalism destroyed the world.
>England choose self distruction

Explain pls

>all these brit (you)s
Seems like I struck a nerve. You're called perfidious for a reason. In catch you would be the heel.

You owe everything you have to capitalism sonny
Stop playing stupid. Or if you aren't playing, stop being stupid.
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Why posting if it's merely implications
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>be britain
>evacuate 100,000 frog """"soldier""""
>97,000 go home to surrender
Withoutt hésitation England is better at the art of betrayal and treachery. We have still à lot to learn from them
>be French
>escort the panicking anglos to dunkirk at the cost of your own life
>tell the anglos to embark first while holding the city
>60 years later the british education system is still shit
Brits had minds like Turing during 20th c
Brits make better beer, French better wine. Their armies are comparable. Both have great history and fine track of human right violations. Both have opinion of being snobby, and yet when you meet them in real life they usually great mates. Outside of the language French and British are very similar.
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>I don't know anything about Dunkirk but will take a french youtube video as absolute truth
>most important battle of american revolution
>happens in europe
>britain wins
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>I'm attacking the messenger rather than the argument
You mean after Britain invented the computer, computer programming, and the internet? Sure.
Scotland > Wales > England > Germany > France
>what is the highland division
how is the population of gipusi in England?
What's your point lad? Just name-dropping a cherry-picked regiment?
>what is 1st free french division
>What's your point lad?
That the British army didn't just hide behind the French.
You have to go back.
Like it did at Bir-Hakeim?
Fucking hell you retard.
>calling someone else a retard over a slightly impropriate use of a foreign word
Would love to see you giving a go at Finnish :^)
Useless language. You're alright.
At least my language hasn't been cucked by the whole world. Hang in there.
Stop using our language if you don't like us
Sacre bleu! The Brits created the modern world.
There was never a saying "The sun never sets on the French empire" now was there.
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Ah yes, considering all the world class music, poetry, and prose, in Finnish, one can clearly see its superiority over English.
I agree with Poland on this one. They're both more alike than they'd like to admit.
You spelled Bastard-French wrong
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Both countries are full of faggots.
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Both are fine
excellent post

horrendous post
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We also both promised to protect Poland from the Nazis
More like highly eveloved French, Latinate, Greek, and German.
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ah yes the eternal yank starting shit as usual
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Was about to post something like that

Only great brothers would fight for so long and yet come back as friends
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ah yes french women
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ah yes our women
I'd take the one on the right desu
UK is like the runt always trying to vie for france's attention by playing up an imagined rivalry amongst """equals""", when France's real rivals have always been on the European continent. must get tiresome for the French
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This post has crossed the line.
When will the creepy clown sightings stop?
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Both countries are the only two truly relevant countries in the world.
Nah, after we reduced France to a secondary power the Russians became our main rivals. Then the Krauts replaced them.
Iechyd da
I think it's the Russians again now.
I wish we'd go isolationist desu.
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It would be very painful.
Kidding, kidding. I love England. Dunno why. :(
Nice coalition lmao
Neither. They are both great in their own way.
We are brothers the same for the past 100 years. It's a love-hate.
too bad there isn't a single white person posting under a french flag on /int/
Fuck anglos.
why are we debating this? France already surrendered
English people are adorably retarded/inbred. French people are cunts.
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good lad
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Sacrebleu! France basically created England and English language.
Nice defeat lmao
*and tried to culturally genocide the English language
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Good thing the unconquered liberated them :^)

Sounds pretty rude
My granny is French so I am strictly neutral in this debate.
filthy half breed
It's why English has so many French loanwords.
She was an honourable war bride of the victorious anglo liberator.
she was probably an honorable war bride of the 3rd Reich too
>*and tried to culturally genocide the English language
You mean by not bothering learning it and you guys feeling so insecure about your language that you started trying to speak French?
What a genocide, I hate France now
Delete this right now leafboy
sure right after you get your teeth fixed
He's Irish and I'm not English.
awh shit sorry Mohammed

seriously? how can you tell?
You are being very rude.
I'm sorry friend
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