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Thoughts on Syrian girls?

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Thoughts on Syrian girls?

They need to be sent to Brazil. But only if they're good looking.
Fuck off, we're full

>tfw you take four times as many syrians as the states when they have 100 times the population
we should send their men and women to where they belong, europe.
They are the new Germans
>100 times the population
>3 billion americans

They probably have more than a few beauties, pity they're mostly being abused by everyone from ISIS to Turks. Meanwhile in Europe those men who should have protected them are apparently too busy getting it on with the locals.
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>wanting to deport this

Canacucks confirmed for biggest faggots.
thats just a fat landwhale
disgusting and fat desu

Even their overweight girls are extremely arousing, Syrian girls have amazing figures which keep their shape even when fat

None of the "refugee males" in europe are Syrian you autist, they are in Syria fighting a war.
The only true Syrian refugees are the families that Canadian government is taking in.
Eurocucks are taking """"""""""refugees"""""""""""""""""" that cross the sea straight out of nigger heartland, or coming from Pakistan and Afghanistan.
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Syrian girl is cute! CUTE! she needs to be WHITENED by an alpha yankee
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if race is so important, why aren't white syrians the leaders of syria?
wtf are you talking about, Syria is a non-white country so of course they have a non-white leader
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If you have any desire to fuck a syrian girl go to your local suicide bridge™ and do a back flip
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Sorry a mere monkey could never score a goddess from the dunes
>posting two pictures of attractive Syrian women and suggesting they're representative of the mean

Nice try, in trying to make people more accepting of "refugees", globalist shill.

Fact is, Syrian women have a varied distribution of aesthetics, like anywhere, and many are average-looking, and many are downright unattractive.
There are more than one kiwis itt you know
I'm >>68459098
and >>68457662
the other kiwi is >>68458067
Yes every nation has a distribution of aesthetics, however attractive Syrian girls are drop dead gorgeous while attractive kiwi girls are decent looking
hot. the only problem is young radicalised men, other than that i'm fine with qt syrian gf's and i'm fine with a qt syrian brother in law.
That's why you fuck their women, so their sons turn out like Steve Jobs rather than jihadi alsheed
Steve jobs is half Syrian from his father side.
And he wasn't raised by his biological parents anyway. His mother's family abandoned him and put him in adpotion because they couldn't deal with a half Syrian offspring (because you know ewww sand).
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And right they were. Fucking Sandniggers must be removed from Europe or at least Germany.
Ebola isn't a bio weapon. If used at one it's a very shitty one.
nice look but dumb and naive as hell
that half sandnigger made the concept of touch screen mobile more popular, without him we would probably have just started using screen touch mobiles in 2016
why is steve jobs literally used in every example to somehow generalize about all arab people. i see this all the the time from arabs claiming whatever shit they done by citing steve jobs.
>Syrian girl
I thought all of them are either turned into slaves or stoned to death by Isis.
Do you think there would still be iPhone if he was left with his biological parents?
Most Arabs don't even know Steve Jobs is half Arab lol.
He's still half Syrian genetically, why would a Syrian male/white female mix be superior to a white male/Syrian female mix?
>he was adopted
So he was a half Syrian raised by a white father figure.
If I made half Syrian half white children with a Syrian girl, those children would be raised by a white father figure, aka me.

>expecting germcucks to appreciate syrians instead of african bulls
Friggin leaves
Christian or atheist Middle Eastern girls are the best
Steve Jobs wasn't half arab, arabs are full WE WUZ if they claim he was one of theirs.
He's ethnically half Syrian so Syrians can take pride in him as well as Americans (his other half).
probably no but something similar to the iPhone would've been invented, although it could be way later than when the iPhone was invented
She is a youtuber called SyranGirl who lives is Straya
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Fuck off ahmed, you're not diverting my attention away from your women
He had a Syrian dad so no, however if he was a half Syrian with a white father and Syrian mother, he would probably have made the iphone if he was raised by his biological parents, who in this alternate reality would have been a white male and Syrian female
I was just saying that he was Syrian from his father's side not that other mix is more superior. Of course if the mixed kid was raised by Syrian father he's going to have Syrian values and if raised by kiwi father he's going to have kiwi values but being paternally Syrian didn't play a role in his success because he wasn't raised by any Syrian.
I heard he was son of adultery.
Syrians are Arab.
So would a half Syrian half white child turn out normal if he is raised by a white father and a Syrian mother in your opinion?

you know what I mean, language wise they are similar (Arabic), but they are different ethnicities
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If his mother's family is okay with it (which they wouldn't 99% of the time), maybe.

They have been Arabs since long ago.
MENA has different ethnicities but they are all in Arab league.
If someone's mother tongue is Arabic, they are Arab, even if genetically 100% non-Arab. And Syrians do have lots of Southwestern Asian (Arabian) admix.
exactly. Many, in fact, are outright beautiful too.
Syrian families or actual women and children are very VERY rare in Germany. Quite many left their families and hope now that Germany takes over the part of bringing other members to Europe
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They're made for the big italian cock
Lol i met them here. Got a couple living a block away from me when i ran into them and helped them find their house.
Plus others on street.
Not the best lookin bunch. But well behaved.
But wouldnt date since the women are very hot tempered plus underlyin ptsd from war.
Women are crazy enough esp girls from hot cou.tries.
Wtf why do you get females
It's 95% males in family
>mfw 3 million syrian refugees are being given citizenship
>mfw all the good looking syrian women have been taken by turkish bulls whilst syrian men are marrying either their hands or kurds
>mfw i have no face because its complicated
Why can't you mix, you're all roaches after all

How come Syrians don't like interracial relationships with whites?
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My Olympfu
It's an Arab thing in general. Even a marriage from distinct parts of the Arab world (e.g. Moroccan-Iraqi) would be looked down upon by families. Not to mention if the guy isn't Muslim in the first place.
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>Mfw 3.5 million Syrian will fuck up yurop when we open the gates.

We have a fuckin nuclear bomb in our hands. Such a shame we have to live with them though.
São Paulo is a Syrian-Lebanese enclave. There are more Syrian-Lebs in Brazil than any other country, including Lebanon and Syria.
Although your post is ironic, it is true that a lot of them are Crusader's rape babies.
I know a christian syrian girl who's a literal 9, super empathic and probably the sharpest person I've ever spoke with. They seem pretty based
That's a fucking shame as I have a severe case of desert fever, guess I'll live the rest of my life a kissless virgin

How are Syrian-Lebs in Sao Paulo? Are they like middle eastern ones or are they like other Brazilians?

Do Syrian girls marry outside their race in Sweden? Or do they stick to their own
I wish deep south New Zealand got Syrian refugees, I literally don't recall seeing a middle easterner in my life. How will I ever fufill my fantasies when there are no mena grills to carry them out on
>How are Syrian-Lebs in Sao Paulo? Are they like middle eastern ones or are they like other Brazilians?
that may be true....

but then how do you explain this handsome Chinese fellow who married an Arab women?

this disproves everything you just said.

In Latin America the Levantines are mostly all Christians and they do intermarry with other South Americans. Shakira and Salma Hayek are half Arab half Spic. And in Sweden probably Iranians are the only MENAs that marry out bc of muh assimilation.
Are Syrian-Lebs in Brazil conservative like those in their homeland, or are they liberal like other Brazilians?

Are Christian Levantines in Brazil liberal or conservative?
How come Iranians are the only menas who care about assimilation in Sweden? How do you know this? Are you a Swedish tourist in Jordan?
Brazilians are nowhere near liberal.
They're Christians like the majority in São Paulo and they're a respectable group.
Of course some families will agree to marry foreigners, but exceptions don't disprove general rule.
She lives in Aus
But Bashar is white
So are Brazilians, including mena Brazilians, nothing like what I see on television in real life?
Do they have conservative values and family structure?
Light skin =/= white race
Assad is light skinned but isn't white.
I'm not sure if they're liberal or conservative, ask a South American. But I did hear it's not unregular at all for them to marry outside their race. And no I'm not Swedish, but Iranians fled Iran because it's a religious theocracy, of course the diaspora is going to be full liberal. And they are known for their assimilation.
Example of half Mexican half Pali girl (she's Muslim though)
Bashar is an Aryan who heirs from the ancient Aryan mesopotamians and egyptians
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So you're saying you agree that he is handsome?
Thanks for the info
Thanks for the cutie also
Homosexuality is considered a disease by most Brazilians, we're overwhelmingly against gay marriage, abortion and affirmative action. An overwhelming majority also supports the death penalty as well as castration for criminals. Religion and marriage are still widely practiced.

Even Muslims never had a problem living in Brazil because the majority also considers Islam to be a very respectful religion and ideology, Oriental Christians from the Levant being no different. The root of the problem is at the socialist mindset that was injected in Brazil paired with a powerful constitution that allows the government to recklessly control anything they want in the country whether Brazilians approve it or not. The mains reason we're currently in absolute chaos with protests everywhere and people calling for the military to purge the government.

In all honesty, mindset-wise I feel a lot more connected to Middle Easterners than to Europeans. I'd actually support Middle Eastern immigration from the Levant over European immigration any time.
I didn't watch the video I just clicked on it. At the beginning she said her father was completely against th idea at first because he's not Arab btw. And yeah he does look uncanny. But he's not too bad.
Thanks for writing that out, you've opened my eyes.
I always thought that Brazil was Liberal country, but you've told me that you're a conservative people with a socialist government
I really hope you get a government that represents the values of your people
Then Brazil will become great
Never knew that.
Always thought of South Americans as people who pray a lot but still also sin a lot.
Oh a left to the body n a right to the head.
Lol agreed. there is too much degenenercy amongst whites now a days.
but what about city brazilians arent those the liberal ones.
like ive been told white brazilians hate black brazilians so i assumed any muzzy wanting a brazilian girl is screwed.
Lol as a dead beat step dad more like. U guys cant hold a marriage worth a fuck. White dads are poor masculine role models.
With arab blood youll make a crazier elliot rodgers
One of the main reasons our homicide rates are so high is because petty crimes, even adultery, are perceived as a capital crime by many people, that's specially prevalent in the Northeast as poverty makes law inaccessible for most of the region. You steal - they chop your hands off (now even drug gangs are punishing thieves in freaking favelas by breaking their fingers or outright chopping it all off), you're beaten or killed by a mob, etc. You can find tons of videos on LiveLeak. If you rape it's pretty much a death sentence: you survive the lynching but you certainly won't survive in prison as they'll most likely torture you before chopping your head off.

And it's chaotic because that's what we perceive as good and moral, but the government refuses to make that official, as they did in Saudi Arabia with Sharia, for example, so you have a government that goes completely against the people by trying to push what THEY consider as moral and good, not what the population actually believes and wants.

I don't care if it's "backwards" and "barbaric" or whatever Westerners think about it. I fully agree with everything imposed by the Sharia except for its specifically Muslim dress code that doesn't fit the predominantly Iberian Christian culture in Brazil, even though I do support modesty as a law.

It's just too much propaganda and government bullshit to suppress the conservative majority, and we're on the verge of a civil war that will very likely implode during the 2018 presidential election. Then again I can't speak for all of South America. Uruguay and Chile for example are super liberal, while Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia are more conservative-leaning.

Boliviarianism itself is a conservative ideology, but in the socialist political spectrum. I do agree South America needs to free itself from the Western influence so we can fully apply what we belief as moral and good, but in a capitalist government, and that's what's extremely difficult to achieve.

>Either a 16 yo or a 60+.

Why are you on about dead ideologies and half-fake conservative stories?
>tfw syrian descendant
>tfw no qt cousines to marry and interbreed
Nigga what the hell are you talking about
I've never seen one. As long as they're not muslim they're ok to me.
I don't know any Syrian girls, but there this Palestine grill with some really nice tiddies. I want to fucc.
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I love Syrian girl
This smells like bullshit
It is.
Ao menos tente colher os fatos uma vez, Dimitri. Agora que tu não precisa ler uma série de livros, ao menos assista:

Não estou aqui para convencer forasteiros sobre o meu país, pois a opinião alheia simplesmente não importa, daí o informativo. Se tu realmente almeja viver no mundo-fantasia onde chimpanzés microcéfalos andam livres daí é uma preferência tua, porém isto não traduz o que os medíocres realmente acreditam.
Too bad her bf is a chubby,beta niggroid with an ass bigger than hers and a buddha face.
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>Those dick sucking lips

E onde foi que tu viu, com teu olho, esse monte de coisa ruim?

Achando que mora em um país desenvolvido? Reclamando assim como se problemas fossem preto no branco, só passa por estúpido, Paulo.

>Convencer forasteiros

Do que? Não tentei convencer ninguém que o país é bom, também não choro, como você, pra provar que é horrível. A conversa nem a ver contigo tem.
>Be diaspora living in safety away from old country
>Support dictator back home
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Puta que pariu acalma esse seu autismo.
Migrate threads to avoid derailing >>68469390
Why do Brazilian macacas always end up throwing bananas at each other every thread lmao

like where is the zookeeper okay
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>she'll never wrap those lips around your cock

her lips here MADE for sucking dick

macaca is female and only used when you're sure it's only females. for everything else the male form of the word is used.
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ah, similar to French.

imagine how much happier than this pic she would be smiling when the globalist cabal of the Saudis, Zionists, and their puppets the US are defeated

You can see the years of incest and abuse in her genetics.

All of them have to go back.
i need one on my pee pee pronto
Is she autistic?
(ㆀ˘・з・˘) not necessarily autistic but... syriangirl is an attention whore and a tinfoil hat-chan

(Im an assad supporter btw (^ω^))
She is legitimately crazy but I suppose that adds to her charm?

Her face is kinda off tho
At least your grandma was raped by tuvan soldier, so you look decent now, Hans.
Have you seduced any of them?
Every South American's worst nightmare
would love to go to france or germany and fuck a young hot syrian slut
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