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>Spanish conquistadors literally created a new race of people

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Thread replies: 224
Thread images: 62

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>Spanish conquistadors literally created a new race of people from raping them so hard

Made me think...
>Spain hasnt been relevent since 1600s

Really made me think
spaniards were rapebabbies themselves and history is basically rape
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No they didn't, "natural born" children for 15th century Mexico were 10% through the worst of conquest as per baptism records, even allow ing for some margin of error the overwhelming majority of mestizos were boprn to marred couples and this is what you see in New Spain's casta paintings, not single mothers. The Mexican inquisition was installed aerly on with the purpose of protecting indigenous peoples and Spaniards needed women to cook meals, mend clothes and clean their homes in an era in which civilized living was something like hard manual labor, mestizaje wasn't just about sex.
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we're rape baby's rape babies, it literally can't get better than this
Actually, Spanish conquistadors raping the natives is just liberal propaganda. They actually treated the natives relatively well, at least compared to Anglos and Alberto Barbosas. In fact, many chiefs gave their daughters to them, as a sign of friendship and trust, and most amerindian females willingly married and fucked Spanish men.
>tfw you will never be a coureur des bois in New France with a qt Native wife or two
>tfw you will never be a conquistador in New Spain with dozens of Indian servants
>tfw you will never be a slave owner with a few Black mistresses and a qt mixed Creole wife in Saint-Domingue
>tfw you will never be an administrator or officer in India or Indochina or Algeria with refined local mistresses
>tfw you will never explore Africa and fuck all the women in a tribe in exchange of a few firearms

Why even live?
I never got how Aztecs could build such big pyramids and intricate cities but still fought with essentially sticks and rocks.
Well, at least you're not Bolivia. They are the least raped latin nation, due to having the most full blooded natives and look where they are. You should just accept what you are and move on.
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>Spain are literally rape babies

>Mexicans are second tier rape babies

Boy that hurts
because they didn't need to fight with other than obsidian weapons. They knew about metallurgic, but they never saw the use of it beside nice looking shit to wear.
Because they were peaceful people. They weren't prepared to meet a vile, despicable barbaric race as the european.
Pretty much this. Their weapons where made to maim not kill, so they could capture and sacrifice enemy warriors
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>tfw i'm descendant from asturians
feels good man
Feels good to live in a shithole where people won't hesistate to kill you for your phone and wallet?

We're the Raza Cósmica
>i've only been robbed 1 time
>they only took some money i had
>i'm not a leaf
feels very good man
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Reminder that South America is genetically Semitic
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Mmm, conquistador cock...
>I've only been robbed 1 time
>Congolombians think this is an acceptable living condition
So there are no robberies in the US?
Nope. As long as you stay away from niggers.
>Marrying indias
Colonial Spaniards were so thristy and beta
Well, at least they weren't shitalians.
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Yeah who would want the genes of the highest IQ people in western Europe?
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Spanish fags should had brought Spanish qts with them. Bunch of beta fags. Mestizas are nice, tho, so am just mildly complaining.
*should have
kek, Argentina scores lower than Mexico in PISA despite higher HDI
Sounds delicious but I was never tested and I went to a different high school every year of highschool, so nice sampling.
How about our higher IQ, education index and output of scientific papers? does those magically not count because they are too objective? lmao
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>Anecdotal evidence
Nice try
>Higher IQ
What? 3 points as per Lynn? That's a decade's worth of Flynn effect even if we set aside for a moment all the holes in this race and intelligence thing... Or that Mexican whites score at 98. But then you're not quite as Italian as you think you are

"In addition to the indigenous population in Argentina, most Argentinians are descended from indigenous peoples or have some indigenous ancestry. Many genetic studies have shown that Argentina's genetic footprint is not overwhelmingly European. In one of the most comprehensive genetic studies involving the population of Argentina, 441 Argentinians from across the North East, North West, Southern, and Central provinces (especially the urban conglomeration of Buenos Aires) of the country, it was observed that the Argentinian population comprised on average of 65% European, followed by 31% Amerindian, and finally 4% of African ancestry.[21] "


>education index
Your having more years of schooling and yet underperforming on above isn't exactly making your point

>output of scientific papers
I see Argentina below Mexico

why are guatemalans so fucking dumb
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I unironically find mestizas to be the most gorgeous women desu. Although, I'm biased; a spic myself.
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>Native Americans

All that I'm going to say is look at any country in Latin America.
I want to bleach her.
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Scandicucks need not apply.
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>all spics living in America are CHIs
Loving this meme, btw
>Mexican whites
Top kek
>look at this genetic study
That genetic study showed that 44% of Argentinian are unmixed whites with not a single native ancestor so yeah pretty much proved that Argentina is the whitest latin American country like we all know already.

>I see Argentina below Mexico
Per capita mate, your country is much more populated.
>Your having more years of schooling and yet underperforming on above isn't exactly making your point
We are not underperforming, Pisa is just sampling a couple of public schools infested with mestizos, if we were underperforming we wouldnt be superior in academia.
Of course you're biased, you can't get white women so you settle for less.
Why not? My seed is great.
Yeah, we don't really do the supremacy thing, if the anon will be a good father to his kids I say go for it
I'm sure it is, Varg. It's your cucked cultural values we're concerned with.
See above.
I do not share those values i can assure you. I just want a qt pie latina.
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I only find french girls to be cuter than mestizas desu

Otherwise I agree with you
I'm sorry. The Scandinavian scourge must be contained in Europe. We can't have it spread to the new world. Within a couple generations we'll have godless mestizo-nordics mass importing Muslims here. We can't have that. The infection must remain local. Hope you understand.
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Nah son. Its slavs
>getting this mad on the internet
>The Scandinavian scourge must be contained in Europe
Ever wondered why one of the fly over states always votes democrat? its too late
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French girls are pretty qt. Notoriously unfaithful, but certainly qt. There's just something about the typical mestizo skin tone though that just drives me nuts. Pic related, perfect example.
The new definition is any spic living in a non spic country
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>Notoriously unfaithful
Brb planting a keylogger in bae's phone
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>definitions are set by image board autists now
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He's not memeing amigo.
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>someone willingly in their clear mind decided to fuck this
Nope, that study shows admixture comparable to other Lat Am countries

"Despite that extra-official sources estimate the modern white population of Mexico to be only 9-16%, in genetic studies Mexico consistently shows a European admixture comparable to countries that report white populations of 52% - 77% (in the case of Chile and Costa Rica, who average 51%[32] & 60%[33] European admixture respectively, while studies in the general Mexican population have found European ancestry ranging from 56%[34] going to 60%,[35] 64%[36] and up to 78%[37]). The differences between genetic ancestry and reported numbers could be attributed to the influence of the concept known as "mestizaje", which was promoted by the post-revolutionary government in an effort to create a united Mexican cultural identity with no racial distinctions.[38]"


The difference between us is we are proud of who we are as a people.

As for the study you're quoting without reading.

"In the present study we characterized the distribution of Indigenous American, European and African ancestry among individuals from different regions of Argentina and evaluated the level of discrepancy between self-reported grandparental origin and genetic ancestry estimates."


And quantity doesn't mean quality, your producing a lot of "research" in psychology isn't the same as hard sciences nor is spending funds in prestige theoretical research what your country needs to be competitive you commodity exporter, there's a reason we now outperform the US in STEM graduates.


It's hard to compare as Argentina is not OECD
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No Aztec ever had curly hair or flat noses, putting a caption on a pic doesn't make it real, pictured is what an ethnic Aztec looks like
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>millions of niggers
>Colombia and Brazil are still whiter than m*xico
Not actual aztecs.
Some dude who was supposed to take care siblings from southern mexico or central america(part black) with a genetic disorder decided to make a profit by parading them in a circus.
We are half and half as a people man, this isn't about you being an octoroon but by all means feel proud about it, I'm not picking on you or hues.
A third? that's nothing to worry about, argie girls are worse.
>Nope, that study shows admixture comparable to other Lat Am countries
Not at all, no country south of rio grande river has almost half of the population being unmixed white.
This guy for example is one of those 56% because he had a mestiza grandmother.
Also there are other studies that show European ancestry in the 80% range, you just picked literally the lowest Euro ancestry study released because you are intellectually dishonest.
If Mexico's Euro heritage is comparable to Argentina (lol) then why are your people so much shorter? Spaniards are taller than Italians, shouldnt you be the same height or taller?
>The difference between us is we are proud of who we are as a people.
The difference is that your country is has mass beheadings and ours is very high HDI.
Also you don't see the irony of claiming to be proud of you are while desperately trying to argue your country is not worse off than a country everyone in the world knows its more developed, safe, rich and white?
>And quantity doesn't mean quality, your producing a lot of "research" in psychology isn't the same as hard sciences nor is spending funds in prestige theoretical research what your country needs to be competitive you commodity exporter, there's a reason we now outperform the US in STEM graduates.
You're pulling shit out of your ass, prove that Mexico produces more scientific papers per capita than Argentina or just come to terms we produce more research, I assure you our must industrious faculties are Medicine and Engineering, social science students smoke pot they dont summit papers.
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Thick latinas are fine, but I like them to be thinner. There is like a 90% change that thick latinas will end up looking like an orc when they reach their forties.
>being this insecure and autistic about race
Jesus Christ, Argentina.
That's literally an Indian, from India
You should read that right, we are the ones with less baldness (88% no baldness)
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>average chilean male is 172 cm and weights 76 kg
Fat manlets, no wonder they are so angry in video games.
>No blue eyed people in the mexican sample
Top kek and this nigga was arguing his country was as white as ours.
Thanks for the laughs colombia.
>have no hair

Cant make this shit up
It's not a meme anon.
No. The guy who originally posted these pictures along with a link to her tumblr was Indian.
Chicanos do though

Guerreros de bronce
Insecure? its not Argies that get triggered at Argentina's demographics its every other latin American country but Uruguay.
Autistic? yes.
Just looked a bit into it. It's true. The study they base this on is kinda meh (sampling of 800 per country, online), but still. Apparently German women are worse, with 43% saying they cheated.

What the fuck. They did the same study in the 70's and then 10% of women admitted to have cheated.
I didn't think it was real to this degree though. What the fuck is their problem?
Central America isn't "part black " dumbass
Here's a link to the study:

>history is basically rape
you go girl
religion of peace?
This desu. No slavery in Central America and if I remember correctly, some of the countries in Central America had complete bans on blacks entering the country until the 20th century.
>tfw Anglo-Saxon/Celt rape baby
>Tfw Spaniard/moor rape baby
>Tfw also mestizo

How can I continue my ancestors legacy of rape?
How is it our problem that everyone in the region gets upset over our culture and phenotype? walk a mile in my shoes nigga.
I'm not sure if they are just more comfortable admitting it or if they actually cheat more but it certainly isn't considered as serious anymore.

It's part of their national Identity, they pride themselves on this. They aren't like Brazil or Mexico who consider themselves Pardo and Mestizo countries respectively.
>/asp/ memes
will you be my qt aztec gf?
Rape another rape baby obviously.
Don't they realize how retarded and autistic it makes them look though?
>recognizing /asp/ memes
Rape as many white women as you can. You can contribute to the BROWNING of the US.
you are
There are parts of central america and mexico with part black people. Mostly along the eastern coast like Veracruz. I Didn't mean to imply most are black but the slaves brought by spain didn't just disappear.
>the Spaniards colonize tropical South America with hot Chicks
>The British colonizes tropical India with a much less hot girls
>other Europeans colonize Africa with very hot women
>You're a Cossack. Your balls freeze in Siberia. you're surrounded by narrow-eyed.
Yeah there were bans. But mexicans like making all sorts of things up about Central America. Only Belize has lots of blacks but theyre not Latin American
nah fuck you. You have it the best
And here's a more recent study, with a larger sampling, only in France and that goes in more details (where did you meet the other person, etc).

With 41% of women admitting to have cheated.


How the fuck am I supposed to trust women?
Nice hand armour faggot, might as well fight naked because once your hand gets hit, you're finished
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Agree, slav girls are the most beautiful
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Lol, no. It's all in the European part of Russia. The indigenous population of Siberia in the photo.
>How the fuck am I supposed to trust women?

You don't, we need to bring back those vagina locks.
>you now realize that the first child of Hernan Cortes was a mestizo
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Can you break up the study's numbers by region? maybe its just parisians inflating the statistics, how about girls from the north-east?
Go to Paraguay, there are some slavs living in total squalor among injuns, easy pickings for someone with drug money like you.
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Nope, I didn't cherry pick at all, it's you who are cherrypicking quoting this http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/gnxp/2008/03/genetics-the-myth-buster-the-case-of-argentina/#.WEUEgPl96Uk

Whereas there's three studies cited in the Wikipedia article I first linked showing European admixture under 60%

As for height, that proves nothing, variation within Mexico itself (the Yaqui average 1.80 cms in height) is enormous, you're expecting to compare across almost an entire continent?

>more developed, safe, rich and white
kek, talk about desperate, safe? you need to explain why your violence levels are that high without anything like a drug war going on. Rich? Being better off is a far cry from being rich. White? If you want to dosregard genetics then sure.

Yes, Argentina is a more developed country by objective standards, it was the whole premise of my argument, why would a more developed country have worse PISA scores? You've been moving the goalposts and increasingly casting the net wide in this discusion just trying to avoid the argument I poked a hole in, why is it if you're that much more European than Mexico that you're barely 3 IQ points above and below Uruguay, who you must count as a non country given all your claims of nop country being whiter. In the end it's all percentages. your point in the end is that you're something ridiculous like a small percentage whiter than your neighbours. It's pathetic and does not correspond with reality. You simply dismiss hard data I've provided and create new arguments.
>I assure you
The truth is we don't know do we? We are just each making guesses as to the relevance of Argentine research until someone comes yup with verifiable numbers.
>wearing gauntlets to a celebration
>In fact, many chiefs gave their daughters to them, as a sign of friendship and trust, and most amerindian females willingly married and fucked Spanish men.
literally the same happened here
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Homicide rates.png
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Forgot chart
>t. Mexican Intellectual
what is this meme
Before the cuckening swedish girls were the absolute best. That's why they started it there.
>never been robbed
>the only time someone tried to rob me it was in spain
>they were two muslim guys
not sure if ironic, but the story always makes people laugh
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They still are.
How the fuck did this end up with the French arguing about their demographics?
Lol are you me?? Literally the same thing happened to me...
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>As for height, that proves nothing, variation within Mexico itself (the Yaqui average 1.80 cms in height) is enormous, you're expecting to compare across almost an entire continent?
NOT AN ARGUMENT, national average is what would matter here, I dont give a shit about your variations, fucking go meassure the height of people living in Palermo if we are having a pissing contest

The wiki link is about native Argentines how about you look for studies in the main demographic wiki of Argentina? lets see
>A scientific team from the University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine analyzed the blood types of 73,875 donors from the Blood Bank of the Policlínico Ferroviario Central, with the purpose of finding European and Amerindian genetic components. The samples were organized following a map of the country, and the study concluded that "the percentages found in native population were: European component, 81.47%-81.77%, and Amerindian component 18.23%-18.57%."
Apply yourself Pisa boy.
>safe? you need to explain why your violence levels are that high without anything like a drug war going on.
Not an argument, you are objectivelly more violent and prone to criminality.
>Being better off is a far cry from being rich.
"More rich than Mexico" is the same thing as "better off than Mexico" you are literally arguing semantics
> If you want to dosregard genetics then sure.
Are you unironically claiming Mexico is whiter than Argentina? jesus christ man.
>why would a more developed country have worse PISA scores?
Why would Mexico have less scientific papers published, inferior education index and lower IQ if it was more developed? you are the one grasping at straws with MUH PISA
>The truth is we don't know do we? We are just each making guesses as to the relevance of Argentine research until someone comes yup with verifiable numbers.
Yet the objective truth is that our universities produce more papers.
You're fucking pathetic tone down with the nationalism
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Screw that this is a slav thread
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Are russians slavs or finns?
eastern yuro chicks are by far the most beautiful on the planet

send wife pls
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delete this
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Pretty sure slavic. Probably depends on the area
>the Yaqui average 1.80 cms in height
fucking northern mexico, even our natives are superior
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Why is this a slav thread now, tho?
maybe, were you drunk?
but also, usually muslims shared their drinks and cigarettes whenever I said hi with a salam alaikum
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Because they are beautiful and I kind of want more pics.
Here have some mexicans
>that facial profile

These threads are always so interesting
>national average is what would matter here
No dumbass, that's like arguing everyone in Eurasia should have the same height, or that anyone tall is white, I don't mind obliguing if you want to do reductio ad absurdum
>>A scientific team from the University of Buenos Aires...
Blood type, serious? I'm sure they had an amazingly simplifed mathematic model to account for admixture
>objectivelly more violent and prone to criminality
Because of a decade old war? Mexico was a peaceful country before then and that doesn't answer my argument regarding Argentina, why are YOUR violence levels so much higher than Chile's or Bolivia's if you apparently believe this is tied to whiteness, or do you admit variation in this particular instance and the descendants of Aztecs musty by necesity be violent? Your racism is laughable
>unironically claiming Mexico is whiter than Argentina
Not at all, I'm stating Argentina is in the same range of admixture as countries generally acknowledged as mestizo,
>Why would Mexico...
Yes, this concept of range again, you will one day be blown away by this thing called clines.
> the objective truth is that our universities produce more papers.
You forgot that pesky per capita caveat, sure I'll concede that, it doesn't even address my argument.

Let me rephrase, why i Argentina so notoriously different in all the areas you have compared it with Mexico when compared to Europe? You would expect to be at least within the same range in some areas if your population was for opractical purposes identical? I mean, I wouldn't even if it was the case, but you're the one arguing for genetic determinism here.
>It's an autistic third worlders argue on who's less shit episode.
racist argentines BTFO
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Nah, it's more like pictured with one of the other guys not letting it go
>No dumbass, that's like arguing everyone in Eurasia should have the same height, or that anyone tall is white, I don't mind obliguing if you want to do reductio ad absurdum
The fuck are you even talking about you stupid fucking nigger? you claimed Mexico was whiter than Argentina on average then how come you are shorter on Average? why the fuck did you throw the height of some obscure minority ? are you fucking retarded or just trolling?
>Blood type, serious?
Nitpicking on a misstranslation, reaching new lows here.
>Because of a decade old war?
Your inability to control criminal gangs is not a war its called being a failed state.
>why are YOUR violence levels so much higher than Chile's or Bolivia's if you apparently believe this is tied to whiteness
I never claimed that actually.
> I'm stating Argentina is in the same range of admixture as countries generally acknowledged as mestizo,
Argentina is a mestizo majority country but its the highest % european admixture country after Uruguay in latin America and it has the highest % of unmixed whites.
> if your population was for opractical purposes identical?
You think you can win an argument by pretending your opponent said things he did not? didn't I just claim that argentina was 56% mestizo? what country in Europe has a similar demographic
Holy fuck you are brain dead.
>Mexican intellectuals

why do you hate Argentina so much that you have least 9 images dedicated to them?
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Not that guy as I couldn't care less about the white shit, but yeah, it is literally a war.

Also, they are not gangs.
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men I have images for everything from Finalnd to Turkey, it isn't an Argentina thing
Mexican inferiority complex.
Frog girls have interesting jaws.
A cartel is literally a gang, that you failed to control your gangs that it lead to violence that can be defined as a war just furthers my argument that your country is not safe.
>no slav girls
>the autist keep at it
yeah, goodbye thread
so is she indian or injun
Never understood this argument, are you fucking them now or in 25 years?
It means, fuck them but don't marry them.
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Germany, yes 49.jpg
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You are a true /int/ user, ignore lazy burgers.
>The fuck are you even...
Nice strawman
>Nitpicking on a misstranslation
Nope, it's the context you provided " analyzed the blood types of 73,875 donors from the Blood Bank" no link btw
>Your inability to control
"gangs" that's cute, still refusing to answer about YOUR violence
>I never claimed that actually.
Fair enough
> its the highest % european admixture country
If we are going on your claim for forty something percent you're on the same level as Brazil and Colombia, if we are going by the genetic studies I quoted AND linked then you're Mexico and Chile tier arguing over a difference smaller than 5% is beyond pathetic in either case.
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Mexican Drug War.png
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Now you are just talking out of your ass. Cartels are not just some "gangs". They control a business of billions of dollars.

>The Mexican Drug War is an ongoing asymmetric war between the Mexican Government and various drug trafficking syndicates. Since 2006, when intervention with the Mexican military began, the government's principal goal has been to put down the drug-related violence

>The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration reports that the Mexican drug cartels operating today along the border are far more sophisticated and dangerous than any other organized criminal group in U.S. law enforcement history. The cartels use grenade launchers, automatic weapons, body armor, Kevlar helmets, and sometimes unmanned aerial vehicles. Some groups have also been known to use improvised explosive devices (IEDs)

>they have billions of dollars

>a retired Army lieutenant who lured more than 30 army deserters of the Mexican Army's elite Grupo Aeromóvil de Fuerzas Especiales (GAFE) to become his personal bodyguards, and later, as his mercenary wing. Some of the original members, who had come from the GAFE unit, had during the 1990s reportedly received training in commando and urban warfare from Israeli Special Forces Units and American Special Forces units, which included training in rapid deployment, marksmanship, ambushes, counter-surveillance and intimidation.


>ambush against militaries




>Military helicopter down


>they are just a gang
>it is not a war

The sad part is that despite all of these we are not that different in the murder rate.
>Nice strawman
Dont accuse me of logical fallacies when you make incoherent arguments.
>Nope, it's the context you provided " analyzed the blood types of 73,875 donors from the Blood Bank" no link btw
Have you tried google? "argentines" wiki page
Also the most trustworthy politically objective genetic study (Argentine population genetic structure: Large variance in Amerindian contribution», en American Journal of Physical Anthropology)has a similar %
>still refusing to answer about YOUR violence
Our violence is magnitudes lower, that's the point.
>If we are going on your claim for forty something percent you're on the same level as Brazil and Colombia, if we are going by the genetic studies I quoted AND linked then you're Mexico and Chile tier arguing over a difference smaller than 5% is beyond pathetic in either case.
Read the study I quoted up there, a difference smaller than 5% you say? ahaha yeah sure then why are our phenotype frequency and height so distinct? you can find multiple sources about this like the one the congolombian posted.
>Now you are just talking out of your ass. Cartels are not just some "gangs". They control a business of billions of dollars.
"They are not gangs because we allowed them to become too big " laughing at your life bro.
>The sad part is that despite all of these we are not that different in the murder rate.
Despite what? there is no justification for your levels of violence, you are not being invaded by a foreign power you have civilians commiting crime for profit
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I know man, I even have Mexico
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There is not a lot of things we can do because illegality keeps drug trafficking as the best and most profitable business in the world (Because that is what it is).

Methamphetamine can be produced at $300 per kilo and sold on the street at $60,000 or more. There is nothing in the world, absolutely nothing, that can be compared to it in terms of profit level. If the police seized 99% of those $60,000 and only 600 remained, the utility would still be of 100%. This is precisely why drug trafficking has more money and power than any other form of criminal organization. And that's why they can afford to lose a few tons of drugs around here to put a lot of tons behind.

We didn't allow anything. Cartels are simply not the same as gangs. The reallity is that you can't destroy narcos until you take their primary source of income, that just so happens to be the most lucrative business in the world. It doesn't help that a lot of the people who are after them are corrupt and incompetent as fuck, but a billion dollar industry gives a giant edge against corrupt people, and even against law abiding people when the options are either money or the murders of not only you, but your family.

It is not as if we are not trying to exterminate them. We are, and the army is actually doing such a great work at doing it that it has raised human rights concerns over the world. The result? It is not working because we can't kill our way out of this.




The only way to stopping this shitfest is to legalize them all.

Now, what is your excuse?
>Now, what is your excuse? Pic related, that is Argentina*
No man, I'm not doing your work for you, this isn't the only thread I'm posting on, if you can't be bothered to post a screenie or a link when the burden is on you to make a claim you can't expect me to bother
> the most trustworthy politically objective genetic study
Citation needed, seriously what's with the /pol level tripe, again I linked to an article discussing three different genetic studies arriving at similar conclusions/percentages, you'd need some strong evidence to discount those in favor of just the one.
>Our violence is magnitudes lower
Than Europe? Even compared to ours magnitude is a gross exaggeration see >>68258734
Argentines are not in the study quoted by the Colombian, which btw has been ripped apart more than a couple opf times in this board, Colombians post it because it's the one that makes THEM look better.
Yeah, it's called the amoorindian race.
>Now, what is your excuse?
Drug trade :^)
You still dont get it do you? its not about having an excuse its about which country is safer, how autistic can you be to not understand excuses are meaningless?
>Composición étnica promedio del genoma argentino (Seldin et al., 2006)

>Un grupo de investigadores pertenecientes a diversas instituciones científicas de Argentina, Estados Unidos, Suecia y Guatemala, dirigidos por Michael F. Seldin de la Universidad de California concluyó que:118

>La estructura genética promedio de la población argentina contiene un 78 % de contribución europea, un 19,4 % indígena y un 2,5 % africana (usando el algoritmo bayesiano) y un 80.2% de contribución europea, un 18.1% indígena y un 1.7% africana (usando el promedio ponderado).
>again I linked to an article discussing three different genetic studies arriving at similar conclusions/percentages, you'd need some strong evidence to discount those in favor of just the one
The thing is that the ones you posted were conducted by the university of buenos aires during the regime of the kirchners which had a remarked europhobic pro latin american propaganda, the one I posted just now is an international effort coreographed by a foreign and prestigious university
>Than Europe?
Are you autistic? seriously where did I claim our demographics were European I said we are 56% mestizo, not even Sweden is that fucked up.
>Argentines are not in the study quoted by the Colombian, which btw has been ripped apart more than a couple opf times in this board, Colombians post it because it's the one that makes THEM look better.
Fair enough, there is a similar one that took samples from basically every country and compared %s let me check for it, its remarkable that Argentina not only has the highest % of light eyes and hair of latin america but also a higher % than most of southern Europe.
>murder rate of 13 in the middle of a war vs 9 in a normal year
Wow, so fucking different.
Jesus fuck. I seriously though this sort of things only happened in Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia.
Same goes for european

What are you talking about ? this "war" is your normal year, you never had less murders per capita than us in history.
Mexican Drug War started in 2006. Before that, our murder rates were almost the same, and Cartels were already prominent in the 90s, before that, it was even lower.

Now, lets not forget abot this.

>you never had less murders per capita than us in history

Sure thing, Mr. Dictatorships.
Them both be dropping links to sources n shiet,
has science gone too far?
>our murder rates were almost the same
Not really, source: your picture.
>Now, lets not forget abot this.
Why not ? those numbers are more fabricated than the holocaust and by the way the fact that you pulled some shit from the 70s proves how desperate you are, its not an argument against the fact that Argentina is more safe than Mexico, I'd post any of your bloody past revolutions if I were autistic as you are but luckily I can follow the thread of a conversation without devolving into autistic screeching.
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>9.8 vs 8.2, 9.5 vs 9.2, 9.3 vs 7.6
And that is when things started to get bad. Like I said, the decades prior to that were better.

>you never had less murders per capita than us in history
>never in our history
>the fact that you pulled some shit from the 70s proves how desperate you are

And the revolution ended in 1921.

>more fabricated than the holocaust
Argument over.
You must be joking
>94 individual Argentine subjects
"In addition, the large variance in admixture proportions in individual Argentine subjects shown by this study suggests that this population is appropriate for future admixture mapping studies."


see >>68257709
"In one of the most comprehensive genetic studies involving the population of Argentina, 441 Argentinians from across the North East, North West, Southern, and Central provinces (especially the urban conglomeration of Buenos Aires) of the country."

Discounting scientific studies as propaganda does require a disenting opinion by a credible expert in the field, you do realize science is subject to this thing called peer review, don't you? Just claiming bias out of suspect political associations is conspiracy theory territory and kind of rich for someone who started this convo quoting IQ and nationality studies, an area in which the leading expert is specifically labeled a white nationalist by the SPLC.

Conceding for argument's sake you were correct the difference of IQ between Argentina and Mexico and Chile see >>68257709 would mean a variation in admixture percentage ridiculously low

"In a paper published in 2005 about IQ in Mexico, Lynn reported that Mexicans of European descent had an IQ of 98, Mestizos in Mexicos had an IQ of 94 and indigenous peoples of Mexico had an IQ of 83, explaining the lower than expected IQ of Indians on their poor nutrition and other social factors."

As per Lynn himself the average for Argentina would be 1 point lower than for Mexican mestizos.

If you believe that IQ is linked to genetics then either you must concede that Argentina is not that far off from Mexico's genetic admixture, we have already ruled out a socioconomic explanation for that as we both agree Argentina is objectively a more developed country.

That or you can try getting creative with alternate explanations.
Forgot to link to the Lynn data.

So is Argentina white and first world or what? I vote for no
They're "white". Just like "white" brazilians and "white" mexicans. As for first world, well they had a shot, but they blew it.
Yes never in history, you have not posted any evidence that those political assasinations put our per capita murders over yours the decade they were performed.
You have not proved a single thing you said right in this entire thread, I dunno why you keep posting.
>I dont understand statistical sample sizes
> Just claiming bias out of suspect political associations is conspiracy theory territory
Lmao every statistic produced by the Kirchner goverment has been dismissed as fabrications by the international community.
>Discounting scientific studies as propaganda does require a disenting opinion by a credible expert in the field,
You mean like a study by an even more credible source that had completely different results? the sample size is fine for statistics so dont even go there
>As per Lynn himself the average for Argentina would be 1 point lower than for Mexican mestizos.
Are you unaware Argentina has injuns too? the average is still 3 points higher WHICH IS A LOT since its more than the difference between Argentina and the USA which have completely different demographics.
This. It wasnt as forced as people say. Natives were used to share their qts before Spain arrived
>I dont understand statistical sample sizes
Yes, 600,000 as per Wikipedia, let's double that for the guys passing themselves as Mestizos that should cover the difference to the 1 in 5 Mexicans who self identify as Amerindians,

And no, when I talk about disent I don't mean a study, I mean an expert in the field pointing out problems in the study through an article or editorial, this isn't data produced by your statistics agency, which has been widely discredited I'll agree, if you're going to argue your government interfered with the results of your scientific studies then that would aply to any of the other stuff doen under both Kirchners and drops your argument about research output as it would all be suspect unelss confirmed by non Argentines, wouldn't it?

Either way you've painted yourself intoa corner as you can't be consistent without retracting some of your previous statements.
>kek, Argentina scores lower than Mexico in PISA despite higher HDI
maybe because you know, PISA just gives us information about 15 years old people that are in school, it would be very different if for example we could have information about 40 years old in Argentina and 40 years old Mexico
>Self identify
Come on bruh
>And no, when I talk about disent I don't mean a study,
You have two different studies claiming different things about the same subject, one was perfomed by an inferior institution during the government of a repressive populist who hated the people that just happen to be underrepresented in the study, do I even need to say more?
> if you're going to argue your government interfered with the results of your scientific studies then that would aply to any of the other stuff doen under both Kirchners and drops your argument about research output as it would all be suspect unelss confirmed by non Argentines, wouldn't it?
Its just one study of a sensitive propaganda subject, political mangling wouldnt affect the gross of all scientific studies that have no reasons to be tampered with and we have no idea how many of the studies Mexico produces are tampered either since your country is also notoriously corrupt
>Either way you've painted yourself intoa corner as you can't be consistent without retracting some of your previous statements.
Not at all.
We are talking IQ not education, if you argue people get dumber/smarter as they age it should aply the same, even if in different proportion, to both populations.
We were talking both actually.
Man you need ADD medicine.
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>tfw they never make threads about Portugal and Brazil
About who?
> we have no idea how many of the studies Mexico produces are tampered
Nope, the government project promotes mestizaje which would not be affected by statistical variations in social or scientific studies either way, that and our data does have to be up to actual standards as an OECD member, our institutions eg Banco de Mexico are actually well regarded and respected by the internatonal comunity, there's a reason Carstens is moving to head the Bank for International Settlements.
>self identify
At any rate you're not going to compare Argentina's indigenous population with Mexico's, which is in absolute numbers the largest in Latin America. But look at it the other way, you're claiming something like half (48%} of Argentina's population is full blooded Euros, whereas for Mexico the estimate is something like 1 in 6, even granting it could be higher as most whites simply self identify as Mexicans and are statistically treated as Mestizos in no way do full blooded Euros make up more than a fourth of the population in Mexico, meaning you cannot explain the convergence of IQ by claiming Mexican mestizos are whiter than the average Argentine even if some whites in Mexico would self identify as mestizos. Your other choice would be to concede Mesoamericans to be excepotionally smart and above the higher estimates of 87 for their IQ but then that destroys the whole argument about whites being better/smarter doesn't it? Even if it's just 3 points, which brings them along Lynn's average for Mexico of 90 that means you'd have to acknowledge educational and socio-economic factors as significant as these are 3 points which you do seem to find an important difference.
>You have two different studies
Except the wikipedia article quotes 3 not just the one.
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>which is in absolute numbers the largest in Latin America.
Well duh you are the most populated spanish speaking country, Argentina is more than 10% injun though and its rising due migration, I dont think percentage wise we are much different maybe 30 years ago we were.
>Even if it's just 3 points,
3 points is what separates the USA from Argentina and Europe from the USA.
Also we don't even know if your natives are smarter than ours even, the further the migration south, the more inbreeding, in any case while Mexico doesnt so many unmixed whites you have lots of castizos perhaps they are the majority even, you would know better.
>Except the wikipedia article quotes 3 not just the one.
I excluded most studies because they were regional, not national averages.
t. Antonio Fernández
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>You have not proved a single thing you said right in this entire thread

Oh really?

This argument started because you claimed that a) we are not in a war, and b) cartels are gangs >>68259319

I provided links that prove it is in fact a war, and that it is not against gangs. >>68259685 and >>68259685

Now, you just moved to goalpost to claim that we allowed them to exist and didn't do anything, and I proved you with math how it is fucking impossible to win this war without legalizing drugs and that we are indeed killing them all. >>68259847

Then you moved the goalpost yet again claiming that: "haha ok, but we are still safer" (which you are, not by much, and I never said otherwise) >>68259983

Here, you are claiming that the murder rates weren't almost the same despite the difference being of less than 2 (if that isn't almost the same, then I don't know what is).
Here, you also claimed that the holocaust numbers are fabricated, the same as the Argentinian numbers.

And here you are asking me to prove the murder rates of Argentina during the dictatorships, despite the fact that no one agrees on the number of people killed and disappeared during that time. Which makes it fucking impossible, but even with the lowest numbers it still makes the Argentinian murder rate around 13.

So lets make a summary, shall we?

>It is not a war
It is
>cartels are gangs
They aren't
>our murder rates weren't around the same
The difference was of less than 2, and of .3 at some point
>never in our history was it safer
With the most modest numbers of people killed/dissapeared it was still around the same.

So what even is your point?

How about YOU prove that we aren't fighting a war?

How about YOU prove that cartels are just gangs?

How about YOU prove that our murder rates weren't of less than 2 points?

How about YOU prove that the holocaust numbers were fabricated?

How about YOU prove that the numbers of Argentinians killed were fabricated?
You are not at war and cartels are gangs though.
>weren't almost the same despite the difference being of less than 2 (if that isn't almost the same, then I don't know what is).
Completely subjective, the point is you never had lower murder rate.
>And here you are asking me to prove the murder rates of Argentina during the dictatorships, despite the fact that no one agrees on the number of people killed and disappeared during that time.
What about mass graves in Mexico ? how many people are truly dying right now?
>but even with the lowest numbers it still makes the Argentinian murder rate around 13.
Where is the evidence?
>How about YOU prove that we aren't fighting a war?
You are fighting criminal organizations of Mexican civilians.
>How about YOU prove that cartels are just gangs?
They are the very definition of gang, an organized crime group.
"A gang is a group with identifiable leadership and internal organization, identifying with or claiming control over territory in a community, and engaging either individually or collectively in violent or illegal behavior. Some criminal gang members are "jumped in" or have to prove their loyalty by committing acts such as theft or violence. A member of a gang may be called a gangster or a thug."
>How about YOU prove that our murder rates weren't of less than 2 points?
>How about YOU prove that the holocaust numbers were fabricated? How about YOU prove that the numbers of Argentinians killed were fabricated?
The burden of proof that Argentinian murder rates were higher tgab Mexico's during the 70s is on you.
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>Make claim
>dont back it up
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Your turn.
>Los Zetas (pronounced: [los ˈsetas], Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate.
>a Mexican criminal syndicate.
Who was right again? literally a gang even wiki agrees.
>Dirty war links
You are not making any arguments though, where is the proof that those deaths raised our homicide rates over Mexico's in the 70s?
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>even wiki agrees.
It doesn't. At this point you are just playing dumb.
From my point of view you are the one playing dumb, it literally says they are a crime syndicate.
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These are gangs

And you are forgetting about everything else.
>it is a war
>the murder rates aren't that different right now, and they were almost the same before
>the holocaust
If military conquest mean ethnic replacement then 4/5 of the planet would be filled by anglosaxons

Look at this
Look who's listed in north America, MS-13 and Aryan brotherhood
Cartels are gangs.
You literally just BTFO your own argument lmao.
>>it is a war
Against a gang, its criminal activity.
>>the murder rates aren't that different right now, and they were almost the same before
They are very different and almost the same is extremely subjective
>>the holocaust
Honestly it feels so good to live in the best country in the world
Fuck you subhumans
how can this dipshit be so fixated and stubborn arguing about how to call the damn drug dealers? No wonder nothing ever works over there
They work for the cartels as their hitmen. Cartels use gangs, dumb fuck.

>The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration reports that the Mexican drug cartels operating today along the border are far more sophisticated and dangerous than any other organized criminal group in U.S. law enforcement history. The cartels use grenade launchers, automatic weapons, body armor, Kevlar helmets, and sometimes unmanned aerial vehicles. Some groups have also been known to use improvised explosive devices (IEDs)

This is the fucking difference.
>lives in a country filled of negros
>ruled by a negro for 8 years
>his nation created multiculturalism and feminism

>muh deh idalianz arent whiteee11!!! And continue to think about a nation 10000000000 Miles away from his home
They are on the same list they are classified the same
>But look gangs in Mexico are better armed than in the USA
Not an argument, you should had policed them before they bought all that black market arsenal.
>59 posters
>195 posts

Thats like 20 posts per person you autists
>Look we are getting btfo by criminal gangs
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>According to the government’s own figures, Mexico’s armed forces are exceptionally efficient killers — stacking up bodies at extraordinary rates.
>The Mexican authorities say the nation’s soldiers are simply better trained and more skilled than the cartels they battle
>getting btfo

Yes man, Hezbollah is a gang, FARC is a gang, Venezuela is a gang, ISIS is a gang, Al Quaeda is a gang.

It doesn't fucking matter how many mental gymnastycs you do, it doesn't change the fact that we are in the middle of a war against para military groups and despite that your murder rate is almost the same.

Fucking hell, you obtuse autist. I guess I'm even more because I stayed here with you. But it is over now.
holy fucc are you still arguingggggggggg
How? 195/59=20?
But I agree its high. Mexico and argentina are autistic and ruined a potentially good slav girl thread
>Comparing guerrillas with political aim, literal nation states and terrorist organizations with a drug dealing gangs of Mexico
> it doesn't change the fact that we are in the middle of a war against para military groups and despite that your murder rate is almost the same.
The fact is that your murder rate is almost the double and your crime fighting is so lame you allowed gangs to become more powerful than the police and the military had to get involved.
What exactly does that prove asides that mexico is a huge shithole?
Go to sleep knowing you got BTFO
Are you baiting? I can't tell anymore.
Post more slavs.
Shut the fuck up Chicano
You are autistic, dumb spic.
Make a thread tomorrow. Rather let this one die

This joke isn't funny with Brazilians because million of Brazilians aren't Portuguese descendants.
What are you then?
Portuguese descendant

Don't listen to him, he probably has like 1 german distant uncle and feels special about it
Aree you T.CHI? OR t.Cletus?
I blame the Poortuguese for you idiots thinking you are white and not Europeans not Latinos.

He is right, the amount of non-Portuguese descendants is big as fuck, it's not small.
[citation needed]
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How many of them look Portuguese for you?
Not an argument.

I will not lose my time. The amount of non-Portuguese descendants is giant. Millions and millions. I don't care if you believe or not.
Explain to me how an arab army of 30k soldiers raped enough a population of 5 millions in the Peninsula to make us all look like moors.
Still not an argument.
Holy shit, this thread is still up.
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Mexicana brfo
I wish they'd kept the genpool pure tbqh


And practically all mix was from spanish father and native mother. Poor indians got cucked out of existence
Thread posts: 224
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