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Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 134

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Turkish girl with a chink.png
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interracial relationships edition
Second for stop posting anytime.
Kshit is popular in Turkey like here?
>how the turkish nation was created
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That guy is cuter than the girl t b h

Also this picture will never not make me laugh
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five lifetimes of whoring on the street
In Arabic we call it حبش which means Ethiopians
delet this
Why can't I have five lifetimes of prostituting in the seclusion of my own house? Why the street?
what's aravim?
yes, really popular
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>you'll never have a threesome with them
Can someone explain this meme? Are Turks all riding the Asian steppes to Korea or something?
Hebrew for arabs
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no u fucking uneducated retard, turkic people used to a mongol tribe that encountered the first iranians to tame horses and breed them for war. Instead of annihilating the peons the latter chose to be benevolent and transmit their techniques and wisdom to them. Turkic being the roaches they are soon used their new acquired power against their mentors and raided, burnt, and massively raped the iranians. This massive mixing gave birth to Turks. Truly an irl frankenstein tragedy
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> Instead of annihilating the peons the latter chose to be benevolent
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Chinks + turkics = these beautiful uyghurs

Arabs + turkics = t*rks
What? If that's the case why aren't the Hazarans called Turks?

Turks were around before the golden horde, they just challed themselves Khazars and Scythians n shiiiet
yes I have very little respect for turks

because let me put my face into your boobies
I found the most handsome man on a site from Morocco. Tried to initiate convo and got nothing

It's probably more to do that I am not chubby but I also things it a because I'm habshi. His lips were thicker than mine and his nose a bits wider and bigger but it seems most MENA men either exclusively like light skin or LOVE dark skin but only for sex and marry a pale girl later.

Anyone confirm?
>yes I have very little respect for turks
yes hot-headed underage mentality balkanites have that too but i was referring to stupidity of the phrase. Whatever bilel
That seems like a sweeping generalisation but in North Africa yes I imagine light skin is worshipped
No it isn't. Lots of maghrebis men like brown women with bundas like arab women and Latinas
Me on the left
>That seems like a sweeping generalisation
>Proceeds to make a sweeping generalisation
Cucks like Krieg or that Tunisian guy don't count as the majority
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me on the right
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That fucking image
no need to grieve
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Should i learn Turkish and Arabic to get a waifu?
Hello mountain jew, how is unvirginisation going for you!
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I noticed Koreans are the biggest Araboos out of all the East Asians.
I know so many Koreans who like Arabian/Turkish culture. Why is that? Is there a missing link?? Someone explain this to me.
No but it seems you rarely see handsome men with dark skin women. Seems to me only poor and working class men do and talking to friends who've gone to North Africa they are solicited like prostitutes and given little respect. White women have that happen too at time but not to the same degree or manner.
turkey was involved in korean independence war
i don't know about arab part
We are just turkeyboo, not arabboo.
Seen a shit ton of Turkish girls who were Koreaboos on interpals
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>Look at ly thinky veiled attempt to call moroccan niggerd who oogaaboiga for white wymyn

Daiky reminder Moroccans and Maghrebis are way more sexier and qt than middle eastern fatties


You sure about that?
I think you're mixing morocco with egypt or the khaleej.

In the maghreb all the women are treated the same way and we don't have the same complexes as mashreqis who pick blondes with heavy make up as news anchors and singers to appear europeans
I literally saw one of the most beautiful men in my life. I get compliments multiple times a day on the street and at work. I even modeled for a bit. So I'm surprised why he didn't respond.

But then I remembered what my friends and family tell me about their experiences back home. I forget that dark skin is rarely seen as viable in MENA he'll barely The Horn. But I am interested in diaspora view points.
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Truly masculine.
I'm not interested in your train of thought. Go masturbate elswhere
>Roastie has her ego shattered by a Maghrebi so she comes here to whine about how Maghrebi supposedly fetishize lighter skin
New found love for my Moroccan bros desu
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Truly handsome
Omg that OC how did I not think of it

That last part was rude to say habibi
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Truly moderate
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I also have seen a tons of French koreaboo :^)
>He thinks arabic speakers are arabboo
You don't just learn a language without being interested in the culture.


It's not about who's being shattered but it made me think like where are Gnawa female celebs, in the Algerian diaspora and Libyan Diaspora where are dark skin women in media? I know that racial discrimination is real in the Maghreb but really I have to say I've never seen a dark skin woman with a well off man but I've seen many white women.
I can confirm

I've been hurt as well
I remember when I was in high school in class I got bullied by turks and moroccans because I was the only white girl there in class. Kinda like on mena right now. I told them im a virgin thus that they should leave me alone (I wasnt but no one should know that i lost my virginity at age 14)
Then the moroccan guy said "nooooo i dont believe youuu~~~ no way a moroccan could resist that blonde hair and fat booty of yours"
And then I felt forever ashamed of my hourglass body and wore loose layered clothes (nowadays i dont really do that anymore looooooool)

Thats when I knew they fetishize me. So whenever I arrived at class they spanked my butt and pulled my hair. I told my teacher on them and the leader of the bullying crowd denied the entire bullying episodes. I called him up and yelled at him, told him to fuck off. And then he said fuck you bitch you're crazy. I got wet and we met up and had sex. Then the next day he told everyone this story and the rest of the moroccans wanted me too. Then...I insulted them and said: I CANT SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A TURK AND MOROCCAN. They got offended and i turned them off.
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>tfw no japanese gf
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>It's not about who's being shattered
As if there was any doubt
>but it made me think like where are Gnawa female celebs, in the Algerian diaspora and Libyan Diaspora where are dark skin women in media?
When you're a diaspora you're a minority, black people in the Maghreb are a minority
So you're asking why the minority of a minority isn't represented enough in the diaspora ?
Gee you're not a very smart one but you can figure it out for yourself i believe in you

>I know that racial discrimination is real in the Maghreb
I'll give you that one

>I have to say I've never seen a dark skin woman with a well off man but I've seen many white women.
Stop projecting your insecurities on every aspect of your life you human toilet and go pick up the pieces of your broken ego on the floor
north africans look like mulatto niggers jesus christ so many of them here

it's like god took the bad features of arabs and nigs and put them together and bam you have north africans
10/10 story would read again
let's meet and fuck bb, I am moroccan with no preference of skin complexion, you just have to be charming and good at the suxx
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Are you unironically implying the Maghreb produces just as many terrorists as the Mashreq
gnawa are a tiny minority

there is a fair share of gnawa singers (women) from the sahara and Mauritania who have their fame in Morocco. Forgot their names, there is dimi mint abba for a start.
hello Labianon, I was thinking about you earlier today and I came to the realization that I've been very rude to you these past years. You may have remembrance of a french flag being hostile to you for no apparent reason. I wish to ask for your forgiveness my Labianon. All the bad things I said were offensive and uncalled for. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive and love
What's the point of listing maghrebi terrorists when in the end there are more terrorists from a single country in the middle east than from the entirety of all maghreb cunts?

btw bouhlel was a fit qt
>Moroccan flags post
>mass bullying

>Moroccan flags don't post
>get loved

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>Implying Baghdadi wasn't a qt as well
n-no homo

It's like in real life Krieg
Everyone loves you until you open your mouth
That's weird.
I have never seen any arabboos.
We generally don't even know where arab is 2bh
Just don't bring it up and act cool bro
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>it's like god took the bad features of arabs and nigs and put them together and bam you have north africans
who, what and when?
You guys know more about Arabs than most Americans lol
you wouldn't know how few habesha realize the origin of that word

t. eritrean
white looking lebs look like ugly whites

emiratis look like full on pajeets mixed with arab and camel
true his younger self was qt as fuck

>n-no homo

this is the second time you have good taste in men :^)
There are white and black Cubans in media here and they are a small minority. We have Afro-Latino famous people and they make up only a fraction of the Latino population over all.

What black maghrebi women exist in media of any prominence in or out of Maghreb?

If racial discrimination is something you acknowledge then why is racial as long discrimination of partners unfathomable and stupid?
Shut up.
No fucking.
What about other black north African women of fame today? The women who girls see as someone to imitate and men to want to date.
>[YouTube] Do Koreans know the Arab world? هل يعرف الكوريون العالم العربي
>That first question
That was not even fair
>emiratis look like full on pajeets mixed with arab and camel

We're the finest looking camels out there, though.
I stopped coming here when /afr/ came around. Some Moroccan men are very cute :)
Black culture in Morocco is centered around men, all the gnawa singers are dudes with few exceptions, blame them not the whole country
Also the only black singers I've ever seen all happened to be from Mauritania and other black countries, maybe Moroccan blacks are just not motivated enough to get into art?
I don't mean to be rude but desu it sounds more like you can't accept being rejected so you resort to the "racist" excuse
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bloom .gif
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I'm glad you could find the compassion to forget my labianon I love you

yes "obliteration of your orifices" might a more suited expression bb, you have whatsapp ?
kek fucking chode
خيبر خيبر يا يهود
Daily reminder that Murad is the one who shat this general and will continue to poison it for eternity
someone who hasn't posted on int in over 2 years has shit it up

makes sense
Nope. I just remember reading about blacks in North Africa. For the Haratin who used to actually be the first peoples of the Draa down through the scattered oasis populations found elsewhere to say Tebu and Malian/Nigerien Tuareg in Libya and even some in Tunisia.

I can deal with rejection. I mean he is clearly just some guy I'd never met likely and I will meet more but like yeah wonder why black north African women are invisible save for that one model.

You yourself agreed that discrimination is indeed a reality, I'm surprised no one ever talks about it in media there.

There are also a lot of sex slavery issues in UAE SA of horners, but rarely wives. Seems to be a thing there as well.
shut the fuck up murad
have mods given up ? can I post extreme gore to drive the normalfags away ?
>'Extreme' gore

Test me
use a wax or nair or an epilator, do the same for your legs, put on some cute socks and post :3
>There are also a lot of sex slavery issues in UAE SA of horners, but rarely wives. Seems to be a thing there as well.
how so
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But that would be gay as fuck you know
you have a feminine penis so it's okay
We have our girls come up there as nannies or cleaners and they get beaten and raped with no papers or money saved.

Every year videos come out of women being whipped or beaten and no one cares because they are African. We know rough numbers of trafficking, clearly Horner women are sought but in terms of women who are married to Arab men? Not common, all my family there are married to other habshi or to Sudanese/Black Arabs.
by just playing with pesonas and spamming same shit.

There was a time when we all believed his personas were real and we argued with them for real, this general became a shitshow with lot of arguments like berber vs arabs (this didn't happen before, it was comfy)

but then he was doxed and everybody understood this thread was fake and his playground, a lot of people stopped coming here.

but he is still here more autistic than ever with insufferable personas like loubna, kike bomb, mona, dick poster.

Turkic + Tocharian = Uyghurs
Habibi why are you trying to get banned?
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Habibi i am horny as fuck and i need nudes
I kinda picked up that Loubna and Mona were the same person and i'll say it again i'm honestly fucking impressed i've never seen someone so dedicated
Probably due to a legit mental illness though
Pls tell me you saved the pics i wanna laugh
hk khaoula poster and emirati are him too, very stereotypical shitposting
nah by doxx we just had his address/gps from a pic he posted,

he already posted, average palestinian
.وحرّم ربي الفواحش ما ظهر منها وما بطن
.ولكن يبدو أن فاحشتك لن يظهر إلّا على هذا الموقع
>but he is still here more autistic than ever with insufferable personas like loubna, kike bomb, mona, dick poster.
What? I posted a timestamp
I'm a real person
Allahu akbar to you too
why you ignore me ? first you cry about no getting fucked by the other online fag but then when a charming man offers you to fuck you act as if nothing happened ? I don't like white womenz they week, I need wide hips for birthing and bunda
shit shop

posted pic*
it's on another computer right now can't get it
I don't think this is a thing in Morocco desu
>hk khaoula poster and emirati are him too
no fucking way he's all those people lad
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You are shit
wait WHAT THE FUCK chink is just a proxy ? I've been talking a schizoid mongoloid for like 3 years. How come you only say this now ?
Is that dutch girl trolling or is she literally insane?

Also, are there really schools in the Netherlands with no white people? oh maaaaaaan
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Avatar Roku.jpg
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>When I post my dick on 4chan

>when some filthy roach posts his tiny dick on 4chan
>mods ignore it
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>I've been telling m*rad that I fucked his mom last night for literal months thinking it was someone else
Is the proxy craziness here the reason why /afr/ died too?
More common than you'd think. Read into sex trafficking in Morocco. It's an issue.

Anyways I didn't mean to come off salty or projecting. This sort of racialized thing is sadly real in many MENA places.

I just am over white people, want someone more close to home you know?
He actually doesn't post here anymore but your paranoia is amusing. :)
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Meanwhile Murad hasn't posted here in almost 2 years since he got himself (and most of his proxies) banned.
This is some next level paranoia.
I'm ready to reconsider

seriously it's his sterotypical shitposting

emirati is the typical khaleeji anti iran persona
but he also created an anti arab Israeli persona
a pro Hezbollah lebanese
and probably other I barely remember like the fat Alawi syrian

hk poster is his typical qt posting.
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Says the literal nignog roach.
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Stop mentioning Morad, he enver existed, it was a couple of shitposters that roleplayed as him and created him. You guys are paranoid as fuck.

The boogeyman of mena who posts anime girls. :)
The boogeyman of mena who posts anime girls. :)
hello murad
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>seriously it's his sterotypical shitposting
Not at all.

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>chasing a ghost

Get fucked homo's
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>He can't even recognize someone he frequently interacted with in the past.
>He used a reaction image that he basically posted every time he came to the thread.

Really makes you think huh
No idea. Murad and the rest of the shitposting crew left like two years ago, but we went so hard people still think we're terrorizing the board. :)
الشعب يريد الزطلة والفنيد
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>no foreskin
missing the best part
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>3 fucking years of telling that chink shit to go to hell and only now they tell me he doesn't exist
Murad's algorithm

new thread

1.qt posting persona: post same qtie pic posted last thread, and penultimate thread, and three threads prior etc.
2. change proxy
3. make a heavy loaded political comment with political persona
4. change proxy
5. impersonate a woman and post dumb oc like "do it for her"
6. change proxy
7. post anime and same reactin images used years ago.
8. rinse and repeat
You need to get a life lol
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Morad was a shitposter who used to post anime and shitpost every mena thread with his shitposting buddies, they left literally years ago but people still think he is here and haunting them.

It's time for you to leave Frederico
I struck a chord
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You're so paranoid it's funny. Murad already got banned.
top kek
je me plains de lui et de ses mauvais jeux et "shenaningans" presque à chaque thread vous devriez savoir que ce general est fake à mort
>tfw no chubby belly gf
No seriously, I'm not him, but I used to shitpost with him years ago. I have him added on Skype, but he's pretty busy these days with grad school.
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>that penis shape
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>when your power fantasies involve the brutal murder of some posters itt
only hard proofs can convince me at this point.
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Bien sûr, bien sûr.
Sauf que Murad n'a pas posté içi depuis 2 ans au moins. Je chat avec lui chaque jour et franchement, c'est vraiment drôle de lire le paranoia dans ces fils.
Je n'étais même pas sur /int/ avant que quelqu'un m'a dit que vous parlez toujours de Murad alors qu'on l'a déja banni.
What proof do you want lol. You're paranoid and accuse random people of being Murad. It's honestly hilarious to come back to this thread and still see him being mentioned when we ditched this cancerous hole a long time ago.
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I'm trying to figure out what's up with the discoloration.

I have reverse big head thin shaft

Murad you're using the same moe reaction images you used to post when you were "palestinian" years ago (before isis was a thing lol)
t. Dissonance Cognitive
C'est même pas les mêmes mon mignon.
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>implying we all didn't spam anime to derail threads
Now you're just sounding like a newfag.
K-on, that girl with pink hair and the blonde are exacty the same

et t'as bien renforcé ton français depuis à ce que je vois
N'as-tu pas honte, fils de pute? tout le monde sait que tu es Morad.
top kek stop insulting yourself

time to get out of here
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>he can't tell when he's speaking to one of his own countrymen
lol ur fukt in the head man
Pkoi tu ment Mourad? pkoi tu ne dis pas la vérité?
How do we stop our prestigious Maghrebi from acting like trashy western women?

I live in Laval, Quebec and I hate seeing these hijabi yoga pants types. Makes me so angry that a sister would do that

behead them
wait "dz" is part of the game too

how do you expect me to tell you're all insane and took advantage of the fact that this board is anonymous
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Tu confonds mec, y'avait quelqu'un d'autre dans son squad avec ses images (pas lui).
Avec un peu d'effort, je suis sûr que son nom te reviendra.
Arrête, tu vas renforcer son paranoïa!
wow haven't heard from that guy in years didn't he fucking die?
>I live in Laval, Quebec and I hate seeing these hijabi yoga pants types. Makes me so angry that a sister would do that

we can't stop it. All we can do it fap to it.
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et c'est un algérien aussi ?
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Je suis aussi algérien
wiki warrior? je te crois pas a moins que tu sois une de ses personnalités

just fuck you man, I should just have left for good like hijazi
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Tu viens de le nommer quelques postes en haut.
so both you and wiki warrior who impersonated you played this game?

this is fight club tier
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jfc stop, my head
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wow this thread is autistic, I'm glad Morad isn't here
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What's funny is that it's so easy to tell us apart, but we didn't post in such a long time that it's confusing now.
so it was dz, you're playing games again

sorry this is one of the rare cases I can interrogate his insane mind

stopping here
your shitposting is stereotypical.
wiki warrior might just be your "algerian berber" persona.
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Okay I'm bored desu. It's been me Murad this entire time xD Later homos
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time to end it weeb
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How dare you, I am Murad!
Go back to Mexico already.
I don't know what kind of sick satanic ritual was involved in your conception Murad (other than your parents having sex) but you have more issues than a magazine stand
The reason why the turk-kun and me can't sext here is because I'm a bit busy with school and cleaning up my room
I promise him that we are still married and that I will sext with him regularly. Everyone here can confirm i have a very cute angelic female voice. Also I timestamped before but I am very very busy I proscrascinated wit school a lot and I want to pass this year
Bye ~ i love you turk-kun, I love your penis a lot!
10/10 tres bien
you're scary
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kys faggot
Is it true /?
sauce pls.
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>Being toxic in /int/ as well
It's time for me to reform you.
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No man, Anime is the corner stone of life t. Oily

Schiet jezelf neer kankerhoer en neem die kakkerlak met je mee.
.___. Woah we chatted together dz
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and you're gay lmao

dlet chinami pics from ur hardrive plz ty
<3 ILY more ~~~~~
⊂(´• ω •`⊂) think about me when you masturbate please
I wanted to throw away this old makeup brush but i think ill put it in my pooper and a lipstick in my vagina while i touch my clitty and think about you <3 better cummies than dead arabs LOOOOOOOOOOOL
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Sometimes It's better to forget the past Loubna, like in this case.
._. I keep losing more furenzos on mena >.> could it be because I abuse things here a bit?
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Why do so few posters have a mena flag?
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I'm sure you can find the appropriate hook or beam yourself.
Why does your text and emojis look like mona's posts? Are you samefagging?
Okay I see I'll think about it thoroughly

You know Murad It got me really thinking
(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ You want to sext with me as well muah muah
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really makes you think huh
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No it has to do with you being fucking white. Nobody wants a white friend.

Hey als je nog wil neuken of zo ik ben veel beter dan die vieze turk.

Based Indian Canadian
Cuz most real middle easterners don't have internet and have never heard of 4chan hueeee
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not into transexuals or fat girls sry
Okay I see. I'll think about this thoroughly. Well that's why I decided to move to a different general you know
/deutsch/ or /nederdraad/ ~~~
._. I'm neither Murad ewwww
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Hey, he's not Murad. I am Murad
I'm a newfag on /mena/
It would be really helpful if someone said who is who
You go kill yourself weeb faggot
But you can't speak German for shit and Nederdraad is just autism. Fuck half of those losers never seen a real vagina.

You'd be more welcome in /tr/ or /india/
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stfu you chode dicked nigga
oh I see.

As for the chink...>.> I can confirm he is not murad, he is really a chink and autistic as well.
>chode dicked
>implying that's a bad thing
Don't leave me ;_;
All you need to know that India will be a superpower by 2020 ask Dr. Choudry Rajup for more info >>68249680
Well I agree about nederdraad .__.
How do you know my german is shit though
Have you lurked /deutsch/?
Sorry turk-kun ^_^ You can keep posting your shlong though!
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>Sorry turk-kun ^_^ You can keep posting your shlong though!
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>Sorry turk-kun ^_^ You can keep posting your shlong though!
Fuck, if you are leaving there is no reason for me to spam my dick. I'm not autistic enough to sext with myself here

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Are you stupid?
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I chat and cammed with HK, he's real.
Want his Nudes?

>using my pics
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Because what you wrote and what you did was really stupid.
>Bringing back the cult of HK shit.
Let it die, he was never real
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W-what? I don't understand
So what? Starting to spam dicks was stupid too
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HK = hezbollah knight?????????
Okay I see perhaps hmmm perhaps perhaps
I wont be in nederdraad so much sooo ._.
Hmm nederdraad?
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HK is a bro desu. Fuck off out of my thread.

>Tfw HK is asleep
You can be on my dick if you want

Wiki you are back, feels great man
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>When the Potato Warrior is back
ChingChong Khaoulaposter is a total bro pls no bully you meanie arabs
Awww you should have returned when assman was here 2bqh Pls dont leave us again ok? This pan arabism crew gets on my nerves
Lewd (つ≧▽≦)つ
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Who are you?

I'll need proofs to accept that.
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Wait, who are you?
I thought you were him
ITT: mentally ill sandniggers
no u
( ̄ω ̄) who are you? i thought this was mona playing with proxies again

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Now you have to admit
I tricked you niggers good
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I am Murad xD
Okay so...
I was murad all this time......????? I......see....I'll think about this thoroughly
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Battle of Talas.png
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ch*nks BTFO
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Not him desu.
Potato if you hear me, come back.

You annoyed the hell out of everyone more than anything desu

Stop impersonating me, you have the wrong flag and name
How is the ğ in fotoğraf pronounced? I know in Modern Turkish, normally the ğ is silent and just lengthens the preceding vowel, but I have never seen a ğ in that position. I assume it isn't just pronounced foto~raf, right?
It should be لغة الضاد
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>Posting my Maki
Post that again and we'll settle this through the method of my people: beheading.
it's more or less "foto-vraf". Just like how you pronounce the ğ in erdoğan.

My name has the letter ğ in it and it's a struggle.
s-salam alaykum anonnete, still looking for a hubby?
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But who are you then?
And you?
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I don't even know who's your shit waifu tbqhwyf.

Your worst nightmare
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>Being one of those people that save Anime pics without watching.

The Day of the Rope is coming for you sooner than you think.
Stop coming to my country.
I see. I'll think about what you said thoroughly okay.

I see.
Stop blaming everything on Murad >.>
The fact I know I'm not Murad makes it obvious people here are very paranoid. Do you seriously think a guy has that much time and dedicashaan to make up maaaaany different personas 24/7? Ofc not. T.R.O.L!
Tell America to leave our countries alone and we'll stay
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No one likes you here, you can either fuck off to /cum/ or blow yourself up like so many of your kind.


I don't watch anime, only read mango.
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>I don't watch anime, only read mango.
Textbook excuse of anime image saver.
>Not using the 2016 version of u mad
Who let this caveman in here?
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french manlets.jpg
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I don't take orders from manlets.
Responding at the same time...?
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I see
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>comparing glorious berbers to an Austrian jew
I'll just ignore you as usual.

Why do newfag keep complaining about regulars. Just fuck off already.

Thank God that faggot isn't here. He's a shame to berbers.
I'm glad you do.
Don't ever use "glorious" and "berber" in the same sentence.
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I'm ok with this.
Are all Turks professional liars?
And why do they pronounce Muhammad wrong?
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>only MENAs in this thread
Let's change that
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>Why do newfag keep complaining about regulars.
Who let this poor imitation of Based Algerian Wiki Warrior into this thread?
mashalla a5w :DDD
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>implying I'm imitating him
Wew you're as dense as the Emirati shit.
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It's true though, are you done insulting?
It's time to face the facts.
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You're the one who started assimilating me to this degenerate.
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>tfw no Haifa gf
i live in 1st world country but my life is shit and filled with stress and shit people and im basically unhappy 24-7

so today i jsut woke up and realized that i don't have to give a single fuck about anything or anyone (especially needy women) anymore, and that even though i, on the paper, am under so much fucking workload and pressure, i can take it easily and even if i fail, it's no biggie, because there are always options in this part of the world.

just this thought process and decision has made me feel so reborn. not happy or anything, just relieved.
It's true though, you are indistinguishable.
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and i realized that me, myself and I is my best company. Fuck people. Holy shit i cannot describe how much I have suffered because of people. F-U-C-K people. In my eternal hate i shall rejoice.
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>first world
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Farewell, send us a card
You're not murad stop making yourself mysterious
What is your name on mena, answer this before i go crazy
Confirmed not murad you went online on skype
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Alright, you can tip your fedora now.
>go to wallmart
>obese white trash hag sharts on herself
>you want to vomit and so you run outside
>niggers surround you
>niggers mug you
>hit you in the head with the end of a glock
>you pass out
>wake up
>call police
>police arrives to the scene
>police shoots you 48 times
>your body is unrecognisable
>no life insurance because you are working class
>family loses court case against police
>cannot afford house due to lawyer fees
>family is now homeless
>family splits up, siblings become drug fiends, father dies in winter and mother becomes a prostitute who eventually contracts HIV
>1st world
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I hope whatever you're going through right now gets better soon, but you can't just be saying edgy shit like "fuck people" and shit like that. Without other people, you wouldn't have society and without society you wouldn't be able to enjoy the fruits of civilization. So maybe some assholes exist in your life but it's better to cut them off and move on rather than letting them get to you because that's just gonna cause you to become an antisocial NEETtard
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>You're not murad stop making yourself mysterious

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb bitch?
kek, how many times have you pulled that copypasta on people, huh?
oh i meant irl, you guys aren't real to me
i know you are but i don't treat you that way
>name on mena
i don't have one
assman calls me laz, cause i have some laz blood in me mixed with other caucasus people genes
is this a dearborn communal cometogether or some shit?
people have ruined everything for me. my family has been good to me , but also caused me problems. my immediate family are the only people i value and cherish. call it poor circumstances and being unlucky, i have lived through hell due to people. and women.
not cp i just wrote it now actually
im autistic like that
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>tfw no Haifa to travel the world with

You sound 16 and edgy, life is hard to everyone.
Grow up.
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white nordic aryan.png
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I'm actually from NYC kek
>people have ruined everything for me. my family has been good to me , but also caused me problems. my immediate family are the only people i value and cherish. call it poor circumstances and being unlucky, i have lived through hell due to people. and women.

kek, looks like you need some Islam in your life amirite?
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> i have lived through hell due to people. and women.
Oh another fucking loser who prefer to complain online than do something about his life.
Hi sweetheart, please post ass
i'll reply to you in bulk because you're basically parroting each other

i never left, but i don't practice much
>grow up
hahahahahahahah bro if you lived just 1% of the shit i've been through you'd understand. i have every right to be an edgy cunt. most people in my shoes are doing meetings and on pills and suicide watch. i never had a fucking childhood.

regardless, the point is that im not giving a shit anymore. which is good. a fucking epiphany. went way over your heads i see. stereotypical american information processing at it again

im gonna be a faggot and just assume you're another weeb faggot. listen, idiot, the people you call loser on this site, for the most part, are people whose lives you cannot even fucking aspire to live or to understand.
I see you know what i think thoroughly about what you just said

Good night every1 <3 haha
perfecshaan (._. )
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I'm surprised you didn't already get banned for being underaged.
apex kek
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I'm actually telling you to fuck off this, go to sleep and do something productive tomorrow unless of keeping the loser act but just do as you wish desu.
nothx i got tea and biscuits and a good series, i'm quite comfy. i don't sleep much and i am almost only here after 12. if you weren't such a fucking newfag you'd know that for example.
>is telling me what to do
je nique ta race fdp
Be productive with your life. Get out of Denmark. It's a literal shithole with the most anti-depressant use per capita out of any country in the world. Come to America, son.
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Knowing that or not don't change a thing. How stupid are you.

Just stop playing the crybaby teenage faggot

Anyway, I see that this place is as much of a shit hole as it was before.
>Be productive with your life
I am
>Get out of Denmark.
I will
>It's a literal shithole with the most anti-depressant use per capita out of any country in the world
it's good and bad mixed. for me it's mostly bad, but had I grown up in a different setting, I'm sure Denmark would've been a paradise. It's not that bad here. Though the alcoholics and anti depressant addicts i cannot argue against.
>come to america
not the plan, but i do like american social culture sometimes. probably a little hyped though. americans seem a little less socially retarded/autistic. but also way more polarized. idk. as a system and govt it's definitely not better, but maybe the people make up for it.
what happened to your english lmao you use to write decently well at least i could understand you.
>Just stop playing the crybaby teenage faggot
i'm not playing anything
you need to stop assuming things about people
especially over the internet
just like i'm not assuming that you're a beta manlet who makes love to posters of underage anime girls, because there is an offchance that you are just trolling, of course. albeit in your case, it is worryingly small.

nobody cares if u believe me or not, i think u need to stop replying to me with ur condescending cancer before i get toxic and bully you out.
Arabian beauty
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Fuck I just read my posts and it's true half of them don't make sense, my bad, phone posting really doesn't work for me or maybe it's alcohol.

Also I act condescending because I don't think you deserve anything more desu.

Anyway I'm out again see you all habibis
Unspecific, vague whining.
If you don't want to share anything, just don't post. And don't be surprised when people call you a child.
Either share or don't post.
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good. stay the fuck out, inbred retard.
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>watch on the right hand
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>muhh i want ur personal life story on 4chan or ur lying
fuck off gringo what do you think this is
that has to be the worst bait i've seen all year
i heard somewhere that chinks cannot put this much weight on to get muscle without cheating
also>>68254017 fucking heresy.
shit style overall. not bad taste in women tho.
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>fuck off gringo what do you think this is
>that has to be the worst bait i've seen all year
What's your point then?
Post nonsense aggressively and be deliberately vague so no one can help you?
What are you seeking to accomplish?
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do you seriously think i want help?
i'm just expressing myself because i would never say this shit outloud irl. and i'm not the kind of person to write stuff on paper and stash it away.
think of it as a crazy man talking to himself in public.
and i told you i'm okay
the first post was meant to show that i've made an epiphany and that it's progress to me. that's all. idk why you're taking it this direction.
fucking dumbass burgers everytime. the disadvantage of being here at night.
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Don't know how I didn't notice that, thanks.
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As an Iranian guy, think I can FUCKING score a Turkish gf?
I don't know, you're very incoherent maybe that's why people don't understand you?
me on the left
me on the top
me in the back
me on the right
me on the right
me on the right
me on the left
me on the right
me on the left
I don't know about Turks but most Sunni girls I've met talk about shi'ites like they're scum

They probably all lowkey want to be Shah'd
fuck my life at these pretentious cunts, cringe. CRINGE.
Unmarried unloved virgin detected.
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>They probably all lowkey want to be Shah'd

That's what every monkey nigger tells themselves when they get rejected

>"they're just playing hard to get"
>"secretly they all want me"
just like women secretly call every second joe gay for not wanting them
Thread posts: 327
Thread images: 134

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