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>the USA and Brazil will never rule the world together as

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>the USA and Brazil will never rule the world together as superpowers sharing a friendly rivalry with one another.

the Old World needs to be put down for good.
Sounds fun, but why Brazil?
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>inb4 butthurt euros
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"We" are the two big euro colonies lad
I'm all for it.
Let's out the rest of the FARC monkeys poisoning them and get this ship rowing.
Fuck USA
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Because they're big and have a remarkably similar ethnic composition and culture as the US.
They need more guns, Jesus, and entrepreneurship.
they have a huge jesus already

he's on a mountain
we fell for the socialism meme
brazil will be great again one day trust me lad
because they are Bizarro USA for the south
Hello, bizarro Argentina from the North
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>tfw it's true
>brazil will be great again
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>fucking goddamn monkey negro preto in charge of knowing imperial history
There is no prospect of Brazil developing, not at least in the next 30 years. Also, I have heard rumors from people I know, very important people in Brazil's power game, that there will be another impeachment sometime next year and they intend to replace the current president with a dictatorship. You don't have any reason to believe me and even then they're just rumors.
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the Empire was great

he was supported by the majority of the people too but they still ousted him.

fascists and socialists have fucked Brazil
Tell me more about my own country, kind leaf.
I remember a lecture at college that literally discussed how Brazil is a "failed" version of USA
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there were no fascists in power in Brazil ever

if the integralists rose to power we'd be on our way to being a global power

Ele é um cuco que aprende português e posta no /luso/.
>USA and Brazil
Brazil and Russia would be more interesting
I'd rather have Mexico. At least they have some culture.
Sounds depressing.
USA and America would be overpowered.
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It was so great that people would rather be ruled by a bunch of suicidal butchers than this faggot. They didn't even give him the guillotine treatment, like a real king... just kicked him out.
I don't know why but I kek'd.
/luso/ é coisa de viado
>USA and America

My fingers are just too patriotic, I meant USA and Russia.
Listen i love Russia a lot but allying with them never worked out in history
So is this true or not?
Just fragment all three countries (China too). Problem solved, nobody needs yet another bunch of idiots "ruling the world".
They aren't at all, Brazil is like Dominican Republic, USA just has 10% blacks.
I don't know. Here in the US we sorta see Brazil as our little South American brother.
We know that way to well. In 1964, there was a coup d'etat here supported by Americans, and they literally named the operation "Brother Sam".
>supported by Americans
So at least you are not claiming we did that.
That's a progress already.
what about Estado Novo? and then the military dictatorships
I'm not chicano, it's true. They're self stylized multicultural country like us, where anyone can come to start a new life, and they're their continents regional power.

Obviously were way more successful than them, but the similarities are obvious.

that's why its Bizarro
We consider the US not giving a fuck about us to be a good thing. The last time they DID, we ended with a military dictatorship.
What if we actively ignored Brazil?
We'll never stop giving a fuck about you. Your only hope is the U.S. will split up and be much weaker with the pieces competing with each other and sticking to North America.

Politically that would be awesome. Economically that has always been the case anyway. At this point in time i'd say shit is going alright.

> Not the phag you're talking too, but hey. :^)
That's only a possibility in southern Cali at this point, and even then, they'd get squashed like a bug.
The South is as patriotic as ever.
You already do that, you know. But god forbid if one day you start talking about how we lack freedom and that's why you really fucking need to "liberate" us
That's actually pretty good test. There is so many brutal genocidal dictatorships around and many of them we even support, but we don't say shit about.

It's always the ones our politicians want to invade that they start talking about and rolling out the films of how bad they are.

I wouldn't worry about Brazil though. Unless you become gommie like Venezuela I don't see a scenario where we would want to invade Brazil.
It would be a bitch and a half invading Brazil, anyway.
All those treacherous jungles and winding rivers we'd have to traverse would be a supply manager and navigator's worst nightmare.
Anything on the coast would be American in no time, though.

That makes little sense. How do you people think you could even stay alive under 44C to "own" the coast?

>Nordestino. :^)
Fuck USA
Stop taking /luso/ seriously, that place stinks nationalistic boat/pol/ple.
Most of the population lives on the Coast anyway. It would probably get pretty crazy fighting throughout all those favelas though, and than there is all the skyscrapers around in the non shanty town parts.
Uh-oh! I think someone is looking to get liberated
Y'all niggas mad if you think Brazil can be a superpower . They dont even have a proper right-wing party on their country . Bolsonaro is their last hope but the north and north-east niggers wont vote for him.
The capital is very deep inland though. You'll need to rely mostly on air power

Hope of killing criminals and doing what else, tuga?
Brazil will never be anything near "superpower", ever, and people who disagree with this are delusional

Google: barata d'água gigante amazonia
Bring it on, fucker. Things will get uglier than Vietnan.
We've got more Carriers than the rest of the world combined monkey, it won't be a problem.
>Implying lazy Brazilian monkeys who just dance and get piss drunk every day will fight with same tenacity as commie east asian gooks.
Isnt he in economic terms liberal ? That would do wonders to Brazil
Plus your country hasn't had a nice experiences invading jungles...
Just quit pretending. In this XXI century you faggots are like a fat and lazy giant falling from sky
Thank God for the desert, the Andes, the pacific ocean and the icebergs keeping us away from you imperialist shits
Kek, we didn't need to invade we just 3 letter acronymned you.

If he was I'd gladly vote for him, but seeing that guy speak I can't trust him to handle the country's economy.

I like his take on guns though. Generally all I can get is handguns from family members and they need to stay in doors all the time.

Plus if he gives out some form of retaliation to banks than I might vote him just for the lulz. External debt is growing too fucking much, and death to corrupt politicians on top of that.

Lots of shit to consider. Can't just press a botton for the guy simply because we vaguely agree on some things.

> Nordestino denovo. :^)
Nothing can hold a fallen giant.
You have no chance, our guns are superior. Behold:
Our weapons are so advanced that it's not necessary to pull the trigger to fire, just shake a little bit and BAM
We handled camel spiders, we can handle those.
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Nah, you'd be amazed with the amount of weird bugs wou'd find.

I'm crapping scared of moths, but big bugs in general get my legs functioning unvoluntarily. There's a reason for this, fellow burger, don't invade us, or they'll invade you.
but Brazil and the USA have nothing in common or anything to do with each other
it's like saying Bolivia and Tajikistan will never rule the world together as superpowers sharing a friendly rivalry with one another, it's just obvious
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21th century just begun, bros.
Brazilian people are slowly realizing they are together building a new and prosperous future. Our teenagers are geting politized and with new and strong ideas.
We will unify Latin America against his true enemy, hue
Your retarded if you legit believe that. The US and Brazil have a lot in common, more than most countries.

New World nation of immigrants that boast a multicultural society.
You are a shame to Eneas 56
And I don't even want that. Can you imagine all those arabes coming here??

The new world should be better. Wtf went wrong? :((((

>Not the same guy.

Wtf are you talking about, yuropean wannabe?
you're much more similar to Argentina than to Brazil, and Brazil isn't even a "nation of immigrants" with a multicultural society
it's all the exact same samba monkey shit from north to south
Except one is full of Australia tier wildlife and shanty towns
Canada is even cucking themselves out of this fantasy
What?? What europeans have to do with it?

Compared to most other countries we have a lot in common. Were more like each other than any Asian, MENA, or African country.
Well you guys keep saying the CIA, so it must be them.
You spy us, we spy you back
You could easily take us over by just sending a bunch of bunda girls to get the men to switch sides.
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>Were more like each other than any Asian, MENA, or African country.
no mate, we really aren't, the USA and Brazil are ages apart
people just assume we have a lot in common because "muh multiculturalism", but Brazil really isn't multicultural or a nation a immigrants, 90% of us are just the same brown mixed samba monkeys
I heard USA is spying through internet because they're too fat to use field agents.

You satill haven't explained what is so wrong with arabs coming in.


Yes we have some stuff in common, but we also have a lot of stuff we don't share: Great economy, good education, "wealth equality" and so on.


I was referring to this side of the globe.



Nah, if you invade that's gonna happen anyways.
All those people come from all over the world, you guys just mix way better than we do.
fuck arabs, that's what's wrong

There's a statement I can't see being defensable. I like arabs. Have you seen their qt's?

> Yes, muh dik. Always more important.
>Yes we have some stuff in common, but we also have a lot of stuff we don't share: Great economy, good education, "wealth equality" and so on.

That's a given, but so does Saudi Arabia, when it comes to economy and wealth it's neutral. Culture and history are more important.

Also we have one of the biggest wealth inequality in the world, were just more developed than you so our poorest aren't in the same position as yours.
>he's trying to teach me about my own country
please do enlighten me with your wisdom oh American citizen

only São Paulo still receives any migrants, all other states are exactly the same

Culture and history are very important indeed. But it is difficult for the losing side of this particular argument to look over it. :)))))
Your just spouting memes, most Brazilians are self hating faggots and don't have an objective view of their country.

Just coming to a first world country isn't going to make your life all sunshine and rainbows. Remember everything you see in the media is a meme.

You know there is actually Americans who decided to move and stay in Brazil? Look them up on youtube, there is plenty of things to be proud about for your country.
>Just coming to a first world country isn't going to make your life all sunshine and rainbows. Remember everything you see in the media is a meme.

>You know there is actually Americans who decided to move and stay in Brazil? Look them up on youtube, there is plenty of things to be proud about for your country.

Oh I know there's a lot to be proud about. And I don't watch much television. Some netflix, internet news and youtube though.

As for sunshine and rainbows: I literally have that. Live in the northeast, it's sunshine year round. An almost 7 year drought, but sunshine year round anyway. :^)
Just saying you can get a happy life in Brazil, one that even some first worlders are willing to come to and pursue.

I actually have a happy life. No money but that's fixable. Only thing missing for me is another couple of years. By then I'll have money, land and an endless supply of moonshine. ;3
The Old World will prevail, leaf. Alongside the USA, but certainly not Brazil. The mere thought of having to unite with these apes repulses me.
Bit jelly desu, my fantasy is living in a condo next to the beach and fucking hot cavala or carvala whatever the word is, girls in Brazil.
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Don't worry frog. I'll get there and fuck your wife while you hate me.


Think the only country with easier access to Brazil, besides the USA, is Portugal. Get a travel visa and see if you like the country. What you described is actually not so difficult to get.
>inviting people to this death trap

yes, please come to Brazil
>besides the USA

> Besides Portugal, is the US.
Got that wrong.


>Death trap

Nah, it's bad but shit is gonna get better. Crime apparently will work itself out. Not delusional, just criminals dying more, which is fun.

SA I count as bro nations. Different countries in politcal terms, but I don't see the need for visa bitching with the rest of South America.

Meant: Coming from the rest of the world. Which was apparently wrong. :^)
By "they" you mean a bunch of the elite and high rank military faggots, right?
opinions on this?
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