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>your country does not have shiny clear plastic buckaroos

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>your country does not have shiny clear plastic buckaroos
You are not relevant.
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We do now.
>Britain gets plastic money like we've had for 20 years
>complain about it because it has a few nanograms of cow in it
Are those really worth it?

I know it helps because the banknotes last longer and are harder to counterfeit, but aren't they a lot pricier to print to?
we got them a few months back, however a few days ago some vegetarians started chimping out because apparently it contains animal fat or something like that

>but aren't they a lot pricier to print to?
Yes but that doesn't matter if you're not in a poverty stricken hellhole
And you wonder why your taxes are so high
I'll take the high taxes over favelas
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UK cows are crazier than anyone elses, so they should be scared
We've had this shit since 1988, why do cunts still not have it?

Probably not by much and they provide a lot of benefits. Just longevity alone is worth it desu, the only way they get damaged is if someone cuts them with scissors or burns them or something. They'll stay in the same condition, pretty much forever without directly damaging them like that.
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we have both
>the first country in the world to have non-vegan money

I should appologize to Great Britain, they've still got it
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>Having plastic dollarydoos rather than real money
>Not having actual microsoft clip art on your money

Are you even a real country?
the new 100 is pretty new and shiny

Really? We use plastic bills since 2010.

Not that anyone uses coins and bills anymore tho. You heard about credit/debit cards?
Best polymer money coming through
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The British fiver is the best one tbqh.

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Got given one of these fuckers yesterday from the local fish and chips shop. Almost gave it back to them, I thought they gave me monopoly money or some shit at first.

Fuck this gay clear money, whose idea was this shit?
Word to the wise: do not leave those on your dash during a hot day. Those fuckers WILL melt together. Learn from Canada's mistakes, anon.
Australia invented them dumbass
nigga no
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Churchill's a nice touch but it needs more maple leafs; you can never have too many tbqh
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>In God We Trust

What did they mean by this?
Let's get rid of that old slag off our currency and make she isn't replaced by another Brit
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>En Dieu nous croyons

Que voulait-il dire par ceci ?
I always wonder, how does it feel to have you face plaster onto a banknote/coin.
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Do they change who's on your money every so often too?
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Kys republicuck
Who is that old guy?
I want an Aussie hero in my wallet like Steve Irwin
Not generally no, but the backs of coins change frequently and some are in colour like the ones with poppies are actually red.

Of course Trudeau is putting out a new bank note in 2017 on International Women's Day that will feature an undisclosed "iconic Canadian woman." I wish that was a joke
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Put him on a bill that doesn't have the Queen's picture. Or on the back of a coin. Also, great Aussie hero Crocodile Dundee please.
Nah let's have the royal family on each note and reintroduce the pound
I like that m8.
Oi, we did it first in the '90s
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