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Thread replies: 334
Thread images: 108

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We have the best qt's edition
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Which Arab country produces the best women and why is it Somalia?
doesn't seem like she's middle eastern/north african, as that apparel are against the law in the majority of those regions
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>what is diaspora
She's also originally Iranian I believe. Here's a hijabi if it makes to feel better
>what is diaspora
not middle eastern or north african anymore, silly
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>not middle eastern or north african anymore
She is genetically
And you're diaspora yourself m8. Why are you posting in /mena/ if you're not middle eastern or north african anymore?
They just look like mejican qts
>tfw no muslim titcow gf
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Find a diaspora in a western country
>tfw if xerxes managed to break through the thermopylae i would have a qt Iranian gf
They won't even look at non-muslims m8. There's plenty at my campus, but they all just herd together and speak Arabic to each other.

What's your campus and area? Are there lots of hot Muslim diaspora girls there?

Which area could you find hot Muslim girls in the west?
That's why you find a white washed non religious one
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Leonidas is small-time
Don't let me see you around Ecbatana again, Parmenio.
So I sent the prototype to a designer, we'll see if this thing ever comes to fruition.

Onto the next project!
San Bernardino, California. Not lots but a good number.
How do you tell if they're nonreligious? I assume if they're wearing the scarf they must be at least somewhat devout.
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It was a Muslim girl who didn't know her photobucket was set to public, some anon found it a year or two ago, leaked her pics. There's a couple vids of her naked and masturbating, but since she was underage all traces of her were virtually deleted from the internet. You likely won't be able to find sauce minus a few pics with cleavage
Same girl as >>68210482
>which area could you find hot Muslim girls in the west
Most Muslim girls won't talk to non Muslim guys. Your best bet is what I said here >>68211068 They'll usually hate Islam because of their strict families and will easily put out just to spite their parents and Islam
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>How do you tell if they're nonreligious?
It's true not all Muslim girls wear hijab, so you can't use that as an indicator, but even those girls will still dress somewhat modestly.
I can tell if a /mena/ girl is nonreligious if I see her talking to guys a lot, if she's flirty, if she wears bootyshorts, tanktops, and exposes a lot of her skin, and just her overall attitude. These girls also don't really speak Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, etc or hang out with other /mena/ people. They mostly hang out with white people or other non religious /mena/ diaspora.
Hope that helps. If you have anymore questions or feel like I didn't answer yours thoroughly enough feel free to ask more
If you gayreeks submitted to the Persians there would probably be no Christianity or Islam in the first place.

You would still be worshipping Artemis and Zeus.
Persians would still be worshipping Ahura Mazda.
I hope you're proud.
What ethnicity is the girl in >>68210894
Somalia is in the Arab league but they are not Arab, and the Somalian people know this.
Actually she does. And most countries in the Midde East/North Africa don't mandate dress codes. It's just Iran and the Gulf states which are in a bit of a Cold War right now over "who can be the biggest religious extremist dickfuck"
But the setting would appear that she's a Lebanese/Jordanian living in North America.
Everyone in Canada is a diaspora, unless of course you're some native innuit or some shit.
I'm not sure. But based on all the shit I read and saw in her photobucket leaks, I'm fairly certain she's either Syrian or Palestinian, and less certain but still possibly Iranian or Egyptian, or any mix of 2 of the 4 countries I listed
Somalian and Ethiopian girls are cute!

I always see them in Toronto and they're so thicc hnnngh

They have super religious parents though so I'm intimidated

It's not illegal, it's just considered slutty.
I've seen this chick's photos before, I'm surprised she doesn't have more followers
How many of her photobucket leaks do you have saved?
Checking my computer 1 sec
2,191 files

Is it accurate (these pics are to big for 4chan, btw)
Why do Westerners have such hots for Iranian women? kek
They're pretty but they always blow up on social media, literally and figuratively

They wear too much makeup in my opinion
Just go for it and see how it goes ffs.
BTW it's a lie that hijabis won't go out with you. Hijabis often are the biggest sluts.
You should make a downloadable link and post it on MENA
You'll be a fucking hero
Amazing how a place with the least amount of water on Earth could have such a profound impact on the world. Really makes you think.
Shut the fuck up
Someone slept on the wrong side of the favela.
If you have cowtits and a curvy body with a pretty face you'll be bound to have thousands of males cumming at your pics
She doesn't look Iranian.
Accurate regarding what?
I just saw that this showed everyone as niggers which is wrong.
Wait nvm I found her ig.

Her face reminds me of my cousin for some reason.
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>Why do Westerners have such hits for Iranian women
Because the diaspora are very vocal, and a lot more cancerous than the diaspora of other /mena/ countries
I could go into more detail about it but that would take forever and I have my final report for my lab project due in about an hour and a half
>They wear too much makeup in my opinion
That's all middle eastern women in general
I have a mega.nz file with all the stuff. I'm at uni until the end of next week so I don't want to browse that shit through campus wifi and get busted, but I might post it after I go home for winter break
Describing the peopel
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Speaking of Iranian/MENA qts
Iran & Egypt used to have an a e s t h e t i c queen
Apparently, Pahlavi was impotent though
Thanks man, that would be algoods
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habesha qts best qts
She's of Persian descent living in Norway. Her IG is https://www.instagram.com/gitazadeh/
why do mena girls like bbc so much
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For sure man
Khaoula is the queen of /mena/. deal with it
You're thinking of white girls
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Black girls love the big Arab cock just as much if not more.

It feels good knowing your ancestors enslaved millions of qt negresses and made their husbands eunuchs.
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>called /mena/
>literally no one here is from the middle east or north africa
Why do you say this?
They're not Arabian by race (actually do have significant semitic admix) but they do speak Arabic right?
I'm wondering why do you see Moroccans as Arabs but not Somalis?
Most Somalians do not consider themselves Arab and neither do most Arabs.
Sure some of them have Semitic ancestry but so do a lot of Persians and Kurds -- that's just a product of vicinity and trade.
He's a troll/shitposter. Best to ignore him.
Not even most Arabs themselves are Arab by race. Arabic countries are considered Arabic based on language and similar culture, which was spread by Arabs who today are found in the gulf, racemixing with the rest of mena
Somalis are different than Kurds and Persians because they are Arabic speakers
Do you consider Sudanese Arabs? I do
Yeah I know. I was confused because he wanted the Algerian guy to identify as Arab even if most Algerians aren't Arabian by race but Arab by language and some cultural aspects. So that he'd deny Somalis' Arabness came off as weird
>Said William as his blonde haired blue eyed daughter went to Daquan's house

Pretty rude senpai
You will hardly find any Somalis speaking Arabic from day-to-day. Lots of them learn it in schools because of religion.
Would you consider a French-speaking Algerian to be French? I sure as hell don't.

Personally I don't give a fuck about race. If you and your family speak Arabic as your lingua franca then you are an Arab. But if you're learning Arabic purely for religious reasons and have your own language as well, then you're a part of whatever that language is.
Need good looking Arab women -> post Lebs. Every time.
It's because he's a gulfie himself, and wants mena united under the Saudi banner
She's not Lebanese nor is she Arab you retarded cunt.
Nice strawman. Now put it back in your ass where that shit belongs.
see >>68210482
Yeah but "French" isn't a lingustic group. It's ethnicity or nationality. "Arab" is a lingustic group.
I agree with you about second part. But I still see it as an Arab country
>Mudslimes actually banned this
Why they so backward
I mean they get plenty of aid from the Arab League and they've helped take in some refugees from Yemen. So I have nothing against them at all. I actually like Somali people.
But I wouldn't call them Arabs primarily because, from what I've read, most of them prefer not to be called that way.
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sorry is this better? shes moroccan
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where my /Shia/ brothers at?

>tfw white bong gf

we must conquer the whites before the Sunnishits do fellow sons of Ali.
Ahh I see. Alright then
How is Jordan, btw? I've been there only a few times as a kid because of lay-over flights. Unfortunately I never actually got to explore the country.
You guys are OG Arabs. Based as hell.
>You will hardly find any Somalis speaking Arabic from day-to-day.
Nonsense, in Minnesota they repeat "inshallah" and "alhamdulillah" like it's a prayer for bread.
Practically all pious Muslims do that. That's an Islamic thing, not an Arab thing.
These bitches thatt post hundreds of pics on ig are usually boring af irl

When white people read that they're gonna want to kick you out even more t b h
>These bitches thatt post hundreds of pics on ig are usually boring af irl

This. How quickly I've learned this from personal experience.

>When white people read that they're gonna want to kick you out even more t b h

I hope they do.
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>tfw the Shah divorced this qt and damaged Iran/Egypt relations to marry this whore
>These bitches thatt post hundreds of pics on ig are usually boring af irl
so what fag, it's not like they would look at you twice irl lmfao
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>implying whites will do jack

their women are slaves to based aga khan
>tfw no queen gf
It's alright I guess been really cold these days. And thanks XD
The point stands.
What did the Arab girl in my exam review session mean when she slapped my ass?
No it doesn't. Because by that logic, Pakistanis, Indonesians, Persians, and many other ethnic groups would be Arab. Your shit doesn't make any sense.
Somalis can still be Arab if their family adopts it as the lingua franca and they abandon the Somali language. But obviously, only an idiot Somali would leave their culture to be apart of another.
No probs bro. Jordan is arguably the best country in the Middle East.
Actually Fawzia divorced the Shah. In her own words Iran was a shithole that was making her literally sick and she missed Egypt. I feel bad for Royalty man.
This Jordanian girl I knew in elementary school had such a nasty accent lmao she wasn't even cute
Sounded like a nasty combination of Russian and Arabic
She kept snitching on everyone for little stuff
She also ran like a retard
He's gonna lose all his money to white women in divorce settlements based on wikipedia.
It means she wants to make you her bitch.
that ur a dirty kafir and shes going to get her brothers to murder you
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>Fawzia divorced the Shah
Oh damn really? I thought it was because she couldn't bear him any children, so he tossed her away for someone else who could.
And yeah Iran was much worse imo back then that it is today, so I don't blame her.
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Why would you get rid of a wife this perfect?
The point is that they speak Arabic, not that they are Arabs. There's a very patent distinction.
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>tfw no big booty persian gf
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He was probably a closet homosexual desu senpai
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why do mena grills have such nice lips? so much better than wh*te girls desu
You dumbfuck. The other guy was saying that he considers them Arab. Learn to read. And please don't ever reproduce.
Black women love that big Arab dick.
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>qt grills pictures
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Holy fucking shit I know those girls, I went to high school with them.
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No fucking way man. Me too. I only know the girl on the left though.
No way! Me too holy fuck.

Andrew? Is that you?
Tamra, I think. I went to middle school with her too. Everyone loved her tits.

You in Orange County?
did u fug them
Tara but yeah. I went to DHHS with her. Our families weren't friends though. My families Muslim and hers is stereotypical I hate Islam diaspora
Girl on the right was annoying and most people disliked her.

The other could be annoying too sometimes but not as bad.

And no I didn't I'm a massive beta, still a KV.

Tamra might remember me though I sat in front of her Senior year.
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who in boston here
Me too bro, year 2015? We probably know each other or at least seen each other.

Small world man.
Where do you find girls like her?
I've never seen a girl as hot as her in my life, yet you lucky bastards went to school with her
Where does she live and where did she come from?
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I remember I was bored one night and my white friend and I decided to doxx her on /b/. She deactivated her facebook after that and finding her pics to shitpost with became a lot harder. My friend found her new facebook but it's super private now
2012. What ethnicity are you? I have an Arab friend who graduated 2015 who knew her
Her families Iranian. We live in Southern California. About 1 hour from Los Angeles
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muh dik

>orange county

fucking richfag araps and persians

>tfw poorfag afghani from santa monica
Fuckin SoCal OC man. RIch people and celebrities from all over come to live here, so there were lots of attractive people.

And let me tell you right now, us "normal" people didn't mean shit. If you're nerdy or beta at all you're never ever getting with those girls.

White, I don't really think I know any Arab guys. I doubt people remember me much though, I barely even went to school the last two years.
very good posts
do pls post when you have time

>Khaoula is the queen of /mena/. deal with it

Succinct and excellently said
A lot of the hotties posted on MENA are Iranian, I should visit Iran and have a Persian cutie 3.14 as a wife
Probably would have my head chopped off if I looked at a girl the wrong way though, Kek
I hate Sandpeople.
I should end my life right now.
A 5'10" socially awkward manlet would never get an attractive wife
Even Kek agrees that I should kill my self
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u can be my qt kiwi bf
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This to a degree. Women here are super shallow and superficial. Since my families Muslim my parents never let me properly interact with girls so I've always been awkward with women, but I'm /fit/ and have a decent enough face and my families wealthy so girls in high school never seemed to give a shit about my awkwardness
I'm Iranian myself so I'm mostly posting Iranian girls. Iranians are pretty much Arab in everything but language and even then a lot of the words are the same. There's also added Persian history to our culture but besides that the cultures are basically the same.
If you want girls like what I'm posting just look for girls from any /mena/ countries
Lol dude don't worry I'm even worse. I have an anxiety disorder, 5'6, and my therapist says I probably have aspergers.
5'10 isnt a manlet unless you live in the netherlands or play pro basketball or something dude
U again
Why do you hate us so much anyway, had an Arab personally attacked you irl or something?
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>talking to a brown qt
>think she is a arab or persian
>turns out she is desi
>stop hanging out with her
Do you have facial hair ?
I'm not a faggot though

Wait are girls throughout all MENA countries similar? Which are safe countries to visit, as most of those countries will be very dangerous and someone will probably chop my hands off for shits and gigs or something
Not that an MENA cutie would go out with creepy tourist from the other side of the world

What's the average height for a MENA male? Osama Bin Laden was 6'5"
ikft, I'm >>68214251

I don't know how I'd fair anywhere else, but this place is absolute hell for autists like me.
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thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGXxcNkqdzA

no persian gf edition
Genuinely sorry to hear that.

A little bit
>What's the average height for a MENA male? Osama Bin Laden was 6'5"

About 5'9.
Jeez man you sound thirsty
I've never seen Arabs go in Europe threads and keep asking how to get a white gf
>I've never seen Arabs go in Europe threads and keep asking how to get a white gf

Because white women are by far the easiest to get.

t. guy who's dated a bunch of white girls
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>Wait are girls throughout all MENA countries similar?
>Which are safe countries to visit
None of them are really that safe. And if you're looking for hot sluts like what I've been posting, look for diaspora in the west. If you go to the Middle East thinking you'll find these types of girls you're sadly mistaken
Yeah my social autism is what eventually kills my chances with girls I like. I have no problem at the initial stages, but since I don't want sex until marriage I'm just waiting until I finish uni and then I'll marry a hot Muslim girl. I've pretty much given up on women for now.
Out of curiosity, why do you post on /mena/ then?
Will do man, and yeah Khaoula is perfection
It's just because you're rich not because they're easy
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loling at ur life senpai
How are you gonna score a hot muslim woman if you have no social skills? Are you gonna find a gold digger? She'll just grab you by the balls and then take all your money.
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>criticized berbers
>posts a ginger white girl
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I've never felt so insulted and so complimented at the same time.
I'm a kissless virgin, what did you expect
There are very few decent looking girls in New Zealand, the entire male population competes over them

Wew so I'll be average, that's algoods

Where in the west is there a large mena diaspora? SoCal?
These threads are entertaining to me, and I got a bit interested in the middle east with Syrian civil war going on.

Plus mena qts get posted.

I don't really know what to do, for the most part I've just given up on women, they don't want a poor mentally ill beta like me especially with all these attractive richfags around.

Studying a vocational trade so once I get a job and start making a bit of money I'll probably just fuck escorts to lose it.
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I got real perfection right here brotha
It's just the 1 or 2 autists dreaming out loud. They'll never get some chaste pure middle east waifu that they crave unless they become Muhammads, in which case they're fucking retarded.

They just have to settle for some Americanized/European kebab and suck it up.
Somalians are not Arab.
Where are you planning to go for a hot Muslim girl to marry?
Are you me? I am also extremely awkward socially
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>wanting mena girls

just stick with white girls lads, mena bitches are insane.
There are alot of mena diaspora here in SoCal yes, but there is so many people in general, they kinda get lost in the crowd.

And just go live in the biggest cities in your cunt, that's where all the young people go for work, and your bound to find hot girls with that amount of people.
>Wew so I'll be average, that's algoods

It depends. If you go to Yemen you'll be a giant because it's incredibly poor and people from there are almost always manlets.

Egyptians, especially younger ones, are almost always giants. Same with Palestinians.

I'm from the Gulf and most people in the Gulf countries are expats but we're pretty average as well. I'm 6'3/191cm but occasionally I'll see another person who's my height over there. It all depends.
mena girls are attractive though based on what I see in these threads
attractive white girls are rare
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pretty based, arab/white alliance to beat back the negroids when? mohammad was based and of the the best men to ever live.
A lot of them are beautiful don't get me wrong
but a lot of them are average to inbred looking at the same time.
I think they're sexy as fuck though. Hottest woman I ever personally saw was Moroccan. Absolutely flawless.

Unfortunately never got with one. A Lebanese girl sucked my dick but I didnt know until after the fact.
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I have some options
1) Marry a family friend
2) I have /mena/ Muslim friends who can introduce me to one of their family friends
3) If I see a hot girl at a masjid I can befriend their dad, tell him I'm looking to get married, and he'll just introduce me to his daughter
I'm getting my engineering degree from a top university and I plan on getting my masters as well so that will be very impressive to Muslim fathers
Yeah, central California as well, but LA and OC have more of the sluttier less religious ones
Ahh I see. I thought maybe all your friends growing up were middle eastern so you've had a lot of exposure to the culture and that's why you browse here. Also since you know Tara.
But fair enough, and keep your head up m8. The easiest way to get a /mena/ girl is to be an engineer or doctor from a good school, so if you're up for it you can start at saddleback and build your way up, but as long as you're stable you'll be able to pull women in general.
See the beginning of my post
they can be sexy but you have to be careful about their families. I only have been with non-americanized mena bitches and they are garbage. Thats what turned me to white women only (and sometimes mexican)
just stick with americanized bitches, dont go to mena to get girls they will make your life shit.
>mena girls are attractive though based on what I see in these threads

Well obviously people aren't gonna post the ugly ones unless they're trying to insult one another.
MENA girls are one of the least attractive in terms of appearance if we're talking from a holistic perspective. But at the same time, they'e also some of the most conservative women with the greatest family values out there.
>Same with Palestinians
but arent palestinians poor af too? why arent they short?
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>being a practicing muslim
>not just going to Jama'at Khana (mosque) for free food
>Ahh I see. I thought maybe all your friends growing up were middle eastern so you've had a lot of exposure to the culture and that's why you browse here. Also since you know Tara.
>But fair enough, and keep your head up m8. The easiest way to get a /mena/ girl is to be an engineer or doctor from a good school, so if you're up for it you can start at saddleback and build your way up, but as long as you're stable you'll be able to pull women in general.

Yeah I know that's the meme thing to do, but I just suck at school.

The trade I'm getting into is pretty good though, you can make decent money.

My problem is socially, I really don't have any social life. I just go to school and than shitpost on 4chan with the rest of my time.
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They were both Americans. Tons of Lebs here, viirtually all Christian. Wouldn't know they're Arabs until you read the names, i prefer the more distinct looking ones.
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I agree. Let's do this shit.
Palis are poor but not as poor as Yemenis.
Auckland girls are trashy and plain though like any other place here in NZ

>Egyptians, especially younger ones, are almost always giants. Same with Palestinians
By giants do you mean like 6'3" on average?
>I'm from the Gulf and most people in the Gulf countries are expats but we're pretty average
By average do you mean like 5'11"?

>A lot of them are beautiful
That alone shows the percentage of attractive girls in mena far higher than nz

Moroccan native or diaspora?

So basically no chance of chatting one up, you have to impress their dads, I'm a fucking write off then
where you from? I am from Boston where we have muslims gallore

I'd date a maronite
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Forgot to add to this, muslims girls in generally are also socially awkward, and Muslim guys are some of the biggest autists you can find.
Muslims in my experience at least tend to be mostly ugly while some are very attractive, so the bar for Muslim girls is already kind of low. So as long as you're decent looking and are well educated they don't care if you're socially awkward, in fact some prefer it because it makes you look more pure.
>My problem is socially, I really don't have any social life. I just go to school and than shitpost on 4chan with the rest of my time.
This is basically me. I know I'll have options after I finish school so I'm just playing the waiting game right now desu senpai. Most Muslim girls I've met through the Muslim club at my school don't really talk to guys either beyond a professional level so I don't even really
bizmarkie here rahmen here rasheem

Why are muslims so against dating? They won't even date other muslims. Even if you abstain from sex its considered haram lol

My mom is muslim and I like muslim girls but if I need a good job and have to suck up to Habibi's daddy to be with her fuck that shit

Related story in High School a cute Palestinian girl told my friend she thought I was cute. He told me she sent tit pics to guys at school so I ignored her hueea
>By giants do you mean like 6'3" on average?
Definitely not. Not even the Netherlands is that tall on average. But man do some of these Egyptians get tall. I've met plenty of Egyptians that were well over my height. One was a 6'10 volleyball player in my school. He had like 3 brothers who were all 6'4-6'8.

>By average do you mean like 5'11"?
Closer to 5'10.
holy shit my dic,k
>This is basically me. I know I'll have options after I finish school so I'm just playing the waiting game right now desu senpai. Most Muslim girls I've met through the Muslim club at my school don't really talk to guys either beyond a professional level so I don't even really

I'm going to OCC so I guess I could join a club. Don't know what I'd pick though, can't just join the muslim club as some random white guy it'd probably be a bit obvious why I was there.

Besides, I'm rather against Islam, no offense.
>MENA girls are one of the least attractive in terms of appearance
What races are more attractive though? Definately not whites, Kek
NZ is half white, I can tell you they aren't lookers at all

>you have to be careful about their families
What are they going to kill you? Please don't tell me those memes are real

>muslims girls in generally are also socially awkward, and Muslim guys are some of the biggest autists you can find
I might have a tiny bit of luck then
>Muslims in my experience at least tend to be mostly ugly while some are very attractive
Like what ratio? 50% ugly 25% average 25% beautiful?
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hey I need to tell you something.....
The 2090 one is literally a 2090/10. Holy fuck muh dick.
>What races are more attractive though? Definately not whites, Kek

White girls and latinas are a heck of a lot better looking tbqh. More diversified and more feminine-looking.

>What are they going to kill you? Please don't tell me those memes are real
Just watch out if you ever go down that path. Never get with an Arab/Muslim girl without the approval of her family because they can get batshit insane.
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>So basically no chance of chatting one up, you have to impress their dads, I'm a fucking write off then
With Muslim girls yes
With diaspora non religious westernized sluts like the ones I've been posting no!
That's why I'm telling you to go after one of them, because you'll actually have as much of a chance as any other white girl, or maybe even more if they have a white guy fetish
>Why are muslims so against dating? They won't even date other muslims. Even if you abstain from sex its considered haram lol
Because it's in Islam bro. If you want to stick your dick in some /mena/ pussy you have to go for a westernized non religious one
>Besides, I'm rather against Islam, no offense.
None taken. I think the easiest way would be to make friends with /mena/ kids in your classes, find out how religious they are, if not really then get closer with them and hang out with them outside of school, and you're bound to meet non religious westernized /mena/ girls and then take it from there

Very close by :)
Nice to see a fellow Massfag. How the hell did you end up here?
>None taken. I think the easiest way would be to make friends with /mena/ kids in your classes, find out how religious they are, if not really then get closer with them and hang out with them outside of school, and you're bound to meet non religious westernized /mena/ girls and then take it from there

It's a vocational class so everyone there is a lot older than me. It's mostly guys retraining for a different industry.

There is only like one mena guy and he's in his thirties. Rest are just CHIs and white dudes.
>White girls and latinas are a heck of a lot better looking
Haven't seen Latinas in real life but I can tell you now that white girls aren't feminine at all, they are plain, I live in a majority white nation

>if they have a white guy fetish
How common are that type?

Where was she living in USA?
> We

Which part of Oslo are you guys from again??
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>Like what ratio
Maybe 35% super ugly, 35% ugly but not so much, 15% average or slightly above average, 12% decent looking, 1 or 2% hot as fuck
I'm just taking a wild guess based on people I've seen at masjid and school and people I know, so this is just an estimate based on my own experiences
>How common are that type?
Higher than you'd think. But even if they don't have that fetish they won't blow you off because you're white. I'd say maybe slightly more than 50% might like it that you're white so they don't have to deal with middle eastern drama or their parents finding out
most of my family went to Canada when idi Amin started expelling all the non-niggas in Uganda where we were traders.

Then they moved to Boston.
you the realist nigga breathin

You can find good looking girls of pretty much every race, scept maybe abos kek.

Latinas and White girls are more likely to conventionally attractive, every white guy seems to have an asian fetish, but honestly they aren't very attractive to me. They have weird shaped faces, and are usually skinny twigs.

The best in my opinion are thicc mulatta/black/latina girls.
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> tfw she is the same age bracket as I
> tfw she was a conscript in the army
> tfw female conscripts are reputation for being felt madrasses
> tfw when i dodged the draft

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>implying you're alpha enough to get top-tier ass like that

Don't feel bad though, I doubt anyone here could.
Should add this list is for Muslim guys.
For Muslim girls I'd say 60% are under a 6/10, while 40% are above
That sounds right. In my experience they were either pretty hot or ugly.
The quote I was addressing was in greentext, and it was thus:
>You will hardly find any Somalis speaking Arabic from day-to-day.

I don't see why you are mad, friendo.
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To the white guys in this thread, the girl I know irl, this is either her ex or current boyfriend I found off just googling her name. So yes you do have a chance with the non religious diaspora /mena/ girls
Yeah that's definitely Tara, only chads ever could get with her. They usually were annoying faggots too.
>40% above 6/10
Sounds algoods
How common are 8/10+ mena girls?

>So yes you do have a chance
Do you really think us anons on /int/ have chad tier aesthetics?

>White girls are more likely to conventionally attractive
Most white girls aren't attractive at all in my country, are mena girls really that unattractive in general?
>Most white girls aren't attractive at all in my country, are mena girls really that unattractive in general?

I'm pretty sure your just memeing. Go to a major city and there will be bound to be girls of every race there in today's world.

As for mena girls yeah, I'm the white SoCal fag. They were either ugly or hot, only a few were in the middle.
That kids a stoner faggot. He's not even close to being a Chad at my high school. I went to the same high school as her so I know, her standards are pretty low.
If I find a Chad from highschool on facebook I'll post his pic so you can see the difference
>I'm pretty sure your just memeing
Sorry if American girls are all goddesses, come to NZ and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

So if hot mena girls are willing to go out with non-chads, does that mean I would have a chance?
>tfw no Allah fearing, Arab identifying, Araby typing, astaghfirullah muttering, airport security check derandomizing, Bedouin scoffing, camel riding, couscous preparing, Daesh denouncing, diglossia knowing, Fairouz listening, familial honour bestowing, fusha speaking, habibi endearing, halal consuming, hijab donning, inshallah willing, Intifada supporting, Israel hating, jizya receiving, Lebanon visiting, Mecca facing, mascara overusing, modesty embodying, Mohammed admiring, nasheed chanting, Oudh spraying, Ottoman revolting, Panarabism aspiring, pan throwing, Quran memorizing, Saudi hating, shahada reciting, sharia demanding, shisha smoking, Turkish drama watching, virginity guarding, Westophiling, yallah exclaiming, zina committing Arab gf
Yeah I know, I wend to Dana hills too, I'm that same faggot.

Practically all the rich white kids were stoners, even the Chads.

Tara seemed like a nice girl, a bit naive, but nice. But her taste in men struck me as falling for douchebags who just wanted to fuck her.
plz dont ruin my fantasy, tank you
Why would you dodge the draft you fucking weakling piece of shit?
This is why the U.S should pull out of NATO and let you yurocuck faggots get demolished by Russia.
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The difference is the chads who were stoners didn't look like stoners, the kid I posted with her doesn't look rich at all
Yes that's exactly what it means
Here's Armenian Chad. Notice how he looks, how he presents himself, his model tier face. Much different than the 5/10 faggot in >>68215265
>The difference is the chads who were stoners didn't look like stoners, the kid I posted with her doesn't look rich at all

He might be a stoner, but he isn't that bad looking. Unless your a loser who gets fired constantly people don't really care about stoners around here.

I mean I know what you mean I think they're annoying faggots, but that's not the general consensus.
Okay i didnt dodge per say. I just told the truth, I was not that interested. Most people dont go, the armed forces are only interested in people who wants too. Besides one of brothers went. That's how it should be. Each family send one kid. Just like in the Ottoman empire
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Well yeah man she's a slut just like every other girl who's ever gone to that school. I was friends with the chads even though I never drank or had sex, and guys who looked like the one in Tara's pic were fucking losers we all made fun of. I specifically posted that thinking it would motivate you and the New Zealand guy, not discourage you. Girls like Tara don't care if you have money or if your not middle eastern, and being white can play towards your advantage with diaspora like her.
Come on guys, you sound like the jealous girls I've seen in cosplay threads
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I was trying to prove a point. I'm tired though so I might've not articulated my thoughts into words that well
Thanks for giving me hope man, hope I find a cutie like Tara one day that will be willing to date a white guy
>Well yeah man she's a slut just like every other girl who's ever gone to that school. I was friends with the chads even though I never drank or had sex, and guys who looked like the one in Tara's pic were fucking losers we all made fun of. I specifically posted that thinking it would motivate you and the New Zealand guy, not discourage you. Girls like Tara don't care if you have money or if your not middle eastern, and being white can play towards your advantage with diaspora like her.

Yeah I know, we all made fun of those faggots as well, but at the end of the day they were getting laid and we weren't

>Girls like Tara don't care if you have money or if your not middle eastern, and being white can play towards your advantage with diaspora like her.

kek I know, I think every one of her Boyfriends was white.

But I was a fucking loser at Dana, no girl wanted to be with me even though it was filled with sluts. Those dudes were faggots, but they at least were a bit sociable.
Go to Australia and flatter this hoe's conspiracy theories and maybe she'll date you

kek, that chick is so crazy, but any man who says he wouldn't try to stick his dick in her is a liar.
I could easily strike up a conversation with her about Assad, etc
Does anyone even know where exactly she lives? If she were single I could """accidentally""" meet her at the supermarket or something
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You will man. Amongst the non religious diaspora you have very good chances. Just don't overthink it, treat them the same way you'd treat a white girl, and you'll be fine
>they were getting laid and we weren't
It's not because of their looks or money I'll tell you that. It was because they didn't care about getting rejected because they'd just move on to the next one and eventually one would say yes. Girls at Dana were really easy desu, as long as you didn't sweat or stutter when talking to them they'd fuck you.
Even though I was and still am a social autist these girls would still hit on me just because of my looks, but I had a christian oneitis at the time and I only wanted her. Given my autism ruined things in the end with her, I still don't regret anything. A Muslim girl is better for me anyways.
But the point I'm trying to make is that these girls are extremely shallow and easy. If you're socially awkward, be decent looking and dress well.
If you're not that good looking or wealthy, then you have to be confident.
And yeah those stoner types got girls because they were sociallable, not because they looked like Chad's.
Probably over half the wrestling team was filled with them and they were really insufferable and I knew they bullied other kids so I didn't feel bad bullying or belittling them.
Girls with her looks are almost always taken, there is always a line of men waiting to get into their pants, but than again she's pretty crazy so maybe she would be single.
The thought of those juicy plump lips slobbering on my cock makes me rock hard
then you have guys itt tell me that white girls are more attractive than mena girls
Are they tricking me?
>It's not because of their looks or money I'll tell you that. It was because they didn't care about getting rejected because they'd just move on to the next one and eventually one would say yes. Girls at Dana were really easy desu, as long as you didn't sweat or stutter when talking to them they'd fuck you.
>Even though I was and still am a social autist these girls would still hit on me just because of my looks, but I had a christian oneitis at the time and I only wanted her. Given my autism ruined things in the end with her, I still don't regret anything. A Muslim girl is better for me anyways.
>But the point I'm trying to make is that these girls are extremely shallow and easy. If you're socially awkward, be decent looking and dress well.
>If you're not that good looking or wealthy, then you have to be confident.
>And yeah those stoner types got girls because they were sociallable, not because they looked like Chad's.
>Probably over half the wrestling team was filled with them and they were really insufferable and I knew they bullied other kids so I didn't feel bad bullying or belittling them.

Fuck that really hit home desu. I really feel like shit for not having done anything.

I pretty much was exactly what you said not to do. I'm just an autist beta, who freezes up and stutters.

I don't know where to go to have opportunities like that again.
That's my greatest hope
Since I don't mind crazy girls at all, if a crazy girl is attractive I might be able to get them without competing with hundreds of chads
And to add to this, these stoner kids were popular in middle school, but not so much in high school. Kids like me got bullied in middle school by these stoners but once high school happened the social power shifted and we became top dogs while the stoners either dropped outnumbered of high school or lost all relevance with most girls.
So don't feel bad or doubt yourself man, you can get girls like Tara easily if you apply yourself
See >>68216107
And you have your whole life ahead of you. I never thought I'd like another girl after the white christian one but I had a thing with an Egyptian Muslim girl about a year ago that kind of just ended.
The point is man you can't predict life, and I hope I've given you and New Zealand enough insight on how to get /mena/ girls in the west if that's what you want
i think a lot of arab guys (and other nonwhite guys) think of white women as status symbols

they havent been exposed to them enough to know how bland and sexless most of them are
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Do you guys like pakistani girls?
Just sucks I'll never have the prime opportunity to smash slutty pussy like that again though. I don't where your supposed to go to get chicks.

This is true, I honestly don't get the obsession with white girls. Brown girls can be just as good and even better.
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>tfw not white
We don't really see them as sex symbols. Just exotic and petite.

White women also have very similar bone structure to Arab women. The nose, forehead, etc. is all there because both are Caucasoid.

Which is why we prefer white women over, say, Chinese or Negro women.

Basically, we go exotic but not TOO exotic. Also blonde hair is unf.
Yeah you've given us a lot of helpful information, thanks man

>Basically, we go exotic but not TOO exotic
Probably the same reason why white men are interested in mena girls.

This. I don't know about other western countries, but here in NZ white girls are very bland.
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>I'll never have the prime opportunity to smash slutty pussy like that again though
I feel you senpai. But just know that you could have if you know what you know now. They weren't out of your reach. If you could go back in time I know you'd be slaying bro.
As to where to find them I'd say at OCC but after that I'm not really sure. Just through new friends you'd make but besides that I can't think of anything.
Of course man. Anytime. If there's anything else I can do to help feel free to ask
That girl is gorgeous but is a fucking cuck to Iran and Russia.
She's not in Australia
Where is she?
>I feel you senpai. But just know that you could have if you know what you know now. They weren't out of your reach. If you could go back in time I know you'd be slaying bro.
>As to where to find them I'd say at OCC but after that I'm not really sure. Just through new friends you'd make but besides that I can't think of anything.

yeah thanks bro. Have you ever tried going to nightclubs and shit? I know it's meme shit, but where else are you supposed to go with the obvious intention everyones there to get laid?

Online shit seems like a big waste of time.
>Have you ever tried going to nightclubs and shit?
I'm Muslim so no, but I know a lot of non religious diaspora do, at least in the LA/OC area. Idk if it'll get you laid on the spot but you'll probably meet people
Well thanks anyways, I'm planning on leaving OC and going into LA county itself.

OC seems like it's just a lamer, more boring version of LA anyway.
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For what you're looking for, you're mostly right. And no problem man. Best of luck
>tfw no qt Arab or Persian gf
>no half white half middle eastern babies
Hold me ;__,
Hang in there, Syriabro. <3
gib finnish mongol qt first.
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>implying I care about my own people
Yo you wouldn't happen to have a stash of Tara's pics would you? I told the friend I doxxed her with about this thread, we reminisced about it, and he told me to ask you because he regrets doing it since it ended up in her deactivating her facebook and is losing access to a goldmine of her bikini pics
bad angle. shows her total lack of hips.
Oh no pro--- HOHOHOHO you almost got me there ;D
No, I mostly just knew of her and talked her time to time senior year when I sat in front of her.

God bless her tits though, they truly were one of the best pairs in the entire school.

How is she doing now out of curiosity, do you know?

She actually is a bit skinny for the size of her tits irl. Her tits and Face are her greatest assets everything else was just a bit skinny.
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Good post
That's not true

Pic related is an average Tunisian woman
Moving to Tunisia thanx
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>You are next on my impersonating list >=)
W-what's that supposed to mean :(
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I saw her once at IVC a year ago. First day of fall semester and she shows up in booty shorts and flip flops. I don't understand why her standards are so low. I've seen pics of other guys she's been with and they're all stoner looking types who look like the first guy I posted or uglier.
She's also been working out. Search her name on instsgram and you'll find her fitness page. She seems pretty obsessed with working out now desu
And I'll tell my friend. Thx for the answer
>tfw no Syrian gf
She already kinda was when I last saw her. She's a nice girl, but she was taller than me and a bit skinny for my taste.

If could tell me your friends first name and maybe the first letter of his last name I might remember him, though if you don't want to risk identifying him I understand.
My white friend who I doxxed her with is my age. The Arab one didn't do junior or senior year, he tested out after sophomore year but yeah I don't want to risk identifying him
ah okay than, I don't remember any Arab guy testing out sophomore year so I probably don't know him anyways.
All the tunisians in my class are actually a lot paler and have light colored eyes -_- (maybe those are the richer ones?
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Salaam Mona-kun :3
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s-sauce please?
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It's the same girl I've been posting. I just put her name in google images and I've been posting what I find. I'm on mobile so I can't reverse image search but if you're on your comp I'm sure you could
Alikom salam ^^
Oh yes it's Tara-chan
In this pic: >>68217457
she looked a little different so I thought she was someone else who looked similar to Tara
Her tits don't even look real in this pic
Her bust is huge
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Yeah idk why but her boobs look bigger in those pics. Would be a shame if she ditched her natural DD breasts for fake unnatural bigger ones
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Lmao see >>68217684
I was thinking the same thing desu senpai. I'm thinking it's just the angle or the clothes she's wearing. I refuse to believe anyone would get fake tits when they already have natural DDs
>tfw no titfuck from tara
Someone end my suffering with a shotgun to the head
It's me again, had to get out the yearbook, but I found her on instagram.
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I looked earlier but her instagrams on private. She has a fitness account that's on public but that's about it :/
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fucking big-titted rich roastie

who /poorfag/ here
If your that horny just pay an escort.

Yeah, I saw that too. I think I saw the girl in the middle on some dating sites hah, that's if she is who I think she is.
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She's not rich. Her house is pretty shitty for the standards of where we live
I thought this was /MeNa/ not /foreign flags/
>I still don't have a Persian girlfriend
Why must I suffer like this? ;_;
you guys are all sleeping so we took over
What if I want kids?

That patterned yellow dress is so fucking sensual, accentuating her cowtits and her stunning beauty
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Most /mena/ girls look the same desu senpai. Even that Emirati guy thought the girl in the OP pic was Jordanian or Lebanese.
But most diaspora are sluts so I have faith you'll find a slutty /mena/ girl to satisfy your desert fever ^_^
Ikr. Unfortunately Tara has a weak ass game. Gita (the girl in OP) is much better proportioned imo
There is actually one Persian girl in particular I want, and she's not a slut.
I thought I was the only one in the world who liked girls with skinny bodies and unproportionately fat tits.
how old is she
19 or 20, we graduated in 2015
She's 19 or 20 now, but I've known her since she was 14
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Well generally the less slutty a /mena/ girl is the harder it'll be for someone from another culture to get with her. If she's Muslim it's even worse because then you have to be Muslim too. If you like this girl just give it effort and hope her parents accept you I guess. I hope you succeed anon
>worshiping literal car brand
I find it is very hard. I have little hope left. She has always been sending mixed signals, but by now I think I can conclude she's not interested. I think she knows I like her. She is muslim, yes, but it plays no big role in her life. I have given it enough effort, if I do more I will probably seem desperate. Her mom loves me, however.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Just ask her out anon. If there is one thing I've learned is you'll never get anything by being a pussy.

You'll never know whether you could had a qt mena gf if you don't ask her out.
does she go to uni?
She's going to a community college, at least according to the other anon who knows her. I haven't seen her since high school.
I have asked her out three times now. She always had some excuse and became very distant for the period afterwards. I don't know what else I can do.
Ah maybe she just isn't interested than anon. If you want you can give one more try and just demand a straight answer and tell her how much you like her.
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This anon is right >>68218387
And especially in our culture, you don't have to worry as much about scaring her off with committment. If I were you I'd tell her that I like her and ask her what she thinks. If she says she likes you back then depending on how old both of you are if start making things between us more serious and trying to move towards marriage. You said her mom likes you. That's great and a huge advantage. Make sure her dad likes you too.
Your chances with a /mena/ girl depend almost entirely on whether her parents like you or not
I'm sorry anon, you're probably just not good looking enough, we can't all be Chads.
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This >>68218455
Demand a straight answer, so either way you can move on with your life.
What >>68218426 said. I saw her at community college a year ago before I transferred, but I don't know what she's up to now. If she even still goes or if she dropped out.
She's westernized as fuck so I doubt her parents give a shit if she finishes school or not.
fuck her mom to make her jealous
Hi are there any Algerians here? Can you please explain to my why you guys have such a state of the art armed forces and why do you use so much money on it? Algeria uses more then the rest of NA combined. I do understand there has been a terrorist problem there, but state of the art air superiority fighter and submarines arent exactly cost effective ways of defeting them.

I mean SIPRI says you guys used $10 billion in 2015 and a bunch of french languages newspapers puts it at $13 billion this year. THATS 10% OF YOUR GDP. Almost as bad as the Saudis.
I suppose that's the only thing I can do. The problem is though that we only ever get to see each other when we agree to. We live in different cities.

So I should continue sending her messages, even if I think she's not interested?
Is it really that straightforward in places like Iran? She's quite westernised and liberal in some respects.

I'm not ugly. In fact she told me once that "Iranian women are gonna love me". I went to Iran a year ago.

But I would prefer to do it in person, and arraging a date has proven to be pretty difficult. It takes two to tango.

Thank you for your advice.
How was Iran? Was there lots of hotties like the girl you're trying to get?

>Iranian women are gonna love me
What do you look like? What's your height?
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>So I should continue sending her messages
I would only message her as much as she messages you desu
>Is it really that straightforward in places like Iran?
I was born in the US, but I've been to Iran a lot and my religion has helped me retain a lot of my middle eastern culture.
I wouldn't say it's that straightforward, but middle eastern women are more traditional so a more traditional approach is more likely to work. She'd probably like it to see you having enough balls to just be straightforward with her and skip past the games and bs
>But I would prefer to do it in person
Then why don't you? I assumed she lives close enough to you where you regularly see her in person. Does she live in a different country or something?
>Thank you for your advice.
srsly tho is her mom hot?
Iran was great, I had the best time. And yeah, there were.
I'm half Mexican of mostly European blood. I look Mediterranean. I'm 1,89 meters.

>I would only message her as much as she messages you desu
After I asked her out the second time, she stopped initiating conversation and became slow to respond.

>Then why don't you?
We live in different cities. I don't have business in her city and she doesn't have business in mine. We never get to see each other in person unless we specifically agree to.

Thank you for your sound advice, anon.
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>We live in different cities
damn I didn't read that part.
That makes things kind of complicated for sure. You still see her sometimes though right? Just tell her you want to talk to her in person and arrange a date for coffee or something and then talk to her about this stuff. Be prepared to get your heart broken but be pleasantly surprised if it works. What you're describing sounds like what happened to me and the Egyptian girl I used to like. Things were really great at first but then she became distant and stopped talking to me as much. She kept giving me mixed signals and I did exactly what I told you to do. She lied and said nothing was wrong and that she wants to focus on school, but I later found out from my friends that it was because two of her family friends were telling her lies about me and that was why she didn't want to see me anymore.
I still don't regret what I did. Once I found out the truth I was able to start moving on, and I did the right and alpha thing to do given my situation.
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See >>68218756
Get her to see you in person one more time and confront her with your feelings and get a clear yes or no answer so you can move on with your life regardless of her answer
Welp I have no chance as a 178cm manlet
As a tall cunt you'll easily score your dream girl if you follow advice by the anons itt
>You still see her sometimes though right

>tfw a bit socially awkward

Thanks for your advice, guys. I will try to arrange a meet with her.
But what should I say in order to have her agree to meet with me? And how should I express myself when we finally do meet? Should I get straight to the point?
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She has a framed pic of herself in her house, Kek
Even she knows she is hot as fuck
It's probably her parents or relatives house desu.
You can easily pretend to be normal, you can't change your height though
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>But what should I say in order to have her agree to meet with me?
Same thing you said that got her to agree to meet with you in the past.
If you can't think of anything what I would do is just try to have a friendly hangout with her, if that doesn't really work you can just be more direct and tell her there's something you want to talk to her about and if she'd get coffee with you so you can talk about it there.
The Egyptian girl I liked didn't even want to see me in person so I ended up doing it over facebook, but I think in person is a lot better because she can actually see how you feel with her own eyes, there won't be any miscommunication that text messaging can cause, and body language and eye contact help a lot.
When you do meet, it'd be better to naturally transition into it from normal conversation, but if she won't give you any other options then for your own sake I'd get straight to the point. Just don't overthink it, be sensible, and not too nervous and you'll be fine. Give yourself more credit and trust in your own judgement instead of doubting yourself. That will help you more than any advice anyone can give you.
>Thanks for the advice
Of course man. I'm glad to help, and I really hope you can succeed where I failed, since your situation sounds so similar to mine
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What >>68218887 said
On her IG it says she's 21. Probably still lives with her parents
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>178 cm
Dude you're fine. Most middle eastern men aren't that tall. I'm 172 cm and I'm taller than almost all middle eastern girls I've seen, and probably the average height of middle eastern men
>Same thing you said that got her to agree to meet with you in the past.
We never actually met with only the two of us. Because of reasons there were always other people present. If I ask her to meet with just me, she will probably expect it's because of my ulterior motive.

>The Egyptian girl I liked didn't even want to see me in person
That sucks. I'm sorry.
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>We never actually met with only the two of us
Damn dude, if you can't get her by herself then I don't think you have a choice other than to do it over facebook.
If she's with a family member then I think it's fine. Tell them both that you like her and you'd like the family members permission to pursue her. But if it's with other friends ESPECIALLY GUYS don't do it. If it's like with one other girl whom you trust I still think that's better than over text
>That sucks. I'm sorry.
Thanks anon<3
But it's fine. It toughened me up and made me a stronger and better person. Like I said I don't regret anything. I did the best with the situation I was given and I learned for the future.
After school I plan to find someone to get married to anyways so I don't really care anymore
Oh that makes sense, I was like how goddamn egotistical can one be, Kek

>Dude you're fine
i.e. I might make it if I'm really lucky
Mena girls are hesitant to go out with the 6'3" Belgian guy itt, no way they would go out with a white guy who is a 5'10" social disaster.
is everyone in new zealand a fucking giant m8? why are you so insecure about this? 5'10 is taller than average in most of the world
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Mena girls don't really care about height because mena guys are all short. Most mena girl are like 5'4, 5'6 is considered tall for a mena girl. As long as you're taller than the girl they don't really care about height
Where I live I'm shorter than most guys
In a class photo beginning of this year when I was 17 (same height now at 18, school's over now) there were 20 of us and had to line up from tallest to shortest in order to sort out the rows. Out of 20 students I was the third shortest, and one of the two guys shorter than me was non-white.
>thread discussing brown girls
good lads
my kind of thread
Say if I meet a mena girl who's 5'6", using the 4 inch high heel rule (as girls often wear high heels) that makes her 5'10", my height.
Would a mena girl date a guy the same height when they are in heels?
Sauce on that succubus?

Why doesn't everybody migrate to the new thread? This one is full. How does /mena/ work?
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Well like I said 5'6" is considered tall for a mena girl. Most are between 5'0" - 5'4"
>4 inch high heel
I don't know any girl who wears heels that tall lmao. I'm somewhere between 5'8" - 5'9" and the Egyptian girl I liked was probably somewhere between 5'4" - 5'6". Even in heels she was never taller than me. You're fine bro.
>Sauce on that succubus?
I know her name is Bayan Zehlif (I probably misspelled the last name). But she was a girl in SoCal who tried suing her school because someone made her name Isis Philips in her school year book. She's sometimes posted on /pol/ that's where I got the gif
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Well I'm going to bed after this thread 404s so I don't want to get sucked into a new thread. But usually when a new thread is up we migrate there
I call bullshit on that
T. 187 Lebanese with a 178 sister
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That doesn't sound too bad. I would do it if I were in your spot. But I understand your concerns and if you want to do it over facebook I don't think it's the end of the world. But the girl I liked showed the facebook messages to the guys telling her lies about me and had them type her responses for her, so you do run the risk of her showing your messages to other people and letting them influence her responses, where in person it would be more genuine
>someone made her name Isis Philips
Someone was obviously salty that she never fucked them
>Egyptian girl I liked was probably somewhere between 5'4" - 5'6". Even in heels she was never taller than me
How tall are you?

>178cm sister
Would she even consider dating a 178cm guy?
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Well you clearly come from a taller than average family. Good for you.
Fuck I'm out of /mena/ girls. Guess I have to resort to animu
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>How tall are you
Somewhere between 5'8" - 5'9". I haven't checked in a while so I don't remember my exact height
>But the girl I liked showed the facebook messages to the guys telling her lies about me and had them type her responses for her
That is very low of her. Mine would never do that.
Don't know, her last boyfriend was a bit smaller than her though.

Don't remember being particularly tall in Beirut.

Also the maghrebis here are quite tall, lots of my algerian friends are actually taller than me.
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I never thought mine would either. Until one of the guys who did it told his friend, and he didn't know that friend of his was even closer to me than him, and that's how I found out. It literally tore my world open because I never imagined she was that type of person, but it made her behavior towards me make sense. Before I was confused because her words contradicted her behavior.
Well idk man most people from /mena/ who I know aren't that tall. I don't know many North Africans besides Egyptians so maybe Algerians are just taller people?
>her last boyfriend was a bit smaller than her though
Height of current bf? There obviously is a reason she dropped her last bf.

>rest of your post
So I would be a manlet in Lebanon and north Africa? Well that fucking ruins any chance of getting a mena gf.
Girls will find it funny when some pasty manlet is surrounded by tanned giants
Current gf is smaller too.
I don't think she cares much about boys height as long as it's not too much.

To be totally honest, I'm taller than seniors, but the young generation seems pretty tall among maghrebis and Lebaneses.

Maybe Iraqis and such are smaller cause they're not Mediterranean master race
If both her bfs have been below 178 cm, how can the average mena height be tall?
Would the average mena height be around 178cm, with half below and half above?
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Possibly, but Syrians and Egyptians in my experience aren't tall either. My roommate at uni is Lebanese and he seems like he might be 6 ft though. So idk man maybe is Lebanese and Maghribi's
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