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/lang/ Language Learning

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>What language are you learning?
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>Help people who want to learn a new language!
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>Language learning resources:




Last Thread >>68145305
anyone tried using the fsi tapes? what did you think
I'm learning English (of course), Latin and Chinese.
I think my pronunciation of English is ok, but i can't find adequate words when speaking english
>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
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Being lazy about learning Japanese but I'm working on it.

Ich kann auch ein bisschen Deutsch, aber muss viel öfter üben, sonst ich es auch total einrosten lassen


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been studying Korean but today I got distracted and decided to learn some Hanja/chinese characters and to finish learning hiragana although i don't really know any japanese
It's really hard to remember the Russian alphabet desu
It's kind of language dependent as far as I can tell for example Spanish is really extensive but Russian is not even close to its level.What language you had in mind?
Want to pick up another language but don't know which one
Fucking learn grammar
>implying people want to learn German
teach me senpai
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I think you'll be fine if you don't mind the occasional low audio quality, but make sure you aren't only using fsi, try using all kinds of resources(pimsleur, duolingo...) here is some guy wrote his review of the spanish fsi

>le dirty Japanese accent
英語の発音に対して、意味が通じるほどよさそう (´>ω・`)b
how come that compared to other latin languages , Italian is so difficult?
are you Japanese? your write fluent Japanese
This general should be like our /djt/ without the cancer. Probably the only useful general here.
Probably becuase your vocabulary is low.
やだもう、日本人くんってば、お世辞言うなよもう (。>﹏<。)
How m8
is there anything in particular that foreigners often fuck up?
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The second foreign language Japanese college students study
Chinese: 30%
Deutsch: 23%
French: 19%
Spanish: 14%
Korean: 5%
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how come that korean has such a small percentage?
Don't be one of those lazy fucks who thinks "I'm gonna use das for everything", people will hear from a mile away that you're a foreigner and would rather talk to you using broken English than hear you speaking Turk-tier German
hmm, i guess because Korean literatures are not so famous in Japan.
Japanese usually choose the SFL rather in order to gain the ability to read famous literatures, than in order to communicate with that language
soy el fuego que arde tu piel
soy el agua que mata tu sed
what is the popular foreign language in the US?

i always wonder what do Anglosaxons study on the time when we study Engurishu
And the some other like German, Latin or Chinese or Japanese. Most study Spanish, but language education in the US is a joke. So, don't feel bad about your english since most here cannot speak more than one language except for immigrants.
>language education in the US is a joke
Too fucking true. Spanish or French were my only choices. Aesthetics are good, but fuck verb forms. I'd rather have learnt Dutch, Arabic, or German.
I can't speak much for the US but in Australia pretty much the only bilingual people here are immigrants or children of immigrants. There's very little consistency with what is taught in schools though, for example I learned Japanese and Italian in primary school and in high school I learned French. I kind of wish there was more of an incentive for us to learn something else but there isn't such a need for it here because English is the main lingua franca. In most European countries English is taught throughout school so a huge proportion of people there are bilingual
All the private schools get that choice.
doesnt help you guys are not near anyone of major importance except maybe japan.
Yeah, we don't teach other languages seriously because to speak frankly the system and society are large does not consider it useful or important to know another language.
Yes, there is no other major power near Australia... except Japan.
Doesnt help that most of the world speaks english.
Do I have to include china?I was was just going off of friendships.
or Glorious Polynesian Empire

i can check you guys Japanese skills

Language education everywhere is a joke. Teachers don't understand that you can't teach a language like a formal subject and expect people to become fluent in it, or at least to want to actually learn it.

The only language learning I've ever enjoyed is self study.
Tbh forcing people to learn a language is useless.
This is such an endeavour that if you don't have interest by yourself its a loss of time.
I agree with you tbqh. And forcing everyone to learn English is destroying cultures and other languages.

They should make English or any language an optional subject, rather than a compulsory subject.
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Is it possible to learn to just read Mandarin? I have no interest in visiting the country or in speaking with chinese people but the characters fascinate me.
It would be more correct to say "soy el fuego que arde en tu piel".
I'm learning Spanish. All I do to practice is watch TV. I'm improving slowly. How do I get rid of my accent?
Salve, nigrorum.
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One last bump
I'm sharpening my Turkish by going on /tr/ threads. Sometimes that means learning new ways to use the -dik/-dık/-duk/-dük suffix, sometimes that means learning difference iterations of the verb sıçmak (to shit). Türkler seviyorum <3
learning russian using the princeton package and duolingo/memrise

right now trying to learn how to type in russian but it's not easy
Based.If you are looking for some series try Ezel, if you have read the book The Count of Monte Cristo it's very similar to it.

>right now trying to learn how to type in russian but it's not easy
I'm sure you'll figure it out easily, also isn't cyrillic alphabet better for Slavic languages than
Not even true
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I am learning tupi
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>I am learning to pee
are languages like tupi still spoken a lot in brazil ?
it's a subconscious issue, i think of "a" and my finger goes left, whereas on russian keyboard it's on "f" spot
Interesting choice for sure.
top kek
Does Arabic have a recommended noob course?
it was until the XVII century spoken Brazil-wide, by everyone including european immigrants and african slaves, but after Marques de Pombal expelled the jesuits and the portuguese discovered gold in Minas Gerais, literally half Portugal came to Brazil, basically pushing the tupi language to be restrict only to the amazon and nowadays like 100K people speak it, despite most of the city names and tons of vocabulary being in tupi despite tons of people not knowing it. And since then every nationalist movement used tupi as a form of nationalism and shit. I wish we were bilingual like Paraguay
*XVIII century
Don't bother pronuncing latin since we romance-language speakers have no clue about how it is supposed to be pronunced

> inb4 latin should be pronunced like French
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Are you thinking General or Egyptian Arabic?Sadly there really isn't a go to one for Arabic (or for any language really), so go with Pimsleurs(has both) first 15-20 units to get a feeling on how they pronounce stuff then try these links below for Egyptian and Rosetta Stone for General:

i started russian
learn the alphabet, can read but very slowly, i learn some basic phrases and i do duolingo everyday.

zdrasvouitié kak diela ?
I'm not learning a language yet but like these comics.
Thanks. But I ripped that from a song. So I guess that is on the singer.

Is modern literature generally written in MSA or the dialect of the author?
I mean, you're learning French. That's even more nonsensical than learning German.
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I think it depends on the dialect of author but if you know Egyptian you should be able to understand most of them.Though I don't want to misinform you so it would be better if you tried asking someone from there I don't know how helpful >>68193445 /mena/ is(some generals here are not helpful to foreigners) but I'll point you there.If you can't find a good answer there try asking in r/learn_arabic/
I really like the idea of this thread.

Anybody is learning by himself here?
have tried many times but I just can`t get any results without anything pushing me
have you tried going to a language group meeting like on meetup.com or use italki.com to talk with a tutor. Talking to others may help you as well.

Vote. I want to see if forming a language learning group is feasible.
Yes. It's the best way.

>weeb site
>no japanese on the poll
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1. Poland
2. Spen
3. A2
Hola polaco como te va?

Not as efficient as going to courses, most likely, but with motivation I get it done. Usually.
Is taking a language class in school worth it?
estoy bien pero no tengo tiempo para estudiar espanol
It might be possible, but I'm not sure that merely being interested in the characters will be enough to carry you through to your desired level of fluency. You'll obviously want to find some reading materials that will help you out.

Try and find an Anki deck, or something like it, to help you begin to work through the characters. You'll have quite a few before you can begin to get a grip on things. Lastly, please make sure to learn stroke order, as it really does help with looking things up, remembering characters, and learning new ones.
Conozco bien ese sentamiento. Me canso de estudiar español porque la mayoría de hispanohablantes de /int/ son groseros a mí ni me ayudan con la lengua. Al menos los de este hilo pueden ayudarnos, polaco.
not really. but it is an easy A to stat pad your gpa.
It depends
If I'm left alone I just won't find time to sitt on my own and spend 2 hours everyday to learn a language despite having the intention to do so. As a result, I personally prefer to pay someone to teach it to me for 4-6 hours/week. Having a tutor also helps me cut a few corners short as they give me shortcuts a correct my pronounciation right from the start, something a native speaker might not feel confortable doing
>prefer to pay someone to teach it to me for 4-6 hours/week
How do you find those kind of people?
yo tambien lo espero
Both are correct btw
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Planning to learn Hebrew to move out of this caliphate and fix Israel instead (Germany is beyond saving t b h)

Any tips/resources?
Por qué no vas a /esp/ en vez de ir a /lat/? Esos chicos se comporten bien y te ayudarán con cualquier cosa. Pero no te vayas ahorita porque se están peleando sobre algo.
So, I guessing the one with en is more proper sounding?
The languages I wanted to learn were pretty standard (english, french and spanish) so I simply search for a specialised school that specifically teached them.
However, if you're looking for the most unorthodox ones I would recommend searching in universities, there is always someone willing to take this kind or part-time/summer job in there, at least here it's like that.
Oh I'm really sorry. The Spanish-speaking people are just to playful.
Tu español es muy bueno se ve que le pones dedicación!
That song is beautiful.
/esp/ es despacio
cual es la diferencia entre ahora y ahorita?

i've watched this entire series multiple times.
Creo que puedes usar esa palabra cuando quieres decir que algo va a pasar en este momento. Es otra forma de decir ahora mismo.
ahorita...right now- or in this moment
kinda like a short for of ahora mismo, I guess.
Learning Korean, polishing my Spanish, and just finished learning hiragana. I like being able to read alphabets.
I'm using Memrise/Duolingo/Anki/Pimsleur.
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I've been learning French. I just started in January and I'm very happy with the progress I've made. I can read it and write it pretty well. I've read two books in the language and I can participate in conversations on /fr/. My listening comprehension is getting better. I'm estimating it's around 75-85% depending on what I'm watching. I'm still lagging behind in speaking though. I stopped taking classes because I had to transfer schools so I haven't had the opportunity to practice. I haven't tested my level yet. I'll do so after finals are over.
have you heard of the fsi thingy people talked about earlier for diplomats? Have you used it?
-ito/ita = little/a little
It softens speech. Same effect as ''it will be ready in a while'' vs ''it will be ready in a little while''.
Thats really fucking good. You must study non stop.
I have it in my ressources but haven't tried it much. I'll probably turn to it when I run out of material with Pimsleur.
I havent used pimsleur yet, but it seems to be good for getting hearing comprehension.
For like the first 8 months, pretty much. I was only going to school 2 days a week in the spring, so I had a lot of time to sink into it and even more so in the summer. I don't have as much time these days, but I still manage to get in about an hour a day.
I was the same as well. School takes up my time. Who knows, when I learn french next, maybe I will see you on /fr/.
It's a wonderful language. Best of luck to you, Anon.
Ok I see
ahora = now
ahorita, ahora mismo = right now

I know but "little now" doesn't make much sense.
>get in about an hour a day.
Doing what exactly? I think I've plateaued around B2, and I don't know what to do to get better.
think of it like this, you can use ito/ta and /illo/lla to change the word to mean something else.
like for instances, el pobre, the poor one, add an ito and you get pobrecito, like little poor thing, or poor person, or like cigarro cigar but cigarrillo, cigarette or literally little cigar.
now for what the canadian anon said, if you look at it like you said, a little now, it means it is shorter , so in that case a smaller time span. so if someone said vamos a hacerlo ahora. that means we are going to do it right now, regularly, but if someone say, vamos a hacerlo ahorita, that means, we are going to do it right now, that little now, meaning the time is way passed doing it. My example is probably not good, but I've notice something in spanish dont translate well, and likewise, the same in english.
now him, but it could be your vocab or grammar like contractions and prepositions that are fucking you over.
That's what keep me back. After I learned compound sentences, it got better.
opps wrong poster
How should I go about learning Hebrew? I'm about B2 in terms of French proficiency and I'm a native English speaker (but I know neither of these languages are Semitic, so I'm gonna have a really hard time).

What resources/tips do you have?
Very interesting, thanks!
No problem anon. Sorry if my english went to shit at the end, but I noticed it does when I write too much. But anyway, use this site if you have issues:http://www.spanishdict.com/
it has a translator that is 10x better than google's shit and uses three. If you use it, split up the sentences into small fragments and then combine 'em.
Two, see if you can get this book in Poland or and is if it is in polish. It will save you a lot of trouble. I have other sites if you need them as well.
have a you
I know, it's awesome.
>I have other sites if you need them as well.
Tell me everything
En mi ciudad.

Ahorita quiere decir que algo sucederá o se hará en un lapso de tiempo "corto".

primera vez que veo esa acepcion que tu dices
I broke through my plateau by focusing on vocabulary. I made a 200+ page word doc full of vocabulary I got from books, games, movies. About half my time studying consists of going over this list and adding new words/phrases to it. The other half is reading about grammar or taking in French media.
una vela pa
Use anki m8
radios from several countries
Argie news, since you have interest in Argentina.
other sources, also studyspanish.com is a decent one too.
Meh, A pesar de haberlo escrito, yo no sé cuál forma es la verdadera explicación. Acaso sea tu ejemplo, pero yo qué sé, no soy un nativo como tú. Ya que nos hablamos, de dónde eres en Colombia?
tengo que saberlo pa?
I plan on eventually making my own deck with this list someday. For the time being, I'll keep reading and adding to it.
You might be able to directly import the list if it is formatted nicely. If not, you'd be better off just ignoring the list and adding whatever words you need to look up while reading to an anki deck, whether they are already in the list or not.

I don't understand why anyone would study vocabulary without spaced repetition.
>I don't understand why anyone would study vocabulary without spaced repetition.

Because it's extremely boring and will make you want to die rather than "studying" with anki.
Just read stuff and look up the words it's sufficient to keep words in your brain.
It's funny because it's true
Keep in mind that we are comparing to looking through a huge list of vocab, not to reading.

And I think if you get enjoyment from making progress and learning the language, then it is not so boring.
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Is anyone here learning lojban?
I'm kind of an autist about vocabulary desu. I use Google translate to get a definition and create an initial list, then I double check that definition against five other online dictionaries, just to make sure I get all the right definitions and the nuances. It's not as simple as just looking it up and adding it to a deck.
I use a dictionnary with example sentences.
It gives you a really good idea of the word is used.
Beside if I can't find any example I know the word is not really common.
One of the ones I use, Linguee, does that. I tend to use that metric as well, but its not always accurate. A lot of slang doesn't show up on there that is common and does show up on other sites like wordreference or wiktionary.fr
no, it is worth it?
It seems like an interesting language to learn. I'm considering learning it.
well if it interest you, you should. But it seems a little impractical and out there for my taste.
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Is Ukrainian the best option for learning a Slavic language if I want to understand and/or in future learn with ease rest of the Slavic languages?Or do east, west and south branches have gigantic differences between each other that it won't help much?
Do prepositions and articles confuse and anger Russians?
francesco, shitposting isn't a language
What European language would be best for someone in Sydney I don't care about gook or terrorist
It only shows german and italians as the only noticable pop online. Chinks take the largest number over all.
Not sure about angering but they do confuse many because neither exist in Russian
No, the differences are too big.
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Fugg, well thanks for the info.
>Germans start speaking english if you sound bad
Fuck I heard of this before and it scares me
[spoiler] test [/spoiler]
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Who knows?
i was with a lebanese and tunisian yesterday, and they were communating just fine. i asked them if they were conversing in FSA or their own dialects, and they assured me they did fine with their own dialects. I think this "arabs can't communicate" shit is just a foreigners' meme. I mean sure, a moroccan and an khaleeji may have some hardship because of lexical differences, but I think, if you learned Egyptian or Shami for example, you'd do fine everywhere.
I have huge trouble remembering vocabulary. Any good study tips? Also anyone got a list of useful Russian words? So I can start memorizing useful words whenever I wait for the bus and stuff.
I'm thinking of learning German, I already started downloading all those torrents with learning material.

I'd learn Chink too, I'd like to live in Taiwan. Seems like a really nice place, and the only nice Chinese place.

I could've continued with French, it's what I studied at school. I still can read pretty fucking well but have no idea what I'm reading most of the time. Might be because our teacher forced good pronounciation and not so much comprehension.
I just finished reading the Little Prince in the original french and I'm pretty confuse.
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>improve reading comprehension everyday
>listening practice still at ground zero
All I hear when people speak french is mumbling with decipherable sounds/words popping up randomly in it.

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>those comics
so ture
>I still can read pretty fucking well but have no idea what I'm reading most of the time. Might be because our teacher forced good pronounciation and not so much comprehension.
>learning French, Mandarin, and Greek
>want to focus on French now, but only Chinese qts want to talk to me
Never heard about that meme
cheers for the links mate
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The way I see it there are so many words to learn before you reach fluency that you can't focus 100% on efficiency when it comes to learning new words. Sure knowing specific racing vocabulary before you can distinguish between a flower pot, a vase, or a lamp isn't efficient but regardless of order you have to learn a massive pile of words for all kinds of specific contexts and you may as well start with what actually interests you and get the rest later on, assuming you already have basic proficiency and grammar knowledge of course. Unless you're planning to go to France in the near future and really need more well rounded vocabulary knowledge just go nuts, much intermediate and advanced vocabulary will only ever be encountered in certain situations so don't feel obligated to learn a set of words that fit one context before you can learn another to fill a completely different context. You don't need to know how to describe a dinner meal or know how to instruct someone in fixing a car to know how to describe a pack of hyenas attacking a lion.
And I got so caught up in that I forgot my point and how it relates to your post:
You don't need drive to use your languages you do know for the things you like so you can probably find motivation for self study by involving yourself in things you like in the new language, that way it doesn't feel like work or study and you don't need anyone to push you toward it.
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Second last bump
Is Swedish worth learning?
Probably not if you want something to help with your career.
Poland is Rude!
Do you actually learn vietnamese?
Nope.Why is it wrong?
Is it true that Turks are bearded and manly ?
Can't say I don't appreciate the shitposts because they give free bumps but please don't derail these threads too much.
Are you are learning Portugese?How is it so far?
Learning Danish. Idk why.
Well at least by the end you'll almost know three languages(Danish, Swedish, Norwegian)
Not really. Maybe I'll get to read some Norwegian but I'm only getting exposed to Danish pronunciation, meaning that Norwegian and Swedish will still sound foreign to me.
vete hoja
I don't see why not. An english speaker will have no issues with that language whatsoever.
Mate, your email and name is visible on the drive.

Might want to make a fake account.
"German" in your language is written with so many smilign faces :)
Anyone here remembering the conlang we we're making like 4 months ago?
yes that was really autistic.
Bet you're saying that, cause you didn't understand it
not really seeing as though I contributed to it...
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i have a feeling that the person that makes these browses /int/
hmmm, really makes the nuerons a going...
Thread posts: 180
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