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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 113

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asuka edition
Anime a shit
/cum/ is an anime general
Good edition
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No it isn't

/cum/ is anti-anime af
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Shikinami > Sohryu
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Wait, what?
Who /2 Waifus/ here?
It's true

while you were gonna we crowned you in absentia
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prove this guy wrong

everyone claim your waifu
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the only real choice
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well, I'm still excited about it
If you don't hate anime you should not post in /cum/
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Now THIS is an edition i can get into.
Why does Canada hate anime is so much?

Is it because it's Japanese and not Chinese?
this is the only good anime
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>Now THIS is an edition i can get into.
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rate me /cum/
Because we have class

and there are plenty of japs/koreans here
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>canadian trying to chart the course in MY /cum/
Americans are manchildren
>lives in Toronumaleton
>calling anyone a manchild

my fucking sides

kys, Wang
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I don't hate your beard - strange.
Good job.
I'm almost certainly whiter than you
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>It's a "complaining about anime in general" episode.

Yeah, this is the real /cum/
there is literally nothing wrong with behaving like a 16 year old in your 20s
I saw a WMAF at Starbucks yesterday. The girl was Korean.
>>68131665 what's your goal with this?
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>I'm almost certainly whiter than you
Uhhh first day in canada? WMAFs are literally everywhere
You live in Toronto. Statistically speaking you're a middle eastern or chinese woman that works at tim hortons.
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>tfw ur actually below 20
Skelly here. What kind of candy should I buy in bulk? Should I buy nutella?
You clearly haven't looked at our stats then

whites are still the majority
are you trying to gain weight?
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>It's a "I continuously refuse to stop avatar fagging" episode.

Yeah, this is the real /cum/
If you're plan is to get bigger don't eat candy. Eat more meats and breads
pigskins should fuck off
>49.1% non-white


even my shithole city is whiter

enjoy your last few weeks of being white, Lo Pho Wang
10 pounds of gummy worms
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this gets me aroused
What did the leaf mean by this?
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>even my shithole city is whiter
for the canadain guy
if there's no gay posting this ain't /cum/
Why are Canadians faggier than usual ITT?

Are they reyfags?
No, I'm just saying that so people don't call me overweight.
Can't. Eating food physically repulses me since I grew up and wasn't allowed to eat meat and the alternatives wasn't any better so now food just tastes awful.
>even my shithole city is whiter
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>tfw watching Trump right now

I feel bad for Yuropoors who will never have such a leader again.
No, they just have no national identity
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I am both of those

Also anime tbqh
Filename says Australia lol.
Anime will save America
Meh, most of that is white asians

And thank god I'm not asian, all the asian girls I've dated have said they'd never date a fellow asian.
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>mad dog mattis

HUGELY important poll here friendos

What about him?
They already have Putin
Do Mexicans put real sugar in their butterfingers? I used to like BF when they first came out but now they're pretty awful.
Why are whites so obsessed with being white?
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Love you too.

Just wait until this weekend.

Nice anime kot.
he's our new secretary of defense

get a hotdog
you'll never understand how awesome it is nigger
Oh, nice
I'll share some leftover slowcooked pot roast
Do you think we're kidding when we say being great is the best thing ever?
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my god this has been literally the biggest media roast that ive ever seen.

I hope he is still somehow able to keep doing rallies as president
Doesn't really seem that great desu
They don't sell butterfingers in Mexico. :c
If you do find them, they're at a imported goods store.
What a whore
Because it means that we aren't niggers

asuka a SHIT
White Castle or Crystles for munchie food?
they literally taste the exact same
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Unironically love gas station food.

Hopefully you have a 7-11 for a fistful of these badboys.
*puts you in a headlock*
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>every weekly address is held in front of the white house where makeshift rallies are made
I really hope that I don't get dissapointed
But anyone can be a nigger tho

even whites
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Just found a 2 year old bag of mini melt away mints.

*uses the taiwanese reversal and gives you a stone cold stunner*
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Died a little bit this morning buds
I noticed that too and the fries have no fucking taste to them...
yes anon. the shit is no different and actually not bad compared to restaurant food nowadays.
what happened upsidedown satan?
Does anyone have that picture of Ivanka with a jewish baby?
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They have cheese in them??
What the fucking fuck ive probably eaten 100 and never knew.
Guys help.
I remember when kermitposting was a bannable offense
Good times
this so much
aww yiss boys

grandma is doing christmas dinner this year

going to have so many extra meatballs and sausage for pasta dinners
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>the white race will soon be long gone
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so what happens with the sound if you use an hdmi cable from your video card to the monitor?

my monitor has speakers
quintessential canadian post
if your monitor supports HDMI audio you should be able to play through it
Should work
it fucks up everything in your computer never do it
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Was talking to a guy in my lab and then I heard this weird tone and it felt like somebody hit me in the stomach. The guys face had all these little black spots on them.

I ended up walking real fast to the bathroom, but the only stall was being used. I had to spend a minute dry heaving into the garbage can in the hall (where all my profs offices are) before I could go to the bathroom on the next floor and throw up.

I went home, then fell asleep and had a dream where reviewbrah told me to kill myself by eating a lot of salt.
dont do it man my brother died that way
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>had a dream where reviewbrah told me to kill myself by eating a lot of salt
what the fuck
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>my monitor has speakers
Is this 2005?
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i dont even know how to reply to this,,,
you should stop injecting mary janes
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>Trump btfo Germany and France

I think it wires through but always be cautious you don't want to end up like anon's brother
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laughing whores.png
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>current year
>not adding yourself to the /cum/ map

you shamed me into this anon
I don't have time to do drugs anymore desu. The only ones I take are my meds (which cause the weird dreams)
I only used zeemaps once before and it ended in embarrassment
are you the one who said he was schizo a few months ago?
You used that gay map?
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When is the orgy lads
who the hell is in the northern territories?
watching the last stand bros
should really start watching the 100 again instead of random movies
where is that philly bro i bet i could drop that fuck like a sack of lard
>pitcairn Islands
Delet this
I know one anon is for sure.
They posted pictures once.
is it for fags
No it was something on /co/ that turned out to be gay but I didn't know.
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Not the schizo, I'm just the regular old anxiety/depression meme combo
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>one other midbesterner
>that turned out to be gay but I didn't know
I am the "schizo" and i find this offensive
oh, well I hope you have a better day tomorrow :)
met up with a /cum/boy last night

THAT was fun haha
did you /cum/ in your boy?
as long as you dont receive you arent gay
More of us should meet up
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>as long as you dont receive you arent gay
>And thank god I'm not asian, all the asian girls I've dated have said they'd never date a fellow asian.

Why do you think they're dating you? kek
I bet there are white girls dating black guys saying the same thing
Thanks anon
Scott Thorson pls

what went wrong
black and yellow black and yellow
If I exclusively fuck men but never receive, am I straight?
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>he doesn't try to be like the ancient Romans and have a personal boy toy while having a lay woman
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>I bet there are white girls dating black guys saying the same thing
what the fuck is a "white asian"
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They didn't nuke it.
why are all your pics named in gookrunes? are you a slope?
an asian guy named Steve that wears jeans and eats at applebees
A white person born in Asia
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no, that's a gook named steve. reminds me of gook's named charlie.
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all my photos are in spanish but I am not latino
There are

Once you go black
>tfw I have to watch the meme awards just to see 2017 GOTY footage
Got a redneck asian at work that listens to country and wears trucker hats.
imagine living in the GTA

the white man don't even want you back
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Trump kek.png
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You become a single mother
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Just a reminder to y'all that Zion Park is fucking beautiful and you should visit it some time.
How do i add?
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the best beer there is
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Angel's Landing?
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once you go black you're counting (welfare) stacks
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2017 /midwest/ soon
I don't want everyone to know I live in the Yukon.
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Zion Canyon.jpg
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I've been there before. :^)
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>tfw don't care enough about vidya anymore to even watch that
>used to get so hyped and laugh my ass off in /v/ with other shitposters
where did it all go wrong
Zion is great, so is bryce canyon!
Doesn't look like that

Where did you take this picture?
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Zion Canyon.jpg
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I am impervious to the blue pill
The antics are becoming obvious
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>SFV winning fighting game of the year award
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>drink large soda
>piss is clear anyways
more liquid = clear pee

doesn't matter what kind of liquid

my piss is clear as spring water after drinking a 12 pack of beer
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did you reach the point where nothing makes you laugh anymore? if so, we are on the same boat
Pls :(
Give a little pat to your kidneys for doing good work
i still laugh at shit, just don't care about vidya that much anymore. stuck in this shitty gay world
>nothing makes me laugh

even the most depressed people in the world still laugh you wanna be edge lord
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let me fix it then
it's hard for me to laugh*
Do you guys take hot or cold showers?
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>trick faggots into meeting up
>slit their throats
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"Don't worry I'm going to fix it"
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Mike Pence thumbs up.jpg
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I hate you, Mexico!
Jesus christ, that's rude.

Dumb Akarin-poster
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This is not a bully thread
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Oh, whatever...
You ebtter watch your fucking mouth
I unironically use axe body spray.
who else put up all their christmas lights already?
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mountie reaching for revolver.jpg
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>that superfluous comma

Take your (you) and move along.
i do too
Can I donate funds to your oganization?
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America and Mexico are gay.
>find out grill likes me
>I'll be moving this summer and she'll be staying here
>I don't think I could do a long distance relationship

FUCK. I finally meet a grill who likes me and it wouldn't last
Finished my assignment.
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Bang her before you go
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>I'll be moving this summer
>months away
>I don't want a 6 month relationship
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I'm gonna post cute North America shit
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And where does that leave you? ALONE!
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B-but Canada!
Can we all just fuck already?
This is a new cum map
Missing the old shit
release the cumbeast
I get really attached once a relationship becomes sexual

What if I want it to last forever and we get ripped apart? I can't just do 6 months
Fuck, Death stranding looks cool
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We'll always have.. The commonwealth.

Kiss the USA since you guys are gay with each other lolol
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First for hard working Mexicans
Who's the Indio?
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>The commonwealth
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I forgot we had The Terminator as our governor for some time.
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Was crack-ak-a-lackin faggots?
>tfw you will never have an autographed diploma for the governator

it was only a few years ago, you nonce
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>modern women
*unzips dick*
being banned was the most horrible experience it's like watching your friends have a conversation and they won't let you join in
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>used to hate traps before /int/
>now I cant stop going /gif/
this is all /cum/s fault
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>her underwear stays on the whole time

I don't buy it
Just take the opportunity to have a relationship faggot.
Do you not know how to reset your ip?

or are you one of those staticip cucks?
You think they're faking it?
no I'm a good boy and don't ban evade

desu I deserved it
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t. homosexual
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I hate you people.png
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you're welcome
perfect punishment for NEETS desu. diabolical
you just came here to read posts? thats weird, man.


The worst part is when you have the perfect reaponse to a post and you can't respond
What'd you do?
>tfw had a chance to meet him in person when he came to my highschool and missed the opportunity

Still, he did it for 8 years
Found the golden retriever
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>White women
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Mulan 2.png
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What's /cum/ listening to?
>The worst part is when you have the perfect reaponse to a post and you can't respond
fucking christ someone was recommending canadian tourists come to my small city for a vacation and I couldn't say a god damned thing, and then they started making fun of it

it was torture, I've learned my lesson

I made a particularly bad shitpost

Run the Jewels

stupid meme awards
ban guns
What city?
>stupid meme awards
turned that off when they started playing niggerbeats
sarasota florida
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>the white race
>worth saving
Pick one
Life is meaningless. I'm going to bed. There's just nothing to do.

and its still going
arguing with a socialist on reddit haha

not even 5 posts in and he's already called me a fascist
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too ironic

newfags don't know you're joking
God, i hate pence so much and i don't know why.
Gonna suck when he's president after the cia assassinates trump.
Thread archived.
You cannot reply anymore.

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trapfags are now furfag-tier when it comes to cancerous leakage

The OT Jews warned us of them.

Current favorite album
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>I say the N word
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Ugh, I dated a black girl once and she was into BDSM and wanted me to call her nigger. I just couldn't do it, felt way to ackward and bad.

Oh how she would cuss me out for being a bitch, it was kinda hot.
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>I slander and belittle women by capriciously exhaling away the C-word

>tfw no black gf who bullies you
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Normies out
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>tfw you'll never tie up a hot-ass nigress and fuck her while calling her a nigger and making her beg for your white seed

gat dang
Easy for you to say but you try calling a black person nigger to their face. Especially when you care about them.
That sounds pretty hot desu
Hey guys someone stole my lunch money at school
How do I get back at her?
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There are people ITT right now who think I won't fuck a girl when I go back to school.

Explain yourselves...
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Anon triggers a.png
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Post the ban nigra, if it's good I'll add it to my collection.
I did
Oh it was. Shame I fucked it all up.

I do miss her. every girls since has been vanilla as fuck
i'd have done it
sex is just a prank after all
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>alone in room with suite mates gf
>urge to rape intensifies
This never happened
Don't worry anon, we all feel it.
>Go on interpals to make friends
>meet a polish grill
>start talking a lot
>she doesn't have the nicest life
>comes to me for comfort
>gets really excited on weekends because we can talk all day
>she dreams of moving to America
>starts sending flirty sounding messages

I'm catching feelings for someone so far away

Also I jokingly told her in America words like daddy and honey can be used to refer to friends. She calls me those words and I honestly don't know if she's caught on
i thought we feared, you know, gulag?
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are you going to apologize.jpg
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More honorable than kangz desu
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>Don't worry anon, we all feel it.
>don't like being made fun of
>told her to stop
>she didn't
>I knew her trigger, said "nigga please"
>she lost it
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We are used to it.
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>suggest to mom we should go to a movie
>she wants to meet at 11am at the mall
>movie doesn't start until almost 5pm
>it's ok anon we'll find something to do :)))
Literally never felt this urge.
Bullocks. She probably has family in Chicago and is stringing you along.
>has come true as a result of the meddling of the Clinton administration in the housing sector
Really makes me think
Asuka is literally 14 years old

she wants to sleep with you
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i hate how people pretend this is a different word. it's just how blacks pronounce nigger due to their (at least previous) non-rhotic dialect. southern whites also say nigga because that's how their accent pronounces it.
it's not worth it man
Hello Attila
she wants your d(enis)
she wants to smash
Gays don't count

So am I so it's okay.
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pls no
Why not? you'll finally lose your virginity.

Is she not hot?
she hot?
im not a virgin
and no i dont think so
>im not a virgin

No need to lie bud, you're amongst friends.
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Better new


it's 3:38 here
I'll go back to sleep in a sec
I just had a dream where my crush turned out to be a spawn of satan
fuck off we already have one
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