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Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 50

Jim Keller edition

ah yes... puting (who invaded eastern europe 2 years ago) would NEVER invade europe haha what a crazy notion
all muslims should be killed
turn up for the club
this thread is filled with normie facebook retards who support clinton and think putin wants to kill children
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the absolute state of my life right now
how is this relevant?
Jim Keller?

This thread is stellar.
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matched with a marvellously thicc girl on tinder
>SAA capturing half of Aleppo

Can hear David Steinberg and Barry from the pub both screaming in pain
erm ukraine doesn't count sweetie x
Awful lot of Kremlin shills ITT lads...
Ukraine is 40% Russian. He invaded to protect those people from crazy Ukranian Neo-Nazis who overthrew a democratically elected government.

Compared to our track record, it's more tolerable what he did.
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Without fail EVERY person who has an anime character proudly displayed on their profile be it on social media, forums or wherever else are invariably overweight and unattractive white men

Gets the ol' synapses firing this does
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>Ukraine is 40% Russian. He invaded to protect those people from crazy Ukranian Neo-Nazis who overthrew a democratically elected government.
>Compared to our track record, it's more tolerable what he did.
hmmm reckon france should invade the french part of belgium and switzerland as well then
>He invaded to protect those people from crazy Ukranian Neo-Nazis who overthrew a democratically elected government

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Talked to a girl today lads, she was nice

At the end when I had to go, she said she would add me on facebook. I told her I didn't have facebook. She kind of looked embarrassed and said "so how am i supposed to stay in contact, by email?". I said yeah I guess, and walked away.

She doesn't even have my email.

new tower lads
theres a fat, unkempt, ugly bastard in my uni course
lo and behold he has some anime girl as his facebook pic
>wake up
>walk to work in the dark
>work in a windowless office all day
>walk home in the dark

ah yes
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that's what you get for attempting to be a normie without having even a basic normie necessity

you can't live in both worlds m8
why didn't you ask for her number
If there was a violent overthrow of democrat government that threatened the lives of French people there, then maybe you could justify it.

That's all I'm saying about Russia and Ukraine.

The Ukranians did overthrow a democracy.
just sent a racy message to the thicc girl
mad how effectively russia today and breitbart have been used to push a pro-russian agenda
hmmm the homemade za is going to be very very good
>match with a girl on the 'dir
>check her facebook to get a proper look
>literally 10 profilers in the row doing the same pose in the same spot at different occasions
what possesses a woman to do this?
>Talked to a girl today lads

Then why the hell don't you have a facebook page?
>last remaining non-Jewish owned media outlets
>its propaganda !!! nazis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't think haha
Was forced to talk to her as part of my uni course

I repeat my question
why didnt you get her phone number then
why is britain so reactionary lads? one mass shooting in the 80s and semi automatic rifles get banned completely. another in the 90s and pistols get totally banned too. other countries have this happen without going full draconian ban mode. why is this? our hysterical media?
mate sent me a snapchat of john paul tremblay at his family reunion
>Talked to a girl
u dun goofed
fuck off anti-semites
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> Aleppo
>UK to send 150 troops to Poland

And then we were the nazis
That's where you should have said
>Haha of course not, here's my number
You can probably get away without having Facebook and be somewhat of a normie, but you need to have things thought through beforehand.
Literally never seen a news story on RT that made Russia look bad in any way.
>ban guns
>no more school shootings

>don't ban guns
>days since school shooting: 0

Gee, I wonder why
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ah yes, ameircnas
>walks into thread
>'where's my fucking money!'
>punches mirror shattering it into thousands of little mirrors
this girl on bbc news is cutie
not surprising
heh...you just sealed your fate kiddo
*my stand hanged man comes out of a mirror shard and cuts your throat*
nothin personnel...
the UK has a government that practically controls everything in the country
If you have a massive government they're always going to ban anything they view as threatening, thats the reason yanks give as little power as possible to the federal government.
>assange releases leaks
yes very good. free assange! democracy!

>assange releases leaks against clinton

You in the cage, me on the cart
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*blocks your path*
not so fast
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>that second rustlers of the day
Some very original political insight there Keith, blokes down at the pub are going to be having a good old belly-laugh at that one
thanks for this one vladimir
runtus maximus
go tip your fedora elsewhere you stupid bellend
what are your favorite jojo parts
reckon 5, 6, 7 and 8 are toppa top
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Nice try leaf

*Annexes your country just like back in 1002*
You'd think a news network called "Russia Today" would be about Russia, the good and the bad. From what I've seen, it's "news" mostly consists trying to make the West look bad and twee stories about Russian culture.
7 > 8 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 2 > 3 > 1
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So leaving the EU doesn't actually include leaving the EEA

So we can leave the EU, including free movement and the undemocratic Brussel's pseudo-government, but there's nothing Germany or anyone else can do to boot us from the free market because the EEA has no Article 50 equivalent.

So we can get everything we want and lose nothing but millions of migrants?
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Did they destroy the last hospital by any chance?
it's just a propaganda outlet, most countries have them desu

bbc world service does a similar thing
>6 that low
ah yes
just because she asked for your facebook doesn't mean she even remotely fancied you

girls just add you to get their friend numbers up
>he doesn't realise how extraordinarily biased all news sources are
ah yes...but here is an article critical of government overspending on quangoes....some balance at last....
EEA includes freedom of movement you utter fucking mong
ok *cums*
their purpose is to cover what western media doesn't cover

they literally say that in every single show on the RT channel
umm free movements part of the eea familia
Why is losing millions of migrants good? Our economy will crash without them
just got back from work. a girl gave me a lift most of the way.
absolutely no qualms with this
The Single Market includes free movement. It's one of the indivisible Four Freedoms.
right so as of 28 minutes ago there's a new aj tracey tune out called pasta but i don't have apple music so i can't listen to it

fuck sake lads this is a massive dilemma
boipucci and the arse pulls jolyne does with her strings are the only redeeming elements
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ah yes and they couldn't possibly be lying could they. It's state funded propaganda for the russian government lad

suede 2bh
strategically targeting daycares and cute bunny fields in my mig lads
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Don't blame you
>You'd think a news network called "Russia Today" would be about Russia
The one in Russia is about Russia. The one outside Russia on Western TV is about the West.

Like how Sky Italy is about Italy.
pasta is literally a code word linked to paedophilia m8
You get 3 months for free for signing up
maybe we shouldn't have an economy based entirely on growth?
>girl at work keeps telling me to get snapchat
>seems disapointed I haven't got it yet.
>get snapchat
>add her
>she never messages me
i did that like a year ago back when it first came out
there will be a legal battle. nothing is decided so what are you talking about
>scrap free movement
>Migrants stop coming
>Kicked out of the EEA
>Economy crashed with no survivors
Ah yes, good plan!!
Do it with another email
I told you m8 they just want to increase their followers
would rather have a media outlet owned by the Russian government than Goldwitz
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*drifts into thread*
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Karate CHOP
nah that's pizza

aj tracey doesn't do that kind of thing lad, he's a british icon
*insert trenchant geopolitical insight here*
I have a magnetic personality and am intensely good looking, girls are always interested.
>scrap free movement
Will never happen.

They will never stop mass migration. It would go completely against the interests of the elite to do so.
>icelad is a rorke
what a surprise
>Fuck this guy is weird af, don't know what to talk to him about
>Oh yeah the creep doesn't even have Snapchat
>I'll tell him he should get that so it's less awkward
b-b-but muh mandate :'( muh sovereignty :'(
>Hurr durr Joos!!!

Fuck off trump anti-semite racists
do you forget where you are?
pizza just means girls

pasta is boys
can't rekka the certified shit wrecka!
This is slowly happening with the world water supply.

very scary stuff
what options remain when you have a massive head is the real question
Any fans of Lightning Bolt here?
nothing wrong with rorkes lad
just an observation
>be american
>get shot
when will it end lads haha
*enables a points based immigration system*
That's fine, I just snapchat her pics off dog poo I find on the ground now.

Stevey, smithy and kev think it's top banter.
never mind it's letting me listen now i guess it hadn't fully uploaded yet
LOVED watching may close the door on that
*reaches down ur pants*

owo what's this
bit grim
>be western european + 100 points
*abolishes the death penalty*
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Ah yes, some innocent 16 year old refugees.
When? Source?
>run campaign based largely on immigration issues
>give ex-Home Secretary the job of implementing it

Tories you are genious
Just hit 80kgx5 on bench press today lads, highly doubt anyone itt is stronger than me
Morning lads!
What's on the agenda for today?
not an argument
LAds, reading Less Than Zero, why are rich Americans such degenerates? And how come the only books I've read about genuine working class Americans are shite compared to books about ours?
+200 points for being a citizen of a Five Eyes country
the new aj tracey tune is way too trap influenced desu

want more grime
if jews run everything, why would they flood our countries with parasitic muslims? they hate each other.
use google mate, it's public knowledge and i cba with you meme arrowing my preferred newspape
what happened in the ohio shooting then? i had to go to a lecture in the middle of it so i missed live updates. how many people died?
just woke up
three hour conference at 9am, hospital appointment at 3pm, and I've run out of etizolam
poonited states
I have to finish an O-Chem Problem Set and write a paper for History class.
Why is the thought of a single mum so instinctively repulsive and cringe?
>how many people died?

I read that a few months back. Apart from one shocking moment, it's worthless. It's just The Great Gatsby with cocaine. Gatsby is rubbish too.

Which books are you on about? Steinbeck is the master of American working class literature.

A good British book that rarely gets a mention these days is The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists.
because men not taking responsibility for their decisions is repulsive and cringey
Because muzzies are rapists and horrible cunts in general. They were hoping when the started taking over Germany and the like we would turn against them. Turns out the 'be nice to everyone' trick worked too well.

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Catholics must leave
Freedom of labour =/= freedom of movement
ah okay

turns out it was something to do with filipino nurses lmao
>how many people died?
yanks arent really human so no people died

They don't even reduce migration from outside the EU and there's no single market with South Asia or the Caribbean. So why will they reduce migration from Europe when there's single market with Europe? They won't.
Quite a good post
Because welfare
Ah yes look at all the diversity in Israel....oh wait...
Only the suspected perpetrator from what I've heard.
ummm... it's got a lot more arabs than we do mate
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>Another 70 storey eye-sore to to built in London
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Why aren't you more tolerant of refugees, /brit/? they're just ordinary blokes like you and me just wishing to get to safety.
all germans should be killed
>be american
Oh yea, the mass shooting? zero
excellent post
haha lads no-one even died so guns are good
why do american girls have such nice mensurations
was in a class just a bit ago where a professor was trying to convince us that black aren't a separate species from whites. hahaha. the gull of some people
all french people should have their ears flicked
>a fucking convict
Ah yes, "British" music according to the BBC

all scotch people should be hugged and snuggled :3
not clicking that virus
*flicks your banjo string*
*flicks the ears of every Frenchman*
Just got back from a ten hour day at work.
Disgusts me that I am funding people in this thread to sit on their arses all day and watch anime porn or whatever
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>a fucking hun
it's not british music it's just music

anderson .paak is fucking great mate you need to listen to him

he's groovy as fuck

Haven't really been keeping up to date on the whole Syria situation. Does /brit/ back Assad or the rebels?
the mousse au chocolat I made is safe
need a PAWGf
Snapped mine the other week. How can something so small bleed so much?
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Would you eat a bellend?
What's the weather like today in England? Sunni or Shiite?
/brit/ isn't one person
dont let them get to you
their subsistence existence is not a good one
Been thinking that one up all day, I bet.
she's fat not phat

love me some alex jones
did it hurt? I know a friend that broke his years ago and he told me he was screaming like crazy because of the pain. also said it was bleeding like hell
must be quite grim to experience
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That's fucking awful

>nigga. nigga. nigga cum on
i back the rebels over assad, assads a dictator lol. dunno if the country would be stable under a transitional authority but at least reconstruction could begin
got really poor impulse control lads

can't help scoffing down any food that's around so I have to keep the fridge empty to avoid getting fat

ironically it's resulted in me being a skinny runt because there's never anything to eat
the labour/conservative parties aren't one person but they still have stances on things
he prolly stole it from tumblr or reddit
Excellent post
Browsing Femail
you are so basic and stupid that it hurts
using word wrong
the daily mail is feminist lads
>‘Alt-right’ online poison nearly turned me into a racist
>this entire fucking piece

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*walks menacingly toward you*
a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result.

poor impulse control leading to me becoming really skinny instead of obese is ironic you paddy mong
so saying things how they actually are is "racist" now in the eyes of liberals
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no u
what's that bacon crap
>The author was not paid a fee for this piece

Thank God
not that guy but you deliberately keeping the fridge empty to avoid getting fat and as a result not getting fat is not ironic. it's what you fucking intended.
Hurt like a cunt. Couldn't even finish it was that bad.

I rang the doctor because I was in agony but I had to try and keep a certain level of decorum so I was sat there with tears streaming down my face but trying to keep a calm telephone voice saying things like "Erm, yes, hello, I'm in quite a bit of pain...Well, it's a bit embarrassing but I've just snapped my frenulum". I have no idea if "snapped" is the right word.

I'm almost certain I heard a guffaw because he coughed immediately after.

Funny in retrospect, but the worst pain I've ever felt.
>supporting the rebels
What the fuck is this? 2012?

Can literally submit a police report right now and say you are supporting terrorism
Sort yourself out you fucking cretin
any one else weed clip here?

just rolled around 1.5 in a backwood saving half for later
fuck off cringe yank

BEE is a terrible author. I like American Psycho but the rest of his stuff is crap. Glamorama is among the worst books I've read.
that's not the ironic bit you utter wagon

learn to read
tbf he could also submit a police report for your using offensive language directed at him under the communications act
just do it with your lighter mate
ummm the rebels aren't terrorists anon
the rebels are primarily islamists. Any "reconstruction" would turn syria into an islamist state, assuming it could even hold one government. More likely it'd end up like libya, with warlords fighting over scraps of land and civilians caught up in the middle.
funny thread

read every post
Reminder the rebels are essentially ISIS-lite
what do you mean?
business idea: write essay length articles for websites and not get paid a single cent for it
>be you
>have poor impulse control
>eat everything in sight
>keep the fridge empty in view of the above to avoid getting fat
>don't get fat
where is the irony you absolute melon
stopped reading right there
work for an insurance broker and often look at peoples files to see their income, occupation, credit score etc.

>single mother
>earns 14k in a low skill job
>renting for the past 5 years
>is hiring a mercedes for 3 years

conspicuous consumption, so sad!
>More likely it'd end up like libya, with warlords fighting over scraps of land and civilians caught up in the middle.

Wouldn't mind this tb h

>it's another middle east episode

ah yes...will certainly enjoy replaying this one yet again....
never get your tits out for the lads get your tits out for yourself
rebels are mostly jihadist/islamist nowadays

they used to be a somewhat decent hope for syria but have descended into becoming such utter cancerous shit that they actually make assad look good
move the lighter near the lit part to remove the already lit part, only keeping the non-lit one
if that's what you wanted
Fuck assad
Fuck the rebels
Hand Iraq to the kurds
>the janitor was not paid a fee for this ban
>have poor impulse control
>end up really skinny instead of fat
how is that not ironic you complete header
>sad life
>no hope
>no security

Why can't she have one nice thing in her life, you heartless bastard?
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Hhahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Just blew upp Shigeki!!!!!!!!!! Fuck Youuuuuu, FATTY!!!!! hahahaHahhahahHAHAHAHA!!!!! Now Imma free-wheel itt outta here, ANd make sure nobody see';s me!!!!
reminder isis are based
dormammu, i've come to bargain
all pigs must die

if you signed this then you're literally putting yourself first on their list for when this law kicks in

utter dickheads
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doing a poo
ah yes, hand a country to a force which uses child soldiers and massacres religious minorities. Not to mention the fact that they were sent to iraq by the ottomans in the early 20th century and therefore dont even have any real "ancestral" claim to the land
need a taig gf
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>/brit/ supports dictators all over the world
haha who knew
refugee on the left has access to gym facilities?
>Ukraine is 40% Russian.
Lads in London must be a bit worried about Pakistan declaring war on them to protect its diaspora 2bh
>uneducated bellend would rather have instability and perpetual war than a degree of security and safety for civilians of all nations
fuck off back to facebook you utter runtoid
>I'm lazy but forced myself to go to the gym and ironically ended up getting fit!
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hope you like shitting through a tube
Yeah they do some shitty things but it would be the least worst of the three outcomes
Reminder the tories have made wanking to anime illegal, if you wank to anime you will have your door kicked in.
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need a gf to discuss Lacan, Korzybski and Levi-Strauss with
Saddam 2003
Gaddafi 2011

Never Forget
what's so wrong with dictators?
and if you didn't sign it then you're a pathetic idiotic cuckold who will be executed once the revolution comes
just realised its my birthday tomorrow
redpilled my left-leaning mum on this situation
business idea: gay-post non-stop to force the muslims out of /brit/

- no more muslims in /brit/

- might accidentally turn myself gay

If you wank to anime you deserve to have your cunt kicked in.
dono arikato mr. robotu
>caring about pakis and their safety

No, I think you should fuck off back to facebook

dont care
theres nothing wrong with giving up
>I'm lazy but not really because I go to the gym
not the same at all

got a lot of GCSEs have you?
good lad
Paul Nuttall is an unpatriotic charlatan with contempt for British institutions and British values.
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they get overthrown
in terms of iraq you might be right because the iraqi government has already been fucked beyond recovery by obama's regime. In Syria though government forces remain the least bad option
pretty sure any muslims here aren't too strict on following religion
>ayo white boy, where da white womyn at?
thanks for the insult lad, it's actually my degree so i'd hazard a guess that i'm significantly more educated in this area than you haha

stability over democracy is a meme used to justify brutal and repressive regimes all over the world
I don't support dictators but do I support them in their war against American imperialism.

fuck off blair
haha, how can autism be used as an insult? Only an ignorant cunt would use autism as an insult. (And there's nothing I hate more than ignorance)

Autism is a gift in my case, I have an IQ of over 150 which makes me technically a genius thanks to my autism. I've been going through school all my life being bored out of my fucking brains getting at least 95% on all my tests (and all the incorrect answers were silly mistakes) because I'm just too fucking smart for school I can't wait for everyone else to learn something I already knew within the first day or too of being taught it. Every year I scored the best of my year on these stupid multiple choice tests we do and the headmaster came to my class to tell me that, which obviously resulted in being called a 'nerd' which is true but I shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

I recently became home educated so I could learn at my own pace and I'm getting my GCSEs done in 1/4 of the time everyone else has to do it in, I'm also doing more than double the average amount of GCSEs that usually would be done.

I used to get paid $30 an hour working online, which is more than the teaching assistants at my old school earned, it was so fun pointing that out to them.

So, in conclusion, calling someone autistic is not an insult, in my case, it makes me highly gifted.

One more thing, I don't know if this has anything to do with my autism but I am a sociopath so I'm not hindered by irrational emotions like guilt, compassion, empathy etc.

haha, the most satisfying this is to know that you will all see this as a waste of a natural gift that I am undeserving hahaha, that brings me great satisfaction.

I'm practically perfect, let the jealousy flow through you.
owen jones pls leave

he looks like eddie hitler
Business idea: https://youtu.be/uIEeiDjdUuU
having pork for dindins
allah's gonna freak!
your average autist is low functioning and is literally a waste of space
so you support russian imperialism then?
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>all psychoactive substances banned
>perfectly legal sexual acts like fisting and pissing are illegal to film or view
>40 different government agencies can access your internet history without a warrant
>all porn to be defacto censored soon

ID cards are next. microchips aren't far off.
Dubs and the Queen dies this coming year
To maintain stability they build a personality cult around themselves that, after their death, can easily throw the nation into complete disarray as people of all sides and persuasions rush to fill the gap. It's a short-lived sense of stability
2 martyrs
2 failed states

when will we learn?
>Islamic State of Afghanistan flag in the background


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>i'm significantly more educated in this area than you haha
woah... im so sorry... i didn't realise... i guess you're right rebels are a coherent and effective moderate force fighting for democracy and they can achieve it and it would also be best for the nation... . sorry again to have bothered you
If you were fat because you were lazy but became so lazy you couldn't even be bothered to stock your fridge any more and got skinny it would be ironic.

You on the other hand have deliberately set in train a course of events that will lead to you becoming skinny and have become skinny as a result.

I am fucking done with you alanis.
business idea: become PM and then use the threat of releasing everyone's internet history to force your way into a dictatorship
Its one of the most diverse countries in the world, if not the most???
revolution when?
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>EVER good
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gritted my teeth tbh.webm
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>woah... im so sorry... i didn't realise... i guess you're right rebels are a coherent and effective moderate force fighting for democracy and they can achieve it and it would also be best for the nation... . sorry again to have bothered you
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102KB, 500x667px
how long till 4chan is banned in the UK?
>russian imperialism
Doesn't exist, Russia and it's allies are defending themselves.
the ironic bit isn't in my actions you warhead

irony can manifest itself in the characteristics of a person and not just their actions
nah not really
well they've managed to take significant amounts of territory from the assad govt despite basically being a collection of regional factions and facing up to the russian air force
>for democracy
yep, they are pro-democratic
>they can achieve it
they would have been able to if trump hadn't won
>also be best for the nation
hmm probably, most refugees are staunchly anti-assad
>Soviets try to modernise and atheise Afghanistan
>Yanks pump money and arms to muslims
>Yanks try to modernise and democratise Afghanistan
>Muslims shoot them with their own guns
It's pottery
Fuck off
Loling at amazon, these prime early access deals aren't really selling at all during the exclusive prime half hour
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