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Thread replies: 284
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Greece edition
Old >>67901735
Albania is terrible
ku jeni shqipe
no lol
Does she let you record?
>tfw Hillary lost to some kids from a country directly affected by her hubbys PISSKIPER MISSIONZ in 1999

oh that is a Sweet Sweet irony

no, but i guess it's the same shit
rabbit meat is literally chicken white meat - dry as fuck and tasteless

tried the fish eyeballs, tho (if you were the anon told me about it and remember) - love'd it.
I wouldn't because I feel like I would get addicted to paying for sex.
Ktu jena
trump is our boy
Those trips don't lie
Trump is LITERALLY creating jobs in macedonia by simply existing, tremendous!
no but do it anyway, enjoy life
Name? Go for it if you lust after her that much.
If she lets you record,then do it.It will be a memory
Yeah that was me. Yeah, they're tasty and supposedly full of phosphorus n shit
ku jeni shqipe xddd?
you didn't Tell us her name
>enjoy life
joy is degenerate
Yeah,tell us her name
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Its pure murder-kino time om BTV
So is 4chan
Please kys or

joy is an excess of emotion that cant be maintained on the long run
the same goes with sadness
the ideal state is to be neither sad nor joyous that is true happiness
if you are sad e.g. when your parents die you are a degenerate
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Rate my OC lads
ayo Freud
This is the full video

>feeling sorrow is degenerate

Humans aren't all rational thinking analytical robots, and the ones who are suffer from autism.
the goddamn edge
ffs my neighbors dog is moaning all night fucking piece of shit, why doesnt he just put it down and end its suffering this fucker shouldnt keep dogs in the first place
not eating bread causes autism and this is my proofs
What if the dog's moaning because he's getting fucked by your neighbour? Why would he kill it dude prolly needs a fuckbuddy.
autistic people are superior beings they are the middle ground between normal humans(plebs) and god
plebs are easily led astray by ephemeral things unlike the superior autiste masterrace
post qts from ur countries : )
Were Jesus,Muhammad and Abraham autistic?No seriously think about it
That's called apathy and it's a sign of depression or other psycho stuff. The point is not to be overcome with grief or happiness (hysteria) not not feeling them at all.
The only people who think autistic people are superior are other autistic people. Stop trying to mask your developmental disorder with your inflated ego.
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whites only please
Do you have from those in Greece?
nope, that girl is swarthy
hahaha vgazi glossa o albanos
>The only people who think autistic people are superior are other autistic people
because only autistic people are capable of rational thought not masked by emotions
>That's called apathy
no its called eudaimoneia
mohammed was just a typical arab who liked killing and raping
jesus i cant say but buddha was autistic 100%
aristotle and plato were autistic too

they arrested 17 albanians selling drugs in down town , shit, where the hell are we gonna buy weed from now
esy ise albanos, siptariiii
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bre pou tha vgali glosa kai o albanoulis ston elina
kek agrees with me and you cant prove me wrong varvarians
i like the fishes cheek meat. Those tsipoura had tasty cheeks
Feelings will always be there. Masked or unmasked. Repressed causing pathologies or out in the open where you can process them. It's the natural law.
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paramilas pali bre albane?e albane
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do tataro greeks count?
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Kush e man men :√)
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what is the most likely source of Albo-skull?
i'll suck on those eggs, if you know what i mean

i mean i want the kinder surprise chocolate eggs down there just for the toys inside.

>inb4 they are shit nowadays
sadly i can agree on that
>Repressed causing pathologies
such a typical whoreface 2bh
the standard look of a balkan slut
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>yesterday at the 7/11 waiting in line
>gypsy kid in front hasn't got enough money to buy some shit he wants to it
>some nigger buys it for him
>same kid outside the 7/11
>asks me to give him some money to eat
>mfw I casually looked at him smiling and told him to go fuck himself
you have 7/11? damn u are 1st world
gosh, I hate Albania
last one from our thessalonican slav volleyball slut

google sevasti hormova for some more
whenever a gyppo ask you to give him some change for food, tell him you will buy him a full meal if he sucks your dick. If he agrees, he's probably not bluffing.
thats too risky in the end hell actually try it for some copper coins
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next time I'm gonna buy what he wants take a small bite in front of him and throw the rest in the garbage.
thats disrespectful to the food
XEX I'm a Balkanite, superior to dumb gypsies XEX
Or tell him you'll buy him a hotdog, but you will have to feed him with it.
So, when he opens his mouth, with dried out green snots on his upper lip, instead of feeding him with the hotdog, you ram your fat brown cock down his throat.
I wouldn't touch a gypsy even if my life was depended on it let alone put my dick inside one.
Fucking Christ that's disgusting.
ti perimenes apton boulgaro?
oi vei malaka
ok, ok i might be too rough on that

here's different one:
tell him you'll buy him a snow cone, but he will have to eat it with closed eyes.
So, when he closes his eyes, drop the ice cream balls on the ground, and stuff up the cone with your nutsack.

You catching my drift, lad?
Wtf is wrong with you shitskins? No wonder the Balkans is a hellhole.
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Dear Serbia

Why are you so shit?

What culture were you actually trying to protect from the Ottomans or Austrians?

Like, why did you forsake all the trade and technological advances that came from the aforementioned?

Why do you claim you were heroic in WW2 when the fact is, most of your ancestors were Četnik keks and Belgrade was the first major city to declare itself as Judenfrei?

Why did you break up universally respected and socially advanced Jugoslavia?

Why do you portray yourself as perpetual victims despite not being invaded by your neighbours for over 100 years?

Why did Nicola Tesla, the only Serb to have ever made any tangible contribution to humanity, renounce his citizenship and get the fuck out of there at the earliest opportunity?

Why couldn't you take Bosnia despite having the entire arsenal of the JNA behind you?

Why couldn't you take Sarajevo despite you having overwhelming military and tactical advantages and them only having home-made weaponry to defend themselves for three fucking years?

Why, despite grabbing all Jugoslav wealth, is Serbia a dysfunctional shithole which is unlikely to ever enter the EU?

Why did you kill Zoran Đinđić despite him being your only hope?

Why, despite having legitimate world class players, is your football team ranked behind the likes of Algeria, Senegal and Bosna i Herce-fucking-govina?

Why can't your football fans go literally one fucking match without making a complete and utter mockery of themselves?

To your credit, you can claim a few decent musicians like Balašević and EKV... but they loathed Serb nationalism and were deeply ashamed of the way Serbs acted in the period leading to the break up.

Serbia, you are really really shit in every regard. I wouldn't mind so much as most countries are quite shit to some degree. But you're so fucking proud of yourselves. More so than probably any other nation/state in the whole world.

I don't get it.

Why are you so shit?

Yours sincerely,

Fuck off.
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its the bread lad
dudl dudl
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My God, I got like 5-6 of his compatriots begging for money and sleeping on the streets and he's all like "you should have sex with them".
How about you take them back for a change?
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>Zoran Đinđić

Sorry, when I was looking for the thread, I searched for ex-ju rather than ex-yu.

I'm such a clutz :/

Please disregard my post and continue with your comfy thread.
only shitposting blood is shed here no confiness
also serbs didnt break up yugoslavia it was the sl*venes
not sex, man
just some bee jee's and maybe some balls gargling on a side.

Also, i'm trying to be helpful here, and you insult me? Why?
yugoslavia break up not because of the slovenes, but because the region we border to the west is populated by complete and utter retards.

The Sl*venes saw Milo go batshit dragging the bones of Lazar around the country and sensibly got the fuck out of dodge.
>tito dies
>economy goes to shit
>nationalist feelings emerge
>serbs elect milosevic because stupid shiptars in kosovo starting shit, he promises to defend the serbs in kosovo through populist bullshit
>germans ruse slovenes into splitting from yugo
>bosnians are so stupid they start a war over a wedding
>boom yugo collapse
u cant rly blame 1 group of people here....

Also, NATO apparently.
take your autism to /ex-yu/
>u cant rly blame 1 group of people here....
i'm not blaming one group, i'm just saying ex-yu's are retards - as a whole
why I insult you? Because I got your garbage outside my home. You should come pick it up
we are ex-yus
but i guess we aint the brightest either hehehe
Who's to blame???!

you forgot to add da joos
>yugoslavs eat bread to every meal
>they are the most autistic people on earth
bure goincidence
every one on the balkans eat breads to every meal
you are keep insulting me, and i didn't give you any reasons to. Ok then, in that case i'll be out of here. I didn't came here to be insulted.

They're the (others).

Funny story, when I was in Germany a few months ago, I didn't even dare shitpost about the jews what with the whole jews being sacred cows thing over there.

Though when I was in a few bars and speaking to locals late in the evening, I encountered a fair few people from all points on the political spectrum allude to a "jewish problem which we must not discuss". I've drank in most western countries and obviously a few Balkan ones too yet nobody seems as concerned about the jews as the German.

What's your take on the matter based on your experiences?
jews and niggers are often used as stereotypical jokes here, even in the media (tv shows, newspapers)
no one gives a fuck. we are not west cucks.
no we actually don't
yes we do?
its impossible to be full without bread
didn't know that macedonian cuisine was that poor
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Unde erai tu cand Lolin Furtun a murire?

eu eram acasa, cacatpostam pe chanon cand suna telefon

'Lorin fost atacat energetic'


si tu???????????
you wont jew us out of bread nikos
u be sayin you eat say... meat without bread?
only potato is a worthy substitute
don't tell me you eat drunken carp with bread
So a guy in the Soviet Union goes to buy a car. He pays the money in advance as requested and gets the usual waiting period. "Come and pick up your car in 10 years, comrade", said the car dealer. "In the morning or in the afternoon?" the customer replied. "What difference does it make if morning or afternoon when you wait 10 years anyway?". "Well, I gotta plumber coming in the morning."
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10/10, now fuck off
Кoй oт вac гo зaпoчнa тoвa бe?
oпa зaбpaвих чe e дpyг бopд, мaй тaкa cтaвaшe
pro-beit autist, sad part is his bait is successful couz balkanchimps always give balkan-related threads guaranteed bump limit kek
i used to bait balkanites back in the day too but now its just cringy and old, same shit for years
it's a pretty good thread and obvious bait. then again many /pol/acks are kinda mentally retarded so they might take it seriously
sashko also reached bump limit on int in 2012-2013 so intites are no different rly, its the same balk autists gettin baited either way not polacks
keep in mind that we all keep the bait going by pretending to take it seriously, even if we don't. it's no fun, otherwise
I am Gaymal Atagook, gay Turk boy
According to the Sashko of /pol/ you're part-time ataturk empire.
I'm part-time gay rent Turk Grey Wolf boy
/pol/ Bulgarians are the lowest of the low
/pol/ Balkanites almost appear sane compared to some others on there
We've had some comfy threads around the presidential election and the other day as well when the rapefugees rebelled. Although there are some cringy guys that spam Dinko.
It's their disgusting trying to fit in
That was me it hit 370 replies

Going to bed now shoutout to that other makke poster who baited with me
depends, i think the cringy BG flag sperg who spergs out when ever some one mentions the word reddit for instance is worse than any pol autist
one telling u we need borders and balkan unions are shit was me if u mean me
dont make such a thread again the idiots pissed me off especially that guy who said he saw shiptars in ohrid
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Hey Greeks I came back from athens a while ago and snapped this picture when I was there what does this mean ?
kek, you need to stop being so triggered by albos all the time

just in case: "we want our fatherland back"
t. animale imbecile
not by albos themselves theyre just gypsies, but by bullshit and when they make assumptions about my country while i practically live in ohrid every summer
galatea imbecile
Cucks how are you doing?
you again
kys roach
lmao 4chan is blocked in your country, talk about being a cuck
im never wrong
What fatherland? Hahahahaha

Fine t b h. Another day to spend. How you doing?
you're always buttblasted tho
only when people say shit thats blatantly bullshit, like telling me about a city in which ive stayed for a decade
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guess who got another 1000 lek
Nothing much. Any new gfs?
ohrid you're saying
met plenty albos from there
go get jar ass glasses

Kek no. I meet some girls that I talked online but they all turn out be ugly af. Btw I texted Poetrygirl yesterday and she replied in a casual way. Fuck my life bro.
sup kukendi how you doin
only in-city albos are a few that blend in with the turks, rests are in the villages around it and in struga which itself is 50% shqip, you haven't met shit, and if i wanted to go to your medieval africa tier hellhole i could also go and tell you shit about meeting shit there, it doesn't make it so
macos on balk are insane subhumans, when shkodran comes back from italy he will tell you all about them
hey romanians
*unzips pula*
I have met them you nigger
one was a hot girl with green eyes and the other was a shy faggot
your shithole isnt any better than my shithole
what kind of roach isis diaspora you are ? Kosovo is not albanian And why you are not in secret CIA prisons but still spergin on "sweden yes" flag?
t. vasluian imbecil
why are albos so into anecdotal evidence
and yes it is better, literally every one i know who goes to albania even recently even to big tourist centers like serande which is like the best place in the country? tell me the streets smell like open sewers and the accommodation is horrible, we fixed that shit 8 years ago, albania is only for desperate really poor people tho, pay some extra money and u can go to greece which is 10x better
anyone has the picture with the flagbearers of MK political parties ?

i cant seem to find it
It was near larissa metro station, I'm not lying
In any case pretty good I'd like graffiti like that in Paris
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I don't give a shit if you trust me or not im telling the truth
nigger your country isn't any better outside tourist places stop shilling so hard memedonia is full of ghettos
saranda is comfy af, better than your whole tourist places put together
the implication was that you knew what it meant and were baiting :^)
I'm an Albanian living in Athens and I admit Sarande is a Greek city.
all albanian lands should be ruled by greeks.
>full of ghettos
yeah, albo ghettos, you dumb nigger, lmaooo
every one i know whose been to both ohrid and serande would pick ohrid every time, only its more fucking expensive thanks to jewness of ohridjani recently
are you really debating about our countries shittiness? nigga were shit but youre way shitter, even tho you have sea access and a stable country without any vetos or such shit youre always behind in everything its pathetic, when we had internet and a lot of western products/chains u niggas barely had TVs and ate diarrhea-inducing kolorat or what ever u call that mcdonalds like chain, so idk how u can even compare, youre a fuckin joke compared to us cmon
I'm an aylien living in albania and I admit the soral system is an albanian city
NO, Gheg lands should be self-ruled. Tosks are meant to be ruled by Greeks, tho.
how do you delete 4chan posts?
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too late boi you made a deal with the devil
That would be pretty jedi if you had some ethics, compassion and affection to peace.

We already have round 2.
Made a few posts so i expect (You)'s from greeks and turturs soon, but ill share it with you guys <3
should i b8 too or just shitpost?
yo bro, Castro is gone ;_;
2016 is a wild ride
combination of both
>every one i know whose been to both ohrid and serande would pick ohrid every time
pfffhahahhahahahahhahahahaa fox and the grapes laughing at you

>when we had internet and a lot of western products/chains u niggas barely had TVs
those cardboard boxes arent tvs you mofo and those garden hoses aren't internet cables
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Pls make Gujo and Zeko die from space aids.

This is you ?
Jeez man you need to stop being triggered by everything.
It's all bants and good fun
post cute albano girls
hi, my name is Nikos Grouios and I am lonely boy from Saloniki
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Have a Greek one.
im in a bad mood tonight, i lost on sportska
>albo trying to banter me about TVs and internet
nigga... i ain't even gonna reply, you fuckers were in the stone age until 8 years ago, people used to buy albo bribes for 300 euros, they still do, only now they go for more
name for cultural researches
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turturs whats the name of that captain who fought and died in WW1 in the Ohrid lake against serbs?
Tanja is undoubtedly cute but she's 99% makeup

>being paid to advertise products just because you look good

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>people used to buy albo bribes for 300 euros
>for 300 euros
Tanja Ástþórsdóttir, no joke.


Thanks man, really need to read at least some basic stuff about Botev and Levski. Is the wiki about them any good?
fuckin english stupid as fuck language
u get my point tho, youre the africa of the balkans economy and progress-wise, so dont get smart with me

Yeah albos dont need to bother with that since they marry their sisters at the age of 12.
sb post the make buying bribes collection post
Did my part but i only have only one (you)?
I should have insulted the burgers a bit more
write on greek that you are macedonian and shiet and that you are oppressed

that would trigger some of your /pol/ countryman
>Macos get backwards, inbred Muslims
>we get the cuties who are ready to pop their puss puss open

truly the kings of the Balkans
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>makkes think their little ohrid can compare
>my face when
youre the trash can of the adriatic, italy and croatia are probably developing fans to blow the shit that washes up from your shore and travels to theirs, cmon lmao
Albania isn't that bad, I've visited it last summer and it wasn't specifically poorer than Macedonia 2bh m8
>Macos get Ibrahim Xhafari who sticks kebabs in his cheeks
>Greeks get Doretta and Teuta who stick their pussy on their dicks
its basically us - 2008 edition
theyre only 6-8 years behind now, used to be 20
ohrid is unironicly better

albania is poormans greece

i stayed there in a "all-included" hotel for 10 days basicly for free, i don't remember the exact price but it was VERY cheap, way cheaper then ohrid and suprisingly the hotel was nice too

There was also an old blerim who was gathering sea shells and gave me some
>Macos get great Ilirida
>Greeks get horny Doruntina
turk girls > albo girls if ur after exotic muslim pussy
i saw some german-turk family in prespa coming to vacation in their shitty village near the lake and the jailbait there hnng
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can't hear your jelly rants
our lakes >>>>>>>>>>your lakes
and that is not counting the actual shore
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nice swamp with photoshop filters m8
pic rel my OC but with shitty camera
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here have some real maccos instead
took me years to find in all those subfolders
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my grandfather used to tell me im fit like aлбaнcкa индycтpијa

was too small to understand back then, that cheeky cunt
rate the poem I read at my Lerin school gathering today

I'm a proud Macedonian
no Tatar will tear me down
no Albanian I suffer
the Greeks I make tremble
the Serbs I have turned back
the Turkish tyrant under my heel suffers
but I'm a gypsy in my heart
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here's one not photoshopped
>aлбaнcкa индycтpијa
has such a thing even EVER existed hahahahahahahha
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thats a river nigga
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it's a blue hole
it's connected to a river and a lake
here's the river
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now here's the lake
m8 i can take oversaturated pictures of zimbabwe and it'll look the same
we beat you in every way just accept it
Albos gave GOAT coast, we should definetely push to take Shkodran or whatever too once we annex Fyrom
coastal cities smell like open sewers, coast is filled with trash, beaches filled with trash
go to croat coast if u want real adriatic experience u poorfag
>inb4 rocky beaches
they have plenty of sandy ones
especially up in istra
only the last 2
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even an artificial lake in fucking tirana is better than most of the water views you have in your landlocked cunt let alone the coast
suck it up now
>another oversaturated swamp
you dont produce anything yet ur country is filled with trash
just how
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>oversaturated swamp
it's not my fault you can't know what they look like
>not medieval
>mfw he buttblasted makke finally admitted defeat
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he posted picture, he is dark
i feel bad for him :(
admits defeat? is ur shithole not medieval?
>i feel bad for him :(
same here man
>tfw he is part greek part skopjian part turk
>>tfw he is part greek part skopjian part turk
+ mexican
can't back up the fact that our places are waaaaaay better than yours so you post random vidz
what do u want me to do, ive already posted ohrid and that alone looks better than any swamp in ur shithole m8
is there any silver lining in this clusterfuck?
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a-at least hes not literal nigger, r-right ?
you can only wish
bet ohrid is the only excuse of a sea you've seen in your life
u can only wish that you werent living in middle ages tier shithole with blood feuds, telecommunications stitched together with spaghetti, roads made from junk and children u gotta sell for the highest bidder too but we can all dream
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>shithole accusing other shithole of being shithole
at least I'm not fucked in the head and I admit it unlike you
he is almost there desu.
But i have to admit that im astonished that he still considers himself a turk desu
i already admit were shit, but were still better than u sorry
ur the portugal to our spain
maco got btfod lol
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get a room you two...
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posting some hipster oversaturated images from his instagram, i could do the same but for what purpose
we being better than albania is just an undeniable fact
for fuck's sake don't go full retard
you can't compete for shit
I have shitton better pics
no you don't, and your faggy little instragram pictures dont mean shit, we have all the scenery you have and without the littering and blood-feud shelters scaterred around it, dont kid urself, we also have better mountains
not only nature but we btfo you in society as well
>macedonian societies kicking ass in the internet
im talking about the fact that we dont have blood feuds for one, and have a somewhat functioning health and justice system
id be scared shitless to even get a tooth removed in albania, u have doctors there?
>cunt with the most polluted capital in europe

>justice system
pfffff even you don't believe that shit

>functioning health
pay per view
>id be scared shitless to even get a tooth removed in albania
Let alone kidneys, am I right? That's what you should really be afraid of.
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they must be efficient at that tho, even the stupidest people can get good at something once they repeat it enough

but i do tho, we actually have a police force that'd stop shit like blood feuds from taking place in the middle of the street, unlike there apparently
do u srsly think youre ahead of us institution or even economy wise m8? because ur not

classic image
if i find that nigger who made those iq maps I'll beat the shit out of him
who the fucks gives iq points to niggers who b8 with pics from iran
u dont need IQ maps to see that ur country is severely lacking in that department, your traffic, your institutions speak for themselves
for god sakes a fucking gypsy almost collapsed ur country with a gypsy ponzi scheme in 1997 did he not?
that was cause inflation going overboard after being economically isolated you dumb nigger
even though we had to deal with worse shit than you you're still as shit
>had to deal with worse shit
a gypsy ponzi scheme compared to trade block for 5 years, no sea access, 2001 insurgency by alboniggers, housing 500k alboniggers during kosovo war
and were still ahead
only u can fuck up that badly
helo frend ignore the makke ples
your comparisons are beyond retarded
dunno why I'm still giving your shitty attempts of b8s still replies
but I can say

smol you and your huge ego are fucking hilarious PFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
its your comparisons that are shit ,the only shit ur shithole went through compared to ours was this fucking shitty ponzi scheme in which 4k shqips died because youre all fuckin retards and have no idea how anything works, consequence of 80 IQ again, once communism crashed all the retards left ur country and it seems even bigger retards remained, the smart albos must have gone to greece or something
genuinely asking
did you go to shit on some spot in ohrid and got nettles up your ass
i understand why you'd think you're better/just as good as us, its because ur biased, i get it, not like i'll sway your biased ass opinion like this, what ever
>just as good as us
this fucking server
is that not what ur saying u dumb gypsy? and i aint a fucking serb, you piece of shit
>le any one who disagrees with my gypsy opinion must be X
you fucking roach I can recognize you more than I can recognize my mom because you won't shut the fuck up 24/7. if i didnt know better id think you're a fucking homo
i already said we have nothing to talk about since its not like i can sway ur shitty wrong opinion any way, but u keep replying to me
I'm not the obsessed homo here you are
Stfu, kids
o rly? im just explaining how youre wrong
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im pixel artist for one of the most famous game companies
stfu old geezer, I haven't shitposted in a long time

no you're not
rofl save'd

i have and i did, but what ever, this conversation is over
what's the point if you always bring up the same shit
>hurrdurr albos I shdz whine all the time because no one shitposts back
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>albo calling someone else roach

now i have seen everything
based bro

come some day

na e can bythen kta vetem tu bo sikur ca jan
do vij her tjeter se sot esht von
make one for us mang
Who has performed a rimjob on his gf here?
What is this? Please tell me more?
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artworks updated.png
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Cool stuff bro.
t. xpozed
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