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>british accents

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>british accents
british accents are the best
They make you pregnant ?
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>british anything
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>British people
The West Country dialect is pretty nice, tbqh.

Cockney and Estuary ""English"" are truly tragic, OP is right.

Received Pronunciation is aesthetic but incredibly prissy.
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Want a brit girl with a posh London accent to sit on my face while lecturing me about British culture tbqh
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>unrecognized states
Fine tastes, good Sir!
Name 10 without cheating
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>british music
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>british Monroe Doctrine
does RP count as an accent ?
I can only name a few
from cornwall (?)
south london
home counties, home counties rural, liverpool has 2 accents i think, mancunian, brum, black country, welsh and scots have a few different ones each, manx, orkey, shetland, channel islands, thats all i can think of too add.
British food is god tier though.
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>British banter
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>ywn be british and go to the pub bantering with the lads
Brizzle (oo aar)
Home Counties
East Angli-er
21st century multicultural London
You have the "Scouser" accent which is borne of urban blending and mixing, and the middle-class Lancashire accent. And of course RP among the really posh and transplants.
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that's GOD'S OWN COUNTRY to thee lad
What's wrong, a Brit shagged the girl you've been creeping on?
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>European accents in general

>British """"Alpha Males""""
GOOD post
Jealousy is ugly anon.
This is how all of you should endeavor to sound when you speak in a public forum. Oxford/Cambridge have alumni all over the world running the show due in large part to superior command of the Queen's English.

Start this at the7:00 minute mark.

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Less than 0.001% of UKers speak authentic RP. If anything it is an acting accent.
kek, they do out here
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>qts having british accent
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>Let me tell you about the time when we conquered the world anon
muh dick tbqh
Those girls with that sort of accent are my thing
ah yes very nice statistical evidence
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>chicks dig em
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Literally anything but standard "accentless" American English is shit tier.

Canadians are almost considered in this category since they sound exactly like Americans except they butcher some of the ends of words
Yorkshire, Scottish, and Irish accents are the only good ones in the British Isles
definitive guide:
>english accents are mostly awful
>scottish and irish accents are great
>welsh is incomprehensible
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lol don't care
Welsh accents are clear compared to a lot Irish, Scottish and even English accents, you don't know what you're talking about
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>scottish and irish accents are great

t. someone who clearly hasn't met a scot or a paddy
Manhattan and LA are the most familiar accents to other groups, due to our movies/TV.
>bantering with Brits
A bunch of muslim enabling faggots
Are those real UK guys. They seem sort of pretty, which is odd because their women are a bit frumpy.
It's true women will get pregnant quite quick by only speaking to them in a British accent.

>The Global Dating Survey asked more than 11,000 people in 24 cities across the world to list "hot" accents other than their own.

1. British - 27
2. American – 8.7
3. Irish – 8.1
4. Australian - 8
5. French – 7.7
6. Italian – 6
7. Spanish – 4.9
8. Scottish – 4.7
9. Latin American – 4.1
10. Scandinavian – 3.3

Don't quite see Hungary on that list. Obviously highly irrelevant.
They're better than the English my friend, can't ask for much more than that
That's because you're only exposed to one maybe two types of Irish or Scottish accents, while numerous English accents are prevalent in media worldwide such is England's relevancy.
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the way you speak english is literally your accent. If anything, the british accent would have the best claim to being "accentless".
>mfw top one

No. You're just a typical colonial who watches american tv and likes those accents for their novelty value.

Same as the English girls who say OMG AUSTRALIAN ACCENTSSSS <33333 even though they'd want to strangle him after more than 3 hours.
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British accents are fucking gay lmao
Our men are actually alright but our women are awful.

Would have been easier if I was a bender desu
>scottish and irish accents are great

Confirmed for not hearing many Scottish accents.
In LA all the UK/AUS/NZ/SAFFA actors have all developed their own little RP-Lite posh versions of their accents that only exist in LA and NYC.

The primitive Australian speaks. You guys are a shit tier version of Californians with worse accents; Sydney seems to be 15 years behind LA in all things.
>Literally anything but standard "accentless" American English is shit tier.

Also General American is the worst American accent, just nasally and horrible. Also makes most Americans sound the same because of it.

You mock southerners for their accent but it's loads better than your shit.

How do you he's british?
>shit tier version of Californians
Not possible
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>tfw no dirty estate chav slag to abuse me and take all my money
this. at least scottish and irish accents have some comedic value. english accents are like nails on a chalkboard.
He was Polish from what I heard but can't find any info on him
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America needs to bring back and teach the trans-atlantic accent, like England's brave Cary Grant used. One of the best fusion accents ever.
Fuck british accents

American 4ever'
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That soldier was polish as well, hmmm?

You can tell from the shitty 60's houses and road markings that it's Britain. But the guy was Polish.
Oh shit look out Lithuania is emptying his anti Britain folder.

Keep them coming mate, have you got any of the compilation ones with enlarged text and laughing faces?
girls around the world love our accents, this thread is full of males trying to hide the truth KEK
>Britain is not a muslim shithole
How did you let yourselves fall so much?
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>Lithuania will become part of Russia in your lifetime
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At least we had to import shitskins to make our country a shithole. You have 99.9 % white populace and you're STILL a third-world country.

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This is the general English accent you want on a girl (general southern English). There are other nice ones but this is the best imo.

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Britain will become a caliphate sooner than Russian invades (they won't)
theres a reason why all the best films/tv series actors are english or putting on the english accent, english accents are god tier and you cant deny it TSUUUUUUUU
Yes lad
what to cum inside her so badly
>rob a bank with a nerf gun

What's it like not being able to offend Brits btw? Must be rather annoying.
kek calm the fuck down lad, don't understand why you're getting so frustrated over your ex-monarch's accents but doesn't matter because even the english sound better than you
also literally everyone who's ever even heard of LA knows that it's a cesspool, you can't really have a shit tier version of something that's already descended below shit into abominable hellhole, enjoy your insanely high murder rates my short-lived comrade
sydney is terrible though, you managed to get one thing right
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What's it like not being able to defend yourself and being overrun by third world shitskins, Nigel?
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>they won't
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Even Australia's current greatest actor, the English-born Sam Worthington, has to revert back to a standard British accent in films to hide his strange Aussie speech.
>believing in the Russian boogeyman
You can just lob a piece of bacon at them and they'll run away desu don't need a gun
Too many memes and piss ass VBs for you my Bogan friend. You are probably on dole. Will you admit you look like dated aged characters from a Seinfeld episode.
that's literally what acting is? want me to look at the thousands of british actors who put on american accents or neutralise their hideous voices so they're actually tolerable? this guy is just one example
you can have sam if you want him anyway, there's no way he's our "greatest" anything
don't know what "dated aged characters" means but I might, throw me some examples
>want me to look at the thousands of british actors who put on american accents

Yeah when they're playing Americans, duh. The Aussie accent isn't in demand as a neutral accent.

What a QT.
>aussy accent
shit tier accent
>ameriblob ******accents*****
either hillbilly or some monotone accent they call *****neutral*****
I work in TV - Aussies sound like shit and that is why you never hear them in any LA/NYC based TV show. People in other test markets cringe at the AUS/NZ broad accent. It just sounds like shit.
Georgia has the best American accent.

>tfw no southern belle gf
>He was Polish
this the fps russian guy from youtube is from there and his real accent is the only good amerishart accent
mate what are you even typing anymore, have a rest
no shit it's not in demand because there aren't any australian characters in shows, and when they are wanted they prefer hideous abominations to anything remotely authentic- not trying to say our accent is particularly desireable in the first place (depending on where it's from and the person themselves) but it is extremely niche
the australian accent "isn't in demand as a neutral accent" because the "neutral accent" is some strange monotonous american one; that's what becomes normalised with the amount of media they produce
the australian accent doesn't sound "neutral" because it barely exists outside of australia
>tfw you will never have a nice British accent
>tfw you will always have a Midwestern """"""""""neutral"""""""""" thst sounds like garbage
>neutralise their hideous voices so they're actually tolerable? this guy is just one example

What did he mean by this? Cabbagepatch literally makes women wet with his normal voice despite being an ayylmao.
She can lecture me about anything tbqh i just want to hear it
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>mfw british slags that come here on holiday

>went on vacation to ireland
>mfw accent of the folks from cork
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>Hungarian language
my nigga

>go to the pub with your mates
>have slightly too much to drink and banter the Prophet Allah
>shariah police arrest you and throw you in the Minaret of London
>you get three life sentences for having a butter knife in your pocket
Nothing makes me cringe more than the term 'British accent'
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Northern Irish accent is best Irish accent.
Having a post British accent has done nothing for me in the finding qts department, even when abroad.

A girl from Belarus told me that she liked my American accent but not British accents because they're too feminine

maybe all women are the same. Fake an amerriburgur accent if possible
I've got bigger problems m8

Just saying that accent makes little difference.
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>being this god damned Patrician
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>Scandinavian accents when they try to speak English

just stop.
>anything remotely authentic
We have authentic Aussies all over LA working at Aussie themed restaurant Outback Steakhouse. Nothing makes me happier than watching one of you primitives be subservient to a mighty Californian.

Your accents are not in demand because they suck balls- the lowest Bubba coal miner from Kentucky sound smarter than your typical abject Aussie. This is the only commercial I can recall with an openly AUS/NZ accent.

Your accents:
t. Ivan Depressionov
What are you doing in Britain? Migrated from Russia?
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