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Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 89

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Pán Prezident edition
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kiska nie je môj prezident
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wanna swap?
I never heard a woman say anything funny or profound why does society push this ''they are equal!'' meme? Men start movements that influence entire country women start some ''s-stop being mean to us!'' bullshit.

Giving them right to vote was a mistake.
they may be useless pieces of shit but they hold control over men
Because men are worthless fucks as well.
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Do you like Herbář, pepíks?

I only watch it because of these two bitches desu.
>unironically posting this Hungarian agent
hop hop!
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I wanna stomp pepiks
I wanna stomp pepik girls with my dicc
Dobre rano
Dobré ráno, Lithuanon.
Are you working already?
Yep, as always
Me too. I had to be there at 5:15 AM to take delivery of pastries. Part-time job at the convenience store.
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>they don't celebrate victory over fascism
fascists get out my thread REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
why do ppl still care about this clown, he doesn't even have his cunt anymore lmao

dumb cunts
I couldn't make myself wake up that early even if my home was burning down. Iam working at an office, sitting job at computer. Comfy, but pay could be bigger.

I would if I wasn't here, I am jelly of my qt who can stay at home today.
I have been at work since 4:00 slackers. Wake up
This is literally why Trump won
Thrash literally voted for Clinton. You can see how they are chimping out now
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Why do Czechs fuck lizards?
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yep, czechs are weirdos
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>he doesnt want the lizard dick
czech commies in türk prison
betting 100€ they will suicide in 5 years after returning CZ :DDDddd

Lunch break
Who /poorfag/ here


whiteboys gonna get his ass fuckd every day

wommen will be raped by guards probably
ebin :DDDDDD
>6 (six) sausages
richfag pls
Think it's time to admit I'm too old to be drinking on a weekday.
I only had like five beers and a shot and I feel like I'm about to die here.
Worst of it all, I spent half the evening thinking
>i could be sitting at home masturbating and playing video games
shhhh dont tell them.
they are like kid that didnt got toy and now is trashing the shop out of rage
Im sure it wont help trump in any way when they smash shops and cars of random people and burn usa flag while wearing mexicos flag
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so they got kurds allies?
Do you always lurk here, Vanya?
Your head roach calls literally everyone terrorist tho
Whats under the sausages
Bramborová kaše

Miroslav Farkas vedl kurzy kurdštiny na Klinice, neb "si Kliniku zamiloval".
Markéta Všelichová, kterou Turek také zadržel, se nedávno vychloubala na svém Facebooku, jak zdraví hidžábky a zřetelné muslimy v pražských ulicích aby vývážila nevraživé pohledy obecného káfirstva českého .
Dá se tedy trochu říci, že naši nepřátelé se požírají a zadržují navzájem.
"Zadrženou ženou je prý Markéta Všelichová známá pod bojovým jménem Zelane Botan. Údajně má na starosti logistiku a zdravotní služby a také koordinuje příjezd nových „dobrovolníků - teroristů“ z Evropy do Sýrie."

its ok you can execute them desu
She's right
So are you

For too long have people been told that their opinion is the only correct one and that they don't need to listen to anything others have to say. Everything good happens because I'm right. Everything bad is someone else's fault.

Mankind needs a new lesson in humility and it seems more than eager to inflict a severe one upon itself.

You literally side with isis supporters over your own kin because they don't spout different memes than you.
>they don't spout different memes than you.
meant to say they don't spout the same memes as you do, but when you take a step back, they are not really that different.
holy fuck why does that woman with rifle have belt made of bullets on her? wtf?
czechs better prepare another millions of crowns as they did with those two girls
Mankind needs another war or conflict, to realize what is good again. As much as i hate being edgy, i can't help but feel like this.
but anon these Czechs are muslim supporters. They are traitors and not mine kin

Had they not been intercepted by turks, they would have done more to help in effort of killing certifiably evil muslims than you would ever do by whining about islamization on congolese tapestry board
Are these a regular armed force or fucking ISIS?

>loosely let out long hair
>a fucking Adidas beanie
>ammo belt wrapped around torso for decoration
>1Hs a light machinegun in an unsafe position and making her unable to respond in case Czech Casting #9731 decides to break free or simply headbutt her

Also I'm not sure what's dangling on militiaman #5's belt but I have a disturbing feeling it might be a motherfucking dagger.
they would help "refugees" get into Europe. Also they are commies so thats double no

whats wrong with dagger?
Need to go to Mars like the moon. Hurry up America.
It's redundant. For someone who's trained, drawing a handgun takes the same time, it carries fewer risks and it's more effective.
Unless you have no other means, the only reason to go hand-to-hand with someone is if you want to subdue him and a dagger's no good for that.
what is millions of crowns
commies are worse than muslims
there is no argument about it
and those people were commie-muslims

also they will go mentally ill because of türk prisons :DD
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I dunno, it looks like a photo op to me.

>Czech Casting #9731
audible heh
I am slowly accepting the fact that i am not different from others, i am not autistic, and i am not some lone wolf. I am just a jerk.
>they would help "refugees" get into Europe. Also they are commies so thats double no
You're just jelly that a tiny girl has bigger balls than you to actually get up and do something.

If that is so, then why is turkey still such a shithole? It's not like it was ever communist.
But shouldn't a photo op project professionalism? I mean of course it's going to be a deliberately composed pic, but you wouldn't put someone there who'd look more at home on an airsoft field.
>I am just a jerk

like most pepiks really
Post commieblocks from your city

This is good comparison of old vs. renovated

99% in Lithuania still look like the old ones in pic (all grey)
Who do you have as points of reference?
My encounters with pepiks.
In here its more like 50/50
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how about postcommieblocks?
As opposed to your encounters with Poles? Although I suppose some bias is to be expected from you.
Sentences that never EVER helped anybody, but i still hear them on daily basis

>Don't be angry
>Don't be anxious
>Don't be clumsy
I wanna murder pepiks.
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I didn't see a single grey/shitty one when I visited, it was so colourful and made me happy. I live in pic related

What did he mean by this?
90's blocks
>have a friend with serious sickness
>she keeps talking about it every day
>i get her status updates on weekly basis
>she tells me how she is in horrible pain and wants to die all the time
>she has the sickness for over five years now
I know she is in pain and i feel for her, but holy fuck this is getting so annoying. If you want to die just fucking die already, i don't want to read through your bullshit every day.
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Like this I suppose, I just did a search for flat which is in block built anywhere from 1991 to 2000 and found this. It's 1995 I think but obviously renovated as well, couldn't have looked like that at that time. Not sure how to look for it, not many results if you just write year and add apartment.
>Czech Casting

You're smalltime if you've never fapped to #1337.
the vagina man?
turkey is good
thanks asshole i just got fired
actually, those everyday sayings are key to happines, people just dont take them seriously
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he looks like typical slav, heh
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wats ap v4
>think it has to be awesome chick with that sort of number
>mfw google results
I'm not even gonna watch the video
a face to the dick we all know
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from the new series
Wait what's it called?
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name on the shirt
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Klinika must burn
Gravity Falls season 2 turned into SJW feminism propagandistic bullshit. Wendy deserves to be bitchslapped so bad.
Kliníka is the conscience of your nation.
The canary in the coal mine.
They must be preserved at all costs if you want your nation to progress into the year 2017 CE.

>Prague 19th most visited city in the world
Damn, we sank low. Even Vienna is above us.

Its interesting though how the interest in South East Asia is skyrocketing.
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only violence allowed is violence on right wingers
>Damn, we sank low
if it means the hordes of tourists stomping around the city centre will finally fuck off, I see no problem with that
what the fuck do they visit SEA for? skyscrapers?
Bartos is disgusting scum, but he has right to present his opinion.
They are a bunch of fags, but just as well with right to present their opinions.
Preferably from their own property.

But sure lads, go ahead and promote divisiveness and internal strife. Respect, tolerance, cooperation, all of those are for the weak. And you are strong predators among unthinking cucks and sheeple, isn't that right?
sex tourism
I'd say people are running out of exotic places to go to.
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thai ladybois
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Damn i'm so bored at home, but i don't want to leave. I'm stuck in endless loop of vidya > tv shows > eat > wonder about life > vidya

I wanted to go look into the city today, but i was too lazy. I haven't stepped outside of the flat in three days now.

I think i should move out of here and never come back. This place brings up the worst of me.
scary how much he looks like my older cousin
Work done. What's up?

I kind of feel you. I don't have much to do at home except Skype, besides it I just watch videos and just do useless shit on the internet. I like to sometimes go outside with a friend to the pub, but most of the time I end up regretting it because nightlife here is pure degradation. There are no nightclubs or anything, just one pub and also no activity for youth except gym. So most of young lads go to pub to get shitfaced and then beat and stab each other. Especially when I go back home around 22:00-23:00 I have to keep looking around if someone is not following me and avoid any encounters. And at home it's just a lot of noise and bullshit from familia which drains me more than anything else. I'd actually love to be in your shoes and have lots of alone time by myself and then go out to the city knowing that there will be things to do such as go to cinema etc. It's one of the reasons I want to live somewhere closer to nature, so I could just hike by myself or with a friend. Ach jo.
Rasto Rogel / 10
>You're just jelly that a tiny girl has bigger balls than you to actually get up and do something.

o em gee she is retarded enough to die for muslims. So jelly of her balls
post doings
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woke up,checked grznar drama and now im going to play a bit wow desu
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what the fuck is that
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>anything else than latex
angry manlet desu
Dear diary, I've noticed a company I had applied to some time ago put up a job ad for the same position as back then. I did very well in all the tests and the interviews, in fact it was between me and this one girl out of god knows how many applicants.

In the end I asked for somewhat high-ish wages (this was very early in my misadventures where I was not yet the dreadfully depressed person I am now hoping for any glimmer of success) of about 30k a month (which I still don't think was that high, considering my test results & background & the position were a great fot, bit I guess I was wrong), and in the end they told me that I had "aced the tests but they decided to fill the position with someone more junior."

Should I try applying again?

Actually typing this all out makes me say "well obviously, yes", but there's a bit of me being hesitant. Maybe it's the last remnants of an entirely undeserved ego telling me that while I was obviously good enough for the job, that still wasn't good enough for them, so screw them - even though I know I'm not sticking it to them but only hurting myself. Also there's a weak but paranoid voice in the back of my head thinking they will just reject/laugh me off/put me at a disadvantage/talk shit or whatever based on the previous attempt.
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Ahoj lads
Stupid americunt mongrel faggot.
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hey there, thanks for the (you)
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I wish I had somebody to kill
Thanks, I will. In fact, I'm sending my CV right now.

I remember the HR lady being a maxXximum THICC 9/10 Hi Test sex goddess. I hope she still works there.
you can kill me if you're willing to pay for a cheap plane ticket there.
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I-I meant kiss
not kill, I swear
Just kiss? Or maybe something more? If you want some fun I'm quite willing.
I just want kiss from a pretty girl
I'm a pretty girl.
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you're the Polish homo
Stop discriminating me.
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either way would have been fine.
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I would love to fuck an edgelord like Sonic just pin the motherfucker to the bed, kiss him, lick his belly then turn him around and fuck him like an animal.
ok, from now on I should double check my spelling
you guys creep me out a bit right now
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whats sickness
why dont you go fuck her
post her pics
I'm just glad for the (you)s
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fuck off anime fags
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Anime is life, 2D is kill :3
>want to watch South Park in tv
>South Park is kill today
>tfw they replaced it with some shitty magyar anime

fucking reeee
How about you stop watching electronic jew you fucking plebian
how about you kill yourself you dirty kike
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stop fighting please
How about you get a life you fucking neckbeard

How about you suck my dick you fucking weeb
wow rude
if you want your dick sucked ask the polish
I got more life than you could handle you disgusting lanklet
Yes of course, one in second life, one in wow, one in lineage and several accounts on questionable dating sites.
How is your evening, friends?
Exhausted. I should work but I'm downloading Anthropoid instead 2bh
drinking sadness away
deciding which spreadsheet sim I'll play later
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So the only girl I ever cared about, for whom I let myself fall like a stupid fucking teenager, with whom I was really close until I fucked up, finally broke my fucking heart today.

Feels quite shit, tbqh famalams.

"I'd wait here forever just to see these flowers bloom.
thinking whether or not to masturbate, i abstained for 4 days including today
Tell us more m8
It was a decent movie for a foreigner like me, I liked it except for destroying the Czech language.

What are you drinking, bracho? And what are you sad about? Which games you play in particular?

You probably shouldn't unless there is a really big urge for it, I do it sometimes just so even when I am not into it, just so that I do it, but then it becomes harder and harder to stop doing it.

“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” I know she isn't a flower but I hope this helps at least a bit.
>a girl has expressed massive interest in me for like the first time ever in my life
>spent the entire evening talking and dancing and grabbing her ass and laughing
>got told by her friend and my friend she was totally into me, which was obvious but at least they confirmed it, and how she kept talking about me the whole day
>even feel the same way because she was nice and let's be honest i'm thirsty af

but then suddenly, a wild LIFE appeared

>recently moved back in with parents
>will have my own place - but in about five months at the earliest
>she hasn't seen my fat body skillfully hidden beneath smart clothing
>my phone died so i'm using a non-cool non-smart-phone
>got no money to rent my own place short term or replace my phone or do something intredasting with the grill

just fucking kill me now
where was this female back when i still had my old flat and some cash

"hey baby let's hit it off but get ready for cheap dates maybe once a week, i can't whatsapp or fb msg with you or anything, and we gonna need to fug in your place only"

I know I keep talking about the phone and i'm not THAT materialistic, just trying to underline what a loser with a faggy life i am right now lol
i swear this is some kind of a cosmic joke ťbh


"Hey god see this guy here?"
"Yep, a bit of a loser right?"
"alright lets throw him a bone so he might find a gf maybe"
"oh but fuck his life up otehrwise :DD:D"
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so.... this is power of 4chan
>cherry flavored vodka+cola syrup
lately mostly /gsg/s, rimworld, wesnoth, maybe I'll learn Aurora or check out new version of dwarf fortress
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I recognise the sentiment
teriffying, isnt it?
Stop being so fat.
Finally off work after 5 days
>tfw can't drink because of the stupid age limit here
There is not much to it really.
Until few months back I was a totally emotionless husk. I quess it was a convenient defense mechanism. Then I met her. We became friends. Then good friends. And then something even more I quess. She once even hinted I was one of the reasons she broke up with her bf. I fell in love with her. Cutest, nicest little thing, with similiar music taste, interesting hobbies and great person overall. We wasn't together and she went away on holidays. We were messaging each other every day. She sometimes called me at night etc. Summer ended we finally met again and we spent the whole night talking, cuddling etc. I know faggy shit, but I was in love and it never was about just fugging with her for me, even tho I got one great oportunity which I should've taken, but back then I got the feeling that it would ruin our "relationship" forever. Next day we went for a beer and I fucked up big time. She was crying in my arms, we were kissing and if I werent a total retard, everything could've benn different. Then I fucked up even more by not being able to salvage it when I had oportunity even though we were still writing each other and were even seeing each other. We grew distant and today.... I got the IRL Dear John and only thing I got myself to do was mumbling like a retard about how I still care about her. I don't even know what the fuck should I do now.

Well, thanks. But still it's sickening to see your dreams die,
Well this is a rather sad state of affairs.

Are we gonna make it bros?

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what the fuck, why does LA Noire keep crashing
nah I dont play shit games
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Ahhh yes, suffer as I do. Misery loves company.

So, you guys up to forming a DSBM band, realasing one record and then offing ourselves? We could be famous...
Nah. Next year i go to uni and i will start living like human
how do you fuck up when girl cries in your arms? or you made her cry?
Sort of. We were sitting, talking and when I told her how I feel about her and of course bunch of autistic melodramatic drunk shit, she started crying and pressed herself onto me.

I fucking hate myself for the entire fucking night.
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>confess love
>girl starts crying

wtf? is she mental? was it atleast cry of happines?
More of a "I am sorry, senpai, but..." kind of cry.
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Well, that is one of worst situations to be in that i can imagine, would rather get shot by kebab akbar.

But atleast you didnt try for another month for nothing
>we spent the whole night talking, cuddling etc. I know faggy shit, but I was in love and it never was about just fugging with her for me
You have a weird definition of faggy m8. This is quite opposite of that, sounds like a healthy male-female relationship.

>I don't even know what the fuck should I do now.
Start messaging her again?
>Trying to buy flight tickets with WizzAir
>Asks for SMS confirmation code at end
>Doesn't arrive
>Go buy the flight tickets with a different agency
>Look at bank statement
>WizzAir charged me 1,600Kc

Ahhh yes, as if I need any more fuck ups and stress in my life

Any Czechs with ČSOB who have successfully had a payment reversed?
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>my life is fucking stereotype shit
>i keep doing one thing and fail at it constantly
>went through deep depression-suicide tier
>still do same shit expecting different results
>just laugh and feel euphoria

ahahah am i going fucking mad?
Why the fuck doesn't Bratislava have a metro?
Vienna, Prague, Budapest, every capital around managed to build one.
>Start messaging her again?

We were messaging all the time up to today, when she IRL told me that she just wants to be friends.

Don't worry, next step is turning into a emotionless drone.
And after someone or something changes that and gives you a glimer of hope, don't forget three basic truths:
Hope is a lie of a weaker men's dreams.
You won't ever see the knife that's going to be plunged the deepest.
And what doesn't kill you, doesn't actually make you stronger.
What for?
because Bratislava isn't a capital
So you can quickly move around the city instead of spending half the day in traffic jams?
>We were messaging all the time up to today, when she IRL told me that she just wants to be friends.
Oh. Ohh. Well start looking for another one then.
Bratislava is very smol
Nah, fuck that. I can't wait to stop feeling anything again and just bang some dumb uninteresting bitch after boozing like a motherfucking from time to time to feel at least a little bit alive. I wasn't happy with such existance, but it's better than this shit.
I will never let myself again to stupidly fall in love, to get so emotionaly involved in a person.

Still it's quite funny when spending months caring about a person, being interested in her life and activities, making complete moron out of yourself just to make the person happy gets you nowhere when drunkedly tell a slut at a bar or at a party that she looks great and some other bullshit gets her on your dick. Defective breed.

Sorry for these outbursts of autism but I never was so emotionally fucked up and I just need to spit it out.
it doesnt matter you will die once
>I will never let myself again to stupidly fall in love, to get so emotionaly involved in a person.
You will lmoa
shut up shitskin
Because it's too spread out. You need a certain level of population density in order to have an effective metro system.
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>implying I'm not V4 on vacation
That's what he said.
yeah i think bratislava just isnt big enough to warrent a metro. trams are the next best thing and they work like a charm.
Ach, god damn lads. Life is fucking rough. And don't think that it's autistic to pour your misfortunes here, it's not. I know it prolly won't help emotionally at all whatsoever, but if we were closer I'd be there for you at any time of the day and try to keep your head up tbqh familia. I am done trusting people myself, except those who I choose after careful selection. Too many times you get stabbed without even knowing why. It might not make it easier, but just know that you aren't alone.
This post reeks of faggotry
leave /v4/ now
I fucking hate Poles.
Me too
>being this insecure on a Hungarian goulash recipe forum
Shituanian has to wage slave again tomorrow, although Fridays is one hour less. Dobrou noc!
>Fridays is one hour less
wtf I love Lithuania now
>told me that she just wants to be friends.




Nazis shouldve finished the job
Thanks for all the (you)s Slow-vak lmao

P.S kill yourself gypsie
polský zver
friendzone... man I wish.
More like a complete disregard for everything we've done, felt and meant for each other.
>More like a complete disregard for everything we've done, felt and meant for each other.
This is precisely what friendzone means lad.
Friendzone has absolutely nothing to do with an actual friendship, it's just a polite way of telling someone to fuck off.
Słowakurwa xDD
>we've done,
*you did
*you felt
>and meant
*she meant
>for each other.
*for you
ftfy, no need to thank me
I wish, at least I would have someone else to blame than myself and could've just fucking hate her and be done with it.
Still thanks, I appretiate the sentiment.
There's nothing to appreciate here lad, we've all been there.
Shit happens, the longer you will dwell on it and delude yourself with what-could-have-beens the worse for you. Move on asap
>left qt comfy lithuanian bf for a stupid dick that emotionally abused me, left him two months after
>ex bf told me he needs to let go of the past and he doesn't want to speak to me anymore
I deserved it, but it hurts
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>it's another episode of some underage Seba insulting everyone to feel better about his pathetic existence
Dobre rano lads, at work again

Fucking terrible night, went to sleep at 02:00 and woke up around 4:30 for no fucking reason and my mind was thinking that I am already late. Was already about to get up but something deep inside knew that something's not right and maybe after few minutes it snapped and I realized it's way too fucking early. Feeling like a zombie now...

Just at my work, because there isn't much work on Fridays
time to work slackers
Every time EU starts to bore me, Japan will come to the rescue. I think its one of the most fun nations to play.
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morning, v4

>not taking a day off today
>not enjoying 4 days off in a row
I almost never played anything outside of Europe in EU. Maybe just China and some horde long time ago. Is Japan really fun to play? Does it have lots of its own unique flavours? What other interesting nations are there?

Good morning
>on holiday since Tuesday
>back to school on next Tuesday
Its starting to drive me mad. What the fuck am i supposed to do at home? I feel like i'm just wasting time.
I want to join BIS desu
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Hordes are also fun as fuck, at least until Russians come.

Its fun starting with 3 provinces and Japan full of dayamos (your vassals). First 50 years you just spend annexing them, watching them wage wars on each other, sometimes stepping in, enforcing peace, when one of them is getting too strong, sometimes declaring on one of them, and you might even get declared on by coalition of them who want independence.
This part is actually extremely fun. It really gives you the feel of being an Emperor and ruling your unruly subjects. When watching them fight each other i felt like a God watching mortals' petty squabbles. Until three of them got strong as fuck and declared war of independence on me, while half of the rest refused to help me in the war. Then i suddenly felt very mortal myself.

And after that, there is of course the another extremely fun part of playing Japan, which is obligatory making of colonial empire.
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>tfw took a day off
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So there are three lazy slacking off Pepiks in this thread?
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That you know of
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Still its a lot as it is. Usually Pepiks work hard and the immigrants take all their money in benefits.

I'm not taking benefits lel, i just took a day off

Also nice, didn't have that pic yet
God damn I wish I could change places with one slacking Pepik and immediately have work in CZ

Thanks, I will try it the next time I have time to play. It's actually really cool to play as a horde and trying to stop the Russian expansion to the east. You always have an enemy to the east and places to expand.

It can't be that bad, Lietuva
It's not THAT bad, I'd just kill for it
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I was just hinting on what regular Czech thinks: That he works unhumanely hard, but the evil government gives it all to gypsies and such

Comfy folder is best folder
I played Oriats once, conquered like half of China, whole Central Asia plus colonized half of Siberia, but when the Russians came there was NOTHING i could do. Every time i beat them in battle with 10:1 numbers, they just regained the lost manpower in few months, while i lost half of my overall army.
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>suicide methods

"m'laddie" *tips hat*
Yeah I think you have to be quite lucky, that PLC somehow obliterates them or something, or maybe gain some strong ally somehow. I think I played some mod because I remember making Khitan Empire.
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Lel, i never even noticed that

I just love comfy window views, especially with computer. It reminds me of the comfy evenings i spend here.
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Mods are awesome desu. Best decision i made in the past year was installing extended timeline mod. You can do crazy stuff with that.
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>tfw it's happening
>Mars will be conquered during our lifetime
>You were born in time to witness exploration of Sol system
hello darkness my old friend
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Just browsing trough and I noticed this pic.
I must say it's really comfy.
Well... see you later!
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>tfw already done with work for today
Yeah, I used 1356 start date mod, but I don't like going too far back. I don't think EU4 mechanics represent such time periods well enough and it's just too unrealistic for me (as funny as it might sound). For earlier dates, I prefer CK2 as it is a lot more in-depth.
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I got lots of those if you are still here
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>gf writes me about her kinky fantasies
>bondage, blindfolding
>mfw that is her idea of "kinky"
I think that sexually, internet made me equivalent of Adam Jensen
Funny thing that i never really had any issue with that. I guess the game is so unrealistic even in the vanilla version, that i just got used to excusing the stupid shit in there and just applied it to earlier times.
But you are right, imo CK2 is actually the best history simulator.

t. history major
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>tfw you immediately recognize porn artist just by a crop thumbnail
This is why i like you guys, you always remind me there is somebody worse than me
I did it, friends
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>i dedicate this get to /v4/
we love you too Lithi
So shitload of people were yesterday in Prague center, demonstrating for the ideals of freedom, chanting, walking, holding transparents, ringing with whatever they had etc.

And what exactly changed? Nothing. Fucking nothing. Its all pointless, just for their personal feeling of "political activism"
It's good that people can mobilise. That's the sign of the healthy society.

Meanwhile, Slovaks are completely apathetic. There was a demo of the opposition in Bratislava (a few hundred people attended) and one Stalinist meme party organised something in front of the presidential palace. Their leader was arrested for shooting a flare.
But its completely fucking pointless. What good is it to keep repeating stories of people getting arrested by commies?

Fucking 98% of political life and social actions and all this bullshit could be summed up just by "COMMIES BAD"
Thread is dead again. Come on, i want to talk.
I want to fuck. Take your clothes off and put your dick in my mouth.
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>tfw 14 yo girls in leggins and tight af shirt

Reee i dont wanna be pedo
stop posting an*me and we can talk
Post Sonic instead
Why in my mouth? You don't like butts?
It's normal to be attracted to young girls
t. pedo
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I wanna fuck him so badly.
Allright, let's talk.
Being attracted to 14 yo girls is really normal
Being attracted to 5 yo girls is pedo
You must come from Ostrava
t. pedo

also MILFs are superior to every other type of woman
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arthur 2.png
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/czsk/ didnt have this anime faggot shit man
fuck this thread
literally who
I thought i am straight until i saw him
>I thought i am straight

you're Czech of course you aren't sweetie pie :3
How old are you? What is your occupation? Do you have a gf? How is your social life?
0, 0, 0, 0
I mostly am. Sonic is drawn to be boner-inducing also for straight people.
Sure thing sweetheart. Wanna fuck me without a condom?
>t. your friendly friend from BiS
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Ahoj friends

Time to enjoy a kebab and some delicious beer from my favourite country after this chill work day.

How are you?
>one thread lasts 2 days
we dead lads

I'm hungry
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I don't want to fuck anybody. I want to bring joy and happiness to guys by letting them use my boipussy.
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japs switched to tactic where they draw female girl, voice it by female VA and then just claim its man
Okay, you got me: Name one reason, why you like our country.

On the flip side, this is second thread in row to hit bump limit.
Without a condom?
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Hi friends
He has a gf from Czechia, how new are you?

Of course, otherwise i wouldn't be able to feel your cum rushing into my belly
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medvěd mává.gif
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Please be in Prague.
Exactly, how am i not supposed to feel like a fag then?
Are you coming here any time soon?
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Are you feeling insecure about it?
It is special :^)

do you guys shave your dick
awww yeah time for new (proper) top gear
I'm probably the oldest here, i just don't care about what you people say most of the time

So she forces you to buy a Czech flag and (presumably) more expensive Czech products?
Yeah, but i use my shaving machine and only keep it at like 1 cm. Being completely shaved just looks weird.
>I'm probably the oldest here
You were here before the introduction of flags?
No, I do that all by myself because I actually find the beer a lot better. As a surprise I bought her my country's flag and a line which you put on around your waist as part of traditional Lithuanian clothing. Obviously I couldn't leave without getting a Czech flag :^) She bought me a šala of CZ flag colours which I'm going to wear this winter. There is no forcing, simply pure appreciation of your beautiful country.
For you? Sure.

No lol
how do you shave balls? i cant do it with my strojcek
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if odd number I go out with m8s
if even I stay at home
self roll
with plastic guard on
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nice roll
Thread posts: 308
Thread images: 89

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