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Canadian General

Invited: All Canadians
sup mah boi

hello. brazilians are always welcome.
709 Master race reporting in.
It's so warm here (Eastern Ontario) it feels like September. Not that I'm complaining.
25 miles from Canadian border reporting in
expat from ontario reporting in, this is the worst time of year for homesickness because christmas in summer is fucking weird
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I hope you all are having a pleasant evening

>lots of uni work
>no friends
>no gf

could be better lad. tutoring a qt later the week though
who /princeedwardisland/ here?
What do you tutor?
who /yyc/ here?
How is it?
lads tell me about saskatchewan. dream about moving there one day
doing a poo
okay i guess

why would someone live anywhere but vancouver?
Holy fuck this city is arrogant.
t. Vancouverite
Fuck Canada
tragic thread
finally a containment general for you cringey fucks
Most would like to not live in a Chinese colony.

HongCouver is expensive too.
I've always been interested in Charlottetown just because it seems like a recurring character in Canadian history.

Halifax is the shit, though. Jewel of the Maritimes.
>I've always been interested in Charlottetown just because it seems like a recurring character in Canadian history.

is it?
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Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver.
You've gotta fuck one, marry one, kill one.
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Montreal here, did you show #respect on the 11th?
Fuck Montreal
Marry Vancouver
Kill Toronto
>Canada gets its own containment thread.
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Yes. We will never forget.
Vancouver fucking sucks ass dude. I'm moving far away from the multiculti shithole that is the GVR first chance I get.

Also dealing with desjardins has made me HATE Quebec.
Desjardins has branches outside of Quebec? You'll never find an Anglo in Quebec signed up with them, it's regarded as a separatist bank
My credit card is through them.
>separatist bank

What the fuck? Quebec is weird.
I like Vancouver but it's not as fucking great as it thinks. Montreal is the best city in my opinion. Calgary is underrated, too.
I'm with RBC, they've got branches next to my house, my gfs place, my work and uni so it was an easy choice
Charlottetown is great in the summer, but there's nothing to do but drink in the winter.
I would love to move across the country but I don't want to be far from my family ;_;
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Really makes you think
Vancouver is like Disneyland, a great place to visit but a horrible place to live.
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Torontonian living in Vancouver atm. Any other UBC students here?
Is Manitoba the Portugal of Canada?
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It is more like the South Dakota of Canada. Nothing of value and a shit ton of natives
>hating based newfoundland
>not liking maritimers

The fuck?
They're runts
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Fuck natives

t. prairie canadian
>liking maritimes
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>Quebec isn't part of Canada
Thanks lad
Then fuck off if you aren't happy with them.They were here first
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>tfw not Canadian
It's just for the pogey tho
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This is our land, this is our country. If you don't like it feel free to leave, white man.
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>We should have voted Harper again

If Layton was alive in 2015 that would be all orange instead of red anyways.

Also who /outofprovince/ here?
>not voting tory
what's the building in the back
>thinking his opinions matter
Ontario legislature
it was so fucking cold in Algonquin Provential Park last weekend.
Quebec can't be a country either because a country has to be administered by humans, not a bunch of grunting animals
>tfw no orange wave
Calgary is just shit. Ugliest big city in Canada.
hold on a second, this isn't /brit/
I want to move from Vancouver to Seattle.

Tired of chinese desu.
t. Edmontonian

Butthurt edmonturd detected
That's why I only go in the summer.
Chinese people are fine at least they don't blow you up
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>tired of chinese
>moves to china 3.0

Come home white man
based ireland
>unironically supporting the ndp

But with few exceptions they're fucking insane?
Where can I go for PNW, tech jobs, and fewer chinese.

I remember it not being that bad when I went around 2008.
>implying that federal government isn't a counterexample
I hate cons and libs, both owned by big business
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Wassup boys
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>Prime Minister Doug Ford
>Minister of Finance and Industry Maxime Bernier
>Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Kellie Leitch

You lads ready for this?
It's Victoria.
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Which province is more cucked, Alberta or Saskatchewan? I think it's Alberta

absolutely will not be reading or replying to this post
Fuck no.
That would be nice
wew, that girl in the bottom left
i hate yanks and like hockey

do i count as an honourary leaf
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The British are always welcome
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m8 your flag is on half our provincial flags of course you're an honourary leaf.

Pretty sure it's Halifax
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Here is a better version, bud
>british colombia
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No that's definitely Victoria
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wew that's embarrassing
That's photoshopped though
It's quite nice thank you, I. Honestly appreciate your nice. Comments
BC has the nicest legislature building in Canada
Thank you, buddy
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where's a better place to live, regina or saskatoon?
Sure, why not
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Quebec is blessed with French qts. Why can't the francophones spread to the rest of the country. We need more qts.
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>Non-Ontarians don't have firehouse subs

I'm so sorry
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Any ideas what flag this is?

Saw it on a yacht in Victoria. First thought the old Colony of British Columbia flag, but that's not it
Saskatoon is a bit bigger, therefore worse.

a while back they did. I think something like 300,000 French canadians moved to ontario and manitoba in the late 19th century

most of them have assimilated since though

have you ever left your basement?
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>tfw the only good Canadian flag is Quebecois

absolutely based flag, but it's funny how quebec is the least religious province (aside from maybe BC), but have a cross on their flag
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Anglos can't compete
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I'm looking but I don't know
Fuck Vancouver, Marry Montreal, Kill Toronto
I like Ontarios and New Brunswicks flag more. Saskatchewan is the worst.

fun fact: SKs flag was designed by a limey who briefly worked as a teacher there
I've done a lot of looking myself but can't find shit.

It might be a custom made personal or family flag or some shit
That would be amazing. Unfortunately Ontario rules this country by having so many seats. It would never happen.
What was he thinking? Green and yellow go horribly together. Also

Sask would be fine without the flower
Whenever these girls speak English they sound like they're from Ontario. Would hardly consider them French.
Rob Ford won in Toronto and rural Ontario is conservative. It could happen.
The colour scheme is awful too though
boys remember when eberle scored against russia

hopefully we'll have another comfy wjc this winter
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Toronto is by far the greatest city in Canada, not just to visit but to live. It's a safe city, relatively clean, there is plenty of work available in almost all professions, it has amazing culture, and no matter what your interests are you can find great entertainment any night of the week.
Is it because our flag was created by Duplessis, a christian anti-communist
Flags with Union Jack stamp are the ugliest
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I don't know shit about politics. What does a Trump presidency in the US mean for us? Is this good or bad?
The only thing correct about this opinion is the jobs part.

literally for 1.2 million for a townhouse next to a supervised injection site

no thanks
Keeps the artist away.
Neutral leaning towards good
>Flags with Union Jack stamp are the ugliest

Come on even if you're a bitter Quebecer the Union jack is one of the best looking flags
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have a confession lads

I like the french and wish they would stop trying to leave us
Bassically the Liberals have no chance of winning in 2019 now.

Trump's rational policies are going to totally expose Trudeau for the globalist hack he is
Why a leaf though, old flag was butfeil
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You take that back
Aren't there more ridings in Southern Ontario than the rest of Ontario? In fact I'm sure Southern Ontario has more ridings than most provinces.
Canadian flags rank

2.Nova Scotia
4.New Brunswick
6.Prince Edward Island
7.British Columbia
10.Northwest Territories

Sauce: https://nava.org/digital-library/design/surveys/2001-State-Provincial-Flag-Survey.pdf
Are you the guy that posts traps and tranny porn in /fr/ ?
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It does, right up until night when it becomes a political themed casino
>inherit based classical architecture capital building
>proceed to fuck it up with endless kitschy rope lights
t. Quebec
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no I'm the quebecboo who posts >csq pas de blonde gatinoise in /r/
No it wasn't. It was objectively shit. You can't just put a coat of arms on a Red Ensign and call it our national flag

What we should have did was compromise and meet halfway

>Why a leaf though
Are you people joking when you ask this? Do you not understand that the Maple Leaf has been our national symbol since day 1 of our nation?
you quoted 2 anons and no
Trump winning may galvanize support for Conservatives but just remember Vancouver and Toronto. These two cities will ALWAYS swing to the left and they basically run Canada. I can see Quebec, the Prairies and even the Atlantic going blue in 2019 but not Ontario or BC.
Worst list

> https://nava.org/digital-library/design/surveys/2001-State-Provincial-Flag-Survey.pdf

Okay so Americans were in this survey, no wonder they hate Ontario and Manitoba because of the Jacks. Americas whole identity is hating Britain for the revolution.
I agree. Quebecers are infesting the thread so pay no mind.
You're thinking of the namefag that posts that ugly thot genie bouchard

im a fan of this gimmick
this design is the best, but there's a version with a golden leaf that's nicer
froggy frog frog
My mistake

Yeah that guy
> they hate Ontario and Manitoba
Or maybe they look the same ?

Also you forgot to mention that B.C is pretty high in this rank
Vancouver swings blue all the time what are you talking about?
>this design is the best, but there's a version with a golden leaf that's nicer

Yeah that's the original 1946 proposal

fucking hell why isn't that our flag?

>lets make a tricolour like every other country, how original
BC doesn't count. They only look the same to fools. One has a buffalo the other has St Georges cross and leafs.

Ontario flag>Manitoba that part is true
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Why is /canada/ so much better for discussion than /cum/?
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1.) The leaf has been a symbol.of Canada for over 300 years.

2.) Many of the WWI trenches were connected by tunnels the walls of which were white and chalky, similar to the Cliffs of Dover. It was customary for soldiers to carve their name, rank, hometown, regiment, and often a symbol or little drawing of some sort. One Québécois carved a beaver, another Maritimer carved a fish, but most Canadians simply carved a maple leaf. (So you can't really say it is souless)

3.) Brand marketing

4.) The Union Jack is still an official flag of Canada and is often flown at homes and many government buildings

5.) 9 out of 10 provincial flags still bear either St. George's cross, the Union Jack, or a Royal lion.

6.) The red in the maple leaf flag was approved by the King and represents the red from St. George's cross (the white is from a French flag)
Vancouver was mostly Liberal and NDP last election.
No autistic anime nerds
the americans on /cum/ are REALLY autistic

the mexicans are chill
Metis, not even once.

maple leaves only turn gold/yellow when they are about to fall off. kinda dumb to use it
Earlier elections we were conservative.

My riding was conservative up until last election.

It swings back and forth more than ontario.
I bought a condo for about 250k, it would be nice to have a house but it's a very small sacrifice to live in such a great city.
I'm joining the army lads what should I expect?

is it a shoebox on the western terminus of the bloor subway?????

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>tfw really like Victoria because it's held onto it's colonial roots
>want to move there
>but then I remember it's full of leftist faggots that vote fucking Green

It's not fair that useless degenerates control such a beautiful classic Canadian city
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There is always tons or regional banter in /Canada/ but at least cancerous weebs and Americans spouting their racial fetishes stay in /cum/
Maybe because that doesn't represent the Quebecois,duh
>BC doesn't count
Yes, it's counts, stop your cherry-picking
Our army is shit. Under funded, under trained and under manned. I know because someone else on /int/ told me once.
>$250 k

You could buy an oceanfront mansion here for that price.
Benefits and a pension. Otherwise idk.
white leftism is the answer, anon
Maritimes should fucking leave this SJW shithole. Enjoy your French cuck PM, gay sex with dogs and brown people.
Lot's of PT
>Yes, it's counts

No, the jack is obscured by all that shit
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Foreigner's guide to Canada
Under funded, under equiped, and under manned, yes.
But, Canadian soldiers are the highest paid in NATO and recieve more training per member than almost any other country.
>literally every Maritime/Atlantic riding voted Liberal

fucking pathetic tBh
Regular or reserves?
Because of pocketbooks, not principles
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voted red for the pogey unlike the rest of you who voted liberal in order to receive a man's cock up your ass
they were getting sick of harper forgetting there was anything east of ottawa
Must be in Newfoundland where there aren't any jobs, because you sure as hell aren't buying that on the west coast.
Stop memeing there is nothing east of Ottawa
Maritimes, and we have some jobs
>forgetting there was anything east of ottawa

In terms of being actually useful to the country and not just welfare queens that leech off the rest of the country, no there isn't anything east of Ottawa
On the east coast? Pretty much. Hell some pretty nice buildings here for sub-100k. pretty great deal if you can find work.

no they were sick of Harper cutting off their welfare payments
And the Union Jack still there.
A dog is a dog, an union Jack is an union jack
You can cry or scream but this would change nothing to this fact.
I know this. But I see it as merely a starting point because I hate my life. I mean, I'm a weak beta who has absolutely no interest in holding some dumb white-collar job, and I know joining the military can at least fix those two.

I talked to some other Canadian on /int/ who was gonna join the Foreign Legion. I might do that eventually to, but I'd prefer to serve Canada first.

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There is, it's called "Canada"
Don't believe this "maritimes are a actually right wing British paradise" meme for one second.
what's a job you can save a lot of money fast because they pay for housing and shit

I'm thinking like those camp workers in the oil sands but I guess those jobs are gone now. are there other types like that?
Never join the military thinking it's going to "fix" you in any way.

it doesn't, and that is one of the things most vets will tell you
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Well "paradise" is a strong word tbqh
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Is this legit?
So what was your guys' excuse? Wanted to sodomize boys?

They are a right wing paradise if your definition of right wing is "fishing and relying on EI"
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How is the University of Waterloo computer science program? Is it any good or just a meme?
Why do people think Sask and Manitoba are any fucking different?
How old are you/ What skills do you have?
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Let it break me then. It's better than being myself.
>canadian flag
Canadian education.
bicolor. Triband.
Maritimes and Newfoundland are about the only socially conservative and nationalist provinces with the obvious exception of Quebec.
Yeah, now go read that asterisk
>1 year becomes 2, or 1 year but have a kid together, etc
Get me out of here.

Quebec being based again. How does it feel to be cucked ROC?
NWT has a higher GDP than Yukon, though
Why do people think Alberta and Saskatchewan are any fucking different?
Are you the Romanian who shitposted under a canadian proxy ?
Not him but as someone who's never met a Metis(that I know of) are they basically white and just roleplaying as Natives?

20s. not much in terms of skills, mainly done service sector shit jobs. getting a meme degree too.
Sask is 14% abo
Manitoba is 15% abo

Like Is said, there is no difference.
>tfw no socially conservative and catholic quebec
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Any fellow anglo students in Montreal here?

>tfw everyone else was bitter about the election but you
>romanian who shitposted under a canadian proxy

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He really is terrible.
Quebec is not socially conservative at all.
No matter which side of the political ideology, you cannot deny that is one very handsome man.
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Seeing that picture and this one makes me kek
Concordiafag montreal native here

Everyone in my polysci class was losing their minds about trump. Had to drop some hardcore knowledge bombs about killary to make them stop sobbing
You can get a decent place for 250k. You can also get condos for much less but then you are going to be in some nigger neighborhood.
People keep saying this but I don't see it. He also literally has a gay lisp. Also It seems it's always other men who are saying he's handsome.
It can go both ways. Most natives around where I live are more full native than metis.

Some Metis look native, some don't. My best friend is metis, has a treaty card and everything, but he's white as fuck and doesn't consider himself native whatsoever

Unironically the whiter a Metis is, the better they are
He's a faggot cuck who would probably end up getting pozzed if he weren't the son of a PM.
Quebec doesn't really fit in anywhere on the spectrum. They are "progressive" on most social issues but they don't like foreigners.
>Unironically the whiter a Metis is, the better they are

lel I believe it
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How do you post under the Queen's tricolour?
Also goes for looks too.

Any good looking "native" girl is at least 60% white. Real native women always look like dogshit and are always fat
Because I have been there. I get that you guys like the monarchy, might fly the occasional Union Jack, have kilts and bagpipes in your parade, and maintain a few historic buildings.

Now imagine a place where I can look at a list of loyalists who landed here in 1777 and a school year book from 2016 and all the surnames are the same. Where on main street (king st in my town) I walk by cemeteries of loyalists or settlers from centuries ago. On my way to work I pass an old cannon still pointed at the states where it was put following an attack from them on my town in 1812. Most buildings here were erected in the 19th century. Where 95.7% of the population is white, almost entirely pure laine French, Acadians, and predominantly Anglos. (Another 2.9% are Indian and Metis, virtually no immigrants, minorities, or non French/Anglo). A community where the most common jobs are fishing, logging, and fur trapping, where we have unique accents, and unique foods, etc.

That's what makes us a bit different

>tfw this is literally the best combination

And from what I gathered from talking with people a lot about many issues, people here tend to not be the crazy kind of progressives.

Like nobody believes in "cultural appropriation" and they are actually rather uncomfortable with MtF people in women's bathroom.

How can you not see it? He has a face of a model.
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this tbh fam.gif
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no, lots of progressives in Quebec are big into sjw, especially in Montreal. Look at Quebec Solidaire.
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He sounds stupid but looks like a model
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Use meme magic to meme Québec into secession: are a lot of Canadians up for it?
What are you talking about? Have standards dropped this much? For a politician he's good looking. For an average every day guy he's not.
PLQ, the current party in power, is neoliberalism
would rather meme Ford into Ottawa.

See this other poster >>67469785
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>Implying I want to give them the satisfaction of leaving
The first picture he looks okay. The other two he looks like a goofy high school teacher.


>3 seats out of 125

Yeah we're fucked. The SJWs go to McGill and Concordia, that's the true fact of it. SJW bullshit in Canada is absolutely only an anglo problem.
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I'm still not seeing it man

We already have /cum/
eastern ontario is like that too
>Rob Ford was only 2 years older than Trudeau
/cum/ is Infested by weebs and actual cuckholds
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He also looks a lot like Jean-Christophe Napoléon
This. And Toronto is a far greater centre of SJW regressiveness than Montreal.
It's more of a regional problem.

don't act like there aren't a lot of french sjws in montreal too. almost all of Quebec Solidaire's 300,000+ votes in the last election came from predominantly french neighbourhoods in montreal
Who? He looks like a turk but with blue eyes
>implying millions of francophones being subjects of the queen isn't far sweeter than a banana republic rump state
>Forgetting UQAM exists

I'd rate SJW bullshit in this province as McGill > UQAM >>>>> Concordia.

McGill is too rich and spoiled and has nothing else better to do than to bitch and moan, UQAM is filled with anarchists and communists who hate "the system" and Concordia just gets runoff from McGill because people who come here aren't nearly as rich and entitled as McGill students who desperately need to find a social cause to latch on to.
>SJW bullshit in Canada is absolutely only an anglo problem.

lmao if you say so. I've met a shit load of French-Canadian feminists. A lot of them were dudes.
SJWs don't want the independence of Quebec fuckin idiot
They're autistic

I may not be French, but I'm on your side petit cabochon
Weebs, yes but cucks? No way, I wouldn't allow it.
Parts of Eastern Ontario may have some of that but nowhere near the saturation you see in the Maritimes.
Truth is it's our strength and weakness. Ontario evolved to meet the modern world we stagnated and have not changed very much.
Quebec Solidaire is not an SJW party. Its a more economically left wing version of the Parti Quebecois

literally hairy manlets
Nonsense, Québecois love their queen.
As someone who attended a bilingual university outside of Quebec at which probably close to 50% of the tenured professors were Quebecers, they are some of the most hard-line, ideological leftists I had ever encountered in my life. Granted, they didn't try to shut down opposing views in my experience but these were people who must be called legitimately loyal to their cause.

This isn't really my experience with the average Quebecer but it certainly seems to be true in the case of their intellectuals and academics.
Yeah it's just your largest and most relevant city that has a SJW infestation not a big deal.
C'mon now you'd sacrifice the very nature of your society to have a better paying job? Southern ontario is a fucking mess, it just feels like america but with Commonwealth immigrant patterns
He is the great-something grandnephew of Napoléon Bonaparte and also a direct descendent of the Bourbon monarchs.

what the fuck is QS then? you ever heard francoise davide talk? fuck off retard
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If you own a cat instead of a dog you're a sissy
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Vive la reine de Canada

bullshit. it's full of third wave feminists and >muh diversity
Oh neat
They literally describe themselves as a feminist, social justice, pro-immgration party.
True. Trudeau just looks goofy. He's fits the non-threatening drama teacher stereotype to a tee.
Fuck no, I'd never move out west. I would much rather have my financially poor, culturally rich province, than a multiculti hellhole.
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You don't even speak french or you can understand what she says
That's what I'm saying.

Canada west of the ottawa river isn't even Canada. Just pockets of it left really
I've been thinking about it. Getting real tired of the leeching scum in Atlantic Canada. If I were to move it'd be in the prairies among like minded people.

I do speak french actually. I was forced to learn it from grade 1 to grade 10
Sure are a lot of racist in here.
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Who /drugs/ here?

Not me.
I agree, my only regret is that die to economic stagnation Maritimers vote with their pocketbooks instead of their principles, so we're left with a bunch of socially conservative people electing liberal leaders.
Welcome to the real world.
New Brunswick?
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We know your end game, chang
It's not horribly bad, at least not nearly as bad as Vancouver. Considerable amount of gun owners and home to arguably the best range on the Island. Problem is that there simply isn't enough jobs that provide a livable wage for younger people.
literally can't survive without weed
>tfw no one nation conservative party
>tfw just neo-liberal socially conservative and liberal hacks
feels bad man
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I'm talking about real drugs
It makes me really paranoid
Oh well I mean I love them all but I can't exactly snort coke, pop mollies or eat zoomers all day everyday.
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4chan is a website for losers
Yeah it does that too some. Try smoking less.
Not a fan tbhwy, stick to my liquor and darts
That's good to hear, I'm a big gun person.

Just one question. I have a dirtbike, is there anywhere near the city I could freely rip around? Any sort of backroad/countryside areas? I live in bumfuck nowhere so I'm used to wide open empty spaces, but I would imagine the island is pretty densely populated.
Jesus is this real? Let it die.
No, please no
It's just a tour thing. They've done a lot of them.

It's not part of the actual TV show or anything
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I fucking hate this feel. Why does America get to have someone like Trump, while we're stuck with a bunch of neocons, literal commies, and dude-weed-lmao's?
watched 30 minutes before i couldnt anymore

laughed a bit
I hope you're memeing. Trump is the worst thing to happen to the planet since Reagan.
Kill yourself GTA cuck

The Trump age has dawned and there is nothing you can do about it
What would they even do on a tour?
You know what I hope you're memeing too. Here's your (You)
fuck Toronto, marry Montreal, kill Vancouver
gonna make a (new)
Oh I know. I just don't want to watch the world burn like the rest of you losers.

I am not.
Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Nunavut, congratulations. You all have based flags

the rest are fucking trash
the blue should match the Union Flag
Globalists are the ones who want to the world to burn. Specifically the Western World

Trump is gonna stop that from happening. We need Nationalism
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Nice fucking meme lad.

I'd rather Trump run Canada than any of the hacks that the Conservatives are choosing now.
did you fucking sleep through history class? We killed nationalism for a reason; it doesn't lead to anything good. Also globalism is the only thing keeping Canada Relevant and independent.
get tae fuck yank
no I love Quebec, they make up the other half of true Canada

t. Ontarian
>it doesn't lead to anything good

lmao holy fuck what kind of leftist bullshit have you been reading? Everything we know exists because of Nationalism.
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Atlantic Canada is one half, Québec is the other half

t. Québécois
Now if only all the Pakis and Chinks felt that way about their shitholes so they'd stop coming over here.
you little shit I trusted you
Nah, you're fucked for that kinda thing. If you want access to crown land and the outdoors in general you're gonna have to drive at least 30 minutes to escape all the non-urban areas.
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