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Mainland vs maritime asean Which is better?

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Thread replies: 161
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Mainland vs maritime asean

Which is better?
right looks better imho
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maritime SEA are literal niggers
Figuratively who cares?
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Before Islam, Indonesia was pretty based. Now, >>67342737 is correct. Cambodia also was pretty cool, but obviously not anymore.
Maritime because we're not cucked by china yet
That's correct. Every Maritime one I've ever met was a moronic Muslim or extreme Catholic. Mainland ones at least have some sanity.
Well let's look at some prime examples, shall we? Take Thais first of all. Thais are the blessed children of the Chakri Dynasty and the immortal sires of the Sukhothai Kingdom that ruled over Greater Siam - the first and only power to conquer the entire Indochina Peninsula atop the ruins of the fallen Khmer Empire.

Meanwhile, Indonesia sucks shit.
>inferior food in general (especially compared to Thai cuisine)
>inferior martial arts (more people rightly practice Muay Thai)
>poor quality of life leading to boat people bound for Australia
>colonized by Europe but learned nothing
>dominated by worst religion (Islam)
>ugly women with awful fashion sense (even by Islamic standards)
>inferior Javanese genetics
>Jakarta is at least 20 years behind Bangkok
>non-presence in global consciousness (more people know about Bali)
>more unwelcoming to foreigners and tourists than any other Asian country
>outlawed Christmas and Valentine's Day due to Islamic paranoia
>poorly defined national identity
>flag is just Poland flipped upside down
>language is just distorted Malay

4th most populated country in the world and most people don't even know they exist. Indonesians themselves didn't even remember they had a seafaring empire until a Dutch archaeologist stumbled on some ancient ruins and started doing all the research.

Philippines also sucks.
>still named after a foreign king
>too many languages (all them shitty)
>no original culture to speak of
>weakest military in the world
>can't endure a typhoon without losing thousands
>can't recover from a typhoon even years after it hits
>literally the most dangerous place on earth for journalists (CNN and BBC both report on the Philippines using correspondents based in Bangkok)
>Catholicism (lol)
>most mongrel genetics on earth
>can't rescue hostages without killing them
>switches from humping America's leg to humping China's leg
>accent sounds like bastardized island spic
>Muslims everywhere beheading people
>Mainland ones at least have some sanity.
>poor. pol-pot, aids, indian heritage, imperialism, cambodia
>be a thai
>thousand years of existence
>not colonized
>older than china and japan
>its a fookin shithole
pfff HAHAHahaha
mainland, because they're not nuked :-)
aren't you poorer than both indonesia and philippines?
is this an irony-post
This thread would be fun.

Ehh, no. Thailand is better than Philippines, and on pair with Indonesia. Only Singapore and Thailand are better than Thailand in SEA, maybe Brunei too, but i don't know much about them.
umm... indonesia is ranked 18 in the world's richest economies. thailand is 27
*Only Singapore and Malaysia
Economy size/GDP is not a measure of wealth, by that logic China is wealthier than any country apart from the USA including all of Western Europe, and India is richer than all but 7 countries

In terms of per capita (PPP), Thailand is 71, Indonesia is 96 and Philippines is 115
>Cambodia also was pretty cool
This, the Khmer Empire was based.

>mfw my ancestors helped bring it down
The textbooks should at least teach us that we destroyed Champa and helped to bring down the Khmer Empire. Instead of China everywhere. We did Chinese-tier invasions too.
nothing wrong with indian heritage and imperialism desu, we probably be more similar to them without islam


Making shiploads of babies doesn't make you rich haha

Per capita makes more sense
Singapore is better than usa in that case ;)
>Be thai
>centuries of being a hermit kingdom
>fast forward today
>tranny capital of the world
>cucked by sex tourists in the ass
Implying Philippines isn't co-sex capital lmao

It has been since the Spanish arrived kek
Is this really Sri Lanka or are you using a proxy?
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t. Fe Lim
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I wish everything said in this thread were true, otherwise the people who are from these so called "based" countries wouldn't come here in mass looking for jobs and starting shit.

>those myanmar gangsters who decapitated people
For fuck's sake.
I know right anon. If they were so great, stay in their own country. We are not asking for illegal immigrants.
maritime because superior ship design
barring vietnam,the only mainland country worth a visit is thailand white people destroyed the others so bad
mainland if you want the dumbed down version of mongoloids
if indonesia weren't so poor we'd be based as fuck
>Southeast Asia

>inferior food in general (especially compared to Thai cuisine)
Thai only has their tom yam and shit, we have so much anything form rendang into cotto
>inferior martial arts (more people rightly practice Muay Thai)
have so many martiual arts, dayak martial art, silat, white pigeon art, and many more
>poor quality of life leading to boat people bound for Australia
it's stereotype, but thank god, they choose australia instead us
>colonized by Europe but learned nothing
better than thai, not colonized but don't have any space program
>dominated by worst religion (Islam)
our islam better than arab shithead, we even allow secular or papuan into capital power and legslative power
>ugly women with awful fashion sense (even by Islamic standards)
so you want us to be arab standard, fuck off
>inferior Javanese genetics
it's central javanese, they alywas being a nigger even for indonesian standard
>Jakarta is at least 20 years behind Bangkok
blame jakartanian
>non-presence in global consciousness (more people know about Bali)
because aussie only care go to bali, european prefer lombok or karimun java
>more unwelcoming to foreigners and tourists than any other Asian country
myth as fuck
>outlawed Christmas and Valentine's Day due to Islamic paranoia
in here christmas is national day, some celebrate valentine (the millenials) but the conservative (both antionalist and religist such from islam, christian, hindu, etc) try to forbid it
>poorly defined national identity
if we define a, b call us racist,
if we define b, c call us racist,
if we define c, d call us racist,
too many cultures
>flag is just Poland flipped upside down
so what, monaco who is first world just like that too
>language is just distorted Malay
but ours is better since easiest language to be learned

2/10 learn more
I don't like thais
get over it
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>ITT maritime butthurt
Myanmar is brown, anon. Also cannot into economics.
I want to know too.
Wouldnt dare touch girl on the left with a stick
whats up with that face man
its like the southeast asian equivalent of having monolids
their so called manmade capityal city, didn't even succeed to be real capital city until now
most of their bridge is made by our country's company

Degenerate af, but still want to be called conservative
too many coups and flood, many investor left then

still irrelevant and still in low standard because dictatorship

good, but rely too much to low tax for foreiugner investor
still had conflict with chink

nobody care, mountain commie nigger

now arrogantly cut any relationship with US
Dutdut became chink's bitch

if there is riot or demonstration, it must be clash between pro reformation and pro government, and it must be in mass
Najib is more corrupt than suharto
intolerant if you are not bumiputera

first world, but worse tax and fine policies than first world
conservative, not so tolerant

too many cultures, but can keep it calm
islam but not arab tier
javanese cause problem to everything
libtard in here is much worse than in malaysia or thai
everything in here is political since reformation

saudi of asean

>timor leste
.... in the end they ask our help in timor-australia oil area affair
Those are mexican and not spanish
>mexican and not spanish
It's all brown ans shitty.
>implying layovers can differentiate
well mainland asean don't post here because they either don't have internet or cannot converse in english
>this is the image of thai's future
Indonesia do me a favor and eradicate that disgusting Timor creole language

Annex that little shit
>well mainland asean don't post here because they either don't have internet or cannot converse in english
You should add normie culture.
we want but god damn aussie ruin fuckin everything

oh also we have better refugee experience in the past than yurop and aussie

in cold war, sice the lost of south vietnam to commie vietnam, many of their citizen became refugee
the UNCHR pointed us as transit country, but instead place them all in our main island, we placed them all in a tiny island
in that island we control them and educate them
in the end, nothing problem, they either back to home or move to other country

How does it feel to be the only one?
>that disgusting Timor creole language
Tetum isn't a creole language, it's an austronesian language, albeit with its fair share of portuguese loanwords.
There're Thais in the thread. But i think there're only like 5-10 Vietanons on /int/.
What makes you think it's a proxy?
stop exporting chinks to maritime asean

Im Thai and mainland Aseans are heavy social media users

Its just people only care about self image so only use Facebook and such lol
Have you ever listen to that language? It sounded exactly like my Brazilian friend

Austronesian my ass
>5-10 Vietanons
How did you get to know this board?
Why I only get to see Vietnamese, Cambodian, or Hmong in the US when it comes to SEA Americans? I don't see much SEA ppl other than those 3
Eh, the only "pure" Tetum speakers live in West Timor.
Memes my friend. Also ITAOTS and /mu/.

Hmong are basically Lao version of gypsies.

Lao people are basically the same ethnicity as us Thai. Like Austrian and German

The Hmong ran away from the commies I guess lol

Cambodians also here because of commies

Basically Thailand is too based so no one wants to leave :)
They are all war refugees.
Wat dat
Idk. I don't really consider them 'SEA'. They are literally their own
I actually somehow see good # of Thais in the UK and the US as students there. Are rich ppl in Thailand basically sending their kids to Anglo countries just as Koreans do?
>I don't really consider them 'SEA'. They are literally their own

All the rich chink descent Thais I know speak good English
delet this
>Have you ever listen to that language?

>It sounded exactly like my Brazilian friend
>inferior food in general (especially compared to Thai cuisine)
Only a Thai could believe this
fuck off

>>javanese cause problem to everything
java is Indonesia, Indonesia is a javanese country , other ethnics are there just for snowflake diversity sake
reminder that the javanese are the only people with real civilisation and history in Indonesia and without us indonesia is basically timor tier jungle tribal country
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>jelly flip monkey calling anyone a shithole

Thailand is the second largest economy in SEA, and only because Indonesia has almost half a billion people.

There's a reason you live in Switzerland instead of your native Indo.

it's strange vietnam use roman alphabet
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>hurr look at my cherrypicked picture
you're not even the third largest pornaporn, and malaysia and brunei wealthier than you
Hopefully, the next tsunami hits the overcrowded shithole Java instead of Aceh, and wipes out all the Indog posters

Acehnese are the superior race to Javanese, who are basically Indians- shit in street. Javanese are also fake Muslims
t. >>67356527
t. abdul ramli al aceh
how does it feel to be cucked by chink?
I dont like Islam
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We invented an ayy lmao version of Chinese characters in the 13th century, but it has been dead since the Frenchs came.
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>another australoid monkey living abroad

Deny it all you want, we are the second largest economy in SEA, and only because Indonesia has more people than the US.


>Thailand is the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia after Indonesia.
If your country is so good, please stop your people from coming here please. We hate illegal immigrants.
We are all part of Indian civilizations anyways

I am proud of our Hindu-buddhust past.

My name a Atiruca which is Sanskrit

Fuck Islam and foreign religions.
Thais would never go to Malayshit.
> Implying a proud Buddhist would move to an Islamist shithole
>We are all part of Indian civilizations anyways I am proud of our Hindu-buddhust past.
How do you account for Chinese influence there? Even without counting Vietnam, SEA still has lots of Chinese influence in their culture.
All niggers of asia
It is no coincidence that the more drops of East Asian blood the countries have, the better they are at anything.

I guess the whole IQ and national prosperity thing is true after all.
>Indic writing system
>Half of words borrowed from Sanskrit
>Sanskrit names
>Indian religions
>Indian literature (ramakien/Ramayana)
>Indic clothing
>King has Hindu Brahmins advisers

We even wipe our ass with our hands kek

member that
Yeah yeah. I've heard enough excuses. Now please call your illegal workers back. We Malaysians hate them. Please call them back.
>Indic writing system
>mfw I could not really recognize how the writing system works just by comparing place names written in thai and its romanization

What kind of romanization you guys use for Thai? I just felt it was very irregular
Because Thais are Chinese and we're proud of it.

India's influence was religious and linguistic (though more from Nepal).

That's why Thais look down at island and peninsula natives with their foreign religions and mongrel australoid heritage.
Our romanization is retarded

There isn't really a standard system for romanization.

Changes all the time

For example we use Sanskrit spelling rules for "Suvarna Bhumi Airport"
Kill yourself. You're not impressing anyone you Khmer peasant.
Malay monkeys will never get our Southern provinces no matter how many mudslime terrorists you send there.
No way Thai population is 90% Chinese.

At most 20%

I'm pure Isan/Lao and proud

Chinks are only in Bangkok

Fucking เจ็ก
Btwn what is going on after your king died? Heard the prince who's gonna be the new king is totally fucked up person
There're a lot of ethnic Thais in Vietnam, and they use a distinct script, i wonder if Thais in Thailand could understand it?

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It doesn't matter, the king is only a figurehead for the army at this point.

Yeah you sound like fucking Lao.

Please go back there and stop pretending to be one of us.
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We are a separate Tai-kadai race
How about you and all your illegals go kill yourself?
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>malay monkey chimping out

Nothing new. Pattani will never be yours.
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Lao/Isan, Central Tai, Tai Lanna, Tai Tai we are all the same race.

It's just fake Bangkok chinks like Thaksin

Pic related is handsome central Thai typical man

Not Cantonese flat big nose merchants
He looks more Chinese than some shitskin บ้านนอก peasant like you.
Hopefully, there is a Yugoslavia-level racial war where the Thais genocide the Malays in the South, Malaysia intervenes and becomes more Saudi Arabia tier as a result, and the Malaysian Chinese are exterminated and forced to flee abroad.
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Open your eyes merchant boy

Typical Chink in Thailand pic related
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I'm sorry you really want Thais to be shitskin like you but there's a reason you're all farmers and construction workers.
itt. mercunt trying to make based ASEAN countries fight between each others.

Don't fall into neolib agenda dear ASEAN brothers.

hahahahahaha....yang pastinya...kamu bangsa inDOGnesial yang kecewa dog

Hey Indonesia bro

I looove this song from Indonesia

Do you know the singer? So amazing


indon negara terkaya? Pelir mu jawa bangsat! Indon negara terkotor,terbusuk,terbangsat, terhina,terbanyak kuman,termiskin ,bangsa mu hanya tau merempat di bumi orang lain.takkan melayu kalah kepada jawa
Not sure, but apparently someone named Novi Surya Endah Tri Budiati.
They generally look the same.
Indian here. Do most Thai know this? We only learn about Indonesia, Cambodia in Indian schools.

Also isn't Chinese influence more recent?

aren't you still Buddhist?

What sanskrit words is that?
This is why people hates us bro. Our country have nothing good desu. I hope we would be better after China completely invaded us. Bless Chinks.
Yes, we do taught that in schools, but the outcomes always and with 'And this how we adapted their culture into our own original culture'
> a singaporean malay nationalist
go suck an arab cock
>how we adapted their culture into our own original culture
Well isn't that true? Even within India there is spread of culture due to influences, but all cultures will diverge and have their unique aspects.
Yeah, but I hate it when thais really thinks it's our own culture. They adapted Ramayana into Ramkiant and called it national epic. Tbh I don't proud to be thai much bruh.
>thinks it's our own culture
Why isn't your own culture? Is Roman culture belonging to the Greeks? Hindu culture doesn't belong to Indians. It originated there yes, but you adopted it and made it yours. Yes 2000 years ago, your culture was derivative from Indian but is there something wrong with that?
go cry over your dead king cunt
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Wew, sometimes i forget that Malaysians mostly live in the mainland.
would touch
refer to
While you type shit about us online, we've overtaken you long ago and are developing in strides. You don't even matter to us.

We've been the richest and one other most advanced country in the world in our past, you've always been a shithole
Bunch of autists on 4chan doesn't represent my country. Moving on.
t. narathahahwat parahsothonthsohwat
Well, at least we have toilet and not shitting on the street.
Just stop
I'm talking about Pinoy not you
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Take a look at ASEAN. Count the number of Mainland SEAniggers vs. the Island SEAniggers posting.

>0 Burmese
>0 Thai
>2 Vietnamese guys who are quite ok.
>0 Cambos
>0 Laos
That's it.

Meanwhile, in Island SEA.
>Everyone replies.
>Everyone is cool with each other.
>We have awesome people like the Singarich Kid who owns works in his father's firm, PAIMIN, Malays who deliver haram, and the Filipino history guy.
Burmese can't even get their new flag on everytime they appeared, kek.
literally SEA islamic capital filled with durkas
how many shroom have you taken?
Everyone who knows how is the real situation here would prefer maririme over mainland SEA. I've been to mainland before and it was fucking shit, Bangkok/Thailand wasn't that bad tho
I know right. You lose points because people here hate Islam.
This, with Islam we're better than those Indian cocksuckers lel
I've never been to Vietnam tho, I don't know how's the situation there
>chinese food with kaffir lime and lemongrass
>meme martial art. better krav maga
>still suck king ass
>dog to West but still behind other richer Asean
>female that actually male
>rely on sex tourist for tourism
>handwritting cames from monkey scribble
>language in someone moaning in Japanese porn
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>with Islam we're better than those Indian cocksuckers
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>>still named after a foreign king
It's called respecting your history and putting great importance on it
>>too many languages (all them shitty)
Your language sounds like an Asian whore lusting for a white cock in an amateur porn video
>>no original culture to speak of
This comment proves just how ignorant you are
>>weakest military in the world
Duterte will make our military funds great again and it's actually underway
>>can't endure a typhoon without losing thousands
That's because we are able to earn back the same thousands
>>can't recover from a typhoon even years after it hits
PTSD isn't to be taken lightly
>>literally the most dangerous place on earth for journalists (CNN and BBC both report on the Philippines using correspondents based in Bangkok)
CNN and BBC are based in Bangkok only because nerdy white journalists dont get laid in their western countries so they settle for Thai boipucci
>>Catholicism (lol)
>Royal Fanaticism (lol)
>>most mongrel genetics on earth
Implying Thais aren't begging to be enriched by whites
Youre just jelly cause we have Liza
>>can't rescue hostages without killing them
Implying our officers' life is worthy of risking over some chinks
>>switches from humping America's leg to humping China's leg
It's as if you haven't been humping China's leg since the start of your civilization
>>accent sounds like bastardized island spic
Only old town peoples sound like that and they're dying out
Spanish linguistic influence is also dying out except in that one place where they speak some sort of Spanish
>>Muslims everywhere beheading people
they help with containing the number of white pedophiles coming here for an easy fuck
I'd say this is better than laying down and getting your boipucci WHITE'D
Island is best
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Hey lads cant we all get along?

T.half malaysian chink
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>kike maga
>not a meme
>Island SEA on 4chan
literally European sex tourists
why do you think that ?
that situation fits the Thai poster more. He also sounds like the white guy posting on /pol/ under the Thailand flag.
desu maritime is superior its not even funny

t. malay pride world wide
No real Chinese influence other than small things like chopsticks

Thai, Lao and Burmese have higher admixture of East Asian but are mostly non-Han Chinese tribes

"Ati" means very
"Ruca" means pleasant
Technically mainland but the culture is indonesian i.e maritime
Maritime will put a visa on you soon. kek americunt
For real though, his English is too good.
Either a salty white guy or a 2nd generation Thai-American trying too hard to compensate his identity in whiteboi society.

kwam kid mung tum sud.
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>being this envious he projected so much
>long list of shitty comebacks, all of them outdated memes and none of them clever or insightful
>"hurr we're cucked by Muslims because they keep out the whities"
>"L-Liza" like anyone knows who the fuck that is (or cares)

Flip monkeys really are subhuman cuck trash with inferior cognition across the board.

The saddest part is that you typed all that up thinking you'd impress anyone.
>t. sex tourist or US marine

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