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Thread replies: 349
Thread images: 55

white people makin all kinds of noise out here sm.h edition
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is a slag
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Missed you brother
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going to bed lads
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The crew
delete your shite post you (You) whore
missed you too boo
is he ok?
having some clean water
nite nite chum
stop going on about your mum lad, it's getting tiring
looks a bit russian
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Sex feels so fucking good lads
wow le funny twitter post-ironic memes
Oh, dear
really nigga hours who tf up
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Ermm what you on about? If we got post scarcity I'd just get fucked every day
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gimmick idea: anti (You) posting

try to make the most inconspicuous and uninteresting post in every thread to receive no (You)s
Classic /brit/
more like
>when you live in a mythical fairy land where entropy is not a thing
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not an argument
reverse psychology won't work on me

Sounds good
*sets own face on fire*

*extinguishes it with a fork*

ah yes...much better....
>my post from 11 months ago

Anyway, I just realised that if Clinton wins she'll be the new November Criminal
Did you say something?
Doing a drink of these
new gimmick
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literally me every time I take the bus
etcetra etcetra
yeah, gonna need that comparative analysis on SVPWM techniques first thing tomorrow morning. alriiiight? thanks!
>taking the runtwagon
blahblah blah blah
post comfy tunes
haha like niga just dont wear revealing clothes nigga
p impressive that
gf sent me this
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>President Donald J Trump
*plagiarises entire chapter out of stevensons power systems analysis*
Why are Australians the best posters on /int/ but the worst posters on /brit/?
what the h*ck did you just say to me?
I love you guys
New gimmick:

Stop replying to everyone and rattle off what's on your mind
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>Madame President Hillary Rodham Clinton

I chuckled
unironically had sex with a female human last night in the doggystyle position

seems weird the more i think about it. sex is weird
*bangs your faces in*
oh nice, another EE i see. not a power engineering guy, but need it for a project
should I shave
reckon hillary is a trump plant. she was never meant to win
Love you too son.
It's called no-shave november for a reason you worthless little grub
been doing that for years
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my photo of your post from 11 months ago
other way around
got called janny hotpockets on /o/ when I deleted a few posts
can't focus on anything other than the election

I just want to fast-forward to tomorrow night, but at the same time I know Trump will lose
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need a shower lads
you'll see in about 18 hours
The fucking lad
it's literally the same principles as standard PWM sine wave generation except it's three phase so it's convenient to use vectors
>y-y-you'll see!
>18 hours!!

10 more days till Grand Tour
think i'm a bit thick lids
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>extra flags, or, as i like to call them, reddit flags, or, in certain circumstances, bender flags, for the /int/ (international discussion), /sp/ (sports), and /pol/ (politics, affectionately known as the politically incorrect board, home of the so-called alt-right)? don't mind if i do m'lady
will be going on my regular night walk soon

been doing this for years and still the most interesting thing to happen was once a prostitute asked me for a cigarette
*back to CNN HQ*
*literally 20 people with fake smiles all sitting around the studio*

at least that exceptionally 10/10 pro-trump barbie doll is there
>go on brit
>no brits

won't be the same as top gear

it'll probably be over the top and gimmicky
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>living in a city

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VERY good post
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mite b gud
I like to consider myself pretty British, I order scones and drink lipton
post pix
want to send all canadians back to reddıt similar to how we sent all native americans to oklahoma, trail of tears style
DG went shit after NOTM
yeah, indeed, I have a model of 3-phase SPWM running and working. SVPWM is has a better THD profile than SPWM. working on a microcontroller implementation for the same actually
delete this image mate.

pipe down larry

no jobs out in the country
I was about to seriously reply to that.
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Not sure what to think about the so-caled "''"""""iceland""""""
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>I have a model of 3-phase SPWM running and working. SVPWM is has a better THD profile than SPWM. working on a microcontroller implementation for the same actually
>he doesnt rate BP

cultural appropriation isn't tolerated in /brit/, you're officially on probation
>those alt right non-american runts you have on facebook who think trump stands a chance

business idea: punch a stupid britbong in his huge ear
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think i'll refrain
Canuck are Brit and Ireland explorers, some French too. Froglads made you. Never say surrender monkey again.
Its shite being Scottish. We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the fucking earth.

good idea
kpops retaliation
>these misinformed lads in /brit/ who think trump has no chance

better than being english
Will never catch on *politely yet firmly asks you to leave the headquarters of my venture capital company*
Scottish or the Ulster kind?
...minus all those contributions to modern economics, math, and science you mean?
>these deluded yanks who think trump stands a chance

ah yes
dubs and trump wins
ha ha ha ha haaa
ha ha ha haa ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha
ee ee

and i thought my gimmicks were bad
t. Scot
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me with the lads

>these people who think they're smart but they're actually really dumb

reminder only pro trump polls count
visual representation of your gf's orgasms by me
would heem the pair of you
Before the highland clearances or after you mean.
The Scot refugees in America were considered Irish.
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doing a vote
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When you have a shower
imagine actually being british
something something your mother last night
same to you with knobs on mate
top myself desu
>Amerifats are unironically going to elect a female SJW anti-white anti-male feminist as their leader

This is a new level of embarrassing
Not big on power myself since I specialised in comms/MMICs where you can just filter out the higher order harmonics
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>he doesn't have a carbon monoxide alarm
>(2.79 MB, 3088x4160)
shan't, I just shan't
Vote for Gary Johnson like I did.
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What's wrong with Globalism?
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>/brit/s think shillary will win
>trump has won 4/5 of the major battleground states
>trump only needs one more state to win
>he's currently leading polls in MI, WI, CO, NH, and PA
>he's leading nationally in the most accurate polls from the 2012 election
>voter enthusiasm for trump is unprecedented
>voter depression for hillary is also unprecedented

very interesting i must say. i'm not sure where you're getting your news from. probably the BBC
she epitomises whiteness m8y
he's literally won nothing yet you dumb yank

hold your horses you dumb cowboy
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how does voting work in america? I just had to number the candidates I wanted for mine a few months ago
oh my days
>he thinks I don't want to jdimsa
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No need for that m8, we would have already killed you
You select a single candidate you want to win.
why is this a surprise if you are always calling us shitskins and 63% white and everything?
You're the last, genetically pure British country left.
Comfy pale white Christian people. No ninjas or shite.
Our last hope.
It averages out the standard of living and increases productive efficiency (hence reducing demand for labour and pushing down wages).
Strange that the majority of her voters are black, mexican and other random foreigners imported for the purpose of voting leftist then
rank voting is a meme

best way to create a conflict of interests among the majority
>sex party
Mama's little baby loves shortnin' bread
pathetic on multiple levels
But the rest of the world is already going along with this?
To against it now would be dumb and you'd get left behind which would only have worse repercussions in the future.
yeah odd that
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voting in australia.png
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Nah it works pretty well here
FUCKING YES for some reason i thought voting was tomorrow
guess i get to stay home and post smug frogs at the sjws

i'm so happy
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he's won my heart
Countries stop producing their own stuff and rely on untouchable megacorps

3rd worlders start flocking to 1st world nations for free shit
Ireland is a reminder how England was.
Feel like murdering someone lads.
they do it to trigger trump supporters and get replies

like this
t. shitskin
heroin looks like a lot of fun. going to start using soon i think
most reddit image I've seen today
naw they just ignant pakis
sounds like a good system
the high lasts for like 30 minutes

it's a memedrug only used by trashy anglo idiots
>leftycucks trying to be funny
ah yes, most impressive
We're moving there anyway with our money. White flight.
Surely it's the fault of governments/people for allowing corporations to become so huge?

Surely it's the fault of westerners for not making the rest of the world equal in terms of development?
not really, just because everyone else is selling out to corporate interests doesn't mean it's the only way

and it's also wrong to think of it as a choice between extremes: with a select set of protectionist policies the US could protect core industries and remain competitive whilst still benefiting from cheap foreign imports in other areas
t. baby dick
>protectionist policies
ah yes because that worked out so well in the past
>The high lasts for like 30 minutes

simply untrue
t. paddy immigrant in search of potatoes
fuck off stay in your own shithole you pathetic urchins
>people think america is a democracy

it's a rigged election sheeple

>le all or nothing
anglo women love korean dick
saw a chart that said south koreans have 3in willies haha
>greens 1st

good lad
Do you really have to number all the boxes? thought top 3 was standard and some people do 1.
we did it reddit :DDDDD
Shooting up lasts you a day.
Bretty worthless high.
If you've never done it.. Why would you comment?
>maga hats are secretly lined with tinfoil
a good diet, healthy lifestyle and exercise.
all these anglos that absolutely love heroin

cannot make this up
What was that voter ID thing I heard about a few days ago?

Do yanks not require ID for voting?
Do some yanks not have ID?
>one single thin line
Got my Ireland passport son.
>Do yanks not require ID for voting?
>Do some yanks not have ID?
>implying the government aren't globalist
>implying governments listen to the people

>implying the west has any obligation to make the rest of the world not shit
double lol
why the fuck is everything in spanish
the theory is that minorities don't have ids and so a voter id system is racist but really it's just illegals (who all vote democrat for obvious reasons)

what the fuck is wrong with your country?
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leftists complain about ID voting because niggers are too poor/lazy to spend $10 for a government ID
protectionist policies usually fuck economies when they introduce them after opening to certain level of free trade. Economists will agree there's sufficient reason not to pursue free trade policies like the TPP but probably no benefit to rescinding on deals like NAFTA.
What the hell is a voter ID? Is it just a driver's licence or something similar that proves who you are or its own thing that you have to get?
why do you need ID to verify that you are 18 or older and in fact not an illegal alien in order to vote? hmmm I don't know why they do that
Minorities and poor people apparently don't have photo ID, so apparently it violates the Civil Rights Act to require it, according to some (((judges))).
It's shit. Pointless and expensive. Just saying, you've never tried it.
member Richard Blackwood?
Why do they include independent for trump?
voter ID is just something that can be used instead of an official government ID
third world tier
how do yanks buy alcohol/cigs/porn then if they don't have ID?
It's a driver's license (or State ID for those who don't feel like getting one). Apparently lines in the DMV are too long for poor people to waste their time passing a driving test to get one.
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if US is third world ireland is eight world
>buying physical porn

by what measure
Ask /r/politics, IDK. Leftists in my area are legitimately comparing it to the literacy tests and poll taxes of the Jim Crow era.
tax haven for international corporations

really made me think
Makosi was mental

THICC = rebranding of the fat acceptance movement
by not being an underage faggot

not an argument
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irish people are disgusting
Ireland is in the top 10 cunts to be born. Over Murica and us.
he's formally a republican but inherently a populist/nationalism which doesn't align with either major party
thailad what is your favourite kate bush song
says the weeb
why is this? seems like a boring shithole to me desu
Fuck off paddy
is this the sexist and racist much lady
t. smelly mick
Evening lads
Como estas?
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there's fat and there's phat
fatties disgust me but not this
you wouldn't know it by looking around the place. the entire country looks decrepit
Comfy and white, I assume.
Sort yourself lad.
have to be up at 8 lol
literally who
yes, the entire series is as bad or worse than this.
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*tips HDI*

Only barely, they are the second best Anglos though
Theres no such thing as society
your mom's cunt is comfy but i wouldn't want to live there
goat biscuits
kate bush
>only 10 state require ID

so any cunt could just go around some battleground state polling booths and spam votes for their candidate?
oh.. Wuthering Heights
Sort yourself back to the paddy bogs you potato scavenger
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no because they'd get struck by lightning first
check the name
reminder that /brit/ has unironic heroin addicts
They do and worse.

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But then has he defined himself as in independent for use on ballots or has he got some formal distinction as not previously serving as a republican politician?
thailad why dont you like football
Hey Northern Ireland!
have you got the toilet one with the spurdo?
africa tier
sports are for low IQ simpletons that can't use their time towards something better like reading or learning a skill or art
Cute comic
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*blocks your path*
ancient greek philosophers spent most of their days training in a gym
running a bath with body shop bath salts

it's not gay
He's a homo
*puts my arm around your neck*
the GOP(republican) elite abandoned him months ago. he's been doing this almost entirely on his own. i'm not sure if being an independent is his own distinction or if it was forced on him by the republicans
*teleports behind him*
Nothing personnel kid.
I don't dislike it, I love watching a big live match at the stadium or playing it, I just don't like it enough to watch it on TV all the time and keep track of the fixtures etc.
It's ridiculous that this goes on in America of all places.
im a bufty
business idea: get rid of 1p 2p and 5p coins and round all prices up to the nearest 10p
no they spent most of their days practicing pederasty
couldnt compare to some smug weeb cunt posting from a proxy from his favourite little weeb country while in his cumstained boxers from fapping to his little weeb singers
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You have to go back

to the paddy bogs
mind-body dualism is wank anyways, improving your body also improves your mind and demeanor
Impossible Germany, Unlikely Japan
Wherever you go, wherever you land
I hope you smell like a delicate flower, (nohomosex)
We need to keep Ireland under wraps, pretend it's horrible. Off the radar so to speak.
This lad has the right idea.
business idea: revert to pre-decimal British currency
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Rate my coin collection la
they started that here with 1s and 2s
Connor by 1st round ko against alvarez.
Mayweather by 3rd round tko against mcgregor.
Sounds like you've got a persecution complex there laddo, I doubt it's related to anti-republican sentiment, probably just something to do with him being an unconventional candidate. Bernie might have had the same.
if I ever came round and saw this I'd break you and your bent little coin collection
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>look who came out of his cave! *giggling in the background*
what the fuck
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Dunno about may weather but Alvarez is a goof who got lucky against RDA and is going to get heemed by the left hand of god
>$2 note

Is this real? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
>aha how about we lay off the jew jokes guys
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post gingies
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How do I do this lads? Missed the lectures
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>trolled bro

you deserve your reputation
I never even learnt how to do long division, why would I be able to do this witchcraft?
ah yes university level electronics

there should be a formula for it somewhere, find that and use it
howling at the state of your education. learned this in high school physics
Gyppos have their own genetic lineage.
They're very old British Islanders.
Insular shit. No Angle or Saxon or Jute.
Generations inbred Brit/Ireland.
ah fakin ell mateo daz da digga did a digaroo on me
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unironically learned this when I was 15

state of your unis
Well that's assuming that they have a boxing match since Mayweather's too chicken to step into the cage. In an MMA match though, Floyd would go down in the first round.

I think a boxing match between Mayweather and Mcgregor would look like Pacquiao vs Delahoya but twice as fast.
learned how to do this in primary school and i was in the special needs class
Learned this in Kindergarten.
It's introduction to electronics, I'm not doing electronics or electrical engineering but had to take the module
Best scrap evar
learned this off blue peter
hahaha omg the state of you

i did this exact problem with the fluids on my fingers when i was birthed
top lel give floyd 3 months sprawling and hed heem mcgregor
Just realised if I'd put

>Yank twats are too thick to do this question

Both of these runts would have already worked it out for me
Nah you're just retarded m8. Genuinely curious as to the way they classify candidates in America, asked a simple question yet you gave me your own mong opinion on his stance here >>67132381 and some unwarranted passive aggressive opinion >>67132584 here.

Guess you're the guy that keeps spamming trump here, figures you can't even coherently understand a question. Just curious as here candidates are clearly chosen and listed by their parties, while you guys had that whole complicated primary system. Seems strange that he's listed as both republican and independent at the same time.
The dick the dick that's in your mouth long and hard omg let me take my dick out insert it in a mouth
Actually this is a pretty good fight

Baldy is dominating
theres probably a button on your calculator to do that idk
Hey, that really hurt my feelings. *voice becomes menacing and threatening* Don't you EVER hurt my feelings! *eyes glow red as balls of energy form in my hands*
i've learned that australian """""""banter"""""" is just them saving face for being completely retarded
pondering an old post that really hurt my feelings
thats because gyppos know how to fight
all me
have had sex before
Trained boxer vs a hard lad. He fucking ruined. Lad was tough for taking it. Hammered didn't go down.
Fair plat of him
don't look at the catalogue please

*flash steps in front of you*
*interrupts your casting with a shift jab to the groin*
*executes you*
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poing a doo lads
broken knuckles and teeth on the sand.
Just make friends Jesus
Is your gf a man?
just makes absolutely no sense. Does he just do it as a piss take?
what's got janny in a tizzy this time?
o shit lads

Thread posts: 349
Thread images: 55

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