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R.I.P. Italy

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Scientists confirm the big one is coming, Phlegraean Fields and Vesuvius also likely to erupt at the same time.

Some speculate Mount Etna will erupt too.

Millions of lives will be lost.

All those ancient buildings lost forever.

Only the North and Sardinia will survive.

When were you when Italy was kill forever?
>Scientists confirm the big one is coming, Phlegraean Fields and Vesuvius also likely to erupt at the same time.
>Some speculate Mount Etna will erupt too.
What the fuck!!! Really??
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tfw living on the most safety land
no earthquakes
no tsunami
no flood
no hurricanes
no volcanoes
italy is going to turn into a fucking pizza
Sicilians are welcome for me.
Poor Italy and here i thought the earthquakes where bad.
this. I want to read about it OP.
This is what happens when you cross the eternal anglo

We told you to stop this EU rubbish but you didn't listen
and nothing good worth regrets if get destroyed.
t. Sicilian
So southern italy falls?
but it's fucking cold there
Russia climate is horrible

Poland is the safest land without hitler and stalin
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gib source pls, this worries me. i hope you are just shitposting because i like you guys
There is none. He's just shitposting. Current science can't predict these kind of things.
Ich bin Grieche.
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climate will change
Stalin and Hitler clones will be forever
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>tfw you haven't seen Italy yet
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too late faggot!
>tfw you've only been to Bibione as a true Eastern European pleb
This needs to change
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why are you shitposting you fuck
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>Only the North and Sardinia will survive.

sounds good to me
Now you can tour it like they do the ruins of Pompeii, millions of Italians frozen in place while they shitposted on 4chan.
I hope all the refugees stuck in the south migrate north before this happens
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blowout soon fellow stalker
>600,000 people live at the base of Vesuvius

>tfw living on the most safety land
>full of slavs
Shut the fuck up, Malaysia. You think you are worth anything? You think anyone would care if you disappeared from the face of the Earth?
Here's a fact for you: most people on this planet don't give a fuck about you and the only thing they know about you is that you're that one country where the plane disappeared.
Italy, however, is loved by everyone on the planet. They have a long history, rich culture, their cuisine is famous on the entire planet. What do you have to offer?
I want to die doing what I love to do the most.
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t. Giovanni
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>the only thing they know about you is that you're that one country where the plane disappeared.
I don't know anything about this either since I don't watch the news.
Sardegna masterrace
you live in the land of Russian car drivers, mate, that's not what I'd call the "safest land"
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stop pretending to be italian
>going out with a big dance party and fireworks

There have been worse ways to go.

He is not pretending, we really do like you.
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You've got Slavs, which is arguably a worse disaster
Come over and have some good beer, I'll pay.
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>Scientists confirm the big one is coming, Phlegraean Fields and Vesuvius also likely to erupt at the same time.
>Some speculate Mount Etna will erupt too.

post source faggot
Please stop, that is not funny.
sounds like a good time to open a few refugee camps near volcanos
>Vesuvius has erupted about three dozen times since 79 A.D., most recently from 1913-1944. The 1913-1944 eruption is thought to be the end of an eruptive cycle that began in 1631. It has not erupted since then, but Vesuvius is an active volcano, it will erupt again.

>The 79 A.D. eruption of Vesuvius was the first volcanic eruption ever to be described in detail. From 18 miles (30 km) west of the volcano, Pliny the Younger, witnessed the eruption and later recorded his observations in two letters.

>Volcanologists now refer to sustained explosive eruptions which generate high-altitude eruption columns and blanket large areas with ash as plinian eruptions. It is estimated that at times during the eruption the column of ash was 20 miles (32 km) tall. About 1 cubic mi (4 cubic km) of ash was erupted in about 19 hours.
>Vesuvius has erupted about three dozen times since 79 A.D., including a large, explosive eruption in 1631 that killed 4,000 people. The most recent eruption was from 1913-1944.


You people never know anything about any planes eh
Italy Rapefugees NOT welcome!
too late nigel, they are already there.
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>Some speculate Mount Etna will erupt too.
Yeah, it erupts every year, that's the exact reason it's safe, nothing is going to happen other than some dust covering the roofs. It's not an explosive volcano like Vesuvius.
danke commeraden
russia would be safe if it wasnt full of russians
A-are you a real german senpai?
>1944 Eruption
>A two week long eruption of Mt Vesuvius volcano began on 18th March 1944 with a lava flow from the summit crater. Eruptions changed to explosive activity on 21st March with eight lava fountains. The lava fountains increased with time, and the last one on 22nd March was the most intense, reaching heights of 1000 m. A transition to mixed magmatic–phreatomagmatic activity was marked by emissions of ash columns. The final phase of activity at Vesuvius began on 23rd March with vulcanian activity and nuées ardentes. The eruption finished on 29th march 1944. This ended nearly 300 years of semi persistent activity of Vesuvius.

>A shallow and deep magma reservoir was involved in the 1944 eruption of Mt Vesuvius volcano; depths of less than 3 km deep and 11-22 km. The shallow reservoir feeding the 1944 eruption was completely emptied and collapsed during the final phases of the eruption. The eruptions in 1944 and 1906 were similar in terms of rock compositions, eruptive style, and erupted volumes.

For more data about other eruptions in different years such as 1906 and 1872


Footage of the latest eruption in 1944


People won't die and no historical monuments will be lost as they weren't in the the last eruptions.
Be optimistic guys.
Ja, bin ich.
Yes I am.
thank god I already visited Italy ...
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Gonna get me an Italian refugee gf lads
Come home italian man
It's only men, anon. They left their wives and daughters behind to die.
Man, Sicily is so fucking comfy.
We should kill off all Sicilians and repopulate this wonderful land with Lombard people.
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Forgot pic.
Or maybe you should fuck off and give us the independence we've been trying to achieve for 70 years
No, that land belongs to whites

Northern Italy should rule Sicily once it removes berber scum
>ooga booga that's a wonderful bike, now it's mine
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If I was a mario, I'd rather die in a pile of spaghetti while the country crumbled than move to hueland.
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This. Sicily is too beautiful to be in the hands of shitskins. The rest of Southern Italy is pretty meh. Apulia is shit. Literally Lombardy if it were poorer, had a coast and was inhabited by shitskins (terroni). It's polluted as fuck and the landscape is boring.

Sicily on the other hand is wonderful.
t. angry pizza chef in Berlin
poolenta man mad as fuck
gotta succeed to being in charge of cooking master
thank god i went to italy for erasmus last year.
>north italy
they are filled to the brim with ahmeds and mustafas. They are our little sweden. Stop believing /int/ memes
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>Apulia is shit
you mean the place considered one of the most beautiful ten places in the world by national geographic?
>basa la sua visione del mondo con national geographic
sei ritardato?
t. pugliese furente
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>being this mad at superior apulian masterrace
ahaha filthy plebeians, enjoy your fog and your girls being fucked by ahmed while enjoy my paradise on earth with norman heritage and only 2% total immigrant population
>tfw because of Etna you may get a cozy christmas with 3m of snow

feels good man
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We will only accept qt venician refugees, the rest can go to Germany and Austria :^)
but Veneto isn't touched by the earthquakes.
Now if you only lend us a hand to free ourselves from the shitalian oppressor state to restore La Serenissima, it'd be greatly appreciated.
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Ye had a good run.
But now it is our Time to lead Mass in the World.
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Goodbye Shitaly.
lmao enjoy your trains
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

Op is a faggot.
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Italy please don't go ;_;
What about Marsili? Tsunamis scare the shit out of me
>tfw too smart to be italian
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chill out nigga
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Perú will support Italia with all their might!
fuck peru and fuck italy bitch ass nigga
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This is a bully free zone
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so cuuuuuute! <3
I'd take earthquakes anyday over you "people"
Found no source so OP is bullshitting.
Is good though that he is a massive noodlegobbling faggot, the last earthquake made me sad for a moment which is rare with news these days.
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no we bully northern shitalians here
look at these greasy niggers
literal swarthier jews
come fight me, I will crush you with my Lombard strength. Odin will smile at me the day I will finally silence your roman mouth!
its dangerous if you fall out of the train in the middle of Siberia wearing only crocks, long underpants and a tshirt
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>he says this on an anime themed forum
literally Solaire's covenant: the country
God is testing your faith Italy. Don't lose to disaster.

No, /int/ is not anime themed. It's about international culture. Anime is a fad, a trend, regurgitated consumerist garbage for people with two-digits IQ.

There are plenty of boards about anime, the biggest one being >>>/a/
I recommend you to go there and please do not return. Thanks.
t. filippo
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You don't understand.
This website is anime themed. It had subforums, where you can talk about specific topics, but that doesn't mean anime isn't welcome there in the form of reaction images for example.

It's like you go to a dog forum, start posting in a dick rate thread and complain about all the people with a dog avatar.

So if you don't like anime, I recommend you go to a website called Reddit.
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Maybe he isn't used to be praised. We have to praise him more.

Good guy, good guy
LOL I'm so fucking happy right now.
You shitskins will finally get what you deserve.
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>believing in science
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I think you're right.

I'm very proud of you.
lel this type of shitpost is just the best

italians finally getting what they deserve
1st of November is near, what happened on this day?


RIP in Peace Italy.
Top cringe.

>Only the North and Sardinia will survive.
I don't see the problem
that's almost the UK

>no earthquakes
>no tsunami
>only floods in areas where people are repeatedly told to not build houses
>no hurricanes
>no volcanoes
and the best bit
>an island
is that why Hitler wanted to conquer it?
I'll sponsor an Italian qt if she teaches me to speak Italian
kill yourself normalshit
The time has come, gentlemen

Italy, sacked of it's colonies, is doomed. We will witness the death of our race this year. If we had even a spit of land in a far away and inhospitable land, our culture would be preserved. Part of us, would be saved.

But this is not the case. With the lack of another country that shares our culture and our language, we have nowhere to go.

It has been a nice ride, world. We gambled in WW2 hoping for some more clay, and sometimes you lose. And we lost. Everything.

Our prized istria. Ethiopia, that so many lives had costed, and so many millions. We lost Libya, the oil rich Libya. And we lost our pride. A nation of defeated people, with no redeeming qualities at all. Without an empire among countries that spanned on the whole world, had someone really hoped we wouldn't be wiped?

Other countries kept this circus alive. Maybe for their amusement, who knows? But finally Mother Nature will give us the sweet embrace of death, before we can witness other cultures taking over our own, we leave this planed.

Godspeed, /int/. See you in paradise

Except Brits and French. I'm quite sure the former will go to hell, being heretics, and the latter are demon spawns anyway.
don't ever respond to me or my 10/10 gf posts ever again, loser weeb
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Will this be the end of Europe's few uncucked Euro countries? Wouldn't be surprised if Merkel orders Italy to be repopulated with rapefugees. The Vatican will be turned into a giant Mosque like the blue one in Constantinople. Rome is the last of the Christian pentarchy isn't it?
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We'll take our land with us
There is a huge undersea volcano ready to explode anytime
you just got memed
kek italy is one of the few countries which is both brown natives populated and cucked
Didn't you stop the boats? How are you cucked? Italians are also some of the least likely people on Earth to fuck non-whites.
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Nice copy pasta.
When are they expected to erupt? Don't fall for the pop science disaster memes anon.

You'll generally have plenty of time before a volcano erupts anyways. The land around the crater starts swelling months to years in advance, incredibly noticeable.
tomorrow after lunch
You forgot the rain.
Non essere pessimista cazzo se chi ci ha preceduto ha costruito noi ricostruiremo
Weebs will NOT recover from this
Can't you guys wait few years with it? I didn't visit Rome yet.
come home brown man.
only some kilometers of ice resetting the land every few tens of thousands of years
los mexichicanos no tienen sientimientos
>Wouldn't be surprised if Merkel orders Italy to be repopulated with rapefugees.
No, she wouldn't do that. She is very concerned with the German retirement system. That is why we only accept refugee applications from young, able-bodied men below 30, so they can get a job (implying) and pay into the retirement system.
Merkel wouldn't send them off to repopulate Italy, maybe the females though.
2bh the rain here isn't that heavy compared to some other countries (like some SEAsian countries during monsoon season). The only real issue with it is that it's cold, but that issue is resolved if you just wear a proper coat.
>Only the North and Sardinia will survive.

Aren't they the only real Italians, since all those Muslim conquests turned the rest into Moorish rapebabbies like the Spanish?
You can't even come up with plausible bullshit, fool.
Campi Flegrei is considered a supervolcano like Yellowstone, if shit goes down life on earth as we know it ceases to exist.

Goodbye Shitaly.
fucking this
italian niggers kys all faggot
Hopefully the fucking boatniggers will stop coming
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t. Frocio weeb
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I love you, Ireland
You have angered the gods by accepting rapefugees. How do you plead?
Finally refugees worth accepting.
Italian boy / girl (per preference) to make pizza and cuddling to every familly.
>You will see rescue teams under a flood of lava
feels good man
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>italy gets destroyed by a earthquake
>a earthquake
Come home, Italian man.
Frater mei, keep calm. earth quakes is not so scary.
~things to do before earthquake~
-fix the furniture to the wall
especially,shelf must be fixed. many people are killed by falling shelves when earth quakes
-put slippers under the bed
if you have slippers, you can walk on broken glasses
- put the emergency bag under the bed
non-perishable food, water PET bottles, flashlight and batteries

~when earth is quaking~
- open the door
sometimes, earth quake broke the frame of the door and keep you home forever
- dash under the table
protect your head

~before you left home~
turn off the gas cock and the electric breaker
make sure all the heat sources are turned off
don't use your car. roads must be always jammy

from your mate living in the always quaking contry
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Kek, like Sardinia but with less sun.
People can escape to survive I guess. Im worry about the ancient buildings, tho. Hope they can get restored be future alien species.
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ayy lmao
Based Earth
>Only the North and Sardinia
So nothing of value lost?

>slavs worse than tsunamis and volcanoes

Wew i'm laughing
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>an island
this, being a north atlantic island is comfy af
too much wind for my taste
vesuvius needs to be covered again because of how tourists ruined it honestly.
if it was preserved so well then who knows, it might've stayed that way if we left it the fuck alone.
sorry italy.
but get the right idea.
kys newfie
Its been an honor to shitpost with you fags
Italian refugees are actually welcome.
Italy has severe issues with old listed architecture preventing modernization.
Why are the French so edgy?
wtf I hate earthquakes now!
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