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Will the Americans let us 3rd worlders come to Mars after

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Will the Americans let us 3rd worlders come to Mars after they colonize it?
Only rich Arabs and Chinese will be able to afford moving there.
Whites only. And you can't be a lazy Europoor. You have to have some profession.
In all seriousness, if a private entity colonizes Mars, they'd probably charge for the flight to it and any land to a homestead a colonist would want.
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>post YFW social justice warriors are going to ruin space colonies by doing affirmative action astronauts

You will never escape the chimpouts. You're going to be having to deal with black stupidity and violence for eternity.
Tbch, it would probably be white or East Asian in population, given that others would probably be too poor to afford a launch ticket.
>haven't even been to Mars yet and liberals are already trying to diversify it

just let humanity die out already
>ywn be a surveyor for MarsCorp plotting a homesteader's future home and planning the strategies for paraterraformation and eventual terraformation

Born a few hundred years too early anon

2bh my guess is that these "let's colonize outer space" projects:

>are happening because they realize that climate change means earth is well and truly fucked
>envision the inclusion of mainly the white, well-off and the well-connected
>No1 was even at moon(inb4: apollo by Stanley Kubrick).
>Really believes in something like Mars colonisation.
Better wait for new Iphone, bad goy
I've always been a fan of space exploration/space in general, can't believe this never occurred to me until now :(.
your ancestors said the same thing about us landing on the moon, Viktor
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>why yes, I do indeed believe in the moon landing being a hoax without the slightest hint of irony
Octavia Butler would be rolling in her grave. Or maybe she would not be surprised...even more depressing.
More like a few decades for colonization and the very beginnings of terraformation, but yeah the fruits of our labor won't be realized in our or our great-grandchildrens' lifetimes.

That is kinda sad, but at the very least they can open the final frontier to the common man.
The North Koreans believes they first on Mars too, Melon.
> let us 3rd worlders

clever, I got it

Good joke
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>STILL being this mad that we landed before you did
Holy shit I just did. Good one OP.
Poor guy. Good goy.
Hopefully circumcision dies out in the US before it spreads to Mars tbqh.

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Is anyone else sort of impressed that within the next 5-10 years the US will have four of the most powerful rockets ever built and at the same time ?

One by the Federal government, the SLS. The Falcon Heavy rocket by SpaceX and the New Glenn 3-stage by Blue Origin.

And of course the always reliable Delta - IV by ULA.

That's not bad deßü.
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>tfw my ameribrain didn't get this until now
Indeed, I'm very excited for Space desu
is lockheed martin doing anything?
Time to nuke mars

They are part of ULA, and they are contributing to the SLS technology, like the capsule.
Propose some names for a city on Mars.

>New Chicago
>Mars City

>White Detroit
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the cities from the game Martian Dreams
realistically what they're going to be:

Xinping ChingChong
Le-a Town
That's where'll all the black people will go, and when they complain about it being raysis, we'll just say that it's about an abnormally high surface albedo at that point.

they will still be reliant on earth for decades
mars isn't a paradise tbs
New New York
New Lost Angels

>New Chicago
>home of the 'ew 'go 'za
Im ok with that
This as well

Da New Bears!
>US flees to Mars after losing all credibility on earth

seems about right
>'ew 'go 'za
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>a german flag talking about lost crediblity
Two York
I get it
Venus would probably be the "easier" colonization project than Mars.

considering its gravity, oxygen and Hydrogen in the atmosphere to be filtered out if necessary and how easy it is to travel to and from Earth.
Why are there experts on every subject or issue on this board?
I feel like any worldproblem can be solved here

>first try
I've heard it's easier to heat up a planet than cool it down, especially given human emissions.

Such is the wasting of unweaponized autism
too hot
not even close to an expert, Just there was a reason why the Soviets landed on Venus before the Moon or Mars

its faster to travel to Venus than the Moon even, and a dense atmosphere could mean heavier-than-airships of a huge scale could be possible for habitation in the upper atmosphere.
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they wouldn't live on the surface >>66099307
but rather upper-atmosphere colonies since the air is so dense and chemical rich.

the best part is protection from radiation and gravity, both of which Mars lacks.
>its faster to travel to Venus than the Moon even
That doesn't even make any sense
sorry I was wrong
it only took Apollo 51 hours to get to the Moon

it is more fuel efficient to travel to Venus though
and it takes about 3 months or less
vs 6-8 months to Mars or more.
Ahh ok that makes sense I guess
Interesting, and so would atmospheric living, but for surface colonization Mars is the obvious choice.
>unweaponized autism
KEK I'm gonna memorize that
yes the problem is that theres plenty of fucking problems such as:

creating a cloud habitat from scratch
no resources other than atmosphere sulphuric acid or whatever its composed of
launching from the cloud station

in the end any planet that can be colonized will have to be but mars is first
living on Mars would be rough
huge dust-storms eating away at facilities and equipment
loads of radiation due to the thin atmosphere
low gravity, causing problems in the long-term, especially with human births as we don't know what generations of low-gravity living will do to them.
and most of all, very little water or O2 aside from polar mines.
more than that Mars is cold, VERY cold. and fuel is scarce compared to even the Moon.

Venus has water vapor, oxygen, carbon dioxide from plants, sulfuric acid for electronics/fertilizer and many other things, Nitrogen for fertilizer and other things, Helium to keep ships afloat, Hydrogen for fuel, and more just in the atmosphere.
not to mention earth-like gravity and a nice thick blanket of radiation protection.

even the temperature in the upper-atmosphere is comfortable.

mining operations on the surface can be carried out by drones.
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>wanting to live on a desert planet

Space colonies or bust.
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>creating a cloud habitat from scratch
the technology exists, all we would need is to harden it for Venus living.
a fleet of airships could eventually be combined into one large colony much like the ISS.
Not disagreeing with you, but the storms aren't that much an issue due to the lower atmosphere.
>not wanting an entire Wild West planet
This asshole cancelled Bush's plan to have a military base on the moon by 2025 and instead had NASA use its resources for a muslim outreach program.

Now this cocksucker wants space missions?
Hunting 1/375 American space Cherokee heritagefags?
BTFOing Space Indians would be pretty cool 2bh.

>implying the future of Space travel isn't in private organizations
reminder that irl Colonization was largely facilitated by private enterprise.
>tfw watching Gundam Wing as a kid and wanting to live in those awesome space colonies
Would you really invest that much knowing that Martians would chimp out at one point or another and claim independence only the give you the middle finger afterward?
A British Space India Company, perhaps?
I would assume that a private company, incorporated to have a specific claim of land on Mars and able to charge people to go there, would probably have a British-style policy of salutary neglect and gradual patriation of the government to Martians (like a Commonwealth of sorts), keeping ownership of most of the land for rent once it wraps up.
yeah, that would cost a fucking lot. mars is good ebcause habitats are very easy to set up, could be buried in tunnels too for radiation and storms protection, which takes half the benefits of venus. leaving only gravity and pressure ofc

but low gravity is ok, because people shouldnt reproduce in mars. it will be a retirement home where old poeple with back problems go to die, or maybe retarded people in wheelchairs
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its what they do when their terms are ending so the next prez looks bad when he/she cancels it

get used to third world politics, youre becoming such a country
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I feel like we should colonize Mars and have space colonies like the PLANTS and >>66099883
>>66099736 pictures
Baker's Ridge.
travel time and fuel efficiency to Venus would be a MAJOR benefit, means the cost of travel is far less and much larger payloads can be brought along since it will mostly be a gravitational slingshot.
I don't know for the other two but >>66099736 is feasible.
The 1st one would cost a fuckton of money.
But once it's done it would be incredibly easier to build others
>Implying WW3 will not ravage countries before

Send men to Mars will be the least of our priorities
How did you find a 16 day old r*ddit post with only 4 comments? Do you prowl that site or something? Also there have been black people in Nasa so I'm not sure why their panties are in a bunch.
in Star Trek they achieved first contact right after WW3
>born just in time for medical breakthroughs to have your lifespan extended significantly and to see mars colonization

feels good
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yeah and youll also have to import everything in venus. mars colony is more sustainable thus cheaper
>mars colony is more sustainable
I disagree
Venus even just in the atmosphere has plenty of necessary resources.
meanwhile Mars is very poor, not much to even mine and few energy sources
Black people didn't move to Detroit after it went to shit; the problem is not many left to follow jobs like white people did.
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you're all invited to my Martian cocktail party
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bs, mars has plenty of resources, its also easier to set up a mining operation. you fucked up venusian
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>why yes, I do spend my free time posting fedora'd gentlemen on a Taiwanese sketching tutorial forum
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there is nothi8ng on mars that can justify the high cost of transporting it to Earth, unlike Venus.

Venus is a titanic treasure chest of resources on the other hand, and cheap travel means shipping to Earth is actually viable.

Mars is shit.
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Why is retro-futurism so comfy?
I never knew the name of this, thanks anon
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a more optimistic time where sci-fi dreams weren't dreary smog filled hellholes full of brown people and hover-crime
At least you admit it
Acceptance is the first step to recovery
set up space colony to escape fallout
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>me in my cozy Venusian house
No one will 'colonise' Mars in the sense you're thinking. We almost certainly won't even send people there for a very long time, despite Elon Musk's autism. Firstly it will be: scientists, engineers and other professionals (probably some rich people looking for novelty too). We'll have a research facility then maybe come up with some long-term terra forming schemes (i.e, shit that will take between 1 thousand and several million years) to make the planets atmosphere more suited to us. There might also be large-scale mining and other resource gathering, though this depends on having a cost-effective method for transporting the resources to Earth. All in all it will not grow with a population base, it'll just be skilled professionals working set contracts then returning home, for the most part.
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what is there in venus that isnt here already that is worth a cloud city and a drone mining operation to a hellish landscape and back to earth (reminder that mines in earth are limited by pressure and heat)

you fucekd up again venusian, no space colony wi be sending anything to earth except in some distant future, high end space products from processed asteroids
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>your Martian "house"
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deuterium for one
and MANY more

Mars has really nothing due to lack of water, lack of Volcanism, and being further away from the Sun meaning closer bodes got most of the useful materials while Mars is largely rock.

It will never happen because the US will go into a bad crisis in the upcoming years and nothing will save it, turning into a place that's as bad as Palestine or some african country
Meanwhile the Chinese will be the new superpower and all the anglos and euros will be taken over by Islam
>reliant on Russians for 5+ years running

Huh, thanks Obama?
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mars has the largest volcano in the solar system

enough, time to walk the space plank for being a silly canafag
>Only rich Arabs and Chinese will be able to afford moving there.

Either they all go there or we do.
I don't care which planet we end up on as long as those fucks are on the other.
No way are we giving them space. They can pay us for all the gas, rare metals, and water we get from space while they burn in the a hot polluted earth.

Gundam Seed basically.
Did they try brewing beer/alcohol on the ISS?

You could sell that for a ridiculous price to wealthy people because it's made in space.
As per the outer space treaty no one owns celestial bodies, it's all a matter of access


We are fortunatley already woprking with American aerospace, you don't want to travel to mars in a ship with designated facilitie built by India.

maybe, but prepare to be shot
That treaty is old and and poorly made.
It's based on fucking Antarctica treaty and shouldn't exist.
There's more to space than research.
>mars has the largest volcano in the solar system
dormant for millions of years.
Mars is mostly rock and some iron, but Earth is LOADED with Iron.

Mars is mostly an ideological mission desu
Venus will actually be profitable and comfortable.
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Yes, it's also international law
Thank god laws change according to their time.
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Space isn't going to be a refuge for whites France, once settlement kicks into any form of large scale venture it's going to be countries like mine building most of the hardware.

And besides chances are the first Muslims in Mars travel there under your flag
>And besides chances are the first Muslims in Mars travel there under your flag

Damn, Mexico
>international law
As if that's ever stopped anyone
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You're saying we shouln't respect laws?
I'm saying that it's not likely to stop anyone

The first settlements will likely be multinational, but eventually they'll become like regular colonies
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How do you fuck up _this_ bad?
At least they tried.
And reflect the composition of their respective countries, knowing Americans they'll go further and make a third of the colonists black

There will be a substantial founding effect on future populations even if sperm/ova is used for genetic diversity. Mexico will be well established as a top ten economy by the time Mars is actually settled, that plus 1 in 10 Americans bening of Mexican ancestry plus joint Latin American efforts guarantees there'll be plenty of us out there.
>knowing Americans they'll go further and make a third of the colonists black
kys m8
you know I'm right gringo
>not enough funding
>less advanced technology than the US
>less ability to track a probe in deep space
>unready rockets and probes being rushed out the door to meet political deadlines
>trying way too ambitious and premature missions

The first set of Soviet Mars probes were in 1960, which was almost insane to even attempt at such an early point, when even getting to the Moon was a challenge. The 1962 set included an orbiter and a lander. They never made it out of LEO but the lander would have failed because it was designed with the belief that Mars had an Earth-like atmosphere, the planet's true nature being unknown until Mariner 4 two and a half years later.

The 1970s probes were also trying too much too quickly. They had very poor planning with none of NASA's careful step-by-step moves from flyby to orbiter to lander.
>Mexico will be well established as a top ten economy by the time Mars is actually settled
~35 years isn't too terribly long for you to get your shit together
>wanting to go to Mars

it's like Afghanistan but way bigger
Mars only comes near the Earth every two years so you don't get as many chances as you do with the Moon and Venus.
They're set to replace China as the US's main manufacturing partner because Chinese labor costs are too high. Their situation isn't as bad as you'd think

They're killing off so many through abortion I don't even know if their birth rates are still at replacement levels
>tfw negress qts will become a rarity within your lifetime
The first US Mars probes were Mariner 3 (failed) and 4 in the 1964-65 Mars window. Then Mariner 6-7 in the 1968-69 window. Mariner 8 (failed) and 9 in the 1971 window. We skipped the 1973 window because the Viking probes were under development and those were launches in the 1975 window.

The Soviets launched Mars probes in 1960, 1962, 1969, 1971, and 1973. They skipped 1965 apparently to concentrate on Moon/Venus probes instead.
Venus is near the Earth for half the year, so you have a couple months per year to launch probes there. The distance is also much shorter and it's not cold as hell. It does seem probable that Soviet engineering was never able to build a spacecraft bus durable enough to survive the trek to Mars.
That first batch in 1960, shit, those were thrown together in about 9 months and the whole concept of tracking a probe at Martian distances hadn't been entirely worked out yet.
Khrushchev visited New York City in October 1960 to address the UN; according to a Soviet sailor who defected, the ship carrying him had models of the Mars probes which he intended to show off. Since the launches failed, his models remained packed.
The enhanced R-7 rocket developed for the 1960-61 planetary shots is still being flown today to launch Soyuz, so that really was the enduring legacy of those missions.
they just have enough self awareness to know they're not wanted on Mars
New Herakleion
this is why Venus is more economical and probably

Mars is more important in the public imagination but really just a dead rock with little of value.
Venus could possibly become a real full fledged colony
really Earth airships could be fairly cheaply modifies to work in the Venusian atmosphere for observational runs of the planet.
eventually there could be a whole fleet of solar airships and a permanent floating Cloud City covered in solar cells for massive power
Mars is the only other planet in the solar system that can be easily landed on.
Even the much more successful Venera probes make it easy to forget that it took nine straight attempts before Venera 4 finally succeeded. The US program succeeded on its second try (Mariner 2).
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you wouldn't need to "land" on Venus

>Mars only comes close enough every 2 years
>takes 8 months to travel there (probably longer with humans aboard)
>any crew is basically stranded there for years.

>Venus comes close every year and a bit
>takes 3 months to get there
>crew can expect yearly re-supply and have it arrive quickly
Venus is like 800 degrees with poisonous gasses everywhere and pressure like the bottom of the ocean or some shit
but Venus is an uninhabitable shithole
it's all just empty promises for the election in november anyway
Indeed. Mariner 2 exposed Venus's extreme temperatures and high CO2 content. For that, NASA never tried a lander and instead merely radar mapped the surface.

So is Mars, you dipshit.
>implying you need to live on the surface
I've been shilling for high-atmosphere colonies this entire thread mongs.
ironically it would be way cheaper than living in a hole on mars with 1/3rd gravity and low as fuck pressure and no real resources of value.
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Dead rock vs Flaming toxic clouds

Lets colonize both because we're fucking Humans

yeah but it's supposedly possible to terraform it and the equipment doesn't get melted away in an hour
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Well let me tell you, acid is good for meat, and breaks down connective tissue, fats, and tenderizes it. Run the pH the other way and it turns into soap and you might as well bite into a urinal cake.

Venus is not for the timid, or people too afraid to shove a fat bird out the airlock and let the harsh laws of thermodynamics do the work. Venus is for men. Men who like to eat meat – cooked in fire and acid and seasoned with the Devil’s own mix of volatiles boiled up from the pits of hell.

If the thought of Thanksgiving Dinner on Venus gives you the heebie jeebies, you don’t even need to think about plunging into the roiling atmosphere with nothing but a cheap plastic heat shield and a thin balloon to save you from the crematorium that yawns down below. So man up, dangle the bird into the depths of the Stygian hell, feast as someone who walks between worlds and lives on an airship that rides the hell born winds 30 miles above a surface so hot it glows visibly red.
>high-atmosphere colonozation

for what pvrpose
extraction of valuable chemicals/elements

Venus is a treasure trove, Mars is a barren rock with nothing valuable enough to justify even shipping it back to Earth.
first of all we must visit and colonise the Moon (i mean we - humanity) actually
6 times less garavity makes easer to long space travels
>current year
>space x makes fau 2 rockets
is it 1945 again?
NASA had a rough go with Mars missions in the 90s possibly because of the 20 year gap since Viking and it's probable that they simply forgot a lot of stuff (and likely the engineers who did the 60s-70s probes had retired by that point and their expertise was lost).

Now we'll just need your schematics for the industrial anti-grav plates and we'll get right on it.
American rocketry has been stagnant since Von Braun and the old Nazis died
they have been more focused on Robotics.
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even easier since Venusian atmosphere is so thick you can use regular air and still float easily.
not to mention beyond that there is loads of helium in the atmosphere anyways.
Russia even worse since they're still flying 1960s hardware.
The string of late 90s rocket failures such as 97-99 Delta/Titan accidents were blamed by some on the old guard from the Apollo era having retired and handed the reigns to inexperienced new engineers.
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>tfw SJWs shit on your work just because you were a Nazi then give black typists all the credit.
Alan Shepard would have been the first man in space but for WVB's pig-headed insistence on one more unmanned test. Even Shepard said it was a mistake and he could have been up there in March of 1961.
We should colonize the moon
But then again, he'd still be making a suborbital flight and be outshone by Gagarin even if he did go first.
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Space X shit do not even stand next to Soyuz tbqh.
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>tfw everyone laughs at your country's space program.
Yes yes, you can collect your Putinshekels and resume being a pack mule for the ISS and all that other shit.
The main advantage of the Soyuz is cost and reliability, however design-wise it's comically antiquated; the R-7 is extremely underperforming and inefficient for its size, which is inevitable with a 1950s design.
I think this is what really makes the project interesting/viable. In many ways colonizing mars is not as straightforward as it looks given in terms of long term settlement you'd be forced into near permanently wearing flight suits, maybe even compression masks because of fluid redistribution, and fucking demanding exercise routines. Mechanical carrousels offer a relatively simple fix however and in terms of engineering they're not that much more complicated than blimps although they'sd certainly be more energy intensive and you'd need to practically build an industrial base from the start.

In either case exploitation of resources is never going to really get cost effective for planetary bodies, it's easier to colonize asteroids via robots/short missions then send the products back to earth just pushing the rigs into using circumsolar orbits that eventually intersect with our planet.

Space colonization isn't about profit, at least not in scales of time spanning the lifetimes of those investing on it.
It is painfull to understand that USA can not into space and a """moon landings""" was fake, right?
>and inefficient
NASA inslall soyuz engines on their rockets. So NASA is stupid?
Nah, you got to Mars in one try while Russia can't do it in almost 60 years of attempts.
>NASA inslall soyuz engines on their rockets. So NASA is stupid?

The RD-107 engines in the R-7? Definitely not. I think something we flew may have used RD-170s from the Zenit rocket but that's a much newer engine.
it's more like an old and tested rocket design that works great and is cheap.
its more like this online
>omg indians, how dare you spend money on rockets when your people don't have toilets?
>what good are indigenous satellites that have a wide range of applications launched via a cheap and effective delivery system when you have millions of starving little shits?
>you should leave it to china who actually sent a person to space.
>it's more like an old and tested rocket design that works great and is cheap

The thing is, they were planning to phase out the R-7, Soyuz, Proton, and other legacy hardware back in the 80s already. Zenit and Energia were part of an overall plan to replace them with next generation rockets, but the collapse of the USSR meant that Zenit was the only of them that ever reached operational status, and it had a rough road due to lack of funds in the 90s and its factory ending up in independent Ukraine.

Russia is only now starting to pick up where they left off. Proton is scheduled to be retired in the 2020s and replaced by Angara. There are plans to eventually replace Soyuz. Most of the older upper stages such as the Blok L/D have been replaced by newer models such as Briz. The Kosmos 3M and Tsyklon rockets are also now retired.
China has millions of malnourished peasants with no toilets too.
There has been a reluctance to phase out the R-7/Soyuz combo because they've been flying for so long that all possible hardware bugs have been worked out long ago. I mean, Gagarin flew at a time when the R-7 had around a 50% success rate, American rockets being nearly as bad.
but its not their defining characteristic.
All around the world I read stuff like how china is regaining it's rightful legacy as center of the world and how western hegemony of the last 300 years is a blip in the radar compared to 3 millenia of chinese dominance in the world.

It gets really fucking annoying after a while especially because everyone expects India to remain grovelling in the dirt while china prospers, like it is the natural order of the world. ISRO throws a spanner in the works every time they launch a shit ton of satellites and make mad bank so the west writes opinion pieces about how India should focus on it's starving populace and leave technology to the big boys.
Some of the cosmonauts watched a Vostok test flight in July 1960 which failed shortly after launch and killed two dogs. Gherman Titov said "We came here to watch it fly. We saw it blow up."

Ironically, that mirrors a comment by Gus Grissom after watching an Atlas missile explode in flight. "Are we really gonna get on top of one of those things?"
>All around the world I read stuff like how china is regaining it's rightful legacy as center of the world and how western hegemony of the last 300 years is a blip in the radar compared to 3 millenia of chinese dominance in the world
That's just hot wind anyway since China has never dominated anything outside of its immediate neighboring countries while at least 90% of the globe has been colonized by or militarily occupied by European nations and/or the United States at some point.
And then they burned him and two other heroes, who refuced to connect with moon hoax.
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When living in space will be widespread, we'll give separate planetes to black, lgbtshit, Jews and others if it's such a matter to them.
>Gherman Titov said "We came here to watch it fly. We saw it blow up."

Sure sounds all dark and emo compared to Grissom's comments but that's the difference between introverted Russian culture and America's outgoing cowboy culture.
that includes the flips right?
Gagarin's flight was performed with some incredible risks, not only because the hardware in test flights hadn't proven itself very reliable, but there wasn't much safety stuff to bail the cosmonaut out from a launch accident. In fact he accidentally got put in an orbit around 100 miles too high because of a slightly late engine cutoff by his booster, which was also a perilous situation since if Vostok 1's retrorocket failed, the spacecraft would not decay from orbit for 20 days and he'd run out of food and oxygen.
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At least it wasn't a straight suicide mission
Never forget
As a tourist I would say so my curry friend!
Will there be Reapers?
>south india
good taste.
Laika's capsule was literally built in four weeks. There was no way they could create a reliable life support system on that time budget, and although it was always claimed officially that she lived a week in orbit, during the post-Soviet era, it came out that in fact she died several hours after launch.

There was considerable criticism of the mission from PETAfags in the US and Western Europe. The controlled Soviet press of course could not say anything, nor did most of the communist bloc countries, although the Polish Academy of Sciences (of course it had to be Poland) did issue a criticism of Laika's suicide flight. An anonymous writer also penned a poem criticizing the mission and the Soviet state which was passed around Moscow.
>memeX on mars
either another space race, which will change nothing when one random flag is planted there.
the chinese will have the first permanent base in ~100 years.
Aside from Laika and the dogs who died in the failed July 1960 Vostok test, another pair were lost on Korabl Sputnik 3 (another Vostok test) at the end of 1960. The retrorocket cut off too late and the capsule would have landed outside Soviet territory, so the automatic destruct system activated and blew it up, killing the dogs in the process.

The followup mission to that a few weeks later never made it to orbit due to a launch vehicle malfunction, but the capsule was ejected and touched down in Siberia in harsh winter weather. Recovery crews managed to locate the capsule and disable the destruct mechanism before it went off and the dogs were recovered alive and well. Although Sergei Korolev believed the Soviet press should announce what had been a "successful" failure, they still were not willing to do it.
the chinese haven't even been to mars yet.
I would send 1000 dogs into space and see if they can stay alive for a few hours, before i would even think about sending 1 human.
The scientific gain was immense and worth it.

you are right. But the USA wont have the stamina to have a permanent base on mars. if they can manage old levels of nationalism they might be able to send a flag up there. but nothing more.
The chinese can mangage that. they just need more time.
Nonetheless, one of the engineers who worked on Sputnik 2 said "We did not gain anything close to enough scientific data to justify the dog's death."
This is pretty interesting, I had no idea some dogs had actually survived those missions.

I do realize those were acceptable sacrifices tbqh, but it still I've always found it a very sad story.
it was a fucking street dog from moscow. it would have suffered a more or less horrible death either way. even if the engineers were not satisfied with they results, the mission resulted in belka and strlka and the first living beings that would return from space.
It is not possible to ignore the scientific gain from these missions.
Dogs used on Soviet space missions were mostly strays collected from the streets of Moscow. These were favored due to their ability to survive extreme conditions and go long periods without eating or drinking. Female dogs were exclusively used as urine collection was easier.
PETAfags gonna PETAfag.
Can't wait for martian flag and the legendary first martian poster, it's gonna be awesome.
The last Soviet dog flight was Kosmos 110 in February 1966 which flew two dogs on a Voskhod spacecraft for two weeks. This one was originally to have been manned and flown as Voskhod 3, however they were reluctant to continue flying human passengers on a spacecraft with no launch escape system so it was decided instead to just fly a biological mission.
>that Zenit was the only of them that ever reached operational status, and it had a rough road due to lack of funds in the 90s and its factory ending up in independent Ukraine

One of the two Zenit pads at Baikonur was destroyed when a booster exploded on it in October 1990. The collapse of the USSR meant that there were no funds to repair it, and Zenit was actually pulled from service entirely in the late 90s until SeaLaunch revived it as a commercial launcher.
My question is: who will be chosen as the first waves of colonists? People working for the companies? Volunteers? Any bum off the street chosen at random?

It'll be a very hard life, alot of work. But I think most people who would willingly go would just get used to it. Question is; what exactly would a colonists' everyday job be? Growing food and repairing any faults with habitats is an obvious one, so farmers and physical workers is a pretty obvious one.
>go to Mars as space colonist
>get sent with only a dozen others
>help building the first mars village
>then start silently killing everyone else on Mars
>literal Joker shit
>NASA can't do shit since it takes months to send new people there
>get known as the first Killer on Mars
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>I mean, Gagarin flew at a time when the R-7 had around a 50% success rate

When the Voskhod 1 cosmonauts rode to the top of the gantry at Baikonur's LC-1, they could look out across the steppe which was strewn with debris from previous failed R-7 launches.

That must have been real reassuring especially when they had no launch escape system.
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>one random flag

There's nothing random about it.

The great thing about the first manned mission to Mars is that it will be American, and that 4chan will probably still be around for it.

All of you will probably still be here.

I look forward to this day.
IAF, the Gemini spacecraft really had no reliable LES either, just ejector seats that would have only been useful for the first 40 seconds of launch after which the booster was traveling too fast.

Looks fine to me

They'll be screened as fuck and they'll be at least middle aged, doctorates who will have worked their ass off to be on the mission, wholesome alpahs with no real vices other than perhaps being sex maniacs. Keep in mind kinky sex will likely become the first real Martian sport as there'll be a lot of repetitive routine and stress pushing people into it while at the same time living conditions both psychological and physical (erectile function and even vaginal engorgement will be affcted by gravity) may frequently prevent coitus and maybe even inhibit orgasm. That's going to be a lot of guaranteed edging and drama.

Any person colonizing mars will probably be expected to write at the very least a couple of dozen papers on research and do reality show confesional style diaries on top of whatever their main function as a colonist might be. They'll be under verys intense exercise regimes to fight low gravity and will be monitored in everything from sleep patterns, to water intake, nutrition, etc. They'll have to double and triple check any number of procedures to try and avoid accidents due to human error

They'll frequently act like self fulfilled smug assholes but their lives will be absolutely miserable in many areas.
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I wasn't on /int/ back then, sadly. What was the reaction like?

We will have robots to unplug our toilets.

yes, it wil be a colony of sexually repressed nerds with erectile disfunction and social isolation
If all else fails i'll contrive a way to go to mars and kill all the shitskins there, then destroy the earth with an asteroid.
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Kom hit ett slag, Norge.
>tfw Yuros will never have a moment of pride like that

Laika had been named "Kudryavka" by the engineers at Baikonur, however she was publicly referred to as "Laika" as the name was easier for foreigners to pronounce.
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