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Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 72

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The GF edition
>Sir Winston Churchill reminds me of some irrelevant Yank

Not a fan of this gimmick
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I masturbate twice a day so women hold no influence over my decision making abilities.
>touching a cock

a bit gay lad
Literally cannot stop looking at this picture of me and her
hahahah loser
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Was yellow fever a mistake?
I am a manlet so women don't like me anyways.
I have no choice desu
Churchill was a genocidal maniac who virulently hated nonwhites

Should be looked upon as an example of an evil man desu

Stalin was 1000x the leader Churchill was
try 7
pretty solid idea
if you have money, you will have sex with anyone
vaginas are gross
glad i'm gay lad
out of touch
Actually it's more like if you have money you can attract all the hot women
morning lads
>man raised in the 1800s hundreds has views different than modern liberal values

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Ahh, yes

the wagies are up and at it, another week to fund mr.goldsteins yacht.

*hops back into bed*
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>le morality is subjective and a product of its time

t. Sophist
and your benefits
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ohayo gozaimasu~
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imagine actually leaving the uk to go live in thailand

how much of a runt can one person be
*buys things you can't afford*
ahh yes
wew, it's real
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I think if I ever do lose my virginity I'd have the worst luck and get infected with roastd's, might just steer clear of that
*grabs Drumpf by the pussy*
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>if you have money, you will have sex with anyone
Sorry sir you cant purchase this as your in £40k debt from student loans
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This robot has no money and has more sex than you
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> Because you'd be in jail
>finish exam
>feel good
>remember I have another one tomorrow
feels not great tbqh
((((he)))) is at it again
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e-early bird g-gets the worm

*fucks off back to sleep*
*you're :^)
Wonderful banter
because the UK's streets are paved in gold and everyone has such a high standard of living?
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alri thailad
wrap it before you tap it
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The fat MexicANUS.....
Bought a Stihl chainsaw today

VERY pleased with my purchase
Post the full pic of the (((mexican)))
>early morning on /brit/
ahh yes, the noncing hours
It's in the last thread

Just ctrl+f "fat shitskin"
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fat shitskin.jpg
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The overweight Hispanic....
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absolutely NEED an asian gf
Nothing wrong with being a nonce
>t. thailad
yt3.ggpht.com isn't loading on Youtube

Do you know what's wrong Thailad?
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kill yourselves fucking scumbags
Are you using Avast AV?
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Riding around in my Land Rover rn lads

Took a cheeky 1.5mg alprazolam earlier and listening to Prince on the radio

Maximum comfy achieved
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reminder if you beat your enemies they win
redpill me on macadamia nuts
Thanks Trudeau
I'm not desu

Closed my malwarebytes and nothings changed
Jesus fuck how can people be so out of touch with reality?
ah yes she deleted the emails on accident haha
Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Hillary crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this woman get the nuclear codes!
It's actually a legitimate strategy to just let your opponent bite itself.
Dictator tier
they're yummy

i want a cute wife to make me hamburger steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, hash brown casserole, macaroni, biscuits (i forget what brits call them or i'd say that because i know it triggers you), and corn bread muffins. i want her to have dinner ready and waiting for me when i get back home from work
Oh, it's down:


NEED an Aryan goddess gf
don't really want to go to work desu lads
bit sexist
Thought so
Wonder why that is
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the jews have already picked there puppet
BASED hilldog
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theory: instead of trump being controlled opposition, it's actually hillary who was meant to lose this election
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couldn't tell you
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spookier theory: they're not hiding anything and the powers in charge are really THIS fucking stupid and out of touch with reality
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Gonna get me an asian gf lads

>Hitler-like rage down

American "journalism"
I wonder if Trump will push for her to actually stand trial for her crimes if he wins.
if you took things at face value that's definitely how it looks. it's hard to believe though, because the media and the US gov't are masters of persuasion and control.
>on accident
the phrase is 'by accident' you fucking mongoloid
Just DDoS'd Thailad's website
Every power throughout history has eventually waned and in some cases have lost their minds, either in a minor or major way

I doubt it's the case but it's still interesting to consider
you did a poor job
That's a direct quote you mong
+1 could NOT agree more
Trump voter here AMA
made you check ;)
that's what he said in the debate, that he's going to have a special investigatory panel just for her without any of the people in the FBI she bought and she's going to prison for a very long time
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Just DDoS'd your mum with the lads

Double Dicks on Sunday AYOOOOO

There's an unspoken rule in American politics that you pardon all of your friends and enemies when you take office and it's happened many times throughout American history

You can pardon someone before they're even charged which is what Ford did to Nixon
Get the fuck out of Australia
Who already planning to spend Christmas on 4chan here?
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I'm here to correct the record

first 10 seconds
>that second one
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>grabs your mum's pussy
Yeah I saw that but it's hardly "I will have her tried in a court of law!"

It's partially what made me ask the question along with this: >>65945787
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> thailad is a racist

doesn't surprise me
he's not going to let her go. he can't. she's too dangerous to be left alive. i mean free
how is thai chicANO a racist?
he likes non-white trannies
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Would you have half Thai kids?
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*orders Biome Defense™ probiotics*
having a cookie
morning lads

but where is proofs?

also morality is subjective you fucking idiot
watching some runt eat his cookie
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Racist losers go to Thailand
Weeb beta orbiters go to Japan
Alpha radical centrists go to China
Would be interesting news.
I haven't decided
>the sun is literally rising in the UK

>sneaked into this aussie cunts house
>baked some shite cookies and swapped them with his real ones
>put a spy cam in his room
watching him eat it right now
alright then but what makes current morality the "best" one in that case?
having a compute
earth confirmed flat
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Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again.

4chan Pass users can bypass this CAPTCHA. [Learn More]
Redpilled opinion: Morality is subjective but ours is the best
>tfw you swapped this aussie cunts computer for a chinese knock off
>tfw watching him have a fake compute
he still hasn't realise what a runt haha
Not it's really not

Actually the current morality is very immoral
heh get good kiddo
had no idea radiohead were english, thought they were american
told this aussie cunt that radiohead were american and he actually believed me haha
which morality is the best then?
desu I'd argue for something in-between oriental and western morals, like that of the Roman era Greeks.
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>morality is subjective but there is an objectively best one
Daily recommended android app:

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It's clear you're very uneducated on this issue as the "Roman era Greeks" actually subscribed to a wide variety of belief systems and moral codes

There is also no such thing as "best morality"
There is thag which is moral and that which is not

That which is moral follows the Categorical Imperative
REALLY wish i lived in ancient rome so i could be some wine boy and sex slave
he looks like the penguin, wonder if that's on purpose
got called a yank in /brit/ today lads
>that nbc tweet is actually real

holy fuck America
told this thick aussie cunt that if he was in ancient rome he could be a wine boy and sex slave and the runt actually believed me haha
Wow same haha x
Wakey wakey yo fookin wankers
I agree. Applying Occam's razor simply leaves us with this explanation. Which is why this election has me like pic related.
Anyhoo, it's not like any of this shit'll affect me though.

Oh wait, it does!

$Hillary would probably increase """aid""" to Pakistan, whereas Trump will definitely do the opposite.
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the gf
nice digits
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Indians are good lads

Keep BTFOing P*kistan please
nice trips but i'm not too keen on the prostate thing
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>he thinks Occam's razor is a logical rather than statistical principle
fuck off murderer
convinced this aussie that meat is murder and turned him into a veggie

he's gay now
literally me haha
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i feel like a butthole today lads
bit gay
bus is late again lads haha
Raindrops keep falling on my head
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oh shit lads haha here he is
thats me spitting on you
Oryo mommas cum
/pol/s dragging me back. it's just so fun there.. should i go or should i stay? haven't been on there regularly in months
feel like an armpit
on the bus posting lads
Ah yes
its only worthwhile during big political events
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now even their ~300k viewers are redpilled
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>When Congress asks where the 33k emails went
the gf wants to break up
the igf wants to get back together
going to work, bye
have a nice day
>europe doesn't ever have to deal with devastating natural disasters
>literally everywhere else on earth does

No wonder they became the dominant people group
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*puts you on team hufflepuff*
Who won the debate
Wew, big fuck up.

Can't stop laughing at this though


They're both shit candidates though.
farage's disciple of course
But our family has been on slytherin for generations! What will I tell mumsy?
Trump humiliated Bill by calling him out on being a rapist and Bill looked like death, he had a stinging zing >>65946462 about sending her to jail but he still rambled like a dickhead.
farage gave trump some tips before the debate

Trump had some great moments, but I think she held strong on policy.
True, but he's half British and things like this:

so he's the one to back imo
Trump should have grabbed Hillary by the pussy
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Swords and shit.jpg
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just got banned from a twitch chat for typing in
"press f to convert"
Wonder what Chris hitchens would have said
NEED a qt Westworld android gf NOW lads
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>not actuall pressed against her thoat

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willy's been sore for 3 days now
might have overdone it
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It's quite clear she's going to win though lad. The media hysteria is non-stop surrounding him.
is that runt who refers to theresa may as mummy here? would like to knock his lights out
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Hmm which badge should I wear today
fascists are a pathetic bunch
>she goes on holiday
>has one recently added
>a chad studying in the area

what are you harry potter lol
It was quite clear Brexit was never happening either. The media was none stop about that too.

He draws a lot of support, we'll have to wait and see.
>go for cheeky nap
>wake up nearly 3 hours later

woops haha gonna regret that
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Eternal anglo2.jpg
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oh you don't want pics
different situations though
haha lads you will not guess what happened today
she cancelled on me AGAIN hahahahaha

Feel sorry for him
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>The exact meaning of the fly varies among different cultures, but the fly is often symbolic with death, rotting, pestilence and upcoming change. In nature, flies are decomposers and feed on dead, decaying animals, fecal matter and trash. This is one of the reason that flies are often associated with death or sickness.
I'm aware of that Bruce.

If I saw people filling sports stadiums for brexit and not even filling school gyms for remain I would have been more optimistic at the time, that's all I'm saying. Doesn't matter either way, it's probably better for the UK if Trump won but it's a decision for the yanks, so either way really.
going buck wild
the mainstream media is rapidly becoming irrelevant and recent events have proven this.
hahaha you guessed it :p
Haha what the fuck
I love the new liberal buzzword is putting fact check in front of everything to make it a legitimate point
stop that
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America is unironically majority not white
that'd better be a girl
It's predicted to be by next year.
it's spirit week and Libby's not a geek
>feeling sorry for a sex offender
How's about that then?
>yfw republicans never win again after that unless they cuck themselves with progressive policies
Yanks might not know it yet but Trump is America's Corbyn.

His party is fucked
i've never been successful with pretty girls.

sigh. Just you know, them 6s and 7s at a push.
hes a damn niggerlover!
Yes but Hillary has a massive power base and the ability to do pretty much anything she wants and recover from it
so you have a beautiful GF and you want to make us feel the pain in our balls? well you succeeded WANKER?
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It is amazing something as perfect as Tay Tay exists in the world
Need a bf lads
alri 'sheed
dont rate her desu
Good post Rasheed.

You're a top bloke
this desu

never found her overly attractive and she seems like an absolute weirdo personality wise
to look at maybe
Agreed, she's not even one of those 'I don't find her attractive but can see why others might' like J Law, she just looks really fucking weird and seems to be a complete and utter cunt.
she's clearly a fucking whore only after Chad's dick.
She's a pretty face but little else
I'm a Nazi, I support Hitler and Hitlerism. - Donald Trump
Do you ever contribute anything beyond recycled memes and /r9k/ tier narrative?
Trump's done it* again!

*lost embarrassingly
Cannae believe it, the lamestream media were right
oh I forget, womyn are beutiful and they'd never be whores :3 ^.^
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Trump is a cuckold
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please explain why/how mr.farage can't run for prime minister???
Farts stink of weed again lads
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He can but he wouldn't win
We don't have anybody directly elected as PM here.

So you vote for congress, then you have a separate vote for president.

The way it works over here is that you vote for somebody in your constituency (the area you live) and then the party that gets the most MPs usually forms a government and the leader of that party then is selected as the Prime Minister.

So imagine if the president was picked by each party having a leader in the Senate and then they were selected from whichever party had the most senators.

It's an odd system because you could hate your local candidate but really like the candidate for PM or hate the candidate for PM but really like the person running in your area.

UKIP will never come close to getting a majority in the HoC so it will simply never happen.
He already is running for PM, he's leader of UKIP.
i bet he could tbhh

It's over lads
Dude, UKIP were nothing but a Tory protest part who's sole aim was to agitate for a Brexit. They're irrelevant now.
>kippers will disagree

You're completely right though
they could run under the premise of making britain great again
That's already being done by the Tories.
That's how it works in practise.

But the Prime Minister is actually selected by the Queen from anyone in Parliament. So she could make him a life peer as Baron Farage and then appointment to create a cross-party government.

She won't, but she could.
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then how about making britain great again faster
>they could run under the premise of making britain great again

We have that party, they're called the BNP.

They are even less popular than UKIP, and like UKIP fell into obscurity and infighting after their irreverant publicity-magnet leader left office.
>Alex Jones Freaks Out Pounds Desk
Ah yes
Still without power lads

Going on 39 hours without

So what's best to explain to somebody who doesn't really understand you thick cunt?

Some theoretical noncery about how the Queen is the divine power and could legislate anything she wants and the PM could be him or me if the Queen wills it or how the actual system works?

I hate cunts like you, 'but technically', you just want to sound smart but instead you come across as a massive bellend. Fuck off.
its a troll lad
I thought the Tories were immigrant lovers
Do both
Tories are perceived as being more competent. And compared to UKIP, they are.
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dad right outside my door wont SHUT THE FUCK UP
Have a spooky morning lads

Go look up what's been coming out of the Tory Party conference a few days ago.
alri louie
Thanks, but we have never managed to BTFO Pakistan, thanks to mainly Chink and some Amerifag interference.
If we were allowed to, Pakistan would have been split into around 4 separate countries by now.
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>Canada's First Prime Minister
>Sir John A. McDonald
>In 1885, told the House of Commons that, if the Chinese were not excluded from Canada,
>“the Aryan character of the future of British America should be destroyed …”
>Macdonald then personally introduced race as a defining legal principle of the state…
>Macdonald’s introduced an amendment taking the vote away from anyone “of Mongolian or Chinese race.”
>He warned that, if the Chinese were allowed to vote,
>“they might control the vote of that whole Province” and their “Chinese representatives” would foist “Asiatic principles,” “immoralities,” and “eccentricities” on the House
>“which are abhorrent to the Aryan race and Aryan principles.” '
>He went on to say that “the Aryan races will not wholesomely amalgamate with the Africans or the Asiatics” and that
>“the cross of those races, like the cross of the dog and the fox, is not successful; it cannot be, and never will be.”
>Canada was to be the country that restored a pure Aryan race to its past glory, and the Chinese threatened this purity and the principles this society is built on.
BNP let their powerlevel show too early on
Don't really like him but I screeched when Trump said Hillary Clinton would be in jail. Literal fucking madman.
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everyone knows my name!
>Almost nine out of 10 women would rather be a woman than a man today, compared with just over half in 1947, a Radio 4 Woman's Hour poll suggests.
Fast forward 130 years

>Le Weedman
>Communist Chinese flag being raised over Vancouver's city hall
>Runaway housing bubble caused by unrestricted property sell offs to rich Chinese nationals
>Cultural Marxist SJWs run rampant in Canadian Universities
>Immigration reform in Parliament that will make it "easier then ever" to culturally enrich this country
>indians are good lads
>sikhs are bro tier dude!
fuck off
This tbqh
The main reason I watched it was because I knew nige had given him some tips and the burns would be sweet.
>chinks, pakis and yanks

Scourge of the world desu

I agree but BNP were pretty redpilled desu

I think it's good that people are becoming more secure in who they are
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>Scottish government backs Heathrow expansion

honestly dont see anything wrong with that desu
Pulled a sickie lads

got flu or some shite
everyone knows they were redpilled but you have to keep that hidden and release it slowly over time
thats where most nationalist parties fail I reckon
>what is a tunnel
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Really wish my hairline wasn't receding ahha
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why not a bridge?
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>this mong had sex 15 year old when he was 23

Getting my daily dose of Molyneux and Sargon lads
He has weird hair
aaaaah yes, lets built a 30m tall bridge on a runway with planes taking-off/landing at high speed
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choon lads
>My great-great-grandpa and his brother came to Texas from Coupar Angus way back in the late 19th century. My dad decided to embrace his heritage and raised my brother and I to be proud of it as well. We're apart of our clan society, own kilts, were given Scottish names (I've only met one other person in America named Alistair), etc. We've vistited Scotland multiple times and we all absolutely love it. I'm even planning another trip pretty soon. However, I always seem to run into some sentiment online from Scots that this kind of thing is just stupid and/or annoying. I just keep getting this vibe that it's viewed negatively for people with Scottish heritage to consider themselves Scots. Am I misinterpreting things? I hope I am, because I'm quite fond of Scotland.
pretty sure you could secure a prosecution for being a nonce on his hair alone.

Why can't brits be this cool when the weather decides to fuck with us?

farage is so best
but 7 out of 10 men want to be a girl
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