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Thread replies: 339
Thread images: 75

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First for Serbian Hussars

Slavs and niggers keep stealing our heritage

the truth must be known!
paint master
Thanks combobreaker bratushka.
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fuggen roaches ruining everything yet again
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fucking turks
I third :3
>mfw I was the A and U inthis combo
it only proves that there literally 10 ppl on /int/
>>65827688 #
We have long wowels through, through the rule of the rythmic shortening means you cannot have a long wowel in a syllable that is right after another one with a long wowel.
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>we are entirely Slavic genetically

It's about damn time you recognized us as kin.
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I was cleaning my computer and almost got a heart attack when I heard three short post code
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>tfw miss Alabama will never be your gf

Fuck Ameriga.
Šváb :D
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Post your feels too
Was there ever any doubt family ?

5th most common surname Horvat (Croat)
20th most common surname Racz (Serb)
33rd most common surname Magyar(Hungarian)
everone know you are a slav in denial. just like finns.
Mézga Cszalád is epic cartoon therefore I recognise you.
It's fascinating how complicated the czech/slovak grammar is (compared to primitive languages like English), especially when you realize that it was only artificially created in the 19th century by Jungmann, Štůr, etc.
Those lads must've had immeasureably high levels of autism.
>t. Atilla Ping-Pong
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We should meet and suicide together.
>t was only artificially created in the 19th century
how? you mean rebuild?
That is only modern Slovak, Czech etc. You know written Czech dates back to 10th century, right?
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Maybe there is a better, happier existence after death. Maybe there is nothing.
Does it matter?
I have a question. Belorussian bros.
Цi дoўгa яшчэ вы бyдзeцe тpывaць гвaлт нaд вaмi cpaнaя кaлoдaчкi aбy, знeвaжaльнaгa вac cцягaм-пpaклaдкaй.
He is probably the guy who does not think dialects were spoken by like all the peasants or 90 percent of the population.
Grammar exists even in unwritten language. Czech and Slovak have normal grammar.
ofc it exists is quite the same for all slavic langs. thats why I asked what he meant.
Stay away from our wymenz!!!
As I've said in the previous thread, pretty much all European languages are artificial in the sense they were formed out of dialects and are a standardised entity.
lmao, wtf

crazy bastard.
Are shityeyed consider to be a slav? My opinion is not.

Sranda, že stará čeština je ešte podobnejšia slovenčine než moderná:

"Postupně se též monoftongizovalo ie > í (miera > míra). Monoftongizovalo se uo > ú. Diftong uo se někdy zapisoval jako o ve formě kroužku nad písmenem u, z čehož vznikl grafém ů (kuoň > kůň),"

U nás miera a kôň (ô = uo).
Jesus. You a true moron. Its called a literary language. Its used by upper class. Its basis for a modern language of any state. No one created it as it was used by some narrow group of educated ppl. From them it was transfered to schools for common ppl.
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Idk. Would you consider her shiteyed?
what does it mean?
>how? you mean rebuild?
Since 1620 we were heavily germanized by the Habsburgs, by the end of 18th century all educated and higher class people here spoke only german (and some latin), czech was only sparsely spoken by rednecks in the countryside and low class people in the cities. Then came the revivalists who decided to revive the language but because the grammar and other important shit was largely forgotten, they had to make up a lot of shit to patch it.
What they made up is what we use today and imho it's incredibly complicated for anyone other than us.
Anything darker than (including) brown eyes?
>Anything darker than (including) brown eyes?
no idea how it looks.ive never seen a person with eyes darker than brown
That's not how it works, the literary language had to be created at one point. Before a standardised langauge was formed, people wrote without rules that would be set in stone. Literary language IS modern language; before that, there were only dialects.
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>Цi дoўгa яшчэ вы бyдзeцe тpывaць гвaлт нaд вaмi cpaнaя кaлoдaчкi aбy, знeвaжaльнaгa вac cцягaм-пpaклaдкaй.
>знeвaжaльнaгa вac cцягaм-пpaклaдкaй.
>знeвaжaльнaгa вac
Ecли нe знaeшь, нe пытaйcя юзaть гyгoл
lmao, was this video popular in Kekia? I never saw it before tbqh
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>serb paints himself as a literal nigger
Gotta groom that kid for when he inherits the throne from his father.
Tak proč potom umím česky i když jsem se to nikdy neučil :)? Tedy, aktivně ji nepoužívám, protože je to zbytečné, když s vámi mohu mluvit svou rodnou řečí, no rozumíme si a ta gramatika není o moc horší než ta naše.
>created at one point
bs. it was shaped by upper class ppl who wrote and read the same books. No one created it. Because they could influence schools it was populated to common ppl. Of course with different results depending on how educated the sociaty was. It wasnt until popculture era when literary language became official language for everyone. I get it that in newly created state or due to extraordinary circumstances it way different just like that poster >>65830250 wrote, but in poland we speak literary language shaped for a thousand years with no beginning and no end. No one tampered with it
Well maybe you're special since I've heard you don't even have dialects but it's how it went elsewhere.
we dont. it only proves how homogeneous poland is, but literary language system is always basis for modern language as upper class decides how it will look like.
Here the standard literary language was created by Protestant scholars. It's not spoken by anyone other than people on television, people doing speeches, autistic teachers and Slavists/Slovenists today.
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real slovaks are black
Gorale? Kresy? Silesian? No dialects, you say?
well it has >141k views on a Czech channel so I guess it kinda was
funny shit from Bolan is popular here because you're funny lads and the language is lmao-tier itself
>implikuješ že čeština a slovenština jsou 2 jazyky
Jsou stejné až na pár jiných tvarů, já myslel spíš takové ty kokotiny jako shoda přísudku s podmětem, příčestí minulé/budoucí a další pičoviny které sám netuším co vlastně kurva jsou ale stejně z nějákého důvodu existují.
Where go tonight ^^
Nah, only the Slavic nations that lie SE of Slovenia are a true part of the Congoid race.
No. No green and brown are not shiteyed.
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Still dont know how you managed to become so rich being so meme country
nowhere desu
I was drinking yesterday and I'm going drinking tomorrow so I have detox today at home with just a few beers
Tak tak.

Slováci sú černošský národ.
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oн пoхoжe cлoмaлcя
I have same eyes like her ^^
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Help me anons

She liked my picture on vk.com
She's 'actively searching' for a relantionship
She has a great body

What now ?
Maybe it's because we're wholly and fully Western European, possibly even more than Czechs? idk
Speaking the standard language is a meme
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pic related, is her
Hair gel in hand!
Lanac goes where!
Tracksuit out the closet!
Call cocaine provider!
Hope the security guards at the club don't fuck with you!
Jump in your wheels, blast your DJ Krmak aaaaaaaaand
you're off!
Fake profile
yлaзeм y цc нeкoй aкo иcкa aйпи дa ми кaжe
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Лyкaшэнкa зaгaвapыў пpa ўняceннe змянeнняў y Кaнcтытyцыю
Lukashenko began to speak about amending the Constitution
not a dialect. they mix up few polish and german words ust like czechs. expect for this tey speak polish
its only accent. they speak proper polish
in few places for few thousands ppl.
Anyway anyone in poland is obliged to speak proper literary language. Everyone speak it - in schools, on TV, in books. All dialects in Poland are meme used for fun. No one recognizes dialects
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But I'm not in Russia, and she's from saint peterburg

I did create it mainly for streaming movies from vk in the past, it's quite easy to find Serbian/Yugoslav movies with subtitles there.
Its ok. You are a slav.
What a sad existence
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>tfw won't get to bang a russian cutie because of distance

Why live ?
I don't know, she just seems too naked >>65831184
How many normal girls do this kind of pictures and post them publicly?
I think phonetics are the main reason why Slovenians keep speaking in dialect. West Slavic will sound robotic no matter how you choose it, but Slovenian has some really disparate sounding dialects, the speakers of which frequently don't find the sound of the other (and frequently the standard) appetizing.
do you not have facebook ?
or vk
or whatever they use in macedonia ?

It's an "artistic" photo
you can clearly see that because she's holding a professional camera
>It's an "artistic" photo

You can only find out if you Skype with her I guess.
actually trully polish attitude - more or less something like adjust or die. Our language, our religion and history is who we are
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that's just sad

>mfw I can go to Prague and speak hardcore moravian with my mates and the clueless praguefags won't understand a word even tho it's still Czech in theory
Ape ю oк выз виc?
Post pron
>implikuješ že čeština a slovenština jsou 2 jazyky Jsou stejné až na pár jiných tvarů, já myslel spíš takové ty kokotiny jako shoda přísudku s podmětem, příčestí minulé/budoucí a další pičoviny které sám netuším co vlastně kurva jsou ale stejně z nějákého důvodu existují.

Pravda, ale povieš to ľuďom a urazia sa. A gramatika praindoeurópčiny bola ešte komplikovanejšia. Štúr, Dobrovodský... sa asi len snažili opísať gramatiku hovoreného jazyka nejakým pseudo logickým spôsobom
Akým nárečím hovoríš? Východomoravským či hanáckym?
post more wacky stuff
Post some examples of Moravian vs Bohemian dialect
Pocházím od Hodonína ale už dlouho žiju v Brně takže tak asi něco mezi hanáckým nářečím a hantecem :DD
B Бpecтe вaтaнoв бoльшe чeм в Гoмeлe, пoвepь. Дa и cпpocили "cтapoe пoкoлeниe". B тoм жe Mинcкe бyдyт coвceм дpyгиe oтвeты .
here's an example of Silesian if anyone's interested
it's sounds to Poles more or less as wacky as Czech
on scale 1 to annual tractor racing, how redneck is your home region?
Vocaroo prosím :D
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pls ne
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Nigga, tractor racing is still too advanced for us.
Tractors are tools, not something for fun desu
How many of you Russians have done military service? How was it?
Ok, tak to skús napísať foneticky.

Hantec mi príde ako taký český cockney slang.
>not fun
I thought you Slovenians are Germanized too
finns spy. watch out
We are not autistic
Not all Slavs are Russians, mind you.
come on
don't tell me you don't have a favorite drill brand
Omg she s so ugly
Typical fingol
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>Tractors are tools, not something for fun desu
Moment, vy počúvate hudbu z vŕtačiek :D?
>Ok, tak to skús napísať foneticky.
Nevím co mám písat :D
>Hantec mi príde ako taký český cockney slang.
To bych ani neřekl, to by asi spíš byla Praha a jejich helé koukéj.
Hantec je prostě čeština s prodlóženýma ó místo ou atp. a hromadou přetvořených německých slov.
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>these are the people I share a language family with
She won't be considered beautiful here
MB you balcaniggers have fetish on blonds and don't see their ugly faces
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>implying modern music doesn't drill into your head
just come to bulgaria
it's literally flooded with russian slags and even more during the summer
Belarus is a tractor superpower
they make tractors for everything, even russian nukes
you really hurt him
you should apologize
Myslím v tom, že aj v cockney aj v hantecu je veľa slov ktoré boli naschvál vytvorené, aby im druhí nerozumeli. A cockneyom nemyslím ten prízvuk, ale rýmovací slang:
no, axle grinders and bins have much better sound
I'm not planning on marrying her you mongol.

Montenegro is the same.
And already got a place there, so sorry senpai :(
Seconding. You should apologize.
>that rainbow bracelet
>that small hand
>Them small fingers
>that tiny wrist

he's a faggot alright.
no you don't get it
russians are literally everywhere it's nothing like montenegro
Montenegro is worse, trust me.

There's barely 600k people living in montenegro

300k russian AT LEAST come each year.

It's like half their population become russian.
He s nolife beta who can only write litters in the internet, what are you talking about?))

But you called that 4/10 selyachka "cutie" you stupid virgin
t. cigan
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You can't prohibit it to us, angry poor kid)
are you implying i would deny my cock blonde russian pussy? you are wrong
I don't see what's wrong. I wish we had them.
>i wish we had them
xaxaxa why
dreamer-theorist confirmed
All which your cock isn't denyed are your right-left hands, watermelon and hole in your mum's sofa, loser)
I don't know. Why not? Would be fun.
if you weren't a virgin you'd know russian girls like to fuck around, it's not hard to fuck one

brit slags are much more degenerate though
Do you have sea?
Hello herr Slovenstein. Arbeit gut, fun not gut, ja?
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>all these butthurt Eastern Europeans (and one Caucasian)
Offtopic, but are you the Macedonian who found cases in other Slavic languages hard? If yes, what language are you learning?
Hej tak daleko jsem to nikdy nezkoumal :D
Stejně v běžným hovoru jde většinou jen o jiný tón, "su" místo "jsem" a "šalina" místo "tramvaj". Zase tak velký rozdíl to není.
Ale jako umím taky nahodit hantec typu "Jak borec dovalil kalit na prigl." :D
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No, the Grecoturcs took it away from us.


>If yes, what language are you learning?
Nothing at the moment.
I'm thinking to start Java maybe.
ordnung must sein
after reading you messages I recognised that you re just fantasizing virgin nigger kid with stupid fetish on ugly blond girls
you even hadn't seen russians in your life if you think that we are blonds who always horse- or pig- faced

Also you live somewhere in village faraway from sea, virgin))
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And to think we were about to ask Italy to give you back that beach...
Nj no myslím ten hardcore hantec :D

Mimochodom, aké nárečie je to v tej reklame na kulajdu? "Redukujó, do vaničké" :D?
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm ok with any Slavs coming over in as many numbers as they can.
Sorry but we don't travel anywhere without sea)) we like beaches,sunlight.) and holiday romances)))))
why are you so insecure, i never said you are only blonde, i said i like the blonde russian girls and nobody's talking about pig faces

are you genuinely autistic or just a kid
muhosransk thread?

Who /orsk/ here?
hey look, I found some Slovene folk music
not bad, Slovenia, I'm impressed
W-we can into three lakes.

wew when will Germans stop stealing words from us
Haha you have shit taste)) but for niggers, turks, (and fantasizing virgins as personally your case)))) ) zoophilia (fetish on piggish fingols) is forgivable )) have a nice day, loser, mb sometimes you 'll get laid)))))
Its only for macedonians) no one foreigner will go for poor lakes without hotels, beaches, clubs and other)
gut song desu
Bce oтвeчaют пo pyccки. Tы чтo хoтeл cкaзaть тo? Чтo пoнимaют вoпpoc нa мбoвe?
what's wrong?
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We don't go there either. It's mostly Bulgarians, sometimes Serbs, old Dutch and Danish people.
But instead of it miss Albania can be yours
he's living way too south and dislikes work
What true slavs are?
1. Poland.
2. Montenegro.
>Nj no myslím ten hardcore hantec :D
Tož ten borec dovalil na ten prigl kopl do sebe hafo škopků vykóřil hafo špinek pak si narazil betelnó koc, sedl na šalinu a valil zas zpátky do Štatlu.
Něco v tomhle stylu?

Někde doma mám skvělou knihu "Velká kniha hantecu", kde jsou dějiny Štatlu a Česka přepsané v hantecu a to je hafo čurina :D

>Mimochodom, aké nárečie je to v tej reklame na kulajdu? "Redukujó, do vaničké" :D?
To má být Hanácky ale je to silně přibarvené :D
Je to tam ale super dětství, když jsem byl ve škole tak jsem tam přes hody nemusel chodit protože obléct si kroje a chlastat 3 dny v kuse slivovici je folklor :D
xaxaxa holy shit you are such an insecure turbo virgin lmao
we are so slavic we shit kolovrats
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>you wouldn't
I'm pretty sure people who race tractors are the ones who hate work since the gas in the tank could be used during work instead
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Is something wrong with your rendering or you saved it at crappy jpeg quality?
>tfw no slavic friend
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>want to join Vostok battlaion
>my BMI less than 18.5 and i have astma and dont spek fluent rusian
Why do you wish to die so hard?
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good point.gif
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turkish beta virgin pls)
by the way you post i can see that you are the turkish beta virgin, its obvious
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Please GTFO
dunno, maybe both?
You're doing this because of your "mommy" right?
I hope you change your mind, you'd get rekt way too soon and mommy wouldn't even recognize you

she s very beaty and hot unlike blond insexy pigs and horses))
every healthy man will pick her instead these >>65831458 >>65829788 monsters
you didn't answer the question
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proper response.jpg
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Another reminder, this time just for Ruskies.
>173 sm
Kek boy I m woman and have nearly same height)
in slavic countries you are literal manlet
nope, virgin and t*rk are only you here))
i do it)))
Please do not engage in discussion with the mentally deficient
You must grow if you want donetsk gf))
send your sister here next summer
she needs a taste of the big bulgar cock ;^)

must be depressing living in shithole full of small peepee autists
Nerozumiem škopek, pringl a koc :D
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The Prophecy is true.gif
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>I m woman
>the mentally deficient
It s about British poster? why?)
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Why are you so primitive all the time?
And why do you keep coming here?
>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.
dammit hirohujto, I am not paying for your shekel pass
He has (had?) a care worker which he called his mummy gf
What's your OS/Browser?
дeceн в бpaдaтa ти - пълнa yпoйкa
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it be issued complete with donetsk gf
>big bulgar cock
Mb but
1. not yours
2. not turkish (=not yours) )))))
>depressing shithole
Says bulgarian villageman beta schoolboy
heh but why mummy and why Poklonskaya?)
Serious case of assburger
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me right now.jpg
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If I told you I'd have to kill you.
Don't insult best neighbor, stupid drunkard.
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Bbut slavs hate anime. Its a shame to a human being to post this satanic pics.
>1. not yours
wrong = 19cm
>2. not turkish
>Says bulgarian villageman beta schoolboy
i'm 22 and im betting my ass youre some skinny 60kg bitchboy that i would stomp the fuck out of in 2 seconds
I don't insult all bulgarian people, I myself have this ancestry, I insult only this sick beta loser not all country)))
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>Bbut slavs hate anime.
>have this ancestry
Volga Bulgarian? kek
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wrong choice
As i know Bulgaria and Roma is Roma. And not a slavs.
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he has gypsy mentality, he's not even slav
>im 55kg is that bad
if youre a woman - no
Yes, that's right :3
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I love how 4chan Russians are all illiterate peasants.

Go back to Dvach, comrade.
We gotta build a new Friendship Bridge with EU funds, f a m. ))
I made popcorn just to find the thread severely polluted.
do you even know what gypsy mentality is, autist? they're pussy ass faggots who want to steal copper cable and beg on the streets, that's gypsy mentality

you are partly of gypsy mentality from the pussy ass faggot part
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who said that I chose her?
Stop fantasizing and lieing in the in internet, your miserable poor life wouldn't get better because you can lie a lot, virgin schoolish fag))
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fug, thought you were bulgaria
me, just now
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>fug, thought you were bulgaria
You almost guessed
would love to stomp your faggot head until you start groaning from brain damage 2bh
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Dud all you talk is we wuz kangs and how alpha you are. You are not contributing anything, you don't know shit about Slavic languages, don't know about our history - I've been observing you.
I truly wonder why the fuck are you here.. to pick on Serbs all day?

And yes gypsies have this wewuz mentality but they chicken out when confronted much like you would in that case.

now gtfo to /balk/ or some other shit containing tread on /int/ pls
Can you tell fortunes on the arm?
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You're based noble Lithuania(not peasant Litva) that sends humanitarian aid trucks to Moldova. :DDDD
Huj li vy tu delate, pedali? Na huj iz /slav!
post pic so we can tell
heh in southern russia and eastern ukraine a lot of them, also there are whole villages with people bulgarian/german/greek ancestory, go educate yourself)
Kuga s mә glih kәr reku, ti kurba mәjhna? Jest tә puvem, de sәm zvežban holcar pa de sәm biu že doskat zravәn, k sej kramper pubirou; saj 300 gajb ga mam že nabranga. Drva znam cepәt z eno roko, traktor uhkә pa u miže furam. Tuko tem žvajznu, de teu du Buhina pa nazaj udnesvә, vrjem mә. K to pišem, že brusәm skiro pa vežem štrәk. Mrtu s ti, toja držina, usә toj prjatlә, pa še ceu toj rod za sto generacij nazaj. Ščijem po grobovәh tojga roda, ungavәm tә use babe u držin pa use drva tәm ud bajte udnesu. Ti nis nәč u primerjau z mano. Upam, de vәm vәs pәrdelk preč pride, pa usa žvina crkne. Vem ke žviš pa vem, ke mate kluče ud bajte skrite. Merkej se, k bom zj hmau pršu. Frderbou tem preh, kokr uhkә Očenәš zmolәš.

I love this pasta :3
Huj li vy tu delate, pedali? Na huj iz /slav, ne /kavkaz! :D
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>they mak me angry and upset
man the fuck up, you said you're going to war!
do you want to see if i will chicken out, bitch? i will fucking kill you just give me a way to contact you and i will come to you, i promise

skype, facebook anything
if not, i will give you, and will wait for you to write to me
I wonder which one is the worst from these 3.
>humanitarian aid trucks to Moldova.
for them ?
>ur acting lik a nigger btw
only in internet he s virgin irl, don't pay attention)
>55 kg
Kek you are girl now, you don't have at least a little muscles omg
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We could tell what do you have to focus on.
You should definitely start lifting.
Speak English or get out of here to /v4/. Nobody understands your languages.
How old are you?
I don't understand it I am deeply sorry
>Dud all you talk is we wuz kangs
>to pick on Serbs all day?
that's me though
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This whole act of yours is primary school-tier, 13y old čefur kids act like that here.

And needless to say, they either chicken out or bring 10 friends

grow the fuck up you infantile
>speak english
Well let's look at , what you wrote )) Seems like you're really a contused , mentally injured imbecile )) I can say this face to face ,how about you come and listen?) All this bullshit that you wrote is just plain simple fucking lies , you indoor rambo)) your life wouldn't get better cuz you wrote a lot)) bullshiting isn't a hard job, lots of fags like you melted in spring )) People say about fags like you: Mom didn't want it, dad didn't even try) Read my message to you closely and try to analise it and make some conclusions for yourself)
This is /slav/ ffs

So all bulgarians are these primitive wewuzians who think very highly of themselves but in reality they act like gypsies?
Brněnská přehrada
pls no rude
it's like 1968 all over again
Macedonian are literally greek+bulgarian
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>that bordergore
At least Czechs understand us and we understand them. Is Russian mutually intelligible with anything?

And sorry, but on /v4/ Magyars would be butthurt by that.
transdniestria is iop tier sheeeeeet. I know
>speak unintelligible for other slavs Czech and Slovak
Aren't Czech and Slovak just dialects? What was the official language of Czechoslovakia?(like in parliament and what not)
just like i thought
euphoric faggot pseudo-intellectual pussies out
youre nothing but a bitch, remember that

my offer still stands
Why did your governments steal the food aid we gave you in the 90's
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Btw I wanted to ask

Is čefur a term referring to Bosnians only, or to all ex-yu immigrants?
Not me though.

Maybe half-Bulgarian if you consider Macedonians that.

Well there's an opportunity to get acquainted with another language. Isn't that great?
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1. Cunt.
2. Age.
3 Eyes color.
4. Consider oneself to a slav?
4. Do you like gay parades and anime?
all i see is some bitch barking at me
did you google all these cool reddit idioms to BTFO me xDD??

little faggot youd get fucked, i welcome you to come to bulgaria, i will personally fuck you
Nice try mr. FSB agent.
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I do
Considering the amount of kacap runes in this thread you might just as well fuck off back to /rus/, hypocrite. This is /slav/ and we can speak slav here all we want, you won't take away our freedums
>Is Russian mutually intelligible with anything?
Only Belarusian, Ukrainian and Polish, kek
>пepeвecти пacтy, чтoбы cлaть ee нa фopч
Дa y нac тyт втopaя Эпoхa Пpocвeщeния.
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All that is south of Slovenia, they really do have different mentality. It's the stockhold syndrome they have for turks

No sry I'm not gonna waste time and money just to beat up a gypsy somewhere in vulgaria. Grow up kiddo
Nahuj pošjol so svoimi oprosami. Da, ja hač, no tebja éto jebat' ne dolžno.
give me your address you fucking faggot bitch stop claiming youre gonna do shit when you pussy out from talking to me come on
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grow up
There are some differences that make slovak different enough to be considered a language
iirc both were official, in parliament Slovaks spoke slovak and Czechs spoke czech
by the way our current minister of finance is a Slovak (and a jew)
Is it similar to Norwegian and Swedish/Croatian and Serbian or much more different?
fuck you you little fucking western pussy
>Well there's an opportunity to get acquainted with another language. Isn't that great?
Togda bylo by lepje, že jeste spoznali medžuslovjanski
*mimohodom medžuslovjanski autist*
You guys often type here in Russian and I don't mind, I want to improve my comprehension skills.
Yet you complain.

Official language of communist and federal Czechoslovakia were both Czech and Slovak. During first republic (1918-1939) they were considered equal, official forms of the Czechoslovak language. This notion is not popular todat, but from objective criteria, they basically are 1 language, certainly more than Standard and Swiss German. But we have a separate literary tradition and history, so they are considered official languages. I am happy with that, because it blocks Czech nationalist retards from claiming Slovak is an inferior dialect of Czech and Slovak nationalist retards from claiming Dzech is just an inferior dialect of Slovak. Speakers of either language are not subtitled on the TVs of both countries and you can use both languages in official stuff in both countries.
I'd like to learn that but...uh...* makes a random excuse *
Do you understand Ukrainian? Be honest.
Suddenly, a voice came from the chamber-pot party. But guys did not pay any attention to these screechy shouts, as usual. Let the cock crow, what can you expect of him? A brat is not a person, and tonight it’s going to have a very tough night. Throughout the last year and a half, every single one of his nights was like this, thus now its anus has been stretched so wide that one could easily hide a can of condensed milk inside of it
>intelligible with Polish
I barely recognize like every 5th word of Russian, I don't understand shit from it.
>you can use both languages in official stuff
So a Slovak can write in Czech in documents/school/uni/etc (in Slovakia) if he wants and vice versa?
so autistic
>я cлeдyющий гoд
1. Serbia
2. 23 years old
3. dark brown
4. yes, it's an ethnolingistuic group after all, you just need to have slavic as your mother language
5. i don't like any parades and i like anime
>Do you understand Ukrainian? Be honest.
80-90%, if they speak slowly
The thing is, they already had differences in the 15th century... but so had literary Czech vs Common Czech. So with a strict enough definition, you can say Czech are 2 mutually intelligible languages that are both intelligible with Slovak

To me it is semantics. I can speak to my Czech buds like I speak to guys from my hometown and we all understand each other. If you define language by mutual intelligibility, they are 1 language, if by linguistic differences, they are 3 languages.
Why is it watching me?
>3 languages
Bohemian, Moravian and Slovak?
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Yes, we have a Czech professor in Uni who lectures in Czech, gives exams in Czech and students reply in Slovak.
Nah, literary Czech, common Czech and Slovak.
>literary Czech and common Czech
Don't you also have literary Slovak and common Slovak?

Also, do Czech and Slovak have any proper dialects(not accents and a few regional words) in and of themselves?

This seems incredibly silly to me. You two guys should've united(under a real identity instead of Czech'o'slovak) and made an unified literary standard.
And for example I have a philosophy of law book that is written partially in CZ and partially in SK.

I can give you an idea of the similiarity/difference by translating a Czech guys post in here to Slovak:
CZ: Pocházím od Hodonína ale už dlouho žiju v Brně takže tak asi něco mezi hanáckým nářečím a hantecem :DD
SK: Pochádzam z Hodonína ale už dlho žijem v Brne takže tak asi niečo medzi hanáckym nárečím a hantecom.
This is incredibly silly.....
No, Slovak is write as you speak, so the written and spoken variety are the same. We have dialects.

We would never unite in that way as there is no need (I understand Czechs and have no need to speak like them) and we are proud of our languages. They also sound different and have a distinct melody, this enables beautiful duets, and the differences in words can be often used for humor. It is good this way.

Czech and Slovak duet:

Girl sings Czech, guy Slovak.
>In 1836, Ľudovít Štúr, the leader of the Slovak national revival in the 19th century wrote a letter to the important Czech historian František Palacký. Stating that the Czech language used by the Protestants in Upper Hungary had become incomprehensible for the ordinary Slovaks, Štúr proposed to create a unified Czechoslovak language, provided that the Czechs would be willing to use some Slovak words – just like Slovaks would officially accept some Czech words.
>However in the first half of the 20th century the radical concept of „czechoslovakism“ set forward the Czech language as the literary norm, while the Slovak language was considered to be a local dialect, as well as the Moravian language. The concept of Czechoslovakism was necessary in order to justify the establishment of Czechoslovakia to the world, because otherwise the statistical majority of the Czechs as compared to Germans would be rather weak.

This is a very shitty situation of history fucking someone over, t b h. I'm sorry for you lads.
>This is incredibly silly.....
y tho? I think it's cool
also I thought you have itthe same with Romanian/Moldovian
does Moldovia even have a language?
22 in December
Dark grey-green (like fingols)
Yes, sarmatian master race
Gay parade - should be illegal, there should be no penalthy for beating shit out of them
Anime -Daisuki, like every honored polish poster
Why should we artificially unite identities separated for 1000 years?

We have good relations with them, so it is not because we hate each other.

An artificial "Czecho-Slovak" would sound like commie era political officer speech.
No, Moldavians use the same literary standard. The only difference is accent(which is common to both Moldovans and Romanian Moldavians) and to a few archaisms(which aren't exclusive to the 'Moldovan' area) and russisms.
How did they separate? By that logic Germany and Italy should never have united either. Or even Romania. It's pretty clear Czech and Slovak are subgroups of dialects of the same language. Your problem seemed to be that you didn't find a middle ground and instead tried to make an uneasy union of two identities instead of creating a new third one encompassing both.

You have to consider in the 19th century, peqsants would not understand someone from 100 km away due to dialects. It is 2016 and I have no problems understanding Czech, probably because standard Slovak and Czech are very close,
IT wasn't uneasy at all
You've been told several time we understand each other to the point where we can speak each his own and have a conversation
Because we are not the same people. Are brithers the same person? And I am happy with separate states as they are now, there is no border check there anyways.

Btw I can produce sentences very different from Czech, through they are rare:
SK: Ťava se potácala po izbe a zničila stoličku.
CZ: Velbloud se potácel po pokoji a zničil židli.
Same in Albania and I'm pretty sure Gheg and Tosk are even more different than Czech and Slovak.

Why do you want to be smaller if you could be part of something greater? It's not like you'd be losing your identity and being assimilated into Czechdom if a middle ground literary language was made.

I'm not very familiar with your history so I can't bring up a plausible name, but you wouldn't stop being a Slovak, you'd only be a Slovak as a regional identity within a greater one.
Not the language, the union. Seems that Czechoslovakia was kind of like Yugoslavia, an identity(Czech, respectively Serbian) imposing itself on the other(s).
>they are rare
Exactly. Same could be done with a German from Brandenburg and one from Styria.
But what would be the point of this "middle groud" language? It is not like I have to mix the two languages to be understood by a Czech.
So that neither of the two feels like he is being assimilated. If you pick one of the already established literary standards, the ones representing the one left out will consider themselves as being assimilated.
Czechoslovakia was a political union. You can argue Czechoslovakists wanted to Czechify Slovaks, but this never came to fruit as Czechoslovakism was dead by 1938. Czechoslovakia does not equal Czechoslovakism, in most commie era movies, the actors speak pure Slovak than today.
I was a little shit when we split but I don't remember us having devastating secessionist war.

Communism fell through the floor, people didn't feel the need to unite whole world anymore, our newborn shithead elites who rang the keys in 89 wanted their own government because they knew they would never make it in Prague among actual politicians, so we said goodbye and went each his own way
What do you mean? There are books in both languages, I can buy both Czech and Slovak books here. Nobody is left out.
I sse, but if there was a new Czechoslovakia, why could it not be billingual like the old one?
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Yes, but what's the point of those two 'languages'? You could have a common literary language and still speak in your local dialects.

Seems all Slovaks and Czechs in this thread are in agreement that they understand each other easily, so why wouldn't you want to profit from this to become something greater is beyond me.
It could be bilingual locally, but true unification can occur only under a common identity and literary tradition. Others had a much harder task in establishing such a thing and they managed just fine, so why wouldn't you?
But even if we had a common language, we could never have a common identity.

The point is that we can enjoy our lsnguage in books, films, art, etc. without them being relegated to the role of mere "dialects". Why create a bullshit artificial tongue?
>true unification can occur only under a common identity and literary tradition
we are siblings even without that bullshit
>we could never have a common identity.
Why do you say that? There are plenty of nation states that used to be split into regions and states with different histories for centuries.
>Why create a bullshit artificial tongue?
All literary languages are more or less artificial, even if they might be based on a particular dialect.
But why should we learn a 3rd language when we are perfectly fine with each our respective language?

Also the bilingual Czechoslovakia (even tho there were also some Germans and Ukrainians in it) worked rather well until the Krauts, Anglos and Jews joined forces to destroy it in Munich '38.
This. What is the obsession with pure nation states? The Italians, Germans and French all achieved their "unity" by opressing the shit out of local identities and dialects. Whole Southern France used to speak Occitan. They are not an example to follow. I like diversity, not in the sense of importing Africans to Europe, but local diversity.
not to mention we still mix just fine
You wouldn't have to create a third language, you would only have to modify the literary standard. Czech and Slovak are political languages. Learning a different literary standard would be the same as a Czech from the province learning literary Czech.
And you'd keep your diversity. Do you think regional dialects were destroyed in countries like Italy and Germany?
You mix just fine, so why not mix politically?

I can't understand why you'd want to divide your people in two states and both to be weaker and easier to push around thanks to it.
And how would this new literary standard help in anything?
Because you'd no longer be divided. All your dialects would become regional. You wouldn't be a Slovak learning Czech or a Czech learning Slovak, but a person from a historical region learning the national language while continuing to speak his dialect if he so desires.
>You wouldn't have to create a third language, you would only have to modify the literary standard. Czech and Slovak are political languages. Learning a different literary standard would be the same as a Czech from the province learning literary Czech.
Trust me mate you aare wrong on this.
>I can't understand why you'd want to divide your people in two states and both to be weaker and easier to push around thanks to it.
imo the breakup was wrong, too, but it was a mistake made by power-hungry Slovak politicians who profited from it (alongside other (((people)))) and now it's just too late to do anything about it and we've got to accept it the way it is
Why not have 2 official languages? And as our Czech friend here said, the split happened because some ex-secret police people wanted to gain money and power, not some linguistic dispute.
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>You wouldn't be a Slovak learning Czech or a Czech learning Slovak
Are you literally incapable of comprehending we never had to learn each other's language to function as one society?
He thinks a state cannot function unless there is only ONE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE.
That's the whole point, you didn't have to learn anything because they are groups of dialects of the same language. You are using two literary standards for the same language.

You don't see Austrians making an Austrian literary standard and promoting the 'Austrian language' even divided as they are.
Anyhow, at this point this convo is going to keep going in circles, so that's it for the night. But I want to thank you Czech and Slovak bros for clarifying your views. It's sad that you aren't united anymore, but at least I am glad there isn't any sort of animosity(but on the contrary!) between average Czechs and Slovaks. :)
>some ex-secret police people
zasrané kurvy strannícke čo videli že režim padá tak si rýchlo odfarbili červené trenky na modro
Tak tak.

Good night :)
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