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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 60

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Masha edition
you can tell from the eyes usually, see pic ^
stop teasing
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leafs out please
leafs in
fat yanks out
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Burglar lads dropped the fucking ball on that one tb h
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>tfw my posts are to intelligent too not get screenshotted
am I special guest here, lads?
poshel na hui, pizad
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>as Anna Wintour would say, where's the colour?
hence why it was staged
>tfw two intelligent too not get (You)s from silly /brit/ers
post your tits slag
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This is me being stopped on the street by a fan
depends if /brit/ gets to gang bang you or not
she wants it
delete all that shit don't >> me
Daniel Riccardo?
*runs at you with a butter knife*

how do you defend yourself
fear of sleep?
Would spend 20 years in jail if I could get two hours to brutally rape her
>posting a new in a non-standard way
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sir leads the troops
jealous of youth
some old suit since 1962
hammer, nuke if repeat offender
damn, mario gotze? you got way taller this year bro congrats
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depression and alcoholism, also being NEET
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Record corrected.
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good thread
looks like hummels to me
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>masha edition

more like mashallah edition, amirite, brothers?
do what i like mate
a e s t h e t i c
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I'm here to correct the record
Alright my round, lads. Rum and coke this time
thats right
I'll take you all on
correct this: hillary will drop out this week and Biden will replace her
hillary will not drop out this week and Biden will not replace her
>professor: <looks at me assignment> very impressive

What did he mean by this?
i stand corrected
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what kind of rum?

depending on the answer i may have to kick your ass
can i get a freaky daquiriki instead, cowboy?

*rubs your neck*
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>not enough in-game money to buy a bond
watching yank soccer

it looks ridiculous
Each day I take a walk and think, and tell myself I'll break the cycle tonight, by watching a film, no 4ch lll 0 lll nz, and sleep early (4am here)


PS : fug, they still ban 4ch lll 0 lll n with a "O"
One. Of. Us.
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thanks mate have some ginger beaver on me
it's midday m8
Cashed up today so we'll have some Ron Zacapa
watching yank soccer. Absolutely stunning, this is pure talent. Much better than the Irish
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doing a think about how women have TWO X chromosomes effectively limiting them to the genetic information contained within X while men have access to X as well as Y which is unique to them only.
good taste
ireland literally has a vietnam-tier league
the nfl
do you blame the booze
i've been blaming weed
though i probably shouldn't
>Each day I [..] tell myself I'll break the cycle tonight
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>when youtube actually recommends something choice
same here
You like the new stadium?
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whats your point?
Drinking Wiskey and coca, lads.
I tell myself I'll only drink on Friday and Saturday night, then it comes to Sunday night and I think 'ok weekend drinking is fine, I just won't drink on Monday', then of course I end up drinking on Monday

Nah I blame myself 2bh. I'm to intelligent too not be depressed
whats ur ign lad

maybe i can hit you up
i wish i were japanese so that i could get 90% of my calories from rice...

rice is so good....
natasha gurl, shake that ass up. show me what you workin' with
but carbs are bad for your lifts or something something
haha burnt my skin in solarium lads. I'm red now.
if you catch the ball in the end zone in american football, is that a touchdown? what's to stop a play just standing in the end zone and having players try to throw the ball to him?
rice is bland, nasty shite
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men have genetic information that is entirely unique to them and only usable by them while women do not making them less versatile.

also women's brains have aprox. 17% less neurons than men's brains do
something like 23 billion vs 19 billion

and an even wider gap with synaptic relays
I can shake my ass on ur knees so fast that you'll cum right in da jeans XDD
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sitting here reading a book instead of playing videogames

what am I like x
looks like his mom doesnt know how to cook haha
could you unironically post a pic so i can jerk off?
looks like you're posting on 4chan
I took the habit of reading until my head falls (if I let the thoughts wander 2 minutes then rage immediately comes back)

yesterday, I fell asleep reading My Twisted Life, again

says his two pleasures in life are drinking fine wine, and eating delicious food
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>men have genetic information that is entirely unique to them and only usable by them while women do not making them less versatile.
>also women's brains have aprox. 17% less neurons than men's brains do
>something like 23 billion vs 19 billion
>and an even wider gap with synaptic relays
baby don't hurt me

Yeah but pretty much all the Y-genes are directly sex linked so its not like theres any super special abilities hidden away in there.

Plus that brain thing is just on account of women having smaller craniums than men, There is no solid data that suggest women are inherently less intelligent in any way
is that really you?
takin a break inbetween chapters

I always don't read for months and months, then when I do I finish the whole thing in a day or two
but this is blue board
This isn't a scientific argument I know but why are so many men far more mechanically minded than women? There are plenty of men who are pretty stupid in most other respects yet know how to do pretty complicated car repairs
>also women's brains have aprox. 17% less neurons than men's brains do

never heard that before

got any sources on that? sounds pretty dubious to me 2bh>>65695239
>also women's brains have aprox. 17% less neurons than men's brains do

never heard that before

got any sources on that? sounds pretty dubious to me 2bh
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>There is no solid data that suggest women are inherently less intelligent in any way
significantly fewer synaptic relays would suggest otherwise
bum cheeks arent lewd, sweetie :)))
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This is how I picture public transport in Ukraine
/k/ told me the bird shot i bought won't be able to kill someone unless you're right next to them. preparing to enter melee distance
thanks, my mom saw this and i just got fired from my job for it

that doesn't even make any sense you fucking nugget
sauce natasha shy + bus
blue board meme
misogyny obviously you big dumbo
its unlikely to though even a powerful bb gun can kill someone if you hit the right spot

get some buckshot instead or a slug and punch a hole through their chest like in Kung Pow
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Pirate scumbags
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Cheers laddo
got a new rifle
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This show is cute.
Can only theorise, as I don't know.

I'm pretty sure men actually are better at spatial tasks, mechanical stuff can be wound up into this,

Though I also think cultural factors play a big part.

As for evolutionary drivers we might say in hunter gatherer societies men as hunters needed to be more physically capable, and thats just not strength but juding distances, forces, etc.

On the flip side I've heard that maybe the reason women can't go colourblind (usually) is due to the fact as filling the gatherer role, seeing the right colour in berries and fruits and shit was essential to survival, but men were never exposed to this need as often so there was no strong selection to prevent colourblindess.

I don't really know the why's and hows but its pretty much agreed upon that mens spatial abilities are better

why would it.
>My Twisted Life

lol, give me a tl;dr
This is how I picture the russian
>The birth of a nation

Ah yes, can't wait until this doesn't win an award and black people riot
Did a wank

Doing a bed
Ends with a bang
fuck why do traps and trannies always have GIGANTIC dicks?
showed the ol internet gf the ol cock and now she's only gone and blocked me
snaptic responses and the density of relays are at the core of brain function. lacking in that means the brain has a severe hard limit to its ability

less neurons isn't necessarily worse, but fewer synaptic connections definitely is.
exceptional post
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why do people post their private parts on the internet though
thats just looking at one region of the brain, the neocortex. our brains will have higher densities in areas we use the most. you can learn a new skill and the areas of your brain that are used most to produce that skill get bigger as a result, like a muscle.

the neocortex is used for survival skills like moving and spatial reasoning. men typically went out and hunted so we were selected for having better movement skills, spatial reasoning to hunt animals/fight predators/use tools, etc. a lot of the skills that are correlated with the neocortex are "out in the world survival" skills

i would imagine the parts of our brains that produce empathy and liking dove chocolate and magic crystals and shit like that would be bigger in girls than it is in our brains.
Wanna see mine?
Hm very interesting that

*walks away to talk to someone else*
*post a picture of a hairy fat bumhole*
not too different from russia
im certainly by no means an expert but you're wrong
I knew it
ok now show me a scientific study that backs up what you are saying with data

Neither of us are brain biologists and I happen to think theres a lot more to making a fully functional brain than simply the raw mass of relays

for example marie curies brain mass was literally half that of albert einstiens, Yet they were both genius's

In a fully developed human brain the actual brain volume has no signicant correlation to IQ, which gives me cause to doubt that relative average numbers of synapses do either.

Not saying I absolutely disagree with you, I justdon't think theres hard evidence to back up your claims
i ordered some online because i don't feel like driving to the store again tonight but i want to get it off my todo list.
>The Birth of a Nation trailer literally has cutaways to BLM protests
>Comparing Nat Turner's rebellion to a BLM protest
>Top 10 British Agents
>Julian Assange
closed it there
at first he was
Remove the cock and will look smilar to me. Why are Americans so gay tho?
kill yourself fucking scumbag. Why are you using the reply feature correctly?
Girls literally post videos of themselves having a wee and shit for others to watch
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>born in the UK from rich dad (photographer), philipino mom
>love my grandma Ahma
>move to the US because dad's career
>nice childhood
>become teen, want to be friends with the alphas, but surrounded by betas (same them as Ham on Rye btw)
>try to become a skater
>popular guys high-five me (best feeling in the world, next to being hugged by a pretty girl)
>fail to become THE BEST skater
>go back to being friends with betas
>fantasize about killing all alphas
>betas start to think I'm weird
>slowly lose beta friends
>start to obsess about getting a gf
>be 21
>move to Santa Barbara to go to community college
>hottest, wildest college girls in the country
>can't make any friends
>obsessed by girls
>read pop psych books
>try CBT therapy
>have a nice BMW coupé, though
>smile to girls at the bus stop
>they ignore me, don't even smile back
>U-turn and throw my Starbucks latte at them
>start pushing girls in parties where I'm not invited
>Chad defends them, I get a broken ankle
>get a gun and a knife
>kill asian roommates (200 blows each)
>knock on sorority's door to kill them all
>they refuse to open the door
>start shooting girls outside
>back to the BMW
>run over as many people as possible in Isla Vista
>get shot by police

also the Cortex is widely seen as the "seat" in intellect in mammals
This is how I picture the american
the gay pedophile jew is here))))
what's your favourite train lads
this study is inter-species not intra-species with humans

Its not at all relevant to your argument I can say this with absolutely certainty
The train me and the lads ran on your mom last night
mine is this shit heap
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Chavcore desu
d-do I have many fans on int, right?..
>yanks favourite train is one made of dicks
colour me surprised
>Not opposed to gay marriage but extremely opposed to degeneracy
How can I deal with this?
wetware is wetware, it's all related.
Darwin never mentioned humans directly in his work either but it still had an effect on our understanding of human biology
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move to... a country wat does this
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>kill self

Ultimate solution.
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Is this what happens when you fall for the women meme?
fuck niggas want to smoke more kush but its almost time for me to sleep

elliot didnt even kill any alpha's
I'm opposed to suicide
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would NOT mind a noncey slav attentionwhore qt if i'm being honest with you all
it's what happens when you're british among all alpha americans

statistically british kids who emigrated young to america turn out overwhelmingly gay
really make me want to make the second cruzades, and kill turkroaches
Think I have feelings for Kate lads
its really not.
I've studied brain-body mass ratios and social brain hypothesis quite extensively.

The assertion you just made is false m8 and your darwin comment makes no sense in this situation

nothing wrong with admitting your wrong, but you can't apply a cross species trend in cortex size and intelligence on an intraspecies level and have it hold valid, because the brain size isn't the only thing changing its the entire shape and formation from species to species, becoming evermore complex as your go up.

In humans the complexity is the same in a small brain and a large one, It (complexity, particularly the amount of ridges and furrows) does vary with intellect but it does not vary with sex
youtube moved their search bar to the exact middle of their screen and its like super elegant
outstanding post
back off limey
all russian girls secretly want to get YANKED
>this leaf getting absolutely BTFO by this knowledgable brit

feels nice
I guess it's what you get when you're the son of a divorced sensitive artist, in the process of becoming extremeley successful in Hollywood.

So your father is a weird kind of beta (like a rockstar : a total fag, extremely popular with women), very hard to imitate him, he's divorced and too caught in his glorious career to care.

I'm still mad he (the son) didn't try to learn music or drawing etc. At some points in his writing you see he really has a keen eye.
Like when he writes beautifully about the last time he saw his friend James, describes the friendship as a dying flame, really beautiful.
i have real chemistry with natasha too

i think she wants to move into my house and be my wife

But if you kill yourself it won't matter what you are opposed to.
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>This is how I picture public transport in Ukraine
Pic related is a photo I took out of the top of a window in a sleeper car in a Ukrainian train...took 16 hours from Kyiv to Uzhhorod
also sorry for the /britfeels/ here on /int/
pls stop embarassing me...
thanks god Reagan forced gorbachev to tear down the fucking wall
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>the Vikings (NFL) stole the Icelandic Viking clap
>all of my Russian coworkers don't speak English
I can freely shitpost on 4chan without them knowing about this hehe
and our next president will force people to straight up build walls haha its come full circle..
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I doubt you have considering you're confusing number of neurons with synaptic density.

as I said the number of neurons is not technically relevant, but synaptic connections definitely are, and this applies not only across species, but also in humans as seen with dementia patients.
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The only picture I have on the inside has my girlfriend in it, so I can't use it...but pic related is exactly what it looked like. Except maybe that is cleaner.

I was really paranoid at first because it looked like some super shady guy was next to us, but after he got to the Carpathian Mountains it was super comfy.
well, seems a bit spartan on second thought
vikings were bitches irl
yanks won the Ryder cup
That's the lowest class for sleepers. The other classes are nicer, I think 4 beds to a semi-private room (two bed on each side), and a private room with 2 beds (one on each side).

I recommend everyone ITT visit Western Ukraine.
ukrainians as much as the irish scumbags are always crying about events that never happened, for example the holodomor
fuck off m8

you don't get to talk about vikings they aren't part of your heritage
go talk about potatoes or terrorist or something you actually know about
The only terrorists in Occupied Ireland were the British government and its affiliated actors
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Wish I was at dollar beers tonight lads
don't tell me what to do amerunt
ah yes britain was the terrorists

*kills two children on a boat*
*kills the mandem*
>aren't part of your heritage
lol idiot
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bit afraid assange's leak will end up being nothing or something minor
Recommendation ≠ demand

For some reason you would need a visa anyways...I don't recommend you visit.
Up the UVF

gas the taigs

hang the plastic paddies
I'm not confusing anything since I specifically mentioned the ridges and furrows being directly correlated to intelligence, and the amount of synaptic connections is directly related to the amount of ridges and furrows.

But whatever I've said my piece I'm not going to talk in circles with you, I've already refuted your baseless assumption that women are 17% less intelligent than men on average or whatever, utter nonsense

I can tell you, you don't understand this topic nearly as much as you think you do, and I'm trying to be helpful when I say that I don't care about one-upping you on 4chan
just got my new iPhone 7
It's just about "the future of wikileaks" apparently.
bit gay
>arguing with the canadian

m8 don't bother
That was my last reply, now back to shitposting
most of the pira were from the uk m8 but brit dindus navur dun nuffink bruv not to mention your incredibly limited concept of "terrorism", which today is literally just a buzzword for sheltered middle-class cunts and menopausal women
again don't tell me what to do

*buys ticket to western ukraine*

hmph that'll show him
he is right, women are not 17% less intelligent than men.....i think it's at least 50%
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you barely had any vikings m8

you weren't part of the north sea empire
you weren't ruled by vikings for the better part of a century
they aren't part of your heritage, fuck off trying to steal british history as your own
the Soviets imported Africans to fuck Russian women

Dumb mobile poster
>t. plastic paddy
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maybe you're right there bud,, but I haven;t seen you post evidence to prove it beyond you claiming your a neural-biologist

>tfw too smart to argue anymore
>not to mention your incredibly limited concept of "terrorism"
ah yes killing a member of the royal family and two innocent children definitely isn't terrorism

>lol we weren't the pira
yeah fuck off paddy
nah we had loads you're legitimately a retard

you're fucking 27 and talk like a 12 year old. fuck off
no all 4 of my grandparents are planters and my parents left because of the troubles. i was conceived in norn iron but my rents left because they didnt want to raise a child in that hell hole
>ah yes killing a member of the royal family and two innocent children definitely isn't terrorism
WTF i love the irish now
kill yourself fucking scumbags
fuck off you gay nigger
>nah we had loads
lol no you didn't but keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better
where did i do that or say that?

you should use jamal badawis definition of terrorism since its more accurate

Er yeah mate the pira were involved in a conflict in the uk don't be dense mate
gotta say i agree with this
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Canada had vikings.
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do not kill yourselves
In my own country of
can't promise that mate
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Feminists are dumb.
live your life to the fullest fucking quality individuals
think i know more about irish history than you mate considering i live in an area extensively settled by vikings and one of the periods of irish history is literally called the viking age lol retard
thomas mcmahon who killed the two children was born in monaghan you fucking spastic

you're paki tier terrorists
nothing less
wasn't Dublin a Viking settlement?
>unleashing the hordes of 4chan aimlessly across the web is a win for feminism

If anything we are contentedly self containing for the vast majority of time, Without 4chan I would have no choice but to spread my hatefulness elsewhere
and you're literally just pakis
>on death's door

Let me guess this is a yank site. Why must they mangle phrases so much? It's "AT death's door". If I was stood outside your house would I be "on your door"?
be nice you two

its no hour for bickering
viking settlements in ireland were literally nothing compared to the settling in britain

you were occasionally raped with a couple of ports and that's it

you weren't ruled by them
you weren't part of the north sea empire

you were nothing
Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves
The dreams of trees unfold
When the woodland calls
Are green and cool
And the wind is in the west
Come back to me...
And say my land is...
the irish and the pirate are fighting hahahaha
king cunt the gr8 amrite la
Who is your greatest ally?
Serbia is my best ally here in 4chan
Maybe they mean "on deaths doorstep"? Makes a bit more sense anyway
his cousin who'll let him live in his one bedroom flat in mexifornia
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Leave our Irish brothers alone
if that's what they mean then that's what they should write
Wonder how long it'll be before the yanks have a Mexican president
what happens on that little wing at the bottom of california when it turns into mexico but like sticks out a bit

you know the bit i mean
All me
I'll even let him borrow my pick up truck even though he doesn't have a license or insurance
hookers and drugs and donkey fucking
Cabo San Lucas is where Mexibro and I are having a /brit/ meet up
i am poor as fuck



who could have guessed that
Think you've got a case of the ol' 'tism m8

Dunno what site that came from nor do I really care and unironically making a scene over misuse of a preposition is a textbook symptom of being on the autism spectrum
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Installing GNU/Linux Ubuntu distro on my Thinkpad T460
many mexicans who post in 4chan, are rich
Well in 2040 Latinos are slated to become a plurality in this country so it will definitely be by then at the latest

Dems will prob run some wetback for president before then though
my opinion of leafs grows lower by the day

yanks are so much better its not even funny
ALL GIRLS ITT PLEASE WATCH THIS!! and remember the nice guys in your life :)

Linux isn't real.
did 4chan change the image size limit? can never upload anything all of a sudden
>Not a Yoga 710
do you mean they will be the biggest ethnic group but not an absolute majority?
Or as I've taken to calling it, GNU + Linux.
Yes that is what plurality means

A group that is the largest but does not form an outright majority
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Don't piss about
What causes someone to snap like that though? Was it because of his unique circumstances or was it just mental illness?
I know it's kind of cheating, but weighing myself after drinking last night and I'm under 90kg again. 10 more to go! Can't believe how much difference 22 lbs makes on my frame.
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oh shit 5-0.jpg
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I b loose out a Sentra, bookin'
Mexicans are all being deported so it's kinda hard to elect something that doesn't exist. lol
never really seen it used in that context desu

or at all
When is Tim Byrne going to get evicted?
Imagine being this delusional lads
Unless you're obese then 22 lb is gonna make a big difference for everyone

If I lost 22 lb I'd be shredded as fuark
Alreadyh has, he's now going to be filming from the new flat High Wycombe rented on and before October 2016

What the fuck is this channel?
>using KG as if we're meant to know how heavy that is

fuck off eurocuck
even 10lb makes a big difference in how you look
Get with the times gramps
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my homie
doing my best
Eye opening video right here lads

some dime a dozen soft spoken British mongoloid smart talking about things so redditors can have an opinion by proxy.
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deporting illegals is literally a hallmark of his campaign
Aha yeah nah I'll pass
You're good at this, now do this one.
>we need drugs so we can be ultra passive socially tolerant amoebas open to anything
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this is all /pol/'s fault

>look at me I'm so edgy and subversive for conforming 100% to the hysterical left's preconceived notions of the misogynist, racist right

Just look at the fucking reaction to the Ghostbusters flick

>le feminist joos want to remake muh millienial nostalgia flick with women, one of them black
>what do?
>better throw logic and objectivity out the window and counter the degeneracy with racist and sexist tweets
>that'll show 'em! this totally won't hinder our cause!
dropped my sandwich on the floor but ate it anyway
The likelihood of his deportations changing anything, assuming he even goes through with it (VERY big maybe already), is minuscule 2bh
>that nu-male tier micropizzeria
if it can't be delivered its not real pizza

5 second rule
good lad
alain de botton
pseudo cult leader and seller of shitty merch
It's a well known fact the best pizzerias don't deliver
Going to a restaurant to eat pizza is top-tier runtish behaviour
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Need to fast again for a couple of days.
It's just hard when you're hungover.
>people who eat pizza with a knife and fork
is there anything worse
That's pretty surprising

It's used when talking about demographics much more than anything else
America is going to be great again. Worry about yourself. Australians here are all mental. You're all on drugs, have cabin fever or something.
can say exactly the same thing about pasta desu
might watch some cuck porn
then it isn't real pizza then dummy
of I can't eat it on my couch naked then its not real pizza.
fat wanker



kill yourselves fucking scumbags
whoa lad, bit early
I'm trying not to be...
oops silly me xd
>punishing crimes won't change anything

Are all Australians this stupid? Australia is so mental.
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