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/balt/ + /ausnz/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 71

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By the Grace of God, We Nicholas, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Tauric Chersonesus, Lord of Pskov, and Grand Prince of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and Finland; Prince of Estonia, Livonia, Courland and Semigalia, Samogitia, Bielostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugor, Perm, Vyatka, Bogar and others; Sovereign and Grand Prince of Nizhni Novgorod, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Jaroslavl, Beloozero, Udoria, Obdoria, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislav, and Ruler of all the Severian country; Sovereign and Lord of Iveria, Kartalinia, the Kabardian lands and Armenian province: hereditary Sovereign and Possessor of the Circassian and Mountain Princes and of others; Sovereign of Turkestan, Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, and Oldenburg, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth edition part three.
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>me after the gym
Really good post desu.
i literally hope the tsar poster gets cancer
He had the disastrous qualities of being both incompetent and stubborn. There are many incompetent and lazy rulers however they generally open to relying on their court/bureaucracy which generally keeps the status quo ticking over.

As for his actions:
>He was a disastrous diplomat and got Russia involved in a terrible war with Japan which marked the first time a European power had been defeated by an East Asian one since the Mongol Conquests. He literally was surprised when Japan responded with military force.
>Destroyed all attempts at indigenous reform squashing both the Duma and Stolypins work effectively killing Russia's chance at modernizing on its own terms like Japan. A process which also radicalized his population.
>Completely botched the situations prior to WWI with his indecision managing at once to both antagonize the Central Powers *and* his own military.
>As the War went downhill (which in the process decimated the elements in the military loyal to him) he left the Capitol to personally lead the war effort and placed the running of the country in the hands of his wife (who was heavily influenced by Rasputin)
>World War I signaled the end of absolute monarchies however unlike all the rest he vehemently refused to abdicate (despite constant warnings by advisers) until he was literally placed under house arrest by the Liberal revolutionaries (yes not the Bolsheviks but the liberals).

All in all he destroyed his state, military and the legitimacy and popularity of the monarchy in the eyes of the people. He is just as responsible for the Russian Revolution (the Red one) as Lenin is.

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Good post.
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Shut your mouth, peasants.
get aids and cancer, ru**ian
I am Greek.
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>being a monarchist
die bitch
youre trash
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3D women are not imporant.
why does she have a random zipper going up her legs?
is it a tatoo? isn't she too young for those?
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anime is so degenerate
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I hate living with roommate
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Technically she's over 1000 years old, but yes that's a zipper.
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Almost as good as my animes desu
нy чe вы тyт ёптa
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>not dumping a couple extra mags
this webm brings smile on my face
what's the issue?
1. noise that is distracting me( especially hate laughing and humming and making unnecessary strange noises with mouth )
2. can't masturbate whenever I wan't
3. can't watch weird stuff on pc
Can't you close your door and put on headphones or are you in a dorm?
lmao, sent some euros
Pidorashki ne razreshini v etom trede.
we are in the same room because we rent a place with just one room
he literally sits 1,5-2m from me
tho I'm a stealthy bastard so I been able to masturbate at least 50 times while he was in the same room and he didn't noticed anything KEK
Stop masturbating.
Stop watching weird stuff.
>tho I'm a stealthy bastard so I been able to masturbate at least 50 times while he was in the same room and he didn't noticed anything KEK
You know one of those time when it's better pretend that you don't see anything to not make it awkward as fuck?
What the fuck is he doing in this image?
so you don't masturbate?
nah he totally didn't noticed
I know my roommate really well and if he would noticed me masturbating he would just shout WHAT THE FUCK
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Kaunas everyone.
нe пидopaшки a Poccиянe
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I've got a test tomorrow and I don't know anything. Should I pull an allnighter or nah?
>shitty russian pop on background
wew lad
>when I tsarpost nobody responds

roo roo
Saw a soldier with a green beret today, what does it mean?
Pull out dick and wank to Tanjas nudes.
why is latvia acting all confident and stuff? do you faggots want to get nuked by your superior lithuanian overlords?
I have an old estonian softcore porn magazine somewhere where she did (almost) nude stuff. Wanked to that many times.
so you have a gf?
well I don't so at least I got to satisfy myself with my hand
who would actually win if all three blats when to war?
She did a set for playboy. Its floating around in the intertubing.
Nieko blogo aš čia nematau
whereby you going to do this?
I used "Kaunas everyone" ironically.
Latvia and Estonia would probably team up again and Poland would stealth rush Vilnius
actually currently I dont
I just feel nothing while masturbating so I makes no sense to do that for me
Really? You don't happen to have a link or anything? Uh, asking for a friend
hmm okey

i bet latvia would get steamrolled while its a tie with estonia, for some time
well my orgasms not as great as it used to be, but whatever
I'm addicted to it
Baltic people are mine
A butthurt mine.
prostate massage is good for health but looks really gay.
why don't you rape him?
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Man, is Kaunas full of niggers

t. kauno nigger
3 years in this gray shithole and still dont speak that backwards language of yours.
By the way, are fucked up roads some kind of sovietic heritage or what
I bet he noticed at least once. Get your own room then, it's probably worth it if you don't like your roomie.
True. Try doing it whenever it's possible or your dikey won't work in the future.
leave now
>tfw 18 y.o boi is trying to pick you up
he was so dumb, I couldn't stand his retarded questions longer than 5 min
Timestamp with hand and passport or gtfo
Mornings lads and pedojews

How are we all? Needless to say I'm not enjoying work already
first of all that is wrong
second of all that is gay
I'm actually planning on buying my own apartment
getting ready for sleepy time

good luck at work buddy
Reminder that there is a student from Spain who keeps shitposting with Lithuanian flag so that's probably him.
what's your work again? something related to supermarket right?
Don't forget the polish dude and german dude who post with Lithuanian flag
they both live in Vilnius I think
On the phone outdoor drinking. Youll manage im sure lol.

Goodnight mate, sleep well.


I temp, so I do whatever assignments come up. I was unloading containers before but now I'm doing admin/data entry for a month.

It's boring as shit but it's $22/h so that's good for me
The german guy has been really nice so I don't really mind him.
cheers friendo, hope you survive
I found them and I got a little disappointed.

What are you drinking bredren?
Got some cheap lager. Premium it is. 3.99 for a sixpack.
That's sweet. There's been a lot of sales on alcohol recently. I got a half a litre absolute for just 10 euros the other day, bargain of the year considering the quality and price.
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>Latvija, Latvija, spīdēs mums uzvara!

>Kam raudat jūs, daiļajās latvju meičas, sērojot pieminiet mūs !

>Tiklīdz kā norībēs pēdējais šāviens, Latvija brīva tad būs!
Noice. I think when i move to Tartu imma start taking trips to Valka. You get a litre or so for 10 there i heard.
Cheaper than that mate. I bought my drinks from there for weekend and I got like 3 litres of vodka for 24 euros.


We need this Rail Baltica shit asap.
just keep sending us karums and we're good
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Amen. We can become to Latvians what the Finns are to us.
cheeky notification that Lithuania still hasnt fully signed the documents
Uu.. A ship is going out from harbor. I bet there are many alkoshoppers on board :DDDD
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>The Tallinn–Riga–Kaunas standard-gauge route is planned to be finished in 2025
>3 litres of vodka for 24 euros

This is so fucking cheap, is a large portion of the population constantly drunk?
If it was that cheap here in NZ we would have major problems.
National sport number 1!!!
why dont you delay it even longer? maybe we can finally finish it in 2080
>etv is shilling for Hillary
Really makes me think.

>implying we don't already

>everything is Lithuanian's fault
Fuck off
The day they shill for the Donald will be the day when rational thought has left the studio and turned out all light of hope. Amen.
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It's cheap as hell yeah, but our government is trying to do everything in their power to make the prices go so high that soon college kids like me can't buy vodka. Already there's resistance to this and it's only going to get worse.

it's your fault, always your fault
regarding Rail Baltica it literally is

Might as well build a giant bridge connecting Latvia and Estonia to Germany and Scandinavia, wouldve been finished before Lithuania made up their mind anyway
That's what you get when you deal with shithuanians
I'm..I'm sorry tho for this lithuanian bullshit. Especially to Estonia, it probably would benefit from RB the most
Where is astrakhan?
No! You dont understand! It has to go through evey 200 population metropolis in Lithuania or no game.
>Might as well build a giant bridge connecting Latvia and Estonia to Germany and Scandinavia
>Connection between new islamic state and Latvia?

Non Lithuanians with Lithuanian flag should leave NOW
Uhh.. Follow the arbuz!
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arbūzs you say?
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Is that true body builders drink some steroids which make their sperm non-active? Asking for a friend.
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>Intermarium will never happen because of us
>Baltics will never join /v4/ because of us
Feels good
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Ye. I think they grow over there...
Pls leave
Hi, Lithuania

What's wrong, friend?
>22 New Zealand Dollar equals 996.39 Russian Ruble

Is that decent in Russia?
Ayy fake russia!
russians earn 200 rubles per month
I get it for a day
t. lithuanian living in latvia
What do you do?

What are Russian taxes like?

I'm doing ~35 hours a week so that's $770/week. I am in 17% tax bracket so I lose $131 of that. If hours are less from other work I can get a tax return later though
assemble AKs
about 60% but at least noone works official so it's 0%
>$770/week. I am in 17% tax bracket so I lose $131 of that.
>629$ per week

I bet you don't pay $100 for 10mb broadband and $200 to eat decently though
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>euro collapsed afte Brexit
and who's Europoor now
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>alternative of the eu
pay tax for reading this post ASAP

Still you
butthurt belt unites
>euro before Brexit - 80 rubles
>dollar before Brexit - 60 rubles
>euro after Brexit - 60 rubles
>dollar after Brexit - 60 rubles
>lithuanians are actively fighting against this
I'm gonna be impulsive and buy a roadster
When will you move? I'll probably move there in the beginning of next year.
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>aльтepнaтивa ЄC
i can't take anything ukrainians say seriously. they want to be cool so bad but they can't get into eu so now they come up with this
no not really
no one is fighting this, actually no one even knows about this
because here nobody gives a shit about retard ideas like that
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>At the same time, in lublin was established the Polish-Lithuanian-Ukranian brigade for peacekeeping missions
what the fuck, how come this is the first time I'm hearing about this.
fucking hell this euro squabbling is pathetic
N-no I don't

Yeah and they still have a lot more pounds/euros than you have rubles
back from my drunken adventure. tried to light a bum on fire. that was kind of interesting. other than that, nothing interesting happened.
> tried to light a bum on fire.

>tfw no qt neanderthal gf
kill me already
it's not self-explanatory?
>see a bum
>go up to him
>attempt to light him on fire
What, did you just walk up to him and put flick your lighter?
it was sleeping on a bus stop bench, stinking like shit and urine so i got disgusted. it had a plastic bag filled with some paper and stuff under the bench so i just set it on fire and took the bus.
Anybody knows any daily reminders?
anime is for retarded losers
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here iz the main one
>tfw too intelligent to post in this general
russians are subhuman
so true haha
True desu.
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can't sleep
Put a bullet in your head.
why do Rus bydlo even post in this thread. Slavs hate themselves so much that they don't even like to be around other slavs so they contaminate other threads.

I blame the Jews. 4chan have been alternative source of news and views on american politics and they decided to shut it down. Thoughts?
very bad action, mummy would feel shameful for ur behavior.
tell that to /slav/

Lmao absolutely devilish

That was the man's livelihood
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I haven't slept in in 24 hours

life is shit and I want to die
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There isn't enough place for my wisdom teeths

Go to sleep lol

Silly billy
k i l l m e (now)
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> 2010 + VI
> not getting your mum to jump on your tinder
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This is where the big mac index is useful
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Got me an asian girlfriend.
Jealous 2bh
>graveyard hours

off to /brit/ then
Seriously fuck CGATES. Everything went to shit when they bought out kava.lt. This is the 2nd Internet outage in a month.

same but mine is 3d
insult them for me baby
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bum bump
> tfw It was okay. I was in pretty good form and pretty good company I thought. They were all trashing this random dude who showed up. Then at like 0130 her manager told me to go home. She sells herself as a straight shooter but she's just as full of shit as the rest of them. If they didn't have a cunt you wouldn't keep them as a house pet.
Lithuania please reply
I was looking for a phone number for a mate. I ended up scrolling backwards through ancient text conversations with a mate.

It's a strange feeling going backwards through little snippets of my relationship with her. Starting with missing her and feeling directionless. Then the day she broke something inside me. Then feeling good like things are going to turn the corner. Then the day our relationship systematically fucked my life beyond repair. Then helping her through a crisis. Then being excited about being in love for the first time in years.

So many photos of us happy together, tainted by the fact that within hours of the photo we were saying spiteful horrible things to each other.

Risky work view of the day
i would touch that bottom's orifice with my penor if you know what I mean
Hello Lithuanian on vacation here
Binkis bunkis binkas
wtf come to New Zealand for tourism cunt
Good morning, friends.
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labrīt visiem izņemot ušakovu

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meme magic is real
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Good morning Baltic friends! Are there any Eesti girls with us this morning??

Literally me in the morning.
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m8 you say that every morning btw
I'll see you all in the evening, chaps.
Yes, because that's how I feel in the morning. See ya soon!
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thanks y-you too!
Have fun at work m80
imho I don't like a Romanoffs kin, for example language of a Ruriks kin was much more European by structure, and 300 years old Russian tradition of licking foreigners arses come exclusively from Romanoffs kin members.
labs rīts jūsmājās
>this is not ur gf
>this will never be ur gf
>you will never be her bf
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I just woke up
crawling in my skin
How do i get baltic gf?
But will these wounds heal?
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I didn't want to wake up so late
but at least you woke up
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Ill trade american russian gf for latvian gf
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>ywn battle Icelad for last post ever again

yeah nah we have enough ruskies, you can take some of ours
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>tfw wanna get my Ps
>still can't reverse parallel park properly
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>tfw TF2 is shit.jpg
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>tfw some manlet is r00dposting in another thread and I feel vaguely obliged to keep replying
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Still no Aussie bf.
Ah yes.
Be like me bruh. Im almost 29 and been driving without a license for 14 years
reported to the police
I really want to seek professional help but idk if i should see a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a counselor. Does anyone know which would be best?
see the end of a gun barrel

but honestly, just start with a counselor
dont seek any help theyll fill you with libido-killing pills
But i have no sex drive already
then end yourself I think
do as the russians say, they mean well
Just got a job lads
50k nz shekels a year
Did I do good?
bretty gud, you get any other benefits?
What job?
Bought plane tickets to Copenhagen for 10€. Sometimes those sale prices go stupid low.
Going for a vacation, lad?
your testosterone levels must be pretty low then
its probably gonna explode
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>raised by pro-russian mother
>father barely gave any shits about it and was busy with work
>attended Latvian schools
>was made fun of by elementary teacher
>couldn't take middle school, dropped out
>use internet to quench my angst
>sat and talked in English for 5 years at home, while goofing around
>my vocabulary for both Latvian and Russian is small
There's so much more I'd say, but even thinking about writing them down makes me want to collapse and die from hunger.
at least you can watch anime
Ye, five days only. Gonna visit a few museums and galleries, grab a few beers at the pub I used to go to.
How much will it cost in total. Hotels and other stuff. I've never went abroad. Probably should go somewhere next year.
you need to kill yourself and your mother
IT Grad program
I get medical insurance with optometrist stuff thrown in, there's a gym at work too thats free.

Pretty chuffed desu, lucked out on my first job
Need information about baltic skinheads.

Did they exist in you country?
Who were they beating? Russians?

I know for example in Tartu there were skinheads.
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Baltic nazi squad's roam the streets in Lithuania they beat up every foreigner, stay away
40€ for the plane tickets (two of us going), 25€ for the car parking, going to crash at my sisters flat so no housing costs (she's been living there since before we got into EU), but you can rent a decent apartment for about 40€/night on Airbnb. Probably going to spend about 500€ on food, drinks, tickets etc. Copenhagen is ridiculously expensive though. Going pretty much everywhere else (save for like Oslo, New York and s few more cities) you'd spend less. For example, been to Berlin recently, spent roughly 500€ total; Kiev - 300€.
Interesting. Thanks. How expensive is the food if your going to spend 500? How about museum tickets? What museums are you planning to visit?
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I had a really good date with a qt hippie girl today. We went to a kids science museum. We like the same music and the same beer and have a lot of quality banter going back and forth. Feeling really chuffed today.

But she's vegetarian and doesn't do drugs.

I wonder if I'll corrupt her or if she'll turn me into a gigantic faggot.
That's for two people. I haven't planned everything yet, since I just bought the tickets on a whim after talking to my sister last night. A lot of the places have open days when admission is free (or at least they used to, I'll have to check), but for example Carsberg Glyptotek tickets cost like 13€ per adult. A beer at bar costs about 6-7€, I think, pizza about 10€.
I'm going in a couple of weeks so I've got some time to plan, and the last time I've been there was 5 years ago, so I need to look up some stuff.
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>6-7 for beer
>10 for pizza
pump and dump
heir of Norway???? he was not
I think it used to be 50DKK for an average sized pizza and 40DKK for a glass of dark carsberg (which is actually not a bad beer there) when I lived there. It's probably more now. I did live near the old town so my price perception might be a bit skewed. Street hot dogs were like 20DKK.
No ive been tested. I used to have very high drive ive just lost interest.
Kuidas väljendatakse kaastunnet kui kellegi lähedane ära sureb? Mida siis ütlema peab? Kas niimoodi sobib?

>Väga kahju, et ta surnud on, aga üldiselt me sureme kõik mingil ajal ära.
will you fug
Quite possibly, but not my sister.
>according to a study by the who, lithuania is the country with the second highest per capita consumption of alcohol in the world
>belarus is number 1
Literally, who?
>doesn't do drugs
World Health Organisation, dummie
I was just making a joke about the acronym ;_;
She smoked weed while she was in Amsterdam, but that's about it.

I'm a time and place sorta fella.

Going to a warehouse rave? MDMA
Going to the beach? Joint
Going to the circus? LSD
This is such a terrible and serious matter that you shouldn't be making jokes about it
Im more devoted.

Going anywhere? Heroin
Waking up? Heroin
Going to work? Heroin
>just took a shit
>there's no soap in the dispenser to wash my hands and no paper to dry them
>go to another toilet
>same situation
Well, looks like everybody who's gonna shake my head today is gonna smell of shit for some time.
It's nice to have a hobby.
Coke would have made more sense in this context, since heroin leaves you in a state where you're unable to work. Good effort though, I rate 5/10
> he doesn't have krokodil with breakfast
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Alcoholism is funny
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Who /virgin/ here?
>grad job
hope you get a decent overtime rate desu
Why do you think you're a virgin? How do you feel about it?
Going anywhere? Get shot.
Waking up? Get shot.
Going to work? Get shot.
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It's all alcohol tourists from finland.
lost the motivation to go lift... your thoughts?
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>Why do you think you're a virgin probably because anime girls satisfy me enough also real women are really annoying
>How do you feel about it?
Couldn't care less
No, but I might as well be.
How old are you?
>Couldn't care less
> makes a thread about it
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Her arse needs to be a more shapely
Mida vittu :DDD ära full fedoraks ka muutu. Lihtsalt ütle, et tunned kaasa ja paku välja, et läheks võtaks ühe õlle baaris.
>>only one million estones

will they survive another 1.000 years??
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had survived 10 000 years, what is 1000 more, eh?
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>makes a thread about it
I did?
I just really like (You)s and the easiest way to get some is to say something not normal, but everything I said is what I truly believe and is not a lie.
They'll replenish from Mongolia again.
Fucking fruitflies.

>make cider
>make apple juice
>make some wine

Bastards are everywhere! gonna vinegar bomb the house and kill everything.
The last white person will disappear in about 200 years, Estonia will either become a nature reserve, or become populated by Indians or Nigerians.
labais te krusa
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Ma ei saa ju valetada, et ma tunnen kaasa, kui mul tegelt on täiesti suva.
Im just an addict and no, when u use heroin daily it doesnt do that. Im on methadone now a dose that would kill a large man but since i have a tolerance it barely keeps me from bein sick.

Poor soul
Loomulikult, kui ta sinuga seotud ei olnud, siis suva. Tehniliselt pole sinu mure. Aga inimene kord on selline, kes tahab kuulda midagi sellist nage "tunnen sulle kaasa". See ei pea olema just sama lausa, aga sama kontekst.
Kui ta on naine, siis on lihtsam, kui ta on mees, siis ole hea sõber edasi.

Eeldades, et jutt käib heast sõbrast. Kui lihtsalt tuttav, siis paarist sõnast peaks piisama.
Fucking Estoniggers ruining the thread again
Sugulane, niiet mul on nagu mingi kohustus midagi öelda. Kõige sitem on see, et ma ei saa väita kindlalt, et ta ei saa aru kui ma olen ebasiiras. No näiteks, hääletooni järgi vms.

Here's a (You), now shut the fuck up.
Keep shitting it up, go ahead
No täitse perses. Ma guugeldasin: kuidas väljendada kaastunnet.

>Te vajate: lein, siirus, rätik.

Ok, mul rätik on pmst olemas.
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even kids are mirin my height
Are Slavs white?
Are you?
On the outside maybe, but inside they are niggers.
Night lads
slavs were slaves only to the mongols who created the finns to rule over them because of our their disgusting ways.
Pagan, nata nõme olukord.
Me too
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feels goodman.jpg
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Hey lads I'm getting a fairly decent windfall pretty soon and I'll be in the market for a trail bike.
Any recommedations from people that ride?
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