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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 68

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The gf showed me this and I just had to agree edition
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korean pop
Brasil is the fuck up you're not going anywhere in the world
What is that? I don't understand.
Anal probe?
fuck off ludford ye downer looking cunt
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I don't get it
It's a hand pump
I've got a house with windows and doors
I'll show you mine if you show me yours
The whole day in error or distribution for the fuck my phone is to be secure error in error do that thing about it is very good nice new version will be out of the whole álbum and cunt
Plastic cylinder
for pumping what?
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When is England gonna start using Jerusalem as national anthem for all sports and not just cricket?
your mothers fake tits
It's a flare me thinks
soon 2bh
For pumping one's anus, ofc
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Bum tickler?
hopefully never cause it's shit
The only moments which i hope to go back in to top what you get a turn the whole day at the whole get home page no Facebook
>that dickhead who reads whatsapp messages through his notifications so you can't see he's read them even though he clearly has
kotyank and russian are my current favourite posters
your mum's a hand pump
Hopefully soon this stupid jock anthem needs to end
Should I watch K-on or Girls und Panzer?
>reverse search it
>find that on pintrest
>tags indicate some military item
so I guess the picture is implying if a guy doesn't know what that item is he's some kind of limp wristed pussy?

it's a tampon applicator
reading books about how to become attractive to women lads

We will be meeting at either Aberdeen train station or RGU Business School on 12th October at 1:30pm and 2:30pm respectively

After the misconduct hearing, I will take you all out for a burger and drinks, the meal and alcohol will be paid courtesy of the Great British taxpayer (Thanks for the bennies, wagecucks)
I'm guessing it's only going to be like 3 guys, so that's just a weeks bennies

Reply to this post so I know how many to expect

all me
me in me new motor
Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the 1960s in Brussels - great film
kill yourself dumb weeb
back on SS instead of a PPL
what is this? a fanny plunger?
>some kind of limp wristed pussy
didnt ask for a self description mate

I know, how can these pathetic virgins never have applied the tampon applicator to their birds fanny?
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what the fuck did i just read??
who's your favourite hearthstone personality lads?
It's a dog whistle
save me a seat haha
>singing a song about a paki country
>calling me rasheed

lmao I vow to thee is 10x better
Yeah I'll definitely show up you fat Pa-I mean, mate.
how long do these links stay active?
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>tfw no footy for two (2) weeks
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making good use of my Amazon Prime membership
reading books about how to read lads
>only 2 doors
Where is your wifes son gonna sit?
is there a law about how far in advance you have to hand your notice in at work?
what books please
what you doing la
its when you press the words on top of the mobile keyboard loads of times, giving you a random sentence
>didnt ask for a self description mate
you should work on your self esteem my rotten potato eating friend
my condolences...
>not doing that with all communications wherever possible
I'm literally buying you food and drink, what more do you want?
>England is a paki country
ah yes
give malvinas back to the other one of those private
i don't think there's a unversal law but your contract usually states the notice period you fucking NIGGER
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>pass driving test today
>chuffed to bits as I have been trying for a while
>wanna go to shop
>dad says I can take his car but to be careful
>only around the corner
>get there
>buy stuff
>on way back
>they actually fucking pull me over
>explain to them that I just passed and literally only drove it half a mile if that
>they make me get out and drive it back themselves
>take some details from me
>say I will get a letter

Am I fucked or will I get away with it?
why would anyone want to meet a narcissist sex offender
prefer not to say
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well you're not wrong
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*passes you the blunt*

*everybody at the party is watching you now*
Answer my question argie
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dinner is ready boys
To beat his ass (no homo)
ahh yes a very good retort, limp wristed pussy
because you'll get a free meal out of it
>gf surprises bf with the wrong FIFA

hahahaah absolute banter!! what a lad
surprised they even drove it back for you
well which offences did you commit? kind of important information in this situation you little 18 year old drooling spastic
what did you do wrong
sorry im allergic

*passes it on my left hand side*
*smokes it*

What kind of nerd is scared of smoking a little weed?
Girls und panzer
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the answer is kill yourself dumb fucking weeb
You don't need a licence card, if you've passed then you've passed.

That said, enjoy your points already on your licence when you do get it
thinking of having fish and chips for dinner lads
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ah yes, very impressive
tank girls is shit except for the opener
>t. Yank who derives all his knowledge of Britain from the LADBIBLE

>t. limp wristed pussy
Poor lass
excellent post

is this meant to present a potential awkward scenario or something? what kind of autist worries about that shit?

if you like weed you toke it but if not just politely decline and pass it to a different guy. nothing awkward about that at all.
>it's laced with PCP

now what cunt?
me on the left
Good stuff
he clearly didn't have insurance you mongs
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Love Live

doing smelly bum farts
oohhhh myyyy daaaaaayyyyys blud
can chemo lesbian be a new meme
you're severely underestimating the amount of underaged, awkward skinny freaks browse /brit/ daily after coming home from school
kiss me
you now remember tom
another day in the north
His dad obviously put him on the insurance before letting him drive the car. He'd probably been learning in it
How many moles does that bender want?
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that guy has a lot of moles he should get them looked at
his dad probably did
they're aids sores

DEFINITELY won't be clicking this mozzarella virus.
>little girl is literally about to shove her fist up a man's arse in public

Sure, gay's are fit parents
Even still the car presumably was taxed and insured by his father and wouldn't be flagged up on ANPR. Must've been either driving like a retard or the coppers just wanted to pull over some literal child
kill yourself fucking scumbag!!
doubt that very much
mums in jamaica lads
post uncensored version
all gone orange in the 0161
I don't think I've ever used the word lads unironically outside these threads
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ah yes
Unironically regretting my vote leave now lads.

Pound has gone to shit, nothing is changing, our standard of living is just going to get worse and this is only the beginning.

Very bad feel
How do lesbian couples decide who will be the one to get the sperm implanted in them to get pregnant?
Fish isn't tasty.
I prefer chicken. Spicy fried chicken with rice and beans. And the drink is tea.
some father
thumb war
I say ''boys'' instead all the time
democracy is a joke. Everyone is too stupid to know what they are voting for
The one who wears the strap-on makes the one who likes dick but hates getting cummed in do it
best of 3 arm wrestling match

*rips joint in half and spills the weed and baccy out*

drugs are for mugs
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nah lad
>a load of pixels mashed together under a bridge
Your dry as fuck and i hope thats not a lad and if its a bird shes prob fucking stinking
Need a French gf. the accents make my willy hard
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>gays make good parents

aaaaaaaaaaaaah yes
tomorrow is the age of chinks/sauds
are you gay?
True blue in the 0141
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>back on ss instead of ppl
warms the heart when you see some doggos having fun in the park
t. bremainer
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it's the implication more than anything
can someone explain the irish potato famine to me?
why did they only grow potatoes?
I feel the same way when I see little girls in the playground

Except my boner gets hard as well
same with me but northern ireland
How autistic must you be to comment on that spelling within a news article?
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You lads know what to do, tag your most retarded mate in this thread under this post!
eating a salad i just made
love chav porn desu
SS is so weird
you do way more squats by volume than pretty much any other programme and less of everything else. and then people are surprised when they get big thighs and non-existent chests
Why is the Mexican poster so finicky?
was on some amount of gear yesterday. Must have laid down 1000 posts easy and do not remember a single one.
feel inclined to call you a nonce ngl
I was never insured on my parents car and learned in the driver instructors car

once I past, my parents let me drive my car around the block before I sorted my insurance out
got a fantasy of cumming on a soup spoon and feeding the cum to me oneitis going like "open wide" "there's a good girl, now swallow it"

>boner gets hard

you have soft boners? freak
Eating a quesadilla I made
wtf why?
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>squinting in the sun
>people think I'm frowning and asking what's wrong

YOU are wrong
I didn't say anything about Brexit. I was mocking democracy
because taigs are subhumans tb h
part of it was bad plant breeding, something food today also has a problem with (I've heard GMO's have sort of made it worse)

basically the potato died from the plague and rotted while growing and the Irish didn't get aid from the Brits or something. potato was their bread and butter staple food so the loss of those crops was pretty devastating.
genuinely hate redditors so much

snarky stuck up little pissants the lot of them
alri love?
tell ya what, if you flash ya tits, ya won't haff ta pay for this taxi ride!
Have a fantasy of abusing a girl both mentally and physically and her still coming back to me like a dog


pointing and laughing at this atrocious spelling mistake
i rate quesadillas tbH
really good stuff
Can't wait for winter, lads
is it worth watching that louis theroux thing that was on yesterday?

This massive normie meme machine isn't even original, they literally copied the massive Yank website called BroBible. Brits are really just getting more americanized by the day
regional thing, everyone says boys
beef stew with mash in the pub
I'm doing it too because of an injury, I just bench 3x a week and once paused
winter is coming xD
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>genuinely hate redditors so much

>snarky stuck up little pissants the lot of them
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>because taigs are subhumans tb h
bully victim
They gave all their grain as tax to Britain, so all they had left was potatoes.

When the potatoes died we refused to let them skip their taxes or provide aid, so they died

Its cheaper to feed your agricultural farmers on Potatoes than it is Corn and other stuff so potatoes became the staple diet. It was just under half of the population that entirely depended on Potatoes for food i think. So when the blight hit there was a shortage of food and the corn laws made bread too expensive in Ireland
>third eye posting has now reached the grime scene

what injury lets you do the SS lifts but not others?
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>drake is shit
Lifting weights since I utter runt genetics lads.
italian takeaway gave me a little container of grated hard cheese with my pasta lads

doubt it's real parmesan haha
so basically retarded micks cant grow more than one crop
What is the best insult, and why is it worm?
the third eye and woke gimmick is quite mainstream mate
>plant a bait seed in /qa/
>wait a couple hours
>it's sprouted into a beautiful (You) boucket
itt: irish lad whos irritable because he has no alcohol to drink?


potatoes are actually pretty amazing. you can, technically, live off one sweet baked potato a day. it has all the necessary nutrients to stay alive, although you wouldnt be the healthiest

its a staple- a crop that can grow in some of the most desolate climates. can use it for so many dishes, etc, etc.
ah yes

reminds me of when my gay friend was complaining about parents taking their kids to see gay pride
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No, not this!
i was there m8, every day I sat on my horse and laughed as micks shat their last and begged for their children's lives
so apparently fish dont exist right
Penis pump

It's standard issue in the US Army. Note the color. It includes both a keyring and a lanyard so they don't lose it.
Britain didn't let them fish. Water was kind of our thing
I had a back injury and was out for 6 months so I'm just doing ss to get started back
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Shut up yank eejyts, you havent a clue what your on about and your just spamming the same old shite youve seen british posters here spam. Ulster Scotch protestants were just as effected by the potato famine as irish catholics.
Or the whole making it illegal for Irish people to fish and such.
Very impressive
Did you see them eating grass too?
but ireland is part of britain
it might have had to do with the ease and cost effectiveness of growing potatoes

it's considered to be a cheaper, easy food that you can put in anything. there's a phrase my family has that might be Ukrainian... if someone extra is coming over for dinner you say "we'll just put another potato in the pot". potatoes are cheap, so an extra guest can eat off the same meal with just an extra potato or two no problem.
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Mum and dad

So they can work with the Marines
*whips the todger out*

howsabout that then
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Anon's Slag Mum.jpg
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Mum and dad
no they weren't you retard ive already told you your retarded image was wrong, ireland wasn't industrializing, that's sort of the point you spacker
Screeched at that 2bh

Probably too expensive for poorly paid farmhands and the Irish fishing industry had been reduced to nearly nothing by British pressures. PLus the Fishermen had no chance of affording salt to preserve any of it
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mum and dad
metal inbreeding ahah
shut up you fucking dummy Ireland was industrialising during this time especially in the textiles and peat industries
hook, line and sinker
me on the right
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mum and dad

*sucks it*
*goes on the telly decades later to claim you abused and mentally scarred me*
Me on the top
just did a big smelly poo on the floor
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the mum
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Brits seem to like K-On! a lot more than Americans do. Is it because they went to England in the movie? Are Brits just better at appreciating comfy shows?
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mum and dad
*starves you and your people*
Based Ireland
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>Pentti Linkola

Only if you want to be angry hippie
surrounded by indians that smell like poo in the lecture hall
hope they all die
christ you're a dumb cunt the only part of the island that industrialized was the Northeast, predominantly populated by ulster scots, who were hardly affected by the famine

the rest of the country and the vast majority of the population were agrarian peasants
what you experience here does not represent Britain.
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Yes and yes
so if ireland was treated so badly by britain why didnt they just leave the union?
Pink wrinkly willy
>Surrounded by fish
>Starve to death because they're picky eaters and only eat potatoes
ah yes getting hammered alone on a monday night
Is there a reason Indians smell?
Unlike you cunts, they weren't a months long boat ride away

We could keep them under control from the comfort of Wales and Liverpool
Good lad
>not getting hammered alone
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Fact: there is no UK weather woman who I would not drain my ballsack within
don't step up to the plate
>want independence
>want aid when growing potatoes fails

You can't have it both ways

pungent food and poor hygiene
Oi oi
then how come they beat you when you were at your height of power
offered a job at poundworld

I'm a total sperg, will this end in tears?
Because Irish people are British, just like Scottish, English and Welsh people are British. It was only recently did the civic nationalism meme spawn and while the UK was distracted by war a minority of Irish Republicans took over and ruined things for everyone else, spawning a civil war.

t. Anglo-Irish
I mean on 4chan. /brit/ threads across 4chan always have K-On posts in them.
don't mind me, just eating a bit of cantal. anyone want sum?
got a date with a qt romanian from tinder lads
>height of our power

After WW1 when entire towns of Englishmen were wiped out?
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Good thing we left you then eh?
Or there'd be alot more of these headlines about.
enjoy getting drugged and having your stuff stolen
Yes, ta

Same desu
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Stop replying to the yank idiots, they are doing what the yanks like to call "an epice trolle"
Sensual Jane?
Anyone else's mum play silly facebook games?
Just caught her playing pet rescue saga
She's 51 ffs the daft bint
Our mercy was our undoing. Perfidious Ierne
just shagged a qt romanian from tinder lads
unironically listening to craig david's new material
>tfw he literally got hounded near to the point of suicide due to bo selecta's reddit tier """humour"""
wanking lad
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>he didn't get the chili mac

Wondering what this means
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>offered a job at poundworld
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>t. anglo irish

So why should we care about you're opinion?
You're literally yank muh heritage tier.
absolutely wrong, kill yourself you little rat

Nearly all of the Catholic irish population throughout 1400-1900 yearned for irish independance. Fuck off with your meme identity too.
>One of the oldest cheeses in France, Cantal dates back to the times of the Gauls.

listening to indonesian traditional music, smoking a ciggy
>le all romanians are gypsies meme
I think she might be the one
>>tfw he literally got hounded near to the point of suicide due to bo selecta's reddit tier """humour"""

The definition of not being able to handle the banter.
mum is now dating a black manq
you sound bent
*puts your fag out in your eye*
one of the best too
easily in my top5
proper bo
>tfw he literally got hounded near to the point of suicide due to bo selecta's reddit tier """humour"""

Hahaha, guess that's why he fucked off to the states
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my arse
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Be reet
>Tfw have dual British-Irish citizenship and disregard Irish identity and just think they're special snowflakes who are British

Can't wait to keep voting in their elections to get thme to rejoin the UK.
unlucky, very unlucky
Why are the french so moist?
They deserved worse.
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>when a yank makes a post in /brit/
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>this much taig butthurt

havin a tinkle lads
splish splash
What actually is the webm linking gimmick?
I've always assumed it's CP but never clicked one
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anglo laugh.jpg
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Based lad
bit mean
So it's final. I'll watch K-on.
How many times can you shake your willy at a public urinal before it becomes masturbation?
got some wee on my phone ;(
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fucking hell
i liked it because it was proper quality, them going to london had little to do with it but it was nice too
though it was nice to see a jap thing where they don't wank off over yanks 24/7, would have been disappointed if they went to new york or whatever
When JFs get too comfortable in /brit/ I like to cut them down to size

it has audio in it you stupid bellsniff
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>anglo irish
Couldn't be more of a snowflake lad
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>Tfw have British-Irish citizenship and disregard British identity and just think Ulster Scotch are special snowflakes who are Scottish

Also, we havent had an election to rejoin the UK in our entire history you rat, I also happen to abuse your bennies system

Example: Collect dole in the North and had a fit MILF doctor fondle my ballsac by claiming that I had testicular torsion, im a divil
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Lets you post audio webms

REALLY want an italian-/greek-/iranian-american gf who has seven siblings and whose parents own and operate a family restaurant
just a lad showing his bumhole
is that K-ON? Holy shit that looks just like london
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It saves you saving an image to your HDD when you only want to post it once. Also anyone who doesn't have autism has hover-to-view enabled.
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Shut up nerd
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If your Irish and think Ireland or any part of Ireland belongs to Britain your a traitor and you should be dragged out into a dark alley to get your kneecaps blown off
You're a bug fragile ain't you mate aha x
the london in k-on is unironically great
Enjoy its """"""story"""""
Yes but I will vote for the most pro-Britain party or the most eurosceptic (other than SInn Feinn) to fuck your shit up.

You think you're raping our system but I unironically am literally using you as a passport farm.

Howling when I get to go abroad and be a right state and people think I'm Irish instead.
fuck off commie
Some lad I know of who goes on about being #woke and thinks he's a massive anti racist always snarkily says 'potato' about Irish people

Doesn't make sense to me
Watch your drink
Will do lad, thanks
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>he thinks our parties do anything
my sides lad, you know absolutely nothing. They keep balance sure but they don't do anything to out of the ordinary. Keep trying though, meanwhile I'm fucking a english girl with a soon to be Irish catholic son.
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But lad, I'm not special at all. Most English people have Irish blood in them and vice versa.

The real special snowflakes are you taigs pretending you're anything other than British and putting your irrelevant language on your signs, as if any of you use Gaelic daily

>literally fighting a civil war over your special celtic snowflake heritage

I'm howling at you
very good
>go on /mena/
>call everyone rasheed
haha rate my troll
File: keions london underground.jpg (164KB, 1600x901px) Image search: [Google]
keions london underground.jpg
164KB, 1600x901px
Watch the movie. I've never been to London but the movie seemed to do a great job at making an overly-idealistic recreation of London and showing its iconic places.
Mio will die at the end
File: tumblr_nu9n68WlKn1utigmho1_1280.jpg (100KB, 640x635px) Image search: [Google]
100KB, 640x635px
mum made hotpot
>Watch the movie
should be done last otherwise the ending will have no impact on you and you won't feel as much as you should when you get there legitly
Yes very important point, didn't mean to mislead people. Movie should always be last.
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