[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 69

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big anglos.png
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Anglo edition
I'm in your area, lads.
awful posts
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>/cum/ memes
ah yes, >uncut lol
very impressive
kim sounds like a racist, bigoted person 2bh
wouldn't trust anyone with a name like kim
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missing nige
can't wait to see the jimquisition when mafia 3 comes out and all the racists have a hissy fit hahaha x
good post
nth for day of rope
Are you on about Kardashian or Jong Un?
hands smell of CHEESE
Dressing gown is covered in cig burns
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/pol/ and the yanks have took to my /qa/ thread like flies
good post
all kims, ever
being forced to have this pass user bollocks on your posts is like going to a new school and the headmaster making you wear a badge saying you're new
are yanks really trying to sue the Saudis
The first post is me because I didn't want you to get lonely x
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great post
Er sorry, second post.
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t-thanks la'
I could fucking deck every cunt ITT
youre not forced you twat
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what's wrong mate?
cheer up!
would absolutely desk you if you ever saw me irl
didn't know that and but there's no need for namecalling sweetie x
A little bit of Monica in my life
A little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita is all I need
What's this about Martin Shkreli wanting to buy the 'chon?
fuck off you stupid cunt xxxxxx
would atomise your jaw with one swift hit
also, you have to manually enter it into the options field every single post
might get a coke
Nathalie Emmanuel is a qt lads, send her my way will you x
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Sup motherfuckers

Remember me?

Just came back from making your redcoats even redder.

need some xanax lads

Hey what about us??
why doesn't it work for me anymore
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>the 'chon
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tinder date tonight
thoughts on the fit?
>Anglo edition
I made it very clear, not sure where you're getting confused
I've owned a pass for 4 years, hardly new...
ni hao ma cunt
>7am - 9am: wagecucks heading to work /brit/
>9am - 3pm: racist NEET /brit/
>3pm - 1am: underage/normie/uni twat /brit/
>1am - 4am: depressed NEET /brit/
>4am - 7am: "the twilight /brit/" nobody apart from suicidal NEETs and Australians dare enter this abyss.
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Your mine, not theirs.

Don't enslave yourself to the Crown, boy, rise up and kill them all.
From the back?
good post
did get a coke
Still makes me howl how leafs can't quite comprehend that we like like Australia 10x more than their yank shithole
He said Anglos, not chinks.
me thinking about racist assholes
you can see the fury emanating from my face
good post
you missed the point you FUCKING DUMB CUNT
good post
The runts are trying to band together lads
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the gf
gonna get a tattoo lads
any suggestions??
Business idea: sell my car and tell them I only have one key then go back and nick it with the spare key
drinking a builders tea
... and a pint of Ribena for... hydration purposes
Stop lumping us in with these autistic britbongs and their general.
Me and the lads


>got a De Havilland Mosquito for my captcha
research shows people with tattoos are more inclined to deviant and criminal behaviour
gf literally sent me this the other day

not sure what it meant

>Going to become a filthy degenerate
>Any suggestions?
Neck yourself.
pooey lynx lad, you here?
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Fuck your mother country
But are those really negative things? I'm particularly concerned with the hostility you show towards social deviancy.
>research shows degenerates are degenerate
Should've given me the funding for that "research"
good post
>none of these are my posts
good feel
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Me purging the JFs (except Aussies)
Bad "bad posts" poster
women unironically believe they'll be just as desirable at 40 when they've fucked 200 men as when they were 20 years old
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terrific post
acceptable posts
sub-par posts
धान बंद भाड़ में जाओ
both of my parents have tattoos and they arent criminals

Im not saying Im going to get a full face tattoo or anything la
Twilight /brit/ terrifies me. Will we ever know what happens at such hours? Is it safe?
Get fucked Zhao
Thinking of getting a tattoo of an ethernet port on my arm in the place herion junkies put the needle. Then i'm going to have the ethernet cable wrapped around my arm, as if it's cutting off the blood supply and i'm ready to inject. Don't know yet though.
literally in the gym right now lads.
I could literally beat up any of you fat mouthbreathers. Meet me behind the local Wawa if you don't believe me.
perfectly safe mate .. hah .. haha

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>Twilight /brit/ terrifies me. Will we ever know what happens at such hours? Is it safe?
>both of my parents
complete knacker
ok in my book
I never said you were going to get a face tattoo. All tattoos are for degenerates if they aren't direct tributes to a dead loved one, and even those are touch and go.
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>tfw you'll never be able to beat up these arrogant britons and their fag cronies

My fists are itching for English blood.
Are you going to give me something that I won't forget too soon?
*unzips pants*
*bends over*
Heh, I know where that fist will be more useful....
*slams the yank runts on the ground*
bite the fucking curb yankRUNT
*you bite the curb*
*last thing you see is my boot coming down on your head*
teach you to stop talking
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2MB, 4062x3047px
anyone got a tights gf going spare?
i was literally there when we burned down the whitehouse and slaughtere the local townspeople

was a good laugh
uhh racist???
The gf wants to celebrate National Boyfriend Day or some wank made up bullshit
Might have to give her a slap
how do we get rid of the yank population?
used to have a gf and I told her to keep her tights on while I wanked
pretty nice but she thought it was weird
>they arent criminals
they should be for the sole fact they gave birth to such a failure as yourself
Ate a big bag of McCoys (tm) cheddar and onion crisps and now all I smell is cheese
The gf's had her nails done the other day so she didn't wanna risk pulling her own tights up and laddering them before we went out, got me to do it for her
Bet you would've been creaming your boxers if you were in my shoes lad haha
they're getting rid of themselves and they don't even realise
back from the gym lads

german manlet tried to mess with me but i cracked his spine with one hand
me and the lads
alright cool keep me posted
You couldn't anyway
I fucking dare you to book a flight here and come to Wakefield
We'll skin you alive
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Remember when we stuck a bayonet up Cornwallis' ass and made them surrender at Yorktown.

Good times.
Maybe ;)
Can we all agree that social media getting normies to use the internet is the worst thing that's ever happened?
excellent post
>cheese and onion

should've went for the flame grilled steak ones

GOAT crisps
Favorite child reporting in lads
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Pussies confirmed, can't even 1v1

No wonder everyone else in Yurop calls you cowards.
Instituting a new rule for myself lads, from this day forth I will NOT be giving ANY (You)'s to any yanks or leafs

I suggest you do the same x
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Ominus pepe.png
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Good, good.
yea 2bh
islamic normies are getting radicalised online
>he eats goat crisps
alri Sanjay
*airdrops special forces Emu soldiers onto the Australian mainland*
That'll teach em
obviously replied to the wrong post
don't reply to me again
*second favourite
Instituting a new rule for myself lads, from this day forth I will NOT be giving ANY (You)'s to any bruces or kiwis

I suggest you do the same x
the gf keeps turning invisible, sometimes for months on end
prawn cocktail is a good crisp flavour
was 1999 - 2004 the golden age of the internet?
Im not that much of a failure
I do good in uni I just have no social life
worcestershire sauce crisps are laaaavly
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>World heavyweight champion Tyson Fury says he has retired from boxing in an expletive-laden message on Twitter.
>"Boxing is the saddest thing I ever took part in," read his tweet, adding: "I'm the greatest, and also retired."


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Business idea: Team up with Aussies and Brits and SMASH the Aryan race
alri Benjamin Robert Joseph Craven
>worlds 'superpower'
>gets bogged down in afghanistan
>united states of cuckerica


such a handsome man
Want to have my lips tickled by his moustache
>be australia
>lose a 'war' against emus

Even worse tbqh.

Literally no deed of note except losing to a flightless bird haha x
It's worse when you remember the EXACT same thing happened to the Soviets in the 80s

Completely inept, honestly don't know how they haven't just killed themselves out of embarrassment by this point
ah yes... dial up
the thing is they could have wiped out the afghanis but now people now expect war to be "humane"
Some would say it was even earlier than that.
>gets btfo by a bunch of muzzies
rather the emus iah
>be america
>lose a war to literal jungle monkeys

even more embarrassing than the argies taking the falklands from us for a few days
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best friend (male) of the girl I'm seeing sent me vaguely passive aggressive texts from her phone then deleted them
haha yes I'm sure this lad isn't in love with her or anything
me on the right
le yanke
>br Britshit
>lose to a ragtag group of colonists
>get bullied by these colonists a hundred years later to dissolve your empire
ah yes I'm sure it was her friend and not her playing mindgames with you
Christ look at the bollocks on the middle one

Imagine stuffing those in a coffee press
>"see you later, mum. I'm going to the pub with the lads"
>"Have fun, love"
>drive to the local tesco and chill in the carpark on /brit/ for a few hours
>done this every Friday and some Saturdays for 3 months
>Mum actually thinks I have friends
Just told this beta orbiter of my best fuckbuddy what I really think of him but then she grabbed my phone and deleted my messages
Think she's keen for him to keep taking her out for free haha cheeky bitch
could have been and I honestly suspect it tbqh
but she asked me what he said to me
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tokyo is so comfy
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Excellent post
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Me in the middle
They can't even 1v1 me, they're so cowardly they have to fight in groups against one person.
It's pretty pathetic tbqh.
lol remember that question time where the leftist hippies were saying monkeys should have human rights
>(3.69 MB, 5999x3598)
Shan't be opening this
she called him a cuck to me
this lad really needs to cut her off
ah yes, australian bandwidth
why shouldn't they desu lad
they're smarter than most irish ""people""
Haha, you just know the lad who did this goes to /brit/ x
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>Been awake for 2 hours
>already on my 5th cigarette
doesn't she question why you're driving there?
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Do you think you could take Graham in a fight?
learn to spell
Golly gee wilickers that is one hell of a cuck
Leave it there and walk back, it's only a 10 minute walk.
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Fancy Graham.gif
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Fighting is for lesser beings hun x
learn to read desu
don't think things with the prostitute are going to work out
c'es la vie...
that didn't happen
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Graham attack
It's so dense, every single image has so many things going on.
There's two types of hard cunt. The first is the sort you wanna be around cause they'll be good mates. The second type you wanna stick clear from. Graham is the second type.
NEED a gf like this
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Driving Graham.jpg
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*smashes your skull in*
you forgot the 3rd type

ur mas crusty fanny
splendid post
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>I'm not gay
is that poo liquids on the bin?
mmm my kind 'a lady
the world would be a better place if everyone was gay
more like a bender place
what's a 3a bab?
everyone would have died of aids long ago
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its a reference to this.
ah yes... the reproduction of the species
if you don't like artichoke hearts you're a literal child
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And you're a big stinky adult
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haha what a nonce
*picks the olives off my pizza*
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Proof that Anglos are cowards^

Srsly, no 1v1? Lol.

What a bunch of fags.
third eye status: runt
>opens burger
>takes off the lettuce and tomatoes"
*cuts crusts off my pizza*
ill kill you
that will be me when I'm old ;_;
*bites into my burger*
*immediately spits it out on the table*
Eat your crusts, lad, they'll put hairs on your chest haha
Except at least someone once loved him
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Sad that someone felt in necessary to invade his moment and photograph it.
just bounced mummy's head off the floor
left the crusts on my sandwiches
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>1 missed call
>You have 1 new voicemail message
>Hi Anon, we've seen the CV you emailed us earlier please call us back to discuss this role further
The gf is making bean stew in the slow cooker for dinner
Gonna blow her clean out of the sheets tonight, I reckon haha
The ethics of art.
Opwillem voor Willem III van Oranje, stadthouder der Nederlanden
wow what a bastard you are sir
>google image search "white supremacist"
>pictures of donald trump

why are they shilling so hard?
*balls up some toilet paper and wets it*
*throws it in the stall you're shitting in*
weeeeey dickhead
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22KB, 480x480px
>tfw patchy beard growth
in coral island
wat do

the internet is really shitty
w2c shirt?
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BДB like a russian rangers, but they get drunk in your holiday, bathe in the fountain and behave inappropriately (the majority). Tradition...
ching chong chinaman went to milk a cow
why does she have a shrew on her shoulder?
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>BДB like a russian rangers, but they get drunk in your holiday, bathe in the fountain and behave inappropriately (the majority). Tradition...
ching chong china man doesn't know how
what are we gonna do when /int/ gets absorbed by /pol/? I'm scared
*trades my mandarin with you at little lunch*
top lads
fuckng vita forgot pic
sounds like brits then
Is that JC on the pillow?
Get on the ghost train.
Seeing white converts to islam makes my blood boil
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is it compulsory to wear a sailor vest?
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>Seeing white converts to islam makes my blood boil
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yep, that look so ugly, but they beat muslims and gays, funny moment
>Be me
>Water is so brown is looks like tea
>Have a shower tea party
/int/ is basically just generals anyway
the generals will move over to /pol/
Seeing whites convert to islam makes my heart flutter
my uncle converted to islam and emigrated to the uk lol
groove is in the heart lads
genuinely don't understand the world outside the south of england

you're all mental
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haha nah no thanks.jpg
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Imagine living in some third wirld shithole like this lads
>being afraid of being around right wing brits

alri paki
tell him hes a traitor for me lad
>compulsory to wear a sailor vest
yep, its tradition too.
just had green tea now im having pg tips

you could say ive gone TEAtotal!!!!

>google image search "white couple"

Ah yes very impressive, there isn't a Jewish plot to destroy the world
>alri paki
no, like I said I'm quite worried
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>blames the jews for everything bad that happens

ah yes, swallowing the red pill was hard but it was worth it
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not sure what you're getting at
At least its hot water, don't worry you'll get used really fast
sleep tight kitter
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>google image search "white man white woman"

What do they mean by this?
just stubbed my toe

I know which ethnic group was responsible for this
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3KB, 422x340px
holy shit
>search black couple
>literally everyone is black

>search white couple
>literally every other person is either black or another non white

fuck's sake
oh god wanna play this
easily the runtiest post i've seen all afternoon
google is personalized senpai. when you type cuck into your browser 25+ times a day that's what you're gonna get
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Google image search "white american inventors"

ah finally, a robot made for me
er no lad
open up a private browser and try it
>pass user since

fucking cancer
just searched this
couldn't see a single actual white man white woman couple in any of the pictures
what is this ballgaggery
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75KB, 640x360px
imbddefo playing thisz will psthgh score
>trip user since
fucking cancer
you fucking retards. tell me what happens when you just search for "couple" or "inventor"
>pass user since 2016

hello summer
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68KB, 600x583px
they went on sale you absolute weapon
woah... mindblown
>google is rigged

Welcome to 2011
1) my old pass literally expired 2 weeks ago
2) my ip address changes
3) fuck off
i've only came back here from having a life lad

I realised I'm really fucking good looking the past week and I should talk to girls anytime.
What do they mean by this?
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come home white man
what's the point of an open relationship?
yeah you say that every time you come on here and then do a little sperg rage the next week
Thought it was gonna be a suicide booth haha
Do you feel bad for /pol/ given that GookMoot is shitcanning it?
those runts belong on reddit and i won't really miss them
hes not though, people just suggesting it to annoy /pol/
1) ebin blog post
2) subscribed
War is rich old men protecting their property by sending middle class and lower class young men off to get sucked and fucked. It always has been.
>Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin

>Larry Page
>He was a computer science professor at Michigan State University and Page's mother, Gloria, was an instructor in computer programming at Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University.[18][17][19] Page's mother is Jewish

>Sergey Brin
>Brin was born in Moscow in the Soviet Union, to Russian Jewish parents
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
What about wars started by proletariats?
It's not down to soldiers to question their generals. All they can do is fight with honour and die with glory.
mp, they have a home to return to (/r/the_doland)
>/pol/ is like reddit
ok chief
*waits for you to turn around then pulls down your trousers*
reported to the ADL
Jews are literally superior, stay mad and stinky rashid :')

war is the reason why we should all become marxist.

socialism or barbarianism...
/pol/ is literally r/the_donald
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1MB, 3256x2191px

Canadians are actually bigger supporters of the Monarchy than Aussies or Kiwis.

Australians had a Republic ref in the 90s that only lost because there was infighting as to what would replace it, and the Republican lobby is growing over there once again. New Zealand doesn't have a written constitution and most people who suggest adopting one propose officially becoming a Republic, and a growing number of people want a written constitution.
Thread posts: 325
Thread images: 69

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