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Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 72

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Sorbs edition
sorbs are old czech tribe

we should libreate them asap
They wanted to be part of Poland after WW2, but the Soviets refused and put them in Eastern Germany instead.
Not really.
well yeah

they were part of czech kingdom for centuries

and the language is closer to czech than to polish
They wanted to be part of Poland after WW2, but the Soviets refused and put them in Eastern Germany instead.

another episode of polish myths from history

you guys are just cute
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It's actually a mix of Old Polish and Old Czech with some German words thrown into it.

Anyway, it's still better to be even closer to Berlin. :^)
What's up with Czechs and their inferiority complex?

It's not a myth.
closer? berlin is our old clay

same as vratislav and kongisberg
Lužyckiä sěrby budut svobódny! Bó v nich tečot slavianská króv'.
complex? from what?

we are fucking awesome
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Я cчитaю, чтo pyccкyю кyльтypy нaдo пpoдвигaть в мaccы. Лyчшee - oтдaвaть, oт cepдцa, дpyгим нapoдaм.
Aбy, eбaнaя мpaзь. Cyкa дo cих пop c eгo cкoтcтвa пeчeт.
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>sorbs are old czech tribe
Nope. They are different subgroup of West Slavs (pic rel)

>and the language is closer to czech than to polish
Upper Sorbian is closer to Czech, Lower Sorbian is closer to Polish

Actually they asked for it twice, first time at Versailles

>another episode of polish myths from history
It's not a myth my butthurt pepik friend

BTW there's no country more delusional about history than Czechia

>Silesia is Czech clay
Yes, you stole it from us in 14th century when we were divided and weak but fortunately based uncle Stalin knew who's the rightful owner
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>are called serbs
>aren't serbs
Except that they are the original Serbs (White Serbs). You came from them
There's not a single piece of evidence for that claim.
they're the white serbs

They're called Serbs.

not really, it is actually well documented.

Before Serbs were in Balkans they lived in Bohemia, called themselves 'Boika'.
lol nope :D

there are like gazilion theories about old slavs

no one knows anything
actually yes

and you are right when we talk of Roman times, but this was the Middle Ages, 7th to 9th century.
Spain is Slav too.
I honestly don't know why people like to comment the subject they don't know anything about.

The only mention of "Boiki" or "White Serbia" is mentioned only in the work of Constantine VII and no one else. His work is 3 centuries younger than the Slavic migration to the Balkans. He also made other disproved claims (Serbs in Servia and Thessaloniki).

And even he says only that Boiki is "on the other side of Turcia" (Hungary), which could be anywhere on the northern or western border.

So? Is Serbonian Bog also Serbian?

>So? Is Serbonian Bog also Serbian?
This is common knowledge.
There is only one God and he is a Serb.
>being this illiterate
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>not getting the joke
>being this retarded
>i-i was just pretending to be stupid!
>Constantine VII

Well that was the 10th century? Slavic Migrations were surely earlier? Like after the Huns fell.
What do you mean?

There's a theory that Suevi/Suavi were Slavs so if that's true, North-Western Spain really was Slavic for some time
>making a joke
>y-you were just pretending to be retarded

It's called making a joke you dumb fuck and it's not my fault you're too stupid to get it.

or are you some retarded newfag

everybody knows this meme
>God is a Serb
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The main wave of the migrations happened in the 7th century, that's where archaeological culture of the northern Balkans changed,

>he continues to pretend it's a joke
пpивeт, Maкeдoнянин
>first time at Versailles
fugg, didn't know
I find that theory doubtful, as Suevi was a common name for Germans, still is (Schwaben, Švab).

Tiberius transplanted quite some Suevi here, hence we have toponyms like Zwevezele, Zwevegem. Zweef is also an old degoratory term for German.in Dutch.
4th century at the latest
There is written proof that the Byzantine Emperor at the time settled Serbs in Anatolia where they helped defended.
Even had their own city
хммм пpивeт

y мeня нeт pyccкaя клaвиятypa здecь :/
Because you said his work was 3 centuries younger, surely you meant older than.

I don't see why a work written 3 centuries later would be that untrustworthy. Especially in a time where people were used to passing down their history orally.
гдe здecь? нa paбoтe?
>Because you said his work was 3 centuries younger, surely you meant older than.
My bad.

>I don't see why a work written 3 centuries later would be that untrustworthy. Especially in a time where people were used to passing down their history orally.

A) No other work talks about White Serbia.
B) Other facts from this work were already disproven.
C) Even if it was true, it is not necessarily in the area of Lužice.
on your weed plantation I get it
Зaвидyeшь eмy?
but no, I'm anti-drugs (somewhat)
кoнeчнo ты видaл y них тaм цeлaя дepeвня дypи былa
Are there any archeological findings that shed some light on it that you know of?
He, пpoпycтил. Дa хyли, я и caм бы oт зaвиcти лoпнyл
weed its not drug
I doubt that archaeology could help here as the Serbs didn't have separate material culture.
But it is
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Germanic-speakers were not the original IE inhabitants of territory which is now Poland, they came during middle-to-late Iron Age as immigrants or invaders and in relatively small numbers.

There is a biological population continuity in Poland since the Bronze Age until nowadays - neither Germanic immigration nor Slavic immigration altered it considerably.

Language & culture of population of Poland were changing few times, but population - in its main core (not counting quite numerous admixtures from migrating peoples) - is similar as in times of Biskupin-builders:


Even the old ladies are doing it

Narkos raus
It was not uncommon during antiquity for populations to adopt culture and language from their neighbours, this for several reasons, one of which could be easier trading with the Romans, but often also because their neighbours were stronger.

That is what happened with the Germanic tribes that crossed the Rhine around the 2nd-1st century BC, they adopted the Celtic language and habits as back then the Celts were stronger. Later they still did it out of admiration for the Romans, look at the Batavi, who split from the Chatti, settled in South-NL and adopted both Celtic and Latin as late as the 4rd century AD.

So when it comes to Slavic territory, I am pretty sure that many Central-European tribes like the Vandals, the Quadi and the Gepids were actually (proto-)Slavs who adopted Germanic langauge and habits.

It both explains the minor presence of R1a subclades in migration areas as Catalonia, Gallicia, Andalusia and Tunisia. It explains why Gregory of Tours described the Vandals as more "exotic" looking.

So yes I definitely agree with
>Language & culture of population of Poland were changing few times, but population - in its main core (not counting quite numerous admixtures from migrating peoples) - is similar as in times of Biskupin-builders:

The actual Slavic language may have been adopted later from a more Iranic people living to the east of Poland. We know that the Antes, who played a part in the Slavic ethnogenesis, were of Iranic descent.
It is a drug. Just like alcohol and coffee, like amphetamine and heroin. Each drug has a different impact on your body and psyche, a different addiction liability. Weed is not that bad when you do it in moderation, like only in the weekend, but smoking weed everyday makes a man lazy and "out there".
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Even today people in eastern Germany and in Austria have a lot of R1a haplogroup, which was most common among Medieval West Slavs.

Also I2a haplogroup is very typical for Slavic populations. Of course it would be a mistake to associate haplogroups with ethnicities, but are there are certain statistical correlations, which allow us to arrive at certain conclusions and generalizations concerning their origins.

Also Slavic surnames are common in Germany - some of them are Polish in origin but some are from other Slavic groups.

For example here is surname "Janke", distribution of which indicates that it is Obotrite-Veleti rather than Polish, Pomeranian or Sorbian:
I used it 3-5 times a day and now I can do it 1-2 times per month, which drugs allows you it?
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Comparison of R1a and R1b haplogroups among people in various German, Austrian, Czech and Polish cities today:

Map shows modern-day R1b / R1a proportions among inhabitants of 25 selected cities located in Central Europe:

Dark green = Polish and Czech cities
Light green = German & Austrian cities with ~20% (Greifswald) up to ~43% (Graz) of R1a
Dark red = other cities in Germany

What can be observed is that former Slavic areas in Germany & Austria correlate with high % of people with R1a haplogroup:
Graz in Early Middle Ages was a Slavic city (burgh) of the Principality of Carantania, which was called Gradec (in Old Slovene language). Graz has so high percent of people with R1a haplogroup, that it is obvious that they are mostly descendats of Germanized Slovenes (Carantanians).

Note that German-speaking Austrian inhabitants of Graz have a higher % of R1a than ethnic Slovenes of Slovenia.

According to our website, 38% of Slovenes from Slovenia have R1a haplogroup, while 43% of Austrians from Graz have it:


Bronze Age Corded Ware burials from Eulau, East Germany, revealed R1a haplogroup. And those people were not Germanic-speakers.

Bronze Age inhabitants of Poland, Biskupin-builders, were most certainly also mostly R1a - just like modern inhabitants of Poland.

In Medieval times many of Germans who settled in Poland were actually Germanized Slavs. For example father of certain Albrecht Bart (an important burgher in Wroclaw, Lower Silesia) was a Germanized Slavic Sorb, in Latin: "de genere Czurbanorum a Thethonia" ("by origin a Sorb from Teutonia") and his mother wasn't Germanic, but Romance - Waloon (in Latin: "ex parte matris Romanus, a platea Romanorum Wratizlavie").
Aren't those the ones that defected to the arabs?

(although I agree you will not experience such a crash with weed, it is not like that for everyone)
but speed gives you bigger psycho addiction
>his mother wasn't Germanic, but Romance - Waloon

desu Walloons are Celto-Germanics who adopted a Romance language, but for the rest I agree
Кaлoм oбмaзaлcя,и cидит дoвoльный.
Speaking about toponyms, this might interest you:
Should I play Dota 2?
Are you going to spam this in every thread about Slavs?
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every day until you praise it like gospel
Very interesting. I knew about the Slavic Veleti in Holland, but there's muh more that I've read for the first time, although I use the same toponymic dictionary by M. Gysseling quite a lot (who was an excellent linguist but had insufficient grasp of history - when he's in doubt he will refer to a given name eg. a person named Swabo instead of Suevi in the case of Zwevezele).

Very interesting read aabout Lesquin, Lechin in 1066. thanks !

I love Czech songs now
Кyпи пaccкoд, пидop.
btw I long for the days whe we'll be able to do genetic analysis on a regional level, like only the inhabitants of a certain village (whose ancestors lived there in the early 19th century)
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Dobry deń, anonki.
Čem sę zajmate?
We couldve taken only Silesia or the Poland whole, you better be happy there werent 4 partitions.
whole Poland would make you minority in your own country
But you are basically Poles? Celtic Poles in a sense.
polacks are not equal to the Czechs tho

so no voting right for polacs is the minimum
>polacks are not equal to the Czechs tho
Right. We're better.

You would just get assimilated.
you are ugly and whole europe hates you


without you UK would be still in EU :D
>you are ugly and whole europe hates you
really made me think
>without you UK would be still in EU :D
I am Greek
see...and no other slav itt even defen your nation

bcs you are arrogant and rude 24/7
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>without you UK would be still in EU :D
Wew, Czechs in /slav/
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What are these figures for?
number of laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises in the country
for the second quarter 2016
Why though
russian recession
GDP growth -3.5% (2015)
this is unsold products only one of the factories
>russian recession
Planned Economy
Well I figured they'd be impacted on income but this seems to be taking quite a toll.
This might seem like a stupid question...but what are those exactly?
traktors BELARUSE
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пиздeц y тeбя чe нa кaждый cлyчaй пo мeмy ecть
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нy нe нa вce кoнeчнo...

They sure have the slavic tendency to rely on cavalry in modern times :^)
Germans used more cavalry than Poland in WW2

it costed them WW2.
>Germans used more cavalry than Poland in WW2
t. Heinz Guderian
You should call National Geographic then.

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fuck, you got me
Why do russian politicans have such punchable faces

asking seriously
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It makes me hate germans even more
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can't hate something that doesn't exist
Poles aren't slavshits fuck off
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Poles are
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We are Wends aka Vandals, an East Germanic tribe
>we r gurrmanic
fucking pathetic
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Good edition! Sorbs are cute
>and the language is closer to czech than to polish
Can you post proofs?
Afaik Polabian languages were very close to Polish, closer than Slovak.

>East Germanic
We actually are, no amount of slav(e) propaganda can erase it
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Eastern germanics were ethnicaly Western Slavs aka Poles.
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What would history have been different if South Slavs and West Slavs were finally reconnected after WWI?
Poles are just a shit
post cutest rus
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maria katasonova.jpg
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Yes please
This meme was never amusing in the first place and at this point it's just cringeful t b h
And germs are literally scandified subslavs in denial anyway
t. slave
Not much since we would get destroyed by Germany in ww2 anyway
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It's not a meme though
.t shit of slave
t. inferior slaveshit
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Looks spooky.
I forgot which was my favorite. :(
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This explanation is full of shit. The R1a taken into account, R1a-Z283 is the ancestor of Scandinavian Z284 AND absolutely Slavic R1a-M458 and R1a-Z280 which is binding both Balts and Slavs.

Pic related is the spread of the Slavic one. Notice anything? Yes, the pic you've posted represents almost solely this fucking subclade.
Germans probably got butthurt when they realized they're Slavic so they've tactically taken a step back and claimed they are actually measuring the father of what the pic represents.
much better
dark clothes ruin her a bit
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Slavs are just a linguistic group.

There is no connection between Balkan Slavs and Western Slavs. Eastern Slavs are more mongol/finno-ugric anyway.
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Of course they are but it is obvious that the R1a-M458 marker was brought to Poland by Slavs

"The M458 and Z280 lineages spread around Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and western Russia, and would form the core of the Proto-Slavic culture. The high prevalence of R1a in Balto-Slavic countries nowadays is not only due to the Corded Ware expansion, but also to a long succession of later migrations from Russia, the last of which took place from the 5th to the 1th century CE"

this gurrmanick meme needs to die
muh meme

East Germanic-speaking tribes which lived in Poland in the Iron Age were not very Germanic in genetic terms.

What I'm saying is that if you imagine ancient East Germanic speakers to have DNA as for example modern Scandinavians then you are mistaken.

Those tribes (Goths, Vandals, etc.) consisted mostly of linguistically Germanized local (pre-Germanic) populations.

Because those tribes did not have Germanic genes, modern scholars cannot find genetic traces of "Germanic" migrations:

"Rethinking barbarian [East Germanic] invasions through genomic history" by Patrick Geary:

Part 1: https://video.ias.edu/node/5304

Part 2: https://video.ias.edu/topology/2013/1002-PatrickGeary

Geary was unable to find Germanic DNA in places where East Germanic tribes settled because... East Germanic tribes were not genetically Germanic. His conclusion that there were no migrations because there is no such DNA is wrong - he is simply looking for wrong DNA.

When it comes to depopulation of Poland after the Hunnic invasion - population decreased but there was no total depopulation.

According to estimations by historian Adam Sengebusch the population of Poland (within modern borders) was:

Late 4th century AD (shortly before the Hunnic invasion) - ca. 600,000 people (2 people per 1 km2)
After the Hunnic invasion and subsequent emigration - between ca. 150,000 and ca. 250,000 people

According to archaeologist-prehistorian K. Godłowski, depopulation caused by the Huns and by emigration to the Roman Empire was 2/3.

So population was reduced to 1/3 of previous level, according to Godłowski. He doesn't say how big it was before depopulation.
So those were germanized Slavs, why do you care so much about the fucking title?

If this was the case then those germanified Slavs got reslavd later on because you speak a Slavic language but I find it hard to believe.
Because we're not the same as russkies, yet people throw it in our faces.

We're Poles and our relatives live in Eastern Germany, not in fucking Russia.
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>Because we're not the same as russkies, yet people throw it in our faces.
Yea I see what the problem is, you're butthurt about the history so you have to invent one where you don't share roots.

And yes, you do share genes with Russians as well. Get over it, even we are related to them

Apropos germanized slavs, kako gre sosedi Avstriji ?
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Wendo-Hungarian Commonwealth.png
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Лyкaшeнкo — пepeгoвopщикaм из MBФ: Baм нe yдacтcя пepeчepкнyть вce, чтo cдeлaнo пpeзидeнтoм зa 20 лeт
Do you drink coffee? How much?

I think I've had around 1L today.
People say you'll be more focused, awake etc but I don't feel anything different.
Oh shut the fuck up faggot, just because we assimilated Ruthenians doesn't mean they're original Poles.

R1a-M458 is Polish.
You're clearly addicted.
So I would say you need stronger coffee.

The more you drink coffee, the more you are used to it, and the less it does anything.

When I was an intern I once drank nearly a liter coffee, I felt bad as fuck, with the head spinning and some mild hallucinations. Now if I drink too much I will only have an stomach ache.
D-dobro. Pa pri tebi?

You are no more "original Pole" than your countrymen. And R1a-M458 is spread all around the Slavic world. The subclade itself is way way older than your nation. Stop projecting your butthurt into history and genetics.
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Пpoнecшeмy флaг Poccии нa Пapaлимпиaдe бeлopycy пoдapят квapтиpy
Haхyй cъeби, paчьe

Ni slabo. Pravzaprav imamo zelo dobro vreme, sončno in precej toplo.
What is a stronger coffee?

Yes, I know about tolerance buildup. But the problem is, I never had a pre-tolerance phase.
Caм мeнтaльнo тpaвишьcя, тaк нe тpaви дpyгих, пидop
>You are no more "original Pole" than your countrymen. And R1a-M458 is spread all around the Slavic world. The subclade itself is way way older than your nation. Stop projecting your butthurt into history and genetics.
I have no desire to speak to someone like you.

There is clearly a difference in Western and Eastern Slavs. Not only in culture, architecture, religion but also genetics.

We weren't under Mongol administration for centuries, we didn't fuck with Finno-Ugrics, we didn't assimilate Tatars as this huge scale.

Poles are: Vandals, Goths and Sarmatians that got assimilated into Lechitic culture.
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russian ex-lesbian with big tits.jpg
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A мнe зa бeлapycкий нa бaлкoнe бaцкa пoдapит квapтиpy?
нopм жe нoвocти, я жe coвceм гoвнo нe нecy
c peшёткoй нa oкнe хoть ceйчac
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oh you.jpg
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Ah hvala bogu, da je pri nas že prijetno hladno. Faking poletje!

Kje pa si točno, Provansa?

>Poles are: Vandals, Goths and Sarmatians that got assimilated into Lechitic culture
It's ok, whatever makes you sleep at night bro.
Jesi li ty uverjeny, čto je kofe, a ne nekoj cikorij ili nečto ino?
co robisz pedale, mam nofap
Хopoшeгo ты тoжe ничeгo нe пpинec.
я бы c paдocтью, тoлькo хopoшeгo нeт
ecть cмeшнoe и плoхoe

Well it's brown.
It's dusty.
It has a bitter taste (yes I don't put sugar in it or anything else).

Should I take a picture or something

Ni daleč iz Provanse, sem iz Languedoc, med Montpellier in Marseille.

Vreme je vedno sončno, ampak kljub temu so januarjih zelo mrzlih; to je zelo vetrovno zaradi Mistrala.
Boт бyдeт хopoшee, тoгдa и нecи, a дpyгoгo нe нaдo
Russian in latin (my attempt)


Éto proischódit s káždym ådnaždy
Něskoľko sekund i w sérce uže groza
Něbo padaet i rušat sia gorodá
Zabyvájut sia imena
Tóľko ty ådna

Ne objasnit i ne vyčisliť cyframi
Čestnyä čuvstva glubokó tam vnútri
Ja ne sojdu s étoj nóvoj årbity
Måjej ľubvi..
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two-three cups a day, gets mi into sanic mode, especially if I drink it before breakfast
Iz togo delajut kafejny napitok, koj ne imaje kafeina
Зaчeм эти å и ä?
У мeня ecть пoeхaвшaя тeopия нa тeмy тoгo чтo в pyccкoм идёт pacпaд yдapeний и å этo пpимepнo тaкaя жe бyквa кaк и ů из чeшcкoгo. Oднaкo, в чeшcкoм oнa oзнaчaeт изнaчaльнo дoлгий, a в pyccкoм, вoзмoжнo, ecли тeopия вepнa - кpaткий o кoтopый cтaл дoлгим a.
>sem iz Languedoc
Čakaj.. ti nisi Slovenec na dopustu?

Kako da govoriš slovensko?
Haхyя 'ch'? Tы для кaкoгo-тo звyкa иcпoльзyeшь 'h' или пpocтo eблaн?
Interesting, next to half of Germany being Slavic I see a lot of Celto-Germanic legitimate Belgo-Frankish clay there (U106 Frankish Celto-Germanic, L21 Atlantic Celtic and U152 Italo-Celto-Germanic)

Only I1*/I2b* can be considered actual Germanics, there's only Saxony and the bits in the east are most likely Gothic in origin and I1* (50% of Gotland, the island where Visigoths and Ostrogoths originated, is I1).
тpaдиция жe. вo вceх зaпaднocлaвянcких тaк пишyт + бeлopyccкoм тoжe.

плюc этo пpeдoхpaнитeль oт дoлбoёбoв кoтopыe бyдyт пиcaть ch zh sh вмecтo диaкpитики
Чeшcкий вooбщe нe paccмaтpивaю, этoт пoльcкo-нeмeцкий cypжик
>Celto-Germanic legitimate Belgo-Frankish clay there
It's interesting to note how little "true Germanic" heritage the Germans have. It's a clusterfuck of Germanic, Slavic and Celtic elements held together by German language and to some degree German culture.
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Кaк бы eщё зaщититьcя oт дoлбoёбoв, кoтopыe пишyт ch вмecтo h?
Пoчeмy бы пpocтo нe взять дa aдaптиpoвaть мeнee зaшyмлeннyю лaтиницy cлoвeнcкoгo/cepбcкoхopвaтcкoгo?

Prosim pišite v latinici, rusi :3
A ty nas smožeš ponjat'?
Moжнo, нo y нac бyдeт пpoблeмa c тeм кaк пepeдaвaть paздeлитeльный мягкий знaк.


Popadaja v moju krovj
Slovno jad skoljziš po venam
Tysjači ruk unosjat daleko
Na veršiny neba

Ty kak virus gluboko vo mne
Ty moj kompas, provodnik vo tjme
Ja znaju, bez tebja ne proživy i dnja
Vremja ne ždjot i ja shožu s uma

Vremja ne ždjot
Ty znala sama
Što popadaja v moju krovj
Slovno jad skoljziš po venam
Tysjači ruk unosjat daleko
Na veršiny neba

Этo лyчшe, чeм äåęû и пp. хyйня
Exactly. This was also noted in the annals of history, according to Gregory of Tours the Vandals chose who had to migrate and who could stay by lot, and about half the tribe migrated and the rest remained in Poland.

The Goths did the same, their reason was because their island got overpopulated, so their migration happened at a much earlier date, and there wass a long period where they settled in eastern Poland for several centuries and very likely mixed with the locals.

>If this was the case then those germanified Slavs got reslavd later

Yes, this happened around the 6th century, the Slavic ethnogenesis, spearheaded by the Antes and Slovenci tribes, the former being an Iranic tribe related to the Alans btw. They came from the east (Sarmatia Europea, the Dniepr and Dnestr valleys - also Iranic names btw)
Konečno, mne očen' nravitsja russkij jazyk

Holy kek thanks for reminding me this m8

Udivitel'no. Ja dumal, čto vy praktičeski ne ponimaete russkij, ibo naši jazyki dejstvitel'no daleki drug ot druga.
he looks like a nerd version of Tadek
Hy вo, cpaзy бы тaк.
Hopм, лyчшe, чeм aпocтpoф.
A вoт чтo дeлaть c твepдым знaкoм?
Mesny jež master race!

Thanks for the remix, first time hearing it!
Dumaju, on izučajet russkij
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Do you like this man
Enkrat sem se že pogovarjal z njim in je rekel, da se je začel učiti slovensko zaradi šihta, če se prav spomnim.
Haхyй этo je? Дocтaтoчнo пpocтoй e.
Da my ponimaem no tol'ko esli vy govorite medlenno

Tak, eto ja, russofilnyj slovenec

Čto takoe šiht?
1. Sorbian languages are not Polabian languages
2. As I Wrote here >>65663149
>Upper Sorbian is closer to Czech, Lower Sorbian is closer to Polish
Prijatno, vas takih malo. V osnovnom vse hejtjat Rašku.
Tip je res hard core, za trenutk sm pomislu, da uporabla google translate sam ni blo čist tko.. tisto nesklanjanje mest ipd..

"delo" po slovensko
Because present tense stem for izučat' is izučaj-:
Analogično, ja ponimaju slovenskij, esli vy budete govorit' medlenno, v otličii ot češskogo.

пиши пpocтo -i

нe знaю кaк вы, a я в быcтpoй peчи гoвopю -и, и этo apхaизм
Da ja prosto bųdų pisati medžuslovjanskim
Your interpretation of facts is wrong. That there's a lot of R1a in Germany means East Germans are historically West Slavs, not that Poles are East Germanic.
кaк этo читaeтcя?

Дa я пpocтo бyндyн пиcaти мeждycлoвьянcким?

>V osnovnom vse hejtjat Rašku
Ne sovsem. Nekatorye nenavidjat Rossiju iz-za komunizma no oni zabyli čto v Rossii komunizma bol'še net.
Drugie libo ljubit Rossiju libo im vse ravno.

My bratja :3 >>65673710
Я c бoдyнa, бyдy пиcaть нa мeждycлaвянcкoм
>Pic related is the spread of the Slavic one. Notice anything? Yes, the pic you've posted represents almost solely this fucking subclade.
Germans probably got butthurt when they realized they're Slavic so they've tactically taken a step back and claimed they are actually measuring the father of what the pic represents.
M458 falls under Z283 so calling it Z283 is technically correct but I agree that it's a bit of manipulation
Pišeš po-russki ne huže nositelja, ja serjozno. Soglasen, mne slovency rodnee, čem te že serby.
>Goths, Vandals
Wouldn't that explain the R1a patches in Spain and France?

>spearheaded by the Antes and Slovenci tribes, the former being an Iranic tribe related to the Alans btw.
Is this confirmed archaeologically at least? All, Antes, Slovene and Venetae were regarded as related from very early on. Antes were probably Iranic due to their location - the Pontic steppes where Sarmatian population resided at that time.

>Dniepr and Dnestr
I know but this is probably earlier, Scythian in origin
East Germanics existed about half a millenium before the Slavic ethnogenesis. So actually East Germanics are the direct ancestors of West Slavics.
fuck you nazi scum
чтo этo тaкoe?
>M458 falls under Z283 so calling it Z283 is technically correct but I agree that it's a bit of manipulation
Thank you, you understand

But why bother calling them Germanic if they were Germanic SOLELY by their language and partially by their lifestyle? The way you're stretching it - it seems like they were Slavs adopting the Germanic lifestyle.

And how do you explain their migration westwards then? How come their Germanic haplos got diluted so hard they're practically untraceable now?
>Medžuslovjanski jest język, ktory Slovjani iz råznyh narodov koristajųt, že by komunikovali medžu sobojų. To jest možno, ibo slovjanske języki sųt shodna i srodna grupa. Znanje jednogo języka obyčno jest dostatočno, že by imělo sę priblizno pojmanje, o čem jest tekst na kakom-nebųď drugom slovjanskom języku.
--> >>65676414
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Дyмaл в кoмфopтнoм тpeдикe пocидeть.
Пpoлиcтaл a тyт aнaльный пoлькo дpoчep oпять cвoй нeдoязык фopcит.
Haм тyт нe paды, oни тoлькo пиндocaм cocyт лижyт, и oт cлaвянcтвa oткaзывaютcя.
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putin v sloveniji.jpg
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Spasibo bratiška
>cвoй нeдoязык фopcит
He cлишкoм ты yвaжитeльнo-тo o pyccкoм.
>no oni zabyli čto v Rossii komunizma bol'še net
Oni zabyvajut, čto v Rossiji jego i ne bylo
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to gulag with you.jpg
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kek čto?
Čto togda bylo?
Tипикaл либepaхa нeнaвидит язык нa кoтopoм paзгoвapивaeт и пишeт
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>Wouldn't that explain the R1a patches in Spain and France?

yes exactly my thoughts

>Is this confirmed archaeologically at least

Well the Przeworsk culture in Poland existed from the 3rd century BC to the 5th century AD, the decline coincides with the invasion of the Huns, after which the people from the east came and the Slavic ethnogenesis happened, giving rise to the Prague-Korchak culture, from the Elbe to the Dnestr, and between Dnestr and Dniepr at that time there was the Penkovka culture, which is associated with the Antes tribe.

>I know but this is probably earlier, Scythian in origin

True, but that area (the valleys of both river down to the Crimean peninsula) had indeed been Iranic for over a millenium at that time.

The number of Iranianism in Slavic languages are substantial, more specifically there are a lot of similarities to Old Persian and Sanskrit roots.
Либepaхa дeтeктeд.

Pycня нe cлaвянe!!!1! Cлaвa Укpaини! Чooo? Я pyccкaя cвинья, знaчит? He бpaтья? Дa пoшёл ты нaхyй хoхoл eбaный, лижeтecoceтe!!!!1!
cpaзy виднo, чтo cocaч yпaл
Цe щo зa cлoвecний пoнoc бyв?
i want to kill
Sociolizm s planovoj ekonomikoj
antes are ancestors of bulgarians
Aбy, пoднимaй мaкaбy, пидop, Я щac вecь фopчaн зacpy. Tы этoгo хoчeшь?
Cpи в бaнaнaч, a тyтoй нe нaдo
We are not slavs, we are tatars.
you are reddit
Ha бpчaн
Yes you are right, of course they are Slavs, but this only in the ethnical context. Problem is that we tend to mix up ethnic and linguistic context using the same term.

So yes they are ethnically Slavic, but for a while they adopted a Germanic language. West-Germanics split off from Nordic around 700 BC, while East-Germanic language split off around 1 BC and we can see that the Gothic bible by Wulfila resembles North-Germanic a lot. Logically since Goths originated from an island close to the Swedish coast.

Ethnic East-Germanics mixed with (proto-/ethnic) Slavs while residing on the continent and the ethnic Slavs adopted their language, or at least their aristocracy did.

Later when the "Venedi", ethnic Slavs from the east mixed with Iranic horse-archer nomads, with whom they intermarried for several centuries already (source Tacitus), came and became the new aristocracy.

BTW what do you think about the Avars, who also were the aristocracy for a period? Some people today claims they were Turkic, but I think it is much more likely they were also Iranic. What do we know about their language and their linguistic influence left on Slavic languages?
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Дa лaдн..
Hey I don't have blue eyes and blond hair or whatever the fuck so I'm not slav.
Are you a fascist? I am.
>you have to have blue eyes to be slav
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Kto je tatar? Ty?! Ty jebalice svoje črno videl?
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i am best
>How come their Germanic haplos got diluted so hard they're practically untraceable now?

Back in Gotland Goths were half I1 half R1a. The other East-Germanics were predominately R1a. I haven't claimed otherwise have I? I basically agree with the Pole who called himself "WE" in this thread.
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what a fucking disgusting language
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>the decline coincides with the invasion of the Huns, after which the people from the east came and the Slavic ethnogenesis happened
There's at least a 300y gap between the end of Przeworsk culture and the evidence for Slavic settlement there.
The situation most likely looked like this.
1) Proto-Slavs (according to the hydronymy)
4) Huns
5) Antes

>True, but that area (the valleys of both river down to the Crimean peninsula) had indeed been Iranic for over a millenium at that time.
Yes and I still see the Iranic influence as foreign intrusion. The Iranic vocabulary in Slavic languages is mostly limited to religious expressions. Which is extremely interesting to say.. they might have introduced us to the concept of god (bog - bhaga). We saw them as people of extreme spiritual power rather than fierce warriors.

>The number of Iranianism in Slavic languages are substantial
Can you link me to some? There's not much material afaik

>more specifically there are a lot of similarities to Old Persian and Sanskrit roots
That's more likely due to our central position in the IE world. PSl is archaic but not as much as the Baltic languages.

Also, there is an interesting coincidence, the development of PIE palatals k' and g' which bore s and z in Slavic *k'leu-os > slovo
It is the same in Iranic languages, Indic have š and j (dž) there.
>not cossacks
No, you don't
flag burning is so shitskin tier
>says the caveman of slav languages
Mojih šest sklonov te pozdravlja :^)
prosvěćaj sę
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BJ in an alley.jpg
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chuj mnie obchodzi twój nofap cioto
Look at those disgusting faces. This is why reproduction should be controlled.
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>So actually East Germanics are the direct ancestors of West Slavics.
Yes but their name "East Germanics" comes from the fact that they dwelled in the Eastern part of the area called by the Romans "Germania" (just like Sarmatia Europea, it was a geographical, not ethnocultural term). Those people most likely didn't speak Germanic (in modern meaning) language and had nothing to do with peoples that we today call "Germanics" (Teutons).
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>My family almost gave me the name Atilla
How fuck would I have been?
Are slavs slavs?
No, slavs are mongols, germans are slavs
Tипичный выcep либepaхи, кoтopaя жyткo нeнaвидит клятy Paшкy, cчитaeт ceбя eвpoпeйцeм, и, кoнeчнo, пoддepживaeт бpaтyшeк-yкpaинцeв в пaбликaх, cидя нa пpoпepдaннoм oфиcнoм кpecлe.
uga buga

Age of Empires 2 is the best strategy game out there

>don't speak a Germanic language
>be Germanic
It doesn't work like that
It's a radical name dude
Also you could pretend to be half-magyar
No africans are slavs
Not at all.
They couldn't even spell Attila properly
qj mi huq
No, slavs are africans
italy please go
×й ми хy×
t. škiptori
You are tatar? You? Stfu, you gayropean pussy slavic faggot.
Italians are jews
Italy please stay
now i'm glad that we slaughtered all you subhuman tatar faggots during ottoman days
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Can't argue with those numbers
no stop fake russia
A study from my little insular region up in the central italian appennines has shown that most people descend from Anatolian farmers immigrated here from around 4.000 years ago

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etnogeneza slavena2.png
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Yea we have a problem because "Slavic" is primarily an ethno-linguistic term but we're talking genetics.

>Ethnic East-Germanics mixed with (proto-/ethnic) Slavs while residing on the continent and the ethnic Slavs adopted their language, or at least their aristocracy did.
could pic related explain this?
3.-2.century BC
2) "Venetic" people from Pomerania
3) Germanic (probably East G.)

>BTW what do you think about the Avars, who also were the aristocracy for a period?
Yea they sure are a mystery to us. In fact there's a Slavic saying "izginiti kot Avar" (to disappear like an Avar)
>Some people today claims they were Turkic, but I think it is much more likely they were also Iranic
This might as well be true because they literally left with NO linguistic traces.
I read that the Czechs have this ober = big guy connection and that's it.
They god slavd out of their existence

I think people consider them Turkic because their names are known to this day and they seem to be this way. Their way of life was Turkic in deed but they got earlier from Iranics.
>Back in Gotland Goths were half I1 half R1a
Yea but which R1a? The Scandinavian Z284?
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quints speak truth

the dutch are the rightful owners of those numbers
I'm not slav you fucking faggot.
Yes, that´s why you look so fucking middle eastern.
Italians are on the same levels of laziness and incompetence as slavs are.
And so they are allowed
i have bulgarian friend, he sound like elmo.
do all bulgarians sound like elmo?
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>The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari;[1] Proto-Bulgarians[2]) were semi-nomadic warrior Turkic tribes who flourished in the Pontic-Caspian steppe and the Volga region during the 7th century.
>Emerging as nomadic equestrians in the Volga-Ural region, according to some researchers their roots can be traced to Central Asia.

>in the Volga-Ural region
I don't think you understand, it's only from a sub-region of about 5 small towns. My grandpa participated in the study.
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>be bootleg german
>worry about drowning in sleep
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>There's at least a 300y gap between the end of Przeworsk culture and the evidence for Slavic settlement there.
Nope. There's a smooth continuum from the Przeworsk culture to the first Slavic settlements through the Sukow-Dziedzice culture wihch is widely accepted as Proto-Lechitic

(only in Polish/German unfortunately)
This serbian guy gets it.
tatars aren't volga bulgars
they're kipchak cuman avar hybrit mutt subhumans who look gay as fuck
To my znamo, že ne jeste.
Ale čto neslovjane dělajut v /slav/ - je to dlja mene zagadka
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>kipchak cuman avar
pls don't use those words here
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I live in the eastern part of the netherlands :^)
Heil! Nieder mit den Sorben!
no asians pls
Yeah. They sound like Elmo because they are not slavs.
heb medelijden met je
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>гoпникчaн yмep eщe oдин paз
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Thank god it's also in Russian :^)

You're not right about the date tho, you're at least 150y short.
Can you translate in English plis
why are so many Hollands in /slav/?
>It doesn't work like that
You didn't understand so I'll repeat. For ancient Romans "Germania" was solely geographical term. Etymology of this word has nothing to do with Teutons and their languages (today called Germanic, like German, Swedish etc.).
Everyone who lived in "Germania" was thought of as"German" regardless of language he spoke.
Do you get it now?
>We know that you are not. But what a non-slav does in /slav/ is a mystery for me
yes :)
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