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Well, we didn't give our country to FARC, but at least we

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Well, we didn't give our country to FARC, but at least we have war...............right?
I'm fucking fuming right now
Que lindo hugbox, SIcucks
why don't kill timochenko right fucking now?
why was the decision even given to the people?
Uribe had those narcocommunist rapist and mass murder faggots cornered in the ducking jungle in case you have forgotten. If Santos wasn't such a treasonous faggot they would've surrendered. They had few places to go

Stfu already, go be butthurt on FB normie shill
Have you ever heard of democracy?
Cause this will anger the FARC, and they will take revenge

Es mas, ¿por que mierda te respondo en ingles?
Seems like this kind of decision should be left to the government, not the average joe
Wait what exactly happened? Last I heard FARC agreed to stand down.
Pues los matamos tambien..
son criminales que le han hecho peores cosas al pais.
Claro que sí chicANO, por eso te escapaste del país a USA jajajajaja
They didn't in like 60 years faggot.
Si no pudimos matarlos hace 50 años, ¿que te dice que vamos a poder hacerlo ahora?
terrorist dont deserve pardon
I hope Colombia crush them
They said they 'agreed' with the terms of the agreement but people still had to vote whether or not they were in favor of it.
Today people voted that they weren't in favor of such agreement so I don't really know what's going to happen from here on.
So uh, what is the deal with the war exactly.
Like I knew there were "rebels" and that they are basically drug-trafficking commies.
Can I get a greentext or something?
Get your shit together Colombia.
Why would they do that? Don't they want the fighting to stop after so many decades?
I feel ashamed to be Paisa.
No con esa actitud.
>there are "rebels"
>they are basically drug-trafficking commies
Here you go my congolese friend.
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>letting retarded third world shitskins decide anything except what corner to piss in
It started out as an idealistic commie guerrilla about 40 years ago.
Now they're just armed drug-lords with the ideology as a facade.
Many Colombians do not want to give a get out of jail card to the Farc leaders.

It is not a perfect analogy, but imagine Bin Laden being a lot more successful than he was. Imagine America suffering multiple terrorist attacks for a period of 50 years. to the point the people grow tired enough of war that Bin Laden has the nerve to ask for amnesty in exchange for calling off Jihad against America, oh and also a seat in UN.

How would the American people react?

On one side you have many Colombians just sick and tired of war and want to give peace a chance. Most of us have lived all of our lives under war. It is a noble position. On the other hand you have many who cannot accept amnesty for such criminals. It is a just position.
malparido hijueputa cabron
It's your people's fault. Go throw your kind to the Metro's railway
Coge un fusible y date plomo entonces
Entonces vayase del pais maricon de mierda.
What were the full agreements of the deal? You mention getting a seat at the UN?
I love your bantz, Finnland
Eso hare
Disfruta los atentados y confilctos :^)
Lo tengo planeado, no quiero seguir viviendo en un país con simios que prefieren estar en guerra.
Did you vote no? They were talking earlier today on swedish radio about how it would in all likelihood be yes.
/Int/ has truly made me an expert on geopolitical issues.
it's was just an example.
Basically they agreed in little to not punishment for the members of FARC and seats in the colombian congress.
¿Me llevas tambien?;_;
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No jailtime for anyone, full pardons.
Two-year subsidization for everyone, even more money than our veterans get.
Ten guaranteed seats in congress, no election required.
A bunch of radio stations to them, no supervision.
Returning just a portion of the lands under their control.
Vague agreement to abandon the drug trade.
Vague agreement to hand over their guns.

Among other half-assed shit.
Yo me empiño, compadres!
this was huge problem in my opinion.
Media were huge yay-sayers so every poll they did and advertisement around it was shinning the Yes in a positive and strong position, however, I think this was counter acted since some people thought they didn't need to vote for the 'yes' for it to win. (Me included)
There was a 63% absent rate.
Ah okay so they would have got power as well as no punishment?
I don't blame you guys for voting no.
I take it there's no way for you to get rid of them though?
Quality gif, got anymore?
Oh wow.
Sounds like a fucking shitty deal! Hope you kill them.
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>be colombian
>get FARC'D
>No jailtime for anyone, full pardons.
>Two-year subsidization for everyone, even more money than our veterans get.
Which is meant to help them (after they did their time) integrate and not cause too much trouble. Which is far less costly than the war itself.
>Ten guaranteed seats in congress, no election required.
For a few years, then they would have to win stuff in the elections to get them.
>A bunch of radio stations to them, no supervision.
Which were supossed to spread the points of the agreement.
>Returning just a portion of the lands under their control.
Actually it's the entirety of land under their control.
>Vague agreement to abandon the drug trade.
Not really vague.
>Vague agreement to hand over their guns.
It wasn't vague, it was the first thing they'd do. The weapons would go on to be melted down to be part of three monuments

He didn't even read shit
most people expects them to go full jihad in the urban areas (up until now the war was mostly rural) as a retaliation for not accepting the agreement. Which would translate into the national army using more harsh methods to get rid of them and that would meant more deaths, kidnappings and overall worst conditions for everyone involved.
In the other hand, there weren't any guarantees that even if the agreement was accepted, they would actually stop doing shitty stuff. Granted they tuned it down through the negotiations.
Okay thanks for clearing that up. Does seem fairer after the bloodshed
>The weapons would go on to be melted down to be part of three monuments
We could be selling that to some shithole. This is why we're still third world.
estoy completamente shockeado, no se me ocurrió que este resultado fuera posible.

I am more shocked by this than by BREXIT.
The real criminals are the Colombian government that fucks his own people with their policies and enjoy sucking USA dick.
FARC at leats want to get ride the country of corruption and a political class that are in bed with the drug dealers.
May they continue in the jungle fighting the real criminals.
>FARC at leats want to get ride the country of corruption and a political class that are in bed with the drug dealers.
You're almost as idealistically retarded as the scandinavians
I would never in a thousand years imagine I'd find myself praising Colombia. Good job, guys. I hope FARC is destroyed soon.
Los pepes shall return

Plata o Plomo
We can't destroy them for 50 years
Why we could now?
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>FARC at leats want to get ride the country of corruption and a political class that are in bed with the drug dealers.
You fucking idiot. FARC has lived so long because they're the most corrupt of all. They threaten politicians and high-rankers and get them to help the cause by """missing""" one mark, """forgetting""" where a certain cargo of ammo went, you can imagine. They're leftists, this much should be obvious.
Because now they're not in a political position to get help from Europe, and Venezuela is so fucked up they can't protect the fuckers anymore.
Nuke this shithole
Nuke it to oblivion, throw the fucking bomb and colonize this place when the radiation is mostly gone.
don't you have to go prep the bull or something?
Are there any real cases of FARC being caught selling cocane? I just wasn't paying much of attention to the FARC history of action.
Based colombianos. Han dicho no a la lamida escrotal a un atajo de terroristas, y con los terroristas no se negocia, a los terroristas se les vence por medios policiales o militares, como a cualquier otro tipo de criminales, llámense atracadores, secuestradores o asesinos en serie. En definitiva negociar con terroristas equivale a darles la razón en su lucha armada.

Nunca más los llamaré congolombianos, se han ganado el título de arios de honor.
Man, the word "corruption" goes only with government structures, since it's not FARC or some Cartel who accept the bribes. They give the bribes.
And being leftist is fine.
Based Rossiyans imparting wisdom
And cocaine
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Y por poco gana el si.
El país estaba dividido
If it makes you feel better, I have absolutely no idea what is going on in your country or what FARC is
Did you even fucking read it?
t. No tiene un gobierno
No building public builds and art projects is pretty first world m8

Doing anything to get a little short term cash is very third world
Democracia? man, sólo voto el 40%, no me jodas
stay safe lad
cierralo y vete a buscar trabajo, gachupin
>Opposition to the accord, led by influential former President Alvaro Uribe, argued that the government was appeasing the FARC and setting a bad example that criminal gangs would seize on. If the "no" vote prevailed, Uribe said, the government should return to the negotiating table.


Wow what a dick
Take me to Australia lad.
Someone should kill that son of a bitch
Take the war to his house
>And being leftist is fine.
>some Cartel
FARC is cartels. Go ahead and call the bribe receivers the corrupt ones, sure, but don't ever say the FARC are anything better than a bunch of murderers. Kidnappings, destruction, fearmongering, massacre, they've done it all. I long for the day when they're reduced to common criminals who can be killed without european NGOs bitching.
sorry columbia bro :(

can you get out of there at all? might have to. even to peru or chile or some shit. your country is imploding
The Trump of our country. Just as retarded as him, but with way more political power.
>districts that were the least affected by the war voted no
Why were they even allowed to vote about lives of other people? This is a joke.
a barbarian ape like you only knows to chimp out
Gathering money to build roads and improve education would be better. Besides, i's obvious that part of the weapons will be sold, might as well inject that somewhere.
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Don't (You) me, you dirty fucking leftist.
They're still continuing the debate, silly. Like they've always said they would.
This vote was over the conditions for the surrender.
argentina por favor veni y tomate a antioquia, te lo regalamos en vez de las malvinas
Do you live in an area affected by FARC violence? If not, then off yourself, you fucking asshole.
Again, I've posted a question about any proveb cases of FARC being caught selling coke, since that's all I know about FARC: they're left, they're supported by Cuba and Venezuela and everyone says that they are selling powder.
Kidnapping, threatening lives and the rest of the crimes is the common thing in politics, that's how the life goes. One day it's FARC, the next day it's, for example, a death squad backed by CIA.

that's a huge generalization.
Many of the most affected by it also voted for the No.
Me acorde de este capitulo de Los Simpsons
creo que a todos los que votaron por el no se les olvido lo de la union patriotica

Hey, at least you followed democratic vote based on 'patriotism' right? And think of all those happy people following this outcome, like the drug cartels! And... no, that's it.

I'm so sorry you guys.


That shit intensifies wars, and isn't great for civil ones.


Wow, it's almost like Deja Vu...


That actually looks like a half decent treaty. Not perfect, but decent.
>being leftist is fine
let me guess, you hate putin? dumb ruskie cuck
>hate FARC
>want them to remain in the jungle where they have more power
Putin is the same child of the 90s as the rest of our politicians and oligarchs. All of them deserve to burn alive on the Red Square. Both liberals and "patriots".
What is he to be liked for?
ok second question
What's the point of asking? Am I in custody?
fucking based
we're all friends here
Is there any decent politicians or parties in Russia that aren't corrupt thugs?
>That actually looks like a half decent treaty. Not perfect, but decent.
Man do you know how many victims are there for this fucker actions?
This treaty pretty much translate in "you have to forgive them and paid for their shit, and you the victim? well you get fucking nothing, you should have join them when you have the chance :^) "
This is pretty much the reason why the NO won, impunity is not an option for these bastards.
Rodrigo Londoño ha dicho que seguirán renegociando
me caes bien russia. stay safe, don't let the neo-kgb fuck your shit up
Putas ratas estan arrinconadas y saben que no les conviene volver a la guerra.
the NO was right.
Has leído si quiera una puta pagina de las 297
Yeah, just like communists and social democrats in Weimar Republic
Edinaya Rossiya - a party of thugs and thieves.
CPRF - pseudo-commies, actually sort of christian conservatives.
Yabloko and PARNAS - two groups of the same thugs and thieves who got BTFO by the Putin in the early 2000s.
LDPR- political prostitutes with proto-Trump in charge.
The rest of the parties are just spoilers for the elections.
please respond
I wanted to be wrong about that
I had faith in you
Maybe I don't know to much about it. Some articels and wiki. Havent the paramilitary group got a simliar deal but unoffical. So some of them are sitting in pairlament and there were not many mayor investigations against them ?
A lot of people had their families held hostage, tortured, or murdered by these terrorist savages. Why should they just roll over and give these fuckers amnesty?

FARC is on the ropes. Throw them out of the ring and beat them to death. Send a message to terrorist communist thugs like ISIS and FARC.

I personally know a gringo who was kidnapped and tortured in the Darien by FARC. He deserved none of his ordeal. These ruthless motherfuckers need to die a long and painful death. Do not relent until these socialist thugs die like arab dogs.

Fuck FARC. They serve nobody. They are criminals.

I did say not perfect. Looking at the rest of it, as long as leaders served time befitting their time, and how ever many innocents on both sides are left unpunished, and the treaty was changed to reflect that, that would be a fantastic treaty.

But yes, sorry about that, I wasn't clear
I live in the capital.
My father had to give up two trucks out of three so that they wouldn't grab me when I walked to my school, thank you very much.
You know nothing of this. You seem to think guerrilla only dwells up in the jungle, otherwise leaving the country unaffected. They've preyed on truck drivers all over the country, they've destroyed oil refineries and pipes, and they don't even care to hide it.
Furthermore, they are the spearhead of the same shit that offed millions in many places already and you ask me to be compassionate. The only good thing about guerrilla is that their presence kept the country right-wing while all of South America has gotten raped by socialism.
Why the fuck would they kidnap and torture a foreigner?

What stupid thing to do politically.
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Man, Isis is a german lemonade, lemonade can't have any beliefs.
get fuckt bong
New thread

Why does that lemonade have a pomegranate on it?
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>he doesn't know the best way to kill farc was bringing them out of the jungle on false pretenses
read a little dumb anglokike
>This is pretty much the reason why the NO won, impunity is not an option for these bastards.
It's a pity because it's pretty much essential, there will be no peace without amnesty.
You can take the attitude "good, just kill the fuckers" but that's easier said than done and a lot more people will die if this is the course that is chosen. It's distasteful but offering amnesty has the best outcome.
what did he mean by this?

Oh look at that, the American who doesn't approve of lenient peace treaties, that let crimes go unpunished. Careful the glorious dead societies don't catch you.
They probably got more 'fair' deals and that's why people brushed them off.
The agreement that was voted and rejected today was to let people decide if they thought the accords of this treaty were fair. It doesn't mean that Colombia wants more war, it means that they think this 'peacy agreement' gives way too many benefits to criminals and too few compensation for the victims and they need to fix that.
Go ask them :^)
They haven't been involved in political warfare for decades. All they care for is easy kidnapping money.
Most people are tired of the war, but they'd rather see them do something. Like at least dig the tombs for the victims.
The word "lemonade" sometimes goes as a general word for sparkling water with syrup or juice.
I suppose that it was made out of pomegranates and apples.
Precisely. Had this war taken ten years, we'd have agreed eagerly.
These fuckers deserve to die via flamethrower. Kill them all.

They can always chose the path of the righteous and kill them. The FARC's main source of income, aside from kidnapping of wealthy colombians and foreigners, is trafficking in drugs to the narco cartels in Mexico.

But yeah, go ahead and feel sorry for the poor contras in the jungles of Colombia fighting for the common man. Socialists of the world unite, right?

These fuckers are psychotic thugs working as mules for the drug cartels between Peru and Mexico. They do the ugly business of shipping narco cargo between Colombia and Nicaragua / Honduras and Mexico. They keep the northern Colombia / Panama jungle secure for narco shipments. God help you if you happen to be in their way.

FUCK THEM. They need to be chased into the jungle and killed.
And what do you think about CIA's involvement into drug trafficking?
Porque la derecha fascista colombiana enviaba paramilitares de las FARC a sembrar el crimen en nuestra patria, se lo merecen
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>people living in cozy, safe countries being happy that Colombia voted for 50 more years of war

This is the mindset that is fueling the current "civil" wars (civil in quotes because of all the goddamn foreign fighters there) in the Middle East. I'm sure the millions of Syrians who have been displaced, and the hundreds of thousands who have been killed or maimed will feel it was worth it once Assad is taken out and their country can enjoy further chaos and human misery that won't end within their lifetimes. I'm sure their great-grandchildren living in Europe will be thankful as well.

At least in this case, Colombians had a choice in the matter. Hopefully they can find another road to peace that won't require another generation of insecurity.
This is the kind of mentality that led you guys to lose the Vietnam War.
t. nicolas maduro
we were only voting for the terms of the agreement. This wasn't a peace vs war agreement.
>la derecha fascista colombiana enviaba paramilitares de las FARC

I don't recall this being a referendum on CIA in Colombia. Nor the KGB, Ivan.

We helped them get rid of that piece of shit Escobar, but unfortunately it moved the war to Mexico. Oops.

But FARC has been a problem since the 1970s, well before drugs were a major problem for us. Yes, commies, yes. But they chose to traffic in something that seriously fucked with us, so we had a right to clean their clock.

And ask a Colombian about FARC. Almost universally you will hear they are terrorists. Perhaps not terrorists in the mind of Cuba or Moscow, but modern Colombians see them as terrorists.

The gringo (Norwegian!) I know who was kidnapped and tortured by FARC in northern Colombia for the crime of riding a motorcycle in the jungle can testify these fuckers are misguided psychopaths.

Colombia is much safer and developed today because of cooperation between CIA and Colombian security. It's almost a first world metropolis. Colombians wants this. Let them chose to kill their own criminals.
los de la derecha fascista queriamos otra UP, si los uribistas fueran fascistas como yo habrian votado por el si
Its sarcasm just in case

Democracy is really retarded ffs
Middle East is Special Retarded tier.
Especially when most of the Civil Aid will end up fueling and extending the war, since all sides are sorta willing to go for total war.

Its like the most fucked up form of Culture Imperialism.
>middle east
This is an example of the absurd campain of "if you vote no you're like literally Hitler" that they've been pushing on us. Suspicious as hell.
Once again, the peace treaty is signed and agreed upon, and that will not change.
Que mas podíamos esperar de este país de mierda, hundido principalmente por toda la inmundicia que ha salido de un lugar llamado antioquia.

Lastimosamente me toco ser jurado de votación y fui testigo de las personas que votaron por el NO, mujeres con el ceño fruncido, alertas y a la defensiva a cualquier pregunta, curiosamente las que mas votaron por el si fueron las negritudes...

Hasta que congolombia como "estado" no haga algo con la inmunda descendencia de uribito y sus amiguis este pais jamas estará bien
At the least we get to have Fighter Pilots help, so we get Fighter Pilot Veterans.
Just a fucking shame RL isn't a RTS, so they don't get stat advantage, only training benefits for other troops.
Haarp, matthew, 62% colombian caribbean voting abstention
>I hate to be from Barranquilla
there was never a need for peace with FARC. They're desperate now and will break up by 2020 easily. Approving of peace and just let terrorists run for political office by next year? Bad choice
This is probably a way to get ELN to surrender as well. And Santos is securing himself a good position with this.
Republic >>>>>>>>> Democracy, for exactly this reason
This motherfucker also literally bribed his way out of military service and he did the same for his kid.
Where was your outrage when the right wing paramilitaries got a crate blanche for this same shit? What about when the politicians they were connected with got away unscathed?
Si, what the other fag said is really biased. The agreement states that leaders and many "cabecillas" Will pay jail time, while the others Will have to go ta a truth council, were they have to confess their crimes and repay the víctima, in case the council finds out one of them is lying he Will face full force of penalty.
The subsidation is 600.000 pesos, less than the minimum legal wage. They Will have to return all the lands that were obtained legally, both FARC people and others drug dealers, also big land owners that dont work their lands Will have to hand over a portion of it.
Guns would have been handed over in 120 from today if yes wouldve won.
It was a good agreement but colombians were retarded enough to let themselves be brainwashed by Uribe
You are an absolute goddamn retard
FARCing hell
That was 50 years ago. Now FARC is the biggest drug whore
>USA flag
>USA flag
And football, don't forget football

Colombia plays this wednesday.....woooo...hoooo..!

Now stay mad, surrendering cuckoos

Y ahora que? Se supone que las FARC van a aceptar un nuevo acuerdo mas 'duro'? Y si no aceptan?

En principio, entiendo el rechazo a un acuerdo de paz que genera impunidad para los crimenes de las FARC, y lo ideal seria sencillamente aplastarles. El tema es; estais en condiciones de aplastarles a corto plazo o por el contrario el resultado va a ser otros 50 de años de guerra, matanzas y discordias internas que lo unico que consiguen es perjudicar a todos y lastrar el desarrollo del pais?

Es para pensarlo cuidadosamente.
>estais en condiciones de aplastarles a corto plazo
Maybe. The main part of FARC anyway. We all know a part of it will go to ELN anyway, or they'll become common criminal bands. This country has yet to see peace, no matter what happens.
And Colombian. All because of Uribe.
Well you guys seem happy with right wing paramilitary groups allowed to become gangsters after "demilitarization".
>Disliking left means you like right
We're just too corrupt, so the gangsters will forever stay in power. Our best outcome would be lots of inconsequential bands, gangsters peacefully eating up the taxes and military having something to do, but not much.
Yes, because they didn't have as their sole aim to get into politics so they can get the chance to turn this shithole into something worse than it already is: a super cuba, venezuela 2.0
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>he has guerrillas in his country

literally WEW LAD
That's why this cunt will either die in a magnicide or bring to the justice to respond the links between drug trafficking and paramilitary. I fucking hate him so much. Why he didn't resolve the FARC during his eight-year period? But he did many extrajudicial executions, the false peace process and the scandal with paramilitary, the presidential reelection, the spying against activists, left-wing politicians and the Constitutional and Supreme courts, and other crimes.
Da fuc. Santos was the minister of defense of Uribe, and the one killing all of those Farc chiefs.
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