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Why are Northern European countries so more fascinating, civilized,

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Why are Northern European countries so more fascinating, civilized, less corrupt, manlier and taller on average than Southern and Eastern european countries?
>scandi cucks
korea WC 2002 cheat!!!! cheat and liar!!!! corrupting referee!

*why are Scandinavian countries so etc.
on the other hand why is portugal poor?
>so more fascinating, civilized, less corrupt,
that is bullshit
why are korean referees such steaming pieces of shit
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arr rook same
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Because we weren't invaded by barbers and mongols
>more fascinating


>less corrupt


Yes, but the difference is small for young people
>Why are Northern European countries so more fascinating, civilized, less corrupt, manlier and taller on average than Southern and Eastern european countries?
And homosexual or lesbian
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the only thing that says it's not a Russia is a non orthodox cross on the top of that church
Basically the norther you go the more you evolve to need intelligence, hard work and cooperation. This is why Finland is paradise, Spain is already lazy shithole and Africa is complete uncivilized hell.
Why are they so rich and civilized? How did they do it? Is it because cold climates make men work harder?
Why would they come anyway? Nordics go to hairdressers.
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>Finland is paradise
Cold, sad climate makes you less able to enjoy life, so you resort to hard work
Warm, happy climate makes you want to enjoy your life so you become lazier
Southern Europe is way more fascinating.
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because we are honest and trustworthy white men instead of subhuman sman artists
thats a top tier ricky pic 2bh
Just leave your home country for once dood
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scandinavians are russians with effeminate features
I can relate to his sentiment. Everything is bland and depressing, here with absolutely nothing to do, while elsewhere people have a lot more fun and truly do enjoy life like others here have stated.
How we live is no way to live if you're not an autistic basement dweller. Coming back to Northern Europe from a holiday leaves you suicidal every time.
>Coming back to Northern Europe from a holiday leaves you suicidal every time.
no it doesn't. it makes you think "well I'm glad to be back somewhere where everything actually works and it doesn't smell like sewage on the streets"
thanks my Khan
Might as well move out if you don't enjoy the peace and quiet
Nice beaches, warm weather, good wine and cheese, lots of chouriço and football addicts, not our fault.
lmao that's literally the shittiest place in Denmark you could pick
It really isn't.
Southern Europe is better in almost every way imaginable.
And Russians shart themselves when squatting to much.
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Then what are spaniards? Small skinny faggots with hairy baboon arms, a faggot lisping language and tiny dicks.
Every place on earth (except for Australia) is shittier than the nordics. Especially raghead and nigger countries.
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>more manly than Eastern Europe
Scandinavians are alright people, but they're basically gay little pansies.
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>aussies talking about manly people
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>thinking I'll hold an autist's opinion in any regard
Opinion I suppose, but Latin countries tend to have more historical popular appeal
Since when?
Maybe in the past
>and taller

top kek, they are the most effeminate, guilt-ridden cucks in the world
> this fucking manlet digeridoo
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>thinking I care what a NEET thinks of my opinion
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That's just Swedes though.
Australians are very tall folk though
Yeah, icy depressing shitholes that only get sunlight for half the year are better than 99% of the world. Nice meme.
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>swedish men
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>his only argument is sunlight
it's okay ahmed, you being in the states in stead of your home country tells us all we need to know about your real opinion
What is it with you beaners and heat? 35 degrees celsius might be suitable for beaners but we need temperatures from -10 to +10 to function.
Get the fuck out of my country, Mohammed.
Lmao I'm here because I was offered a high paying job related to my degree.

>his only argument is sunlight
I mean, geography plays a big role in the appeal of a country, and when your country is literally nothing but darkness for half the year, then you have yourself a bit of an issue, eh?
Don't you guys have some of the highest suicide rates/alcoholics per capita because of it?
Hey man, to each his own.
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> literally nothing but darkness for half the year
too bad that isn't true at all, so I guess there goes your only argument
>sweden mad again
If it isn't true then you can blame
>American education
for that.
It's literally all we ever hear about Fennoscandian countries. That you guys have a lack of sunlight which leads to your abnormally high suicide rates and addiction to antidepressants. And alcoholism.
I blame both your murrifat education and your sandnigger genes for making claims without any kind of knowledge
>addiction to antidepressants
>said by the country with by far the biggest antidepressant consumption per capita in the world
>said by the country with by far the biggest antidepressant consumption per capita in the world

Nowhere near as bad as the mess you fucks are dealing with, snownigger.
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Its cozy with snow and darkness.
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>getting ready to take it in the ass like a good Sven.
>USA consumes more antidepressants per capita than any country in the world
>yet somehow in his disease addled mind that means scandis are worse off
:D ok nignog :D
Americans actually have a reason to be depressed. Most Americans are poor as shit and have to deal with their shitty government.

Finns are apparently the perfect model how every country should be. And yet you guys are some of the most depressed fucks on the planet.
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>backpedaling this hard
I'm not backpeddling at all.

Why are Finns so depressed? Do you need a hug, bro?
Are you gonna be alright?
Put down that pill, man. Things are gonna be okay soon. Maybe the sun will come out eventually. Probably in the next 10 years, who knows. We'll wait and see.
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>first talks about high antidepressant usage even though his country is no. 1 in the world
>then he claims my country is using more than his
>then he completely ignores the argument and tries some kindergarten tier baiting
Logic doesn't apply to 'Merica, nigga.

Now tell me why you're so sad.
>quality of life
guess which the nigger chooses
I dunno man.
Being able to walk outside and not freeze my ass off is pretty high quality livin'.
Get a jacket idiot.
What if I wanna go to the beach and swim and do outdoorsy stuff?
Go to the pool.
But I like beach :(
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If I wanted to be a Daneboo, what's uniqe about Danmark that I could fixate on?
Bad management and bad luck.

Also, we spent all the EU money on infrastructure, which to be fair is pretty good.
>ITT all this salt over something Swedes are known for

A Dane is bound to smash your face with a beer bottle. And almost every male Finn has military training and is likely to stab you with a rusty knife if you get too close.

History. We wuz vikangz n shieet.
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>tfw your country has everything northern europe has and more
>except for the american college students progressives masturbating to the mere existence of your country

feels good man
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>>tfw your country has everything northern europe has and more
>>feels good man
bishmallah, may the prophet (PBUH) bless you
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>>everything northern europe has and more
>except the nature which attracts 90% of our tourists
>except our natural resources that we base industries you don't have on
>except the cold climate, which impact our lifestyles and culture in profound ways
>mfw holland'ers think we have so much in common
>except the nature which attracts 90% of our tourists

>implying millions of foreigners flock to denmark every year to see their nature

sweden and finland are not that pretty either, it is only norway that is really pretty,

>except our natural resources that we base industries you don't have on

our country is nothing more than a glorified shale gas basin

>except the cold climate, which impact our lifestyles and culture in profound ways

pretty sure it does get a little bit cold here. How do you think your lifestyles and cultures differ so much from us and why would you attribute it to climate?
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>not oil
kek explains why you'll never be in the top 4. and the worst part? we dont even have any oil :^)
Doesn't make sense really.
>pretty sure it does get a little bit cold here. How do you think your lifestyles and cultures differ so much from us and why would you attribute it to climate?

Because pseudoscientific reasoning anon.
>sweden and finland are not that pretty either
objectively false, AND they get tourists who come there to be outdoors
I was on a snowmobile safari in Winland once, it was great.

>implying natural resources are just oil
fishing, lumber, iron and these kind of things shaped our countries in many ways

>How do you think your lifestyles and cultures differ so much from us and why would you attribute it to climate?
for example you don't even have the winter activites which is an absolutely huge deal here and during summer time we also have a different landscape that affect us, and since we are spread so thin across a large country the population spread also affects every day life, rules, habits and so on

and denmark is obviously an exception here, but people go to denmark for a typical central yuropoor experience anyway
No shit, pretty much everything in that pic was built during the Russian rule.

Here's your counterexample, Kim.
>one point difference

that is well within the margin of error rasmus :^)

that being said, we grew 2 points last year, you didn't grow at all...

we are coming for you!

we do not have iron or lumber, but we have always had a thriving fishing culture

>the winter activites

ellaborate? are you talking about ice skating or something? because ice skating is HUGE here. everyone i know knows how to skate.

Also keep in mind who is the current olympic champion in most ice skating events [spoiler] its us! :^) [/spoiler]

>different landscape
our landscape is different from season to season too

>that affect us
how? i asked you to ellaborate on this. how is your culture different?
If you guys are such good skaters why don't you learn Hockey?
you don't understand how someone in a small frozen scandinavian town live a different life than someone in the megacities of Holland?
i can't speak for the rest of the country. but it is very big here in my town, hockey is the 2nd largest sport here, behind soccer. Our team completely obliterated the domestic competition so they currently play in some german competition (which they destroyed as well)

I just want to hear concrete examples. You have literally given me none.

b.t.w. most scandivian people live in large cities as well and we have very small rural towns too
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>netherlands density 410.7/km2
>norway 15.5/km2
Because it's cold?
i know. I just want concrete examples.

that difference is because of the fact that norway has huge swaths of frozen, uninhabited land. if you look at urban centers, their population density is way closer.
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>manlier and taller on average
Get outta here, Dutchlet.
Fake. Bosnian isnt swarthy enough
thank god I'm not a continentalshit

this is from a recent, MEASURED study
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>i can't speak for the rest of the country. but it is very big here in my town, hockey is the 2nd largest sport here, behind soccer. Our team completely obliterated the domestic competition so they currently play in some german competition (which they destroyed as well)
>hockey is the 2nd largest sport here
the people who live in those cities still utilize those areas outside the cities

those frozen, "uninhabitable" areas are full of hunting and fishing grounds, hiking and camping trails, and countless cabins because these areas are our playgrounds and people are still living a less urban lifestyle than the average dutch

stil waiting for a concrete example of cultural difference
How many NHL players have they produced?
And where's the specific Dinaric Alps region, Dutchlet? Literally paid for by Dutchlets so they can pretend they have something of worth while their country is becoming an African country.

>Yes, but the difference is small for young people
are you kidding? the average height for women here are now closing in on the average height for mediterranean men.

the spanish girls i see here are also very interested in swedish guys. give a lot of looks and want to talk.
most yugos aren't tall for fuck sake. such a fucking myth. just look at your football teams. literally manlet nation lmao.

we have taller and shorter regions too. The catholic, celto germanic south is weighing us down. If you were to only include people from the 2 northernmost provinces we would outclass your little meme region too.
>the tallest guy in Sweden's football national team is literally a yugo

you cannot make this shit up
all the outdoor activities are examples
the average dutch can't relate to tfw comfy cabin trip inna mountains, or some swedes hunting into their endless forest areas and worrying about bears, the finn who goes out in a swamp and stab things or whatever those crazycucks do for fun

Dinaric Alps are a way bigger region than Netherlands, you dumb klip kloping cuck. And there's EVIDENCE. You just make baseless """arguments""" 'cause you're jealous of our height, windmillman.
>or some swedes hunting into their endless forest areas and worrying about bears

Literally what fucking Swede worries about bears when hunting dinner? Gtfo with your propaganda.
No it's not.
Sweden is safe as fuck, you can go home from a part in the middle of the night drunk as fuck without getting robbed. Corruption scandals are relatively small scale.

With that being said you can still get robbed or worse if you act like a retard, if you are a lightly dressed woman you shouldn't go up to five niggers dealing heroin.
You shouldn't wave money around when you're walking by some retard looking maghrebs.
>urban centers
even in those urban centers, we have much bigger houses than the dutch for example, who have to live in smaller homes, on average that is
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This is what i call civilized

i kno u scared

>En inwoners van Noord-Nederland zijn nog een tikkeltje langer. Groningers zelfs gemiddeld 1,5 centimeter langer dan inwoners van Zuid-Holland.


>Er is per provincie in Nederland een heel duidelijk verschil in de gemiddelde lengte van een man. In het noorden van Nederland worden mannen gemiddeld 2 cm langer dan in onze zuidelijke provinciers

point taken, what about *cultural* differences?
here's the height of croatias manlet team
GK Danijel Subašić 191
GK Lovre Kalinić 201
GK Ivan Vargić 192

DF Vedran Ćorluka(Captain) 192
DF Domagoj Vida 182
DF Ivan Strinić 186
DF Dejan Lovren 188
DF Šime Vrsaljko 183
DF Josip Pivarić 176
DF Tin Jedvaj 184

MF Ivan Rakitić 184
MF Ivan Perišić 186
MF Mateo Kovačić 178
MF Milan Badelj 186
MF Marcelo Brozović 181
MF Marko Rog 180

FW Mario Mandžukić 190
FW Nikola Kalinić 187
FW Andrej Kramarić 177
FW Marko Pjaca 186
FW Duje Čop 184
average height 185,4285714

swedens national team
GK Robin Olsen 198
GK Karl-Johan Johnsson 187
GK Patrik Carlgren 188

DF Mikael Lustig 189
DF Victor Lindelöf 187
DF Andreas Granqvist(captain) 192
DF Martin Olsson 178 (nigger)
DF Ludwig Augustinsson 181
DF Pontus Jansson 196
DF Emil Krafth 181
DF Oscar Wendt 181
DF Filip Helander 192
MF Oscar Hiljemark 185
MF Marcus Rohdén 182
MF Albin Ekdal 186
MF Emil Forsberg 179
MF Alexander Fransson 180
MF Sam Larsson 179
MF Jimmy Durmaz 180 (sandnigger)
FW Marcus Berg 183
FW John Guidetti 185
FW Ola Toivonen 189
FW Christoffer Nyman 183
Average height: 185,2608696
Average height, when nigger and sandniger removed: 185,8571429

croatia is a manlet nation. just admit it fucking manlet.
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Why would you remove the nigs from your team? They're the new Sweden, after all :^)
I want to punch them in the face.

Sweden deserves everything coming its way.
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>1,000,000+ muslims consentrated in an area smaller than Finnmark
Where do I apply for citizenship?
>tfw no cute swedish trap gf
Is ice fishing a good enough example?
>implying every nordic person ice fishes regularly

that is still not an example of culture, i am looking for how the people are different, attitudes, etc.
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>misspelled "masculine" twice
Typical Achmed, you need more English classes
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>canadian counting education

thats definitely 3 times
Acutally thrice, you need more math classes
>He can't spell "actually" either
How the heck would we know, and how the heck would you know that we are so similar ? How about we are more reserved (not shy), like to drink alot more, we like to go out in the woods and pick mushrooms (in sweden atleast) , we have beautiful lakes that we swim in every summer. We skinny dip in the winter and run into the sauna afterwards. Midsummer, Valborg, etc etc.

What do even netherlanders do ? like walk in the city and just stare at people ?
>Italy is a non-country. It only exists out of regions which have a real identity:'Lombardia, Süd-Tirol, Veneto, Genua, Tuscany, Latium, etc.(former papal territories), Sardinia, South-Italy (greek etnicity) and Sicily. Italy is trying to kill al those regional cultures, which will make Italy a cultureless "we-wuz-tier" country
> Greece is quite new, so they only refer to their ancient past in their culture.
>Portugal and Spain are the only countries in South-Europe with a huge history. However, those countries are quite corrupt which makes them less atractive.
>Vatican city and San Marino are the only natural countries on the peninsula. Vatican City is the remaining part of the Papal States, which adds plenty of history. Latium is it's rightfull claim.
t. can't count to 3
i have lived in sweden for a year (in 3 different towns/cities)

>we are more reserved

you are not. If anything you guys seemed like turbo normies. The >nordics are reserved is just a meme.

>like to drink alot more


holland is higher than sweden and norway. wow.

>we like to go out in the woods and pick mushrooms

we might have very few real forest, but dutch people do like to go cycling or walking through what we do have. Mushroom picking is quite big too.

>we have beautiful lakes that we swim in every summer. We skinny dip in the winter and run into the sauna afterwards. Midsummer, Valborg, etc etc.

points taken
i love you guys. you crack me up.
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>no finnish gf
in malmo also?
swedes (and norwegians too, to an extend) absorb literally everything that comes out of america
Must be the legacy of the unforgiving cold climate. Either you get your shit together or you freeze to death.
They are really boring people.

is finland exciticng please respond im insecure about my identity
You spawned great memes, that must count for something.
Do you mean just nordic countries?
Like what? Movies, shows and music?
this, they even spend more time learning english than their own language.
A lot of them actually speak english better than their native tongue, and use engllish in every day life with their friends.
Amongst other things yes.

The only music I heard on the radio there was American pop music. No local music

The girls I talked to seemed to think of America as some holy land, praising their ""freedom""

Swedes even have a black lives matter thing that is pretty big.

I saw people wearing clothes with American flags on them.

They used america pop culture slang and loanwords throughout their local language.

It's like your local culture is dead
>A lot of them actually speak english better than their native tongue

>and use engllish in every day life with their friends.

Saw this too and it disgusted me
You have no clue what you're talking about, I haven't had a conversation in English since I finished school four years ago (outside of travelling abroad and on the internet of course). All Norwegians understand English as it's a mandatory subject for 10+ years in school, but many have absolutely terrible pronunciation and are embarrassed to even use their 'skills' on holidays.
>No gun culture outside sports and hunting.
>No one buy their cars (one manufacturer in top 20).
>No one watch or play any of their sports.
>No Walmart or anything similar (Lidl didn't even make it here).
>No massive highways, walk and bike-friendly cities and towns.
>Dating culture is non-existent.
>None of their holidays are celebrated (shops try to force Halloween and Black Friday though).
>People generally never talk to strangers unless it's necessary.
>One of the least obese countries in the developed world.
>There's not a single KFC in Norway, no McDonald's north of Trondheim

City cucks are city cucks all over the world.
it was mostly teens

>People generally never talk to strangers unless it's necessary.

this meme needs to die. you guys are more extroverted than us.
Do you have proofs to back your thesis?

as I expected
Based on what experiences? The only time I find Norwegians to be American-tier extroverted are when they're binge drinking. There are of course exceptions like in all cultures.

Go watch a concert from Norway on YouTube.
Now do the same with Poland, Italy or whatever.
Where and why would I be speaking English in my own country aside from giving tourists directions etc.? Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds?
but the notion that you guys are turbo autist socially awkward snowflakes are false.

as i said:

you guys are more extroverted than us

not more extroverted than poland or italy

oh and you definitely are extroverted even without alcohol.
Literally meme statistics with as much reliability as dick length measures in africa.
>but the notion that you guys are turbo autist socially awkward snowflakes are false.

Yes, and I've never claimed we are. We just respect privacy and personal space in public places, and many deem talking to strangers 'a waste of time' as you're unlikely to ever meet them again.

>you guys are more extroverted than us
>oh and you definitely are extroverted even without alcohol.
OK. I have never been to NL, so I wouldn't know. Apparently my experiences with Norwegians after living here all my life don't match yours, but that's ok, those are just my experiences and not undeniable facts.
Also it's not even representative as they only measured a few ones of one university. So not even a large age-range like in the study proving that the Dutch are the tallest people.
>more fascinating

Surely the scandis, whose entire history consists of being a bunch of raiding pagan niggers who perpetuated the dark ages are far more interesting than Italians or Greeks, who laid the foundation for all of Western culture.


Give Malmo a visit.


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>It's like your local culture is dead

Implying there ever was one to begin with
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>As a human
>In times of peace
>In a household wealthy enough to afford a computer
>In a nation good enough to allow free internet
>NOT as the Nordic masterrace

Oof, and you were so close too.
what have nordics ever achieved that is of note? we where the niggers of Europe for most of our history.
I think that is just you.
Because literally nobody else cares about international suicide rates or alcoholism. If anything when people hear Finland they think of good schools and white people.
You are so fucking bad at arguing that it is making me pop antidepressants. Please take a break from 4chan.
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he rekt that Finn though
utbilda dig själv, dumjävel
What nationality are you?
The periodic table is Russian, we just filled it in like a kid with a coloring book.


The nordic countries are still depressive cold and dark shitholes. America being worse doesn't change that.
No, like where were your parents from? Must be a REAL shithole if you're ashamed to tell even us, like Uganda or Poland.
I have some ancestry from Finland, but the rest is from Sweden.
>no hungarian gf wel?
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>arr rook same
I agree
If cold and darkness is depressing to you you should probably move. Most suicides happen in the spring/summer here.
there is little to nothing between cities in Norway. Between Oslo and Bergen there are lots of mountains, some forest and some villages
>The nordic countries are still depressive cold and dark shitholes. America being worse doesn't change that.
m-muh depressive shithole. can you already fuck off from Sweden? all you care about is your culture, which doesn't mean shit in modern world. you obviously would enjoy any 3rd world country more than nordic countries, because you can't leave your basement if the temperature is below 0c. nobody wants your kind in here nigger
you should google berzelius and arrhenius. we didn't just discover elements, we basically founded chemistry as we know it today (alongside the big countries obviously)
Most obvious lie I've ever heard. I like how you love Sweden enough to pretend you're one of us, yet all you do is complain.

That's why Nordics are masterrace, we don't do weird shit like that.
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swedes are cucks and can suck my big southern european cock
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That seem to be the case elsewhere as well


Doesn't mean that it isn't the cold and darkness that makes people depressed (among other things) in the first place.

You can believe whatever you want, also Nordicism used to be a thing in Sweden, where we pretended that we wuz romans.

Despite being so infuenced by western europe we accomplished so little.
>The nordic countries are still depressive cold and dark shitholes

Coldness and darkness are my natural element.
I get depressed af during spring and summer.

The autumn and winter seasons are the best.
Good for you, most people in the nordic countries are not like that.

Personaly I prefer spring and autumn, I don't really like hot or cold temperature.
You are actually right anon. Trees is what you will find in Finland and Sweden, and during winter snow and trees
I like all seasons. Snow is comfy, Sun means long walks in the forest and training outside and Rain makes sure less people are outside and you can listen to ABBA.
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also mountains, don't forget about the mountains
>some very few mountains far up north where nobody lives
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>Swedish ameriboos exist
it's called Minnesota
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what the fug did i just see
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everything you've written is wrong

>no local music
what, you expect all our songs to be played with key harp? Culture evolves you know. Sweden have the highest music production

>The girls I talked to seemed to think of America as some holy land, praising their ""freedom""
You talked to what, 5 girls? Also, you're calling them girls so I assume you're talking about women who are <20 years old. You would get the same response in any western nation from this group, given that the government doesn't actively spread anti-US propaganda.

>Swedes even have a black lives matter thing that is pretty big
that's strange considering how the Swedish police almost never kill anyone, and since there barely are any really black people in Sweden. Arabs? Sure, but very very few actually Negroes.

>I saw people wearing clothes with American flags on them.
Yes, we call them rednecks. They're white trash. Your kind of people.

>They used america pop culture slang and loanwords throughout their local language.
most swedes speak fluent english, and some people thinks it's hip to include slang in their vocabulary. Really, nothing new, this is how it's been since always everywhere since the dawn of time.

>It's like your local culture is dead
you don't even know what culture is

i think that most dutch people consider people like you lowlife trash, because only a person with poor educations would make the assumptions that you've made
there was nothing but american music on the radio. That is what i said. Don't twist my words

there is indeed a black lives matter thing. (pic related) Which is indeed very strange.

you agree with me on the next two points

what do you think culture is then?

literally everything i wrote was right
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That movement is runned by Feminist Party in Sweden. So basically people who support that or are active are just cucks and fugly feminist.
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