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What do you think about this country?

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What do you think about this country?
I've heard a lot about that school shooting that happened there

nice country.
Just a Brazil with spanish language
The stripe sizes trigger me
I dont care
i'm venezuelan and i love colombia/colombian ppl

you guys are like the separated at birth twin brother that grew up under shady and fucked circumstances and alcoholic parents but then made something of yourself and now are something great and inspirational

we're the rich twin who grew up with everything and was insanely spoiled and then fucked his life up and now we have no idea what to do

ily colombia
hopefully we'll get our shit together like you one day
Non human shithole.

It should be turned into a nuclear test zone.
but you are Caribbean, we are Andean.

to me Venezuela is this far away cousin.
I love it

have you ever heard of symmetry??????
ily <3


looks better like that
half of venezuela is andean my man

like, everything west of caracas pretty much

we also have the same food and our women are the same
We are Caribbean too, you idiot, due to the simple fact that we have coastal territory adjacent to the Caribbean Ocean.
Caribbean sea, not Caribbean ocean.
you are only 10% Andean.

that's what I said "to me". we Boyacos aren't Caribbean at all, we are introverted Indios. Venezuelans are loud, happy, etc.

fuck this we are Caribbean reggaeton niggers meme.
The fact that you're a mountain nigger doesn't mean we're not caribbean you asshole
We are a mix of andean and caribbean culture, even in Antioquia and other coffee axis departments there is a LOT of caribbean culture
Geographically and as a whole, we are.

But not everyone lives in the Caribbean part of the country

>you are only 10% Andean.
Still, they are Andean too.


Venezuela has always been far better than this country, except at this moment, that Colombia is better off (at least in strictly monetary/economic terms) simply because the psuv has managed to screw Venezuela up near to the point of not turning back, of no repair.
That's usa, man

We have only street shootings
He's talking about Columbine
I'm sorry you didn't get the joke
Why is your flag like that?
Cocaine makes Colombia a white country.
I wonder why your stripes are uneven.
A bit too pro-USA/Pro-Capitalism for their own good.

I know Colombians who see the incoming peace deal against that hundred year civil war, as a BAD thing.
He's a newfag. Bear with him
No one knows but i actually like it 2bh

Commies deserve nothing but plomo
Venezuelan guy has a point, to us you're as difficult to tell apart as Peru-Bolivia, southern cone or Central America. Awesome people both Colombians and Venezuelans if only we had peace and prosperity Latin America would be by far the best region in the world to live in respect to quality of life.
>No one

you are the only retard who doesn't.
I supposed that.

I just wanted to throw dirt at this place, though.
shitty immigrants/10, would deport
no we are not, maybe you are from some Caribbeanized shithole. Boyacos and other people aren't Caribbeanized.

>even in Antioquia and other coffee axis departments there is a LOT of caribbean culture

like what? apart from Vallenato and reggeaton.
Anyone sane enough would make the same decision as you.
See >>65523540
>Boyacos and other people aren't Caribbeanized.
That's true.

You're just bolivians born in the wrong place
lo digo porque lo enseñan en el colegio.

What i have to think
to be honest, colombian immigration into Argentina is not a thing. There might be some scattered immigrants causing trouble but they mostly go on student visas and come back once theyre done with college
Tell me why then, not just because "spaniards took 2 much goldz"

Salsa is caribbean too, also the way people talk, the way people dress, etc, caribbean culture is pretty strong here
I see you guys on the news everyday, maybe it's not a big group as bolivians or paraguayans, but those who come are very problematic
Salsa was born in NY.

>the way people talk, the way people dress

like what? give me examples.
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>mfw we are simultaneously better and worse than Colombia
yeah, most of the time the ones who cause trouble abroad are fleeing from justice
They just want to leech off the Argentina's government teat and squat at their university campuses at the expenses of their taxpayers. That's another reason to stop them at the border and send them back.
that would explain it...
better at what?
Moto chorros? or what other kinds of crime that you had never experienced did colombians bring with them?
Even then, that's not a colombian thing either. Chileans, Brazilians and even Ecuadorians also take advantage of the free argentinian education system
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11 of our 23 states are in the Andes brother

why are you salty

you just said it
you guys are finally on track to become an actual economy
we ruined that chance the moment we elected a c rate socialist as president

>mfw ur right

at least half of the continent is doing alright
Keepin the cartel, indios and lefties down?
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Salsa was born in NY by Puerto Ricans

>the way people talk
A lot of people use a lot of caribbean slang (papi being the most used for example)

>the way people dress
Girls dressing like Puerto Rican or Dominican girls, something like pic related (mostly because of reggaeton)

There is a lot of other examples but i don't really want to go into detail
better in the sense that they have to deal with thousands if not millions of colombians parasiting in their territory who got there for various reasons.
we don't have many indios m8
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Not being savages

is it true one of my countrymen posted a bunch of cp on /int/ and 4chan responded by banning literally the only Venezuelan internet provider from accessing the site?

bc if thats true oh boy am i going to be triggered
It's curious because they're usually organized ilegal bands, some steal cars and some other steal apartments and that's why they're on news.





etc...you can see that kind of news very often
>keeping lefties down
your government is left-wing
keeping indios down?

Also, you have leftie government...


that's not a Caribbean thing, in many Spanish speaking countries, people addresses their dads calling them "papi".

that dressing is not "Puerto Rican" or Dominican, it's just normal clothes.

> i don't really want to go into detail

or you don't really know.
>doesn't know his own government is leftist

entonces, si es verdad
los ecuatorianos son imbeciles
kill yourself Jamundí.
dude, you're a bit deluded. I recommend you to travel outside your department, which represents less than 10% of the country to see how things are
Nigga is not my problem if you don't like caribbean culture, we have a lot of that here in Antioquia and other departments close to us, if you don't have in fucking Boyaca is because you're literal indios and have actual pure andean culture
>you guys are finally on track to become an actual economy
This statement cannot be more false than it seems.

Colombia is still stuck in the early stages of economic development. It's still a rural economy based shithole. It exports only flowers, bananas, coffee, oil, and awards its resources in concession to be exploited by others.

What I wanted to say is that Colombia is better off as of now just because you got worse, not because this place improved.
not even boyacos are mostly mestizos, the thing is they they definitely get very few caribbean influence. If you head a bit north to the Santanderes you'll start to notice the caribbean influenca a bit more.
idk man

i'm talking from a screen in new orleans
you're still at home doing ok (i hope)
you are at least on better tracks than we are

Best cocaine

tenían que ser paisas, sicarios imbéciles.

>you're a bit deluded

I'm not trying to prove anything, you are, and so far, you couldn't.

> we have a lot of that here in Antioquia
>f you head a bit north to the Santanderes you'll start to notice the caribbean influenca a bit more.

like what?
>whores and prostitutes

chileno retra.
Dude, Barrancabermeja is an example. It is located in Santander department. That place receives lots of costeño immigrants as the main oil refinery is located there
Just try to go out of your fucking indio department and see how are things are in the rest of the country
>let me talk you about your city
cualquiera sabe que esos pueblos del Alto Magdalena son costeños del interior.

buena falacia lógica.
I meanT "revolucionarios"

Never been anything like FARC here
ahora que lo pienso debes ser costeño o hijo de uno/a,

tienes que regresar.
Not even paisa and I like Boyaca and Boyaco people, but you're a huge dickhead m8. Have you ever been to the sea, Have you been to the coast or San Andres? They have a quite noticeable andean influence, this country is pretty diverese wherever you go to. You'll find a hell lot of paisas and rolos in freaking leticia
>They have a quite noticeable andean influence

estamos hablando de la influencia de ellos acá.
Soy 100% paisa y tengo muchos amigos costeños, son mejor recibidos aca y se adaptan mejor que cualquier rolo o boyaco o santanderiano
Black are only 1-2% of the population here, that's why he got so mad, because the policeman decided to stop them as they looked "suspicious"
el negro del video habla mejor que cualquier chileno aaaaaaaaaajajaj nooooo.
With this I mean in this city, not the whole country
>some other steal apartments

Those guys sometimes kidnap the house inhabitants in their own homes as they carry out the burglary.

This feels like I'm watching a Colombian news broadcast

By the way and to correct another anon who gave an answer about the same subject. They are not few, and they don't end up there only after trying to flee colombian "judiciary" system. They also go there (and Chile) because they perceive that they can get easy money in bigger amounts there since yours is a well off country (at least when compared to Colombia)

Also, do they clone credit cards too?
> They are not few

de hecho lo son, según las estadísticas policiales de esos países.
This poster is Spanish and it was used to promote protest against South Americans.

It even says psoe.

Indios without creativity
Colombian food is kind of boring.

Empanadas and lechona are great though.

also everytime I go I get sick there.
They talk very similar to us, that's enough for me to like them
I have a neutral opinion on you guys and Colombians are always nice to us.
Kys, chile/argentina and uruguay should ask for visa to every south american country but brazil
Shittiest immigrants, fuck off we are full.
>What do you think about this country?
About Colombia, not about colombians, no one cares about some blackies fucking your shit up
Every fucking cloning card crime is 100% colombian, you bringed ths shit here and we hate you, argentina tried to being their motochorros but it failed, srs we should >"muh cultural enrichment, muh you only like whites or argies"

White people or argentinians dont steal you fucking savages
I dislike your country because it's filled with colombians, if you guys like yo kidnap or murder each other over cocaine, that's ok. But don't attemtp to corrupt our countries with your shit
youre forgetting the best thing yall have

It still has symmetry, just not bilateral symmetry.
I don't really think a single person here cares about your shit, if the whole north of Chile becomes Colombian and crime raise, i wouldn't care less, i would actually like that since those criminals would be going the fuck out

Dumb cuck
What are the people like?
cocaine and hot girl
Like you would imagine: extroverted, friendly, loud, happy, etc
Plata o plomo
Gonorrhea malpario
que palabras le faltaron >>65529067?
guns, narco, monezz, death, war for money and drugs, death, killing
Are you like that
I'm not loud but i guess i am the other ones
>Venezuela has always been far better than this country, except at this moment

Isn't that what counts? Colombia has been in a civil war for 50 years and Venezuela had big oil reserves. Yet Colombia is on the way up now and Venezuela is going down.
wtf lad
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Yes, I know.

I was mentioning Colombian exports aside from cocaine.
I guess you wanted to say "friendly".
>death squads were abolished years ago
>we aren't ruled by cocaine-bought crooks anymore
>the country is safe and the economy is booming
>please visit Bogota
>being cachaco
>being colombian
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I had a classmate from El Salvador. Not sure how she lived there for like 14 years and didn't get murdered.
It's a drunk, shitposting Ukrainian.
Don't think you've ever met A single Colombian in chile
People living close to the coast or the lowlands are extroverted, people from the interior and highlands are a bit more reserved and introverted
Fuck off we're full
>>please visit Bogota
You can say that the one who tells you this is implicitly trying to make clear that they despise you, because they are trying to get you killed by sending you to that shithole.
Oh I wasn't fooled even for a second.
Says the Paisa.

The average Paisa/Caleño is much more prone to kill anyone than any Bogotano.

Eastern Colombia is best Colombia.
Are you from Medellin? Sorry to brek the news for you but bogota is way safer than Medellin. It is not even comparable. crime rate here is around 17/100k (about the same as miami and houston), meanwhile it is around 25/100k in Medellin
yeah, for your own good stay away from here. Things here are not like in finland. Example: people will talk to you everytime they have the opportunity to do so, people usually make eye contact on public transportation, the street is a loud place, cars honk, etc... You might not be used to any of these things
Stop trying to lure naive and clueless people into your trap.

>Eastern Colombia is best Colombia.
There is not such thing as a best Colombia, unless you mean Venezuela, Panama or Ecuador with this statement.

By the way, I'm neither "paisa" (Since I'm not from Medellin or Antioquia) nor "caleño" nor "costeño".
Venezuela crime rate is 4 times higher than ours. Panama is objectively better than us in any sense and Ecuador is just safer but not better overall

Prostitutes and Drugs
Nosotros bebemos la leeche.

I have to go back to duolingo lessons one day..
Bananas are not even 1% of our exports. Think you've been lied to. It's a shame because we're so much bigger than Ecuador and they probably manage to produce and export more bananas than us
>Panama is objectively better than us in any sense

actually, no. They have a worse education system, higher rates of maternal and child mortality rate, lower rates of % of people with access to electricity or improved sanitation, etc.
shhh I want these foreigners to keep thinking this is an irredemable shithole so they stay away from here. It's better for us in the long term
You forgot to mention that...

wallets, cellphones, cash, bicycles, motorcycles, cars disappear

bodies fall down to the ground dead
>Stop trying to lure naive and clueless people into your trap.

¿proyectando mucho? mi post iba dirigido a ti exclusivamente. De Colombia occidental provienen todos los males del país. Los criminosos colombianos en el extranjero son todos "Jhon Jairo Giraldo", y las putas todas "Isabella Jaramillo". Ustedes arruinaron Colombia, cuadrúmanos.

>unless you mean Venezuela, Panama or Ecuador with this statement.

Chimpanzuela es un estercolero infecto. Tunja y Bucaramanga están llenos de putas y mendigos chimpanzolanos.

El escalafón de lugares más mierderos sería: Chimpanzuela > brecha muy muy grande > Colombia occidental > brecha muy grande Colombia oriental
>By the way, I'm neither "paisa" (Since I'm not from Medellin or Antioquia) nor "caleño" nor "costeño".

Claro que no
Horrible ese caso. Que bien que ya capturaron a esos tipos. Sin embargo, esas cosas no pasan muy seguido y practicamente ningun turista es victima de estas situaciones
el fletero capturado hace 2 días por ese crimen se llama Jeisson Giraldo.

noooo, aaaaaajjajaj.

Ah berracos paisas.
>I want these foreigners to keep thinking this is an irredemable shithole
You don't need to make an effort for them to think that way about Colombia, just show them a dose of daily colombianadas and daily life events.
Just take a look at the main newspapers here and compare them to others in the region, you'll find out they're not any better. I'm starting to believe you've never been abroad and think this is the only place where those type of things happen
>chile/argentina and uruguay should ask for visa to every south american country but brazil
Just FYI, Colombia is slightly safer than Brazil and our crime rate is lower. looks like memes have gone a bit far this time
por si no te has dado cuenta el tipo es tremendo anormal, sus opiniones no tienen mucho criterio que digamos. Cuando le leas un post en español verás además lo analfabeto que es en su lengua nativa.
>el fletero capturado hace 2 días por ese crimen se llama Jeisson Giraldo.
So what?

Ñero names are not representative of a sole region. They are not restricted to a sole region. Ñeros are scattered across Colombian territory.

Based on name solely, he could be from any corner of this "country"

Stay mad about reality.

Thank God I don't live in shitholes like Cali, Barranquila, Medellin or Bogota. This place is a shithole anyway but it's still not as insufferable as the above mentioned ones.
no es el nombre simio, es el apellido. Es un apellido netamente paisa como Montoya, Jaramillo, Restrepo, etc.

>Thank God I don't live in shitholes like Cali, Barranquila, Medellin or Bogota.

¿en qué estercolero vives, entonces?
t. Boyacacuno
Pero seguro que las de este tipo >>65538560
si lo tienen.

Tipico colombiano. Cree que las emociones suponen un argumento.

>Cuando le leas un post en español verás además lo analfabeto que es en su lengua nativa

Y tu escribes muy bien, ¿verdad?.

Lo unico que tienes a tu favor es que te molestas en usar las marcas acentuales.

Por otro lado, tu uso de los signos de puntuacion es tan malo como el mio.
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We are bros
What would've actually happened if pablo became president?
peru great ally
Yo soy >>65538981 y >>65538560. Lo que escribí sobre los paisas obviamente es pura provocación. En cambio tú eres tan retardado como para tomarte en serio tu anticolombianismo infantil. Si no sabes usar tildes y aparte de todo escribes mejor en inglés que en tu lengua nativa, es porque no solo eres bruto sino autista. O tal vez simplemente eres muy joven, tus retardadas opiniones así lo reflejan.
obviously there was no chance at all that would have happened.
how much is 1kg of pure cocaine in colombia?
no idea nobody buys that much except big drug dealers in the jungle or something like that.

and most people don't do cocaine, we have lower consumption rates than most European countries.
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