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Russbros, you do realize you only have a few months to get the

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Russbros, you do realize you only have a few months to get the hell out of Russia, right?
Why would I?
This is simply idiotic and unworthy of a response.

Nice tweet though.
Can i officially move to another cunt?
That'll be fun. Tens of thousand dead NATO soldiers, nuclear apocalipse everywhere. Just mmmmm. Sadly it will never actually happen.
can you ppl just stfu, let putin bomb the terrorists to hell

We never pick a battle we can't win anymore. Or at least can't televise as a win.

Russia would be a long, drawn out war of attrition. We'd see lots of dead 'white' people and feel bad. Nukes might even get used here and there. It would Suck Bad.

Putin's very popular is Russia. He told us so. So we leave him be.
The US and Russia don't get along and prefer to do battle in proxy wars.
Wow. Anything new.
It's better die for your country and people than live the rest of your life knowing you're a coward
I'm hyped

Putin isn't a pussy like Obongo though he's gonna use all his nuclear submarines and nuke shit when it comes down to it
Can't wait tbqh
It's time ryssä are exterminated off the face of the earth once and for all
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We don't hate Russia. Only politicians stir that shit up.

We hated commies, but now you have as nearly as many corrupt politicians and billionaires as we do.

I used to hang glide with russian, romanian, and polish immigrants here in the US. Based bros. Crazy fuckers, but based. They love their moonshine...
>USA propaganda paper NYT
>ever say anything good about Russia or Putin

Choose one

Pretty standard as far as US propaganda goes.
>We never pick a battle we can't win anymore.

nice job winning the War on Terrorism senpai

That one belongs to Israel.
We still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's not over yet, so while we haven't won yet, we also haven't lost
i don't wanna fight rusbros tho
You can of course correct the record.

Go on.
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Bring it on. Thousands of nukes will crush the Earth in two with winners of none. We are on the stage where every move are a judged.
NYT Publisher: (((Sulzberger)))

Fucking hell, Ivan. Let's not let them do this to us.
Me neither. Not even if Hitlery does.
NYT is a leftist rag. Pay it no heed.
>The Exiled
Trump would rather have him help beat the shit out of muslims.

Hillary however will probably just get slapped by putin and reminded how much blackmail they have for her to shut the fuck up.

So either way we're fine.
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Well the CIA did orchestrate and televise a victory. And typical Trump supporters ate that shit up.
Don't write shit mate.
No propaganda in Western media
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Napoleon tried and failed
Hitler tried and failed

It's just a matter of who's the next fool to try.
This. Utter tragedy it's so widely bought into.
Why would we go to war with Russia? No developed country can justify war against another developed country these days. There will never be another war like that.
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Russia is kicking out Western influence out of the Middle East and Africa. America is angry because they won't get to be a superpower anymore.

For example, French neo-colonialism exploits former African French colonies out of $500 billion every year. If Russia kicks out Western pig dogs out of Africa, France will lose all these shekels and end up like they were in the Dark Ages, this will also make Russia and China even more powerful and eventually America would lose it's source of shekels and end up crashing.

It's in Zbignew Bresinski's book The Grand Chessboard
How is Russia pushing people out of Africa?

China, and to some extent India, are the major driving forces of development in the 3rd world today.

There are chinese all over Africa now.
You said Russia
>not a superpower 'cuz no middle east presence
Presence in the middle east has nothing to do with being a superpower. We still have hundreds of bases all over the world and a large navy, army and air force
The West will never go to war with Russia. People are just pussies these days. Proxy Wars are the new norm.
mark ames is bretty good but is dramatic about anything about russia

america is too pussy to actually do anything and the population would never go for it
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Russia and China desu.

Russia in Africa:

China in Africa:

Basically they are kicking whitey out of Africa. And for NATO nations to be relevant they need to be in control of Africa and the Middle East or else they'll turn back into the medieval dark age shitholes they were before colonialism.

Russia also recently payed off their Jewish debts and kicked out the Rothchild banks they had. They also are kicking out the Jewish influence and their banks in Africa and the Middle East.

Obviously the Jewish media is scared of this because it's anudda shoah

for fucks sakes liberal and leftist are two different things retards
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Ever heard of the petrodollar. America backs it's dollar with other people's oil instead of gold, since it allows them to print more currency without any serious consequences. That military needs money to fund it. Without Middle Eastern oil backing the USD, the American economy will collapse and so will the EU along with it. All those hundreds of bases won't have any shekels to fund it anymore.
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No they're both the same, both are degenerates. I'd say liberals are the worst.
please tell me what slutty teenagers has to do with historical materialism
Holy fuck, this post reeks of adolescence
>half nazi images are propaganda
Slutty teens will end up giving birth to criminal children who they won't be able to raise properly and will demand welfare and gibs me dat.
hopefuly they'll take each other out.
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You watch too many Hollywood (Jewish) movies about Nazi Germany.
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Those pictures were just from Germany, I already know Nazi Germany was one of the most tolerant and multicultural civilizations to ever exist
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>reminder that nazi germany had one of the weakest economies ever
>reminder that hitler was not a military genius and his actions during ww2 have been called impulsive and careless
>reminder corruption was rampant in nazi germany
>reminder that "western culture" has developed as a result of having the liberty to expand entertainment beyond government expectations
reminder that being born and raised in America, which defeated the axis, has allowed you to grow into the piece of garbage that you are today that actually thinks you'd be better off living under national socialism and still'd be posting dumb shit on the internet without any repercussions
>Middle Eastern oil backing the USD
I'd love to see you try to explain how this is the case
The importance of Middle Eastern oil to the USA and it's impact on the wars there is the most overblown myth.
You faux-intellectual conspiritards all view the world like it's a fucking Civilization game and everybody is always trying to control the world. It doesn't work like that, there will never be a war between USA and Russia.
>weakest economies
>Churchill literally said their economy was so strong it was a threat to the Anglo-Jews
>spouting Jewish propaganda
Sure thing cuck, now go back to your trailer Cletus
>leaving your country to die
ruskies are better than this
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>America, which defeated the axis
I hope Trump becomes president and USA & Russia become best friends and war everyone else.
they would have collapsed in 38 without austrian gold reserves and from any point thereafter were dependent on war loot

good job believing in memes
The distaste in the NYT for Russia, while somewhat opportunistic given the recent and ongoing hacking scandals, is reflected in broader American society, and the rest of the globe largely. Not news to see the critique.
Amerifat foreign policy is brutal and inhumane.

I hope that a coalition China-Iran-Russia defeat soon Amerifat supremacy and create a new world order.
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i hope the farc kidnaps and murders you for laughs and the truce breaks down and your family is killed by communist death squads
Here's how it works.

After WW2 ended the USD was made the world reserve currency under the conditions that the USD would be tradable at one ounce of gold for $35, in what was known as the Bretton Woods agreement


So this meant the USD which is a worthless piece of paper is now backed by gold, so nations like France and Germany will have confidence when they accept USD knowing it won't end up being worthless later because they can just trade it back to the US for gold.

Later during the Vietnam war, America secretly broke this agreement and started printing tons of dollars to fund their military. France and Germany suspected this and decided to trade all the USD they had in for gold. America obviously could not do this as they did not have enough gold to trade at $35 an ounce.

So Nixon suspended the gold standard and took America off of it, effectively canceling the Bretton woods agreement.

Of course this would hurt America's economy as no no country would accept USD at all because to them it was worthless.

So what America did was back their USD with oil, and to successfully do this, they had to have a monopoly on the oil market. So America made deals with all the oil producing nations in the world that if they only sold their oil in USD they would get American military protection.

Now if a country like France of Germany wanted to buy oil(which they need to fuel their military) they would need to get USD, because Saudi Arabia will not sell them oil for Euros etc... And the only way to get USD is to trade with America. These were the Petrodollar agreements

However when Israel started attacking many Arab nations, people like Saddam questioned wheather the US would even back up it's part of the Petrodollar Agreement, and decided to sell their oil for whatever they wanted.
The Nazi Economy was a Ponzi scheme. By the beginning of the war they were incredibly far in debt. Their only plan to counter it was to rob all the countries around them in their suicide war, and they ended up nearly destroying Europe.
>Be on social media
>Choose that icon
I literally view anything as tainted by no-gf feels bad b.s.
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Enjoy your refugees because that's who there been fleeing for a while.
this was made by one of poltards when we shot down bydlo jet. damn it was so cash. they got extremely butthurt and spent their precious time to make this shitty pic.
8/8 would shoot it again.
Part 2 cont.

This would mean other countries would no longer have to get USD to buy oil and can cut out America completely, and thus they whole system would collapse and the USD would be worthless.

So what America did was invade those countries that refused or backed out the Petrodollar agreements and put the sale of their oil back on USD. This is also why Iranian oil is sanctioned and nobody in the West can buy it, because they do not sell their oil in USD.

It's not even a conspiracy. Zbigniew Brzeziński, a US political strategist and the guy who trains every president in foreign policy and how the world really works explains this in his book The Grand Chessboard


If America doesn't goto war with Russia, they will slowly collapse. So there may not be a war at all and America might just collapse as they were always meant to.
They were in debt to Jews, which isn't really something any rational person would pay back.

>collapsed in 38
>but didn't
Amerijew plz, I bet you vote Trump
Yes Putin is glorious, why does the media make him out to be a dick?
Not saying Russians don't like him or that he doesn't believe what he's doing is the best for his country and his fat bank account and those of his oligarch friends but don't pretend he's this great innocent leader who media is just being mean to.
That means that it didn't because they HAD austrian gold
So that's China-Iran-Russia (North Korea?) against a US-EU-Saudi Arabia (Turkey?) coaltion?

Who would win, /int/?
Have Russians ever considered the anti-missile shield might work? And the only nukes that drop will be on Russia?

That's what Putin has been amgry about anyway, that the balance of power is gone, but somehow Russians havent caught on yet.
>Ever heard of the petrodollar.
Muh Petrodollar. Why don't you not use one of the biggest and disproven conspiracies as the basis of your argument. You might as well tell us lizard Jews shot Kennedy so they could probe your boy pussy that one time you were camping.
Russian side. In the West men literally chop off their balls and dress up like women. These liberal americans and cucked rednecks won't stand a change against Russia+China

Also Turkey may be on Russia's side, not sure though, they do rely heavily on Russian military hardware. Also Israel would definitely be on the Western team.
Yeah that's totally what an honorable and non-degenerate country does, murder the heaviest investors in you economy because you can't actually pay them back. Nazis were the biggest gibs me dats there ever were.
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>petrodollar is just a conspiracy
I wonder who could be behind this post
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>muh conspiricy
Top kek you faggot


Zbigniew Brzeziński himself said this was the reason America goes into the Middle East. Do you know who Zbigniew Brzeziński is faggot? He was Jimmy Carters National Security Advisor and the guy who literally created Al-CIAda(and is proud of it)
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>trying to enslave germany with debt slavery
Okay Schlomo it's over, time to goto sleep. You've shilled enough for 1 thread
China would never get involved anyway.

Russia has the economy of the Benelux. And Nato has 5,5 times their population. China knows it would be ridiculous to stick their hand out.
The US/EU and Russia will never engage directly because of nuclear deterrence, they may fight proxy wars (and the outcome will largely depend on the specifics and each side's investment in the result) but a direct war is next to imposible.

You would need a dumb fuck amateur in geopolitics (eg Trump throwing a hissy fit) to even come close to something like this.
>somehow Russians havent caught on yet.

They know what's going on and have been pretty adamant about the missile shield and all this other stuff. They went into high gear to produce their own new hyper sonic missiles and who knows what else to counter our upgrades.
I think they are under pressure to push back against the balance of power tipping too far beyond recovery.
You do know what is happening in the South China sea right?

Sure NATO has population, but all of them are liberal cucks. You really think Sweden or France would be able to fight off an army that prides itself on manliness and tradition.

Not to mention a lot of people in Europe would welcome a Russian army as liberators freeing them from the EU globalists.
>Not to mention a lot of people in Europe would welcome a Russian army as liberators freeing them from the EU globalists.

>le useful idiot alt-right
Have you spoken to a single European or have an polls to back up that outlandish claim ?
And here are the American shitting everything AGAIN!
Russia is literally weakening and dividing Europe up already with these alt-right retards
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>This will be the story run to convince Canada to accept a million more immigrants from the Middle East.
You realize that is a very real possibility, wey?
Modern war wouldn't involve any real fighting until the occupation. The most pussy population would beat the country that has less planes, missiles, and naval power. That's why there will never be another war between developed nations, because it would be so pointlessly destructive. No even slightly democratic nation could make their population support it.
> You really think Sweden or France would be able to fight off an army that prides itself on manliness and tradition.

Don't see any problem with that. Even most evil people (dictators etc) had families and beloved wives.

Establishment, army elites and "cucks" are all different.

Just like any western journalist spreads propaganda and writes on "iraq's nuclear weapon" and other stuff, in his home or hometown he will support women rights and lgbt people.

They have a tradition to "forget" some events (yeah forget hehe) and highlight other events.
For Americans the South Chinese sea might be important. You're next to it and it's close to your allies.

But for Europe the Philippines, Japan and Korea are just some foreign place on the far side of the world. What China does there doesnt play here at all. We have no Asian allies.

And most west european countries have mandatory drafts. I doubt you'll be given much of a choice but to fight. In the Netherlands politicians now want to change the law so the draft also applies to women. In our last war against Indonesia the professional military did all assault missions while the drafted people were put on guard and patrol duties, which workes quite well. If you didnt want to get drafted you were send to prison.

And I doubt anyone welcomes Russia. But I'm biased of course due to anti-Russian sentiment here. Not sure how things are in Germany, but the NL, France and the UK are quite nationalistic.
I'm polish, I don't care
I want our countries to be friends

Neat picture.

Are Russian Orthodox Christians even concerned with who controls Istanbul/Constantinople?
make constantinopole orthodox again is just an outdated 19th century russian dream m8
not an argument
That one wasn't meant to be won
It was meant to be an excuse to further bloat the military industrial complex.

I didn't vote for the Iraq war. Did you?

I'm OK with Bush / Blair / Cheney / Powell all being tried at the Hague for War Crimes. The Iraq war was a personal vendetta of W against Saddam, sold to Britain and Wall Street, in order to profit Cheney and Powell's friends.
*establishment rag
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>mfw both sides avoid bombing anywhere near China to keep chinks from joining the fray
Shame that in the Internet era, it turns out that propaganda can be even more widespread than ever before.
Don't think CERN though the invention would lead to a war against scientific values and rational thought.
Yes that is true, but you do know that when America goes to war, they don't go as America, they go as NATO, for example the Iraq wars or Afghanistan which has nothing to do with Europe, but since most of Europe is apart of NATO they have to tag along with America, even if it doesn't concern them.

So if America goes to war with China, they will force Europe to join them, i.e NATO. Pretty much just think of Europe as America's vassal. And it be pretty stupid for Russia to just watch as America tries to take out China because after that Russia will be next on the list. So if either Russia or China is attacked by America, both will have to defend each other out of strategist interests and mutual enemies. Otherwise they'll be taken out one by one.

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>America flexes its muscles, gets involved in the affairs of other countries and destabilises regions.
>Perfectly acceptable.
>Russia does anything even remotely similar in its own interests.
>Obama, John Kerry and whoever else they can get come rushing to tell the world that you can't just go around sticking your nose in other people's business and starting wars.
>Don't even bat an eyelid at the hypocrisy of doing such a thing.
Don't get me wrong, I don't really like Russia or Putin, but fuck the US government and their shills.
I'm not for ME immigration, but you have to admit that they are not uneducated blacks.
Many of them are well trained in their fields.
"Muh muh petrodollar is real guys the conspiracy theory webpages and Russian news services told me so. The U.S. goes to war for Middle East oil (despite it actually importing very little and instead mostly importing from neighbors.). Countries dumping oil revenues into cash reserves is a u.s. conspiracy and has nothing to do with basic economics.". Why don't you post some even remote proofs.
Not only Napoleon but also Japan tried to invade and kill all russians in 1917. What a cunts.
holy shit
but the russians are bad
Хoхлa бля нe cпpocили
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>countries stop selling oil for USD
>gets invaded days later
Yup definitely nothing suspicious about this

See >>65523636

>>>Zbigniew Brzeziński himself said this was the reason America goes into the Middle East. Do you know who Zbigniew Brzeziński is faggot? He was Jimmy Carters National Security Advisor and the guy who literally created Al-CIAda(and is proud of it)

JIDF plz go
You cant compare attacking China, which has more power than Russia, the UK and France combined, with attacking countries that are weaker than Belgium.
I'm pretty sure fighting China would need a lot more convincing.
Oh well I'm totally swayed and this doesn't require any further scrutiny.
>forgets the part where everyone fucked everything up twice and we had to fix it, and asked us to be policeman
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>The Democrats are trying to start a war against the qts.

Pls no. Pls think of the qts.
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“Extremist groups will continue to exploit the vacuums that are there in Syria to expand their operations, which could include attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities. Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags, and will continue to lose resources, perhaps even aircraft,” US State Department spokesperson John Kerry told reporters at Wednesday’s press briefing, adding that if the war in Syria continues “more Russian lives will be lost, more Russian aircraft will be shot down.”
>russians in 1917
Russsians tried to kill theirself.
Eventually I'm sure they're get tried of all the proxy wars, and like Japan in 1940 will just directly attack. Not going to war directly is just delaying the inevitable.

I see two senarios. The West collapses naturally due to their shitty economic system and as China and Russia take over influence in the Middle East and Africa, the West lose their neo-colonialist tactics as well as tons of shekels. And Russia and China slowly grow bigger and stronger while the West slowly declines. And eventually are too weak to fight Russia or China and accept their place in the world as irrelevant nations.

Or they just take the desperate attempt at still being a superpower and attack either directly or through a false flag. America has already started to spread war propaganda about the evil Russian hackers and Chinese and people in the government are absolute madmen and actually might do it
America fucked up everything twice btw. Then decided to make them selves a policeman of the world. Nobody asked America for anything, they always go butt into other people's businesses and pretend like they are "muh democracy, muh freedoms".
I was going to reply but then >>65524337 beat me to it.
Honestly your concept of freedom, as well as what other countries need, want and ask for would be laughable if it wasn't so malicious and destructive... Shill.
It is called revolution. Also, consider yourself lucky Japan what our troops don't visit a Tokyo and liberated a lot ninja-samurais. But you are cool and nice modern Japan no offence.
The Eu is currently very focussed inwardly, but as the EU unites they will probably shift their focus outwards again.

The EU is currently politically preparing for an European military, which the UK was blocking. If Europe can manage to unite like that then there can be no realistic military threat to us.
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>Democrats HATE her.
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Since this is clearly all you.
>Russians support Views in Vietnam and man their SAM sites, "Ahahaha dumb Americanski"
>Tale end of Carter's Administration a Polish mastermind comes up with a plan to destroy Russia despite not even dealing with the Iran Hostage Crisis competently.
>War fought almost completely under Reagan who coins the term, "Evil Empire"
>U.S. gives money (not even making anything like SAM missle sites) to Pakistan to train Afghan fighters.
>Some Arabs show up fueled with Gulf financial support
>Americans decide to end it and give some of the Afghans stinger missles to the out Soviet Helicopters (this is somehow worse than Manning SAM sites)
>Soviets give up
>Some Afghan Mujahedeen become the Taliban, some the Northern Alliance and S one other militia groups as is common after wars.
>Some Arabs never supported by the U.S. become Al Qaeda
Yes clearly the U.S. created Al Qaeda by not supporting them and ignoring them. The Russians invading Afgjanistan and galvanizing Muslims into fighting non-Muslims (and drawing Arabs into the area) had nothing to do with it. Enjoy your rubbles you deluded faggot.

now i understand the petrodollar meme
Nice source and yes usually if a country is involved in a war and it goes on longer more of its troops will die.

I don't like Kerry but he did fight in a war based on ideology so he's not completely ignorant as to how this turns out usually.
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>modern day Russia


>Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Jihad warriors, mujahideen, in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of its client, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

>The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups that were favored by the regime of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in neighboring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Marxist-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan regime since before the Soviet intervention.

>leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups

>rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups

>heavily towards
>militant Islamic groups

>rather than
>less ideological Afghan resistance groups

pic very related
t. Ching Xiao
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It's very nice of him to point that out, nice to see that he cares about the lives and assets of the Russian Federation! As a fellow westerner I agree that this isn't a thinly veiled threat at all and it's really just a good solid piece of advice.


Here's your source, fellow citizen of the West
Wait, aren't Russia's nukes all outdated, rusted shit from 1975 that they sold off the wiring to buy heroin?
If it was true we are would already dead by invaders like United States and UK.
Whyever would we need to do that seeing as to how your leaders all have vacation homes in the south of France and enrich Ferrari's shareholders? :^)
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>Afghan groups
Thank you master shill for telling me that Afghanistan and the Arabian Peninsula are the same thing. By your logic the French are responsible for Polish resistance to the Russians because the French supported the American Revolution and some polish nationalists fought in the American Revolution.
fuck off let Russia take us over pls and kill this nigger president
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>a living stereotype of the american retard


>The U.S. government has been criticized for allowing Pakistan to channel a disproportionate amount of its funding to controversial Afghan resistance leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar,[30] who Pakistani officials believed was "their man".[31] Hekmatyar has been criticized for killing other mujahideen and attacking civilian populations, including shelling Kabul with American-supplied weapons, causing 2,000 casualties. Hekmatyar was said to be friendly with Osama bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda, who was running an operation for assisting "Afghan Arab" volunteers fighting in Afghanistan, called Maktab al-Khadamat. Alarmed by his behavior, Pakistan leader General Zia warned Hekmatyar, "It was Pakistan that made him an Afghan leader and it is Pakistan who can equally destroy him if he continues to misbehave."[32]

>In the late 1980s, Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto, concerned about the growing strength of the Islamist movement, told President George H. W. Bush, "You are creating a Frankenstein."[33]

>>>>>>Hekmatyar was said to be friendly with Osama bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda, who was running an operation for assisting "Afghan Arab" volunteers fighting in Afghanistan

Al-CIAda originated from the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan you retard, and then ISIS originated from Al-CIAda
if it's up to Clinton you'll be getting your butt fucked soon enough.
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From your own article,

Conspiracy theorists have alleged that Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were beneficiaries of CIA assistance. This is refuted by experts such as Steve Coll—who notes that declassified CIA records and interviews with CIA officers do not support such claims—and Peter Bergen, who concludes: "The theory that bin Laden was created by the CIA is invariably advanced as an axiom with no supporting evidence."[9][34] U.S. funding went to the Afghan mujahideen, not the Arab volunteers who arrived to assist them.[34]

So congrats on cherry picking to support your paranoia.
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We don't actually care about destroying you, right now your government is better at it than we could ever be.
An evil revolution led by despicable kikes. The "White" forces were the real patriots and heroes.
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No that refers to direct CIA funding of Al-CIAda, which didn't happen under later, but of course today this would be false as the CIA openly funds ISIS/Al-Nusra now in Syria.
>patriots and heroes.
Heroes won't invite invaders and robbers like Americans, brits and nipponjin on their homeland.
>someone destroyed my argument using my own evidence
>"But..but...but that's not the same"...I know I'll just switch to a different but related subject... what's the word... Strawman? ...yes that's it....and pick a viewpoint with even less evidence...just like my Russian media....I sure hope mummi brings me more blinis and a fresh pair of underoos....
>next I'll say the U.S. war in Iraq created ISIS and then blame U.S. for Al Qaeda (despite evidence against it) even though if I followed my previous logic I'd be forced to blame Russia.
Our mental health system is really shit in this country.
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I wrote the same to a polish girl and she didn't answer
>Walked drunk down some street in Saint Petersburg.
>Told a girl "He хoчeшь зaйти кo мнe пoшaлить?"
>Got blowjob in alley.
>hurr durr i destroyed ur arguement by not reading a sentence properly
Literally a retard

It stated the CIA were paying Al-CIAda, but they weren't at that moment since Al-CIAda didn't exist yet retard.

The CIA funded the Muhajedeens and the Muhajedeen were allied with proto-al-ciada. Hence they didn't do it directly.

Can you even logic retard?

Next you'll say America isn't waging a proxy war in Syria

Make him feel guilty about posting that, by the look of him you might get a blowjob out of it.
Huh. So the naughty phrasebook actually does work...

Not really. I wanted her to come back to my hotel room.
The Reds were made up of the very worst of society and were dominated by Jews. Also there were many foreigners among the bolshevik scum include large numbers of Chinese. Europeans have a duty to save another European country from that filth.
Unless you have some secret way to defeat all their nukes. Or maybe this will FINALLY be the time USA gets rekt.
And the Japanese have blood relations with the peoples of the Kamchatka peninsula and understandably wanted to keep the now Bolshevik tainted Russians away from the Japanese home islands.
"Reds" was cool and have a modern view on world, while tsarist russia was outdated shithole who lose in war with third world countries like a Japan and Wilhelms Germany.
The United States and Soviet Union not wiping each other out was a tragedy.
Hitler youth camps encouraged teenage sex and pregnancy you moron.

Read a fucking book and not memes on /pol/
No one is going to mourn your death. You will be forgotten.
That "third world" Japan was more modern than Russia.
So having Jewish NKVD agents murder ethnic Russians, is cool to you? Or the thousands of other who perished in the gulags? What about the countless articles and sites of Russian culture that were destroyed by communist scum?

Tsarist Russia had many problems. But, communism is never the answer.
>Allowing the Soviet Union to exist after WW2

Fucking why? The Western Allies could have won against the Soviet in probably less than 8 months. Having Europe and East Asia held hostage between the Zionist States of America and the Soviets was just insane.
Better than be dead by hunger and invaders. All Soviet doctrine was for liberating world from old rulers and richfags and starting to move to stars and other planets.
Life is a hard trial.
>The Western Allies could have won against the Soviet in probably less than 8 months.

Browse /k/ every once in a while, it will help your brain understand why Allies had no chance against the Soviet Union.
>The Western Allies could have won against the Soviet in probably less than 8 months.
Hitler thought the same thing, and look what happened. Never invade in Russia.
>That "third world" Japan was more modern than Russia.
Nah it was a shit. Even France could invade on them in 1905 and claim a victory.
Sometimes people forget that Russia is like 1/6 of the world
>can't think of something to say
>just meme instead
lol dude u were literally cucked by a Georgian who killed millions of your people
Bugger off, reds was cool with nukes and get our revenge on japan and germs where a tsar failed. No one likes outdated thinking countries.
Just stop buying hydrocarbons, and Putin's regime will be bled white. They are strong only when filled with petrodollars. Without petrodollars quick rollback to the third world. Nigeria with snow and nuclear missiles - are Russian.
yes murdering our royal family, losing the first world war, reverting the borders to what they were in the 1500s (twice in 70 years) and making us go from a cultural center to an atheist shithole filled with the worst architecture imaginable was VERY cool, thank you communists
Only countries that legit hate Russia are former eastern bloc ones.
The only beef is between the Russian government, and the west.
>Russia goes Commie again
>Germany probably goes fascist again
Who's ready for WW2 pt2?
Fuck you, reds are biggest and greatest terrorist in history, world must teach some lessons
All Russian billionaires and millionaires live in London. All Russia has left are drunks and nuclear missiles(which don't even work anymore).

But if you destroy their oilfields, they won't be able to live in London anymore, so Russian people win.
Still better than losing to Japan with population of the uneducated slave peasants with no future.
Losing in war to Japan is an ultra shalvar I can't forgive that. What kind of superpower lose in war with world worlders?
>Russia goes Commie again

More precisely wild capitalism in Latin America level
Still better than be a uneducated peasant and brainless kazak. Reds has a science and strong politics.
>be russia
>no economy
>even no files to grow dgrus and sell to rich countries
>raids on neighbors are left in 14 century
>Losing in war to Japan is an ultra shalvar I can't forgive that. What kind of superpower lose in war with world worlders?

The fleet that fought against Japan was isolated and abandoned in the far east with no supplies. Soviet Union built railroads all over the far east, so pumping supplies there was easy, that's why Zhukov defeated Japan so easily. You can blame the empire for not building the railroads.
>third worlders
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are you an actual retard? you're comparing Russia in the early 1900's, which was undergoing massive industrialization and reform, with literacy rates skyrocketing to the soviet union in what, the 1950's? are you saying that without the revolution we would have simply not done anything for 50 years?
Again to export wheat and wax
Yachts oligarch in need of repair
>You can blame the empire for not building the railroads.
I blame empire for stupid war strategy and stupid political way. Also tsar was a not good at ruling, maybe because of some samurai with katana who beat him to the head.
are you an actual retard?
how about screw you.
>Russia in the early 1900's, which was undergoing massive industrialization and reform
lose to Japan, can't stop the revolution, people has nothing to eat.
yeah right bugger off.
>right after ww2 Patton says the Russians must be dealt with
>dies mysteriously a few months after
Merely a coincidence lads
The Soviet Union had exhausted almost all the military and human capacity at the end of WWII. A little push and it will collapse like a clay statue.
It was on peak of the strength with all that bloody experience.
>Thousands of nukes

I'm betting about 40 are operational.
And, commies has nofn with those revolution, tzar war thrown away by ochered' za hlebom, and thaen "Great" Lenin shows his ugly faceto kill wveryone, who was against him. Just murderers, as i say
16 thousands, It is enough to blow up Earth a few times.
Without Lend-Lease supplies they can not fight for a long time
First world war and revolution.
He win against Japan and other invaders. Time was tough a little saying. You living becouse of him so shut up.
Lend lease was a shit. But thanks for tushonka america.
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>Russbros, you do realize you only have a few months to get the hell out of Russia
Which world war/revolution happened in 1932 again?
It is Ukraine, chap.
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Consequences war and industrialisation.
"The famine was the result of the actions of the Soviet state in the implementation of forced collectivization, in economic planning, and political repression in the countryside."
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kazakhstan fully supports ur war on RUSKE pigs
Need to rebuild army.
You are will be nuked first mumbet.
better to be nuked by amerifags than ruske
pls nuke buenos aires first summer is coming and I can't stand the heat
But you have no choice, mr 100murders everyday
how about about from both at one time. Because of the strategic point.
>Lots of dead white people.
What's wrong with that?
how is it strategic? seems easier for amerifags to attack you from the far east. plus we'll be running an anti-ruske statewide campaign showing support for the amerifags
It wont be long until Cyborg Putin becomes the next supreme emperor of the planet earth.
I think you don't understand how it works mambet, pls go to your ptu
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we need an Alaskan pipeline to funnel the qts from the motherland to the Americas

we have to secure the existence of bydlo bitches
>We'd see lots of dead 'white' people
pls let this war come true
Nope actually. We constantly produce new nukes and replace old ones with them so the total number would stay the same and would fit those treaties.
The propaganda posters didn't show the reality.
They did. Back then there was only reality.
It will definitely happen if Hillary Clinton becomes president.
Media doing everything to pit the west again a Christian country so you are distracted from the tens of millions of Muslims invading and ruining you.
I nonestly desire it happen, but I don't want this disgusting corp become a president.
putin is actualy a pussy, on other hand a war is his only way to save his ass if US would really expose his isolation and try to get him to Gaaga's tribunal. Anywa, that millions of regular russians will die first in this war, definitly not Vladidmir Manlet the Greatest.
>It's better die for your country and people than live the rest of your life knowing you're a coward
You are such a brainwashed cuck it's actually pathetic.
If I post concentrationcamps, workingsquads and "dont linger around" signs on one side while having supermarkets, fair judges and bros chilling at the park at night on the other you would be pissy.
We will sit this one out, for a change.

Hf lads.
Sorry, you'll be the primary battleground, Belgium is collateral damage too.
The Muslim problem will be very, very easy once we actually try. When nationalism comes back with enough strength they don't stand a chance.
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If weaker countries get invaded first than we're at the end of the list this time, luckily.

Still I wish you best of luck, I liked Stockholm when I visited.
>Not to mention a lot of people in Europe would welcome a Russian army as liberators freeing them from the EU globalists.
It would be the other way around.
If you brought material goods, you could buy the allegiance of any Russian.
Try to throat singing here, people are getting boring in this thread.
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>christian country
>Everything i don't like is Putin's fault
I just hope we have time to build our defense before it happens. Pretty much all of Sweden wants it but some faggot politicians are being gay about it so it's slow.
egor go away
Someone post the "now it would be a good time to nuke Russia" VICE article, I'm on mobile
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