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Would you like to move to Mars, int?

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Would you like to move to Mars, int?
no it is too dry and red
Like your mums pussy.
Excited to see what Martian culture will be like.
Depends. Am I first a generation settler? Or is they an established colony already?

Yes to the latter.
I would:
Cool landscape
Feel of frontier
No racial, religious, national divisions, everyone is Martian
Unbelievable opportunities: you may become anyone in a totally new society
I am mechanical engineer so I'd be useful
Business idea: be a founder of Martian nationalism and produce serb-like song humiliating earthfags
No niggers, no jews.
Sign me the fuck up.
Mix of all cultures coming there. I bet it will be mostly irreligious (what a religion on the other planet) and everyone will mix a lot (by the same reason).
It will be new USA. The bravest people from all over the world would move there to escape Earth retardness. I seriously believe that very soon Mars would surpass Earth and become independent.
Only if I get martian pussy.
Yes to Martian Soviet Socialist Republic!
All power to soviets!
Fuck capitalist Earth!
I get what you mean about religion, I remember the Vatican saying something like how they would try to convert aliens to Christianity if we discovered them which is kind of Naive of them to say, since anyone who isn't from earth would see Christianity and pretty much all Abrahamic faiths in the same way that anybody who isn't from Japan sees Shintoism, you know what I'm getting at?

Its all about earth and earth people so there is not really very much chance of them growing outside of earth.
Do the women still have three boobs?
Why don't Martians celebrate Easter?
I'd love to live on insect free Mars
>I bet it will be mostly irreligious
Is this a meme? I heard this in other Martian threads. Only religious people breed(Amish, Muslims, Hasidics). Fedora lords are hopeless virgins on earth and they'll be hopeless virgins on Mars.
This. Old books where everything is written about Earth only wouldn't look pretty convincing there. Not mentioning most of people moving there would be STEMfags who are usually irreligious.
I prefer the upper Venus atmosphere at 1 bar
>breathable air lets me float
>hydrogen sulfide is a cheap hydrogen source
>CO2 can be splitted up into oxygen and carbon using lasers
>a leak inside my balloon won't kill me since equal pressure
>only need a heat-protective non-corrosive suite to go outside
Lol. Why is number of atheists growing every year then? I am atheist myself from a very religious family. When you see it from inside, you are understanding it's bullshit. Not even mentioning that level of religiosity depends mostly on education level (which will be obviously high on Mars) and birthrate depends on education and economical development (Iran has a low birthrate for example, as well as Lebanon, Turkey, Chile or developed parts of Mexico, extremely secularist France have high birthrates (and birthrate of frenches is similar to immigrants) birthrates of immigrants always equalize with locals in 1-2 generations etc). Amishes and Mormons have been existing for a 200 years yet USA is not Mormon nation. Just learn more.
It will be difficult to extract uranium and other minerals from the ground there.
It will have no culture, it will be a bunch of boring scientists from various ethnicities that will have been thoroughly globalized. It will have as much culture as Canada does
poor health
They would need STEMfags so Mars population would be mostly Chinese, Russians and Indians. But I guess everyone would mix a lot there because who the fuck needs all these earth-related concepts on another planet, especially among educated people. The latter makes me think Mars would be very liberal too.
good and we should keep it that way
yes there is nothing keeping me here.
would go to mars or anywhere else in space as long as there arent too many people there yet
We shouldn't even colonize, just let the mistake of bipedal primates die out here
only the best of humanity should colonize the stars, the losers like us and niggers should stay on earth and die
Yes you should read "Red Mars" good novel
hell no that would mean normie, hipster and chad culture would spread around the galaxy
we are in some way the best of humanity. we are wizzzards and know the high art of memes
As anything bad. Also Martian nation would include more and more ordinary people with the development of colony. Still would be very globalized too. Once martian nationalism would rise and they would secede creating le Martian state.
Only for two weeks
even though i dont understand why there where muslim nomads of the sufi order wandering around.
they would be sending people who has nothing to lose
it's not a vacation for smart people you know, maybe later when it's up and running but the first wave will be labors and techs, cheap replaceable and plenty
Mars belongs to Franconians rightfull successor of Charles the Great, we wuz Kaiser n sheet
s-sounds good to me
That would just put me in the public eye so people could further identify my deficiencies as a human.
They would be incredibly dependent on earth, I don't think they will allow ordinary people anytime soon considering the cost and strenuous journey required. It will probably be the most boring and uninspiring civilization in human history other than the novelty of being on another planet
we arent normies, we dont have much to loose
>No racial, religious, national divisions, everyone is Martian

Depends on whom you bring along.
Because the other arabshits wanted to get rid of them
scientits are not interested in memes, you fucking idiot
They are going to send skilled people, not just anyone who wants to commit suicide
sorry my keyboard is dying
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No thanks, I heard it was infested with weaponised Turks
>everyone will mix a lot

In the american colony maybe.
What if the chinks or russians set up own bases?
There would be not much interaction between the bases due to the harsh terrain and whatever power seeded its base will found a ditinct culture.

Indians who piggyback american tech could set up a hindu-indian only base easily besides the hanchinese several miles away, their offspring will grow up in a cultural bubble.
Lolno, it's obviously would need educated people to maintain facilities in another planet. It's not a colonization of USA and so.
Finally they will I guess.
I don't think people, especially educated ones, would stick to retarded shit from another planet. With colonization of space people would quickly invent planet nations and planetary identities with just a vague memories about origin. Like USA or Latin America (especially latter).
it is more efficient to share the colonies will be connected

when we have warp drive maybe we can claim planets at a time for one culture
No, it's obviously would be international enterprise. It's impossible to make serious space projects alone in a modern era.
>colonizing Mars while there are whole Antarctic, Amazonian jungles and Siberia
What's the point in it?
it is far away, a morbid curiosity
if the other planets were not as harsh we would be wanting to head there too
I dont think states would tolerate their educated people starting to betray the investment that had been made so they were able to project their countrys interest on the red planet.

Also, educated people can still be raised in a nationalist enviroment, thats why some rich indians return to their country of origin to reinvest even if they could stay in the west, not to speak of what china does to keep its elites close.

You implie that whoever sets up a base is content with getting nothing in return, Musk might want to colonize for the sake of colonizing but not everybody is like that.

>what is tiangong
>more efficient
It would be most efficient if we all would not wage war, keep religious and cultural/national aspirations in private and learn esperanto and share a common market on the hippieplanet earth.
But we dont want to, because we are not ants.
the colonies will depend on each other not because they don't want wage war because they don't want to die
How can you know that?
There must be a first colony that survives on its own.
If one can and make colonisation possible in the first place others can too.
because there won't be many people there
if there are multiple colonies they will interact with each other even if told not to
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>Would I like to live in an enviroment with around half the gravitational acceleration as earth, giving me weak as fuck bones.
No thanks faggot
Again, how can you be so sure?
Shouldnt a small colony have more problems with archieving some kind of autarky then a bigger one where many people have led to more divere and larger infrastructure?

Communication, of course but concerning the distance I dont believe that goods and people will be hauled on rovers between the colonies during the founding period.

At some point ofc, but then you should also have already some distinct cultures.
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>I am atheist myself
You're afraid to talk to girls on earth, so it's hard to see how you can raise a family on Mars. You probably never saw a real vagina. Maybe you're hoping the colony will assign marriages or something.
> and learn esperanto

kek no. If they learn esperanto they could take the language as their national language. You are creating a Martian identity if You obly them to speak that meme language and the point is to create a colony not to have a second version of America.
mars will be okay for your body, the moon though will stretch you out

i am sure because they would get bored with each other in the same building everyday
they might even set up a communal meeting point to socialize between different colonies
there won't be enough time for people to form some seperate culture before more earthers come and balance things or live long enough in isolation
after all even mormons and amish live in the present
>becaue they would get bored

Nah. research projects and keeping your infrastructure up is a lot of work.
>communal meeting point
If they can spare the ressources, yes, if they do it doesnt has to mean they interchange people tho.

>more earthers
from where they come is the question.
If, lets say a chinese government colony, is established it wont receive brazillian citizens but simply more chinese taikonauts.
1 no, seeing the same face everyday will literally kill you especially when it's desolate
2 no, earthers will bring earth culture to an isolated colony just like eurobeans bring eurobean fashion to their colonies in different eras, they have a homeostatic effect on any breakaway population
You pretend there is a common earth culture, there isnt
Im only saying that the culture of a colony will be dependent on the homecountry that is sustaining it with settlers.

An international/american one will be multicultural, an indian one will just merge what cultures there are in India.
culture itsself is fluid on earth
even if they are from india they will bring stuff from india-earth 206x and supplant with india-earth 203x that's already on mars and so forth
It's going to be the only place not filled with muslims soon so yes.
oh, ok yea.
But it wont smoothen out as rapidly as that different colonies would all be the same after 2 generations.
>Cool landscape
you would get bored of it after spending a few days there
unless you cut all communication culture has a way of entering your brain most of the time you don't realize it

there is a way to do it, you have to close all contact and only let a few in years at a time like that island in the pacific, but then they will have many social problems, people develop best with influx of new ideas, a static society will cannibalize itself
>You pretend there is a common earth culture, there isnt

He's using weird terms like "earther." In his sonichu world there's already some roleplay rivalry between the Earth Federation and the United Martian colonies.
>turning down the chance to be a part of the second era of American expansion and frontier settlement
Yeah family, I'd love to go
>Fedora lords are hopeless virgins

Because you're only seeing atheism through the lens of American idiocy.

In most of Europe atheist is the default. It is here for white people too.
I am not sure. I could make a difference there. Being in the firsts colonizers would be incredible and We could be remembered as the Father of the furture marthian fatherland. It also has negative points as many people has said, the place is boring as fuck and we need much money to create something solid there.
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What's the minimal number of people living in one big base to keep population mentally healthy?
If you force people to marry certain others in an effort to prevent incest between close family members it's probably less than 1000

If you don't want to be a fascist you could probably get away with sending people there in stages until the population reaches 10,000
No internet.
Besides, no air, not enough gravity, too much cosmic radiation, a solar eruption that would just make some lights on Earth will kill you.
Really a nice place to go.
If they build on the poles(they will in order to have a source of water and CO2) the solar storms won't be as bad
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If I did, I don't think I'd rely on you to get me there.
>let me take 20 failures out of hundreds of successful missions and misrepresent them to make a point
they didn't have hundreds


no success, that's technically 100%
You're bad as the other autists in the Q&A part of Musk's presentation.

What do you see yourself doing on Mars? After the planet's explored and all the important positions are filled you're going to be wishing you were tipping your fedora on another planet.
More than half of all Mars missions failed, including more basic stuff like orbiters. It's not a Soviet thing, NASA has a very high failure rate too.
>yfw India got a probe there successfully on the first try
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>Attention citizens! The minister of Health and Population Growth has pleasure to annouce that thrid human seed transport will be send from Earth next month. Donor options are available on earth://http://www.mbp.com/
>All pairs who decide to raise earthian baby will be granted with doubled benefits.
>Register before 10 Musk 2173 in Mars Breeding Program Bureau.
>Strength, Progress, Unity!
Most of the failed NASA missions were in the 90s and we only lost three probes out of nine attempts flown in the 60s-70s, all of them launch failures rather than the probe itself malfunctioning.
>by the time that colonization has become viable Russian crafts and launch systems will not have advanced at all
>No internet.
>When the Mars and the Earth are at the opposite sides of the Sun, the distance is the largest: approximately: 378 million km. The time needed for an electromagnetic wave to cover this distance is approximately: 21 minute.
>The closest distance between Mars and Earth is 78 million km, the time in this case is: 4.3 min

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>a delay of 4.3 - 21 minutes
she'll be right mate
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Soyuz has a better track record than the shitty space shuttles and NASA doesn't even have a human-rated rocket anymore, SpaceX has a 93% failure rate compared to the 95% industry average so they aren't safer either.
I would rather ride a ruskie rocket than anything else.
"In October 1962, the Soviets prepared a second round of Mars shots. The attempt was almost delayed by the Cuban Missile Crisis as the Soviet military wanted to pull the probe and its booster off LC-1 at Baikonour to install a nuclear-tipped R-7 missile. However, the crisis was soon averted and the launch could proceed on schedule. On October 25, the Mars probe and its 8K78 booster lifted. Although the probe reached LEO successfully, the Blok L stage's engine exploded during the attempted burn to escape Earth orbit. The debris was tracked by NORAD, which initially assumed it was incoming Soviet missiles."

"The second attempt, launched a few weeks later, miscarried when the Blok A core stage of the booster experienced severe turbopump cavitation. This resulted in extremely strong vibrations that shook a fuse in the Blok L stage loose. Although the probe reached orbit, the Blok L could not be started and it decayed from orbit in a few days."
they would just start a netflix-like service and keep all movies on local servers.
>Soyuz has a better track record than the shitty space shuttles



Wait, what do LEO manned missions have to do with unmanned Mars probes?
I vote to send people with higher melanin concentration there
Proxy Putinbot didn't have a valid argument about his country's totally failed Mars program so he decides to whine about the Challenger Disaster or something.
Shuttles: 1 death for every 56 people
Soyuz: 1 death for every 63 people
Two fatal Shuttle accidents, two fatal Soyuz accidents. Big deal. It's even.
Besides, going to Mars is a _little_ harder than going to LEO.
>become independant
No, we'd kill them before they seceded. Fuck you niggers, we sent you to DRILL FOR ORE.

That's it. You're getting 24 W.O.O.
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Bring the hivemind, and destroy all infidels on planet earth.
Oh my allah.
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reentering atmosphere with a reusable spacecraft is harder than maintaining a hangar
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Are Martians white?
Soyuz is also old, old, old technology flying since the 1960s; any hardware bugs were resolved long ago.
They're natives so no.
They need to be taught proper European culture before we accept their claim to Mars.
I think Soviet technology wasn't really up to the challenge of Mars missions.
If a global disaster happens on Earth humanity will continue on Mars.
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I mean, you can't build a new civilization without someone you can borrow money from. Right?
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