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/cp/ - Culture Pals

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 48

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Culture Pals - Midget qt edition

Come meet qts from around the world, practice your bants, hang out with the lads, make lads kek, bully cucks, be a cuck, ignore south asians, have a who-is-the-most-autistic-of-cp/ match, fap to Lithuania Chad's body


OP pastebin:

Last Thread:
you tell me
Are all my qt hunting friends asleep?
I wish.
It happened lads, the french milf sent me her nudes
sharing is caring
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I run multiple projects at once
cringe desu
I got shunned by the norwegian poster for doing so so I won't do it because I'm a nice person :))
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For how long you guys are doing cp?
That picture reminds me of my gf, she's only 153cm
>dating womenlet
El Oh El

Just about a year

That was pasta my friend
>almost two years
what the hell am i doing
are you me cunt?
I want to commit suicide with a dutch qt
M8 I fucking reckon
do you perhaps have lithuanian ancestry?
No why lol
there's a qt that lives not far away from me
I want to get laid asap
what's a step by step process to follow to fugg?
send her a dick pic
bitches love dick pics
lithuanichad pls
How is everyone holding up?

I don't really know. I guess I'm fine. I just feel really really bored. Since things have ended with my Italian, I just feel empty. But I had prepared for this, so I feel ok I guess
>Lithuania chad's body
Wut? Pics
How's it hanging lads? 3 more days to meet Northern qt and 3 more after that to meet my Italian qt. Getting kind of nervous 2bh

Also I want to have a "6 days to D Day" thing like that French lad but the only time Brits or Celts smashed the Italians was when Boedicea and the Iceni beat up the Romans.
Such an attractive name of the thread

I'm not responsible for any spontaneous ejaculations
Lmao Slav as fuck
what did he mean by this
Looks 28, not 18.
Not bad, not bad (no homo)

You'll be fine man
I told the french milf that I'm not okay with her cheating on her husband so I blocked and removed her from everywhere
Made a profile, already thinking about deleting it. What should I write in my profile? Do you use your own face pics?
Roast me, little babbybois

You did the right thing
why the fuck is she spamming my phone now? she made it very clear she wanted chad's dick

what should i say? fuck off?
>autistic as fuck
Everything adds up
>main language lihuanian
why am I not surprised desu
Ateik cia, Aitvarai
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so mean
who's she?
no lithuania is my home
we're all gonna make it
>ignore south asians
WTF? There's barely any South Asians there.
she cucked me last week and i stopped talking to her, and now she is texting me
Bet Aitvarai, cia gerai moka.
O savaitgaliais alaus pagert ir pasimust galim
pathetic looking fuccboi with delusions of grandeur
>O savaitgaliais alaus pagert ir pasimust galim
yea but not as cheap and good as lithuanian beer XDDDDD

also a pack of cigg costs 9 euro lol
I can make 1k per month easily here, 2k if I worked hard
So no I'll stay here because it's my home

Tell her she pissed you off with that makeout picture
As juokaju, Aitvarai.
>implying there aren't at least 5 Lithuanian shops in any UK city
race traitor shops
desu immigrants shouldn't be allowed to return>>65502450
Ble, Aitvarai, ko tu stumi.
Negalim stroikese padirbt?
it wasn't a makeout picture, it was a normal selfie

now she's saying "she missed me" whatever that means
Block her and be done
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i warned you about that subject
why the fuck are there so many 40-50 y/o american men visiting my profile
did you guys do anything

but didn't she send you a picture of her kissing/making out with some guy just a week or so ago?
I posted your profile on the dogging forum there
no, she just wrote that she did
They're all looking for a cute foreign husband. If you want to start a new life of freedom now is your chance!
but I'm not gay
>when you realise that foreign women are literally traitors to their country
really makes you think
Am I gonna make it, lads?
you gon make it lad
pics of that dog. also post her reply
wat do


Well you should tell her that pissed you off
>showing weakness
>showing that you care

Might as well offer to pay her black boyfriend an allowance for fucking her
I got bored of this a while ago but I think I'm gonna make an account again. Name suggestions?
Say you are lactose in tolerant
ignore, literalyl starving for white cock
I got nudes from a girl named "Beer" once
Ignore it.

I get every day 10 messages from Thai ""women""
Is there any good Android app for IP ?
Looking for a white cute dutch man to commit suicide with
This is how I want our last day to be
First we go to starbucks
Then we will talk about anime
Then we will have lots of sex together
And then we kill each other
Any1 interested? If u are violent plz do reply
ask if you can drink her milk
I am not Dutch, nor am I cute or suicidal. Definitely not violent. I hate anime and I'm not paying for starbucks.

But I can fuck your pucci pucci many times. Deal?
Don't trust this man. >>65504235
Wtf lads

I'm not saying he should forgive her or anything. I just saying he should tell her she pissed him off. See her response than end contact

What happened Brit?
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Just this thread mate. Also that Lithuanian needs sorting

Yeah shit is pretty fucked up
lmoa sad, whats this guys deal??????
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I am confused, friends
I'm not your friend buddy
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the Empress will sort this confusion

We are all friends here, we all hang out in /cp/ and talk just about everyday
It's alright friend, we all question our sexualities at some point in our lives. You can't hide whats inside.
Lads, first time posting in these threads in over a year and a half, first thing i can say is that this site is dead, im even fucking surprised these threads are still kicking.

Literally for the past year, this site has been a complete dry spell for me, is it the same for all youse cunts?
I think it might be because they changed algorithms?

Even like 5 months ago I used to have waaaaaaay more views. Then when I deleted my account and made a new one a month later I didn't get half that with everything the same
>profile 3 minutes old
>no pictures, no description
>3 messages

in the past week I've probably sent out 30 messages to French, German and Czech QTS. Not a single one has even read the messages yet

The only QTs I still have contact with is the Italian slavboo, and my main Italian QT who friendzoned me after a year of talking..
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He's gonna put his manyang in your boipusan
Kek, any other oldfags remember kim236? Bane of our existence
I don't trust him, I am only looking for serious inquiries
Nice try, if you have access to my pucci you should be willing to kill me and yourself.
>year of talking
wew lad

You went full omega son
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Tell me about the Korean.
>it was a normal selfie
So why exactly are you pissed off?
>dying without experiencing a fat baltoslavic dick
He used to be called Kim236, he must have had 5000 friends or something ridiculous, any time you clicked on a girl's profile you'd see his face in the friends section. The man is an enigma and clearly the world's most committed qt hunter. Seriously, this is the first I've seen him as yangman, but have a look at girls' friend lists and you'll notice him soon enough.

>you went full omega

What's omega?

It was unfortunate. Things were great for a long time. But she went through some rough patches in her life, and during that time she had met a local guy. It's shitty Tbh. especially after I've met her twice IRL. But what else could I expect. It would have happened eventually anyways. It'll happen to everyone in this thread eventually.. :/
I say, quit wasting time chasing these foreign girls on this site, i enjoyed the experience with my ex-Dutch girl but i'd rather focus my time and energy on my self, rather than seeking to repair someone elses issues

I know you're right. I am working on myself and my career. I just get bored and lonely sometimes.
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Keep him away from the qts!
>I just get bored and lonely sometimes.
Find different avenues, not some damaged girl thousands of kilometers away from you, ain't happening
>>65505856 >>65503372

I think it's just that I really like traveling. The happiest times of my life were when I've traveled abroad. At home I typically just watch Travel Channel on TV when I have nothing to do. And I like foreign girls because they are so interesting to me, and their accents are beautiful. So being able to talk with them makes me feel good like I'm learning something new that's travel related.

That probably sounds lame

For real tho, you should just tell her she pissed you off. See what her response is. Then just start ignoring her

Partly also because I'm generally curious as to what goes through girls minds for them to say saying like "I kissed a guy" to someone she had a past with
Omega is full opposite to alpha.
In all fairness m8, it does sound pretty lame, but banter aside, a lot of foreign girls are on par with American girls in terms of shittyness, especially slutyness
>all girls are slutty
>lol why are you talking to a girl if she hasn't given you nudes after a month

but Omega is better than Beta right?

>The polar opposite of the Alpha Male. Omega Males can have friends and close acquaintances but prefer to accomplish things on their own without the help of a group. Omega Males generally don't belong to any cliques and have no desire to be the leader or most outstanding of said clique. Omega Males have relations with people from all groups and carry a resourcefulness and cunning (sometimes strength) to get a job done with their own skill. This being said, an omega male can have great pride without it manifesting as "ego." (There are always exceptions)


I guess. I just don't find American girls interesting. Like I honestly don't really have any care to talk to them
>Tooth-paste the "country"
You're a cunt, go back to her and apologize to her. It was just a selfie and she didn't even kiss him lel.
Sweden being a cuck again lads, someone get spray bottle
how the fuck do you know?
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>tfw extremely tired every day due to school + work
>tfw no drive to reply/chat with my qts

What a miserable existence.
So is there an actual working script again?
can somebody please answer me
Not asking 4chan would be a nice first step
who else would I ask?

they will send me to the extermination camps if it's revealed to the public I'm not a normalslime

ask your parents?
Just install Tinder already
do you have to be like a 9/10 to get anything on there?
and isn't it full of absolute utter trashy whores?
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>tfw qtie Karolina hasn't messaged me in two days
it's ogre lads I'm deleting interpals
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You're in Europe. European Tinder is way fucking better than USA Tinder.

I've only got 1 bj from a Tinder girl, but it was shit and I didn't even cum. i actually went soft while my dick was in her mouth. She got mad.

Pic related is the slut. The average American girl..
You always seem so booty blasted about American girls. What happened that made you hate them so much? Other than a shitty bj

Maybe it's just where I live. But they are super stuck up. Liberal as fuck too. If you don't have a college degree and have a job that they deem successful then they won't even waste time on you.
I did it !!!!!!
I finally registered. Could someone give me pasta about myself part. I want to look like normal with interest (in reality I only play games, hit gym and shitpost in here)
post profile
just say you like travelling, learning new languages, other cultures, watch movies or other generic crap
As long as you look like >>65512090 you'll get messages anyway
~I'm Jaden, and My Husband Is Travi$ Scott
~I'm Brazilian, Spanish, And Italian
~I'm A Soon To Be Stripper at Venom
~I'm an Aspiring Playboy Bunny
~I'm In Need Of a Rich Man Who Wants To Give Me His BlackCard
~I'm The Most Girly Female You'll Ever Meet In Your Life
~I'm Extremely Dramatic and Agressive
~I'm Very Demanding And Usually Get What I Want
~I'm 5 Feet Tall (1.524 Meters)
~I Motocross Ride Dirt Bikes and Quads
~I'm Obsessed With Disneyland, And All Of The Princesses, But Especially Cinderella; and Hope Some Day To Meet My Prince Charming
~Im Bisexual
~I'm On My Last Year Of Highschool
~I Hope To Study Abroad In College, AND Make Europe My Permanent Residence
~I Plan To Go Into The Medical Field, I'd Like To Be An Emergency Room Physician
~I have been to: Spain, Italy, Sicily, Greece, And Turkey
~I want a pen pal to chat with, Skype, send letters/gifts too, and hopefully some day meet in person
~Me unlike many, take this website seriously and I'm here for long term friends to hopefully meet one day.
~Please don't message me with any foul intentions- its obvious an I will not respond
~I like intelligent people who want to talk about intelligent topics
~Message me Pussy's

Get out of here with that cancer
I'm going to use some of these.
that's from the most stereotypical american girl I've seen on interpals
>google who travis scott is
>it's a nigger
k, just post url?

no, that girl is more crazy then the average American girl.

Most American girls are just stuck up whores
is this lithuanian popular ?
jo jie mane chadu vadina
suradau tavo fotke, tai tavo veidas 10/10 :D
į salę varai ?

mano /hiraus4

jei turi kokių pastabų pasakyk
jo einu jau du metus
ta nuotrauka netinka kaip avataras nes taves nesimato tai nespaus tos kurwos ant taves
supratau. Apsirengsiu ryt kaip žmogus ir nuotrauką iš arčiau pasidarysiu . O užtenka veido nuotraukos kaip selfie ar geriau paprašyt kad kitas nufotografuotų ?
Beje aš irgi varau į salę, visai zjbs :D
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Qt that seems to genuinely love me, that I've been talking to for a year now, who makes "jokes" about marrying me and having my children weekly. And I do like her a lot. She's cute, we have similar hobbies and interests, she's one of the few girls I've ever met that is genuinely interesting to talk to, and we supported each other through difficult times.

I guess we are in a long-distance relationship, though we never said "hey, we're a couple now". I don't really try to talk to any other girls, we both quit interpals a long time ago.

She's coming to visit in a week, and is going to move here for her studies (not for me, it had been her ambition for a long time). How do I shake off the feeling that this is too good to be true ? I'm really fucking happy to finally see her in real life, but something in the back of my mind keeps telling me that something is going to go wrong.

How do I stop being so nervous ? It's not like I don't trust her, but I'm feeling happiness, apprehension, a LOT of happiness, and a tiny bit of dread. I've never felt anything like this, what's happening ?
jo matau iš foto, kad eini, kiek ranka cm?
ir tai nesitikėk daug iš šičia, rašys tau visokios azijietės, o kitos europietės pasikėlusios labai nes gauna per diena 150-200 views iš žmonių, jei tavo profilį apsilankys tai gali jei rašyt nes reiškias patikai arba netyčia paspaudė

You're just excited. Just until things are official. Keep a open mind, and have fun
tiesiog padaryk "selfi" ir užteks. Jei tau netrūksta sarmatos tai įkelk kokią nors nuotrauka kur matosi raumenys ar kažkas tokio kaip avatarą tai gausi views 70-100 per dieną
I made a vow to myself, I won't fall in love with someone I've never seen IRL
It also doesn't make sense to do so.
As for meeting her, expect the worst, maybe she doesn't even want to see you, then it can always turn out better.
Ačiū :) . ranka 43 cm. Šiaip norėjau pažiūrėti kažko lengvo, nes kad ir kaip keistai tai skambėtų nelabai laiko turiu rimtai draugystei ir galvojau šiaip pakalbėsiu su užsienietėm pramogai. O tu mokiniesi ar studijuoji?
čia šalta ar pripumpuota?
pas mane 45cm hehehe
d'où ?
aš dabar nieko neveikiu, galima sakyt NEET
Biški nejauku taip elgtis nors fake ant prikolo sakiau kursiokei pačiupinėk bicka, tai visa išraudo, bet pačiupinėjo. Gal kiek autistiškai skamba, bet pakelė savivertę :D
MLDC gal galvoji apie kultūrizma
pas mane šalta 43, bet daug daug riebalo turiu tai ji neatrodo taip gerai kaip galėtų. Kartais pažiūrėjus į veidrodį jaučiuosi kaip snaigės šaldytuvas :D
pas mane karjera baigės net neprasidėjus, turiu krutinės raumens traumą tai krč tos svajonės žlugusios
tau galiu duot svarbiausią patarimą kokį tau kas gali suteikt sporte
valgyk kiek sveri x2 = gramu baltymu
pvž aš sveriu 101kg tai suvalgau 202g, kad augtu raumenys, bet dabar metu, tai biški mažiau valgau, bet vistiek pasiekiu baltymus, kad išliktu raumenys

I made a similar vow, but this time it's "I won't fall in love with someone who I am not geographically close to"
de Djibouti
I was in pretty much the same exact situation with my qt though I went to her country to study. Everything like you described between you and yours is the same between me and mine.

I was the same before meeting her but it has honestly been the best thing I've ever done in my life and she's the best person I've ever met. Things between us are even better than ever now that we're together in person.

It only took me a couple of hours to get back to normal and stop being so nervous and it was the same with her.
Ačiū, jei ryt busi įmesiu savo fotkę iš arčiau ir galėsi įvertinti ar tinkama
tu manęs autisto klausi tokių dalykų
is this turkish
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>tfw you finally finish an exam but you realise it's complete shit and it will never pass

Literally just fucked a New Zealand girl from tinder, lads

I think it boils down to trashy non-American girls realizing they're trashy, and thus not going on tinder. We just don't have all the feminist ham planets that you have, because most of ours knows that nobody wants to fuck them

That's possible.

How was the NZ broad btw?

She was alright, defo a slut though. We were banging 3 hours after saying hi.

Looking forward to my other tinder dates next week.

She was ethnically Korean, so I'll add another one to the BLEACHED list :^)
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>sharing a thread with these normies

god, can't you just leave us alone and be with your own kind?

we can learn from him
Do we really want though.
Do you care that much about being mixed in all this filth
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I-I don't know..
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>not going to have any time for qts next month
I also can't go to bed before 03:00 tonight
Did you benis in bagina? Gonna go see mine again in December.
>Did you benis in bagina?
Yes I did get to do that though it took about 5 days since she was on her period. I still got a handjob the first night and a blowjob the next morning and she gave me both of those everyday before we had sex though I was too big for her at first since she was a virgin.
Is this thread dead or something?
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Vote Trump, my American friend
got nudes from a 16 year old lol
That is child porn lad
too bad ;)
I have already reported you to SÄPO and FRA
i am so scared =)
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das polizie ist hier

I am.

I don't like him, but I hate his opponent much more
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That's fine i guess
Lol karocia owned eks dė

do Swedes actually like him?
Kokio bybio tu atrodai kaip 40-ies, o as kaip berniukas?

Manes kai kurios kekses nenori del to, butent tos su tevelio problemomis : ^(
I rather not have Hillary waging war against Russia, yes.

And no, swedes are fed with propaganda lol
Are you in Britain to steal?
Yes. Steal qts
>in Britain

something here is rather fishy
Nearly all of the qties that I find here are usually Eastern European lel.

But yeah, the memes are true. British women are outright awful.
I have a 16 year old fuckbuddy (yes, she's six-fucking-teen). It took me like 1 day on tinder to get her into bed. Fucking sluts. Lithuanian girls at least PRETEND not to be sluts for a bit
>tfw no 16yo british slag
How old are you then? And what do you do there? Working?
"fed up with propaganda" what do you mean by that? I would have assumed that the propaganda would have put hillary in a good light and ""drumpf"" in a poor light.
To be fair, she's not the typical slag. She has a nice attitude, dresses conservatively, focuses on art school etc.
She's just quick to jump on my dick, lol.

I've seen some very sluttily dressed 14/15 year olds walking around quite a few times, though
Man, normie life seems pretty good.
Feels like i'm missing out on something
Ah yeah, the media puts Trump in bad light here
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figures, no one likes a nationalist I guess.
pick one
I wouldn't call myself a normie.
I stay at home almost all the time.
I only leave to go to the gym, anything work-related and to fuck the sluts I mean on tinder/online.
20, working.

Sorry for the separate reply, only saw this one later.
>I wouldn't call myself a normie.
>fuck the sluts I mean on tinder/online.
Ah, so not so weird with a 16 yo then

I wouldn't go lower then 17 thou
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Nothing wrong with some young pucci Sven

t. fucked a 16 year old Arab girl, while being 22
well with all of his "america first", say no to globalism speech I would have assumed nationalist. I guess patriot would be a better term.
You have to live in a nation state to be nationalist

You must live in Copenhagen
alright I will adjust my statement to "I guess no one likes a patriot."
No, not mainstream media
That is a shame though more countries could use that. We will see how this election will turn out. I do know that this is the first election where a lot of people are interested in politics. It is pretty amazing to see. Though there are a lot of fools out and about now who act like they have followed politics and economics all their lives and are expects all ready to give lectures. I have several of these at my work; it gets rather annoying.
post profile you fucking chad
Well, the world is heading that way. More information. Information society were everyone is connected to twitter and facebook.

But there is a big mistrust towards mainstream media here.
that is true, also more cuties with the connection so life is all good.
Cuties with borderline thou
>tfw 15 year old sends you a message first and she finds you hot
>you're 24
that is what passports are for, borders can be crossed.
too young
you mentioned borderline, I assumed you were talking about the borders of a country.
No, why would I? Never heard of Borderline, or doesn't it exist in American girls?
having a bit of a panick tbhwyl
You on about borderline personality
Ah borderline personality; yes we have it. I just did not think of that first.
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Yes lad?
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it's ok lad I am sure you can find a qt who does not have it too bad.
Why are you punching me
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which one of you is this? too good to be real
That would be me.
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Why are Koreaboos so weird?
My qt is fucking hot but a huge koreaboo wtf?
They're just like the male wea/koreaboos
Anyone ever been messaged by this guy? Everywhere i go he has people friended(almost all guy profiles) when he messaged me i asked him about it and he got angry blocked me lmao.. pretty sure he's just some creppy fag
god it;s such a obvious fake... how do all those people commenting fall for that shit
koreaboos are literally the bottom of the barrell of western society brah
Just pump and dump them when they come to Korea Ji
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>tfw qt likes your fetishes
What's your fetish?
koreaboo white girls are really desperate by the way german and finnish girls are really ugly compared to other european and girls british girls are not so ugly than my thoughts
other european girls and british girls are not so ugly than my thoughts*
autism is strong
>she still hasn't replied despite being online numerous times
it's over, lads
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Bl, tai tau gerai. Nes krc aš paėmiau pana, o ji po to sako man kad jai patinka vyresni o aš jai sakau man 21 :D

Krv, keistos tos panos
She's Arab?
>pretty sure he's just some creppy fag
yup i can confirm
>autism is strong
engrish isn't
lmao so he's messaged you too?
i bet she's turkish
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Post your brofile
yeah guy was messaging a lot of people from the thread back in the day
Kernow here, heading to Portugal, will report back on Portuguese qts, but I'm going birdwatching rather than qtwatching so might not have much to say.
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>bird watching
>not plane watching

Are are some kind of faggot?


Plane watching is so dumb. Plus getting decent photos of planes is easy as shit since they're fucking enormous

Also what's /cp/ listening to? https://youtu.be/IGlJeDmq50Q

I'm listening to the gunshots and explosions coming from the Swedish side of the bridge. Pretty relaxing tbhfam
Lads, added this girl on snapchat.
She then made a story saying "hola anon"

Gibe her ur benis :DDDD
You say you're a chad, but you never fucked nothing
we say you're a robot and you need stop running
you go to the interpals site, but you never got nothing
you've been trying to catfish, but you're still nothing

I've been trying to make a song, but vocaroo isn't working :(

Sandokan MC, is that you?
>getting a view once a month
how is this possible?
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just b urself
just how?
bee yourself obviously
Be ultimate slav Chad

>getting views from men

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images that make you go hmmm
Baise la
Elder scrolls online?
women jerking me off into their panties and she then wearing it all day long.
you better run
My family owns a yacht. Should my profile picture be on that ho? Preferably with my dog on it?

(it's 38 feet. it's only technically a yacht. Also, we're fucking poor and we live on it. But the qts don't need to know that)
Yea, so your house is the yacht?
obviously and post a comment on my yacht lol
they'll think your filthy fuckin rich
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>tfw a brunette qt kept looking my way all the time on the train

what did she mean by that lads?

nothing you autist
clearly she was looking at something, i sat behind her to her left and she turned around and looked at me constantly. i even looked behind myself to see if there was anything behind me, but nothing

In that case she clearly wanted to fugg, and you just lost out on a huge change.
Sorry lad
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what the fuck did she expect me to walk over and TALK to her? it was crowded, i couldnt
Well, my parents live on it. I live in a shitty apartment in the third ward (bad neighborhood in Houston that's close to UH).

But yeah. It's still a yacht.
What's your yacht like bro? Rocking 38 foot catamaran. It's honestly a glorified sailboat but I still love this fucker. I've done some solo sails before and shit is stressful

Yes she did, Sven. This is what us normies do, talking to strangers is pretty normal lad.

Next time you'll know to just go up and ask her what her name is
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tfw raking all the qts from Kazakhstan and ladyboys from thailand
are you this hashish lad?
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i will probably never see her again, all i know is that she went on the same uni as i and she got off at stockholms södra

Hashish? No lad


You never know. There's a dating app called Happn that might interest you. It shows who you have crossed paths with, and lets you "like" them. She may be on it, who knows
I don't have a yach I forgot to put qoutation marks
never heard of it, surely i can't find her on there if i get the app after i crossed her path
Trips will guarantee you all the 3rd world qts
>put a pic of me in my car 4 lulz yesterday on tinder
>90% of girls is liking me back now
what car?
c class
>owning a luxury car in a 3rd world country
well then
>c class
in usa maybe
nice post photo of it
You're going to have to take every bus to that location for the next week then mate. Only way
>This is what us normies do, talking to strangers is pretty normal lad.
you have to go back

no bully pls
These threads no longer have BOAT or Nortism.
Might as well shut them down boys
for what purpose, you can google
i don't know what year it is, idiot
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yes, and the uni is fucking huge so there's pretty much no chance that i will ever see her again
would any middle class car impress anyone even a person from the biggest shithole if it wasn't the newest generation? it's 2015 and don't be so rude,Saulius
stop being such a pansy, go jerk off and you'll feel better
I just like cars you fucking retard, I wanted to see how yours looks like, but now I don't care anymore
go fuck yourself, you poofter
>got a c class
what was more difficult? stealing it in Germany or getting it over the boarder back to Poland?
wanna see my 2003 Renault Twingo?
why are you so rude? i might take some pic after work if you are so interested
jerking off is gay and boring, i'd rather cuddle with a qt :3

I actually just quit fapping. I used to fap everyday once when I woke up and once before bed, for years..

But I just quit. and holy shit i feel pretty good. I wish I would have quit a long time ago
but you fugg instead? you gotta empty it sometime
Nah he just carries it round in his enormous flabby yankee bollocks

No, I'm on a pretty long dry spell Tbh... I'll fap once every few weeks just to clean it out. But overall I feel way better not fapping.
Patriotism is just nationalism without any teeth

>You have to live in a nation state to be nationalist
>Irish people in Northern Ireland can't be nationalists since they aren't in the Republic
>Kurds can't be nationalist since they don't have a State
Are you retarded? The nation, the State and the nation-state are all different things.
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