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Why do you hate the USA?

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Why do you hate the USA?
its just a little banter
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I don't hate the states, it's a beautiful country. I just hate the people within it.
B-b-b-but i love you...
why is this image so funny?
Because you like rape.
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I don't. God bless 'murrica
One sided relationship
You rely on them and they don't care about you?
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It is one sided for sure

Jealousy is such an evil emotion.

We still love ya, Brits.
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>Took more than half our land.
>Has given us a worse reputation than we deserve.
>Makes us look even shittier just by being our neighbor.
>Comes here on vacation, does illegal shit and acts foolish only to complain when they return.
>Sodomizes our cuisine and claims it's theirs.

But honestly, they're alright.
your fault for selling it for drug money Paco
>inb4 Simpsons spam
We won that land in the war.
>Texas revolts
>wins, Mexico still refuses to recognize Texas as not theirs
>war starts
>Mexico loses, has to surrender on our terms
>we assume your debt owed to us
>in exchange we get the land we wanted to buy anyway
>Mexicans cross our border illegally
>have anchor babies here and use them to collect federal aid
>get obese as fuck and have 10 kids a piece
>nearly as uneducated as blacks despite reputation for being hardworking

I like the Mexicans from Mexico, but most of you guys in the US are terrible.
Because they are jealous of us.
>claims your food is ours
Taco Smell is all yours family

BBQ is shared though, you can fuck off
I don't really think about you that much desu, too busy hating mainland europe.
Why di you hate them so much
brexit was a blessing
they didn't want to become nigger mohammetan land 2.0
Wtf I hate Brits now
We are the same people though.
this desu
I wish I didnt move here in '93
It used to be good but now i cant even afford a plane ticket out, much less move out
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>hating the best country in the world
I-I'll fight you!
leave your liberal state
WTF I hate England now
I cant walk across the antlantic retard
fucking sharters
they claim our food
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Exactly how I'd explain California...
italy invented pizza but america perfected it

sorry mario
When was the last time you went outside?
Not hate but i'll be disappointed if you vote Hillary in.
Sure you did.
Stay out of my country.
What's hard to believe about that? I work and go to school, and also go out with my housemates
Brazilian pizza is the best in the world, I tell you.

But yeah, America has enslaved my country's economy so fuck 'em.
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>Brazilian pizza is the best in the world
I don't. I'm an Anglo-Americanophile European.
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For having to hide in the basement from your bombs.
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>it's another "big bad America causes are country to be shit" episode

We bombed the wrong people.
Because they won't give me a visa
Just hop the border
because everyone there talks shit about their own country
I-I just w-want england-senpai to notice me
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you sure bout that senpai
>le cherry picked ugly pizza means the US has zero good pizza.jpg
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>italy invented pizza but america perfected it
>america perfected it
>perfected it

It's the Irish fault for that monstrosity
I like Americans, just not the fat ones.
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'Murica Homura Freedom.jpg
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I don't !
Kill yourselves.
Same Tbh

Based bros.
I dont hate the USA you just gotta accept it and give our land back...
Its going to be ours again sooner or later.
They only hate the dumb Rednecks - they love us LA/NYC people.
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Greatest ally
Funny. It's the opposite for me, as an American.
>I like Americans
>not liking 70% of us
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The fuck are you on about?
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USA is the unholy abomination that happened when the eternal anglo and the eternal jew decided to come together to make a country
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>tfw I found the source to this image
What is it?
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Are you gonna tell us what it is?
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>Canadians are a seperate people
The Swiss put capers on their pizza.
Who the fuck does that ??

>The Swiss

I know, right?
she has dick?
Don't you dare put me in the same bag as you. You can rot in your own shit hole alone, bud.
>we have the same French minority, same Irish diaspora, Indians and Chinese coming into our countries en mass
>same sports leagues
>common set of laws and values

Nah you're right, just because some people say "Oout" and out milk in bags we are totally different.
cool place, same >>65464405 the "americans" are the vermin
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fight my mouth with your benis fin-kun~
That's southern Canada, that's part of the states ruled by Governor Trudeau. North Canada is true Canada.
>loving a bunch of limp wristed homos/jews
you wish hipster
I think everyone hates people who look like Snorlax and takes up two seats in a plane.
With threads like these >>65471739
Why should you not hate?
Fuck Trudeau
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>mad cause he doesn't live in the best continent
A bit of this

>is capable of the best
>produces the worst and is proud of it
Also, "freedom fries"
Freedom fries was not nation wide
Symptom of the disease known as United-Statism
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Americans are fat pigs
you tell me. nukes and marines maybe?
Compared to what the Soviets and Chinese wanted to do with you country and women I say Japan got lucky.
jealousy. if you ever been to europe you would know. life is way easier and more convenient for lazy folks here. comfort makes you laid back. discomfort makes you.... a european.
you started it with pearl harbour you gook fuck
well after the war a lot of women got raped by Americans though.

lol next time please don't cut pipe line.
Same with the Germans. I cannot say they love Russia to much but certainly they are not as negative towards them.
ever heard what russians did in germany after war?
Next time don't attack people you can't win against.
Russians even raped women and destroyed the state where Japanese lived in
Your economic boom after the WWII is solely thanks to the US. You are good at copying our stuff. Now China doing the same.
>Vietnam war
>slapped Islamic states including ISIS in a row
yeah I think so.

nope we borrowed the ideas from Europe, not the US lmao
It wasn't systematic like it was with German women and girls. Our soldiers are punished and looked down upon as criminals when it does happen.
For starters they bombed Serbia
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Stop fishing for compliments, faggot.
I honestly wish my cunt hated you.
US literally rebuilt Japan, and into a huge economic power.

On top of that, we hardly forced cultural changes on you guys like most countries, we let you grow your own way.
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No, I hate you
The US seems like a corrupt country. I don't like their government. But besides that ameriga pretty good

I dont hate the US but a lot of people here suck.

Lazy, uneducated, and vote for politicians, republicans, that fuck them over again and again because Jesus or something.

Southerners can suck. I hate really fat people. A lot of people are whiners and complain a lot too.
You lot will have to explain it. It seems like there is a genuine hatred towards the US but I really don't understand why coming from Australia. Plenty of countries I get it, but why you guys?

Brasilian pizza sucks except in SP.

In SP I had legit real pizza. Everywhere else it has mayo and ketchup on it, or corn and tuna. Complete shit.

Some more things I thought of.

No universal healthcare
pride in the fact we have no universal healthcare
people dont take vacation, even if they have it, they pride themselves on working long hours doing shitty job
no social safety net
people are suckers and buy into we are privileged to work our asses off for richer people to get them rich
lack of culture outside of cities and rich areas
Too much racism
kids are fucking lazy
>only thing Poles gave anyone was The Witcher

Is that you, Trevor Noah?
>Too much Racism
Really makes you think
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Your janitors do it for free.
>people actually have the AUDACITY to pride themselves on their hard work

Right?! Fuck working people!

They dont work hard. Just long hours. Most of the time is inefficient and nothing of importance is getting done other than maybe making some really rich person richer.

I cant tell you how many Americans waste their whole lives doing something meaningless that doesnt benefit anyone or accomplish anything and are insanely proud of it because they are brainwashed to be a good drone.

Some more things I thought of.

Suburban sprawl
fast food
drink too much soda


Seriously I cant think of how many people are stupid and lazy and are in shit situation because of how much garbage they are but all they do is bitch about other people, often who they dont know or around. They vote for policies that makes them even worse off because they are fucking someone else over as they fuck themselves over. Only Americans are this stupid.

Also sense of entitlement of stupid and lazy people.
I don't hate you guys, and the ones that do I just assume they're foreigners that got wronged or something like that
There is of course a lot of resentment towards America on the internet but I feel like Australia would just be indifferent towards the US so I find it particularly weird.
You clearly havn't been outside of the USA if you believe that traits like that are exclusive to America.
I work 45 hour weeks and love what I do. Just because you fucked up along the way and are stuck doing some bullshit work you don't like doesn't mean everyone else needs to hate themselves.
How's that worse than calling them "french fries" since they're Belgian anyway?

Ive been all over the world. Everywhere else people knew most work is bullshit. They didnt define themselves by shitty jobs and such. They wanted vacation time.

America is the only country where people are proud of working their asses off to get nothing in return.


Not just me. Probably 90% of all jobs. They are redundant and could be automated. Inefficiency is annoying. Most people are engaged in pointless capitalistic activity where the extra productivity doesnt result in a higher wage for them.
I love America and Americans.

It's only banter. If someone's being genuine, they're probably a butthurt Muslim.

Or this >>65482357 >>65482123 self hating cuck.
America is the most insane and extravagant place in the world.

Better American than a thai lady boy.

Also I dont america or myself. I hate maybe 30-40% of other Americans. I also hate Muslims and thai ladyboys
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because they're actually terrorists
Because they call White non caucasians non White.
Reminder the Zero had a lot of interchangeable with US planes.
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