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>his country can't integrate immigrants into his culture

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>his country can't integrate immigrants into his culture and society
hahahahah pathetic
teach me your ways
I wish my country could be more like Brazil
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We are super obsessed with fucking race. I really don't know why, I guess because of race based slavery?

But we banned interracial marriage between any races for centuries, hell it goes back to the very first settlements.
Yeah your country is ridiculously obsessed with race.
kek UK is not any better
We are tho, except we'd rather not get cocky about it, why isn't Brasil helping refugees?
we have like 10k refugees and planned to have 100k until Dilma got impeached and Temer abandoned this project. I even visited a syrian refugee bar in São Paulo
We are ok with races but FUCK ISLAM.
Our new ministers even cancelled the deal we had with EU to house rapefugees some months ago, let the eurocucks deal with that shit.
But we are? Some Syrians, Haitians, and even people from DRC are here already, but their numbers are relatively low
I don't really understand Brazil, you're so mixed so I'd guess it's true you don't really care about race, but so many Brazil posters are racist as fuck.
because /int/ posters are not the representative of our reality, most of them are autists that bought /pol/ memes
I'm not racist, I'm race-realist.
We actually invite a lot but they all want to get to Sweden or the UK or Germany.
But we do
4chan attracts the edgy kids
they're just a vocal minority
>brazilian culture
>brazilian society
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here a serbian immigrant loved by Brazilians
>caring for immigrants
>meanwhile in the north, little Ronaldo just died of malaria and hunger right before being shot out of hid favela. Neighbors had to eat the corpse because free meat
Brazilians are all racists as fuck, don't let the multicultural meme get to you, Brazilian social structure is very much linked to race. The upper classes are almost 100% white, you have the usual jews and some pardos and pretty much no blacks what so ever, middle class is also mostly whites and some pardos and blacks, and the lower classes are almost all blacks and pardos with few whites, usually in the rural areas in the South and Southeast.
"In his native country he is widely known under the nickname Rambo while in Brazil he is known as Pet"
how did they come up with this?
Petkovic, we love to shorten names. There are even funks with his name, you can thank him playing on one of the most famous sports clubs in the country for that
>The upper classes are almost 100% white
doesn't count when you don't have muslims to integrate
>posts the one black guy that is not a football player
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We actually shipped our black Muslim slaves back to Africa the one time they revolted
yes and that happens totally because of racism, and that is why brazil, segregated black people into misery and hasn't totally mixed with them historically, because we despise blacks so much omg, it's not like our white girls have bunda due to africans. I mean if a black person ascend socially into high strata every brazilian would 100% disregard him because he is black
literally samba/capoeira comes from black people m8
so you didn't integrate them <@:-D
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well they literally waged war in the Northeast
What does that have to do with anything? So did Jazz, blues and and rock, does that mean the USA is any less racist? Not at all.
Muslims really are not happy unless everyone else is a barbaric scimitar swinging zealot like them.
kek,that's so unlike them
Based empire always killing revolting niggers and keeping the country unified, if Brazil was spanish we would be 30 tiny shitty countries like our neighbors.
we actually did, some stuff that came from them like the abadá and their muslim amulets, along with the Crescent Moon, became associated with carnaval in Bahia
In the US, those things are literally considered Black people things, to the point even when Rock and Roll was considered immoral in the beggining by white people meanwhile samba has always been and is literally considered a BR heritage which mixed african instruments with european instruments, and they were literally endorsed by slave owners
You are crazy if you don't think white people in America took rock and roll and jazz and turned into American heritage, it didn't fix black poverty and racism there, it didn't fix it here.
Just because they contributed to Brazilian culture doesn't mean they are in equal social standing, go to a favela and tell me what is the ethnic composition you see, them walk into congress or some rich neighborhood and tell me what you see there, even in the Northeast it is filled with white people.

its called identity politics

women + minorities = majority = political power
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that's nothing
meh no it isn't, we also fucked them into assimilation
Just gotta get them to stop wearing burkas and submit to the BDC
>white people in America took rock and roll and jazz and turned into American heritage,
you see the difference here? White people had to take it to make it american heritage, just like Rap nowadays there, it's considered a bad and immoral thing since it still isn't dominated by whites like rock and roll, meanwhile here it was considered a good thing since the beginning to the point that even slaves that had musical knowledge worth more than those that didn't, because slave owners liked to have a party with their slaves playing and entertaining their guests
>Just because they contributed to Brazilian culture doesn't mean they are in equal social standing, go to a favela and tell me what is the ethnic composition you see, them walk into congress or some rich neighborhood and tell me what you see there, even in the Northeast it is filled with white people.
Yes, but that is the catch, unequal social standing doesn't necessarily say how much a society is racist, because if we were indeed racist, race mixing would have never occurred and we would have a situation like the US. That is why our unequal society translates more to being due to historical/economical reasons, such as slaves being on the bottom of the society for centuries and whites being on top of it. And due to race mixing and the end of slavery this "race distinction" which isn't really distinctive with time is being blurred.
>because if we were indeed racist, race mixing would have never occurred

people like fucking more than they like being racist
>people like fucking more than they like being racist
well that didn't anywhere out of Iberian colonization
If that were true the U.S. would be as race mixed as Brazil, but it isn't.

Granted things have changed the last few decades, but even then it took awhile for the taboo to go away, and it is still around somewhat.
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Your country legally segregated people until 30-40 years ago. Smth that never happened in Brazil.
USA integrates people pretty well... other than niggers...
>If that were true the U.S. would be as race mixed as Brazil
you're not thaaaat far off
kek, yes they are reaaaaaaally far off m8
t. have been to the US
>Be Canada
>successfully integrate every group
>large numbers of nig, slants and sandniggers show up
>suddenly integration doesn't work well

Hmmm... really makes you think...
there are only white/niggers/hispanics there no in between
Isn't Canada basically a collection of separate colonies and shit? I would hardly call that integration.
>1.000.000 bolivians in argentina
i don't know what to believe, on the one hand you guys are shilling about >muh south brazil is germanic!!1

on the other hand there's oblama and the coffee coloured US of racemixing that half america is butthurt about

it's all confusing
>Brazilian Education

No, we Anglo-Franco master-race until they fucked it up in the 60's
>you guys are shilling about >muh south brazil is germanic

it's just 1 or 2 kids
and one of them is from northeast
south brazil is a meme, yes they are mostly white because it was colonized mostly by northern europeans and slavery was really low there and most cities were built really recently, but it still is Brazil
Brazil is multicultural, yes. However, Brazilians are inherently racist. Light-skinned blacks get preferential treatment over those who have darker skin. Amongst blacks there is a "I'm lighter than you" situation that goes on. The pardo meme is indicative of a culture that favors whites and those who are white passing. A lot of what is considered culturally unacceptable in 2k16 SJW era is the norm in Brazil. Political correctness is not a thing there so a lot of things that would be called "micro-aggressions" happen in the day-to-day.
We know

"After Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake, Brazil welcomed large numbers of Haitians, providing them with work papers, said Little, who is executive director of Miami-based Americans for Immigrant Justice. But some of the Haitians have been leaving Brazil after encountering hard times there"

kek, Quebec has been butthurt and wanted to break away since Britain first annexed them.
Brazil isn't multicultural m8, everybody got the same culture
>However, Brazilians are inherently racist. Light-skinned blacks get preferential treatment over those who have darker skin. Amongst blacks there is a "I'm lighter than you" situation that goes on. The pardo meme is indicative of a culture that favors whites and those who are white passing. A lot of what is considered culturally unacceptable in 2k16 SJW era is the norm in Brazil. Political correctness is not a thing there so a lot of things that would be called "micro-aggressions" happen in the day-to-day.
also lolwut
>everybody got the same culture
kys nordestino
If you weren't retarded you would know that each state basically has its own culture, contrary to what you may think not everyone is a flip-flop carnaval nigger here.
>each state basically has its own culture
which are literally subsets of the same culture, you can literally travel country-wide and everybody will share the same Southern European latin culture of parties, love, feelings and madness
>Brazil isn't multicultural m8, everybody got the same culture
Southerners are too foreign to me, specially RS and SC. They don't fit in Brazil at all.
"1 – Immigrant groups such as Germans and Japanese seem to have preserved a greater amount of cultural distinctiveness in Brazil than in Mexico, where a mestizo identity is dominant"


Not exactly, we asimilate to the point everyone is Mexican and not something-Mexican unlike Brasil or the US, there's still racism but if you want to talk who asimilates better.
>be America
>germans, brits, irish, scots, french, polish, ect
>thats not multicultural! -liberals
You mean they integrate to the mediocre ways of Brazil?
>Southerners are too foreign to me, specially RS and SC. They don't fit in Brazil at all.
they are more cold yes, but at the same time if you go to a party or talk about football you will literally see Brazil there
Well yes, because we actually enjoy the differences that's why. Japanese/Germanic culture is actually loved here 2bh, because it's different as fuck
lol don't you know multi cultural these days means "shitskin"
they are somewhat different but they still are huehuehueheuheue
tell me how I'm wrong
No joke I remember talking to Europeans over the internet a few years ago and they all talked about how racist America is and how integration works so well in their countries. Mostly Germans and Swedes who spouted this crap.
kek you obviously never left your favela
because that isn't true at all, people don't give a fuck about race at all m8. everybody got friends of all colors here. People who think they are better because of their skin color are literally bulllied here and people think he is a snobbish asshole
yes it's not like I don't have friends of other ethnicities amirite
how new are you to the world? literally, how old are you? this is relevant to what I'm actually going to say next.
>let me tell you about your country
We always laffed at USA's racism and segregation and we are laffing now at your piss-poor attempt at reconciliation with the fetishization of black people and the resulting race war.
why is my age relevant? so you can prove that you are superior to me? The world isn't the USA, where everyone is so insecure that needs to find security in shit aspects like race, individuality and other shit stuff that only promotes the chaotic society that is the USA
>let me tell you about your country
That doesn't make it monocultural. Brazil is far from monocultural. They still speak German/Italian there and most Japanese-Brazilians in São Paulo also speak Japanese. The Chinese community is also huge, you just walk around the city center and it's all red. That's not assimilation at all. Assimilation and monoculturalism is when everyone is part of the same culture, like Old World countries. I would prefer it if Brazil was monocultural but anyway.
sorry that you can't see past that flag and are willing to disregard everything I said. You're a liar if you say that Brazilians aren't racist.
>brazil leads the world in murders
>Brazil has close to 60,000 murders a year, the highest number in the world, according to officials there
makes you contemplate

le 15 year old "we are all the same on the inside" innocence.. aw I envy you brah
>The upper classes are almost 100% white

Man, you're watchimg too many soap-operas. Most part of upper classes are ligh skinned pardos or portuguese/spanish descendants.
>That doesn't make it monocultural.
having a national identity doesn't actually imply in monoculturalism but in the fact that the nation got a culture so strong to the point of pursuing other cultures into our ways, Since our national identity actually likes differences, and actually promotes integration of those differences into our culture while having this catholic foundation of enjoying life and parties that aggregates all cultures, we actually have a pretty strong cultural identity that actually managed to integrate all races in the world. That is why it doesn't take much to become Brazilian, and you can actually be Brazilian while being different to others like the Japanese and others
>That's not assimilation at all. Assimilation and monoculturalism is when everyone is part of the same culture, like Old World countries. I would prefer it if Brazil was monocultural but anyway.
Also monoculturalism only leads to decadence and isolationism like in Europe or even Japan. Cultural Expansion is the only way to go, and we are actually a superpower in that aspect

I'm assuming you're <20 years old and have yet to enter the workforce. You might have black friends and "bully" people who are "snobbish" but that doesn't mean that those black friends won't have trouble finding a job. Why do you think people claim "pardo" instead of just saying black? Because it's as close to white as they can get.
You're oversimplifying, they contribute to greater Mexican culture and so their heritage becomes everyone's, you've never wondered where we got all that German sounding music?

Sure, there is racism but certainly not as much as in the US.

Here hate is about regions and income classes more than anything.
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>I'm assuming you're <20 years old and have yet to enter the workforce. You might have black friends and "bully" people who are "snobbish" but that doesn't mean that those black friends won't have trouble finding a job. Why do you think people claim "pardo" instead of just saying black? Because it's as close to white as they can get.
kek that is so american that it makes me laugh
man you're shitting on the sound argument I'm trying to make. gtfo.
the Rio olympics were pretty cucked

>and here are the favelas where all the culture comes from

same meme here
even though obviously bullshit

apple didnt come from the ghetto, the internet, Nike, cars, movies, most music, tv shows, ect
>You're oversimplifying, they contribute to greater Mexican culture and so their heritage becomes everyone's, you've never wondered where we got all that German sounding music?
they do here too m8, all latin america got that aspect as well, it's a southern european thing just see this >>65448725
I understand that classism outweighs racism in Brazil, but blacks are by far the most disenfranchised race in Brazil. When I'm talking about work I'm not even talking about skilled labor, I'm referring to entry-level positions and retail jobs.
>When I'm talking about work I'm not even talking about skilled labor, I'm referring to entry-level positions and retail jobs.
m8, we aren't the US, things don't work this way here
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People who migrate to Brazil don't really migrate to the north, you know. And quite frankly this >>65448215
Except we don't have to bother with terrorists hijacking planes and public shootings here. This American has watched LiveLeak and Tropa de Elite 2 and now somehow's an expert on the entire country without even knowing the bottom basics.

Americans are fucked anyway, Hillary will flood your country with ISIS cells. You're so paranoid you're the largest consumer of antidepressants in the world. Stay literally mad.
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>Why do you think people claim "pardo" instead of just saying black? Because it's as close to white as they can get.
I hope you are joking, we actually don't have many blacks.
Pardo means you are mixed which is actually true.

People here hate unwarranted elitist and snobbish people too, why do you think hues booed that french brat in the Olympics? Because he was being an asshole.
What's laughable to me is that you fail to see that you don't have a point. You can laugh and act as though I'm an American exceptionalist but that is not true in the slightest.
so that´s why all the niggers live in favelas and the (((white))) brazilians live mostly in houses in the south?

very nice +10
they even showed Carlos Drummont in the opening, they showed tons of things apart from the favelas m8, it's just that wasn't that showy
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>What's laughable to me is that you fail to see that you don't have a point. You can laugh and act as though I'm an American exceptionalist but that is not true in the slightest.
it keeps getting better, keep going m8
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I wonder what happened to Buenos Aires.
bolivians and lefties
they didn't even mentioned the Empire or things like mondernism and tropicalia
100% pure Aryan architecture. Dog bless
actually you are right, we cucked it up

we literally had a line like

>and here are the favelas, the cultural heart of brazil

and they blabbed on about dancing, and how special the favelas are....

america is fucked right now
Drummont is literally the biggest poet of Modernism also most guys of the tropicalia movement were there
>so paranoid you're the largest consumer of antidepressants

Nobody is afraid of the fucking Muslims, being first world just becomes depressing after awhile.
You third worlders have something to shoot for, a dream to obtain.
Once you are living the dream for awhile though you realize you just have a different set of shitty problems now and things still suck and you have nowhere to go but down.
Most of us secretly hope worse shit happens just to break up the monotony of daily life.
The Police summed it up perfectly.
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Bolivians are white? Why don't you integrate them to the 1st world white Argentine society then?
Please explain the point of being classified as pardo then. It's as relevant as someone in the US saying they're 1/8 French, 2/5 German, 3/4 Cocker Spaniel.
That's a lie.
nobody gives a fuck about race classification, to the point our racial census is literally self identified
oh sorry, for a reason i thought you typed "dumont"
and just caetano and gil were there, and if you wanna go far there were the duprat's arrangements on construção
>his country is both a crime and corruption ridden shithole
yeah, I felt too they could always do better, but I think due to the circumstances they did a really well job, Meirelles actually managed to pass Brazilian culture to the world
It was you guys being douches actually.
anybody can get the citizenship if you live 2 years here so yes theyre not argentines there

>Bolivians are white? Why don't you integrate them to the 1st world white Argentine society then?

what are you implying? learn to read monkey
Pardo is a catch-all term for mixed-race people.
It includes mulatos (african + european), caboclo (european + amerindian), cafuzo (african + amerindian) and everything in between.

Race here is not a black & white issue like in the US, we don't categorize people's races based on the language they speak for example.
What the fuck burgers? How is "hispanic" a race?
There's actually a lot of classism and racism in Brazil though.
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I do get it, what I'm talking here however is people become asimilated here into mainstream culture and so are their contributions, eg first generation immigrant Bruno Traven wrote entirely Mexican literature (from a Mexican perspective on Mexican topics) not "German-Mexican" (eg from a German perspective on mexican topics) we really don't traditionally have this phenomenon of second generation migrants identifying as anything but Mexican or making communities apart and living isolated. There's a few exceptions eg Jews but evryone else gets asimilated while making their contributions as pictured from Lebanese.

Not going to claim is better but these separate ethnic "Chinatowns" in Brasil do look more like the American melting pot model than our mestizaje.

In many ways you sometimes seem closer to the US than Spanish America when it comes to some cultural traits.
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>says the country with the most liveleak videos.
East asians integrate well. South asians integrate well. Mexicans are okay but need work. The only problem is niggers and they aren't even technically immigrants.

t. American with proxy
el quebequiANO senores
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Funny it looks like a flattened Rio de Janeiro to me. I was expecting the 1st world white capital of Latin America to look better than a monkey-ridden shithole.

to be fair "race is a social construct". :^)

There used to be massive political arguments in the US as to whether or not some races counted as white for voting rights and representation.

For example there was a massive argument at the end of the 1800's about if Chinese people counted as "white" or "black" legally speaking. It was really important since so many Chinese (and Asians in general) were starting to live in California at the time.
Hispanic isn't a race it's a cultural group. That's why on stats it says race individually then it distinguishes by whether the person is hispanic or not.
>I do get it, what I'm talking here however is people become asimilated here into mainstream culture and so are their contributions
Just look at Jorge Ben Jor, or even most of our Modernist poets and artists, the same literally happens here in every degree
>Not going to claim is better but these separate ethnic "Chinatowns" in Brasil do look more like the American melting pot model than our mestizaje.
That happens literally when the immigration wave is recent, especially in São Paulo, which mimicks NYC, but they do get integrated naturally different from the US, I mean just look at the Italian diaspora in São Paulo and the Italian diaspora in NYC to see the differences. I mean even our biggest industrialist that literally made São Paulo one of the richest cities in the world was literally a 1st gen Italian (Francesco Matarazzo)
>How is "hispanic" a race?

Well you're certainly not Caucasian, Asian, or black.

So what are you? Don't say Brazilian because that's a nationality you dummy
i want to fuck that cartoon brazilian
fuck hiroshima
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Why are black/mestizo/pardo Americans categorized as white by American demographic standards? Are they included in those 60%?
I'm slav + germ + jew.

I just call myself an euromutt.
You have it wrong. America is 75% non-hispanic white. Stop getting your information from /pol/ memes.

It's because they identify themself as such how they identify themself no matter how off it is is their issue not mine.
the government don't send them to an specific place or street, they usually move to a street with their compatriots themselves, because they obviously need help with a totally different culture, that is why ghettos form in the beginning, but the capacity of the country absorbing them or not depends of the openness of the host culture, which in our case is really high

Nice buzzword.

yes crime in brazil is totally composed by immigrants
thats just for crime

really keeps the hispanic crime rates down
So any black/pardo American can just outright say they're white and they'll simply accept that as demographic data? Wew. Well, no different than Brazil then. It's funny because Brazilian media is also full of whites, despite the majority black/pardo population, so it's pretty much the same in America. Interesting. They're heading towards a horrible direction though if they're becoming Brazil.
>it's this video again
It wasn't during the fucking olympics, it's several years old and some retard just reuploaded it with a different name.
The smear campaign was strong.
Ironically they have been here really long, only Anglo-Saxons have been here longer. Pretty much every other immigrant group assimilates well, including African immigrants and Arab immigrants.
Why so many bombings and shootings by Muslims?
They integrated very well into the united statian culture.
That's the traditional Brazilian mugging technique.
Integrating is a meme word. If you are above the population in world status (you are a first worlder in a third world/lower half of second world) you don't have to integrate because the country should be fucking lucky to have someone from a developed country actually come over and work with their skills. You don't have to be a douche but everyone knows the way of things

If you are part of the upper class you don't need to integrate to the plebs.
>massive anything
>less than 1% of voters
fuck off

even now no one even mentions asian voters

maybe when they get to a big enough % Dems will tell them how america (aka white people) is racist against them... but it will be tough since they out earn every other race
:s ???
No one identifies as a fucking Pardo in the states so drop the Monkey talk and just say mixed. Second of all they can do that but no one is that delusional, in self-denial or self hate to try that shit. Also cops easily mark the stuff down from a glance.
Kill the men fuck the wives
Asian Immigration was heavily reduced and cut anon. Also there were a fuckton of court cases of "Are they white".
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>denial and deceit
Here's another video.

>import 10x as many Africans as the US did
>this will turn out great
>favelas are mirrors of Africa except in brick form and not corrugated metal
>No one identifies as a fucking Pardo in the states
It's just a fucking term in the portuguese language, if a burger is mixed then he's also a fucking pardo, the terms are interchangeable.
Asians are already told how much white people hate them and evilly racist they are.
Do you think the amazonian girl in your pic WANTED her culture to be absorbed by your afro-european cancer?
Completely different history between the two.
you can fuck off too

im not talking about small shit that doesnt matter... and thats not what started the convo

go watch our presidential debate... asian voters are not mentioned once

probably because they mostly vote Democrat already and are well off

as where 24/7 we have to listen to black/hispanic problems.... many self caused... many are illegal immigrants, many wont show up to vote for hillary because shes white (irony)
>different history between the two
Shut up.
If he wants to call a cat "gato", he's free to do it.
yes to the point they actually did, until the 1700s the most spoken language in Brazil was actually tupi to the point that it was even spoken in the cities by immigrants, it was just after it was discovered gold in Minas Gerais that the common portuguese started to mass immigrate here and that is why portuguese became our language
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Democrats are weakest with white men, white people, and married people

its no shock they a basically out to destroy the country to win votes

dont be white, dont get married -Dems
Sure, burn down all favelas for all I care, they are by definition illegal and a breeding ground for criminals.
The government kicked the favelados out of their illegal homes near the Olympic venues and built a village for them far away from civilization, only retarded tourists who willingly go to the farther favelas get robbed nowadays.
But even in your own link it says 62%. and that's from 2 years ago
But the history and development of Preto is completely different from one that is of Black Americans of various levels of mixed.
Mostly depressed youth who use religious fervor as an outlet for their feelings of irrelevance. The massive majority of muslims here are good citizens. In fact I work with a few Kurds and they are both friendly and sociable as well as working their asses off.
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>french first name
>maghrebi last name

that would be hilarious desu
I will call you a débil mental and there's nothing you can do about it.
It was one example you dumb fuck. Every single culture group and race that wasnt white anglo in this county went through the same shit. They argued whether the Irish and Italians counted as "white" as well for voting and representation.
I don't get it

>french first name maghrebi last name
child of an immigrant family to france, ethnic minority

>maghrebi first name french last name
family ties with colonial france, probably upperclass
that's near-impossible. even the most french ones have maghrebi first names
can you read dumbfuck?

the link you posted says non-Hispanic whites were 62% in 2012 and were only 75% in 1990.

I'm triggered how you would not only lie, but then post a """source""" that actually counters your assertion.

You're retarded.
*lets in a horde of horny white men into your country*
There is no mixed group in America at least like a I'm mixed. Most associate with one or the other and this is kidney the extension of the one-drop rule and the "one or the other not both" mentality on race in the states. That's why the mixed peoples that used to be more common assimilated to either white or black.

Thus most Blacks or mixes would say Black since In America there is no culture or people attempting to pass off as non-black. Also police officers would give that "really hun?" look if you were to do such a thing and mark the guy as black or mixed if there's an option and they identify as such.

In regard to the pics of those "white" folk there's no category that an sufficiently match them so they go under white since the majority of genes in Most Latinos is heavily white so no mixed catergory+ they mostly white- Jorge is white.
>tfw no kuruminha gf
I know that, burgers are completely retarded when it comes to race.

I still don't understand how calling their mixed breeds "pardos" is a bad thing, I'm doing them a service by teaching them more nuanced terms.

Also pardo has nothing to do with trying to pass off as non-black, it's a term from the colonial era way before this was even an issue.
The portuguese used it to describe the amerindians, it simply evolved into all kinds of browns.
It has nothing to do with cultural groups or whatever.
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>it has nothing to do with cultural groups
Right, mixed blacks are in the black cultural sphere here, so yeah it would be weird to give them a special name. I guess you all only have the nuanced terms because spain and portugal both had the autistic casta thing
Brazil is a subhuman county with no culture and you can't survive in this shithole if you don't speak the language.
You do make a good point man

I agree to some extent, the problem here is in the US the mainstream identity is "white" which didn't always include even all Europeans, and this make everyone non conforming to that standard a minority. In Mexico the mainstream is Mexican (mestizo) so both full blooded Europeans and Amerindians integrate into that because neither group looks different than the mainstream, sure some may choose not to join (eg American senior expats who are just retiring or Indigenous Mexicans who speak a language other than Spanish) but this is not exclusion, it takes no more effort than to simply identify as Mexican to join in so to speak.

In Brasil there may be something intermediate as the mainstream seems to be multi-ethnic but apprently remains largely segregated (eg all white and all black towns/comunities) so I do think it's more of an intermediate model, that's not based on a single ethnicity, keep in mind al three counties do share an overarching national culture/identity, Americans are not today nominally less comited (as government/institutions) to a multi-ethnic society than Brasil.
Brazil is not segregated, we don't have "black neighborhoods" like in the US for example.
Even our white states have a fuckload of pardos.

I think you guys need to stop using movies (made by lefties, mind you) as facts.
Instead of letting the immigrants rape your women, you rape them and their women.
Let me put it this way, what's the default/mainstream Brasilian identity?

In the US is a white guy, despite significant numbers of minorities
In Mexico is a mestizo, despite whites still being mostly on top while Amerindians remain mostly at the bottom
In Brasil?
it is literally being huehueheueheue liking football fucking girls amd not being serious about everything
In Brazil it's the football and party hard culture and that's literally it.
What is most exported is the Rio culture of carnaval and favela but it doesn't represent the whole country in the same way Texans don't represent the whole US.
today I learned that you cannot have a serious discussion about race issues with Brazilians because they "don't see color".
What makes you think that?

As was said before, there IS racism in Brazil but it's a much smaller issue than you think, don't try to project your own country's problems into others.
I'm not projecting. You're assuming I'm American based on my current location.
We don't have to, since almost noone wants to move this country.
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Ok, we have that, the whole siesta violent womanizing drunk thing, but that's not our identity it's just a caricature. The national identity as a whole is absed on "the bronze race" and Vasocncelos' writings as well as the inagery of Muralism, Mexican cuisine (neither indigenous nor European) the Charro figure, Mexican literature (Paz, Rulfo, etc.) national symbols, etc. The whole foundation of the country, beyond memes, is Europeans and Amerindians come together to create this new identity.

You can't honestly tell me Brasil is just carnaval, football, trannies and bossa nova. There's gotta be a deeper foundation than that, I mean you built your capital from scratch in the middle of the jungle, that project must have had some intellectual basis, either the Pardo as the new man or something more like today's multi-culturalism, something.

Beyond the memes what makes someone uniquely Brasilian?
Where are you from?
I grew up in Brazil
Our national identity is just vague stuff about diversity, colonialism and Catholicism, the deal with Brazil is that we had several waves of immigrants with their own ideals across the centuries so it's hard to pin down a common identity.
But I'm not saying our culture is weak, each state is very much its own character but it just doesn't show in international media since no one cares about the rest.
So basically you're saying Brasil is in fact what the EU and the US aspire to become?
I think we are very similar to the US in this aspect, we both have things we are proud of like our cuisine and some historical figures but the identity itself is just vague, we both wear our flags to show our national pride since the country itself is just too diverse so you can't abbreviate it with anything else.
When I think of Brazil as a whole I think of Oscar Niemeyer's architecture, football and huehue culture, but my state for example is basically a polish colony with its own version of european-wannabe architecture and more reserved people.
Yes, because some of them are incapable of integrating into a civilized society.

That's not really a problem if the society they need to integrate into isn't civilized.
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Fair enough I did mention earlier you do in some respects seem closer to the US. Maybe it's the large black populations and traditional European attitudes which made your cultures more like different colored gumballs in the same jar rather than say mixing tea and milk like ours.
LOL Canada can't even integrate other anglos, wogs invading is the only reason we aren't bitching at each other anymore.
By the Grace of God, We Nicholas, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, of Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Tauric Chersonesus, Lord of Pskov, and Grand Prince of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, and Finland; Prince of Estonia, Livonia, Courland and Semigalia, Samogitia, Bielostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugor, Perm, Vyatka, Bogar and others; Sovereign and Grand Prince of Nizhni Novgorod, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Jaroslavl, Beloozero, Udoria, Obdoria, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislav, and Ruler of all the Severian country; Sovereign and Lord of Iveria, Kartalinia, the Kabardian lands and Armenian province: hereditary Sovereign and Possessor of the Circassian and Mountain Princes and of others; Sovereign of Turkestan, Heir of Norway, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, and Oldenburg, and so forth, and so forth, and so forth.
Oh shot I thought I was in another thread on a different board
>LOL Canada can't even integrate other anglos

Seriously? Do you mean Americans coming over or Brits? I doubt you have many of us arriving.
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