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Anonymous, you speak English. You are smart, funny and kind.

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Anonymous, you speak English.

You are smart, funny and kind. Oh, and white, of course.

Why don't you join us and move to America?

We are the land of immigrants, after all.
Would live there 2bh
You hate French people, you'd bully me treat me like shit and probably shoot me as well. No thank you. I'd rather stay here and die even.
Because you only let spics in
Maybe I'll enroll in some small university to get my masters after I get my bachelor's here if that's possible

I don't want to go to any big city though, not more than a few hundred thousand people
Because you would let me in, regardless of my skin.
The word "gezelligheid" doesn't even exist in the English language, so I'd rather stay here.

no we dont

not since 03/04
Because I have no money.
>to get my masters
They'll kick you out of the country after graduation.
the french tourists are very rude to us
W-why? I will behave, I promise.
french people are chill
I wouldn't mind you guys here
Student visa will expire after that.
no I don't
no, I'm not
I don't want to.
yes, you are.
You would treat me like a dirty wetback therefore no. Also no green card.
The Finnish and Russians are only welcome if they accept to live in chains of the basement of an American man. You would have to swear to be submissive and obedient to your master and maybe he'll let you be his wife.

spaniards are considered different than mexicans
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Let me clarify some shit here.

In Burgerland, no one gives a fuck. Unless your are a racist uncle, or a over protective mom, nobody gives a fuck where you're from.
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>We are the land of immigrants, after all.

What land isn't? You think people just spawned in their nations?

God damn.

Don't come here unless you're white and at least 2/3 of the below applies to you

>Speaks fluent or at least conversational english
>Higher education
>Willing to do shit labor
Really? In my experience americans love France. Paris is the number 1 meme city and americans romanticize french culture.

Even if you're Mexican?
>it's an americans pretending anyone except a small minority of people in the world (most who are quotas from shitty african and asian countries) has a chance at passing through the draconian american immigration system and immigrating to the US
Seriously, fuck off.
Shame your real criteria is just
>Be a beaner
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Coz I am russki
That's pretty gay, dude

ps i'm a top

I don't want any neckbeard who goes to this site to come to my country.

Because it's not easy to get a permanent residence visa?
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>Hi! I'm italian

two cups of tea
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I can speak for the west coast on this.
Even if you're from Mexico nobody cares. The USA would be nothing without Mexican migrant workers and most of the population knows this.
Out in the sticks people are isolated and fucking insane. And there is quite a few people living in isolated areas here. But not as many that live in the major cities.
>just like anyone else in the world who lives in the woods - they are fucking crazy

California is the best place to be a Mexican.
t. Luigi Linguine
How do I even move there?

I want to.
that is what i did
What is the closest state to you?
>The USA would be nothing without Mexican migrant workers
t. Mexican immigrant
america is a third world country
I visited Dallas once. Didn't care for it.
soon, my friend, soon

just waiting for the election
>Anonymous, you speak English.

No, i don't speak it. I am able to read and write in English but I can't speak it at all.

>You are smart, funny and kind. Oh, and white, of course.

I'm none of these, unfortunately. I'm lazy, boring, cold and rude.
Haha the French are funny. They hate Americans and therefore they think that Americands hate them too.
Thanks for the offer, friend, but don't want to get shot by blacks nor police
>french people are chill
Really? I had a French prof. What a douche. He presumes every American student is an idiot.
>I'm lazy, boring, cold and rude.
you're reminding me of my old friend from college, you'll be fine here with my familia

i am italian and have been living in paris for a month, french people are disgusting

they have some ego problems or something
mammoni berlusconi inculati
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Do some research before you start shitposting Vlad. Also, not even close to Mexican.

Washington will tax you out the ass to move here. But at least we have weed. Damn good weed.
>I know because I live in the greatest state.
There are plenty of open boarder style things that will allow you to visit and check out the scenery.

You could become a truck driver if you have no skills. Or if you're good in tech, Washington has FUCK LOADS of tech jobs for people that know programming, web design and networking.

As far as actually doing getting the paperwork done and shit, idk google it. I know you can bring your car over.
>Friend has a Canadian car.
Take a ferry from Victoria(?) I think. And boom you are in Seattle.

t. Commie
No sizable french community, only germans and anglo who make surrender jokes

Did you read the first part of my post, didn't you? How can I be fine in you country without being able to speak your language? And I'm too old (and lazy) to start learning it properly, so no matter how hard would I try, I will never get fluent in it.
just kill me
we still have to participate in the visa lottery

best ally my ass
2ch/b ?
You have obviously never heard of Acadia.
If I had to live in an English speaking country, USA would be the last on the list. I'd rather live in South Africa than the US.
Yeah could be. Or maybe just in Paris/big cities. Have you traveled outside Paris?
dont worry, you arent missing anything

i've been to san francisco for some time, then went to kyiv then volgograd. russia is probably the best country i've been in so far, ukraine wasn't bad too but the wages were a joke.
> I'm too old
My teacher of electronics was like you, only was able to read and write. But in 61 he started learn english. Are you 65YO or older?
Cos I was in USA embassy at first of September and little bald faggot told me that I can't visit USA, cos I don't have a wife and any property in Belarus.
That is a very shallow statement. Have you been/researched either?
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>Why don't you join us and move to America?
That's only easy for Mexicans and Canadians who can physically cross the borders withour any or with little difficulty.
Yuropoors need a visa to visit the USA. After your student visa expires, the immigration services can kick you out. Or if you have a tourist visa, you need to renew it every six months and that means you have to leave the USA and go to your country every six months.
The only long-term solutions are winning a green card (very unlikely), or somehow getting in without a visa, i.e cross the border illegaly from e neighbouring state, which I doubt is a very good idea if you want to lead a normal life.
Americans don't really hate anyone, I'd be more concerned about Frogs hating Americans. Being that hating Americans is far more common than Americans hating.
Yeah, too many ppl come here and stay illegally and then apply for a refugee status with some cool story (gay oppression etc)

nope, only been to paris, for literally one month, then i went back to italy. the city is great, there's lots of opportunities and things to do, but as i said most of the people in there were absolutely awful.

pretty sure every capital of europe is kind of like that, moscow for example is the same - very great city but people are rude and think they're above everyone else.
so is rome, kind of - they hate all the immigrants and tourists. but rome is probably the worst city in italy after naples
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> don't have a wife and any property in Belarus
Why do you need all that shit? Explain me his logic.

I don't post in /b/, that place is too cancerous to me. Only in thematic boards like /s/, /hw/, /ra/, /t/, /sci/ and some others.
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I would agree. My experience is that far more people hate Americans than we hate other people.
Most everyone I know just kinda throws their hands up in the air - "Why dude, why not just be chill?"
It's more the whole getting citizenship thing I'm stuck on.
Because I don't want to do shit labor
>after naples
hahahaha. what is up with this naple meme. EVERY Italian I ask hate them
probably applied for a tourist visa and was declined because he theoretically (and practically) isn't chained down to belarus
>russia is probably the best country

Cool story, bro.


No, I'm 22, but I have never been taught English language properly, in both school and university i had only German classes.
-Hey guy, do you have in your country anything you can't leave? Maybe good job? Property? Wife?

-Oh, you know, I have only smartphone in my pocket.
You should convince the council that you have more than enough reasons to return back to your country.
I play hockey with a bunch of Canadians. None of them have citizenship but I think they have a work visa or something. Seems pretty easy to get one once you have a job offer.
French are ok. My cousin married one. He's a bum, but he's alright.
americans in the south wouldn't like me and I hate northerners

plus I like my country too much
Even if you have wife and property you still can left Belarus forever if you want.
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people from naples are the reason of ALL the stereotypes. They DONT speak italian (they speak some weird stone age language), they stink, they are poor, they cannot read/write, they dont go to school, they would kill for a 5€ bill, they always steal and think only about having sex and eating some nice bowl of pasta
>and I hate northerners

>I'm 22
When I was 22 I wasn't able to sustain a sane conversation like you do now.
But alright, you probably can come up with another 100 reasons why you can't leave Russia and stay there forever.
dumb arrogant liberals
I once met a Brazilian chick in a hotel. She was cooking omelettes at the all you can eat breakfast thing. But she was fat. Maybe that's why she was forced to emigrate.
>dumb arrogant liberals
I take it you don't know about the midwest
t. Totino's ® Pizza Rolls ®
rip whites
You should be a really insane person to live as an illegal immigrant in the US, when you have your own apartment and a family in Belarus.
Haha this building. Oh and the Concorida captain was from there! But Maradona liked it there. He could do drugs all day.
The north scores higher than the south in education
Maine elects more 3rd party and independent canidates than any other state and has had a Conservative governor for years.

You woukd like Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, it's places like NY that are cancer.
Was she talkative?
Well it is tough choice but some people do that.
>only 9% black in the 65-74 group
Really makes u think...
>You hate French people
>thinking you'd get anything more hateful than le surrender maymay and people telling you that California wine is beter
Yes. We should get people to come here.

But only if they like:

Bald Eagles
The Constitution

No more commies. We're full on commies.
yeah when I think north I think new york

but point still stands that the good americans are the ones that dont want me in their country
i don't think he knows anything. just some stereotypes he picked up on the web.
>don't come here unless you're white
lol im coming and nothing you can do will stop me fagot
I understand Mexicans, they live right near you, but fly from Belarus to the US to work on some illegal job for below minimum wage? Belarusians can work in Russia legally (in Moscow or some oil cities, for instance), they don't need any visa for that.
Yes! Actually it was pretty unusual I was waiting and we kept talking. Usually people just stand there or leave and come back. But I told her that I was from Russia so we had something to talk about. You know foreign folks in the U.S.
No one gives a shit if you're a Mexican, they only care if you act like a nigger
Yeah, NY and similar places are shit.
You should try Northern New England, it's the best part of America and no one would dislike a Colombian
Are you from Russia for real?
Well I dunno, according to them it is still a better choice. Some people just get sick of what is going on in Russia/Belarus/Ukraine and they hope they will do better here.
The only French speaking part of the country is Maine and that's only a meme population

No, Louisiana does not count
I'll come to america one day to enrich your fine ladies
Yes, moved here from Russia >>65430216
>The South is still racist
We're not tho
This. I would but your country doesn't want me

Are you a Jew?
Do you do shit labour?
Best part is subjective. Many Americans find them rude and pushy etc. They call themselves "real", "no sugar coating". Who knows.
>The north scores higher than the south in education
Because the South has a higher minority population. Whites score about the same
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Most arabs just open up gas stations and shoot niggers who attempt to rob them. It's not all bad.

t. Man friends with a Yemeni dude and we chill after he gets closes the store.
>implying country towns in any country arent racist...
No, software
Because the nordic countries are the best in the world
too bad, that was my favorite part
Arabs are shit tier immigrants though. Every single Arab I know is a massive cunt
I don't know anyone with an apartment and family in Russia/Belarus who left it there and live illegally in the US. Ukraine is another thing.
Attitude is subjective, but that region is objectively the whitest and safest, best politics, lots of culture and history, nice scenery, etc.
How much do you get paid?
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Ya, there are a lot of bad eggs, but there are a few good ones. I know 2 lebs and a yemeni who are BASED. But arabs that get mixed with nepalis or indians are usually pootier.
>ITT poor fags who would rather betray their family and nation for the sake of a cheap iPhone
yes friends and family is one thing, but young people is another
for example. all my friends have left for the us one by one. they are working at some georgian niggas resteraunt in jew york lel
Why would I make my life worse?
I've told you before, you cunt. Unclear future prospects for the country and society and illogical immigration laws.
95K a year. But it is relative. Salaries here depend a lot on location. For example for NYC or CA that doesn't sound like a lot. Midwest is OK.
>but people are rude and think they're above everyone else
Really? I've been to Moscow many times, but people there aren't rude, just tend to themselves and don't care about anything. Could you elaborate?
Also, Moscow is much more friendlier to a tourists than cities like St.Petersburg.
>ITT poor fags who would rather betray their King and country for the sake of cheap tea
>OK in midwest
Nigger you could live in the suburb I grew up in with a salary like that. And I grew up in one of the best suburbs in the whole country
One of my deepest dreams is getting a very comfy mansion in New England in the middle of hilly woods and be left alone forever
How doable is that?
>cheap iPhone
More like for the sake of being able to buy the new iPhone for 20% of your months salary rather than 200%.
When did you come to USA?
>Why don't you join us and move to America?

I don't really want to move to a country where I would be treated like shit, hated, despised and looked down upon by the people.
I like yanks and you have GOAT scenery but your towns and cities look soulless and there's no old buildings.
Genuinely find it pathetic people hate Russia because they're told to.
>How is Russia viewed
It says nothing about Russians.
Americans don't really give a shit, and we're surprisingly welcoming.

I don't know of anyone that says they hate Russians. Back when I was in highschool we had a Russian foreign exchange student and nobody gave her shit for it
Was she hot?
Yeah she was pretty cute, a lot of the guys in my grade including myself thought so
Genuinely hate it when people defend russians out of naive womanly empathy and ignorance
French here, this one don't belong to our kind
Nah mate Russia is a shit but I find it stupid how people think they're some fucking comic book villain that are the cause of all problems.
because everyone loves to hate america
I don't even feel a part of my nation anymore.

It's been sold off to a bunch of third worlders without me being able to do anything about it.

If I'm going to live in a multicultural hellhole I should at least get a gun and a high salary.
Why did you vote in a cuck as your PM?

What's wrong with Canadians?
Elect your own Trump.
I didn't.

And it was the conservatives who let all the chinese in.
I just remembered that I still have her added on facebook, and that she was really good friends with one of the Mormon girls at my school
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>Amerilard still doesn't realize most of the world still likes America

It's not 2004 anymore Burger.
who let the pakis in?
Does not*

most of the people were cold, they all had sad expressions and when i asked a few times for directions to some place (i speak fluent russian and have a pretty good accent) they seemed very bothered by me. When driving, I often saw people insulting eachother and sometimes even groups of people fighting over stupid stuff. w/e, moscow itself is a really nice city tho.

I live in volgograd now, it's a shithole but i'm ok with it. Planning to move back to kyiv next year with my ukranian friend - I have an online business in europe, so I take advantage of low cost of life to live pretty good without a lot of money, and russia is starting to cost too much.

some people are really nice, i met lot of new friends and we always help eachother when we need something, girls are pretty nice and everything else is ok
And who let the dogs out?
A while ago when it was relatively easy to get an H1B. Now it is a hassle.
Why don't you just go to the all white Maritimes, everyone there has guns too.
It's really annoying.

Even for me trying to get a Visa for tech.

They really need to make a separate Visa for Indians and Chinese.
Just look at /int/, our own little cross section of the world, and see how many people here hate America

I know there is banter, but when there are more people that one can count who admit to hating America, it makes you realize just how unwelcome we are outside of /cum/
I traveled to Ontario from Detroit lately. Toronto/Niagara falls. So many immigrants! Where are all the Canadians? And apparently they feel underappreciated and hate Canada
Were you a software developer in Russia?
Save me senpai
So you are from Ukraine and they hate Ukrainians. And they hate pretty much everyone. But they are generally nice to foreigners/westerners,
>Why don't you join us and move to America?

I would if it wasn't so hard desu.
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>/int/ as a standard
Most people here don't hate America at all. Aericans just can't stand to be told that they have faults and aren't the greatest country on earth.
Criticism =/= hatred
Not really. I am italian. Moved to paris, then SF, then Kyiv, then Moscow, then Volgograd. Planning to go back to Kyiv.

It's strange how most Russians hate Ukrainians. Most of the smart Ukrainians actually love Russia. And we are aware of the bullshit the Ukrainian government is trying to spread about the civil war, trying to shittalk russian federation.
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>where are all the Canadians

Québec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.
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>being this much of a fag

Lad, if I have to tell you this it is kind of sad but 4chan =/= real life. Barely anybody really hates America outside of mudslimes and SJW's. If you're sad about Russia they probably only hate your gov't.
Yes. I applied online and got hired by an Indian body shop and they also sponsored my GC application. I then ditched them and got a green card eventually. Those were the days.
>i asked a few times for directions to some place they seemed very bothered by me
They were very likely not from Moscow as well.
Happened to me too, when I asked for directions 5 people in a row and they were all "I don't know where is it, I'm not from here"
>When driving, I often saw people insulting eachother and sometimes even groups of people fighting over stupid stuff
Driving is really nervous there, yep.
>and russia is starting to cost too much
Even with such a weak currency?
How do I do this now?
Do you work too much?
Well yea, this mentality has been going on for ages. Russians always thought of Ukrainians as their little retarded brothers. And when this shit started things got a lot worse.
Do you have a gf?
Hahaha, are they being forced to move up north to NT and further? .
I don't want to be bullied for my accent

>Even with such a weak currency?

Kind of. I am very lazy and I kind of let my business run by itself, I earn every day around 10-15€ (which are the amount of money you'd earn in 25 minutes in Italy), and I am well with them.

Problem is, at the end of the day, after a couple of packs of belomorkanal, a few bottles of drinks, a meal, taxi and everything - it's hard to save money.

I would like to buy a nice mercedes jeep, buy a better house in another city, maybe a boat - and with that much money is hard. But still, as I said, way better than Italy, considering in Italy you'd have to spend around 50€/day at least.
Do you sound like this guy?
Not really, 9-5 no overtime, very relaxed. Unlike Russia, nobody yells at me lol and I am respected here, absolutely love it.

Yes, she is Russian. There is a pretty large Russian community around here.
There's a Dane in my class at college and she doesn't get bullied.

Tutor made a brexit joke though was funny.
Dude, I am Russian so you can imagine how I sound and nobody cares. Americans are very tolerant of foreign accents and a (moderately) broken English like mine.
Now I don't feel as bad about my accent anymore
Which state of USA are you living?
No, they have always been in the east
Well, I see now why Ukraine would be a better choice, but isn't Kiev even more expensive than Volgograd?
>how I sound
Like a Hollywood villain?
why did your cousin marry a homeless person?
>couple of packs of belomorkanal
Are you really Italian?
Funny thing is Hollywood villains don't sound Russian at all. It is what Hollywood think Russian sounds like. Some people tell me I sound like the evil dude in the Despicable Me. What's his name, Victor?
>Why don't you join us and move to America?
Because I would need to have a green card to find a job, and you don't give those to europeans.

I don't remember so. Maybe it changed.

>Are you really Italian?

Yes, just very well integrated, I'd say. I am an avid smoker, back in Italy I'd smoke like 4-5 packs a day. When my Ukrainian friend invited me to come live there, he showed me all the Russian brands like Stolichnye, Prima, Magna etc... And I loved them. Only smoke those now.
But obviously I smoke less, since I get them without filters. I'm not a gopnik, smoking all day.
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I am Siberian, so I like green tea. It would be very grievously for me to live without tea.
But, as a Siberian, I like freedom and individualism and in the same time I will help person in trouble unlike russians who will never come to a fallen man on the pavement in the 20 degrees cold. And I hate commies. Commies forced my family to live in poverty.
After all, should I come to America? How will you treat to me?
Not a green card. A work visa.
Do you like salo?
I would but you guys don't give me a visa.
I know my country is a shithole but U.S isn't that much better these days.
I'd rather stay here, thanks.
In Argentina we have more than that. Greetings!
>You are smart, funny and kind. Oh, and white, of course.
But I'm actually intellectually lazy, awkward and mean spirited. And I might be fair complexioned but my nationality disqualifies from whiteness.
I do speak english tho.
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>U.S isn't that much better these days
Never tried, but doesn't look very good. I enjoy a lot щи (I know, I'm weird)
I'm sorry, for some reson my government lets Mexicans and asians enter illegally, but wants to keep out educated Europeans.
>U.S isn't that much better these days
whatever you need to tell yourself fäm
t. never been outside this shithole
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>U.S isn't that much better these days.
Wew wow
muh white privilege
wot? italians not white now? what would mussolini say?

in italy its common to get dark as much as u can because it shows off u hang out every day, if ur pale it means ur a nerd who sits on hsi fat ass all day

so like everyone tries to become black in april or something, it's like a race to show off ur cool
Give this guy a break >>65434784
There is nothing he can do so he is in denial.
I hear this a lot from my fellow Russians. I never argue. Why?
You mean non-white privilege?
No, clearly whites are privileged still so we must ban more whites from coming in. However, if you think we should ban Muslims from entering then you are a xenophobic, islamophobic, racist
>I never argue. Why?
Better not burst someone's reality bubble.
Actually, I wish we let in more Syrian refugees but the Republicans cried, so we didn't. I don't mind any those labels though.

Sorry I don't believe in racially and socially engineering nations liek you do, and want epople let in on merit.
Lol, where in Volgograd do you live? What district?
Hahaha dude it is like it used to be in Russia with my parent's generation. They still cherish those times. They would have a 30 day vacation every year so they would go to Crimea and stay on the same beach for 30 days rolling over and making sure every bit of their skin gets equally brown. So you could show off your tan back in the rainy Moscow. Needless to say in the U.S. sun exposure is strongly associated with skin cancer. But there are tanning salons everywhere.

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America will be Brazil 2.0: Edición Español, just wait.
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>Oh, and white, of course
But your immigration pilicy is so restrictive. It would be nice to move to USA, but even if I would find a job there it isn't a garanty that I'll really get visa.
The rest of the west will follow suit if we continue our current trend of open arms and free money to those who contribute nothing
Lol where do they publish maps like this, source? Stormfront?
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It's not that bad...
Not really, consider brexit.
It's true, though. Whites have a fertility rate below replacement level, and many minorites have a feritility rate above whites.
yeah, h1b lottery chance is like 30%. still much better than a gc lottery
Not arguing that this may be true, it is just you rarely see such politically incorrect stats
But your neighbors from north would give me a 100â„… chance on it.
How is Pennsylvania?

I was thinking of moving there, besides New England. I chose Pennsylvania over New England because even if those states are all over 90% white, Pennsylvania is 89% white but has 12 million people in it, therefore more white people than all those states together. It also has good history and a good economy.

So, Amerilads, how is my choice?
Pros and cons of moving to Pennsylvania.
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>Brookings Institute in the corner
>Where do they publish this? XD

It's only politically incorrect if you portray this as a bad thing, the left and minorities celebrate this as a triumph.
Could be I dunno. It is all about jobs. Canada is getting overwhelmed with Asian immigration.
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Please nuke it all USA, the world needs a reset.
You sound so stupid with this race calculations so I am assuming you are trolling.
Pennsylvania isn't that bad at all, besides the yearly furry convention in Pittsburgh, everything else is great.
Pittsburgh is awesome. Scenic and hilly and my friends Cindy and Eugene Malkin live there.
Ur so gay man.
I'd like to marry you if you're pretty
We have green tea.
>Anonymous, you speak English.
I guess so.
>You are smart,
Dumber than a bag of rocks.
My humor is about on par with a 2 year old. I can't even make my best friend laugh unless I really surprise him with something good.
>and kind.
I fucking hate myself.
>Why don't you join us and move to America?
Send a rope and I'll be on my way.
Actually, smart Russians are OK with Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees too.
Is it true that argie women like gringo accents?
Lived in PA most of my life. It has a rich German cultural history, including the Amish who live in Lancaster. In terms of race, most of the state is white with the exception of Philadelphia, it's actually majority black if I recall. However, most of them stay in their own shitty part of the city. I would say live 30-60 mins to the West from Philadelphia and you have a good combination of racial purity and accessibilty to the nations 5th biggest city.
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>The USA would be nothing without Mexican migrant workers
holy shit anon it's true
>mfw my groceries are 2 dollars more because lazy farmers stopped using illegals
>mfw the federal gov spends several billion less on healthcare because all the illegals left
>mfw people stop teaching spanish in schools
>mfw I haven't seen an illegal riding a bike down the highway in months
U.S. ‘discriminates’ against Christian refugees, accepts 96% Muslims, 3% Christians


Our government that's supposed to represent the people's will, everyone.
I'm from Ukraine. Is it possible for me to apply on american asylum and get positive answer?
Yeah, both american and british
I have no clue bud, sorry. My uninformed guess is no.
I've heard that in non-American countries, the women think we sound like movie stars. Is this also true?
Shit, I should say them that I'm a Satanist, I think theres gonna be 100% possibility that they'll accept me >:-]
How so?

I mean, it my sound autistic to calculate the quallity of a living space on how many white people there are/minorities there aren't, but I don't want to deal with BLM and similar nonsense.

I don't mind normal Black and Hispanic people.

How is the job industry? I'm a Software Engineer. I think I speak really good English, most people I've spoken to thought I was from Scandinavia or something, accent wise.

Also, one stupid question, how are the accents of Pennsylvania? I've read an article some time ago where they said that you speak the most disgusting English there is, don't know what they meant though. Never heard someone from there speak.

Hopefully it's not like that stereotypical hillbilly accent.
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Sure, I'll take Doral
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How was your food ration today?
Well from what I heard it can be done but it is really up to you if you want to go that route. You basically come on a visitor visa and overstay and apply for a refugee status. They are crooked lawyers who know how that is done. They will help you come up with a cool story about how you are being oppressed in your country. Back in the way it was the jewish theme which doesn't work anymore. Other options are war in Ukraine. All else failing, you can claim you are gay and being persecuted and raped etc. While your case is considered you can stay legally. If you lose you can appeal etc. Long story short this is not for everyone. Only if you are really desperate. And even then you should be always prepared that something may go wrong and you will get kicked out of the country years later after you already settled etc.
>Bald Eagles




>The Constitution

> Bald Eagles
> Freedom
> Capitalism
> Guns
> The Constitution
7-8/10 Yours is bad.
> Individualism
Huehuehue, individualists that have "war on drugs"
It's way better. The average quality of life in the US is probably way higher than the average quality of life in Europe.
Yes, the way you approach this sounds a bit autistic to me. I mean dude, most parts of the US are overall reasonably white plus whites live with other whites. If you make a good living you live in a white suburb etc etc When people are looking to relocate here, their highest priority is to compare the salaries and the cost of living. This is the most important thing. And relocating it is not easy. Many people are open for different options. It is not like they are going to rule out the whole fucking state just because the total percentage of white people is below a certain mark.
Not in the slightest, otherwise GM would've gone bankrupt decades ago.
The official "standard" TV pronunciation is based on the Midwest accents, so pretty close. No hillbilly accents except maybe in rural areas, dunno.
Not sure if as a movie star but they will most likely think you are cool or would approach to you and start a conversation to test or practice their english
will that get you laid? that is the best way to practice a foreign language.
If you are handsome and blonde it would probably work, be prepared for turbo normies tho
In the really far west of rural Pennsylvania, yes, some people sound like hillbillies. It is a bit of the "Appalachian Region" or "Appalachia". 70% of people don't sound like that anymore and that's only in th really far west of the state.

Philly, of course is in the East and is pretty good in terms of jobs, as a software engineer you should do fine. Just live in some suburbs outside the city. Most middle-class suburbs are like 75-95% white. There's also good public transportation in the form of trains from suburbs to the city. They are fast and reliable.

Also, Philly is the most historical major cities in the US (tied with Boston, maybe) has tons of nice, old architecture as well as modern skyscrapers.
>turbo normies
lol. anxious already
Thanks for the info lads.
>seeking material goods
Kill yourself
I don't fucking care about Brazil. And I don't have anything worth mentioning against Americans on general.

However, I care about my City and my State and, even with all the problems both have, I'd rather not emigrate. Or like people here say, "you can't transplant a pine tree".
>join smelly American life style
>chirpy, charming English accent fades to a slum American dialect
>gain 60 pounds
>unhealthy from every food being laced with fat and sugars
>stressed from hard working, low-pay American job
>come home to niggers-ville apartment because it's all I can afford on shitty American wages
>get shot by nigger for saying hello to him, trying to brighten his day
>have to pay through the nose to the hospital just to not die, government doesn't do shit for me
>get called a racist when walking down the street by a group of hippie college kids for being white
>get hit by massively oversized car by stupid typical American housewife trying to drive her kids to McDonalds before they stop serving triple-double-mcnuggieburgers /w XXXXL fries
>die because i can't afford another trip to the hospital

I'm sorry, and you guys WANT to live in America??
>pic related: my concern for your mental health to want to live in that cesspool
These are the kind of posts I am talking about when I say most of this board hates America
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I don't wanna get shot.
I don't like any American accent except maybe Boston accent.
I don't want to get shot.
I don't want to fear about ending up living on the street.
I don't want to have memes as presidents of my country.
I don't want to shit myself every time I go to a shop.
I don't want to get shot while shitting myself in a shop.
I really dislike how American culture seems to lack some of the British/European style of gritty wit, sarcasm and self-irony.
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Why so mean
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and why wouldn't we?
Because I didn't do anything to you but you hate me
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You're trying to dupe people coming to live the American Dream.
All we're left then are the scum. You're slowly ruining us with your brain drain.
Reminder that everyone here is welcome to America as long as you're nice <3
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>america dindu nuffin
How is that my fault though? Why do you hate me in particular?
I said I hate america, not you in particular
>american reading comprehension
>tell you I didn't do anything to your country
>get called a dindu
I'm American, therefore you hate me, because you hate everyone in the US
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>imblying there's anything wrong with this
I hate the country in general, obviously there are some exceptions to it but that's the way I feel about most of it

btw you're annoying
I didn't hate you in particular before but now I do
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Hello I am a middle-man Britain here and your argument is literally just you trying to justify your retarded, bias agenda goodbye.
look who's on the map
How about you go to your local shop and try not to fucking die buying a pack to toilet rolls you fucking neanderthal?
All those who want to come to burger just go to Canada, it's just America but not shitty and a bit cold.
im all that except im not white :(
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Yo. It's still capitalism, even if it is suffering some really annoying manipulations.

It's a fantastic constitution. I wish we would follow it.

Unfortunately things will probably get worse before it gets better. With Scalia dead, and Clinton probably winning, we'll probably end up replacing one of our most important constitutional defenders with someone who actively works against it.

It's sad.

I'll welcome you, friend.
The only country capable of making me move out of hueland is England. I've been a huge britboo since ever and they also have the best accent.
Brit accent is cancer
You better be strong enough to earn it.
basically already live in a knock off of your country, and i look like a spic so i would rather stay here to play it safe
do you love beaners?
I worked there for years.
No thanks.
Not at all, I'm not a fan of a lot of Chicanos, but every Mexican I've met here in Ohio has been super friendly. You guys seem like very happy and fun loving people. You guys have one of the greatest cuisines in the entire world.

I don't want you guys coming in illegally. I don't want illegal immigrants having anchor babies and using them to collect government aid. I want you guys to come in properly and become real Americans the legal way like my grandma did in 1949 when she came here from Germany.

I honestly don't give a shit what kind of person comes to this country, so long as they love America and are willing to work and be educated.
>I don't want you guys coming in illegally
know for sure, non of us want chicanos live there as well, they're arrogan, loud and self righteous compared to Mexicans.
Very true, my non-blood related aunt is from Mexico and she is extremely nice, polite, and reserved. Much better than the Chicanos who were born here yet wave the Mexican flag and act like nogs.
It's too complicated to be smuggler,killer, bandit, weapon dealer in USA, not friedly to newcomers, young businessman,
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