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2bh, how come BRs are so happy when their country is so shit?

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2bh, how come BRs are so happy when their country is so shit? I mean their country's culture scream of happiness, carnival, bunda, their music and all that shit, meanwhile here people only get happy when they are drunk despite having one of the highest quality of life of the world. Yesterday I even played CS:GO in their BR servers, and people were literally screaming and laughing of their microphones, seriously WTF
Playing anything on easy mode will get you bored. especially life.
It's not that bad 2bh. Unless you live in a forgotten city in the countryside of north/northeast.

Love playing casual on CS just to hear the bantz and the jokes going on. it's really fucking hilarious.

You are just stereotyping a country with 200 million of people from almost every etnich background and with 8 millin of km2

Also, carnival stereotype only happens in three states.
wealth != happiness

I used to live in a shithole in eastern europe and now that i'm here i'm even more depressed.

>their country's culture scream of happiness, carnival, bunda

That's fucking Rio de Janeiro. No one likes this shit in Midwest.

Brazil is a fucking big country and it's not as shit as your media paint.

>their country's culture scream of happiness, carnival, bunda

This crap is only Rio de Janeiro. I have a comfy life in my middle size city.
Just go to Brazil and ask some favelado you found in the gutter how happy he is
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>W-We are not Rio, I am autistic just like you my nordic brothers!
happiness makes your country shitty
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they seem pretty happy to me 2bh
>Yesterday I even played CS:GO in their BR servers, and people were literally screaming and laughing of their microphones, seriously WTF
dude they're high as fuck

And? My state is poor, but at least it's not Rio de Janeiro. Your state besides poor have shit tier culture too.
This thread again? Finn go suck a Brazilian tranny dick.
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Yes, shit tier culture that is recognized all over the world for its prestige and beauty. But who am I to talk about cultural standards when I got a superior /pol/ elitist with refined übermensch tastes here
Insecure Brazilians are the best posters.
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>ywn have this much fun
>No one likes this shit in Midwest.
yes, Midwest culture is totally different from the rest of Brazil hahah, no one likes to party there haha

No one is pride of your degenerate culture. The world doesn't admire or recognize you, the world only make fun of you.
>how come BRs are so happy
Enjoy the sunshine, brother. Oh, wait, you don't have it.

Rio de Janeiro is the worst place in the world. It's a combination of the worst of the first world: values and degeneracy and the worst of the third world: corruption and poverty.
Brazil is filled with normies. Even their autists have at least 10 to 15 friends and all have lost their virginity by age 13.
>No one is pride of your degenerate culture. The world doesn't admire or recognize you, the world only make fun of you.
yes, that is why they gave us the olympics hahaha

They gave you olympics ony to get your money and now your state is bankrupt
>They gave you olympics ony to get your money and now your state is bankrupt
jokes on you, it was bankrupt before already hahahahaha

So true. They have literally nothing to be proud of.
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so your ideal place would be a place where no corruption exists, people are rich and strictly follow traditional values? so nowhere?

I prefer 1000 times being poor and conservative. Your state is a fucking joke. Tell me what the fuck you have to being proud of being a degenerate state and show your girls as prostitutes dancing?

It's so funny you copy first world values only to look rich, it's pathetic.
Here we're not rich but we're genuinely happy sometimes.
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yes it's not like we have produced literally half of all MPB artists or anything, or even created a new rhythm that is copied worldwide, or even home to the only South American Monarch, to a president that killed himself for our country and is forever remembered as one of the best presidents of Brazil, or even home to a World Wonder of Modern History, or even the stage of one of the most iconic films of Brazil nowadays hahahah. Rio is shit there is nothing good to come out of here.

You are bluepilled as fuck about your state. No one admire or respect you, except wiggers or hipsters. You are some kind of porn site that everyone visits, cum and leave out.

You are a worse version of San Francisco, because San Francisco at least is rich. You pretend to be rich.
Brasil is pretty good if you have money, you see that racial democracy bullshit here but we do segregate not only the black,but all the minorities by the money, if you have it you will live in places different than the others, you will study in places different than the others and so it goes, so if you come to brazil bring the dolla.
That's not true. Rio culture is seen as sexually open and more secure with sex and their sexuality along with happiness through simplicity. Not being memed into the rat race etc.
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yes culture doesn't matter, all that matters is that we "pretend" to be rich, cause you know our culture is all about showing others how rich you are and yes I am bluepilled, economy, conservatism and traditional values are all that matter, that is why the only way for Brazil to become a superpower is to exterminate each and everyone that got a low IQ and belong to inferior race, align ourselves to the USA, free our economy and open our market towards them, let them guide us toward brightness and civilization. Make Brazil White Again!
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>We are a conservative country, you don't represent the country.
Don't mistake blunt ignorace with happiness. Most of the brazilian people are so uneducated that they can't even grasp the concept of sadness

You can cry rivers. Rio de Janeiro is not liked or respected by all Brazilian states and by foreigners too. We are a conservative country, you don't represent the country.
so conservative that elected PT for 16 years

The average Brazilian hates Rio de Janeiro culture. You are just bluepilled.
>Rio de Janeiro is not liked or respected by all Brazilian states and by foreigners too
yes that is why the olympics were hosted here and were a success

Only because populism, not because they like first world values.

Your culture is so shit that half of ending was northeast/portuguese culture. Nobody except socialists and hipsters liked the opening
you're a retarded /pol/ack so I don't think you're much better
yes that is why Globo got no audience whatsoever, and all of our musicians and rhythms do not represent whatsoever Brazilian culture. Everybody countrywide just listens to rock music and watch Band and turkish soap operas
>Only because populism, not because they like first world values.
Yes they only elected PT for 16 years due to populism, they didn't achieve anything whatsoever like international prestige or anything
They were representing not only their city but all of Brazil.

Do you not know how the Olympics works?

Almost 60% pf the country hates carnival and Rio de Janeiro nigger stuff

Yes, there was nothing relating to Rio at all
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>2 thousand people sample out of a 200 million country
>yes nobody likes Brazilian culture in Brazil

I just saw Northeast/Portuguese culture. That's why Brazilians liked the ending and hated the opening.

It's just comprove the country hates you.

>this monkey is so dumb he doesn't know how statistics are made
>That's why Brazilians liked the ending and hated the opening.
yes cause it was not the opposite at all, and people didn't like the opening much more than the ending.

So you must ignore all elections census.
yes you should, just look at 2014 and you will get my drift
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Don't be fooled, it's just a culture thing, people here would sell their mothers to go to finland

I mean, it's just people trying to have fun amidst all the shit, just trying to forget it but this doesn't mean they like it here or are completely happy
>this monkey is so dumb that he uses statistics with low sampling to convey his arguments, specially when Brazilians have a tendency of being irrational when talking about feelings or other shit

Rio de Janeiro culture in a nutshell:

Carmen Miranda: Hollywood product
Carnival and fantasies: French culture, just see French colonies and Louisiana

Even funk bullshit is African American culture. What a crap state.

They are so poor of culture they had to import Northeast/Portuguese culture in the ending, not to mention they ignored Midwast wich if far more representative.
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>Carmen Miranda: Hollywood product
>Carnival and fantasies: French culture, just see French colonies and Louisiana
>Even funk bullshit is African American culture,
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>not to mention they ignored Midwast wich if far more representative.

He is not lying desu.
I wish.

You just copy everything from another places,
shit inside and make your crap version.
How ca we get ride of Rio de Janeiro and put São Paulo or Minas Gerais in their place?

We can't be nationalistic with Rio de Janeiro representing us.
Yes he totally isn't, it's not like Brazil had any part on those things. Also you can only count as culture if it was 100% made in that country, that is why Brazil has no culture at all, and only cavemen had culture, because they created 100% of all mankind therefore all of our culture and everything is due to them

Just nuke Rio de Janeiro.
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this thread literally represents what Finland said in the OP kek
Well, this is not my case.
>Brasil is pretty good if you have money
>>Brazilian logic

Every country on earth is good if you have money.
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>this is what people from Rio de Janeiro really believe


The whole country hates you. No exceptions.
>supposedly hates rio
>everybody goes from all over the country to watch the olympics
Rio is shit, stop the damage control

T.someone who lives in rio
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How about you self hating faggots take some responsibility and improve your country yourselves instead of blaming others for everything.
Yahoo answers is sure a worthy information source
Brazil is FUBAR, you can't fix a sinking ship, it's too late.
Rio is amazing

t. someone that has lived in Rio, São Paulo, Curitiba and Salvador
so kill yourself then
With defeatist pansies like you it sure is.

It's already happening. Rio is a decadent state and Globo too.
Sure is "amazing" If you are rich and stay in the zona sul Fortress. Otherwise you are fucked, 80℅ of the city is shit.
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Why kill myself when i can live in paradises like USA, Canada or France?

The only way out is through the airport.
>paradises like USA, Canada or France?
if paradise you mean washing dishes and being treated as low class citizen sure why not

Question: are you a gommie? If yes, stay in this country, scum.
>If you are rich and stay in the zona sul Fortress. Otherwise you are fucked, 80℅ of the city is shit.
2bh, that is true for all Brazil m8. What makes Rio amazing is its cultural diversity m8. Income disparity is a problem that should be fixed Brazil wide

>What makes Rio amazing is its cultural diversity m8

What the fuck? When people talk about Rio I only think about degenerate things and nigger culture.
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Ok now I know you are a hipster. Hide Sage and out
because you are an autist that probably feels uncomfortable at Lapa and would rather be at home reading how white countries are better than Brazil
>liking Brazil

You don't need to be white to have non-degenerate culture m8. That's why the whole country hates you.
>That's why the whole country hates you.
so the whole country hates itself? So the whole country is like Brazilians here in /int/?

Hating Rio is not being selfhater. Try to push naked women to lot of conservative familes in the states.

It's because of you the world thinks we are degenerates.
>It's because of you the world thinks we are degenerates.
oh so everybody in Brazil apart from Rio only engages in sex only after marriage, goes to church every sunday and has read the bible once in their lifetimes
>Try to push naked women to lot of conservative familes in the states.

Yeah, it's because of Rio everyone thinks all Brazilian women are easy and prostitutes. Your state deserves to be nuked. As a woman from MS I hate Rio de Janeiro a lot.
>Question: are you a gommie? If yes, stay in this country, scum.

I'd prefer if they left.
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>As a woman from MS I hate Rio de Janeiro a lot.
m8, I know you fap a lot to 2D, but thinking you are a 2D little girl is a little bit too much

I don't care if you don't believe I'm a woman. You a bit too innocent uf you think 4chan doesn't have women lurking here.

But it's easy defending the culture of your state being a male.
>implying you are not that MS autist from /luso/
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because everyone that lives there looks like this

I think there are 20 Brazilians here. I'm the only woman. I lurk more than post here. I post more on /tv/ and /soc/.

Ir's serious. Rio's culture devalue women.

An ugly nigger? Thank God all Brazilian women don't look like that.
no, shit makes them a happy country
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>Rio's culture devalue women.

That's true, but lets not pretend that women don't do that themselves.


There's another article of some Australian loser who got laid in Brazil. The woman attacked him like a hungry lion.

Just because some males pay for her virginity it doesn't mean all males are this beta.

Holy shit what an idiot.
>lets not pretend that women don't do that themselves
since women have the choice to say ''no'' to certain things and still do it to look ''strong and independient'' yes, they are also guilty for degradation of the image of women, in Brazil and worldwide
>thread about Brazil
>all the brazilians end up throwing shit at each others
You can clearly see how happy everyone is
It's like it has never happened before right? Also, water is indeed wet
>mention brazil
>horde of brazilians start flinging shit at eachoter
>gringos leave the thread
>brazilians keep bumping it with useless discussions

Every. Single. Time.

I'm sorry you have to see this, /int/.
No one is interested in Brazil faggot, foreigners do it just to laugh at us, do you really believe op is legitimately intrigued? He has posted this very same thread thrice already.
If you're so embarrassed do us all a favour and stop posting on /int/, fucking casuals thinking they're our ambassadors here
Hey, is your butt in flames right now? Jesus man, chill out.
What if it is? Doesn't concern you in the slightest
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It does because you replied to me.

Chill out, bro, nothing's happening. You should idk go out more, clear your head or something.
No, my ass' state doesn't concern you, regardless If I replied to you or not, specially because it had nothing to do with my first post.
And about you suggestion, keep them to yourself. Did not asked for any advice
Damn, just chill out already. Fuck.
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Post some Brazilian Shemale pls
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