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How do your foreigners feel about trump and Hillary?

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How do your foreigners feel about trump and Hillary?
Waste of time

I'm going to sleep
shit v shit. i missed bernie
Racist human vs Weapon armory
Well-meaning guy but not very eloquent and lacks experience.
Robot that knows all tricks in the book and is corrupt as fuck.
Trump appears to be verbally raping her
She is taking it like champ
i don't
>How do your foreigners feel about trump and Hillary?

Zionist well intentioned clown vs Zionist ill intentioned bitch.

Fuck them both, and fuck every single american for letting his entire country serve Israel
shut up fag
Fuck u
I like the debate very much, Clinton is winning it easily.
Are u sure trump is on fire
I mean, did anyone think otherwise?? She is a very experienced politician, Donald is someone who has come this far only because some Americans are very stupid.
Clinton is smug as fuck (that "I know better than you" smile) and only resorts to personal attacks. Not very brilliant.
dunnoh, sometimes she has him by the balls, often he totally deconstructs her arguments so he runs her moth about him personally while pushes our country rethoric that speaks more to the listeners.

Its a political freakshow.
*so she runs her mouth
wtf you're doing america, america is better than that.
mass suicide is the way out for america.
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when are they going to talk about how bad circumcision is and how they will make it illegal?
Howard Stern mentioned <3
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>america is better than that.

I love it. I'm watching it live and I'm tears. It's so fucking dumb down it's hilarious. The Trump is a monkey in a retarded toupe making all this histrionic gestures with the hands and, literally, talking meme buzzwords and repeating them over and over again in a way that would a 11 year old feel like you're stupid or what. And we have take guns from the bad guys because they are bad and we need law and order. Also, law and order.

Hillary is like a granny talking dumb shit too. She literally doesn't say anything except we have this issues and we have to adress them and so on and cyberwarfare is bad and we need to be alert and stuff. Kek.

You murricans are fucking stoopid.
well yeah

it's like watching a movie, Clinton comes out as the hero so far, that's an outsider's opinion.
>You murricans are fucking stoopid.

Yet you're the one watching their shows and not the other way round

Are you fucking retarded france?
I can't wait for the civil war
Trump must win

you blobs aren't going to do anything. you'll threaten to move to canada and that's it.
at least we have jobs lel
Better than merkle
He makes a good point though. If we're so dumb then why do we control your culture, economy, and politics?
Trump →He'll build wall.
Hillary→ She'll reveal Area 51.
wow,so exciting!
Implying either of them are going to do anything that might upset the joos.
The new meme refuge is New Zealand
I like it. donald holding his own. HIlary doesn't look strong albeit well versed.

What's going on with /pol though. Ant-trump shit before I taught maybe just some contrarians or trolls, but I think /pol/ is right about shills, I can't explain it any other ways. kinda makes me sick.
I'd probably vote for Clinton, she sounds grounded.
Trump sounds like someone that has never struggled.

They got smart people. But they're adressing the average murican voter, not the smart ones.

That marks the level of the speech of both candidates, kek. I mean, imagine two guys anywhere Europe adressing the people in that manner... unconceivable.
I barely listen to any american music or watch any of their shows, if you actually explored your own culture you wouldnt be saying this senpai
Trump sounds like a dumbass, why would people defend him?? Is everyone who dares to talk shit about Trump a shill now??
Both stink, I'm either not voting or voting blank, not sure yet. I wish Mattis would have run desu
i like trump when he talks about this


i dislike trump when he talks about bullshit like this


hillary is a dumb bitch i have no opinion about her
He knows more than 6 words, right?
He said at the end that he'll support shillary if she wins. Nuff' said
Trump could have hit her hard on race if he mentioned she supported the 1994 crime bill which was aimed against african americans.
He's obviously a plant.
Debates in Europe are irrelevant and boring though, at least the French ones.

I was talking about political shows, and tonight's show in particular.

The guy is trying to sell himself as a great and honest businessman after admiting he has filed 6 (SIX) bankruptcies, failed to pay some of his contractors, ran a discriminatory racist policy agains blacks in his company and has a dodgy tax evasion record.

It's just fucking hilarious.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Whatever with all the lies she telling when they're proven to be lies she won't get reelected and both parties will crumble.
Demagogue with no plan of government but with a really good strategy. Another future fail of trickle down economics. He will backpedal his protectionist measures and make even more trade deals with European countries. Somehow he would still be popular by anally massaging middle-class up with lower taxes.

>Hillary Clinton
I mean, she won't crash this country because she needs companies to survive to keep her cash cow.
Lying bitch that is more reactionary than Rick Santoro. Fuck this cunt bitch.
Why the moderator didn't stop them ? even the debates in Brazil are better wtf.
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Mattis is for president
>he has filed 6 (SIX) bankruptcies
4 bankruptcies.
And he did that for employee shuffling.

But you want to talk about racist policy
"Super predators"
The 1994 crime bill
Hillary's support of the fence against mexico
Sounds pretty racist policy to me.
Jill Stein 2016, the only hope.
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>both parties will crumble.
God, I hope so.
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This fucking debate gave me a migraine, photophobia and all. Fuck.
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Debates are so dumb and pointless, candidates never talk about the real issues and when asked something they are uncomfortable with they just avoid the topic and and start blabbering buzzwords.
Not just in America btw.

People who unironically watch that shit shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Brazil bro has it right
Who are you supporting for Brazil 2018?
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Pablo, stop, we'll keep financing you
he should have studied Silvio better

1-Ignore accusion, don't refute them
2-Keep giving hopes and dreams, even if you can't actually do shit
3- keep accusing your adversary of being a communist

It's the sure fire way to win elections
He looked weak and reactive. She looked eloquent, prepared and professional. Although, I know she is a hysterical war-mongling bitch that will lead us all to WWIII if she's elected, she appeared like the responsible adult in this debate and he couldn't outgrow his retarded rich kid persona. Also how he smuggled "I met with Bibi Netanyahu and he's not a happy camper" at some point. Made him look like a little bitch.
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Marina Silva
Trump was unprepared as fuck, he's still a better candidate though. Pity because an eloquent capable person could have destroyed her about the emails and accepting money from the saudis and then preaching about homophobia etc.
don't really care, I want hillary to win because i want to work there
I'm routing for Trump, I convinced several American relatives to vote Trump.
I seriously hope he wins, I'm a firearms enthusiast and Hillary is going to flush the second amendment down the toilet and that would be tradgedy
>trickle down economics

This doesn't exist.
Half the dems hate hillary, and half of those are just more scared of trump.
When she proves them right with her lies the 26% of american's who are dems will be cut to 13%, below the debate threshold, Trump losing will destroy the republican party allowing Libratarian to take part of it, and other conservative parties to take others.

I think long term, things may work out, unless hillary is savy enough to reject the tpp, regulate walstreet, and actually fulfill promises against her donors wishes, but she won't.
The original Trump/Sarkozy and so many others are modeled after.
they still have 2 debates, this was just a prologe
meme candidate
Same even though i can't vote for her i support her
(I would like to live in Brazil for a while so I try to pay attention to it's politics)

you too
What are the other options ?

have you ever been in a debate, you spineless cuck?

debates are scary and vicious. Presidents should be charismatic and not fold under pressure. It's a valid skill to have, which makes a debate a valid test.
I know, he missed so many open goals though - benghazi, Bill's rapes, her health etc
Trump is good buisnesman. And this makes him bad candidate. He doesn't care about anything but pure profit. He will do everything to earn popularity no because he cares about people but because this will turn out to be profitable. He doesn't "fight" for what he believes but just for profit. He doesnt even care about ecology because this will make him lose money. Also from what i see he have very limited knowlage about the world. He's essence what's wors in capitalism and stereotypical american.

Hillary is just a politican. She have her pros and cons butnothing major. At least she will not invade middle east again and destabilase this region again.

Kek. But he's the reason why our debates are great now. It used to be a two guys contest and now it's a 4 guys contest with the traditional 2 ones feeling uncomfortable as fuck as the other two ones, specially Pablo go deep well beyond the meme surface aspect of issues.
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>I try to pay attention to it's politics
lol, good luck
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i don't give a fuck, i just watch for the memes
yeah it's a mess of bureaucracy and non sense
>Trump is a good businessman
The 1994 crime bill that was targetting african americans.
I honestly hope there is someone in the trump camp that reads 4chan and sees this stuff so he has ammunition.

Glad he mentioned her collusion with the dnc though.
Hillary just looked amazing, that psychopath little laugh of hers really made Donald mad, to this point I really think that Trump was just put there so Hillary could win easily the elections, he just didn't look good overall.
> spain
> the dumbest western European country next to Portugal
Also the way she called him Donald made him look like a tall retarded kid you let work in your farm because he's a good lad despite his handicap.
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He got stumped so badly
Sarkozy, unlike Berlusconi and Trump, isn't a billionaire. He's mad as fuck about not being rich. That gives him more drive to succeed.

Berlusconi didn't invent the "be charismatic and sell dreams" method, it's 100% American.
Yeah I love how he showed respect to her, while she kept going for cheap attacks.
Showed something about their character.
she made him give up all his cards
he will keep on repeating his stuff while hilary will be able to answer every question in the next debates
unless he change his personality it is over
Scary and vicious, sure, I'm trembling. A fat fuck and an old harpy arguing with each other. Dayum how horrific,tales from the crypt spooky material.
You and Japan need nukes
how were the republican candidates so pathetic that none of them could manage to stump trump like this?
Yep, she really deserves to be called out and properly blamed for all that shit too
My bets:

Pastor Everaldo (O partidinho dele)
Levy Fidelix (O partidinho dele)
Lula (PT)
Marina Silva (REDE)
Bolsonaro (PSC)
Ivan Valente (PSOL) com PCdoB, PSTU, PCO e PTB
Alvaro Dias (PV) com PSB, PSD e PDT
Anastasia ou Beto Richa (PSDB) coligado com PMDB vice e na chapa de PP, DEM e PRB e PROS
Hillary won easily, she remained calm throughout the debate whereas Trump was about to lose his shit after each question

Sarkozy is a demagogue the size of Berlusconi.
The thing he said about temperament was just a throwaway, I wonder if he is sabotaging his own image
>remained calm
She has nervous laughter, thats not calm.
And its easy to have no passion when none of the ideas you're backing are your own.
You walk on the street in America and
>get shot

>I agree that we need to get guns out of the hands of bad people

>Our police are outgunned by criminals
>military-grade weaponry
>gun epidemic

/k/ is literally panic buying right now
Marina is probably the least worse that can realistically get elected but she's completely low energy and is pressured too easily into changing her proposals, she would just be a puppet.

I will vote for NOVO if they finally get a candidate but I would only vote for Marina to block another corrupt/commie crook, I wouldn't be very excited about it.
That's what people like about him
It would be true in France or Algeria, but in the USA it's a cultural thing to call each other Donald or Hillary in public.
lmao they're both childish cunts
>implying donald trump doesn't go for cheap shots
>lying ted
>cheating ted
Never, Americans bought the circumcision meme hook line and sinker.

Do you think the feels over reals culture we have now will let people realize they mutilated their kids genitals and feel bad about it?

Obviously not.
>Rodrigo Constantino
meme party
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the right man obviously
that's fucking retarded
they will make it mandatory
>calling any politician out on this
Do you also hand out speeding tickets on race tracks ?
If Hilary could just fucking speak faster she would have decimated Trump. But it took her so long to get a point out I lost interest in what she was saying
be nice
Trump's speech pattern really fucks him over in a timed environment.

>"You know issue X? I talked to that guy involved and feel very strongly about it by the way, etc."

He's extremely verbose and could communicate the same idea in a quarter of the time.
Us the American people don't. The political and financial elite do, and they inherited American power from much more competent and smarter generations.
I don't disagree but angry people want angry politicians.
she did it to get under his skin because he has a very short fuse
Two moments were he should have shut the fuck up:
>It means I'm Smart.
About not paying taxes.
>It's called business.
About some other shit I forgot that made him look like a jerkoff.
Nah, Sarkozy is much more serious and reasonable (this was obvious when they met each other and discussed hot issues).

Sarkozy's problem is that he will launch any project that looks good, and then give it up and do the contrary because it looks even better. He loves action for the sake of it, and has no strong convictions at all.
She did not tits up and Trump did not do anything crazy. - The debate in a nutshell.
If he dropped the would he word "very" from his vocabulary he'd be doing everyone a favor.
>She'll reveal Area 51.
Will this make anime real?
Yeah, hopefully Trump will not learn nothing about this experience, I didn't give a shit about USA elections till today, now I don't want someone like trump to be the president of a country that influences a lot of things in mine, fuck that.
Why can't he disclose his tax return though? Is he tryna hide something? I mean he replied back asking shillary for the 33k emails but the FBI recently said that they didn't contain any classified or major information
Because he doesn't want America to see how little he pays
I want Trump to win.
I don't want Clinton to win.
Trump is fun to watch and he might set a good tone for us to fix our immigration policy and stance towards China.
because he doesn't pay taxes since he said even if he did she would have wasted it or something
The common person no longer has a say in our government.
Democracy is dead
He also denied that he said some time ago that he believed that global warming was a hoax...

How dumb of him
Those emails contained information regarding all sorts of fun stuff, from her wishes to kill people against her political career to exposing pretty much every US informant and agent in the middle east a little bit of Benghazi.
It was all a bluff.

>if you reveal that thing you'll never show I'll reveal that other thing I'll never show either
How could the Republicans elect such a JUST nominee?

Romney was a robot, but at least he knew how to debate.
iktf bros
I miss Romney
>It's called business
When he was cheering about the recession because he could buy things more easily, I think.
It just shows how retarded and disorganized they let the party become. An abrasive asshole was able to hijack it effortlessly. Nothing is going to compare to the Republican debates of this election year.
And the shit about his 10 years old kid having several computers when asked about his cyber-security policy, and using the word cyber several times with no suffix.
100% this. The Average American doesn't see the benefits from the empire and gets treated like shit by American elites just as bad, and in some cases worse, than foreigners.
Oh yeah, absolutely awful
>shit about his 10 years old kid having several computers
Can someone please explain why the fuck he even brought that up
>Debates in Europe are irrelevant and boring though, at least the French ones.
As they should be because they ought to center around policy instead of trying to be like reality TV.
>supporting a candidate that's anti nuclear

>Romney was a robot, but at least he knew how to debate.

except for the time he cucked out at the 2nd debate with Candy Crowley coming to Obama's rescue.

He would have been able to withstand Trump better than Jeb! though.
they were talking about the cyber hackers and sometimes it could be China who does it or even fat NEETS can cyber in their basement and his son has several computers and that's scary sometimes because we are losing the internet to Isis and China who are out there doing very bad things so something very serious needs to be done very very soon.
It was about her blaming russia for the DNC leaks.
he was making a point it could have been anyone, and that if we had better security we would actually know. (which, we really wouldn't)
>he's still a better candidate though
He's a better candidate when he does nothing but spout shit and promise things without a plan?
>Another future fail of trickle down economics. He will backpedal his protectionist measures and make even more trade deals with European countries
Absolutely this. He'll just be another GOP puppet president and carry out the interests of big business and wall street. Of course shillary will too. In other words, we're fucked.
he's going to appoint his kid head of the nsa
on their bed*
I don't know how they are nominated but the moderator wasn't neutral though.
>What did you mean by this?
>Bringing old stories in his questions which he didn't do with Hillary
>Siding with Hillary regarding Trump supporting the war in Iraq
>In other words, we're fucked.

I'd just like to point out.
The TPP can be blocked with the introduction of an amendment not recognizing it as a legitimate document.
That is covered as supremecy clause
Constitution > All other documents
So even though TPP outright says it can't be overturned.
Doesn't matter, the constitution overrules that if we add an amendment for it.
Just incase she were to push it through for wallstreet.
You could also get the supreme court to rule it as unconstitutional, as trade deals fall into supreme court jurisdiction.

Hillary not following through with her promises could possibly kill the dem party.
>I don't know how they are nominated but the moderator wasn't neutral though.
The hosting channel selects the moderator.
CNN donates to the clinton campaign.
CNN hosted the debate.

They used to be run by the Leage of Women voters, which insured proper unbaised debate.
>Sometimes it could be China who does it or even fat NEETS can cyber in their basement
That was a very good point to make and an opportunity to make her look belligerent and aggressive the way she accused Russia without proof, but he had to ruin it by talking about his 10 years old son and his computers.

>we are losing the Internet

Ebin :-DDDDD

He forgot to blame Finland and Straya for that though
it really doesn't matter who hosted the debate, Trump has little friends among the media.

he even stirred up shit with fucking republican-dick riding Fox news
Thats true but our candidates also love to make themselves sound like your next door neighbors.
trump supporter here. I don't think trump was prepared. he said all the right things in the wrong place. after fox reordered the debate clips everything was fine
it's fucking stupid. I want a fucking LEADER not some fuck "i'd like tah hayve a beer wit"
>I want a fucking LEADER
I'd like someone who represents me, not some one who says the know better than I do.
I don't I want them to be prepared, I don't want my neighbor to be my president desu
>having to reorder footage to make yourself look good.

Trump is a fucking pussy. i've been saying it for months.

The best leader isn't someone who represents your average dude

or else they'd be an average dude

that's what happened when Venezuela put a bus driver as their dictator President
Not scary for you, you goddamn imbecile, scary for them for being put on the spotlight and being under pressure.
if the fucking president doesn't know better than the average american they have no right to be president

thinking of the president as a nice neighborly figure is exactly what gave us 8 years of George Dubya
I was mildly supporting Trump.
Not anymore.

He is dumb, he can't argument using facts and he always repeating the same empty soundbites.
>He is dumb, he can't argument using facts and he always repeating the same empty soundbites.
and that's why /pol/ love him
I want someone who does know better than you
This is why your country will always be a failure.
Good thing american voters will only remember the third debate tbqh. He still has a chance.
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You're right, there's trump shills on every board I browse. sad part is most of them are doing it for zero compensation.
Fuck both candidates though, one is a crooked slimy Saudi shill and the other is a meme spouting retard who likes repeating himself a million times. We're fucked either way this election.
Dude what are you talking about? She said on stage she would invade the Middle East and execute tactical operations to dismantle ISIS. where the fuck do you think she plans on doing that?
>thinking of the president as a nice neighborly figure is exactly what gave us 8 years of George Dubya
This. Its nothing more than posturing. Some political elite fuck head who has had everything handed to them their whole life slaps on a pair of jeans and uses his first name for his campaign. People shouldn't fall for it.
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>after fox reordered the debate clips everything was fine
>needs edited footage to sound fine


last one is hosted by Fox News too I think, so maybe it won't be as horribly stacked
Thanks for your opinion.
personally, I prefere Trump
I dont care much about his domestic politics, but he looks like a more isolationist candidate to me, and less american influence in the EU and the world might be a good thing
they've been falling for it for over 200 years
After watching debates Im for Trump but you deserve better
too bad he ruffled feathers in fox
>Europe trying to do things on it's own.

You've been given two chances to prove yourselves and failed both times.
>but he looks like a more isolationist candidate to me
Neither are very isolationist imo and it seems like Trump has actually back tracked a bit on NATO. Regardless of who is elected the US will still try and be as imperialist as it can reasonably get away with. I sure as fuck don't want boots on the ground though.
Don't forget Napoleon
No they are ok but sometimes they become crazy.

can't be worse than facing off against the news network that makes anti-Trump smut their headline daily

I'd settle for a nice, unbiased topic selection and hands off moderation
The 10 min was okay then Trump fail so hard
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Nah, you guys will just chimp out within 10 years if we're not babysitting you. We don't want another world war.
well sure, it maybe all just rhetorics, also I dont know how much actual power an US president holds.
But still, Trump looks to me like lesser evil, plus, he might fuck things up domestically, which will reduce American attention to foreign affairs
The whole time I tryed to understand from where Hillary will take money. Still dont understand.
Lester Holt was ok
Yugoslav wars and Libya. Both times they specifically the e.u was suppose to handle it on it's own

You're not counting yourself as European then?
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That was the most retarded thing I've ever seen.
I like Hillary because she is a strong leader and a hawk. She stands up for American policy, doesn't fuck over allies with demands of money and other things. She will keep the US and Europe safe. She will stand up to bullies like Russia. Something that's very important for me.

I'd be very worried about the future of the whole world if trump was elected. He is erratic and unpredictable which we don't need. Thankfully that seems to not be happening.
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>there're people in America who will choose Trump
If you're an anti-vaxxer faggot.
Do you guys seriously believe that without US supervision, Europeans would start another world war, or are you just meming?
Europe nowadays is very different from how it was 100 years ago
I can understand Trump sympathizers because I don't like liberal hypocrisies and double standaerds. But Trump has so many enamy It will be imposiable to lead with so many opposition. i think hillery has to although she is crooked
She's not an anti-vaxxer, she's anti-nuclear though.
Fair enough. Dems are shit but I think with any republican regardless of how outsider they seem they will end up far more imperialist than Dems. Though with Hillary its a hard choice considering what a hawk she was under Obama. Hopefully once the chest beating starts for our next manufactured enemy the American people will not fucking tolerate it and I have hope considering our response to any boots on the ground in Syria.
I'm saying your leaders are weak and will make things worse
How is like knowing that japan will becum a one-party "democracy" soon, anon?
>implying another world war wouldn't be a wonderful thing for us

All our major problems (like, you know, being invaded by millions of Muslims or paying €1,000 to live in a 12 m2) would disappear instantly.
I'm okay with shillary if she bombs syria, saudi arabia and yemen.
Of course no. Im russian.
This is right. No discuss
our leaders are weak because we have no serious problems that would make the population vote for strongman leaders.
But you can see how the refugee crisis gave rise to far right parties in europe
>war is good
14 year old edgelord pls go.
why would you want her to bomb your fellow muslims?
>No serious problems
I have no doubt she'd bomb Syria and Yemen, but not Arabia.

i don't see Hillary as the kind to put boots on the ground. but she would do everything in her power to everything but.
War saved the chinks and most of SEA from commies, anon.

I am a curry nigger, anon. Shiva ackbar!
>saudi arabia
The US would never hurt its no 2 ally in the region. I think the US should let Russia do what it pleases in Syria and just let Yemen sort itself out.
>14 year old edgelord pls go.
War is bad, but our current problems are even worse since they are leading to the disappearance of the white race on its native land.
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Trump already denied that he said "not paying taxes makes me smart" just like five minutes after he said it on public TV. Top kek
Japan's politics has been the predominant-party system since a long time ago but it's still better than american democracy
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Both candidates suck ass, but Hilary is quite a Saudi shill.
It would be good for my country, like the past two. Unless they use nukes, then we are all fucked.
>The US would never hurt its

Ok. I trust you
shit flinging monkey vs woman trying to tread the shit river she's drowning in
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*loud gunshots and radio crackles*


Fireteam Alpha and Fireteam Bravo sustained heavy fire.

Lone survivor reporting in for a final time before the aliens launch their next assault wave.

The package has been safely escorted.

*Explosions everywhere*
Watching Hillary saying "okay..." while doing her shoulder dance was the cringiest thing I've seen in a while.
You'd disappear even faster. Also keked at wanting a world war in order to pay less rent. Ah to be 14 again.
Iran had a change in government but I'll give you Iraq. Saddam wasn't as important to US interests in the region as Saudi Arabia is today considering they hold the GCC together and are biggest the most immediate regional power to be able to counter Iran. Israel certainly couldn't do it on its own.
we shoulda let Saddam have kuwait.
>t. Gonzales Hernandez
>The US would never hurt its
>Saddam wasn't as important to US interests

In one minute you changed your appinion.
I like that Trump seems to be focusing inward. That seems good. America should spend four years sorting out its own shit, it might encourage isolationism and anti-globalist feelings in other countries too if it works out for them.
Interests change over time. See Panama. I already said I'd give you Iraq. Saudi is still crucial to US interests in the region though and I don't see that changing.
which ever country isolates economically loses, it's not the 30s

you have to pay attention to the thing he says about mexico and china, he wants to tax those companys that exports back to the us, which means he knows he can't do isolationism
>You'd disappear even faster.
I'm talking about the white race, my individual destiny has little importance.

>Also keked at wanting a world war in order to pay less rent.
Once again I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about the whole society. High rent = less space to live = lower reproduction rate = the white race disappears.

>Ah to be 14 again.
I am rich and I would probably lose much in a world war, but I'd be happy to lose it all in a process that would save the white race.

Can poor, brown third world monkeys understand this feeling?

Yugoslavia was Yugoslavia's problem, if anything aggravated by Germany's 'let me tell you about the Balkans' policy with their unitateral and off-time recognition of Slovenia and Croatia's declarations of independence. And the shitshow started big after that.

Lybia was France (Sarkozy)>>65407621
being butthurt with Gadaffi, playing le liberator game, getting the oils and forsaking the post-gaddafi scenario. Which explains the country's current fucked up state.

The EU wasn't involved as such. In fact the EU is never involved as such in political-military interventions.
As if Israel, Saudia Arabia, China or Russia isnt going to pull a fast one unless the Americans monitor them 24/7
>Interests change over time.

But there is no "The US would never hurt its"

Be correct
>He thinks he's the hero of the videogame to save le white race.
>Unable to look Abdel in the eye when he bullies him in the metro
>I am rich
Seems very plausible. I believe you.
What I meant is the US would never betray its own interests and Saudi is key to it. If Saudi were to suddenly start aligning with Russia or Iran, even thought thats unlikely, the US would immediately change its positions of course.
>Germans want the US to stay out of Europe
Need a bit more living space Hans?
>I'd be happy to lose it all in a process that would save the white race.
Then do it faggot. You dont need a war to get an automatic rifle and shoot up a mosque or some leftists.

I swear, edgy "deus vult" fags like you probably have less balls than a suicicdal /r9k/ permavirgin.
Sad-dam literally dindu nuffin.
But they have started it with us. Their prince is always on Moscow they signed a lot of contracts with us even in nuclear energy.
>being so poor you can't even believe that someone is rich

Sad, like the rest of your post.
having Saddam's Iraq and the Sultan's Arabia at each others throats would have been better then what we have
>>being so poor you can't even believe that someone is rich
And if they keep it up the US will change its tune with Saudi. Still I don't think the US would do anything too extreme. Saudi will just try and play both sides and thats not uncommon. Hopefully US influence in the area is removed.
>All these idiots thinking isolationism is a good thing
Its not the 1930s anymore and it would mean economic suicide in this day and age.
>shoot up a mosque or some leftists
This is not "a process that would save the white race", this is just some Elliot Rodger-tier happening. Read my posts again, little fag.

>edgy "deus vult" fags like you
Trade: OK
Starting wars and killing people abroad: Not OK
No shit. Russia and North Korea are prime examples.
>nd if they keep it up the US will change its tune
But why? Whats the problem?
>You will never be paid 6 or 7 figures to come up with the bait Trump to chimpout plan
>You will never revel with your co-workers as your plan works to a t
>You will never celebrate the poll numbers with your co-workers at a bar after
>You will never have the hot but usually too serious and reserved co-worker give you a sloppy kiss celebrating the latest poll
>You will never bring her back to your place and have her icy exterior melt away
>You will never wake up with her kissing you, getting out of bed, putting her pants on and saying this was just a one time thing

Why live
Wars dont start themselves nigger
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We are in isolation for the last two years. Still ok and paid over 250kk of debts. America for this two years made over 2kkk of debts.
How is you going to war and dying instantly better for the white race than you going outside right now and shanking as many Muslims as you can?

If you really want to save the white race kill yourself right now so you don't end up diluting the gene pool.
The problem would be with any country that doesn't do what the US wants. The US gets mad and does whatever it can reasonably do to oppose whatever government is opposing them. Also the propaganda machine starts up here and paints them as the worst thing in the world while of course ignoring regimes that are brutal that we support.
>How is you going to war and dying instantly better for the white race than you going outside right now and shanking as many Muslims as you can?
How is going outside right now and shanking as many Muslims as you can (and most certainly diying in the process) better for the white race than becoming an attractive man, seducing a white woman and having as many white children as you can?
Autists I swear.
The main theorician of the white race being replaced in France (Renaud Camus) is himself a childless homosexual. You can't make this shit up.
Funny position. Like in school. You are my friend and cant be friend with anymore.
>becoming an attractive man, seducing a white woman and having as many white children as you can?
>implying /pol/tards will ever reproduce

Hillary is the only logical choice. Why would anyone want a leader who tells its citizens that they're smart if they don't pay taxes?

Hillary doesn't wanna dissolve NATO unlike Trump and isn't a friend of Putin. If Americans wanna stay at the top of the global food chain, they'll choose Clinton.
It's not a contest, I'm not trying to win at 4chan or anything.

True, but honestly I don't see any "white nationalist happening" that could trigger a civil war in Europe. Only a series of brutal Muslim happenings MIGHT do it. That is precisely the goal of ISIS by the way.
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>the debt meme
Around 85% of our debt is to american companies.
And what's the average salary in Russia again?
>any country that doesn't do what the US wants. The US gets mad and does whatever it can reasonably do to oppose whatever government is opposing them
Another reason why a business-oriented president who mastered "The Art of the Deal" would be a good president. Let's not kid ourselves, most of the time when the US does that it doesn't even end up working for its best economical interest.
The US shits all over foreign countries but whats a bit harder to see is that it shits all over its own population too. So I see no reason to support it.
>most of the time when the US does that it doesn't even end up working for its best economical interest.
Maybe not for most of the population but business interests love the US government. Regardless of administration its typically gets whatever it wants or at least close to it. Ever American president is business oriented.
Its not a meme. Your next president will solve the problem of debt celing in february. Because Obama wasted 9kkk debt dollars for the last 8 years.

If we are comparing average salary lets compare average payments.
>The US shits all over foreign countries but whats a bit harder to see is that it shits all over its own population too. So I see no reason to support it.
Seriously they should give you that job in the Trump campaign. These two sentences would make an absolutely perfect Trump ad campaign.
>Maybe not for most of the population but
Daily reminder that the US is the US population is the US.
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This thread has been surprisingly civil.

Because it shows bravado, he also knows the loopholes so he's most able to prevent it.

Also nobody gives a shit about NATO here, it's far more important for Yuropoors who like to agitate Russia and hide behind Mother's skirt when Russia puts a hand up to slap them.
Thats just simply not true. The US government does whatever it can to marginalized and propagandize its people into passive obedience and to accept state policy particularly with regard to foreign policy. I see the propaganda every day. I mean just read any American news source, political talk show, political books, magazines and on and on. Americans just want to have good wages and pensions and go out and have a damn BBQ they don't give two shits about fucking Syria or the Philippines they have to be coerced into supporting these things. Hell I just watched 60 minutes the other day and the entire program was just pure support for US state policy. I mean it didn't even try and hide it. The population is defiantly not our government. The state represents elite opinion and does absolutely everything its can to push out popular opinion that goes against elite opinion and its been doing so since 1776
Your country isn't invaded so you can't understand.

Muslims do their thing, we do our own. Who talked about killing Muslims? Not me. They don't prevent us from outbreeding them, being spiritually stronger than them, etc. Their victory is the consequence of our own failure as a people.

You are right about Renaud Camus who himself is a cause of what he's denouncing, but he describes a reality--it's not some kind of debatable concept. Even the National Geographic agrees. We're being replaced. The only sin of Camus is that he won't celebrate it.
>Hillary doesn't wanna dissolve NATO
>Implying that's what Trumps want to do
t. Finlad who is scared to be invaded by Russia again but doesn't want to pay for protection
Yeah I completely agree man and that's an anomaly. A strong leader who proved himself in private business and would treat america as one giant business (instead of a multitude of private ones) could be the way out of that. Really hope Trump is elected and does what he says.
>part of NATO
mudslime education
>to be invaded by Russia
Its a joke?
>The only sin of Camus is that he won't celebrate it.
No he is mechanically and directly contributing to it by being a native french guy who will die without reproducing. Demography is a dynamic vital thing that you can't control politically (unless you want to go full Fuhrer) and certainly not by writing nice theories about. It happens in the real world by fucking women or it doesn't.
>and does what he says.
Thats the problem. I think most of it is just rhetoric and he will be/is being groomed to be a perfect little republican pet. You seem to think he will be a strong man but I think all he will be is a figure head to smooth things over with the public. You have to understand the US is bought and paid for by lobbying groups and special interests and has been for literally decades.
who knows, maybe uncle Putte will go senile in a few years and do all sorts of shenanigans
It's as if.
>Finland participates in nearly all sub-areas of the Partnership for Peace programme, and has provided peacekeeping forces to both the Afghanistan and Kosovo missions.
>The possibility of Finland's membership in NATO was one of the most important issues debated in relation to the Finnish presidential election of 2006, and continues to be a significant issue in Finnish politics.
So... you just posted proof that you're wrong? Okay then.
Trump is crazy but Hillary is a criminal.
I would rather put someone crazy as the head of state rather than someone completely incompetent.
Hillary is a way bigger threat to europa than trump is geopolitically speaking
The only way is a drunk russian new year invasion in your shops.
>Its a joke?

Yeah to a 20 year old.
To his parents and grandparents not so much.
>use a non secure private email server at home

It's a fucking gimmick, this meme should stop
They were in coalition with Hitler.
Yeah that's really what I fear :(
His temper could actually be an asset here. Guy achieved everything a man can dream of achieving, only thing he may care about is how he will be remembered in history books. One can hope that he may want to say fuck you to the system and destroy it from the inside. Jimmy Carter became very courageous recently but he is retired. J. F. Kennedy too during his presidency but it ended bad for him. Trump could be the chosen one.
Also, so what?
>The military history of Finland during World War II encompasses three major conflicts. The first two––the defensive Winter War in 1939–1940, and the Continuation War alongside the Axis Powers in 1941–1944––were waged against the Soviet Union. The third one, the Lapland War in 1944–1945, followed the signing of an armistice agreement with the Allied Powers, which stipulated expulsion of German forces from Finnish territory.
Hahah didn't know that. Crazy little finland.
I was speaking about the clinton foundation. The email thing is just blatant incompetence, nothing more
Our great-grandpas truly were the greatest generation
Lying NBC shills were blatantly biased against the Donald

Reminder that Trump hasn't even begun to play his cards, reminder that the last debate is hosted by FOX and that it's the only one people will actually remember. Reminder that Crooked Hillary is going to get BTFO

PS build the wall
At least he's raising awareness about that fact (not a theory) and turned it into a popular topic, which is a tremendous achievement in the current French context.

Also, only the fertility of women is relevant. Men don't count, since one potent man can do the job of a thousand childless ones.

For each woman Renaud Camus didn't fuck, I'll do my best to impregnate two (*tips fedora, disappears into the dawn*).
Mine was a war veteran
>Reminder that Crooked Hillary is going to get BTFO
How?...With memes? Don't be retarded, it's too late.
how fucking young are you, 5?
t. father was born in -47
Trump is an obnoxious walking stereotype and hilary is a stereotype having trouble walking.
So we had a war against you.
With the facts. I was really shocked at how imprecise Trump was being with Hillary considering how much dirt there is on her. I realised that he's playing the long game, the first and second debates don't matter.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyieT1lq9XM how accurate is this?
I'm 25. My father is about 54 now
When's the second and third debate starts?
Great theory, too bad we weren't allied with Germany at that point yet (not to mention that you had already told the germans that you wanted to conquer Finland during Molotov-Ribbentrop negotiations).
Because Trump don't have over 9000 future shitstorm like his taxes returns, russia and the ''wall'' meme
>we weren't allied with Germany
Ok. And what did your army do near St-Petersburg?
9th and 19th of October

Literally no one is going to vote based on tax returns. The wall is legitimately a good idea.
You mean after you attacked us (you know, since our army wasn't mobilized before that)? Defending our country. Pretty dumb question if you ask me.
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>Literally no one is going to vote based on tax returns. The wall is legitimately a good idea

I'm out.
We never attacked your precious St. Petersburg.

>Mannerheim terminated the offensive on 31 August 1941, when the army had reached the 1939 border. Popov felt relieved, and redeployed two divisions to the German sector on 5 September.
>you attacked us
After we created Finland and after you attacked us in 1920-s
Trump is nationalist
Hillary is globalist
We should have just attacked and helped the nazis burn that shithole to the ground
Also after this debate, zero moderates or Hillary fans or new voters will vote for Trump, I'm sorry anon, think about that.
Because we stopped you and germans(and spanish and hungarian and italian) near St-Petersburg.
>wall gets built
>drug trade ded
>illegal immigration ded
>provides jobs
>looks bitchin
>relatively small investment, especially compared with the economic and moral costs of illegal immigration

There is absolutely no reason to be against the wall, I don't even care who pays for it.
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>created Finland
lolwut, Finland as an entity was created centuries before that, and as a nation it was created by us.
>attacked us in 1920s
pic related
This debate won't matter famalam. Screencap this because Trump is winning the fucking presidency.
What. We had civil war at that point.

>After the war, Ryti stated: "On August 24, 1941 I visited the headquarters of Marshal Mannerheim. The Germans aimed us at crossing the old border and continuing the offensive to Leningrad. I said that the capture of Leningrad was not our goal and that we should not take part in it. Mannerheim and Minister of Defense Walden agreed with me and refused the offers of the Germans. The result was a paradoxical situation: the Germans could not approach Leningrad from the north..." In fact the German and Finnish armies maintained the siege together until January 1944, but there was little, or no systematic shelling or bombing from the Finnish positions.
Do they not teach history in Russia? So far every single one of your posts have been factually inaccurate or just complete bollocks.
Could you please show my mistakes and write the correct variant
You said you attacked us because we were allied with nazies, even though the only reason we became allies with them is that you attacked us (ie. it happened after it). You said we attacked you in the 1920s which is just 100% pure bred bullshit. Could go on but what's the point, you're just gonna deny everything
>he only reason we became allies with them is that you

Lol as usual. Russians are the reason of your union with Hitler.
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>unironically arguing with proofster nation

Be more like Simo Häyhä, and remove from afar.
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>buttmad bydlo is so buttmad he thinks proven facts are a conspiracy against him
The proven fact is your union with Hitler my little friend.
It's hilarious to see retards do mental gymnastics. I wonder how he's going to explain Russia attacking Finland because of nazi alliance, even though our first deal with germany was made in september of 1940, almost a year after commies attacked us.

I'm sick and tired of everything related to this election. It's all over our media every day even though we live on a completely different continent. Please let it be over soon.
The two nations you can't have civil discussions with are Russia and USA. Both are too set in their ways to listen to alternative viewpoints.
Japan also had a union with Hitler/ And also was fucked by red army.
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But I'm not a Jap so I'm good Russbro.

Of course you are not jap. And you are not my bro.
unsurprisingly, the bydlo is too humiliated to even answer the question because he is suffering too much from cognitive dissonance
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So the poster lied?

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My rare Shillaries impersonify my opinion
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