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How many of you non-americans are staying up late to watch the debate?

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How many of you non-americans are staying up late to watch the debate?
>How many of you non-americans are staying up late
>to watch the debate
I don't give a fuck about american politics

I am. Is there any board other than /pol/ with debate generals? Can we have a debate general?
Are you a qt?
what debate?
I would like a debate general since /int/ is nicer than /pol/
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Trump vs. Clinton
debate will be at 3am so no

>a ""debate"" between only two (((candidates)))
>land of the """"free""""
Paraguay here reporting in
Couldn't care less about your shitty politics desu senpai
Have fun with your deb8
Debate me.
its on at 11am, watching hillary have a stroke on live tv will be a nice distraction from work
>Calling other countries politics shitty

I have nothing against you senpai but I thought I should point out the irony.
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>our national tv literally broadcast these useless debate
out of interest do they broadcast anything about australian politics during our elections?
Our politics and politicians being shitty doesn't mean I am not allowed to criticize the USA in this same respect. After all we're not roleplaying as countries, are we?
yea, but not live
i care as much as the debates going on right now of sri lankan elections
reportin in
There's no way I would miss these top quality memes.
Can we make this the deb8 threadÉ

épolé is too fast and retarded
>After all we're not roleplaying as countries, are we?
where do you think you are
tfw no gf to accidentally my keyboard into french
This please. It's starting in a minute.
2 minutes boys
the meme potential is simply too high to pass up, also i don't work in the evenings so don't have to get up early
Sir yessir
i'm glad i'm here to experience the memes with you all, /int/

Might need a proxy, try with hola if so
wasn't aware there was a debate
might watch it since I'm already up
anyone got a link
The jewtube link works, thanks. When does the debate itself start?
Hillary walks weird. hips stay in place and her top swivels
it's fucking on, fuckers
Straya here. Middle of the work day. No fucks given about the job, time for some fun.
She seems like a fucking marionette. Utterly disturbing.
Meh, I'll just watch the highlights
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>hillary immediately starts with some rehearsed nonsense instead of actually answering the question
>a long ass fucking answer, with 0 actual information on how those supposed plans will be implemented
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>Trump immediately follows up with some rehearsed nonsense instead of actually answering the question
based PBS funding finnish education of american politics
News here said she was rehearsing/practising a lot the last 4 days. Its going to be like that a lot unless Trump can bait her.
Both mexico and china mentioned in the first sentance
What the hell, Trump is absolutely terrible in this debate, and he keeps sniffing annoyingly.

Hillary is literally destroying him right now.
he is not blaming them which is very interesting
i expected some serious banter
Hillary has said literally nothing about what she is actually going to do. Just empty promises "we're going to fix every single thing but we have no idea how though)
>>trump backpedaling on his stance on climate change

Holy fuck the choke is real
I'm not, I don't wanna cringe

That said, go Hillary
where are the memes. she better mention pepe
this is true
Trump is being stumped right here on live television
the trump plan is not so good either, if he taxes the imports they could just sell it somewhere else
>jewish banking destroys america
>it's just business
what is trump doing. The voters aren't going to forget that shit
It doesn't fucking matter what they say, what matters is how they present themselves and how they can handle the banter
Trump is really dumb and Hillary is socialist bitch.
Amerifats are fucked.
Why is Trump shouting. It's scary
At the very least Shillary talks about policies. Trump goes for personal shots. Is this how his debates always are?
15 minutes in and it's already a complete fracas.
Lester change the topic already senpai
>/pol/ actually thought Trump would play the serious boy routine
Both of them are going personal

the nigga can't control them at all, he's tried stopping them for like 5 mminutes already and they just yell over him
wow he is aggressive
Debates here are tightly regulated, only the mic of the current speaker is on and it instantly gets cut off when your time is up. This one is completely disorganized but I guess that makes it more entertaining for the burgers.
It's a fucking rap battle.
>Hillary is socialist bitch
not really tho

she's just pretending to get berniefags
why can't trump maintain his composure
he keeps shouting and can't contain himself when clinton says something
it looks like my dream of going to the US clean toilets is going to succeed

the good always win in the end
S-stop ripping us off, guys ;_;
some people wants someone to worry for them
it's an act
Yeah it seems weird, they're essentially acting on playground rules.
That's it, the dream is over.
At last, I can finally say, the Trump has been stumped.
American politics is a show is why
Trump is getting destroyed
she'd actually be better if she were a "socialist". she is not one.

watching the debate right now, both candidates are literally retarded and i'm not even surprised, they're american after all.
Stop bullying pls ;_;
they have to speak in a way which most people can understand, they aren't dumb
Neither one of them knows how to debate. There're rules you're supposed to follow when debating.
>that makes me smart
way to blow your entire campaign, don
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>giant douche vs turd sandwich: electric bogaloo
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i-i'm sorry don't cry :(
here, take a funny meme

fair enough
My mom is upstairs watching it, I can't stand to hear either of their voices anymore
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the debate was giving me an anxiety attack from how socially awkward it is.

trump's acting like an ape and interrupting her and saying things like "you've been fighting ISIS your entire adult life" which literally what the fuck does that mean and then she's openly lying about things talking about "equal pay for women" even though we've fucking had that since the 1980s WHY DO FEMINIST LIE ABOUT THIS? it's such a dumb, immoral lie. also her fake laugh is really creepy. whenever she feels cornered, she does a fake smile/laugh and it looks like an android trying to fit into the human population.

i already turned it off. i can't take anymore of this cringe.
you are missing out
would like it very much if a bomb detonated under the stage right now and killed them both 2bh
She spent half her two minutes saying nothing and the other half not saying how she'll do what she's saying needs to happen
Why won't drumpf release his taxes
zero memes until now, I'm very disappointed desu
>I woke up this morning
>included euronews
>there began a debate
>I understand only a few words and phrases
>fucking Russian education
>be american
>get shot
hillary is too alpha, she won't let trump mock her like he mocked jeb

>living with your parents
Your 4chan speak is good enough
just like hilary said
this online translator

wound to the neck of a broken bottle or a knife better than bullets
Just continue trying/learning and one day you'll speak english just fine. I have faith in you, comrade ;_;
haha lester
His MAGA persona crumbled away, I don't see him as this strong alpha character anymore but rather just another dumb (rich) redneck.
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>this hillary moment
clap clap**
This is awkward
>americlaps were instructed to be quiet before the debate
>literally cannot keep themselves from clapping
God, where's the security in Trump's speech that he shows when he travels?
this :---D
i find it hilarious
reporting in
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Ok I'm done. They're both idiots but Trump is on a whole another level of idiocy. He can't win
>arab partners
>we need to get better at cyber
Trump had such a good chance to follow up on Bernie stuff and he missed it. He's absolutely terrible today.
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>she was involved with catching bin laden
>fat neck-beards btw
That bothered me.
Trump fixed nato, you're welcome cunts
how do i get out of depression

trump lost
Lester is letting him go on forever
he is worried to much about himself

he's gone

just say two thousand four
thanks for the free defense uncle sam
it's over hillary just won
>you was
he said this didn't him?
no problem son
tnx for afghanistan
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It's over.
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>MFW This debate

Drumpf COULD have taken this debate if he just kept his cool.
this nigga trump getting BTFO so bad
lester is the only one getting btfo
He is clearly very dumb.
I believed in /pol/ before i watched the debate.
Fuck Trump, i'm for Hillary now
It's like this at every graduation and awards ceremony.
>Please keep your applause until the end
>After the third person the crowd erupts into a loud roar after every name called.

Didn't his campaign people gave him a crash course on debate 101?
trump is like some throwback to ancient times or something
>demanding tribute from vassal states (nato)
>talking about how we should have pillaged iraq
There is nothing wrong with any of that
>his campaign people
I bet they are just a bunch of redneck hillbillies
is there any one more beta than lester?
i don't even know what's worse: trump's speaking skills or the fact that /pol/ unironically thinks he is winning the debate
guys, I don't think this semen slurping debate is for me
hilary is winning
Hillary is mean
the """"mediator"""" is completely useless
Trump trying to play the nice guy.
>>demanding tribute from vassal states (nato)
ur dumb and don't understand his argument

NATO members pledge to contribute a certain amount of their GDP to NATO to help fund it. but out of the 20+ nations in NATO, only a small portion are paying what they've agreed to pay. so it's basically a bunch of lazy european countries getting free military defense on the backs on the american tax payers even though those same european countries all agreed to pay their fair share.
this so much

he let hillary play his role lol
Donald is embarrassing.
trump's daughter is a qt
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i have a whole folder of her. mostly of her feet tho
>NATO members pledge to contribute a certain amount of their GDP to NATO to help fund it
this is nonsense
the NATO budget is a separate thing and even Iceland contributes to it according to what's decided

NATO also "recommends" nations spend at least 2% of GDP on their defense to support the defensive capabilities of the alliance and that's what most nations are failing to do

>a bunch of lazy european countries getting free military defense
so far, only in theory
the only country that has actually enlisted NATO aid in a war is America
keep posting please
I think he got a really great answer for whether he would or not support Hilary if she gets elected

I tought he was gonna lower the level there but "I don't think she can make America great again, but I will support" was his only non-embarrassing moment so far
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i think her feet are really beautiful
>Ivanka Trump reads books by writers such as Ayn Rand
preparation is the key
he was swung around like a puppet
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More like this
what book is that
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>you will never lift that skirt
I was playing video games and then realized debate is up. Might as well.
don't have lewd thoughts about the princess!
>she will never drop a massive chocolate dragon from her lusty asshole directly on your face
why even live
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How can a average intelligence person vote for Trump after this debate?

I was mildly supporting Trump.
Not anymore
he was thinking of using the same tactics he did in the rnc which is a major mistake
I'm a single issue voter. Hillary Clinton supports open borders. Donald Trump talks about border security and deporting the millions of undocumented migrants.

Think about this: there are 3 times as many undocumented migrants travelling through the the United States right now than there are people in Portugal. It's not normal. No other first world country allows such a bizarre lack of border protection.
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Who won?
I missed the debate.
Had a test, that I don't feel too good about.
Wish me luck anons.
>staying up late
I slept in late and I still had plenty of time to watch it on my phone behind my desk.
Good luck anon
I'm also for restrictions on emigration and lower taxes, but Trump just got destroyed in the debate, he is dumb, he can't argument using facts and he always repeating the same empty soundbites.
He did lose the debate. But that doesn't change that Hillary is open border whereas Trump is strict on immigration. I'm a single issue voter.
my negro
voting for people a large number of which I think are legitimately retarded in the upcoming parliamentary election just because they're tough on immigration
Are you all asleep now?
im playing pokemon soul silver. im tired of politics now, that was an exhausting 90 minutes.
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