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Thread replies: 198
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everyone ITT edition
the jf's are really ruining /brit/ i hate to say
richie kavanagh is god
>American talking about handling the bantz
>americans creating /brit/
fucking disgusting.
the gf
Wanna buy a gf

It's just as bad when the majority of posters are british tbf
pipe down you autistic twat
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fuck off self hating queer
>10 posts
>only 3 by a brit
it's 03:45 in Britain
Let's avoid this homophobic type of language
Looking for yank slags to shag infront of their "men"
we are brits though by ancestry.
having a browse of the r9k
The feeling is mutual 2bh.
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Hand over the Cod, Iceland.
still should be just enough time to shag ur fucking mum up the arse before bedtime though you icelandic twat ahaha. fuck you
>muh heritage

Decent taste, far better than the slash b slash tee bee aitch
seinfeld is p. ebin
First day of classes tomorrow lads. Beginning my second year of College.

the eternal MexicANO
why pirates?

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>see American on holiday
>walk up to him
>"accidentally" trip him over
>apologise and offer to help him get up
>punch him in the face and curbstomp him
>take a piss on him

The British equivalent of "Fuck her right in the pussy"?
what do you study?
it was never yours to begin with
i swear you wouldn't even be able to finish half of that sentence if you said that to me irl
your jaw would be on the other side of your head
Undecided, but leaning towards Biology or Geology. My classes this quarter are Organic Chemistry, Cell Biology, and Western Civilization.
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>see Mexican on holiday
>walk up to him
>"accidentally" trip him over
>apologise and offer to help him get up
>cut off his fingers and decapitate him
>take a shit on his corpse

Haha, oops! Just wanted to offer the prime Mexican companionship to make him feel at home!
>poms ask what you're 'reading' at university

Oh im reading /brit/ atm
He visto mejores raids
i specifically said no one was allowed to save this pepe
>get to choose an assortment of classes
hmmm american college is weird

wish it were like that here though desu
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Hand over the women, Iceland.

>Ástandið (Icelandic: "the condition" or "the situation") is a term used about the influence British and American soldiers had on Icelandic women during World War II. At its peak the population of foreign soldiers was equal to that of Icelandic men. Many of the foreign soldiers would court Icelandic women and estimates of the number of women who married foreign soldiers goes into the hundreds. Such interaction between Icelandic women and foreign troops was not always well received and the women involved were often accused of prostitution and betraying their home country. Children born to such women are known in Icelandic as ástandsbörn ("children of the condition/situation").
>When the British Army invaded Iceland in 1940 people gathered on the streets to see the troops and the fact that many young Icelandic girls were captivated by them did not go unnoticed. Immediately discussions began over what effect this would have and minimal interaction with the troops was encouraged, but this proved to be difficult as many Icelanders had jobs in some way connected to the troops. A committee was formed which produced a damning report on the soldiers, which shed light on widespread prostitution amongst the troops. Some sources suggest that girls as young as twelve years old were involved in prostitution.[1] The Icelandic authorities tried unsuccessfully to reduce the soldiers' encounters with Icelandic girls as Icelandic girls defied curfews to seek out British and American soldiers.

Wtf? How can you not choose your own subjects?
You only had 2 wild modules a year for my course, but they had to be related ones.
I'm still fulfilling certain core graduation requirements with these classes, but yeah, we're afforded some level of leeway with it. And also wait, you can't choose your own classes at all.

>El ChilENO
piper perri is kinda sxc lads
el peruANO
no shame in losing to Britain's finest
unless you would suggest otherwise, you traitorous cunt
mexicans are the worst type of spics
in scotland its like that, load of shite if you ask me, im studying 1st year marine bio but had to choose 4 filler courses including history,law,chemistry and astronomy, fucking waste of time la.
there's nothing worse than a latin poster
>see Canadian on holiday
>walk up to him
>"accidentally" trip him over
>apologise and offer to help him get up
>beat him with a hockey stick and allow him to get mauled by a bear
>ejaculate onto his corpse

Heh, whoopsies! I'm just getting the hang of this tourism thing!
err back the fuck off?!?
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but they are fun and easy

>all pure engineering modules
Graecia et Germania in Europa sunt
>See a tourist in Iceland
>he falls down a crevice on he's way to take a picture of a horse
stimated to have been about 60,000). This event is popularly known in Iceland as Tyrkjaránið – the 'Turkish Raid', as it was launched from areas under Ottoman sovereignty, although no North African Turks (Kouloughlis) are known to have been involved. Most pirates were Arabs and Berbers, a large part - the Dutch and other Europeans, who converted to Islam.[1] Four ships attacked the eastern and southern coast as well as the Vestmannaeyjar ("Westman Islands"). Ten years later 27 captives made it back to Iceland; a few had come home earlier.
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say goodbie to your count piratea
pls say "hispanic" next time, we don't go anywhere near as low as this.
El ArgentINO

Ah, time to report
el algeriANO
In 1627 Barbary corsairs from Algiers and Salé descended on Iceland in two separate raids, taking around 400–900 prisoners (Iceland's population at the time has been estimated to have been about 60,000)

>Icelandic girls defied curfews to seek out British and American soldiers.

Wew. Imagine being that hungry for Anglo willy
>Icelandic sex slaves
Those captured were sold into slavery on the Barbary Coast. All Icelandic accounts agree the number of captives was below 400. French nobleman Emanuel d'Aranda says in his book, Relation de la captivité et la liberté du sieur (1666), about his time as a slave of the Barbary pirate Ali Bitchin, that an Icelandic fellow captive in Algiers told him 800 people had been enslaved. That number does not agree with any Icelandic sources.[4]

A few letters written by captives reached Iceland. Together with other accounts, they indicate that the captives were treated very differently according to their masters. Guttormur Hallsson, a captive from Eastern Region, said in a letter written in Barbary in 1631: "There is a great difference here between masters. Some captive slaves get good, gentle, or in-between masters, but some unfortunates find themselves with savage, cruel, hardhearted tyrants, who never stop treating them badly, and who force them to labour and toil with scanty clothing and little food, bound in iron fetters, from morning till night
ever tried modafinil?, never tried adderall but my m8 who has adhd has been on it since he was like 12,ive been taking it daily for the past 2 years and has seriously changed my life positively, no longer tired throughout the day and seem to socialise alot better, side effect obviously is insomnia hence me still posting here at 4am.
farmers just weren't as cool as soldiesr
im liking the sound of that
The most notable captive was Guðríður Símonardóttir. She was sold as a concubine in Ottoman Algeria and was among the few Icelandic who were redeemed nearly a decade later by King Christian IV of Denmark. She returned to Iceland and known for having later married Hallgrímur Pétursson, who became a Lutheran minister and one of Iceland's most famous poets.
*walks into /brit/*
*looks at all the non-anglos*
*walks out*
No hay problema
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shut up idiot
imagine getting really close to having a gf and you think "this is it, its finally happening" and everythings going very well and you two have a great connection and share good energy. all signs point to a relationship. and then she has 2nd thoughts and pull out right before things get serious out of seemingly nowhere

that would suck

sorry mate
While the Barbary slave trade is typically portrayed as Muslim corsairs capturing white Christian victims, this is far too simplistic. In reality, the corsairs were not concerned with the race or religious orientation of those they captured. Slaves in Barbary could be black, brown or white, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish or Muslim. And the corsairs were not only Muslim; English privateers and Dutch captains also exploited the changing loyalties of an era in which friends could become enemies and enemies friends with the stroke of a pen.
>Iceland used to suffer through tough times
>currently the safest place to be
>Algeria is a shit hole

Tell me, why should i care?
where can I buy british beer online?
Imagine doing that to a girl instead

They go insane
that is when you kill her and learn never to try and love ever again.
your computer jajajskjasjkaskjjakjkajajajjhasa LOL
"One of the things that both the public and many scholars have tended to take as given is that slavery was always racial in nature,” said historian Robert Davis, author of Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy . “But that is not true," he added.
In comments which may stoke controversy, Davis claims that white slavery had been minimised or ignored because academics preferred to treat Europeans as evil colonialists rather than as victims.
>tfw never had this happen because never been close to having a gf
nah that didnt happen to me i was just thinking about a feel that could happen that would be very devastating
Friendly reminder that only normies look forward to Christmas.
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Ah, so I see tomorrow's Guardian will feature women's football on the front page. Look, they won the women's Super League! Amazing!

>Attendance at Man City ladies vs Chelsea ladies, the game which sealed the title: 4,000

Leftie shits lmao
hermanos, let us have a piece of north america when you finish the invasion, please?
El AntidisestablishmentariANO
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duggan a cute!
>Tell me, why should i care?
You are the descendant of one of those concubines who was bearing my grand-grand-grand-fathers child.
Ahmed, my son. Come home!
Dooping depressed
DNA results came in my lads. found out i'm 1% British. I plan on making a pilgrimage to see the queen. also fuck the yanks
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didnt read a workd of this
oh yeah, i though you used magical stones in peru
fuck you go wash the plates in the back lavaplatos.
Made some nice beef stew in the slow cooker

came out nice
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What does "el peruANO" mean?
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those people died abroad by the hands of disgusting shit-skins such as yourself
What are you all planning on making for Breakfast?

>t. Half-Mexican on vacation
I don't eat breakfast.
What happens in hilo latino threads that makes them want to raid us
oatmeal and a pack sigs
your mothers seashell jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajskajskasjajjaj
as long as you have <0.001 french genomes your more than welcome lad.
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the mexican who posts here gets angry about toads and asks them to raid us...
no seas malo con el chicANO jkajkajskajksajkjka
"Ano" is Spanish for "anus", IIRC
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what time does it get light lads?
Nothing, which is why they do it.
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not for another 2 hours

haven't heard the birdcucks for months now
>The most notable captive was Guðríður Símonardóttir. She was sold as a concubine in Ottoman Algeria and was among the few Icelandic who were redeemed nearly a decade later by King Christian IV of Denmark. She returned pregnant to Iceland and known for having later married Hallgrímur Pétursson

Ahmed, my long lost son why you speak badly to me?
I might not eat Breakfast since it's doubtful I'll wake up too terribly long before class, but if I do probably some snacks of some sort.
una vela
whats your job normie
one (1) candle
why is your sleeping pattern constantly fucked

dont you find it depressing waking up past mid day? i do
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on that poverty brekky life senpai..
I would love some Biscuits and Gravy, but my college's dining hall doesn't have it.
>why is your sleeping pattern constantly fucked
this is my natural sleeping pattern desu

>dont you find it depressing waking up past mid day? i do
only when normies judge me
Everything south of texas should be nuked

Actually, take texas too
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why are you pakis so inhuman?
reading their posts and talking to them, it's as if they are computer generated. it's like a dog trying to speak, you can understand the words but their voice lacks sentience.

pretty easy to dismiss paki's misfortune when you realise they aren't people
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>i don't drink so much booze i can barely eat 2 meals a day never mind fucking breakfast
I correct my sleep cycle and always end up back at being awake all night. Need to start fucking working to keep me on a good time schedule but the place which hired me are being slow cunts about it.
sleep is for the weak, 4 hours sleep masterrace

gonna hit the hay at 6 and wake up for 10-10.30.
dont you feel tired all day
¡Ay, caramba!
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sounds boring
are you happy with it
seems a bit unfair they use over 18 girls who could "pass as underage" to meet the paedos when they show up. a lot of these girls are fucking hot
is that really thailad
do you have that pic of when this fella is on the beach or something with a teen girl and he says "haha i hope this isnt that tv show where they bait pedos with teenage girls" and then chris hansen steps out
just imagine living in south america lads for a second lads.

i'd be shitting up a british general on a burmese car sales forum in no time too.
nah, i used to but my body is used to it now, alot of successful people in history and in the present swear by 4 hours sleep.
el janitore...
kek if it's bad being a loser in a rich country god only knows what it must be like in some utter shithole
Tbf, the pervs don't know of the actual appearance of the children until they come to the house (and in most editions I've seen, they see Chris Hansen and never actually see the purported girl/boy).

No 2bh; maybe the Caribbean at most w/ the Monroe Doctrine and Spanish-American War.
>Jan Janszoon, (Murat Reis the Younger) is said to have taken 400 prisoners; 242 of the captives later were sold into slavery on the Barbary Coast. The corsairs took only young people and those in good physical condition. All those offering resistance were killed, and the old people were gathered into a church which was set on fire. Among those captured was Ólafur Egilsson, who was ransomed the next year. Upon returning to Iceland, he wrote an account about his experience. Such captivity narratives by Europeans who had been held in Muslim states eventually constituted a literary genre.
Your heart is so cold, but I know the half-algerian half-slave blood it is pumping knows where you belong. Ahmed, come home my beloved son.
would off myself in an instance tbH
why do south americans love the simspons so much?
Haha yeh.

wts taxi
something is afoot...
tbf i doubt most parts of argentina and mexico are that bad
It is a good show (at least the classic era), but 2bh IDK.
What state?
Not him, but Virginia, if Extra Flags isn't lying.

Hmm your country isn't too good considering its full of jews who are meant to be wealthy
try to gain some insight
your posts aren't clever, they aren't witty or creative
"but ahmed"
you seriously overestimate your intelligence and witticism. No one likes you and you simply can't realize it because of your narcissism
>fucking around with big machines
are you trying to tell me something
cant be fucked naming names but have a look at this article


first month or so is hard but your body will adjust, also drink more water than you normally would.
post tunes
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r8 my dick lads
It's not, you can have a very decent life anywhere in Latin America but Venezuela currently. Well, maybe some parts of Honduras and Guatemala too.
*my shadow clone evaporates*
*i walk out of the shadows behind you and start slowly clapping*
well done pepe well done pepe HOWEVER...
i drew your dick once before
set sail him the can yes yes
set sail him the can...........
is it fake? why is it so big?
yes, but there are very few here in Iceland.
ive also seen pakis, they are like something out of a cartoon, their behaviour and mannerism is eerily inhuman
the janitor would be inconsolable if he were to see this thread
it's really not that big
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hes has now
now I feel shit
you shouldn't

look at it again

it's nothing spesh
What happens if the walking corpse aka Clinton wins?
New Thread








1000 years of darkness and pain
bigger than average lad, u ever jelqed?, only ask as its as vainy and girthy as mine albeit longer
don't know what that means tbqh
Is the limit so up?
should give it a google,it works but requires commitment to see results, grew a 3/4 of an inch in 6 months
those fucking disrespectul cunts were hiding them in a church
never encountered a diaspora in my life
>Guðríður was the young wife of a fisherman and a mother. After her abduction in 1627 from the Westman Islands, she was sold by the pirates as a slave and concubine in Algeria. She was among the few who were ransomed nearly a decade later by King Christian IV of Denmark, and she returned to Iceland.

She was sent to Denmark along with some other former slaves to be re-educated. They were taught by Hallgrímur Pétursson, then a theology student. They fell in love and she became pregnant by him. They returned to Iceland where she learned that her husband had died. She and Hallgrímur married. He later was called as the pastor of a church at Saurbær, Iceland (1651-1669). He became well known for his poetry and especially what are known as Passion Hymns (Passíusálmar), recounting the life and death (The Passion) of Christ.[1]
Other Icelanders looked down on Guðríður and considered her a whore and heathen, blaming her for her time in Algeria. She was 16 years older than Hallgrímur, which in itself was considered a disgrace.
Ahmed my beloved son. Come home. Your country needs you.
but my dicks already huge
>getting in a cheeky half hour each day on time sheet
>extra $45 at the end of the week

but it could be huger..
just had some delicious katsu chicken lads
Morning, lads.
good lad
Fucking die

Just Fuckign die
You made me erect
Thread posts: 198
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