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>I still remember how puzzled I was the first time one of

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>I still remember how puzzled I was the first time one of my team members referred to my “American accent.”
>“What accent?” I said. “We don’t have accents.
>Brits have accents. Australians have accents. Even Canadians. We don’t.”
>To me, the British accent is a deviation from the norm—accent-free American English

are Americans retarded?

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jesus christ.
Why are you the only US state that gets their own flag?
>i don't have an accent, other people have accents
that's deep
>are Americans retarded?
Most of us are, yeah.
>This realization shocked me more than it would have had my ignorance been only linguistic. But embedded in my response, although I didn’t realize it at the time, was my belief that America is the industry standard for the world. Not just for English but in everything: politics, power, sports, entertainment, finance, you name it. It’s America’s world and everyone else is just playing in it.
only reason the world speaks English is because of us get your shit together canuck
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>only reason the world speaks English is because of us get your shit together canuck
are you literally retarded
>are Americans retarded?

Americans going abroad really looks like 5 years old.
>“What accent?” I said. “We don’t have accents.
It gets even worse.

The snooty britfags run around talking about the "queens english" as though speaking like a real fag is a real thing.
God damn it yanks.
>God damn it
There is nothing wrong with this
>different cultures behave differently
REALLY made me think this time
That explains the attitude you find from yanks on here.

I had the same realization too, but I was 8.
It's a nice attitude though
It is so unfair
>dumb shart in marts think they are top of the world

they must be retards, kek
We don't though. American English is the planet's lingua franca and gold standard to which all other forms of English are compared. When you speak English, you are unconsciously imitating American English and thus have an accent. When I speak English, I am naturally speaking American English and thus have no accent.
girl on the left is absolutely butifel
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kek, this
My View of Americans was so bad, I thought it couldn't get any worse. But Here hr is, the man who worden er my view.
Holy shit this man is ignorant.
Sorry but we get to decide what the standard version is. Your opinion is worth fuck all

t. English English speaker
>Here he is, the man who worsened my view.*
Dutch autocorrect is a bitch.
I hope you all know this is a satire
and I share this board with you lot, oh boy
>Sorry but we get to decide what the standard version is. Your opinion is worth fuck all
England is an irrelevant sub-nation of an American vassal state whose place in the world has diminished steadily over the past century. The United States made American English the world's lingua franca, not England or the UK (which is why the world doesn't speak "English English"), and therefore will decide the correct manner in which English is spoken.

t. American English speaker whom you are subservient to
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>England is an irrelevant sub-nation of an American vassal state whose place in the world has diminished steadily over the past century. The United States made American English the world's lingua franca, not England or the UK (which is why the world doesn't speak "English English"), and therefore will decide the correct manner in which English is spoken.

>t. American English speaker whom you are subservient to
Texas gets one as well
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Kek, nope. You wish. The English we learn in schools is the one from England, m9. That's the standard.
yes they are

>I am reminded of my own recent run-in with a traffic cop. While I currently live in the state if Texas, where Ms. Bland was pulled over, my incident occurred on the other side of the world in a place widely considered friendly and accommodating: New Zealand. As a visitor in any foreign country, I never expect my rights as an American to supersede those of the nation where I am traveling. But things just didn’t seem right when I was given a mandatory road-side breathalyzer test, just because I was speeding.

>Now this test would have been warranted if I had, say, rammed into a sheep when it wandered into the road, and a cop had found me slumped over the wheel of my car with my speech slurred, my eyes bloodshot and a pile of empty beer bottles in the front seat. That’s what we in America call “probable cause.”

>Too bad there wasn’t a Facebook page about police alcohol check points in Timaru, the small town where I was pulled over. Had I been able to consult one, I might have avoided a breach of my civil rights.

>I was pulled over after an officer clocked me for driving too fast through a speed trap in the center of Timaru.

>I was informed that in New Zealand, everyone who is caught speeding must take a breathalyzer test.

>Fortunately, the United States does not use the New Zealand model of police entrapment to catch drunk drivers. And, to my benefit, we also don’t extradite our citizens back to foreign countries where they have violated the speed limit. New Zealand law enforcement may have collected my DNA through a breathalyzer test, but they failed to collect my money for the traffic citation before I left the country. Since I can’t find the ticket here at home, am I the one who’s bending the rules?


jesus fucking christ! Immagine this man stumbling through a good chunk of his entire life with this sort of mindset. He actualy feels at the end that he discovered some sort of huge self help secret or something!

This article explains everything! next time someone asks why something batshit insane is occuring in the u.s. and not anywhere else i'm just gonna show them this article.

No thanks lol
Lmao a little rock in the North Atlantic and the people there think they're nearly as relevant as us

English is ours you fucking idiot
It speaks to huffpo's readership which are the group of Enlighted Civilization Bearers spreading American SJW cancer to the rest of the world with no self reflection. Their readship is who you have to blame for BLM in the UK, complaints about blackface in Brazil and Spain, and terms like white privledge being applied to Poland.
>The United States made American English the world's lingua franca, not England or the UK (which is why the world doesn't speak "English English"), and therefore will decide the correct manner in which English is spoken.

This is called "begging the question"
>are Americans retarded?

The vast majority, yes.
Yes, thank you for noticing it big boy.
For you.
From a linguistic standpoint, this is closer to reality than claiming that today's British English is the "true" accent. Rhotic accents were the historically more prevalent varieties; as far as speech sounds go, English in the 1600s was more phonologically alike today's American and Canadian English. It was the English in England that drifted.

t. linguist
>And in New Zealand, their approach to catching drunk drivers gives law enforcement the authority to act based on the assumption that people are guilty before proven innocent. It flies in the face of the principles outlined in numerous amendments to the American Constitution
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>Cites American laws as a reason why she shouldn't pay a fine in another sovereign country.
> Doesn't acknowledge reckless driving as probably cause for impaired cognition brought upon by alcohol.

Jesus fucking christ what a purulent sore on humanity this woman is.
was getting simplified part of your plan?
All the English-speaking American settlers were literally bullied out of Britain for being too weird and annoying, and they were all lower-class provincial freaks as well. No one cares if their dialect was more ''''authentic'''' or not
We're crashing this language with no survivors
>On 18 February 1813, George Canning, a former treasurer of the navy and foreign secretary, told the House of Commons that "the sacred spell of the invincibility of the British Navy was broken." 6 John Croker, the influential secretary to the Admiralty, thought it necessary to publish the "Letter on the Subject of the Naval War with America" in defense of the government. In response to a sense of crisis, the Admiralty both built up its Halifax-based squadron and issued an order that it had not felt obliged to promulgate in the case of the conflict with the French. On 10 July 1813, Croker informed station commanders-in-chief that the Admiralty "did not conceive that any of His Majesty's frigates should attempt to engage, single handed, the large class of American ships; which though they may be called frigates, are of a size, complement and weight of metal much beyond that class, and more resembling line of battle ships. In the event of one of His Majesty's frigates under your orders falling in with one of these ships, her captain should endeavour, in the first instance, to secure the retreat of His Majesty's ship, but if he finds that he has advantage in sailing, he should endeavour to manoeuvre, and keep company with her, without coming to action, in the hope of falling in with some other of His Majesty's ships with whose assistance the enemy might be attacked with a reasonable hope of success.
But why are Americans so fucking nasal?
The rood they wat, bad Health care, propaganda, shit education, you name.
hurts to speak deeper
The food they eat*
that doesn't mean one or the other is or is not an accent. it literally has nothing to do with it.

This is like me reading a Daily Mail article and laughing at how stupid Brits are.
Many brits are too. The black guy from IT Crowd or Matthew Holness. Dunno if they are impersonating an accent, though.
Foriegners generally learn british english m8
Here too
Yeah it seems to be the norm in europe
So it actually took this cunt three years of living in Korea to reach the epiphany that different cultures have different customs. And he is proud enough of this monumental achievement to write and publish a book about it. Well, it takes all kinds I guess.
They tried to teach me British English in school, but USA's influence is stronger than any amount of education. Sorry lads, but I have to agree with the yanks on this one, that's the defacto language, you are all speaking accents.

americans are so adorable
British spelling yes but they sound closer to Americans
Aussie accent is best accent 2bh
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Even I don't understand this
I'm imagining some obese cheetos stained scooter riding abomination typing thus
No, not really. All the differant nationalities Have a own distinct accent, and when they speak fluent english its almost Always British.
I dont know whats worse, those retarded amerisharts who are surprised that we have refrigerators here or the retarded liberals who use the generic "Europe" as an oriebtalised example of what America should be.
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>today I realized people who are different from me are able to think!

Lmao classic SJW
>I still remember how puzzled I was the first time one of my team members referred to my “American foreskin.”
>“What foreskin?” I said. “We don’t have foreskins.
>Brits have foreskins. Australians have foreskins. Even Canadians. We don’t.”
>To me, the British foreskin is a deviation from the norm—foreskin-free American
To add, one of the oldest accents still in use for the English language is the traditional Southern Drall, which was derived from the cavaliers and dates back to at least the 17th century.
English as a whole forms most of its sounds at the front of the mouth, which has the side effect of making the person sound more nasally than if they pronounced their words near the back of the throat. In American English, this phenomena is exasperated due to many of our particular variants in pronunciation.
hate this meme
It really depends on the country. American countries generally teach American English, European ones British. Everywhere else there is about a 50/50 split
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woah, so american accents <i>aren't</i> the right ones?
>that brflag
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>I Asked A Korean Person To Pass Me a Napkin — And I Never Expected What Happened Next

Darn son, everything must be clickbait
>>Brits have accents. Australians have accents. Even Canadians. We don’t.”
This is the objetive truth though. She might be a cunt for saying it, but it doesn't make her any less right.
good streak friendo
which is exactly what you do
I've only had English teacher who tried to teach us British accent. All the class did, was make fun of her accent 24/7.

Later on, she pretty much gave up on it.
It really isn't. There doesn't need to be some definitive de jure version of English, especially since English isn't phonetic. American-English itself isn't even unified.
The only thing worse than idiots who think we don't have an accent is the average Europeans who say "Damn what the professional linguists say" and say we have 2 accents and 1 dialect
Fuck off ameriboo
If you invent a language, you dont speak a accent of it
prefering your own culture is fine, not realizing others might not indicates some mental flaws
i got cancer just from reading this idiot
You are uncharacteristically aggressive Netherlands. Also, languages aren´t ususally invented.
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