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Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 88

brady edition

deal with it you stupid cunts
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I'm having a hard time managing 8 Canadian hate threads at once
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texas pls share
and for reasons like this, i believe that the collapse of the USSR was a mistake
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I just stubbed my pinkie toe
you probably deserve it

I still like you leave bros.
You remind me of us german posters.
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this is true

truly the two most autistic flags
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What is the best colour ever and why is it teal
This place used to feel like such a ball of negative energy, but now it feels like a safe haven.
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>tfw you tricked Euros into believing Americans sleep in their shoes
AT 7:30AM
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That usually happens when all the teens leave for bedtime
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>a general full of weebs, blacks and gay yanks
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It was indeed
>having a job

you wouldn't know anything about that anyway
So which one are you?
now countries in the caucasus region(except armenia) are getting alliance with ugly turkroaches
You heard me.
>tfw work 3-11 Monday-Friday
>get to sleep in every day
Feels good desu
anything other than a 9-5 is great

I used to care about politics now i don't, just wanted to post that pic.

People nowadays are such shit, regardless of nationality
ay lmao m8
I don't follow, explain yourself
No one cares
Did I stutter?
They are

Lay off the stormfront and /pol/ m8
>tfw 7:30-4
>tfw i cant fucking SLEP
>tfw i stopped drinking coffee cause it made me neurotic
>tfw i dont take my 15 minute designated breaks to avoid speaking to coworkers
>tfw i dont get out of my chair for four hours at a time
heavily middle easterner looking people aren't white or do you consider arabs to be white too?
Americans are a mongrel race, even their old stock whites have nigger blood. They will see the rope with the rest.
most auslets here are 18 and are unable to differentiate satire from reality.
Take a leaf and shove it up ur ass
at least armenians are christians
so are niggers that doesn't make things any better.
Nah, you do it baby.
why are you even in /cum/?
go back to your /pol/ echochamber and claim that you arent like lebbit.
Okay, Trudeau.
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Alright Jimmy that's enough of that.
Why do we allow canada to exist again?
We don't even give a shit.

Being white isn't going to cure you of your dumb fuck tendencies you maple leaf jerking cunt.
Trying to come to terms with the fact that America is genuinely, non-memeonically, not a white country anymore.
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This is (You)

If we erased them, Britain would get mad at us
>triggered dindus

I am drunk and high and lying in bed

This is freedom


wow, its fucking nothing
can't decide who's worse, SJW's or /pol/lacks. Hmm
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Really makes you think
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>he thinks i don't enjoy flaming people on 4chan just because

>Caring about what the people from inbred island think about you
what would we be doing with that frozen wasteland anyways?
i don't appreciate all this rudeness
What does wind smell like?
Alaska is a petrol state...
Man i miss Tijuana and Ensenada>>60283069
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It's substance usage, not freedom

But the question is:
Is it for recreation?
Or to escape depression?

It's exceedingly impolite to kill someone's pet

Pic related

dominate the world hockey circuit and make a killing in oil sales

haha oh wait, we already do
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Why does he not sound like a French Canadian?
Never said i was pretending.

Isn't it past your bed time?
They should've have their citizenship revoked those fucking cucks
oh you can actually see my state?
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>dominate the world hockey circuit
reminder that bill was literally nothing until he started to play with a leaf.
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Had a snicker, continue with your shenanigans

>24 years
he was born in ottawa and went to english speaking schools.
i really wanna fuck tom brady
>these people call themselves "americans"
Lol no...just wanted to say something nice. Mexico was awesome(disregarding the poverty). This coming from a non-Mexican. Your women are beautiful and you guys know how to have a great time, even when life has you down. The food over there compared to our Mexican immigrants here is just heaven.
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this is a sexual fantasy of mine
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why do southerners praise him? i opened a book for five minutes and realized the guy was a shit battle strategist
>36 years
reminder that bill and pavelski are the best players in the stanley cup finals and both are American. Also Sheary and Rust for Pit have 4 goals in 2 games. Also Americans.
gay lad
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judge i don't know.jpg
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yeah pretty much
well, trump is a liberal...and i believe he and trudeau will make the US-Canadian relations great again
That's pretty true I'll never go to Taco Bell or some shit like that.
For being a "shit" strategist he won a fuckton of battles. Union strategists were the really shitty ones, they thought they could just overpower and win by numbers and that shit was a mistake and probably the reason the civil war went on for so long.
its an american leading the choke

was a literal who until cindy and pattyH took him under their wings
R u cute 2day?
Anymore, probably that he was a better public figure and well-liked and respected by his troops over his actual exploits. as >>60283292
said, it's really more that the Union leadership was really shitty early on in the war, which allowed the South to get the chance to muster up and drag it out for 4 years.
tfw you will never be on your knees, inches away from justin trudeau's beautiful, circumcised, minty-smelling,
Not taco bell. Im in LA, so we have a lot of places that sell tacos, burritos, and authentic Mexican foods. I don't know maybe it's your meat but the one's in Mexico were straight bomb. Your Mariscos was dank and Kentucky Fries Buches in Tijuana was good too.
I honestly really like american food and really like the history despite the turbulent times we had. Full of adventures. I really like that.
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>they thought they could just overpower and win by numbers
That's exactly how they won

They smothered the South with overwhelming troops and supplies
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His loyalty to the Commonwealth of Virginia will never ever be forgotten.
Im Armenian
But yeah Americans are alright.
Don't forget Nick Bonino. Literal magician this post season.
>american food
If you want to catch the Devil, if you want to have fun,
If you want to smell Hell
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Any anglos left in America?
Try asking in Spanish.
Good riddance..NO
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steaks, burgers, buffalo wings etc
yeah i really like it
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It's true isnt it
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My nigga those are god tier
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You gotta go back.
I got the lobster shrimp and crab.
Mixed it all up in one taco, sauced it up, and BAM!

There was a cute girl there with a big ass. Wish i was more fluent in Spanish.
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>There's one Anglo left in America and he's a weaboo
Memes aside are these movements very common?
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i really like those protesters
You need to fuck off back to /brit/
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No no I'm not the anglo, I'm the Mick he liked to bully back in Middle School

Last I heard he left to Maine to bully the escaped Quebecois convicts there
nope he is allowed to stay here
there is a video where an americuck says we have a fence in our southern border LMFAO
Yeah man those usually taste good with tortillas
we don't need a fence. The soldiers and cartels do the job.
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>You will never bully micks in secondary school
what I would give for a glass of milk right about now
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I dont even know whats going on anymore in this country
*cums on your face*
there you go
is this link safe

California,New Mexico and Arizona just need to be nuked.
yeah just a bunch of guys fighting and yelling bernie bernie
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Why AZ and NM?
Texas too if you're basing it on that
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pic related


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Mexicans from Texas are alri
Take a guess.
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>pls no bully
>supports the brits opinion on nuking some states

Ur the real bully
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holy fuck, you got me
time for bed
It isn't bullying if we make them die fast, there's just to many bad people around.
t. nonwhites
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I-It's a Midwestern thing!
We don't like Coasties or their puppet states!
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when i post in /brit/, there is an australian who always say shit against me.
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My cousin lives in Mesa though
>He's a gay weaboo redneck Paddy living in some shitty landlocked corn field state full of GERMans
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>you will never bully an anime loli
yu are in dire need of some nice mexican cock
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Honestly why do you care? Just buy some alcohol or something and you'll get over it
when my Grandmother died I was just happy to get some days of School
you people make me fuckin sick
I love my cousins. Just like brothers and sisters to me
nice dubs sick cunt
Queer detected
it's what i do
how do i become el narco cholo?
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janny-chan hit me with the hammer !

i never want d*bs again
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Already have a chicano bf, back to heck off cochino

Bi but I don't suppose it matters to you :^)
Only anime I watched was Jojo and that was for two episodes, I just save anime because they're good reactions
muh heritaaage
>Shitty landlocked corn field state
Landlocked, but pic very much related
>full of GERMans
And Norwegians

No need for the miffening pal
kek me fucking 2

Fucking little janny faggot go eat hot pockets
you are already a slav...so it is not that hard
you simply don't
>so it is not that hard
kek tru dat, but we don't actually have "gangs" here desu
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watch more jojo
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shhhh he might find us
You're bi?
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D-don't tell my parents!
fucking neck yourself you insufferable weeb faggot
Why? please tell me.
surprisingly Mexico like serbian people a lot......and our goverment(despite of sucking yanki cock) was against kosovo fags
Well you will have to tell them one day, might as well let me do it
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Nah they already know

My mom thinks it's cute and my dad calls me a faggot now when he gets mad, as opposed to before when he called me pathetic
Why is space so unfair. I want to explore it but it's just too big.
Who's a good lad?
You are!
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>when the autistic german gets hotpocketed
Dogs have been to space so can you
so, mexico didn't accept kosovo independance too?
cuz spain didn't either
I know that feel
But maybe we will be able to explore it in our next life
Maybe someday. I've always been in love with the idea of deep space travel but it'll either never happen or we won't live to see it happen.
>mexico didn't accept kosovo independance too?
That's too bad, I was hoping Mexico resisted their lobby :d
Do you prefer guys or gals? Or is it equal?

So you can explore just a little and let the next generations share the fun you had
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No preference
Personally, I think it'll happen. As far as I know, there's some scientific credence that high-speed space travel could be possible. Doubtfully within our lifetime, but I mean, with my inferior understanding of physics, if an entity can generate a gravitic/spacetime wave, maybe something could be created that could do that to propel a vessel?

At the very least, the most likely thing would probably be some sort of long-term bodily preservation, whether cryogenically or what have you, and we load up colony ships with pre-determined trajectories.
>king tut's knife was meteorite
what more proof do we need that egyptian gods were aliens.
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I quite like the idea of artificial-photosynthesis to produce oxygen and sugars, which are then used by ships that have no cryo-stasis but rather generations of peoples who train their youth to be settlers when they arrive to their destination
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Neat idea, but selfish me would rather have myself be the one setting foot on an alien world.
muricans btfo'd
hows your gains m8
Im a fat slob
>"I feel"

The misinterpretation and mis-attribution of value to that phrase is probably one of the biggest things wrong with today's society.
Perhaps one day you could upload your consciousness into a computer and become an immortal robot?

I don't get how we're btfo
What kind of guys do you prefer?
>Using American technology
>On an American website
>Speaking murican
testing BEST county flag
hello my hispanic friend
How do you do it :(
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I see we're still all busy orbiting /cum/'s camwhore of the week
Pls stop

enjoy your high cost of living
taper monkey extra flags
>he can't afford to live here
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Submissive and pseudo-tsundere

nobody can.
See I've thought about that though and what sketches me out is the notion of the soul. I liked the idea at first, but if we'd "upload" our consciousness, it would be a copy and not the original, because they original is the nerves and synapses in our brain. So essentially, the true me would die, and the computer would be a copy with no true life to it like I once had. It's tough to explain I guess..
if no one can how can i
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5 minutes
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>no microregion fleg
5 mins until what

well you're either a tech nerd or have daddys money

or you're in a 3 person apartment
3 person HOUSE*
and i'm a CNA
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2 minutes
I go back to work
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>being a murse
Yeah, mine is the closest I can get, but it's not even my true county.
t. highschool janitor
Sorry about >>60285058
I'm pretty shy and awkward

Im no hotpocket man

I'll have you know Im a bagboy
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You're posting from a library computer

I think the difficult thing would be to even find a way to merge mind and software, but assuming we could "plug" ourselves in, I don't see why one couldn't cut-paste or copy-paste and have, in a sense, an organic being and a mechanical one. Duality of soul, where the uploading is merely a splitting point, in which two identical consciousnesses begin their divergence. The natural being eventually dies, whereas the mechanical one lives on. Ideally I think one would do this on their deathbed.

It's awfully confusing stuff, but fun to ponder...

I'm taken, sorry :s
Canada rangeban when?
Yeah, agreed, but I myself would not just "wake up" in the machine. I personally would still die, and while the machine would assumedly be complex enough to allow for a full depth of personality and intellect, essentially becoming a human mind, it still just isn't truly "self" preservation to me. Ideally, I'd like to completely avoid death at all.
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>1 am
nice one

>putting your feet on your desk
>not using adblock
>mechanical keyboard

>clean feet because i shower every day
>last time i enabled adblock on 4chan it wouldnt let me load the whole page
>friend gave me his old keyboard (free of charge)
checkmate bagboy
>mechanical keyboard

>people leave open food items and trash near campsites
>bear claws camper up at night
>bear gets euthanized for it
I really wish people would use their brains more when out in the wild. Rules exist for a reason and aren't that difficult to follow
>he browses 4chan

lmaoing @ ur life
There's no such thing as a good leaf. A good leaf is an oxymoron by it's very definition just like literally black light or a high hole. Not even a dead leaf is a good leaf for that reason.
cum lol
im sorry you feel that way buddy
Still salty?

10/10 I like it.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little comment p and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the comment. The "epic" "lol, cum", isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a north american general. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic australian NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "LOL, CUM." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

but leaves do photosynthesis
Finnish people are the ugliest, stupidest, most disgusting people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
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More like photoblazenthesis haha fucking leaves lmao
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>cum is dead
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nope im still here and u LOVE me
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but i hate you
u love me
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I have made the ideal woman.

If you disagree then you're low test.
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Boring thread
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good post comrade
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Spasivu tovarisha)))
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Goodnight /cum/
dont mind the fan it's still 63 out
me /cum/-chan

Me, but I feel fucked. I'm extremly tired.
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Nigga lol
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is /cum/ ded ?
I'm getting ready to go to work
not yet
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So fucking tired. 2 and a half hours
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rip /cum/
leaving my place at 7 am to go to half moon bay lads
gonna be fun
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>tfw you bought a storage room filled with toddlers to use to power a biofuel power generator to sell energy to your sovereign community using the money you got from auctioning off cyanide-laced meat to middle-school-aged mercenaries
secretive post
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>american mathematics
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>tfw bullying somebody on the internet
Someone make a new thread, you /cum/ guzzaling faggots
Everyone is sleep
Skipped work today.later felt should've gone. Is this what wageslavery feels like?
How do i make /cum/ in BIG BLACK bold letters?
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Put it in the name field
>make a new thread
>50 posts early

are you an unintelligent human?
Nah, i just dont know the strings on 4chan. Fucking waste unit
The strings?

I don't know you sound like an unintelligent human
my friend won't chastse me

>the strings
Whers't thou come from, a higher place?
I said, i just dont know the strings. Are you dumb or just american
Guys I bought MLB the Show so I could get high and fuck around on it

Should I make my guys a big fat power hitter or a tiny small quick guy?
>being an unintelligent human
>Trying this hard to prove your self over the internet
You're the one defending yourself against some anonymous shithead bud
Shitman, please tell me where my turk is
Thats what youre doing my friend. It all boils down to me not knowing the strings
Probably because you're unable to understand the strings
Not really my friend, how well do you know the strings?
I'm a luthier bud, I know the strings in-and-out
True, but i still dont know the strings. I rarely visit 4chan

who /twg/ here?
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Just took an absolutely massive poo that instantly relived both my back and chest pain.

Didn't even know that was possible
Was it on a string?
No we don't eat string in America
Are you sure, friend
Morning lads

Friendly reminder >>60285806
>he's never had string cheese
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not him but i have a big pack in my fridge i love this
Damn son, string cheese is incomparable.
are mexicans fatter than americans?
The americans who have strings are fat, mexicans dont string much. All in all, americana.
>mfw Americans call freezies "freeze pops"

>mfw Americans call pop "soda"

>mfw Americans call rockets "smarties"
>mfw Americans call strings "ropes"
when can we just be "um"
You cant without any strings attached.
Shut the Fuck up leaf
"lum" is pretty good
Thanks, buddy
>Mfw an """""American""""" thinks his comment is relevant.

Shouldnt you be making more strings?
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>raining so work is cancelled
>cozy morning smoking weed in bed
>prolly gonna play mount n blade
>raining so work is cancelled
what do you do?
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who ready
i work at a plant nursury

the whole place is outside so when the weathers bad there's no business coming in
>all i have to do is go into the office, do 1 hour of work and im done

Might as well not go

What do you do?


this >>60293292
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6KB, 220x116px
patriotic bump
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