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/flag/tism - Vennu edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 279
Thread images: 46

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Old thread >>60224928

Get regional flags https://github.com/flaghunters/

Find flags http://whatisthisimnotgoodwithcomputers.com/#/flaghunter

Get regional map templates https://oplk.imgur.com/
Everything is relative
I just noticed that the Ottawa guy in OP's pic has painted nails
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>vennu edition

anon pls no
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muh autism
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It's an ice bucket challenge
It's a nice bucket challenge
It's a raise awareness challenge
It's a wise awareness challenge
I actually wonder what people think of Singaporean music

I've never bothered listening to it at all, so I have zero opinion
>Singaporean music
Literally who?
I've been to Singapore twice, but I was very very young back then (7 or 8) so I don't remember much
I have faint memories of seeing the lion thingy, a huge laser show, I remember touching some dolphins, going to this place called "sentosa" and drinking a can of sprite (that was apparently the first time my parents had let me drink a can of sprite)
That's about it
Are all of the places I mentioned in South Singapore?
>people think that I am some what mental
>they don't know I am very sentimental

What language do you even speak in Singapore
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Your description just screams "tourist trap" 2bh
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h-haha y-your silly jokes don't affect me a-at all
b-believe me

Never listened to any
Can you link me up?
Sure lad, here's an absolute classic
BTW is he really (in)famous in India or what?

Those are all in the South. Lion is in the city, the rest are probably all on Sentosa, our local tourist trap.

English. 75% of the population is Chinese, 15% Malay and 10% Poo-in-loos (mostly Tamil), and partly due to that and partly due to the fact that English has been the language of commerce in the past several decades, it was chosen as the lingua franca and language of education/business.
that was the first time our family went abroad so they must've stuck to the generic tourist destinations, don't blame em
gimme a minute, gotta look for my earphones

>BTW is he really (in)famous in India or what?
yes, a lot, people watch his videos ironically though
the best part is that he doesn't know that his """"""fans""""""" are doing it ironically so he assumes that he's some kind of star-singer
Is this guy famous in India?
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autistic flag game

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1989 R1.png
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Should I continue this old project?
Do you speak Singlish?

Because it's literally cancer to my ears.
in early 2000's he was
that video is also from 98 or 99 IIRC

what the absolute fuck was that


ayyy, gotta try that out
what the hell was wrong with it?
i made it and it's good
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I am a fan of these types of maps.
>Should I continue this old project?
what is that anon?
I installed the script, how can I get it to work? (Using 4chan X)

I absolutely loathe it, don't worry.

Seems to be the only Dutch flag that's done pixel-by-pixel.
Is anyone doing Polish municipalities? Might start if nobody is
made up countries, it was mostly so I could practice making flags
it's just a cross
i haven't done it pixel by pixel
post your version
I'm working on accents now and I'm making the counties and gminy of each voivodeship while I'm at it. Same for Brazil.

What's the story behind em?
I'm seeing that most of the made up countries are in Europe and Asia while NA is more or less the same
I can't remember most of them. some of them are just as if the countries were like they were in 1989
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Bringing back this shit, these are probably the ones I'll attempt to complete before I submit the reaccented names.
Belarus is complete and I may or may not decide to do non-city/town municipalities of Estonia.
Brazil is unlikely to say the least.

That's what I mean by pixel-by-pixel. It's aliased
Oh I see
So if you'll be continuing with it, will you be starting over (since you can't remember what they were) or will you just continue on from where you left it?
Probably start over, but using some ideas from the old one which I can remember
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R8 or H8 M8's
Can someone share me the world template?
alrighty then go ahead
National or regional flags?
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It would be nice if someone could make a Vancouver City Template
oh and is there any way to gloss a lot of flags?
it gets pretty daunting after a while
You can write a script if you want but I do it all manually.
i guess it looks better
but the difference between other flags with that tricolor is not so much anymore
my shit-tier laptop is not even Windows 7 SP-1 so Paint.net doesn't work in it
I have to gloss it on this garbage website ezgifs.com/overlay and it takes a shit ton of time which is why I was asking

I did manage to get SP1 somehow so I think I might be able to install paint.net now to make things easier
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Really makes you think huh...
>Not posting the ABSOLUTE best when it comes to Singaporean music (Read: bearable)
What's wrong la? You don't like singlish is it?
Bloody christ.
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I need a Polish anon to tell me if Slaskie is a shithole, because it sure seems like one.
>"Come on anon, it's Chinese New Year, let's all stand together and sing!"
>Stand Up, Stand up for Singapore!
I'll try to ignore you.
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For you.jpg.png
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WTF I love Singaporean Youtubers now

Can someone explain the Haiti meme to me?
Ottawakid can't find Haiti
The legendary Haitian flag continues to elude Ottawan boy
I'd be careful with that boy. A lot of people in this country really hate him. 2 main reasons, he made a video insulting our founding father a day after his death, and he made a video telling people to fake mental illness in order to get out of National Service. I kind of pity him though he clearly has some issues, diagnosed with some autism spectrum disorder. He recently got attacked in public for the second time as well.
He's a top lad desu
This, everyone else is literally just butthurt.
>People are still calling him Anus Yee
Make it stop
I've learnt not to click any links which could potentially direct me to a typical Singaporean internet circlejerk
Amos Yee is a cunt but pretty based for standing up against the disregard of freedom of speech by Singapore's government.
What's the ratio of the Swiss flag?
I'm making a flag that has a similar squar-ish shape
It's 1:1 so I'd presume it fits in 11x11 borders with transparent sides. I believe it's skewed to the left.
Put it in a 11x11 ratio, looks good to me
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world regionals.png
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Europe regionals scare me.
e4 is objectively the best opening
>that grandpa
No fucking way, the myth is true.
Asians seriously do not fucking age.
grab it, it's yours my friends
someone fix this misalignment shit
Three flags : D
mfw I still get carded in the USA even though I'm almost 30
If you're on chrome, you can edit the script from the tampermonkey dashboard.

Ctrl + F "position: relative; top: 1px;" and change 1px to 0px. That will solve the vertical alignment.

The horizontal alignment is still bugged though. The spacing between the country flag and the first regional is fine for every post that was loaded when you entered the thread, but any posts that show up when you update the thread have the country flag and first regional spaced twice as big as any regional to the next regional for some reason. You can always fix that by refreshing the page though

I'd just bring the issue up on github
Making an issue on github about it would be a good idea
Can someone do it? I'm makin flags right now
Hi neighbor
Which flags are you working on?
Once I'm done with that I'll do either Pakistan or Sri Lanka or Myanmar
I was initially thinking of doing Nepal but I think Singaporeanon is doing that right?
The issue only appears on Chrome it seems. PK put in a function to prevent it in the script but that doesn't appear to be working. I'll mess around with it later
>Making an issue on github about it would be a good idea
>Can someone do it?
Thanks anon
Hopefully should get fixed soon enough
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USA counties.png
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this is gonna take absolute ages
Is there a map of which counties do have flags?
Not yet. I've used city flags for the counties that they're in, will take even longer if I wait for the counties themselves
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In other news, I'm going to the municipality of Hulst in Zeeland this weekend but won't be able to post with the regional whilst there. I'll try to take a picture and post with the flag when I'm back though. Saw that many people (including me) don't have any Zeeland regionals so far
Heres cook county lad
ayy nice, I have family living over there.
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I don't know if it's working for me. I can see your township flag, should I just paste that in as a county flag?
Not sure all of them have been fully added yet, looking at the current github files
Template? I'll trade my county when I get home for it
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Should I make this a 11x11 or elongate the sides and make it a 16x11?
11x11 is fine I guess, there are several flags like this here (Switzerland, Paris and other)
i don't think chester county has a flag
the closest thing is this pottstown flag
Got it, thanks
can someone give me a PA template?
So when is someone going to make a perfect template for this? I don't want to clump every single regional over Europe and Asia into a big blob.
Done with 18 states and 2 union territories
11 states and 5 union territories to go

I think I'll probably do Sri Lanka after I'm done with India
Please re-add the brazilian regional flags with the gloss
Im in cook county too, anon. You like Illinois? I absolutely despise it here.
The best thing you can do is to use individual templates for different countries
Because if they file is large enough that all the regionals fit nicely than it's just too large to be usable
Did someone misspell this flag on here?

Consider >>60264521

Still working on sorting all the current US flags into counties. Should be done by tonight
another great thread
Hey thanks for sorting that shit mate, I would do it but I'm too tired from staying up all night and finishing making them. Really makes me happy/proud to see them being added. Going to finish making my surprise map, then work on some other flag related shit before knocking out.

>trying to get back into the flag collecting game
>so many fucking regionals
>folders unorganized, will have to sort them
Boy, this is overwhelming :^)
Do you have a map of all the US counties that have flags?
No, but I'm going to make one after I finish my retarded surprise map which will be done very soon.
I can get it done pretty quick btw, probably before I sleep.
Alright. Looking forward to that
Townships when?
Could I possibly get that Somaliland flag, I'd like to put in on my map
>not using the red Union Jack flag for Canada
You messed up
The red union jack was last flown in 1965
The filename says 1989
How come posting from the top form doesn't work?
should have kept it tbqh
I think it has something to do with how 4chan processes whose data is whose. I noticed that when I post from the top I don't get (You)s from reply posts

Agreed tbqhwyla
It's still cool

Agreed, also there's no way you're actually from the Isles of Scilly
Done making the Indian city flags, will gloss em over when I wake up tomorrow
excellent detective work m80, i'm here on holiday
I though county flags weren't out yet?
Ah ok, thanks for the explanation Canada bro.

Some people made specific county flags for themselves, so there are 5-8 counties or so in the database. The real motherlode is coming.

m8 pls be patient, people are working as hard as they can to add the new county flags

Any comfy pics?
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Someone made a thread to see how many county flags you can name:


Minimum score for /flag/ anons should be 150 tbqh.
>tfw my autistic map is really good
>40 MB, 10x larger than maximum file size
>don't want to lose quality, looks like shit resized

wat do? ;_;
Upload to mega and share the link
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That's why I avoid using templates that are close to the file size limit like:
100mb limit
That would be me
Do we need to login to play?
Im clicking on play but nothing's happening
Take a gander at it :^)

Obviously I took inspiration from the original autist who posted his map and I'll credit him for the Oceania and Caribbean maps. However, everything else is original and self made :^)
Damn, that's pretty autistic.
No, you don't have to.

Wish I could help, but I don't really know why it doesn't work, sorry.
Oh yeah the play button glitches out when everything takes too long to load

Use an adblocker because ads are the main culprit on sporcle
Dude nice.
I wish we had a template for that, or a similar one with all the regions
Thanks lads, it means a lot to me
saving this
I need my basically name fagging counties, when will they be out?
No problem! Got a template map nearly completed that I've probably spent dozens of hours on. Can't bloody wait to finish the last 2 countries on it.
Can't wait to see it!

Currently working on filling in US counties which have flags, should be done in an hour or two.
If people were missing Saint-Pierre et Miquelon >>60272658
Oh hot damn I havent actually had a new country to collect off /int/ in a while now
I just finished a large amount of American Indian flags
I have more I want to do, but I'm going on a week and a half long trip soon
Should I upload what I have finished now and the rest later or should I wait lads?
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Historic England.png
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Anyone here browse /trv/?
I was thinking we could get people from there to post from rare flags
which country's posters are over there?
There's no flags but usually there's a few threads of I'm travelling/moving to x, what should I expect?

Every now and again there's an African thread
But then again it's a slow board
I know there's no flags there lol, I was asking if you saw some poster saying he's from a country that's rare which attracted your attention

Well anyways, imo most of the people there are simply people interested in travelling so there's a pretty low chance that you'll get an actual African on the African thread, most of them will be travellers from say the US who've been to Africa
Doesn't hurt to try though
>there's a pretty low chance that you'll get an actual African on the African thread
What I'm saying is there might be people travelling to Africa or any other rare regions soon in which case it might be beneficial to get flags off them when they do get there
Yeah I do know that but I just thought that if I were going travelling to a place like Africa, I'd try to enjoy it as much as I can and probably wouldn't shitpost on a taiwanese fishing forum
But then again, one post just so we can collect their flag doesn't hurt 2bh
And I do need Mali and Madagascar
Has to be in the United States m8
That's the Portuguese name.

If we're anglicising everything except for proper names (which is 2bh an idea I came up with but failed to stick to for cities) I'll fix the others in the accents update.
>That's the Portuguese name
It was misspelled as Trinidade, like Trinidad and Tobago

Even Portuguese wikipedia lists it as Trindade

We had this same problem yesterday of someone just defaulting to the first flag alphabetically, configure your settings m80
>people who live in Brooklyn will have 3 consecutive New York City flags
Meant Manhatten. I might scrap putting boroughs in NYC since they are coterminous with their counties
Oh fuck. My bad, I typed that file name for submission.

Regardless I'll be renaming most of the flags that require accents and making several new ones before submitting them.

They do have separate governments, though. The leaders elected to the boroughs are much weaker in power than the county district attorneys who are state officials. Not sure if that'll change anything, just a thought I'm throwing out there.
It's just a matter of redundancy. I might set it up as US>NY>NYC>borough instead, since nobody really knows about the counties while a lot more people know about the boroughs

Fair enough.
where do you get the templete for this, also how do you fill it out
hep pls
County flags

You don't want that map, too clustered
Look at the top for maps of single countries, a lot less crowded and a lot better that way
Almost any program will work, even ms paint. and I'd sure you can do it in Gimp, photoshop, or paint.net as well
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you'll have to find Europe zoomed in yourself
Also check previous flag threads for extra flags as I went around Sydney and posted with lots of other regional flags >>60226492
>1433 changes
Wew lads. It's syncing to Git now
>Captcha still thinks I'm in France
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Europe Template.png
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Here yo go, pal.
thanks britfriend
If you're talking about counties then I'm hyped

You'll need to change your region now
W-wait-what? We will still get our county flags and get our township flags though right? The city isnt going to fuck us over again?
Befitting that I be the first to try the new county flags since I made them :^)
If I had a county flag, I put the city in there so you could get up to 4 flags now
Also what the fuck happened to the Nassau county flag? Did someone create a new flag for it on github? The one I made looked 10/10 time cleaner
ebin, it works :DDD
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>All these new flags I'm gonna have to memorize
Wait, why didn't mine work?
Will the Township flag I submitted be added as well, so people from counties can also get four flags? Also was the Nassau county flag changed on github? I submitted one that was a lot nicer than the version it was just changed to
Mate wtf, I meant to delete that duplicate since it looked inferior, must have been hella tired when I was comparing duplicates. Feel free to resubmit the old one to github, mine is inferior. Sorry about that.
Do you still have the old Nassau county file? And yes
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wew lad
how about now?
Ah ok, I still have it
please bring back country flags this is fucking embarrassing
pls go mr ching chong :o)
It begins
Have a new region flag

Fixed and added that town flag
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To fix the whole "missing flags" issue, the flag of any city that holds that county's seat e.g. >>60276899
Can be saved instead if that county doesn't have a flag
Thanks very much friend, I appreciate it!
looking good county lads
Here let's see if this post fixes the county flag
Ok, it's all good now, thanks lads
The only trouble now is going through the 49 other google results to find the correct state location...

Use your bleeding imagination, America.
oh god
The next change to the script should be to change the Google link from e.g. Clay County, United States to Clay County, Missouri. Would make locating a bit quicker
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Cool. I'm not actually in Miami-Dade, but my county flag isn't added yet. Would someone like to make it and add it?
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Just started collecting regionals last week, here's my Netherlands so far.
Sure, I've got you bro. Hold on a sec
Update your script, m8. It should have Collier County now. One of the other anons just turned in 900 county flags and it should be in there.
Added, check your script in a minute

It wasn't in that zip you sent me
Oh hold it, nevermind.
I'm a different anon, m8 I just happen to be in the same city.
Wtf why is this person appearing as me? Glitch? Anyway, I submitted it to github just now - not sure why I missed it.
Well that answers my question. Boy do I feel dumb.
>Two flagtists in the same city
Flags for different city streets when? :^)
Reset your region now

Room flags when?
Might you be the Charlotte lad I had the beer conversation with a while ago? If so, long time no see.
Hello lads
I might be, its been a while. I seem to recall something like that happening a couple months back.
Why the fuck wouldn't you two meet up for some booze?
Oh wow, that's crazy. Welcome back, then.

But yeah, I think it was you and some Cali lad who were giving me tips on craft beers :^)
Not drinking age, m8

Only 18, unfortunately.
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Fucking America...
Ridiculously high drinking age
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>mfw I realize I had Kansas City in my Kansas folder instead of Missouri

Why are we so retarded about city names?
Just checking to see what flags show up for me
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all flags.png
2MB, 1120x759px
Does anyone have an update for this?
I got this a month ago when I asked for it
Are you really in Marco?
here you go
Shit, my bad. Reset you region in a minute or two. Forgot to move Marco Island into the Collier County folder. You should be able to get 4 flags
Ah, well, shame.

Blame MADD.

I'm going to see if I can just get my posts to show up as just Mecklenburg County so we don't have a mix up like above.
But what about your anonymity?
Worst part is that most states allow you to drink if your parents serve it to you except a handful which ban it outright. NC is one which bans it outright, so can't have a beer at a family picnic or anything. It's fucking bullshit, but whatever.

Is a shame, yeah. Fucking MADD...
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sandwich islands.png
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They have their own ITLD. Have they ever posted before?
Pisses me off that at 17 you can join the National Guard and die for whatever the fuck but you can't drink a damn beer until you're 21
Close, I'm anchored behind Johnson Island. I've been hanging out around it for a bit.
I don't mind, tbqh.
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2MB, 310x250px
Forces you not to shitpost though

>mfw I shitpost in a thread and then somebody who frequents /flag/ shows up
Testing part 2. Thanks for the heads up!
Here's Aroostook County.
Finally finished the map of which counties have known flags.

Here it is. Seems like the West South Central, the West, and the Mid-Atlantic coast seem to be the best with flags. Fuck the Midwest/Deep South.
True, but I usually shitpost elsewhere.
I'm not sure what I am but here it is.
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200KB, 600x526px

What happened?
You need to install the add on in order to have a regional flag
4chan must of had trouble with uploading your picture. I've seen worse though.
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621KB, 2000x1267px
Had that weird glitch happen before with one of my maps. Let's try that again.

Not 4chan, it's my computer. Does that sometimes, can't figure out why. Lost an entire map one time, luckily I saved this one.
oooooh thats pretty!!!!!
Do they have county seals? If so, can't they just be put on a white background as a flag?
I suppose so...? I don't know, I did do that for Multnomah County, so I suppose I could do it for more counties. Would everybody be okay with that?
Get my regional while you still can lads, I'm about to leave soon.
I think it would be a lot better than having nothing. I wouldn't mind doing a few states to get though it quicker.
>Look at Nebraska
>Quickly be able to identify Brown County just because of its flag
I suppose those are the advantages of having a bad flag
I thought people had already been doing that desu
Hm, if people are okay with it. I'm going to continue to update the map, then and I'll work on it.
I remember at one point for Austrian regionals we were doing something similar with their coats of arms
I'm not sure what's up with Austrian regionals now though, haven't seen an Austrian posting with regionals in forever
Looks like they managed to find flags for Austria though, so that's nice
Thread posts: 279
Thread images: 46

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