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Thread replies: 149
Thread images: 22

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I'll probably never have a gf and am too much of a pussy to kill myself edition.
bad thread
Make it better.
Whats happening lads?
I slept for 15 hours last night and I still feel horrible.
You OP?
Where you at lad?
Why are Irish such sissies these days? Where is the IRA spirit? What would Michael Collins think of you?
Yeah,I think I was talking to you in the last thread,doing a bit of anime posting and shit myself.
Told you I got over my depression I think.
Tell me your problems,I might be able to help you out.
Poor, failing college, depressed, can't enjoy anything anymore, >tfw no gf.

Every western country is a sissy nowadays.
piss off with your bent support group shite you utter queer
I wonder,if you ever had a friend who was in trouble,would you ever help him out?
I may not know the guy but I know of his pain and it is a disgusting feeling,something no one should ever have to go through.
What are you studying?
Maybe take a break for a while man,I'm repeating my leaving cause I had fucking lost it when I did my leaving the first time.
It's still hard and shit and i'm not completely satisfied with my life having to discard some of my life goals due to my mentality.
I mean,when I entered 6th year I was on medicine for schizophrenia but It was actually a false diagnosis and I had OCD,by Christmas 2014 I was on anti depressants which did help a bit,wasnt on them for long though.

Have you contacted a psych at all might I ask? Anyone you can talk to?
Sup guess where am i going to work next week
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Got banned again lads
For what?
Lexi belle thread
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used /éire/ when posting, but /brit/ will always attracts more Irish posters than /éire/! Whoops! You should always remember to never make /éire/ threads as there will always be a /brit/ thread up! Posting /éire/ threads isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post in /brit/!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
I've been to one I had to go to for DARE. They asked if I wanted antidepressants but I was afraid of the side effects. I can't talk to my friends because we never see each other anymore and my brother would get worried and tell someone.

My bathroom?

I got banned from /pol/ the other day for posting what the mod called porn, even though it was relevant to the thread. What's the fucking point of a red board then?

Only you can change your life.

Walking around all derped and depressed won't help you get a gf.
D O C T O R i am gonna steal your jobs
/brit/ is 2fast.

I don't usually act depressed, I'm usually in very high spirits when talking to people because I rarely get an opportunity to do so. The feeling just hits me hard from time to time.
Get back to /brit/ you cunts.
>polish universities give doctorates in plumbing

A Polish doctor?

Not possible
shieet i am a family doctor in fact dropped the dentist shit after 2 years
I'm sure you did fix the toilet that allowed the dentist to drop a shit.
Side affects are bad i'll be honest with you brother.
I came into school one morning and my pupils had expanded like 90% and I was running around the place like a mad cunt.
You also get terrible stomach aches,you just feel like vomiting the whole time and its not nice,but your not going to vomit,atleast I didnt.
I had told myself I no longer wanted to end my life while I was on them and it worked,after coming off them I was gleaming,I felt great.
Tell someone that your going on them its what I would advise,SERIOUSLY.
How does being a doctor work when moving to a country with a different language?

Like what is the Polish for Pulmonary Emphysema?
Lexi Belle must be a hell of a drug.
Wew lad
We learn the Polish and English vocabulary guess why :""")
rozedma płuc
Oh fuck!
I meant to reply >>57434145 hahaha
I had no idea what you were on about kek
Jesus, that's a lot of learning then
5 years of my life learning at least 4h every fucking da
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How much will you earn?
Prynhawn da
3k euro a month still i need more experience
>be kh virgin
>start lifting
>get gf in 6 months

Its that simple lad
That's not much. You'd make 4.5k starting here.

Of course you'd have to get over your hate against all things German
i am scared of ahmed :/ even tho i love Germany half of my family is in Dortmund
Cork is fucking massive geographically that is.
You'll like it there a lot I can assure you
i hate capitals thats why Cork and it looks /comfy/
Everywhere (except Dublin) is comfy in Ireland.
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Say hello to niamh for me
Is OP still here?
Kek, fucking hate this r9k bullshit
i pray that Ireland won't fall down to ahmed or i will need to work in Poland for 1k euro at best
think i might crack open a can for the match lads
We all pray that Ireland wont fall to Ahmed m8
Post cute Irish girls
And Limerick.

We're Sweden 2.0 lad,
Whats in a person that has them sit down and watch a match on TV?
I just cant fucking do it and never could.
No interest in sports what so ever.
You will be surprised by how many foreigners are here.
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Yeah Limerick is alright lad.
I heard Athlone has gone to shit though,theres like a teen drug scare there or something last I heard.
>Limerick is alright
t. drug dealer.

Most of them are Polish, he'll feel right at home.
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Is jacket anon here?
we have a common saying here never trust a Pole beside Poland
If you throw chewing gum or fag butts on the ground you are scum
And Coolock anon
I swallow chewing gum, don't smoke, and I keep my homosexual relations indoors tyvm
a well adjusted degree of normality

now go away with your self absorbed pseudo-analytical shite
>reach for cent on the ground
>it turns out to be gum

Fuck those """"people"""".

>I swallow chewing gum
Good lad.
Sorry that was not supposed to be directed at anyone in particular.
Jacket came,too poor to get the dye though.
g-give it a week and I should/might have the money for 2 or 3 boxes of dye and i'll do it then.
>confusing gum for copper coins
>picking up pennies
Should've gone to SpecSavers and also applied for a job
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what went wrong?
Cool, it fits grand yeah?
no illustrious personalities attended
what the fuck?
what happened at that meet up?
No worries, I figured it wasn't
K pop thread?
Yeah fits great man
Nice, once you dye it you'll be pulling left and right
pulling his willy more like
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>pulling left and right
if this means meeting women I am a very undesirable human being tbhfam.
Weight or genetic features ?
We all are, that's why we're here.
Speak for yourself, faggot
Iv'e been told I look "pretty good" before but im quite a shut in.
I know it's one of the reasons im here m8.
>lying on the internet
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Still training desu but I'm not bad
How much you weigh? How long you been lifting?
Pro tip: fake it. I'm obsessed with myself and use that confidence to feign social enjoyment
>mirror that close to the door
Are you poor?
>if this means meeting women
how much of a sheltered cunt are you
6' 1" 66kg. Not sure about bodyfat atm, just getting into the habit of eating lots so it's gone up. Pic is fairly recent, I was 50 something kg last year but very lean. Lifting regularly and eating properly for a month and a half but I've been fucking around with weights and a chin up bar for a few years. Mainly lean muscle though, hence the 12/13 kg difference (have to eat properly, never did). I turned 18 in January so I still have a while to go.
I'm obsessed with myself but that makes me hate other people for being inferior.
No, just have a small bathroom, rest of the house is pretty big. There's a bath which is nice I guess.
you have a mosquito bite on Your chest there lad

and a waist that skinny makes you look camp
Let them admire you or play games with them. I get a kick out of people not realising I don't give a fuck about them. Very useful to be able to feign empathy and agreement
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>I turned 18 in January
Last time I went out in town was like 2 years back and I hated every second of it.
If I go out with some friends to do something during the day I usually regret it and think of /int/.
I also like anime.
>fake it
uhhhh to who exactly?
That'd be bad a large sub-dermal spot, it's gone now but every so often I get fairly large ones in my dermis. The darker spot is a mole
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Also I like having high shoulder to waist ratio, it's one of the most important thing in aesthetics
Sorry about your child bearing hips jellyfag
Fake sincerity to whomever benefits you
i meant your prepubescent nipple you thick cunt
what are you compensating for

your virgnity or your intellect?
Hahaha, inb4 >burger nips mustard race
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Compensating for lack of hobbies more than anything else. Still a virgin, can't argue about that one, but I can guarantee that I am more intelligent than you.
For example, if I saw somebody that worked on their body that looks better than mine, instead of hating on them I'd actually get off my arse and do something. Always better to be up doing something and getting flak than sitting back talking shit
Tl;dr come at me brah
Life isn't a game where you can only allocate a certain amount of points. If you're smart, why not become strong too? Nothing beats being OP irl
more like youd let them get off in your arse
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>but I can guarentee that I am more intelligent than you
Nothing wrong with prostate stimulation and extra protein. Homo sex is highest test
>come at me brah
youd enjoy that a little too much i think
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Where the fuck do they sell jackets that big?
>pretending to be me
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Wolf is over rated
Was expecting girl's legs instead of towel/10
who the FRICK are you?!?!?!
>That's why it's my favourite towel
Irish thread but they speak english K E K
dyel lol you skinny manlet
I will call you towel fucker from now on.
Weak b8 but I'll mire if you post a timestamp
Right, I'm off to listen to kpop and get ready for beddy byes
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night anon
>I'm off to listen to kpop and get ready for beddy byes

don't wake up
im not posting wank material for you m8 but you look like a fucking somalian

i can see your ribcage ffs we'll be getting stick about the famine if you continue to advertize your malnourished physique
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Oiche mhaith anon, I'm going to stay up for a few hours. Someone recommend me some good films from the 80's.
Right, last one
Serratus anterior muscle =/= ribs
Have fun with your high bf%
Stand by Me is a good film.
Promotes the sense of adventure in me everytime I see it.
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kek kek kek ur fucking delusional
good post
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>looks like scine
And why that Japanese flag over the girl's head?

Anyone else worried about the census? There's only 20,000 in my town and I see a lot of non whites. Getting worried tbqh.
Yep, there's going to be around 10% muslim.
what led you to this conclusion
i stood outside tesco the other day and counted 10 people walking by, 1 was a muslim
Good double trips

But I have been seeing an awful lot of Muslims these past 3 or 4 years. Hell,there isn't a single white doctor in my towns hospital and the son of one of the doctors joined ISIS a few months agon
did they give you any change?
no but your sister offered a blowjob
No fucking way,hardly?
I'm sick of these fucking Muslims,you know theres a mosque going up in Tralee?
What are you gonna do, deport them? Won't work
i dont have a sister
What do the IRA think of muzzies?
took some diclazepam lads

Thread posts: 149
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