[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]


This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 380
Thread images: 83

cheeky farage banter edition
Fuck off yank
hello my name is
Cheeky Prank
ah yes
Had you green text clint it would have been perfect
Alri Clint
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112KB, 800x1200px
check out my new london pad
only £2890 per month
looks cosy

were your parents just lazy?
Spain's Brave Joey Kane
desperate for a good name tbqh
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59KB, 640x640px

Alri Kirk Kirk
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>Kirk Kirk
sophieposters confirmed for jews
yank equivalent of Neville Neville
On me third rev james ngl
>Kirk Kirk
Fuck sake
Kirk "Kirk" Kirk
yeah alri kerkerk

Rafael Stone and Kevin Boyle are possible names
What's up lads, first-hand bit of wanking advice for you from Australia.

When you've ejaculated, preferably into a tissue wrapped around your tip, vibrate your arm so that it trembles. This will add an extra bit of pleasure to your experience.

I'm supposing that it partially simulates the experience of a shared orgasm with a partner.
this name posting gimmick is just cancer

bunch of cretins the lot of you
Going to the gym now

Not bragging, just letting you know where to send9 the ambulance
this desu
call me smith smith
Reddit: the name
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54KB, 669x603px

>tfw I made this
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Is this name stuff proof that Hiro can shit up the board by playing music and shit like Moot used to? or is he turning us into Reddit?
No relation
And now you can delete it, I'm not even joking just delete it
Alright lads. Probably won't believe me but I'll tell you anyway. Really cute girl approached me the other night when I was out with the lads. I'm a bit autistic so I struggled with this, naturally. Long story short, she flirted with me and went for the kiss. Fucked that up because it was my first kiss and she almost laughed in my face but she gave me another chance. On my second chance, I was a bit better and she seemed to get into it a lot more which was pretty nice and seemed to save the day. Otherwise, I reckon I'd have hanged myself once I got home. Last thing that happened that night was her bringing me back to her flat and I finally lost my virginity, well fucking pleased with that lads tbqhwb. So after finally conquering that mountain that's been looming over me for so long, I wake up this morning to a text from her and she tells me she's fucking preggers.

This is an absolute fucking joke. First time I have sex and it ruins my life. Might just do myself in or flee to the US or something. As far as anyone's concerned, this didn't fucking happen.
Fuck off cunt
Hi new to /int/. Wheres the upvote downvote button?
utter retard
the name stuff is part of the google+ gimmick, it's good shit desu
oh god it's like I'm posting on my mobile but on the pc
Hide post
these names are still funny tbqh
good lad
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can they really get pregnant that fast? haha
Too funny.
alri gran
alri vietscum
alri mr burger
Shit, really? Because something similar happened to me. Alright lads. Probably won't believe me but I'll tell you anyway. Really cute girl approached me the other night when I was out with the lads. I'm a bit autistic so I struggled with this, naturally. Long story short, she flirted with me and went for the kiss. Fucked that up because it was my first kiss and she almost laughed in my face but she gave me another chance. On my second chance, I was a bit better and she seemed to get into it a lot more which was pretty nice and seemed to save the day. Otherwise, I reckon I'd have hanged myself once I got home. Last thing that happened that night was her bringing me back to her flat and I finally lost my virginity, well fucking pleased with that lads tbqhwb. So after finally conquering that mountain that's been looming over me for so long, I wake up this morning to a text from her and she tells me she's fucking preggers.
This is an absolute fucking joke. First time I have sex and it ruins my life. Might just do myself in or flee to the US or something. As far as anyone's concerned, this didn't fucking happen.
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2MB, 3264x2448px
About to eat 3 pizzas lads
Wish me luck
>One day later
>already preggo
Alri lad.....
Alright lads. Probably won't believe me but I'll tell you anyway. I approached some guy in a bar and he got me preggers innit
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59KB, 600x756px
Hidden this post also
>Tulpa is just another version of her
casual desu, forcing a personality on a sentient being
>frozen aldi pizzas
This isn't a april fools joke, this is an experiment
>in a bar
Absolute fat boy, how heavy are you senpai?
Hey Veronica, how are you today?

Downvoted and removed from circle desu
i get it

sb isn't a word
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You know there's a difference between a bar and a pub you stupid bitch
Hate the meme that if you can eat lots in one meal you must be fat
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113KB, 500x592px
All part of my plan
s-s-sorry. It was Sophie Turner on another board
>all the names are white people names

MOOK IT'S 2016!
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336KB, 499x641px
>all these girls names
Im a poorfag lad

Im actually quite hin, these aldi pizzas dont really have much on them ťbh
fooking legend
>come home for easter from uni
>after like ten mins my mum just tells me my delts and traps are too big and I won't get girls looking like that
fuck you too mum
>t. fat
what board?

try it again, the format is


or just paste a link to the post and it'll hold your hand and do it for you

good luck x
Says Dwyane

>white people

unironically done a cum in a girl today
congratulations, what are you gonna call the baby?
>tfw NEET for 6 years now
unironically broke up with my gf today
>tfw I've so far spent my day rolling for names when I should be reading for an essay
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>Maggie Stark
that is probably the closet i am getting to a maisie name
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61KB, 540x960px
Anyone got niamhs snapchat
enjoy your stds faggot

First letter of each sentence in the paragraph. First and last sentences in the last line.
haha yeah mate you are so jacked init LOL
Want them all
Chances Japmoot will forget to revert this? Or more likely not know how.
unironically broke down with my gf today
it's too late for you
probably tomorrow, it'll be up for a few days at most
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Veronica answer my messages
I know, it was pretty bait desu
Today we're all normies.
Did you call the AA?
he had to look after his dying father for those 6 years, there you go cv gap FILLED
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important man.jpg
59KB, 500x587px
>Interpol went shit after Antics
Oneitis still didnt respond
I'm David
but my dad is still alive
jaw clenching rather badly chaps
Good boob.
I want an English name.
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Jeremy get
you wish, nigger
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84KB, 240x228px
Gabourey Sidibe
very nice
change that
Not bad.
Say my name
*Sits in chair*
*Picks up Economist*

liars out
lottie you're a hottie
Naming my new dog after this
>I have a foreign sounding name

Fucking Luton trying to shit up the place
yanks are stupid
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bandana pepe gun.png
83KB, 420x420px
thanks ;)
What is so beautiful in UK history? Each war they've started? Lands they colonised? Genocided of many nations because of greed?
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Naw dick
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>I have a female name
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2MB, 3264x2448px
Cant wait ťbh lads
Cindy get out.
Yeah, proper bantre
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57KB, 567x561px
>mfw I get some shitty name
state your name cuz
R u the real Cara?
Lads I know the odds are impossible but

best name itt right here
the enlightenment and the foundations of the modern world
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dece name get tbf
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Marry me.
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Alberto innit
Seeing a pattern here. Running a program in my superior brain to predict my next name
You tbqh
Haha excelent post Patricia
Mind if I save it?
ah yes, the herring sisters i heard so much about
My next name will Isaac Ruiz
kev fa m
John smith here.
lazy day today
watching some dramas and doing some baking
Daniel Mcdaniel
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lisick room.jpg
96KB, 525x956px
Someone post the cold out video
love my stories

what are you watching, and what are you baking, girlfriend?
Julie Rogers
Go ahead
ill save you a pizza
Dear Stephanie,
Can I have your recipe for red velvet cakes?
All the best
Want a Rasheed name desu
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Rasheed get.
Thx I created universal banter and it's working, just look at other threads.
como estes
y u break my heart holly
Saoirse get.
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Anglo name get.
On my way home now from Dublin
Fifth time this week
Brett the hitman_______
Take a deep breath and relax, and realize /brit/ over the years has converted from a place actual young adults who acted like adults hung out, to what equates to a public pool full of dogshit. /Brit/ is basically Fuckboiville. Now some fuckboi will insult you for speaking your mind, or try to start shitting on muslims and fail, or make some super sanctimonious blather about how /brit/ is an individual ecosystem. Fuck, I honestly think this is the thread that has made me realize I've outgrown this place. Nothing is clever anymore. Everything is about being insulting. It's just so goddamn depressing. Some might say I'm looking back through the years with the lens of nostalgia, but that's just not so. Smaller was better. Conde Nast and Millennials killed the heart of this place with success.
Gonna pop to the shop lads, anybody want anything?
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i like it desu
Maybe I didn't hold you all those lonely, lonely times
would the normies who feel the need to spam the thread with their mating rituals please leave? ty
I've seen Mosley surname, but is Oswald on the list of forenames?
>Ana Frank
Get me another pizza lad

Didnt come here to read war and peace Bruce
Black name get

Lighten up.
Cornetto and your diary
nip moot ruined 4chan
Watch out for them gestapo, lass
attic supplies
Just come home safe, there are Panzer tanks out there
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How you going to get out of the attic?
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51KB, 589x534px
>Ana Frank
Jackie Chan get
Gas oven
Roberto pace
>still name posting

are you lot seriously going to do this all day?
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Tynesha get
Emailing Hiroshimoot a lot of positive feedback on the site changes, I hope he sees sense and keeps them after today.
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t. Alberta Joseph
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>Gas Oven
LITTLE BIT annoyed that my helpful bit of advice didn't get any thanks
Soap la thanks

off you go you children
Here you go, you needy person. ty x
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Fedora vape.jpg
47KB, 320x568px
>are you lot seriously going to do this all day?
yeah probably
Elliot Rodger get
Some biscuits ta

No thanks.
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78KB, 500x500px
>off you go you children
Heard you did more time than Brandon?
we should genuinely keep the name feature
you will hear from my lawyer about this
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>british houses
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me on the left.png
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Shirley you can't be serious
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>off you go you children /int/ is a mature board for mature and sophisticated conversations about flags for elevated beings such as myself
Hello Tom
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What's your favourite music genre? Mine's Dinner.
Josef Fritzl get
alri alri
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Isn't this THE thread for needy people?
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hiss man.gif
3MB, 192x333px

go away Darrell
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Fedora name get
I'd give her a good shredding if you know what I mean
Dogs lying on me like it doesn't give af
Riddle me this, Rudy.
>reddit likes the facebook tier posting
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How is this news?

>shredded cheese
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61KB, 614x601px
Portugese name get
Doing a post.
>reddit hates the facebook tier posting
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716KB, 837x3091px
filtered all the tripfags
I don't believe it senpai
Alberto Barbarossa get
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26KB, 403x580px
Fedora name get
this thread is actually no different to /b/

what the fuck
Effie you heffie
>name has no vowels
Hi, my name is_________
what sort of fucking name is Wm
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Reddit man.jpg
13KB, 322x322px
>There is no anonymous
wew tang clan
Might start gambling lads

Sonething to do
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>expecting actual discussion on /brit/
did that just come up?

are you related to ana frank?
What did you have in mind?
r nige is now their nige?

who's jewing who lads?
tip top kek my lad
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UKIP name get
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Gonna take a break from the chon I guess. Today is gayer than /brit/ usually is.
Chicken dansak, prawn jalfrezi and a peschwari naan please Charles.

in The last 10 minutes i think
Horses and online poker

>Thomas Sanchez

Two UKies catched...
just 2...
It was better in netherlands and german threads...
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American name get
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2MB, 3264x2448px
Bon apetit lads
does anyone want a slice?
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good name pls
Okay. If you ever want to bet on man-fights let me know.
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>Today is gayer than /brit/ usually is.
Says "Randy Flowers"
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are Nige
Keep trying, I'll give you some more x
are nige
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1MB, 392x400px
Paki name get
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Fedora name
that looks gross mate get a better pizza
might go watch a shit film haha
good post
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England's brave Jamie Vardy get.

Hey Doug
Its aldi m8
and theres 3 of them
What more could i ask for
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90KB, 858x536px
need a nige gf
May he rest in peace
Got a big willy tbqh lads
What are they? Normal fights? Whats the secret question mark
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>Angelo Weiss
>Anglo White
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Englands Brave Jamie Vardy.jpg
149KB, 634x996px

*sneezes on all three*

Oh shit sorry haha
Australian name please.
Willy has gotten bigger in the past couple of days lads ngl.
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60KB, 918x822px
Panic at the disco on scuzz lads
Like fight club but more creative. High rollers only.
Lad why would you do that.
it ok tho im immune to all human diseases
Thai lad is a right prankster he is
I told Lloyd to be a meme lad...and he actually did it the pasta nigger
Looks like he absolutely loves a cheeky Nando's.
English name get

Fuck off yank
Did you trim the trees to make the bush look taller?

Oh you poor, foolish fool... He is no mere human...
>tfw you haven't got a meme name yet
>go for a poo
>213 new posts
think I need to see a doctor
Not enough Rasheed names being dished out desu.
does that look like pasta Matt?
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Why do I have to be a girl that isn't right
When you leave Virgin media you need to return the WiFi router

Today P0leab00 got around to doing it, he had to go into town to do so though.
There he encountered a young girl, slightly paki looking but with an Eastern European accent
She was clearly trying to see something so he avoided her (she came on quite strong though and he heard the word "Broadband" mentioned)

On his way back, she approached him even more strongly and said "You didn't answer me last time!", she was a bit goofy so probably Romanian, their women are always nice. Not especially attractive, looked kinda like Adele from Blue is the Warmest Colour.

But I was impressed by their work ethic, encountered a similar girl back in Aberdeen, they make you feel good because they speak to you with suh enthusiasm

Told her I'd just entered a 18 month contract with TalkTalk
She asked what price I was at and if I'd gotten a free TV box
I told her no
she wanted to check for me if she could get me a free box
I just left

I wonder if there was any way I could have gf'd her?

On the way home I muttered "kill the white bitch" repeatedly and lamented on the poor state of my life
considered sending an email to my solicitor alluding to my dangerous state of mind
t. Zhang
Mcclain chips desu
Rasheed get
>Sottish Police are threatening to arrest people for mean tweets
>While letting off an Imam who praised an extremist murderer for killing a blasphemer
>No mere human
what is he then lad
Oh lord, please don't let him be misunderstood

oh, too late
Yes, but now it rolls around in my pants and I keep having to reshuffle.
I don't understand
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Hehe, youtube knows me so well :3
>she doesnt poo within 20 seconds of getting on a toilet
my condolences
Thinking of writing a piece for the guardians opinion section
Fucking disgrace isn't it

Islamophobic name get
I want them to stop the name shit right fucking now lads. I literally samefag for a living to generate traffic on my website
It was always too late lad
NIP win
A celestial being
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>Tolerance, respect, inclusion - these are attitudes and principles we want to encourage and foster in a modern, fairer Scotland
You couldn't be blacker if you were abandoning your son.
Ismael? Haha, what are you doing on here you crazy lad!
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>Ismael Fritz
I don't understand the minion obsession.
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19cm Master Race.png
896KB, 525x956px
Half way through the first pizza lads
and im not slowing down
Is it a medium? Too large to stay put, but too small to fit down the length of a trouser leg.
haha lad they're small and they're yellow and they don't say words haha it's cute and stuff haha!

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been banned from /mu/ again
I want an African name desu, Ngambe Mgwebwe get
And a real hero
he looks pretty cool in that pic.. ngl.
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Fedora name get
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Bought the times and the economist
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It's with 2 n's.
what's going on here
That's why I didn't post a full pic
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What's my name
i appreciate the help gabbers ;)
Thread posts: 380
Thread images: 83

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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