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ITT: We write the backstory of the poster above based on

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tongue power girl.gif
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We write the backstory of the poster above based on the name and flag
university student, lives in a poor home. doesn't have much in life but is still joyful
t. alberto barbosa
College dropout living on autismbux.
If succubus existed irl, she would probably look just like that.

Shy, ugly woman with gigantic puss oozing lumps on her clitoris. She likes to sniff the smegma crisps on her underwear.
Inbred hillbilly redneck with brother semen pouring out of her.

A gay half swede half anglo hybrid.
Just a normal guy
Lel that sounds like the name of a pornstar
t. inez king
Illegal immigrant that Trump forwarded to Germany as per Merkel's request.
Miss Venezuela 1967
Accountant that's into the swinging lifestyle.

Coffee addict

Girl that fucked an entire baseball team at age 13.
Sluttiest secretary; gets banged constantly
qt mongolian girl that likes sucking danish dick
journalist at new york times
>not huffington post
an Incredibly loud and obnoxious spanish tourist
a jew
nu male
French leftist girl who has a bachelors degree in eastern philosophy and now married married to a turkish writer and lives in the historical part of Istanbul with him.
A failed singer turned stripper from Texas
A very well mannered prostitute

A tranny pornstar
literally a porn star
I just fapped to this bitch.
granddaughter of harry potter
Physics student, average marks.
Belgian radical left activist.
Qt Polish American girl who is popular and gets good grades.
a singer?
Let it go
Mexican slut that went to spain to get banged by spanish men
survived a gangrape
upper middle class with french ancestry, closet homosexual

Pro porn star

Amateur pornstar
bestiality pornstar
Infamous Chilean child molester. A deformed human who never knew a woman's touch and so he would take it by force. Still at large currently. Only listens to Slint and pre-90's Fall records.
Canadian with ties to the Church of Scientology
Literally just a trailer trash guy in the midwest. No more, no less
Likes grannies
Someone that should really get out of my country
Same goes for you, spic
An evangelical preacher who tried to “fix” this poor country, and only made things worse.
crocodile dundee's mother
Czech Streets actress
A moderately successful single middle aged writer from Sussex.
bangbros actress

seriously though, like half of female names sound like pornstars, i think it was intentional
spanish grandma on sex tourism vacation
>Latina searching for a job in great Czech porn industry
A 2nd generation female comedian from Brno whose material is 100% "I'm a girl btw" and "that's right I'm a Nicaraguan from the Czech Republic".
las vegas promoter, real name merle wiesenthal
An american you moved to Ukraine to fight Russians, that is until he met Ivan, the love of his life. Now they sell fruits in a stand called fruits selling fruits.
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What's with names
Desperately attempting to abandon her country
pretty kek

Julio Huff: a mediocre TV show actor who got Israeli citizenship as a publicity stunt when he found out about his Jewish ancestry (it failed).
jewish american gay porn actor who immigrated to israel to avoid prosecution for intentionally spreading AIDS
college dropout who spends his free time watching animal abuse videos.
cowboy who ran to Finland to escape the law
A undercover secret agent, posing as cook, while shooting in porn as part-time job.
A nigger
A Brasilian Junkie
comic book villain
A German journalist and politician
>porn xD
>whores :DDD
>anal sex :---DD

Did you faggots use up all your creative juice on your My Little Pony avatars?

I see you came in defense to your master, cuck.
Lion mane stallion
porn whore specializing in anal sex
hotel maid
A porn star. Perhaps a latina, idk
this makes me think of joey salads
Man deserted and who fled into Argentina during the Argie-UK war

Mexican who crossed two borders

A fucking mexican leaf
Just a regular Puelto Lican
brooklyn artisan bakery owner
A British lady who moved to the US with her son
Drug dealer that love pancakes

Shy law student


Public employee hate modern comedies
Pornstar who nicknamed her weird signature sex trick "Underwood" after herself
Hipster from Oregon that went to backpack across Europe and is currently sucking dicks for 5 euro in Czech after wasting all her money on "homeopathic" "remedies" she got tricked into buying by gypsies.
That one guy that everyone's friends with, gods to the pub weekly to watch football games with his mates
small time weed dealer from austin TX, spent more than half of his life in prison
Lourdes his a female name though.

>Bryant Walker
Texan sheriff who shoots mexicans
A fancy gentleman that insists on having milk in his tea.
Pete Daugherty. You're a clinical psychologist in his mid 60's who likes to do hypnotherapy on his patients and then fuck them while they're asleep.

A Nigger lady.
Spanish man selling burritos in an office building

US Texan escaped convict who moved to chile
Is that actually supposed to be a name?
Famous military general
Wannabe actor, starbucks customer.
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dixie grill
Street soccer player who has a fetish for bondage

A very strong loli girl
exchange student from poo peeland, currently serving 10 years for drug possession

A slav who moved to Canada
A chink girl who constantly scams people online for money so she can buy guns and weapons
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Chinese qt studing medicine or something
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Hey, t-that's not me...

Governor's daughter, love tennis and swimming

Work at a bar, but hates her job, she want to be a dentist

Average cricket player, in love with his first grade teacher
Amerifat who study in poland and hate this country
A college student in NY.

guess mine

CNN reporter covering another bombing in Turkey
those tits
100% white
Originally from the UK, works in HR at a mid-sized bank. Claims she would learn Swedish but whenever she tries to start a conversation people just answer in English.

Not really strong.
UNICEF worker, undercover CIA agent
A strong independent woman studying gender studies.
Strong independent black woman.
Irish girl who rapes children in vans
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Washed up porn actress who sold herself in marriage to a Pashtun chieftain after she could no longer find work in the US.
The typical Australian shitposting girl who smokes cigars in his home constantly.
Mexican-Irish open shirt R&B pop star
Nice consistency Jew

Dindu muffin
Naziboo living in USA
florida girl doing a school project on her german heritage (1/128)
He just appeared one day

Also checked
multiculti activist
loves his husband sven svennson but lives with muhammad al malmoui, his boyfriend

doesnt want children and plans to fly to syria for humanitarian aid program
read: getting gangbanged by arab men
financed by his husband ofcourse
Gay half Filipino American paedophile

Migrated from us to Canada due to Trump


Tennis player with a Wang


Liberal activist
A faggot too lazy to write anything. Came from the south born to a family of meth abusers
Guy from a Korean family line who is becoming member of a rock and roll band and probably owns dragon dildos in a locked up room in his attic
The lone survivor of the fishing hamlet Innsmouth, broken and depressed after horrible terrors he'd seen that no other man have seen in aeons.
Basic white girl living in a generic Midwestern suburb.
US army mechanic who married a ladyboy while drunk out on leave
Half Mexican Sephardic half Ashkenazi homosexual who defected to Eastern Europe to unite with his gay Soviet lover and live happily ever after in the workers paradise. The iron curtain falls and they switch to capitalism selling black dildos to Sweden
20 y/o woman who constantly waits the day when Christmas arrives so she can get wasted from vodka at midnight with his friends
black soldier stationing in Czech Republic, who hoped this assignment had more gambling, beer and prostitutes
A young woman from canada that decide to dedicate her life to helping poor kids in indonesia
A Slav who is running away from his country's federal force because of a plane crash that was blamed on him
failed South American footballer who had to go to some backwards Asian league to make a career
A stocky russian spinster who looks twice her actual age
A Hispanic who went sex reassignment surgery to get a part in the new ghostbusters movie but was not fat enough to get a role. Is now struggling with his ice-cream addiction

half-Brazilian half-German street racer who moved to UK after an incident with his previous drag race at Rio

>Juana Bond

Spanish female bond fucking vedic Aryan bond men


Poo 2 loo in Indonesia
American soldier deployed in Palestina, weeaboo.
A transgender sex slave who listens to the Hadith while camwhoring
Chinese-Indian hybrid living in Indonesia.
kollywood action movie actress (real name srinadhika chopraputra)
Jewish woman who moved to Pakistan with her family to give a tribute to her ancestors there
African American going back home
A 100% white man
Guy who moved to the Nederlands to help with his dad's herd of cows

white man living in Argentina


Indian Bollywood actress former pornstar.


American promoting liberal activism and promotion of acceptance of Palestinian state.


Not white man
Dra. Patel, widow, her husband Dr. Patel, was executed in a football field by a masketta man.

An illegal immigrant to another country
Latin-american immigrant working in a tech-startup who changed his name in a desperate attempt to fit in with his new colleagues.
Missionary volunteer building wells and shelter for niglets.

An electrician
a cunt loving apostate who is running from her family who want to set her pubic hair on fire and then slit her throat

A character in a Chinese Cartoon
Half-Japanese dude who is working at a sushi shop in California and is currently dating with his Japanese girlfriend.
Famous Indonesian-American pornstar who started her own line of health products.

My oni chan


Women seeking spirituality but is actually here for vedic Aryan orgies
Not my gf : deserves to die

My wife's son
MBA student from delaware, kidnapped by taliban
A qt who works at a nuclear power station and loves her mormon husband but is having a sexual fling with his husband's girlfriend's son
French girl who has a habit of doing yuri to other girls

>Omar Mercer

Edgelord Bihari
Vietnamese shop keeper who gets mugged by skinheads every other week
A European who moves to Pooland to work at a factory
son of vietnamese nail studio owners, unsuccessful marijuana dealer
a 20-something girl with a pointless life as a cashier considering college, probably something about communication.

Indo-germanic pornstar, famous for scat


Dindu nuffin
Rob Schneiders secret doughtier in hiding trying to avoid links to her father.
A zoo keeper in Denmark who got bitten pretty deep in the arm by a lion
Irish-Italian American (1/256 each side) who's gone on a pilgrimage in Pakistan to be closer to Allah (PBUH)
Serial killer that kills anyone who is related to the government by asphyxiation
A private eye in the 50's who likes to wear tench coats and smoke in parking basements.
first victim of rex garner

Trudeau voter
A Canadian who has a weird affection on pancakes and bikes
Daughter of an american tourist from Arizona that wanted to see the concentration camps, but he fell in love with a native girl and decided to immigrate over after she was born out of wedlock.
a filipino who immigrated to indonesia to escape the slums of manila and work as a prostitute for dirty old men
Stupid half hipsta bitch from Spain who backpacks in Indonesia and posts about it on Instagram heavily.
Daughter of Tony Abbot who shitposts about his dad 24/7
Real life anime character

Oops, meant *her
Caesar was transformed into a little anime girl and took on a cuter nomiker
youtube rapper from jičín, real name antonín houska
Frail balding mangina with glasses who recently started a YouTube channel to show his support for feminism.
Weeaboo who changed their last name to Chan

Some imported nu-male on a vacation that somehow didn't got blown up in the recent terrorist attacks. Despite that still believes that the rise of the right-wing is way worse.
Woman who is a CEO of a company in Singapore that is secretly doing weird human science expirements in level 0 of the building (the basement)
blue haired tumblrette

she went through a weeb phase making cat paws and telling her friends she's half japanese
yurizan beltran's beta cuck boyfriend who took on her name even though they're not even married, streams CSGO on twitch
Good old Rickey is a 65yo africanamerican boxer who retired in europe. He used to take care of his opponents when he knocked them out hence why he was called Rickey "Goodwin"
Oh here he goes again. Look at you Canada, posting on /int/ thinking you just said some smart shit.

Out of all countries that post here Canadians are the ones that piss me off the most. Their entire fucking culture makes no sense. What exactly is it that you do? Wear flannel shirts and slurp syrup?

If I think of America I think of guns, pop culture and freedom. Sure, lots of ignorant baboons but at least they wear their retardation like a badge of honor, use it as a cultural identity, their flag promotes the unity of the country with all these stripes and stars.

Germany is orderly, a country that prides itself on its rules and their citizens who follow them. It's also the country with the biggest responsibility when it comes to destroying Europe with its two world wars and government sanctioned refugee crisis. Their flag waves strong colors, black, red and gold. A dominant flag for a dominant country.

Russia is strong and stubborn to a fault. They live hard lives and don't complain about it. Obviously the entire country is pretty much a shithole but it breeds strong people who can take care of themselves. Their flag represents the cold, the white, the blue but also the burning passion in the red, it all comes together to signify that their country is bleak but there is strength in that.

But Canada, what are they fucking known for? Being "nice", i guess? Is that your role in the world? Being fucking nice? That's not an achievement. Everyone can be nice. It's easy to be nice. You just don't have to say anything bad.
So what did your fucking country decide to put on their flag to show the entire world what Canada is all about? A leaf. A FUCKING LEAF. You decided that you like to slurp your shitty syrup so damn much that you might as well put the fucking leaf that it's made of on the flag. You don't even respect your own country so why the hell should I?
His parents got abducted by Martians and now he's trying to build a rocket in his backyard in order to find them
Famous action movie star in Czech Republic who changed his last name to "Chase" just to make it sound cooler.
Spanish woman in college who shittalks Canada and Canadians, either IRL or Internet
Italian chef who moved out of his country to invent new recipes (he prefers the pasta kind)

Professional scammer and con artist of Australian origin.
A Polish decented American who mistaken her own country.
Moot's fiancee.

Congrats my dear Samantha!
the bastard son of a maid and a butcher, started working at 15 at coffee shops, he has a ADHD even tho, he hasn't be diagnosed, so everyone calls him lazy or borderline stupid.
Your mother beat you as a child as well.
Christopher Poole's daughter, also a time traveler.
Security guy who works and lives in the favelas to make a living
moot had a sex change, took the name Samantha and now lives in Jakarta with his future muslim husband.
Son of Calvin Klein who's girlfriend's son looks up to in hope of being a cuck like him one day.
John Kline, a German middle age pervert who loves all kinds of disgusting porn. He visited Brazil from his native germany in search of big booty brazillian girls.
What actually happened, was when he ventured out to the bars of Rio at night was that he met a group of transsexual boys with cocks. He thought his luck was in. He went back to his hotel with them, where he discovered they had cocks. The trannies proceeded to fuck John and then rob him.
Mexican double-agent
Young scort who got in the bussines to pay for her college
Dindu nuffin, was onnisway to chawch and ended up in Finland.

Stereotypical blonde Catalan. Probably with a Dutch great-grandfather or some shit like that.
he just kept going north
24 y/o woman whose hobby is going to 4chan and playing golf
American tourist who will end up drunk and sucking dick in a dirty alley near to the the Rambla
Some slut from the midwest, law student/

Androgynous Bernie supporter
Cheerleader who banged everyone in her highschool's handegg team.
Some slut from the midwest, law student/
A girl who got spooked by some blue purple-polkadot monster in her closet when she was little
Kidnapped sorority girl on vacation.
second generation chicano
attempted suicide after chad publicized her nude/blowjob pics
Iconic black basketball player from Russia who's living in Spain after marrying the famous porn star Pauline Fuller >>57222578
Muhammad Ali's illegitimate daughter
She just kept going north.
Contrary to popular Western belief, however, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing for all places and people. Not all dictatorships end in misery, and not everyone wants to live in a democracy. “A bad democracy might be worse than a humane dictatorship,” Pinker points out.

There is no proof that the desire for freedom and democracy is an innate part of human nature, Ezrow says. As long as quality of life remains high and people are allowed to live their lives as they wish, citizens can be completely happy under a dictatorship. Some even become nostalgic for the authoritarian regime after they lose it. “When I was younger, as a student in graduate school, I just assumed that everyone wanted to be living in a democracy,” Ezrow says. “But if you look at survey research in some countries under authoritarian regimes, people are happy.”

In other words, ending all dictatorships might not be ideal for everyone. As long as leaders avoid the inherent pitfalls of that mode of governance and take their citizens’ wishes into account, dictatorships are simply a different approach for leading a country, one that values order over individual liberties. As Ezrow puts it: “Some cultures may just prefer security and stability over freedom.”
huynh huynh huynh huynh huynh huynh huynh huynh huynh huynh huynh
Cougar tourist with scat and pegging fetish. She has mile long lines of local young men seeking her service.
Tiago De Fonseca awoke in a pool of his own sweat. There was blood on his clothes, too, and the rubber band lightly embracing his elbow spoke of intravenous drug use during the night. He got up with a start: the prostitute had left. She had left and taken his angel dust with her. Putinha! he tried to shout, but his throat was desiccated. He had had his fill of shouting the night before. A flashback put him back into the heart of yesternight, when he without his top on had brandished his gun before passers-by on the strada, demanding their money, demanding their respect. As if in slow motion, his mouth in his memory contorted into wide O's as he let out another string of hearty HUE's, his gun giving him a visceral rush. Another man might have curled up under the covers in a torrent of cold sweat at the thought of what he had done. Another man in another country, perhaps: this was Brazil. Robbery and murder were after all nothing out of the ordinary in Brazil so long as you didn't get shot. Apprehension was out of the question. Police were far too lazy for such demanding tasks. And he should know. As Tiago dressed himself for his white collar job, his face went blank, then redrew itself. He gave the prostitute's penis one last, slightest thought. He was detective De Fonseca now, at least until next Friday.
Daughter of a time-traveling man, following in his footsteps and going through different timelines.
The reason I can't spit these creaky old memories out, is because I have no other proof of my existence.
The future that I thought I had grabbed ahold of, is a contradiction of dignity and freedom.
The reason I want to wipe away this distorted afterimage, is because I see my own limitations in it.
In the window of my overly self-conscious self, is last year's calendar without any dates written in.
I'll erase it, and rewrite it! With a non-sensical surrealism and an unforgettable sense of presence!
Return from the brink, and rewrite it!
Even the meaningless figments of imagination, can be the driving force that gives you form.
Oh yeah yeah yeahhh
Give your whole body and soul to it! Oh yeah yeah yeahhhhhh
Kid of some burnt out hippies.
professional shitposter
Grandson of a dock worker and son of a business man. Despite all this you're a miserable NEET sitting at home in a sweaty third world third rate suburb.
Beanerita whose family snuck north because the US was too Mexican
german/brazilian award winning "scandinavian noir" writer on vacation in the adriatic
South american young girl who works with my granny
Blacker than average Italian farmer.
Blonde tumblrette who constantly shitposts about white people
Oy! Ya daft cunts, do me next!
Thai ladyboy working in Barcelona
Middle-aged Danish guy who moved to the US to satisfy his fetish for brown chicks with fat butts.
Boomer living in northern mid west. Democrat. Has Norwegian ancestry. His four grand daughters are mulattos.
creepy racist old white Brazilian


geordie who won £800 in the lottery on vacation in norway
has no horses but is on the right side of the river
just another canadian
Fat American expat who left the states because he couldn't find a wife.
An actor for Cory In The House
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She lost her horses but ended up on the good side of the riveeeer.
tiny dicked and good at math young asian Canadian
>not just "canadian"
Daughter of the famous 19th century independentist general and plantation owner Berardo Oconnell, whose rich parents sent her to study in Toledo. Pretends she's native Spanish rather than one quarter Native American.
Fake name, Pornstar.
British liberal arts major. He and a group of Belgian men will insert their digits into each others assholes and run in a circle for an art show.
"white moon" -> daugther of hippies confirmed
American cuck pornstar currently in Italy to visit her fans
changed her last name to show off her devotion to shitposting
Lesser known brother of famous Canadian potato face and fashion model, Claire 'Butcher' Grimes. Followed her to L.A. where he sponges off of her as a NEET and unsuccessfully tries to ingratiate himself with his sister's circle of cool art people.
stage name of jacob grimaldi, shoegaze musician from colorado
Patrick Schmidt was a little German boy that grew up with dreams of being a female country singer. He would spend all his free time watching videos of Dolly Parton performing, wishing he could be just like her with her long blonde hair. When he was 18, he decided it was time to leave his little German town and travel to the American south to fulfil his dreams. He would perform his favourite country songs in bars and clubs donning the persona of "Patty" and he drew in big crowds from Memphis to Jacksonville. But, after a rumour had gone around that Patty was actually a male, one night he was confronted by a gang of 3 angry rednecks who told him to leave the South forever or else. So, with his hopes dashed out into the wind, Patty went to the only place where he was sure a transvestite country singer would be accepted: Stockholm, Sweden.
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Hot-blooded (and hot-bodied) Latinas from Miami, Florida, who make their living filming pornos. Can you say hot sex?
Lesser known sister of American child murderer Casey Anthony who moved to a remote village on the foothills of the Julian Alps to escape media attention
Prosperous middle class British divorcee of prodigious sexual tastes who in her 49th year fell in love with Bled and impulsively moved there. Has been rumoured to be carrying on with a Gorje boy barely out of high school who goes by the name of 'Kimavčev pob'č'
Spanish maid working for a politician.
adopted (nigger) son of Bernie
Bakersfield, CA, born and bread second cousin once removed to the more famous James Hetfield whose family has retained the original spelling of the name and has gone to some lengths to distance itself from its famous scion's bad boy reputation. Her favourite song is 'Okie from Muskogee'.
hairdresser from cork, declared bankruptcy twice
Secretly twin brothers who never spoke to each other
Bessie "The Bruiser" Lang, champion women's boxer in Prague for a big fight
Fake porno name. Will be moving to Cali to shoot porn over there very soon.
I pay you to do Mae Landry not to shitpost on the Internet. Get back to work.
Bimbo taking time off college to "find herself" with native shitskins
Former conservative English MP who, upon being offered knighthood after a long career of moral uprightness, declared in front of his family 'Sod the lot of you, I've always been a nonce! Jimmy Savile was me good mate!' and took off for Puerto Rico, where he maintains an opulent country harem of 13 year-old mulattos, to whom he offers, let's be fair, above average education opportunities and a fairly royal standard of living. The ones who grow too old he keeps as spotters for his harem.
Depressed married man from the American midwest who tells his family and friends he's going on important business trips to Conneticut when actually he's going to Puerto Rico and blowing part of his kid's college fund on latina prostitutes and cocaine
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Reincarnated Estelle Bright who lives in Brazil
suburbian oreo
former pornstar who is now working as a high end prostitute in Rio De Janeiro to pay off a Brazillian drug lord she is in debt to
Astronomer working intern at a radio observatory.

He doesn't lift and he's a cuck.
A Canadian woman who vows one day to let the refugees come in
More than half of these sound like pornstar names.
High Tory aristocrat from southern England who has settled down on a farm in the Czech Republic after receiving death threats in response to his essays he published on bringing back anti-homosexuality laws
The pseudonym of Artur Zima, 60s psychedelic musician and purportedly the first man in Prague to try LSD. After the events of the Prague Spring, he refused to leave for America, giving himself instead to heavy drinking and a prog rock project called 'The Iridescent Tanks'. Spent a good deal of the 70s under surveillance, interrogation and outright imprisonment. Hard hit by the funeral of good friend Vaclav Havel, he wrapped himself in a Czechoslovak flag and jumped off Charles bridge into the Vltava while stinking drunk. After a long period of recuperation, he now spends his days corresponding with fans, managing the reissues of his many old bands, and surfing 4chan where the old spirit of peace, love and anarchy yet lives, so he affirms.
labour MP who started the anti-winters campaign
Original name Sarah Finkelstein
Polish immigrant
Teaches ecofeminism at a major university
good post
She needs to get a brain.
>you will never be larkin loves femboi bf
Across the street not down the lane desu
Teenaged L.A. strip rent boy. Will deny all former association with the close-knit Lutheran community of Surstromming, Minnesota.
Affirmative action pathologist.

20 years ago investigated why so many Brazilians were born without brains and thought she discovered zika but turned out they were just normal Brazilians.
Mentally handicapped man from a trailer park just outside of Mobile, Alabama, currently on death row after being charged with the racially aggravated murders of 2 black customers at the 7/11 in which he worked
Raped by gooks
Rebellious Protestant guerilla, waiting for the right time to strike against government and church
Thread posts: 316
Thread images: 9

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