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/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 104

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who weed rn
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wew lads who /against racism/ here?
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They do that shit here too, but it's not legal as far as I know because we have strict laws concering privacy.
wat you smokin on cuz

i got some ak up here
Reall nigga music for real nigga hours.

All waifu-tier
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>that feel when youve come to the point where you'd be happy with anyone
Sativa strain called Blue Boy
I'm in love with it bro
so you're just a normal guy then
I'm... gonna have to inspect these... for narcotics

The problem is that you still care. Allow yourself to reach the point where you stop to care. Just rationalize and start sense-making the fuck out of your situation.
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>tfw not being able to be happy
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i weed rn t.bh

fuck i am so drunk already too
we usually migrate around the 300th post
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hello /cum/ how are you tonight
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>only 20 minutes in and i'm already an ace pilot

ez pz

honestly this game looks fun as hell, don't really have much experience with flight sims tho

i'm assuming getting a flight stick is recommended?
Indulging in the devil's weed and wondering if you fagbois really like that dab shit
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reading stories on the Tu-95

should I re-install that

played like 5 minutes
realized I couldn't/ didn't know how to make it an interactive cockpit with clickable dials then crashed because I veered of the runway into trees
>wondering if you fagbois really like that dab shit
It's amazing senpai

>i'm assuming getting a flight stick is recommended?
at the very least, yeah

the recommended setup to play the game "properly" will cost ~$500, though you can manage with a lot less

only a couple modules have clickable cockpits
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I'm really sleepy, dudester.

I haven't dropped by in ages as well, damn man..

I just thought I'd say a hi though, hope it's all cool.
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k used to playing falcon 4.0 af where you can click on everything
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related hippity hop is relevant to the current North American state of affairs


I'm feeling crazy

crazy for you, anon
You're going to kill us all, captain canuck
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ah jeez the engines stopped and everything is in russian RIP

once I rebinded the controls to WSAD I was able to fly it pretty easily

as long as I can control the plane adequately i'm fine. I'll take a look for a cheap flight stick tomorrow, ty
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Fine. Drinking tea. Listening to obscure 90s gangsta rap from south. Thinking of a Civ5 or Cities Skylines game.

I wanna build a new town but I run out of ideas. What should I build /cum/ ?
same familia

whatchu sippin on

i got some colts and ak + strawberry dream
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I actually intend to stay up a bit more and lurk, despite being rather sleepy.

But thanks for your consideration, broseph.
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What should I fap to /cum/

Help a fellow cumskin and post a roulette
finally realized I only watch anime with romance in it because I'm trying to fill a massive void and I'm lonely
desu I would just fly missions over enemy airspace and chill out until my entire flight would get shot down by sams

if you can find a cheap used saitek x45 they are pretty good
probably start playing again with patience

also pretty comfy article
Orcs gangbanging a Japanese princess
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never played falcon desu, dont know why

only the A-10C and MiG-21 offer fully interactive cockpits for DCS, F-14 will also have one when it comes out

fun to faff about in

theres a trick to renaming a file and being able to fly any plane in the game but still will have f-16's cockpit
>all those cold war plane pictures

oh fug, mah dick

I fell a bit bad for those soviet pilots, they must deaf lol
wEaThEr wElL sUiTeD fOr FrIeNdS., nO?

the south will rise agian
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>the south will rise agian
fuck u.dirty yank. usd cowboys will kik arse. like
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dont know what i'd do without you guys really. i love you guys
How's the snow lads?
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>/vr/ is turning into /v/
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cold war planes are qt
I miss people typing like shit and leetspeak, but among all things, the time when we didn't have knowyourmeme and had megaupload
it started melting today
you too senpai. sometimes I cry at night but when I come here I can laugh
love you too senpai

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Who else /poorfag/ here?

I've come to like eating congee very often, and I've also started making big batches of pasta to eat throughout the week.
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nah thx
congee is really good
remember my friend's mum would make it for us for lunch
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post painted qts
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>top mounted
absolute madmen

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>Tfw the Italian grill isn't your gf
the bully is real
ye :(
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who the fuck up

smash dat motherfuckin (You) button
hi /cum/-chan
not for long
>we still only have CF-18 Hornets

new non-meme jets when?

getting a bit sleepy desu
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its ok, she won in the end
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hey, how's it going?

I'm so fucking hungry and I have no money
Sick trips m8
I feel asleep sometime in the evening and woke up at 1, haven't been able to get back to sleep
5 centimeters per second is what your mom got from your dad
Assorted Emojis
It's so flexible, yet delicious by itself. I've cooked chicken thighs in the broth then stir fried them with soy sauce and mushrooms and topped the congee with it.

Tanks > planes > botes tbqh
good movie
good dis
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hurry up and get it before weedman takes notice!
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I got stood up and wasted my whole night
think I'm gonna watch this
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I've been there man, shit sucks
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(im going to the staidum tomorrow)
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>stil lhavent studied for test on monday
what happened?
boats are pretty cool too. Spent like 2 hours awhile back looking through all of our boats. Still wanting to join the coast guard desu

RIP sleep schedule

I said non-meme planes silly
Only Murakumo, fuck the rest of the Colles
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I'll just stay up until 1030 tonight or so and wake up at my usual time monday morning, it'll be fine.

I still have coffee if no food
i mUsT hAvE dIeD aLoNe A lOnG LoNg TiMe AgO
I'm already panicking about exams in 2 weeks.
was meeting up with someone I've been talking to for a few weeks, she backed out but only messaged me after like 2 hours. I was stupid to even wait. got uncomfy and stayed outside in the cold for literally nothing
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>I said non-meme planes silly
unfair conditions desu
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I miss the days of autistically spamming planes in a certain general for days straight

boats are fun
I just don't know enough about them to enjoy the anthropomorphism
>spamming planes in a general for days straight

w-was it /wgg/?
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nah never really went into /wgg/

just /bfg/ aka ded game ded thread
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time 4 sleep

night senpai
>tfw drunk as fuck but not tired

What do m8s
waste time
listen to music
think about your ex

works for me
Already done all that, just listening to muh fucking boy J Cole and Kendrick, also shitposting all over the fucking chans boi

I move out in a month and im probably gonna be an alcoholic cause I feel so good alcoholic
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Tonks are cooler though, and cuter

don't remind me ;_;

I just want to dick around in Bad Company 2 again with my friends
I'm drunk as fuck too but I'm not going to sleep until I fap

How do you not get tired as fuck when you drink? Any time I get hammered I feel like I can fall asleep anywhere
be careful now, alcohol gets you pale as shit so remember to tan
also did you wash yor teeth already? if not, do so
otherwise your mouths gon be a graveyard 2morrow
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wtf nigga!there was a mexican style shootng in my city tonight!
is this a consequesnce of el fucking chapo?!!
I just dont care, I get hype as fuck drunk m8. I get really motivated and end up doing all my work cause I own my own business. Do all my work for the week after I get wasted and then I just shitpost all night
esto no pasa en JALISCO..
I'm past the point of caring about my breath you bean fucking lovable cunt, please emigrate to canada tho bro, need more ritto joints
I guess everyone is different, I get lazy as fuck and just wanna laugh at everything while being drowzy as fuck
remember no fun allowed
Probably, I dont even remember typing that last message desu but I just finished last years HST returms
wash ur teeth dirty ! otherwise you gon get BYErritos instead
BYErritos Hahahha would be a great trump meme
>J. Cole

Are you a thot my man?
M8 I think my teeth are aight, but you just care. Keep it real Josez, why the fuck are you even awake m8
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i'm serious this is the chill city if the north
keep the narco shit out of here!
same reason you are, drank bit too mucb
I like ghetto ass shit, Forest Hill Drive is the sickest shit ever tho, J biebs new album aint to bad either. What the fuck you even like hombre
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I forgot my meme plane
>tfw so drunk cant even get motivation to sleep

Class on monday doesn't even start till 3:00 so I dont care anymore
yOu OnLy BeLiEvE mE wHeN iM LyiNg
What the fug, I wish I was that productive while drunk
I should literally just get drunk all the time, would prolly solve world hunger or cure cancer or some shit bro, it's just a rare occasion, I save my drunk power for work crunch time or exams in uni
Colonise me senpai
NOW that's a meme plan, well meme'd
alright mu bed stoppes spinning
good nigh peoples
is reading relationship advice even good? feels like i become more anxious after it
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So qt.
If it works that well for you, maybe consider becoming an alcoholic like me

If I become an alcoholic I'll become to brilliant for this fucking world. Need 2 save myself
I want her to sit her round brown ass on my face
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Not even Baja Master Race is safe from Narcoshit and its stupid sympathisers from Sinaloa and whatever the fuck else from down south
Actually don't take it into consideration, just fucking with you, i was about to post this stupid picture of Berniecuck bad mouthing forest hill drive and praising Big Gucci Sosa but i can't find it and i personally don't dig it.
>tfw I'd move to Australia with her so she can stay tan all year round.


You're pretty cool tho bro, what you even doing right now in life m8
I'd just move down south so she can stay tan year round. Fuck going to the land of spiders, snakes, and scorpions
Trying to die as slow as possible, collect animu qts and shitty carpentry.
Carpentry is a pretty good path tho, real 3d pigs just take your money. Like I said bro, try and get to canada, we want laborers and you mexi fucks are always welcome, we love you cunts here.
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Rather not be a bother or be bothered with immigration but given the chance, if things get easier i'll jump in a heartbeat to make y'all some raggedy frames and consume weed in exchange
>be a bother

You aint a fucking bother, rather you than chink cunts and their families. Come here and make us shit tier houses and smoke 420. You know english well enough so nobody gives a fuck about you
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Post qts from your cunt

North Americans only
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As stated before if things get easier for me, y'all keep on trucking in here and there.
Yeah, mexico is fucking sick though, lots of cartels and misunderstood cunts but a good place to practice my spanish
>tfw I don't want to 420 blazit everyday
>tfw I kind of do.
It'd prolly improve ur life
I just think it would make it feel better without actually making it better.
But that'd make your life better then wouldn't it, if you do nothing and your life isn't better then nothing changed, but if you smoke up and it at least feels better then it's actually kinda better
It's a much better alternative to drinking. The only thing keeping me from smoking instead of drinking is the legality. Weed being illegal makes it super expensive too compared to liquor.
I don't know maybe. It just feels wrong. Probably because I was raised Catholic so if it feels good it also feels wrong.
It's legal here in WA
How did americunts allow immigrants to sleep in subway? Are you guys retarded?
I guess I stay up till 5 when I drink coffee
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Can Croatia be part of /cum/ now that they have a Canadian PM?
goodnight anon.
Dont see why not, they have a C in their name
Croatia is hereby our 4th and final territory.
God dammit I want to live in Washington so fucking bad

No Yuropoors allowed
garlic parmesan mac and cheese desu
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>mfw an amerisnow thaws out long enough to slushpost in one of my threads without permission
cute boys
Who are you and why did you think your shithole could post here?
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I went to sleep right after my day shift and just woke up. I also forgot I had a quarter pound of chorizo in the fridge.
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i hope there is a new customgrow420 video soon

i like to smoke while watching
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That sounds fucking amazing

Mexico might have the greatest cuisine on the planet
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I do have eggs to put with the chorizo but the only other meat I've got is turkey and a bit of salami.
I'll probably play some vidya and take a nap, I have a 12-8 shift today.
I will.
Why do all the C:S maps have such uneven highway placement?
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Tribadism desu.
is not recommended
But, it's one of my favorite tags, anon.
is cute
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My studies conclude otherwise. Completely safe.

The cutest.
In Michigan there was a strain bred called Granny Panties i have som right NOW

have you seen this strain outside of Michigan
there are much better alternatives though
Good post
His older works like voices from a distant star and place promised in our early days were genuine kino
Like what?

Feel free to peer review all of them.

It may be the least lewd one I have open right now desu.
Mutual masturbation
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Good stuff, anon.

Those are also some good tags.
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>Like what?
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Absolutely not.
but anon, it's better in every way
Femdom, incest.
All with girls_only, of course.
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It isn't. This is also better desu.
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Does anybody want to see the flags I bought on Amazon I just put up
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I've probably made that exact search before desu.

Facesitting is also great.

Embrace it.

Very nice. I like it.

Is it blocking a door?
Just about $30 put together
Well I live in a really old 1 bedroom house with my father so we did our best to convert our front porch into a bedroom
Sorry for late responses couldn't turn phone back on
>embrace BL
This will never happen. There are boundaries I have.

>Sorry for late responses couldn't turn phone back on
No worries.

They look nice, anon.
Yeah I like them, I just hope we don't get broken into soon because I'll have to fix them and it takes awhile to put them up

I bought a Montenegrin flag too because that's my dream vacation
>slept 6 hours till 06:00
>have to work 18:00-01:00

What's the best amount of nap time without making yourself too sleepy?
>I bought a Montenegrin flag too because that's my dream vacation
Will you put that one up as well?

Pls. I'm not sure what you're implying there, anon.
Two hours or less just makes me groggy. Seems like you have enough time, so I'd suggest a four or five hour sleep. That's my average sleep time anyway, along with a ten to twelve hour sleep once a week.
Wow that seems a lot. I will try it though.

I read somewhere 20 minutes will make you feel the freshest.
I use a flag to cover up the mirrors on the ceiling when family stays.
Yeah, I guess I'm not really thinking of naps. I just squeeze five hours of sleep wherever I can each day.
Neat. Keep doing what you do.

I tried 20 minutes during my fatigued studies a few times and felt barely any refreshment. Just my personal experience.
Why are there mirrors on your ceiling
Same here, the 20 minute rule is a lie propagated by the government
It's my birthday, lads :D
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Happy birthday best ally
Happy birthday!

Any special plans?
ya like plastic?
Just gonna invite my best friend who I've known since middle school to my house and then get sushi at a restaurant.
I've gotta go to work from 9:00 to 2:00 though.
That sounds like a great time :-)
Have fun!
If /magic/ was a thing then we'd have Greenland and Iceland to fill this void and maintain discussion while the majority of NA is still asleep
Why didn't you cucks listen?
stop saying c*ck
>have diarrhea
>Family is seated in the dining room right by the kitchen which has the medicine cabinet
>Don't want to take diarrhea medicine in front of the family
Send help pls
Consume ginger.
Man up, it's just your family, not a table of hot grills.

Pretend you search for something different, like a patch or Aspirin.
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>doesnt keep his medicine in the bathroom
>not a table of hot grills.
There's the possibility of his hot mum and sisters sitting about. Maybe he's self-conscious of their opinions of him. Perhaps he wishes to be intimate with all of them.
>it's just your family, not a table of hot grills.
That's worse, I have to be around these people every day of my life
I'd probably actually care less if it was a table of hot girls because I would never run into them again anyway.
Is playing vines at 7 in the morning on your phone in your shared bedroom considered legal grounds for murdering someone

Because I want to throw my roommate off a 7 story building
I think its self defense at that point
what should i eat for lunches
pretty terrifying experience last night lads

was driving home from getting takeaways and was tailing someone a bit close, not full on up their arse but a little too close
And when I turned off the main road they stopped and reversed and turned down the road I was on and were behind me flashing their lights at me to try to get me to stop but I just kept going and lost them

Could've been some angry rednecks or coons that would've beat me up and robbed me and damaged my car

Heart was racing tbqh lads
Called my brother's phone in church because I knew it wasn't silenced lmao

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Who are you /cum/

Also r8 my /f/it
ahahahaha disappointed another one
good lad
The reason I like mexicans so much is because they cuck americans so hard.

Good job mexibros.
spent two hours reading Constructive Anatomy and jabbing my arm trying to find the muscles desu
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Sunday, did you go to the church, like a true american? :^)
>wasting your morning
I don't mind hearing the word of god, but don't ask me for money.

havent been to religious services in years
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Here everyone pays church-tax, and church uses it to help young people (NEETs and such) and old people. Noone belives though.
who /red/ here
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Why don't we have a /cum/ meetup like Sweden did?

we tried to set it up months ago but we could never narrow down a location to actually do it

the distance between people is too great
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>jag undrar vilken doujin jag ska runka till när jag kommer hem
>varför vill ingen sitta med mig?
>I will never meet /cum/ sissies
What does it say?
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>I wonder which hentai-manga should i fap to when i get home
>Why won't anyone sit with me? /ubermench gentlemen/ come here
huutonaurua = shout-laughing
and all the colored girls go doo-di-doo, di doo, dii doo dii doo doo dii doo di doo dii doo doooo
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You're god damn right I am
lol mexicans
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I've been waiting my whole life for this assignment
We can help you write it.
>racial difference between subordinate and supervisor lead to lower ratings for both black and white subordinates
That is interesting
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people who go to /a/ are so pathetic lol
Looked fake tbqh

good to see the weebs still remember moot
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Good Morning
Guten morgen lad, think I'll get lunch now myself

sup senpai
Sounds like a good idea, what're you thinking of getting?

How're you feeling m8
I hope you're West Coast.
What ever they have at the dining hall... ;_;
guessing im having pizza for breakfast lads...

hate being poor, I can never afford a healthy breakfast so I always feel like im in a constant state of wanting to throw up
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It's only 11:40 here and I've been up for 2 hours, so no worries.

Tendies hopefully
I had grilled cheese.
Cheap and filling
I feel high on life right now desu senpai.
and very high in oil

shit makes me look greasy and feel like garbage every time I eat it
Pork chop, eggs, hash browns, and toast.
Sunday lunch at it's finest
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Super Saiyan Brady.webm
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Me too lad, feel like I could run through a brick wall.


fin on the right

I see them wining it today

I hope thats a girl
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Brady Edelman bromance.webm
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Reminder to cheer for white people to win today
I ended up getting a burger, it was actually breddy good, usually its shit

Is today Patriots vs Broncos? Fuggg

but the broncos are white too
Is Ted Cruz really worse than Trump? How can that possibly be?

And how can the Repulicans literally throw away their chance of winning by selecting Trump as their candidate?
Literally all their best players are black
>chris harris
>von miller
>brandon marshall
>demarius thomas

They are one of the least white teams in the NFL lad
They dont have a manlet, jewish, aryan looking wide reciever though
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Burger :DDD
Post pics :DDDD

>not white
I already at the whole thing... :-(

I should have got two...
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peypey and brock aren't even top 5 players on their team

peypey has the most playoff losses in NFL history
Almost every team has a white qb except carolina

Birria here, there's no sunday if there's no birria or menudo

>the quarterback isnt in the top 5 players on the team

LOL, ok kid
Peyton played for HALF OF THE SEASON and still lead the league in interceptions and Brock is backing that guy up

If you genuinely think he's top 5 on the broncos you don't know a thing about football
What happened that we have to ask these questions ;_;

he's having a bad season THIS year

look at any other season and his stats were godly

So we're talking about top 5 players on a hypothetical team where players only exist their best seasons?

Are you actually retarded?

I'm still trying to figure it out myself. It all changed so fast
migrate whenever my fellow smokers >>54080487

no you idiot, Peyton has been a top tier QB until this year because he's getting so old
And what do previous years have to do with this years team?
I agree. In the last 10 years things really have gone wild

Im not saying he's good THIS year

but he's easily the best in broncos history
That's some good shit anon.
why did all of jalisco's posts get delete?

Yup, dog bless Mexico


Divine justice?
>he will never EVER play in a snowy wonderland

absolutely 3rd world
serves them right for not liking girls loving girls :^)
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A post I made in /lat/
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f-35 oh ho.png
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what kind of post?
this happened? it's about fucking time lol

Dunno how she hasn't even had a temp ban, some of the shit she posts is obvs nsfw
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Nothing special.
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Ban evasion is against the rules
I can't find it :^(
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Thread posts: 296
Thread images: 104

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