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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 387
Thread images: 67

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Smart Anime Edition
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crayon pop
got a hard bum
got a sad willy
working on a new colour
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i'm always the life of the party
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the lad.jpg
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>this lad walks up to you and says "Top o' de marning to ya!"
What do?
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>>53973348 was going to make a thread
cancer: the general
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Read that babyface comment on my phone and guessed it was you haha ;) x

Me on the left
me on the right
non-nonce edition
*Michael Caine voice*

Hello, I'm Michael Caine

rate my impression lads
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gagging for kraut bp
27yo suicidal virgin NEET reporting
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>i'm always the life of the party
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what do you mean
i don't think everyone here was born between June 20 and July 22 lad
Can't imagine why anyone would ever want to be the guy who makes a new thread

Some weird form of autism I struggle to understand desu
oh no deary me

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George V.jpg
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snow on the ground lads
Blasphemy laws should be reintroduced in the UK providing they “apply equally to everybody,” Labour MP Keith Vaz told the audience at a Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) event – a day before the Paris attacks.

Speaking at the event on responses to terrorism and extremism, Vaz said he would be happy for a bill proposing a blasphemy law to be debated in parliament.

His remarks came during a debate on British media portrayal of Muslims, where the panel discussed the best ways to deal with “slurs” and “grossly irresponsible” coverage of Muslim issues.
>being this upset

hahaha, so it's the /tv/ twat who has autism attacks over threads
oh dear oh dear

how could this have possibly been avoided?

update: lad in the group chat who said he needs to drop out of the lads holiday has responded saying he really is telling the truth but we still dont believe him
too depressed to wank
I have a ritual called "terminator". I crouch in the shower in the "naked terminator" pose. With eyes closed I crouch for a minute and visualize either Arnie or the guy from the 2nd movie. I then start to hum the T2 theme. Slowly I rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me get through my day. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It sorta ruins the fantasy.
black holes don't exist

entropy doesn't exist

the universe has always existed

time is a human construct
good la

tis cac alrite now
Found my housemate dead this morning, not fun lads
they look fine to me
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sorry senpai, fresh out of hecks, but i have plenty of keks
Plan for next semester is to find girls who are very confident in their bodies and who receive lots of compliments about their looks and tell them the reality of how they really look. Had a girl brag to me last year about how someone said she has a nice arse and I told her it's really not as nice as she thinks it is and that's it's actually really small. Things got oddly flirty from there but it was a lot of fun and I think she wised up a bit and realised lads were just blowing smoke up her arse to try to fuck her.
*hits blunt*

yeah bro
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A white Ivy League professor has taken to the pages of the Huffington Post to condemn her own race, declaring that she chose never to reproduce because her children would simply inherit white privilege.

Michael says that, like Dolezal, she has gone through an extensive phase of trying to eradicate her whiteness (or as she calls it, Whiteness)– one so severe that she decided she didn’t want to reproduce.

“I sometimes don’t want to be white either,” Michael says. “There was a time in my 20s when everything I learned about the history of racism made me hate myself, my Whiteness, my ancestors… and my descendants. I remember deciding that I couldn’t have biological children because I didn’t want to propagate my privilege biologically.”

Michael’s describes her efforts as virtually all-consuming: She lived with a black family for a time, shaved her head, and read exclusively black authors. She also lashed out at those who dared to be white without shame.

“I disliked my Whiteness, but I disliked the Whiteness of other White people more,” she writes. “I felt like the way to really end racism was to feel guilty for it, and to make other White people feel guilty for it too.”
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>friend asks for boneless chicken for dinner
>buy him a carton of eggs
want to blow smoke behind a girls arse lads
I didn't exactly take pictures lad
I hope it's not him, he's a proper wanker. Literally the worst poster.
reply to this post if you are lurking /brit/ at this very moment
did you take a picture for the lads in /brit/?
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>time is a human construct
Suicide made to look like murder.
glad you're back

did he inject a whole marijuana in one go?
It was suicide, she hung herself.
just fucking let them in.
you hope it's not him?
alri goldman sachs
news story or I don't believe you
installing an emoji keyboard
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>god save the queen!
other proofs?
get yer rat owt
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>Modern """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""art"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Refugees welcome.... to try hahaha
did you have a look at her fanny?
I'm sorry, the number you've dialled is unavailable
please try again later
students should be gassed
This thread is too asian
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like this post for more enlightening memes
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it's avant garde, it's provocative, you wouldn't understand it
Rite as rain
red flags for girls:

>been to college
>has any ambitions beyond being a loving and loyal housewife
>not a virgin
>can't cook
>parents are divorced
>has male friends
>has many friends
>any of her friends are sluts
>isn't racist
>doesn't come from at least an upper middle class family
>went to public school

note* This is not a complete list
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wife's son
we'll be having this conversation again an infinite number of times

it's where deja vu comes from
good cac
feel like having some attention paid to me
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>he uses """"""""""incognito"""""""""" on Chrome
do I go cinema on me larry lads?
This is why you're single lad, though your high standards are likely an excuse, you'd still be single if you didn't have them >:3
hello essex

if you want
nobody cares 2bh
thats illegal
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>I enjoy slam poetry
I'll add
>had non natural coloured hair
>has facial piercings
>has tattoos
>has non standard pets (rodents, reptiles etc)
>likes anime
slam poem is so fucking cringeworthy.

all they do is try to be edgy and then do a bunch of facial expressions with it and get all dramatic. fucking terrible
>wanting 4chan to be in your browser history
potentially embarrassing
Smoking large quantities of medical marijuana can, yes, in fact make you more enlightened and intellegent
Thinking about it I think I might be Jesus lads
thats it
is there anything worse than slam poetry?
started reading a book and i already feel smarter
got /brit/ and /mu/ in my bookmarks and nobody gives a h*ck
shoes lol
Only own one pair of a casual shoes lads, is that acceptable?
What is the purpose of our lives?
so i went to get rid of loads of 5ps when buying some milk. the machine wouldn't take my last 5p, tried it 3 times and it literally paused for 30 seconds each time then returned it. had to put a 20p in giving me 3 of my own 5ps back in change fuming
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Was about to end it all but then mum shouted that tea was ready and everything was okay again
not really i got like 4
No one thinks like the way she talks. No man thinks the clit is a myth, no man thinks that women cum from giving head, no one thinks that women hate sex. I hope she dies today
set my m8s homepage to /b/ the other day

ultimate banter
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there isn't one and you'll never find one
to reproduce (and youll never even do that, bit pathetic)
>be 16
>me and 3 mates decide to try MDMA
>we go out at night and buy 1g of MDMA between us
>we "come up" like crazy inside Aldi at 11pm when we were buying water
>mind was FUCKED for about 5 minutes
>mate then decides he wants to kiss 3 girls in that night
>he walks around to random girls and asks them for a kiss, and they actually did it. (He kissed a drunk fat tumblrette, a drunk married MILF)
>complains that he didn't kiss 3 girls
>we come down at 4am
>had to wait until 5am for my mates dad to leave and go to work so we could go inside his house
>waiting on a park bench for an hour
>I started having an outer body experience

MDMAs pretty fun ngl, haven't done it since then though
to find purpose~
Might namefag for a bit lads
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apologise or I pull the trigger
some anti white slam poetry
I'm a big dirty normie and you can't stop me
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>things that never happened
>MDMA outside of a party environment

sounds absolutely dreadful piss off child
no you aren't, Jesus was an iron age jewish carpenter, and you're a digital age british schizophrenic
White man, White man.
Holdin' ME down with his white
got a couple of beers and the you know what

actually saw that asaki in tescos but i thought that to get both would be going too far

oh how very 20th century
Doing it in a home setting is much different to doing it out, would recommend it at least once lad
my daddy found my anime lads -_-
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going out for some tapas and wine
austrians arent capable of being normie
Why are all women gyms legal
filthy fucking weeb
I've had the dmt experience 24/7 365 days every day of my life without the need for additional drugs or alcohol to change my reality.
the hairs too big for the head
it's finally the weekend lads. time to not talk to another human til work on monday morning haha
this is so important
>'''''''''''''''''''''''people''''''''''''''''''''''' Lurk /brit/

true, only some women gyms should be legal.
Of course we are m8 what makes you say that
Life's a trip; I don't need no drugs
Maybe ur universe is someone else's brain :D
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very tired but quite keen on imbibing some alcohol so will stay up well into the witching hour methinks
dude... duuuuuuude....
>seat down
taking a selfie straight after a poo ay lad haha
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Seriously what the fuck is wrong with normies lads?

I live with 3 of them and all 3 have at various points this evening said "I THOUGHT YOU WORKED NIGHTS ANON BUT YOU'RE HOME HAHA"

I mean wtf, that's not even worth the effort to vibrate your vocal chords. Obviously something is different if I am at home so why even mention it?
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To find your waifu

i honestly would get wine instead, but just cant accept the price after italy im afraid
>when was the last time white men fought for their equality

Ottoman empire?
>nigger-tier makeup
>multiple piercings
>plays WoW
>in an "open relationship"
my experiences with german """"""""""""""people""""""""""""" (yes you are german)
what's for dinner lads?
>leaving the seat up
typical boorish uncouth menfolk
small talk, he's trying to bond with you but it's an exercise in futility since you have autism.
oneitis likes this band
having a cheeky erection lads
Who /almondmilk/ here?
dew doing badle doo de doing badadoing doing
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Why can't /CUM/ threads be like this?
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brit friday night2.png
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just spent the last 3 or so minute laughing at this

anyone go the thursday night edition or any others
I piss sitting down at home and in private places (like work)
this desu
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Me Tbh
Far-left desu
because of anime shitposters
fuck off lad the correct behaviour is actually to close the lid when you're finished. poo particles on your toothbrush and all that otherwise t b h
If we didn't bomb the living shit out of their country this could have been easily avoided
knew the Grateful Dead in 1966 and walked Bob Dylan on stage
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My post is on there, guess which one
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tips speedforce.jpg
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>I don't put the lid down after using the toilette
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>I unironically have a "oneitis'"
who the fuck are you
The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.
nowt wrong with a touch of poothpaste
Oh how many psychological woes could be treated with low-dose psychedelic drugs, especially LSD.
doing a poo?
Who the fuck are you?
uni one
don't think it's right to include australian posts in there since it would technically have been saturday morning for us at the time

it's less effort than typing out all that shit for other people with autism to read you fucking sperg
Alri grandad, time for your medicine and a nap I think
If they wanted to bond they wouldn't ask pointless and annoying questions
housemate always leaves the lid up when she flushes the loo

does my nut in. why are girls so gross?

we are sheltered from all the evil germs, we don't know how to fight them anymore
remember this time when i was at a house party with my oneitis then we both went outside and sat on this brick wall and i kissed her then she showed me a load of these cringe bands on her phone and i had to pretend to like them aaah good times that was when i had the bitch wrapped round my finger
i dont make the rules

take it up with head office or the board mate
> why are girls so gross
> gross

fuck off
Correct, what gave it away?
because of anime and swedes
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>I'm a student

literally translated as

>I'm a pretentious nonce who paid the government £30,000 for a piece of paper which says i can do thing

"excuse me please mate", me, telling you to move whilst you're queuing outside the job centre
reckon my immune systems good enough to do without antibiotics when they become useless iah
something of a superhuman, me
normies like talking to people

thats how bonding happens m8

how else would they get to know you?
They expect the conversation to go places
you can't drive a car without turning the engine on first

want a qt gf to cuddle

on Which night is /brit/ the happiest?
Hi :3
Maybe they should hook u in the fookin gabber.
Maybe that'll cure your uppity faggot disorder.
the similar level of 'my life's fucked' meme pic attached
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Did someone say smart anime?
I don't care about migrants
The night that doesn't exist, m8.
sounds like a shit way to start a conversation since he didn't leave you with much to work with but it sounds like he had good intentions and was just trying to be friendly.
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>I don't care about migrants
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that is mental though, average price for wine in tescos seems around £6-7, beers about £1.50 upwards

in italy most wine is around 2-3 euros, beers 1-2 euros

so pricey in the cunt
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You're flat!.jpg
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kek, this was the GOAT meme
made spy on me mates facebook again tonight
neither do i

theres a war going on ffs

id wanna be let in another country too
Business idea: have an audio steam of me reading out /brit/ posts close to bedtime so people can hear posts without hurting their eyes
Park reeked of weed when I walked past. Thinking of buying some off the emos there.
You think student loans = students paying the government?

Three years of tax-funded drugs and booze lad, most will never pay their loans back



want a 16 yo gf lads

im 27
no fuck off
this threads OP is the equivalent of some daft teabag changing the name of the fb group chat to the name of his favourite autistic cartoon, doesnt mean the rest of you have the right to come in with your own awful images
bad lade
I have relatives from not so far back that were Nimibian tribesman. They happen to have fought lions just to become warriors. I don't know what you know about lions but they aren't like your average cat. I bet you would absolutely **** yourself if you ever saw a real life lion, especially if you were only holding a sharpened stick and you were naked. Come talk to me when some of your family members have gone on the Zambutu bibjano; A.K.A. the trial of life. Until you have done half the **** that they have maybe you shouldn't even talk to me like this. I know you think you're hard and **** but guess what pal, you aren't. Now go grow some Namibian genes and we'll talk about this **** for real.
its der gubberment and der taxers
government trying to tax us out of having a good time

>having to approach teens for bud

where did it go wrong lad?
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My escort/gf keeps answering her phone while I'm doing her from behind, it's getting bloody annoying
child or ponce; jog on
made a really nice chorizo and pearl barley risotto lads.

impressed some of the slags at work with it too.
What are the main differences between a normie and a cyborg?

Need to know before I answer lad
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So I'm in the right place
Would invest in.
Oh fuck off
when I worked at a call centre I walked through a park on my way home

every friday there was a group of smelly cunts smoking weed, they'd always ask me for baccy

filthy cunts
'Billy no mates' must be the most hurtful thing people say, even when they don't mean it.

My dad used to call me 'Billy no mates' EVERY DAY because I would always go to play football by myself.

I snapped one day
I then started running around the house screaching loudly and kicking the ball as hard at his plate collections as I could while yelling 'DADDY SMASHED PLATES'

He grabbed me and smacked the shit out of me
I was 23 at the time

I deserved it but it was his fault.
got a lubberly fish pie for din dins lads
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friday night /brit/ is best /brit/
>diversity is working because we have a lot of interracial couples
>the way we get more people to be happy about diversity is to put more minorities in places they aren't currently in

Lol these people are treating their relationship with you as a war and your population doesn't even realize it.

You don't stand a chance lads
got a bloody arse lads, my poos have been monstrous lately and I feel an acute sense of dread whenever I feel one chambered in my rectum
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Kyary binned.jpg
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Thinking of the waifu
i would like to see the little jewish man fighting the little turk
i'll beta test and read a few for ya if you get funding
On my 4th beer lads. Most ive had in one sitting since new years
>not whisk[e]y
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fucjkufuckfuckkfcuk tfw no kyary gf

absolute tune
poopeelian poofter on poopetually poorious and pooper pooturbed pooicide watch
Need to go buy something from the chippy but I couldn't be fucked.
A cyborg is an abnormie that has bit the bullet and tried to get over his social anxiety, he's awkward in crowds and cant' do one on one but he has studied normies so much that he knows how to blend in. Still has abnormie interests and patterns they just realise that you need to socialise to get through life.

A normie is a drone that is just following the rules of society. Cyborgs don't they just mimick their actions to fit in.
chortled at this post
What are you torrenting at the moment?

I'm getting the complete works of Ralph Vaughan Williams, IMO, England's greatest composer.
nice call lad
like you

dont like you begone
Why are they so brazen? How do they do it without dying from a massive panic attack?
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look at this hilarious meme lads
what about me
Whatcha drinking?
I need ideas for later
oh uh
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~I've got one, love these.
lads what were them books as a kid where there was anthropomorphic animals and they all had their own armies and shit but it wasnt noncey like furry shit?
I had a friend that was part of the ayahuasca church, and he killed himself by jumping into a gorge. I think it takes more than just a psychedelic to free oneself from the chains of the mind.
So a sociopath?
cutting some amazing farts lads. big powerful ones with little smell. v. satisfying
Alright boys
PC still broke
Still posting from tablet

Might buy a laptop
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having a go on the ps4
i gotchu senpai. vaseline will sort you out. when you feel a poo on the way grease up your bumhole inside and out with a big blob of the stuff and that log will just slip out of there with minimal damage. recommend it highly t b h
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>I don't care about migrants
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her fan service pics are the best pics
soft cunt
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me and the gf split up last week and I've not been down about it yet, what does this mean?
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> I think it takes more than just a psychedelic to free oneself from the chains of the mind.
Skull attack atm
Not really, sociopathic tendencies i.e mimicking others actions. But a sociopath does so to gain power cyborgs do it so they don't get left behind in life.
literally how
now then
whos this

that's alri but the JUST tier ones are much funnier 2bh

i know there's a thursday edition out there which is just as sad but i forgot to save it, gutted 2bh
got myself an exercise bike a week ago!! I'm already losing weight just looking at it still in it's box
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It's either going to hit you unexpectedly, or you didn't care as much as you expected yourself to and it won't hit you.
so fucking glad i dont have a waifu, i think itd literally kill me 2bh, being that obsessed with someone but the chance of actually being with them is completely gone. at least with a oneitis there is that hope.
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Kettle crisps.png
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Objectively the best.

done a post lads, would appreciate some feedback

y'alrite for a lezer
how do you justify being british in 2016?
well technically the park was closed (closes really early in the winter) so there was no one about

also police here don't really care unless you get unlucky or are being a bellend so you just get told to go home (from what I am told, never been caught myself since I smoke at 2am like a true degenerate)
not a real crisp though lad
>Ignore girl's WhatsApp to make it seem like I'm a busy bee so she craves my attention even more
>Send her a message a couple of days later
>She reads it and doesn't reply

aha, taste of my own medicine. that's what I get for trying to be redpilled

Thanks for providing content for me to post on r/4chan XD
i do what i do, you do what you can do about it
*hits blunt*
The governments bad, man
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when does it end?
don't like Kettle brand
they are too hard and cut your mouth
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>Immanuel kant never travelled more than 10 miles from his hometown

what a boring kant, haha
I don't have to

fuck off yank
eating haggis lads
>4.2% abv
Weak shit m8
how does one exactly suffer from "oneitis?"

i cant imagine being obsessed with one bird
m white desu horrid brown yank
That's not how you do it lad.
when the fat lady sings

i woke up at 3am today and havent been to sleep since

ive been happier, more motivated, laughed a lot and basically had no anxiety at all compared to most days

think my brain just cant over think when it's rundown

wish i could feel like this all the time though
very good
just bought 8 cans of boddingtons
people actually eat that shit still?

I did a project on scotland in elementary school and haggis was basically a punchline lad
started keeping a journal lads

forgot how tiring writing with your hand can be

What is he saying? "Yes David, if the panel was on ??????? celebrity answer for ya ???? would they make a ???? or ???????? eat the ???????"
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>Every life human or otherwise is simply an avatar.
>There is only one consciousness.
>And every instance is just another fork.
>Everything is related by birth to its previous avatars.
>Humans are just as related to a honey bee as an elephant is.
>The human brain projects and interprets its own reality.
>We are living in human virtual reality.
>There is only one reality, only one time, only one now.
>Everything else is virtual.
>Perpective based due to the avatar you exist as.
>Have a nice day.
My (You) rate slows dramatically during normie-time /brit/

I just can't connect with these fucking subhumans

Doubt Kent qt will be posting on a friday desu
>wish i could feel like this all the time though

wake up at 3am every day
Not a club mate, only way out is death or treason, and look where that got you lot. Poostains, in public, really.
People who have never suffered it will never understand.
Be glad m8, it's hell.
its actually way better than it sounds
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hows /gf2016/ going lads?
far out man not really haha fuck off you hippy wanker
>be ugly, never get attention from girls
>girl shows "interest" in me
>instantly fall in love

It's the worst/best ever feeling desu lad
whens your mum on then mate?
just post about you doing a poo in the loo
New gimmick :

>everyone stops posting so nobody knows whats happened
the stone roses are shit
happens to the best of us la
>eating haggis lads
no because i feel tired as fuck right now and will be going to bed soon

it's not a viable option unfortunately
haggis is actually nice though.

t. non-scot
started going to the gym in september and tomorrow night im happy to announce i will be going out for the first time in fucking years with a t-shirt on (used to be so skelly i was ashamed of my arms and only wore long sleeves)
Yes, people eat traditional foods in countries that actually have discernible traditions and customs.
>i woke up at 3am today and havent been to sleep since
>ive been happier, more motivated, laughed a lot and basically had no anxiety at all compared to most days
>think my brain just cant over think when it's rundown
>wish i could feel like this all the time though

WhatsApp, 4chan, reddit, facebook, airbnb, iphones, uber, twitter, instagram.

why does everyone use american things recently?
all /brit/pop is shit
spent the last 3 days solidly drunk
I don't think I'd ever give it a chance knowing exactly what it is desu
Completed from gf15.
Thinking on trying for /notbeingacompletedepressedloser2016/ though.
British beer is on average weaker than your middle europe pilsners or Belgium trappists. Goes down well after a nice meal though

bet you thought I would refute you

the truth is, is that your opinion is meaningless to me, as mine is to you
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People only like /brit/ because it's like the Vine of 4chan posting styles.
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it's actually these lad
balls weigh 10 grams less on the scales than they did 20 mins ago
You've got about 1 day of happiness left m8

I believe mine is a form of OCD, it's not rational, it's horrible
Sometimes when my arse is too hairy and I take a shit my shite gets stuck in the hairs. It's fucking horrid. It's like a fucking fishing net catching all my shite.

Any tips for shaving your arse?
We're the center of the world on nearly all fronts, lad.
get in the bin you rotten fruitstuff
its a bit like /scv/ used to be in 4chan terms
>men (plural)
>woman (singular)

remake this
It's basically a hotdog m8
Fucking chill
not like he could just hop on the train m8
shave from the arsehole out towards the cheeks

tbf ive shaved my arse once and it never itched
I was in this thread, I'm the reply to the guy talking about his shaft hair
I just rip the hair out in the shower
So I saw the new Star Wars, and it reminds me of the old ones, in a good way

Marco Polo went to hong kong though
>no one posting in the yank underageb& namefag thread

Good lads
That's because it literally was just a remake of 4 because JJ is a hack.
"Yes David, if the panel was on I'm a celebrity get me out of here (tv show) would they make Jordan (topless model famous in the UK) or George Osborne (Tory chancellor) eat slugs (animal)"
Don't shave your arse you will be suffering for weeks afterwards

Just book a back sack and crack la
Please fuck off to it yank
im an honorary brit
he was also from a merchant family and traveled with the caravans to the east
Kant was just some German dude and the layout of the HRE made travel pretty shitty with all the tolls and borders.
Thanks mate (friend)
anyone else get a day off school for being ill or something and go to watch some sick show with a fish zooming through a castle and shit being chased by a shark and thinking ah this looks boss and then being disappointed when it was some shit politics show
imagine being jobless and incredibly depressed
no fuck off
Was there until i went back to school
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