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Thread replies: 429
Thread images: 68

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wew edition
are there genuinely people who watch porn like regular movies. as in not wanking but reviewing it with an essay
Are "lifts" (elevators) really that cramped in Britain?
I will, occasionally, watch pornographic videos with no intention of masturbating to them. Never written a review though.
I started to write out a short piece on the cinematic merits of Tushy pornographic videos on /tv/, but the thread was deleted before I could share my thoughts. They really are well-made videos though.
On cue, I will proceed to flip off every single one of you in this thread. Here I go:
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I claim this thread in the name of /yank/

willy willy willies
i need some willies
in my mouth

(sung to the tune of money money money it's so funny in a rich man's world)

Source pls
Young and Wild


Dropped my phone earlier, shat myself 2bh
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>wew edition

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/brit/? more like /shit/ loooooooooool
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Blacked is the best porn around t b h
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more like t-gook
go to college or university. get a real job, that's what they said to me

but i could never live the way they want

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Encoded from the DVD release and uploaded that music video I was whining about yesterday like a true people's hero.
yeah great job mate

they are on that like a rocket
Had a poo
the hottest most qtiest girl you know still takes a hot stinking shit every day
made my willy tingle tbqh
in the loo?
Does anyone have that "sikhsa re bro tier" pic? I could do with it for future memery.
And my point is what can be considered "natural" doesn't account for much in the modern world.

Women naturally grow hair on their armpits but if they don't shave them that also prevents their ability to naturally reproduce.
Cheeky pic of me and the lads.

Me on the right
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>homosexuality, a mental disorder? yes that's correct. i have zero evidence though, you'll just have to take my word for it, /pol/ have some charts you could dig up if you asked them.
hate when my dog starts liking her arse out on my bed right next to me

so fucking obnoxious

lads after bashing slipknot for the past 6 years i've just realized i actually like some of their stuff, is this what it feels like to grow out of your edgelord contrarian phase? or am i just turning into a pleb? still think /mu/ is a shit board with shit taste if that's any help.
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simply lmao

youve been done my boy
Seek help
not if we were cavemen
I just don't know what to say to you anymore
Watching the episode of Law & Order where Jennifer Love-Hewitt just cannot stop getting raped.

It's fucking batshit bananas.
Yeah well we're not. Or does your missus not shave under her arms? Or legs for that matter.
fuck muh life

what do you reckon the youtube jannies get paid?
Europa is over
Nonces out

you are still stuck in the trap of thinking that "good/bad taste" exists
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>and it's not on you
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slipknot is pretty bad though, not even being contrarian its just they are fairly dull
Nu Metal in general is all around awful

there's better metal out there.

like this is easily the best Thrash album of the 21st century
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>Hello everybody. I am the Janitor.
Would volunteer for a one way manned mission to Pluto

thats exactly the point i just fucking made

any illness that can be overcome by medicine isn't a illness with that line of thought

imagine us as cavemen
would being a bender prevent you from reproducing? yes
would having armpit hair? maybe
i used to bash things like mcr, panic at the disco, fall out boy, green day etc even though i'd never even heard a single song of any of them

now i've heard them and to be honest, they're actually fucking awful. so it worked out, i was always right anyway.
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If I raped her once don't think I could stop either 2bh
do or do not, there is no try
your blood
actually desu I shouldn't really say its "all" awful since American New Wave metal has lead to some pretty crazy stuff, especially in the realm of combining hip-hop influences with death metal.

still not really a fan of this "punk-metal" stuff though reguardless, including metalcore
this to be honest familia

why is he crying
fancy a nap lads
It's called Behave, basically a guy stalked her all over the US while she lived under false identities to evade him, and then every few years he rapes her and she moves again.
Someone in /brit/ hurt his feelings.
He's back!
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homosexuality is a choice
>Imagine us cavemen
>It's not natural!
I don't give a toss lad, I won't tell you again. As long as you don't need to hunt down a fucking mammoth just to eat you also can't moan your tits off about a guy wanting to dick another guy.
*tucks you in*
what is sophistry lads? need a simple explanation. wiki is too complex for my dullard mind.
What the fuck is wrong with her knee?
Yeah but why is she on it? Sounds like the writers wrote it with her in mind, bit creepy
there is a lot of bullying in here, it's a problem that needs to be solved
>socialists don't want to work
>communists NEED work


I choose YOU
if benders like men so much, why do they act like women?
im not moaning ffs

this whole argument is pointless

in the classical definition of a disease, homosexuality would be considered one. That's the only point I'm making, I'm not saying its right or wrong to be bent or anything else.
if everyone was gay maybe
but if like there was just that one gay uncle it wouldn't really have much of an impact, and if anything it would mean an extra male around for any tasks needed who at the same time is a non-competitor with regards to females
Poleaboo has just subscribed to the Financial Times.
Where do I get a Nat Soc gf?

plastic surgery gone wrong

there is nothing real about those women
*bullies you*
Not as distracting as Whoopie Goldberg or Robin Williams episodes.
no lad not unless you're really really ugly, but it is a mental disorder
lying during an argument on purpose
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repostign this chvrj....agen ;^)OOOOOOI

9.553417, 112.893283
60.324781, -1.294612
11.565674, 92.239410

all interesting places 2bh

rorkes btfo
/brit/ took in /sp/ refugees and became richer for it. the same will happen for the UK if we take more syrians.
The feminine ones are the ones who want to be penetrated
gays would be fucking killed in hunter-gatherer societies.
hated then, hated now. the pattern is there for a reason. its instinctual to not want homos around.
which is why I said its harmless and meaningless either way

yeah I forgot people get plastic surgery on their fucking knees
using rhetoric and turns of phrase to disguise and obfuscate your intent.
Sophism is a method of teaching. In ancient Greece, sophists were a category of teachers who specialized in using the techniques of philosophy and rhetoric for the purpose of teaching arete — "excellence" or "virtue" — predominantly to young statesmen and nobility. The practice of charging money for education and providing wisdom only to those who could pay led to the condemnations made by Socrates, through Plato in his dialogues, as well as Xenophon's Memorabilia. Through works such as these, Sophists were portrayed as "specious" or "deceptive", hence the modern meaning of the term.

using philosophy to teach billionaire ancient greek tory twats how to behave

i dont hate gays

shes japanese you plum and shes just bending her knee anyway
kpop stars get everything plasticked
i don't mind pro-Assad refugees

if they support the rebels or any other jihadi fringe movements they can fuck right off

i made my gf get cosmetic surgery on her knees because they were too sharp
they also wiped their arse with leaves in them times

not exactly a solid society to base your moral compass off.
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Taking a qt gril on a date tomorrow but I still didn't decide on where to take her. How to into good pub grub?

I haven't lived here since before uni and I didn't have friends to go out with when I was 18.

Might trip advisor it desu
nowt wrong with a leaf
>pro-Assad refugees
oh you mean fascists
going to bed

good night
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>i don't hate gays

>i don't wipe my arse with leaves
harvester lad

wads of paper isn't particularly more advanced than leaves 2bh.
i'm just sitting in the studio just trying to get to you babe
gays are a fucking abomination
The weak shall perish
pub grub is the same everywhere

play it safe and take her to a wetherspoons
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Just woke up from a nice nap lads
Like the rest of her it is perfect in its own way.

Seent this on /f/ a lot and NOT a fan so I'm none best pleased that you're a fan

Gas thyself
But a gay person can still reproduce, they just have sex with their own gender instead. It's not therefore by definition a disease.
>How to into good pub grub?
trip advisor maybe

>Might trip advisor it desu
good lad
Alright lads ahha
i would have gone for the preisthood but have bad knees

sleep tight

>she is wearing a wig there because she pulled so much of her hair out


Maybe if you're getting some cheap sandpaper shit but if you've ever had super soft toilet paper you'll know we've come a long way.
just make sure its not wetherspoons
yes, people who won't blow up a cinema or have sex with young girls against their will

>'fascist' is used as a derogatory term

where did it all go so wrong?
you better not be taking her to the pub on a first date lad
You just jelly of the forehead power crystals

>I can't vapourise my enemies with a thought
lmaoing at your life
Poleaboo likes to suck on a 12 inch dildo for an hour everyday in preparation for his new boyfriend
what is /f/

just clicked on it and saw some random list looks well shite
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>>'fascist' is used as a derogatory term
mate we have fucking THREE PLY quilted patterned wads of paper with cute puppies on the packaging

a bit more sophisticated than picking up dead tree parts off the floor i would argue
what does a gay leaf like you know about pubs?
Flash videos/games
Poleaboo is wishing his sister had a penis so he could fellate her and see the bulge poke out of her nappy when they do ageplay
i've actually lost count of the amount of times i've destroyed rorke in an argument.

it's almost daily at this stage, he seems to take ideas from /pol/ (basically as far right wing as possible so it meets his agenda) and then smacks his head off his keyboard and presses submit.
>humans exist to procreate
>being gay is natural
Put gays on an island and they die out. There is nothing natural about gays. It goes against human nature.
It is a perversion. A sexual perversion
Can't wait to vote to leave the EU haha

>implying Japanese celebs don't get just as much surgery as Korean ones
then they are only a bit ill
Is that mirrored?

His face is so symettrical
>you better not be taking her to the pub on a first date lad

She's not British so I score bonus points for taking her to a hipstery real-ale "British" feeling place.

I already showed her beer
you don't know owt about pubs my chinese friend
>gays would be fucking killed in hunter-gatherer societies.
I doubt it man, they would probably fuck each other on hunting parties and largely be left alone since they never bothered with the other men's women.

basically you got a few loyal dudes who are no real threat to the authority of the chief's blood.

partly why Alexander had entire gay units so they would all bum one another and therefore build a stronger fellowship between the soldiers.
>The nazis are used as a flagship for le evil right wing
>National "SOCIALIST" Party

Lmao m8 don't know about you but there's more to my life than fucking and having little runts
Its the original image I screenshot it myself I'll have you know
No they're not, if a girl decides not to fuck you are they ill?
They could probably work out artificial insemination desu.
pubs are bad date locations desu trust me

better to take her out to dinner instead where you can talk easier and not deal with other people as much
put gays on an island and if they feel the need to create extra mouths to feed theyll put aside their taste in holes to make children with whatever women are present you fucking wally theyre not allergic to vagina
i know a bender and he wears makeup and talks in this gay camp voice. im like, what the fuck is wrong with you? fucking weirdo freak.

not even once
>politics is a bit more complex than I thought

first time reading words m8?
more than you I imagine
Yeah if this includes lesbians as well, I'm sure a gayman and a lesbian could pinch their nose and have at it for procreation.
Got a question for you lad
Boss, sonny, nothing like Hugo
Looking like you ain't got a clue though
If he dies, we ride, it's on you bro
Ain't playing around, this game ain't sumo

Trust in us, we the real dudes
And don't sugarcoat what the pill do
Penthouse, top floor with the ill view
What you don't know cause he might kill you
All that does is prove its a choice, silly billy
>piss off qt
>says she needs a few days to herself
>been a few days
>still ignoring me
ffs lads

in your case??!?!?!????

most definitely...YES!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!


rekt lmao :^)))))))))))))))))))))))))
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Found the one lads.

She's azn :3
Well I assumed the scenario involved gay men and lesbians. I don't think just heterosexual men on an island would fare much better.

rorke's incredible autism and inability to understand incredibly basic ideas strikes again!

stick to complaining about the pakistani community you intellectual midget.
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Not sure Islam allows fat black dykes
T-thanks anon.
Poleaboo got caught wanking by his mother when he was 15, to his surprise she dropped to her knees and gave him the best — and only — blowjob he's ever had
>and not deal with other people as much

We don't have to do that in British pubs. Conversation is limited to a short aside at most, usually you're not bothered at all.

Plus the bustles and business makes silences less awkward and gives it a sociable feel.

Silent poncy pubs are like a 5th date thing desu. Gotta start out laid back so the conversation flows
Not really. The lifestyle or at least having gay sex is, yeah, just as straight people can abstain. The sexual attraction to men is still there though.
Youre in Edinburgh roight
So Im assuming youre a student, roight
So what/where you studying lad?
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>these people should be allowed to marry and adopt children and raise children

hmmm yeah seems like a good idea
might consider asking model agencies for work
doxxable info
how's GCSE history going?
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My heart bleeds
Re-read it you fucking fool.
I doubt those lads want children desu, I think taking miles of cock into old age is more their speed.

>100-300+ students per subject
>Don't know what year you are

How is that doxxable desu. Unless you're a massive sperg
>landlord at uni painted all his doors red
I wonder if some arrogant students will get bricks through their windows?
Patrician board for oldfags except it's actually shit
on 8000 words oh excuse me FUCK that 800 words :^()

Doubt it desu lad.
Unless youre studying some vague useless subject with almost no one on the course (which given the fact you are on /int/, I doubt) then itd be p difficult
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was waiting for that response, im afraid youve been double bluffed sir, get fucked why dont you CUNT
looks like it in fact looks like a virus i hate it
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>these people should be allowed to marry and make children and raise children

hmmm yeah seems like a good idea
>don't shower for a few days
>balls start molting and dry bits keep coming off when I rub them

is this normal
>I was only pretending I can't read!
want to worship a girls bum
is that guys pic a QR code
Depends, have you recently visited Chernobyl?
>character wants to exaggerate how much he wants to find someone
>"If he so much as SNEEZES, I want to know about it!"
no, just Wales
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Here is the comedian on QT tonight


HAHAHHAHAH She is so bloody funny ahahah
Poleaboo is now wanking to the thought of being caught having a wank by his mother again
>I was only pretending I can't read!

haahhahaahaaaa :::)()()()()))))))))))))

you sound like a fukcing piece of SHIT dont reply to me again cunt, get out of my thread cunt?
>desert level
>it ain't me starts playing

she said so in the video she made before quitting
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I want to work on submarines lads
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>Konflict (Kemal & Rob Data) were attacked and allegedly forced at gunpoint by a Renegade Hardware label boss when they accepted an offer to release "Messiah" on Bad Company Recordings
Holy shit
I take it you like gay sex, yes ?
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Seriously though, lads, what about trans people?
Can't wait for the completely balanced panel and audience on Question Time tonight!
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watch the entire video.
beyonce hasnt posted on her instagram in 8 weeks

getting really worried now
>let me just get a breath of fresh a-
>people complaining about NEETs
>can literally join the army, navy or air force and have a good career

you literally have NO excuse, but you're all just arrogant student twats who expect to start on £200,000/year with your degree in aerobic snake charming
>at home have memory foam mattress
>at uni basically have 4 springs between 2 slabs of balsa wood

Fucks sake
*threatened at gunpoint
Yes, I love gay sex.
Funny how the world has gone more to shit the more we have rejected God

agonising just watching the video, would literally walk out IRL, tremendous vicarious embarrassment
if this is satire then fair play she's got a talent
its from Belfast tonight
No, I don't love gay sex.

the most bent post i've ever read by a non yank
I don't want to die for Israel in proxy wars because a couple of guys in suits are fighting over power
where do you live? :3
oh my days this essay is looking like a fucking twat
I often fantasize about buying a tiny apartment and living alone, shitposting, playing games, reading, and masturbating for the next 60 years.
not everyone can join the army m8
Posted for u

Fun fact: I have a collection of over 400 flash files

not that fucking kip

christ above
London, where most of the gay English men live
bizarro ky
im really concerned 2bh

reckon she's alri?

Fun fact: my malware is in 339 of them
>implying they'd give these speccy flat-foots weapons
My mate is in the navy and works on a sub, he said it's shit
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>That one guy at work who keeps trying to show you up in front of your staff, you're above him but he's not within your hierarchy area so you can't discipline him.

Literally had to tell him to "Fuck off" today in front of my staff cause he tried to give them an order. Reported it to his manager but he's in one of those technical roles where it doesn't seem how rude or unprofesional you are you're untouchable.


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>I don't want to die for Israel in proxy wars because a couple of guys in suits are fighting over power
>A question time about a bunch of Irish bullshit no one cares about
Don't give a fuck about DUP or Sein Féin
That fact isn't fun.
fine, but its not called the chair force for no reason lad


not all roles are combat roles la
do you like short+fat guys?
why isnt she instagraming
serious vibes lads:

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>not wanting to snuggle a warm wee qt nuclear reactor to sleep at night
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top slag

Only if it's self inflicted m8
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no idea
serious? Mind, to be fair Messiah was probably the most successful techstep/neuro single for a very long time.
Arsenal or Chelsea this weekend ?
I think Arsenal
that tory woman is well ugly
What does he do?
>“The events of New Year’s Eve were the girls' own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them." - Sami Abu-Yusuf
>Britain saying all Russian servicemen should be banned from Britain because of the litvenyenko thing

>Banning Muslim immigration because of terrorism is an evil racist bigot thing to say

i am beautiful
no matter what you say
words can't bring me down
ok well u clearly didn't watch the entire vid m9
Fun retort: I enjoy perusing my flash collection on an air-gapped burner machine sitting in a faraday cage.
>A 13 year-old German girl recently went missing.
>Her family posted many messages on Facebook.
>The girl was kidnapped and raped for by foreign nationals for 30 hours.
>Now the family is speaking out. At a weekend rally the girl’s cousin told the crowd the horrific story.

Vid report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlzJgwy6h58
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>Fun retort: I enjoy perusing my flash collection on an air-gapped burner machine sitting in a faraday cage.
I did

I regret doing so, since it was banter but it wasn't that great, just a bit weird
Do you have a cute little willy?
good lad
good song
need motivation for suicide
He told me he reads radars and stuff, he say it's mostly really boring.
Fucking hell. Will they just ban perfume already?

Fucking paddies
>normie people from secondary school now going to Uni, posting pictures on Facebook with their girlfriends
There will never be a K-ON season 3.
I'm cute 2bh
What's it called when someone is cross eyed but the eyes go the opposite direction?
post pics
I will not be sharing any more cool videos with /brit/ in the future, you have ruined this for everyone. Hope you're happy...
Pakis have being doing this to you for years.
And you're worried about Germany?
Should have wore a rag on her head
so am I!

just really shy and unconfident :(
Pakis are bro tier.
who are you quoting
Hello goyim. You may call me Mr. Goldenshekelesberg. I like the work you are doing senpai. Doing a really good job desu senpai. Keep the work up. But that is not what I came here to tell you. I am here from WLDM (White Lives Don't Matter). Our organization works to start riots such as the ones in Baltimore, and also to destroy the white race with stuff like interracial porn featuring white woman being cucked by the all mighty BBC. We need more people with your charisma in our organization. And so I am here giving you a once in a lifetime opportunity to join WLDM. We have similar goals indeed goyim, we could be best partners. Thank you for listening goyim. I expect great things to come from you goyim.
i dont really understand this my dear sweet petlet

the words "Posted for u" imply i should get some meaning from this media, perhaps a shared joke you expect me to understand

however its gone straight over my braincase; i dont have any idea what its about or what it means so on so forth

in fact, if i may be so bold, its anime, anime i say, something i hate vis-a-vis something you know well, im getting the sneaking suspicion that this was an insult upon my person. in short im getting upset, do explain yourself, that would be most capital for you to do i conclude
Damn that sucks, I thought sensors would be interesting.
Hiya, where in London can I score some coke or speed? Just around the corner anywhere?
FOLN (fuck off literal narcissists)
no you don't lmao
its utter shite
at george osbornes house
>and also to destroy the white race with stuff like interracial porn featuring white woman being cucked by the all mighty BBC

/pol/ and /tv/ actually say this a lot but it has to be satire, right? nobody can be that thick
i'm going to get some operative job in the next month and use the money i'll save to start a holding group for a number of small companies with friends
then over the next 20 years we'll attain billionaire status
what about you anon
>Hope you're happy
I am.
Just an example of the sort of content /f/ contains senpai, no cryptic meaning.

That was over a hundred words that could have been in the essay.
Question Time you casual
Have you ever thought that maybe women would stopped getting raped if they wore a burka and stopped going out unaccompanied by men eh racist?
the fact that you're posting it here shows you're on the same level intellectually as they are.
Anyone know what this is?
The EU is trying to destroy Europe via mass migration tbf
900 words of utter (and indeed i mean utter, sincerely i do mean that) Shit
Poleaboo has suddenly took a huge disliking towards people from Australia
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Lads post meme offsprings
what about
You wont think it's satire after you find out your girlfriend is taking the BBC.
Thank you for your coöperation m8...
>tfw no wise-cracking mexican sidekick
I had a wank behind a rock here, came all over the place
fucking hell
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Mike holy shit.gif
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oh those poor refugees, they come so far from a destroyed land and aren't even allowed to follow the customs of their own homeland

>european liberal governments literally allow the young children of their people to be gangraped, groped, beaten, etc.
i dont want to live on this earth in this time favæ
And you know how?
haha jokes on you I'm straight, I don't like girls ;)
eating a slightly pink chicken schnitzel on bread for breakfast lads

hope i don't get food poisoning haha
>groiny maguire
this bitch is everywhere
Nighty night x
>Ban russian spies!

Why aren't they already banned? We seriously let foreign agents operate in our country freely?

I guess the answer is that being a spy, you're kinda undercover and unable to be detected.
But BBC?
>"female" "comedians"
well i hope so amiculus, i do hope so, i have my Watchful Eyes upon you

cant say id be doxxed posthaste
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>women comedians
no I only like Japanese boys
bigot back to fucking /pol/
what's the craziest thing you've done lads?

I was on work experience at Lloyds TSB, and I had a wank in the staff room(the door had a window on it)
>this fucking guy
haha what a dickhead
Who is she? Never heard of her
Turned Gotham's water supply into jelly.
Based DUP
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did a poo
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fug dis.gif
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>girl comedians
Lads I've got to hand it to pakis they've got elements of their bog culture nailed

Apart from when they shit in holes in the ground, that's a bit fucked, even if squatting is healthy for you

But they have those water jets that clean your arse instead of bog roll. Yeah you need to use a bit in order to dry your arse but it's way cleaner
>women in spectacles in the third row
>man starts speaking

A human glass cutter
>dat chin
generic women """""""""""""""""""comedienne"""""""""""""""" #3543
Fucking toaster spit my toast straight onto the floor
The toaster is supposed to stay upright, Italy, not sideways.
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Lot of hair for a baby
how comical
>gay people are our brothers, our sisters

Not mine senpai, my bent brother was disowned and now has been taken into his bfs parents house lmao
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first time i took MD i ended up massaging my mate's gf's foot between my legs and then she basically started playing with my crotch with my foot

then i got into it and decided to slide my foot up her shirt and played with her tits with my toes

this continued for like a minute before we realised it was weird then I went for a walk
Wayne Rooney @WayneRooney 2m2 minutes ago
Just watched creed really enjoyed it. @TonyBellew well done mate brilliant
expand reply delete favorite more

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don't think my mates like me any more
feel quite alone in the universe
heres some chebs
*my crotch with her foot
>pink blazer and pink background

absolute mare
LOL serves the poofta right! how dare he choose homosexuality! disgusting!!
Jesse Pinkman got a bit fat
been rereading parts and its sounds like a literal dude-weed-lmaoer
why do you think that la? :c
It's upright it just got a bit ostentatious there
Whats the point of civil partnerships? Why do they have to have marriage?
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>I'm an atheist myself
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>i'm an atheist
The best days are posted once or twice a gimmick
muh equality
feels good knowing that I could hin any one of you...put you in your fcuking place
Dunno desu. Same legal rights.
Am I a nonce now?
its only gay if your being penetrated.
if youre the penetrator youre not gay.
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>Whats the point of civil partnerships? Why do they have to have marriage?
It's just an excuse to attack Christianity
viva mexico
Eu shilling lads. Hold on to your butts, they're going to go in hard and dry
you have to be erect and aroused to penetrate

to be penetrated you could be as flaccid or turned off as possible
Just the way I like it.
done novecento settanta due might stop to make a pint of fkin tea
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New goal gf lads.
Post more bum webms lad
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me checking my phone btw
has anyone else noticed that a lot of muslims are migrating to europe? thoughts?
very low virtus beta detected
>was in tescos
>was buying some halal chicken (not a muslim but its like 2 pounds cheaper per kilo)
>this couple behind me walk up to the shelf and say oh wait its halal and turn away
>i say 'yeah but look how much cheaper it is'
>the bloke comes over and says 'wow that is alot cheaper'
>the girl says 'nah but my friend said its greasy meat'
>the bloke is like 'just look at it though its just a chicken breast?'
>the girl says 'yeah i guess it does look like normal meat'
>turn to her and say 'yeah it is normal meat they just said a prayer when they were killing it or something'
>guy bought it

wew lads what have I fucking done
bigot stormcunt
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I only have 3
>has anyone else noticed that a lot of muslims are migrating to europe?
I have
I might look into how I can move to Australia
For a Yank this was a fucking hilarious post. I'm granting you a 3 day amnesty from me saying Fuck off Yank to you
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What should I play lads?
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~340% increased size Maisie Williams
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They're here guys
tory worm answer the fucking question

they always do this
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>ah yes, the rectum, how sexually appealing
Rubbish ninjas.
slut deserved to have her arse filmed for not wearing a niqab in public
Bad Rats
Teresa Villiers is a slimy cunt
Bloody nice bum lad
>be on normiebook
>see the sponsored "Britain Stronger in Europe" page spammed like 10 times a day
>see the sponsored "Leave.EU page suggested maybe once every two days

i'm sure this is totally unintentional and not biased shilling in the slightest
Stalker, cyka blyat
Helped the halal business grow.
God that's hot.
>that 17 year old kid

Fuck off love
is this new street?
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, lads.

Loosen up, lighten up and live up to your aspirations.
this is the only time I will agree with a leaf
merely a coincidence
just avoiding me and that
its cool though because i'm inviting loads of refugees to my house and forming an experimental arabic grime collective, and they probably wouldn't like my mates anyway
you see bums like that on a daily basis if you actually left your house
nah but i was talking to complete strangers,, trying to convince them to buy halal meat and correcting this random guy's gf's misconception on halal meat

>literally the only conversation i've had with other people in the last week
>the eu creates peace
Where do they get this from?
You are not a paki
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think so lad
reverse search, pretty sure they get naked

watched it before
>literally the only conversation i've had with other people in the last week
Good work. Don't fall for the meme.
just look at wartorn Switzerland and Norway lad
would really really enjoy sticking my winkle inside a woman of questionable morals right about now if i am truly and totally honest with you
>clueless muppet with a moustache
Proponents of the EU say so, the credulous parrot it because it sounds nice
yeah deffo is recognise the donut cart tihng
Is there a name for this? I want more bum webms but don't know how to google them
And slaughter it in the most inhumane way you ducking fasheed
What has the """comedian""" contributed to this question time?
I'm sure Switzerland and their pseudo-jews would very quickly be removed and their gold taken if EU were to disband.
The idea that the EU has created peace in Europe since WW2 is shite quite frankly. It was entirely to do with the Cold War. I immediately disregard the opinion of anyone who says otherwise
Fucking wrong

Every EU country that shares a border with a non-EU country needs border controls, no matter if there's a "common travel area" agreed between the two countries
Yeah it's called going outside

(i just pwned you btw)
eating meat in itself is inhumane ngl. I only do it because I go to gym if i didnt go to gym i'd go veg ngl
>Every EU country that shares a border with a non-EU country needs border controls,
Well yeah, that is how it works (actually EEA countries, but I guess your gripe wasn't about Swiss immigrants)
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