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>US interchanges these triggers me

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>US interchanges
these triggers me
american engineering can trigger even the finest of yuropoor engineers
fairly sure this is a screenshot from Cities: Skylines
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It's very easy, that's just a 4 way interchange with carpool lanes as well.

Here's a 5-way. It's very easy, all you do is have to follow the signs.
>exits on the left

They can't understand it's easy to understand when you're driving, but looking at it as a whole, third person, it's a bit cluttered. But honestly, if it confuses you, you are retarded.
They only look JUST from above. When you're driving at street level, there are of course signs to tell you where you need to go. Very simple.
Why you have to explain stuff in text?
Like you could just put a symbol/picture and it will be faster to read.
>pictures instead of words
You have to be, at a minimum fifteen with an adult that is licensed to drive.

Children don't drive cars.

>Americans think symbols are more patronising than massive capital letters spelling out information

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But it will be faster to recognize and read symbols than text.
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These are just. I've made this in like 5 mins and it solves all problems. If there's too much traffic you can just make more lanes.
*just stupid
I think I had a minor brain aneurysm
Not worth superior American engineering.
Ooor a good old roundabout it's perfect
Of course it's easy, it's made for Americans.
You'd have to slow down too much. Roundabouts are not optimal for highways.
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American """""""""""""cities"""""""""""""
Is it literally impossible to walk to certain parts of the city?
Americans have evolved past the ability to walk
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>mfw the highway interchanges I make in Cities Skylines
No matter what I do, they are ugly as fuck.
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US intersections are autistic at best (especially la)
True. Sidewalks are a thing of the past.
Maybe there are some over/under passes but it must be really hard. Americans drive everywhere and car culture completely took over, that's why America is full of cities like this. Urban planning at it's worst.
Looks like Mexico from the sky.
Planned cities/neighbourhoods are shit in general 2bh.
How else am I going to get around in Texas?
We have a ludicrous amount of building space in the Midwest, and its cheaper to build wide than it is to build tall
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god bless
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You can have really neat planned cities that are made with walking in mind, Arabs seem to have the best projects of this kind but very little is completed. I actually would say that US cities aren't really planned, it's just growing suburbs with the occasional walmart or highway, nobody is really trying to plan it so it's livable. The cities that were more planned are New York or many European cities (mainly the parts that were built during the 19th century).

Cincinnati didn't used to be so bad. After WW2, we basically decided to destroy our own cities to build ugly highways everywhere.

For a long time, our cities were very dense and walkable.
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>good urban planning is terrifying to euros
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New York is literally the most well planned city in the world.

Move to the east coast for well planned cities, live on the west coast if you prefer car culture.
>b-but muh old brick streets

LA has nothing on Florida when it comes to cities built for cars.
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Yeah it didn't used to be that bad. IIRC I saw a picture of Denver before it looked like this and instead of the parking lots there were skyscrapers. Automobiles ruin cities.
>Tfw live on the East Coast where most of the ugly super highways are limited to New Jersey
>Tfw I could walk to the next town over if I felt like it
Virginia really is quite awesome
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I didn't even realize europeans didn't use grids until I was in college.
it's not even urban planning though

it's suburban planning. you literally cannot survive without a car.

>>Tfw live on the East Coast where most of the ugly super highways are limited to New Jersey

the east coast includes maryland, virgina and DC
>Gigantic highway cutting the city

Literally why
Having giant highways is normal a country as big as the USA but you don't have to do this
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Yup. This is what Indianapolis used to look like. If only they had continued this way.

I agree that New York seems fairly well planned, wouldn't call it the best in the world but whatever, good enough. A huge number of US cities have atrocious planning, even on the East coast.
>You can go anywhere without a car
>"""""good""""" urban """""planning"""""" he says
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Cars are cheaper dirt here.
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it's better this way as everyone owns their own home, and homelessness is effectively eliminated since they can't move around outside of ghettos
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Welcome to swindon fuckers
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we use other grids
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>homelessness is effectively eliminated

dude, the us has like 10x the amount of homeless as Europe
DC has the Subway which makes it bearable

I don't understand how someone who lives in a place like Omaha could stand not having a car.

Seriously it makes sens for the US to use a grid, since the cities were built from scratch you might as well organize them, but the average american city look like shit tb.h now.
Thankfully you have the nature around
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The best part about living in sacramento, is that my grandparents built a 10-lane freeway over what was once a waterfront district of bistros and apartments. Now it's a freeway.

Meanwhile the local trains use track laid down in 1860.
It doesn't matter if you can't see them!
Omahan here. You literally can't survive here without a car. Carcucks destroyed America.

not anymore due to the migrant crisis
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>tfw living in old small town
gridless and comfy
To be fair only if you discount gypsies and refugee camps. Then it's more like 2x
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>Americans ITT unironically supporting suburban car culture.

They're not that common but you can find some, generally much more thought out than in the US.

But what triggers me isn't the grid it's the fact there isn't an efficient common transportation system in most of these that doesn't involve a road
As a consequence there are roads cutting the city everywhere, loads of parking lots, unnecessary pollution etc

the WMTA is shit though and the dulles corridor has no transit beyond a single metro line
Fucking americans and their fucking grids

>giving any shit about pollution, period

stay in europe, sissy faggots like you can't even handle it when a diesel truck passes since it makes your makeup melt off
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barcelona is one of the only cities in europe with lots of grids. and it's still a better city than 99% of american cities because it's actually a livable place that you can live inside of.
but thats Barcelona
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protip: trains take up far more space
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Depends on the place, really. Many cities are starting to remove parking lots while adding more accessibility for pedestrians.
Barcelona is actually a very nice city, don't know exactly how livable it is (I just keep hearing complaints about the tourists). It probably has a decent public transportation system, it's actually very easy to create good public transit in grid cities but this doesn't work in the US because of car culture and privatization.
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>adopting this kind of attitude
I have to go 3 blocks from my house in a few minutes. This thread made me decide to drive instead of walk those three blocks. God bless America.
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nuff said

there are efficient transportation systems there, it's just that they're owned by private companies and passenger transport isn't profitable
>this is what Amerifats actually think
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Barcelona is a shithole dude. Pickpockets and graffiti is fucking everywhere.

There's nothing to see that isn't within 30 minutes walking of one another

better than your garbage
Los Angeles looks much better on the ground.
Y'all need a French or Japanese high speed railway that being said
I was actually surprised to find out the US trains aren't as top of the line and develloped as they are in Europe, I always thought they were since the railroad during the conquest of the West was a big deal
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as opposed to rail lines cutting through everywhere? It's bad enough in shitcago

pic related is what happens when trains inevitably kill someone, traffic stops entirely since trains are fucking massive
New York did used to have awful pollution along the River, but they mostly cleaned it up or moved it to New Jersey, because fuck New Jersey
Not really. Most of it is just houses and strip malls.
Except Barcelona is an extremely well planned city, with lots of options regarding transportation, and you can live your whole life there without using a fucking car.
I think there's even an electric train there or something.
I was thinking about common transportation inside the cities, like subway or tramway
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it's because nobody normal takes trains because planes are simply faster, and trains don't service places normal people live (suburbs)
Once again we were talking about the cities so I was talking about transportation from one side of the city to another. Tramway and subway basically
Our train systems were built to last, not be top notch, at least in the parts that train travel is still relevant.

Amtrack for example is just getting new trains after 30 years of using the old shitbox cars that didn't even have bathrooms. The NY subway is one of the oldest in the world and it shows with how decrepit the cars look.
So? London is an absolute shithole too, continental European cities are where it's at.
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It's not a grid but it makes enough sense
>be american from a small town in the midwest
>lose the driver's license due to some accident

is it over?
It makes literally no sense past the radial roads from the center.

>implying rural people give a shit if they drive with a suspended license
>implying anyone gives a shit about driving with a suspended license

What are the police going to do, arrest you? You'd have to get pulled over again for breaking the law twice.
>train lines cutting through everything
You know, they can go above or below roads, right?
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Planes are faster man. Taking HSR from LA to NY would take way too long.
pretty much, but you'll only lose your license if you do something incredibly stupid like driving dunk.

or you could just run a bus on the existing roads
You get your mom and/or friends to drive you places, so yes, it's essentially over
i guess the code word is density

barcelona feels like it is a city. you can walk around for hours and you're still in the city, you can get lost in that place

that's what separates north american and european cities
It's impossible to lose your license here.

A likely scenario:

>arrested seven times for dui
>insurance rates barely increase, license isn't suspended
>you can get lost in that place
Not a good thing desu
Kek this part is actually fairly organized, good luck in older places
doesn't fucking matter, the entire world raves over how fucking pretty this city is [spoiler]and they're right[/spoiler]
this gave me an anxiety attack
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Or you could do both, depending on your needs.
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Your entire continent is a pollution ridden shithole, dude.
if you're on foot or on a bicycle, wat do?
Contrary to what you might expect, Barcelona is actually super easy to get around. The way they set up the whole public transport system is nothing short of genius.

Alberto laid out most of the info >>53931734, but I want to point out that the buses in question are fucking huge. They can easily seat somewhere between 100-120 passengers.

American railroads were originally built to handle massive steam locomotives which were extremely heavy and required wide turns. Over time dieselization happened and the railroads here bought fleets of smaller, but modular locomotives that could run on all the track their older locomotives could. Which means that there was never any incentive to upgrade lines, beyond allowing for double-stack containers. Freight train speeds are capped at 50 mph as well.

Meanwhile jet planes became big and the interstate system was built taking all potential passengers.

t. train autist
>americans have highways running through the middle of their cities
jesus almighty
They avoid the the shitty parts with all the gommiblocks
Live in a place with good cycling infrastructure.

Fucking easy.
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>oh john what a wonderful city ! let's go and take a walk, see what we discover
You could have HSR along the coasts.
LA to NYC would never be feasible.
But Boston-NYC-Philly-Baltimore-DC?
San Fransisco-LA-San Diego?
That would be cool. You avoid the hassle of the airport, and it would probably be faster than taking the plane, too.
There is absolutely nothing to say to defend this tb.h
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back in 1950 it was free money for cities, as the feds paid 90% of the construction cost

of course, with freeways now hitting the end of their lifespans, the feds aren't picking up the refurbishing cost which is why most freeways look like shit now
>capped at 50mph
Why not? People live in the middle of the city and need to go to far away places
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There's a reason most west coast cities have garbage public transportation systems.

Imagine living here and seeing a smelly homeless person walking in your neighbourhood.

>see what we discover

what's there to discover other than homeless people and niggers? If I have to leave my car to walk somewhere then I'm not going to shop there
i fucking hate pedal fags
>let's go and take a walk, see what we discover
Last words before they walk into a zone with too many refugees and are never heard from again
But Anon getting lost on a foreign city is a good feeling
One I didn't experience in the USA it was always too obvious where I was
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>america will NEVER have good cities again because carcucks and suburbancucks don't wanna give up their fast food drive-thrus

>But Boston-NYC-Philly-Baltimore-DC?
>San Fransisco-LA-San Diego?

This would be rad.

So no argumentation then
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God, I love fresh air.
Elndless Finnish roundabouts is pain. I'm glad we are building american like interchanges around Moscow.
Pédale actually means faggot in French f.am
There are plans for an SF-LA train in California but it still wouldn't be as fast as a plane.
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We have things called "ring road".
It's a highway going in a circle around a city. Much better than having a highway cut picrelated.
Tbh f@m cities are moving away from car culture now. Millennials hate driving.

The future is only going to get brighter from here.

It's only feasible now because the airlines are consolidating and want to eliminate commuter and regional routes, since they aren't as profitable as long haul ones. This has led to a massive expansion in bus service.

The problem is that on the east coast, you need to get 13+ states to work together. This is difficult. for example Massachusetts chose to finish the Big Dig rather than connect it's biggest rail lines. In New Jersey, Governor Chris Christie personally killed a much-needed Hudson rail tunnel replacement project. So everyone suffers.

On the west coast, all the railroads are owned by massive freight companies that make all their money serving the ports. Meanwhile, building new track is ridiculously expensive and requires land takes, which is a problem because everyone sues. Also the geography tends to be mountainous, which makes everything ten times more expensive.

>the more you know
nobody cares about your dead language
Going to a foreign city and having nothing planned except "discovering" local culture sounds incredibly stupid and a good way to get ripped off or swindled by Gypos.
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Didn't you hear? French is going to be the world's most spoken language by 2050.

HSR already exists in the North East, it's just the infrastructure is really old.
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>cyclists on the highway

and 90% of the speakers are niggers, so whatever your culture was is overshadowed by africans creoles
The question isn't why not, it's why ? Fuck, putting it outside is better in every way possible
Less noise, less pollution where people live...
That's just one of the default interchanges from cities:skyline you thieving balt
never seen that in America
pretty sure thats illegal
and would most likely end in ur death
That's what I like about my dead language, it's MY dead language
I didn't end up with my former master's one
Although I probably prefer denser, more planned cities, I have to say, LA is a really impressive place, nonetheless. They fucked it up so bad they made it right, somehow. Being the world's undisputed capital of culture, entertainment and fun, basically, it's a lot like old Rome. And the weather, too! Fuck me.

Fuck, I miss California.
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w e w
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that's true, the layout of our cities will slowly fix over time.

but modern architecture is shit, so it's going to be dense buildings of soulless buildings. we missed the golden age of the 1700-1900s where buildings were not only built in a good layout, but were also architecturally good.
It's illegal on freeways here.

>capital of culture


>lot like old Rome

only because it's full of brown catholic shits like italy is. But even then so is NYC
>Not having a map is "having nothing planned"

wew lad

although I understand why you'd think that, there no point in discovering USA cities it's buildings or suburbs
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American cities are fuckhuge.
Compare Houston, population 6.5 million, to Paris, population 12.3 million.

You need the freeway just to go shopping.
Shits on fire, yo.
What did you like about it? Most people hate L.A.
It's illegal on federal highways but on states ones it varies by state.

>Fuck, I miss California.

of course you would, as a european you would be attracted to a state that openly models itself off your country

just fyi california is new spain now, especially LA which is majority spanish. It's fully european and honestly spain can have it all back
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>His city is in the desert
>there no point in discovering USA cities it's buildings or suburbs
Pretty much. The most you'll find is a meme museum or "local culture" center in the larger towns. That or the local bar or church.
Is it because americans are so fat?
is that atlanta?

>capital of anything other than shitty mexican food

just fyi your culture is actually made in chicago, but filmed in LA. Or was before sacramento cut all the subsidies studios used to get to balance the state budget

t. strategic tax "planning" pro
>golden age of the 1700-1900s
The difference is American cities don't have any historical districts worth preserving.
The only thing our city planners care about is efficiency.

>The difference is American cities don't have any historical districts worth preserving.

why would you preserve anything in the first place?
As it should be.
The cause and effect is up for interpretation.
It could be like 40 minutes or so slower. But you avoid the TSA, you avoid the travel time to and from the airport (which probably makes up for the time you lose), and it's just more comfortable.

I don't want to be the guy shilling for HSR, but it seems like a very nice concept, even though it may not be extremely profitable and requires massive initial investment.
Even aussies have ring roads.
Why can't americans be more like australians?

>living in a majority nigger city
>eliminated since they can't move around
Then they're not eliminated idiot, just confined
IIRC, that was the original plan for American cities, but people lobbied to let them come in and cut through/destroy neighborhoods instead.

It's pretty obvious that american cities are more spread out because we have a lot more land to use, and thus it's cheaper to move out instead of up
Ummm like almost every major city has a ring road here.
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>tfw my city tore down this
cheaper option though, probably?

you also have to consider that travelling by plane is longer than just the flight time

- travel time to the airport
- showing up in early before the flight leaves
- the flight time itself
- picking up luggage if you brought any
- getting to the city

a train takes you from the city center to another. there's no fuss involved
We have ring highways too. But we also have highways cutting across the center, because taking a normal road from the edges to the center would be an absolute nightmare for traffic.
>and replaced it with this

Americans are dumb.

Then what's the point of making a road that goes through the centre?
It's usually called the 'inner loop'
Wow France is empty outside Paris
>The difference is American cities don't have any historical districts worth preserving.

Never been to Williamsburg, Virginia?
Because american cites are huge you retard.

You NEED highways through the center.
What the hell
When I think about how people almost riot in France when there's a new weird building somewhere (Seriously a lot of people are pissed at the Défense in Paris for instance) or an old one is going to get destroyed, I can't imagine this
I have no clue, but I imagine it was some architect who thought giant, floating highways through the center of a city looked cool and retro and just went from there.
Or you could simply have effective, first-world public transportation.

chicago is where the jews live, it's where culture is made (after being financed by their cousins in new york)

what does LA have? Lots of mexicans. It's a wasteland of taquieras and taco trucks
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most aren't that big actually. american cities are usually 300 or 400,000 people in the actually city and then a few million people living in post-1960 suburbs spread out over hundreds of miles. they wouldn't have been this ugly and spread out had we not built the highways in the first place. it was the highways which catalyzed suburbia and it is the highways which allow suburbia to exist.
That would require people living in apartments, instead of 3,000 sqft houses on half acre lots.
>tfw going to church
pretty nice one desu
Fat cunts
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omaha has been cucked by the car in ways that you cannot even imagine.

this used to be our main post office.

we replaced it with...
Lots of those in the city-proper, I reckon.
We're pretty crowded, not as much as the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and northern Italy tho
another view desu

>hahah catholics amirite guize
>lol brown ppl
Which cold Mid-West shithole do you come from, and when was the last time you saw a Latino person?

It's just a testament to what humans are capable of if they really put their mind to it. Its vastness is simply mind blowing. Being from Oslo, it's pretty much the complete opposite of what my city is. Oslo can be seen in half a day. If you were to drive on every road in Los Angeles, you'd need an eternity and a half.

I can see why most Americans might not be terribly fond of Los Angeles, but I think they at least should stop and consider that a century ago, you'd find virtually nothing resembling a city, whereas now, it's a clusterfuck of the same million bajillion bungalows over and over again, freeways and endless amounts of concrete slabs 19 million people call their home.
Looks like rural Texas
>cheaper option
Maybe in the 60's, you can get plane tickets for cheap nowadays.
>travel time to the airport
The same thing with a train station
>showing up in early before the flight leaves
That's also the same with a train station unless you get absurdly lucky
>the flight time itself
Ummmm, also with a train
>picking up luggage if you brought any
That takes 10 minutes at most here.
>getting to the city
Most airports are really close to cities here in the US. Also there are taxis that go to and from the airport all the time.
It is wrong that I just want to watch that get carpet bombed all to shit?
same here, Pedał
You don't know shit the metro is great, maybe the only good thing about Chicago other than the museums

In the 1960's/70's it was a thing to "modernize" and futurize buildings, and old stuff was seen in a negative light and often removed.

It was really stupid, but you can see brutalism in europe as well.
>americans are literally too retarded to notice when a neighbourhood gets sketchy and to leave
>too pussy to experience the wonder of a new city without a fucking tour guide
it's a shame you're retarded and can't keep your wits about you like an adult like you would LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE
So modern and trendy :DDDD
I encountered this one yesterday. Dont know the name though. Somewhere in the village.

you mean in the fucking suburbs

lol who cares


the word you are looking for here is "fear"
>americans are literally too retarded to notice when a neighbourhood gets sketchy and to leave

Are you saying there are parts of Paris that look like Bogata so it's easy to tell when you've gone somewhere you shouldn't be?
>It was really stupid, but you can see brutalism in europe as well.

Oh yeah i'm not denying that, but that transformation was, well, brutal

I mean nobody goes to the USA to see pretty old buildings (I guess) but still how come everyone thought it was a good idea
>Europoors intimidated by superior engineering
desu I love the shit out of orthodox churches, very beautiful
I used to drive through the poorer parts of Hamilton just to see them all
no thanks cletus
Trains in a snowy forest area make me hard.
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The Empire State and the Chrysler f@m
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Protip: when it looks like this, don't go

Don't thank me
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I drive through this on the way to work usually
>Are you saying there are parts of Paris that look like Bogata so it's easy to tell when you've gone somewhere you shouldn't be?
But that's how every Euro city works, m8.
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Also was in this one 3 days ago. It is a fucking fortress.
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this is what omaha used to look like


anyway, the greatest JUST story in omaha is that in 1989, we destroyed more buildings in one year that were on the National Historic Register than any other city in American history. no other city has beaten our record. we destroyed all of the old, brick buildings so that a large corporation could build an ugly building with lots of grass around it. wanna know the funniest part? even though we destroyed half of our city so that they would be happy, in 2015 they announced that they are leaving omaha.

Damn China really gives no fucks about breathing.
r e d d i t
>but still how come everyone thought it was a good idea

I dunno, I think they were all obsessed with space travel and efficiency at the time, and those ugly box buildings were often seen in sci fi comics of the time.

and a general rejection of past ideals
Looks like public housing in Chicago
It depends. If i were a gril i'd be worried of getting lost alone in venezia at night.
New York is one of the reason people come, but those who do usually don't do it specifically to see the Chrysler and the Empire State, not like you'd go to some Euro city because of its medieval center
That's what I mean
The Empire State is overrated tb.h when I went there was like 3h waiting to get at the top so I went to the Chrysler, no waiting and it was as impressive
>it's a shame you're retarded and can't keep your wits about you like an adult like you would LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE
>live in a shitty american neighborhood
>could literally get shot
>go to europe
>get threatened with a two inch knife

Gee I wonder why I'd not give a fuck
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Needs a brighter glow.
Thankfully there are no girls on the internet so I know you'd be safe
It's great. Much better than having a fucking guide telling you where to go.
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Skip them both for the Top of the Rock
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yeah, okay, i'm not saying that travelling by train is quicker than by plane, i'm saying it's less stressful.

you don't have to show up 1 or more hours before the train leaves the station, and you don't have to go through any kind of security check or think about with getting from the airport to the city center when you reach your destination

most importantly, when you travel with train you can buy your tickets just before entering the train. it's not like with air travel where you have to order your plane tickets one or two weeks before take off because the prices vary so much

it's probably cheaper too most of the time
Next time I guess
First the Appalachian Trail calls me
That's really sad.

Are you Americans familiar with the concept of conservatism at all? You know, taking care of and preserving the things you deem valuable.
Yes. If you walked into it at night by yourself and something happens to you it's pretty much your fault. Then again, the worst that could happen in the intra-muros is you get your phone stolen.
Personally, I've had bad experiences with just 'trusting my instinct' and going to a shitty restaurant with overpriced food while the actually good one was right down the street.
Don't try reasoning with the autocucks.

Generations of anti-rail propaganda and the stagnation of U.S. rail technology at a 1960s level has led to a truly sad state of affairs from which we may never recover.
Depends on the place famillia
That's because you rack disciprine
So that's where Hamilton got its street planer from.
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no, if it's older than 20 years old then we tear it down

famous example: old penn station in NYC

It's not that it's difficult, it's just a jarring construction
Is there any bright architecture in Norway btw? No offence, but I see your country as a barbaric land up to 20th century which gave nothing to the humanity. May be I am wrong.
The destruction of Penn Station is actually what created the modern historic preservation movement.

They tried doing the same thing to Grand Central a few years later, but backed down in the face of public outcry.
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Here's the new one.
Of course, but keep in mind that Omaha and lots of Midwestern states were going nearly bankrupt and needed to do something to not become like Detroit. It's a sad state of affairs.

>Anti-rail propaganda
Jesus christ, shut the fuck up. Railroads have always been an essential part of the US economy. The Auto industry thrived in the US compared to Europe precisely because of Ford.
>the stagnation of U.S. rail technology at a 1960s level
Maybe because those train cars were literally built to last decades?
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>texas in charge of not sprawling out and having permanently shit cities
You still have the grand central. And honestly, I think having the will to develop and build new things, even if some old ones need to come down, is not a bad thing.

European skylines are immensely boring because they lack that will. Anything that's older than 20 years is considered a historical building and should stay where it is until the end of time.
in what way?
It's probably luck, but i always eat great food in places i know nothing about (but i go to trattorias, fuck restaurants).
What's a trattoria?

There are actually parts of Penn Station that survive underground in pristine condition.

It's a stark contrast between the two.
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"skylines" are lame and don't actually add to the city.

besides, EVERYONE has skylines now. skyscrapers aren't cool now that any arab or chink can buy some slaves to build 50 of them.

i'd rather have many medium height buildings instead of a small portion of tall buildings with tens of miles of one story buildings.
Automakers in the mid-20th century lobbied hardcore at federal, state and local levels to prevent any sort of "soshulist" financial aid/subsidy to rail/tram networks, while they happily suckled at the government teat. It wasn't until the industry literally collapsed that Washington was forced to cook up Amtrak.
>besides, EVERYONE has skylines now. skyscrapers aren't cool now that any arab or chink can buy some slaves to build 50 of them.

This is what people with shitty skylines think
Nice view from here
Grand Central was threatened with demolition in the 70's because the building had decayed so badley. The wall murals were covered in ash and soot and a woman was killed when a tile fell from one of the ceilings.
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This one isn't the best example.
That's why they should preserve the best of each generation and tear down the rest to make room for new designs and ideas.
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>Is there any bright architecture in Norway btw?
Oh, plenty! Bergen has a lot of really whacky, unique architecture and there are tons of seaside villages along the Agder coast that look nothing like anything you'll see anywhere else. West Oslo is also really underrated.

You have to consider that we were really underdeveloped. Quite poor, too. We'd been cucked by both Sweden and Denmark, respectively, over a period of roughly 700 years. As much as I would like to not blame it on our brothers, it's mostly their fault.
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>Robert Moses wanted to build highways across Manhattan

Thanks Jane Jacobs
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oh please. nyc (and hong kong) are basically the only exceptions because they're the only cities with endless amounts of skyscrapers. for 99% of the rest of the urban world though, skyscrapers are shit. they're just "muh dick" towers for kitsch poor brown people who finally earned some money. i'd rather every skyscraper in my city be broken up into 3-4 medium buildings. you get the proper density, and THEN you build skyscrapers if you need to. for 99% of the urban world, they don't need to. NYC is different because Manhattan has a small amount of space compared to the large amount of demand, so they HAVE to build upwards.
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>White trash are actually this mentally degenerate

Braincells are for sissies I guess

This is essentially what happens now

Part of the reason why people start to get nostalgic about an architectural style once its gotten a bit older (75ish years), almost all the shitty cheap examples of it are gone.

See why victorian architecture came back, Beaux arts popularity rebounded, ect.
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New York gets this absolutely perfect.
it was a joke senpai

being able to comprehend sarcasm isn't for you I guess
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>ring road
this desu
I strongly disagree. Skylines add a lot to a city. Not that it's the only criteria for what makes a good city. But I honestly don't think any European cities can compete with NYC on any of the others, either.

Agreed. But I think having a unitary style is also nice.
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>I was actually surprised to find out the US trains aren't as top of the line and develloped as they are in Europe

As others have said US passenger trains may not be very high-tech compared to Japan and parts of Europe, but their rail freight transportation is extensive, heavily used, efficient, and profitable.
No they didn't, that's an invention made up by people who like conspiracies. In reality, the Autoindusty was almost entirely privately owned by the time of its peak until it was nationalized after WWI, from which point on it was characterized terrible safety standards, which caused people to stop using trains as they used too.
> Some routes had been built primarily to facilitate the sale of stock in the railroad companies; they were redundant from the beginning[citation needed]. These were the first to be abandoned as the railroads' financial positions deteriorated, and the rails were routinely removed to save money on taxes.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naperville_train_disaster

Before AMTRAK, railroads in the US were reknown for their numerous scandals and for skirting any attempt at government regulation.
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>and THEN you build skyscrapers if you need to.

Literally the thing that makes skyscrappers get build in 99% of cases in the US.

If a skyscraper is economical to build is largly a function of real estate prices. As lots of cities have CBD (central business districts) with pricey real estate, then taller and taller office towers/apartments/condos are the best way to make a return on investment.

And lots of cities in the US besides NYC have large skylines with vibrant downtowns as the result.
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i disagree entirely. almost all of the buildings built in NYC post-1940 are ugly

look at the garbage in your own picture. you've got a beautiful building, and then directly to its right you have some soulless 1970s box building. it's shit. NYC is a quilt of ugly.
Rail industry*
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>they're just "muh dick" towers for kitsch poor brown people who finally earned some money

There are tons of places where upward is the only choice, or the smartest choice.
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>almost all of the buildings built in NYC post-1940

pleb detected
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Yep I see that
In the future tho with the speed trains will be able to achieve (few days ago the magnetic Japanese train was tested) it may be profitable even for people and not merchandise, depending on the cost

Looks pretty soulless and uninteresting.
You have it completely wrong

The worst sprawl in the US is bad because it's unplanned and disorganized. Different developers just keep adding to it without any overall growth restrictions or infrastructure

Actually planned US suburbs, called smart growth, are vastly better because they're built around train/metro lines, bike paths, mixed-use residential areas etc.

In the US
Planed: Efficient, dense, low pollution, green, use of space, mixed transportation, walkable
Unplanned: Chaos, crime, slums, sprawl, pollution, disorder, inefficiency, economic loss
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i disagree with your post too. the "good" buildings of today are objectively less attractive than the average buildings of yesteryear. buildings back then were so attractive that today we reminiscence about WAREHOUSES. old, economical warehouses of the past are literally more attractive than billion dollar modern buildings

also, pic related in NYC was torn down because they were considered it ugly because architectural standards were so high back then. nowadays, this building is more beautiful than anything built in the past 50 years.

architectural standards are NOT relative. newer is not better. the styles back then were attained by centuries of study and development to reach certain beauty standards.
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The boxes mixed in with all the old and the new is what makes NYC interesting.\

A city that size with only one style of building would look horrible.
The fact that a substantial portion of the population sincerely holds those opinions makes it hard to tell when people joke about that. Just makes me worry.
>No they didn't, that's an invention made up by people who like conspiracies.
No, you're thinking of the "Streetcar Scandal"

>In reality, the Autoindusty [sic?] was almost entirely privately owned by the time of its peak until it was nationalized after WWI, from which point on it was characterized terrible safety standards, which caused people to stop using trains as they used too.
Because we're the only ass-backwards country that viewed it as a business and not a public service.

>See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naperville_train_disaster
"Hey, you have to install these fancy signals, and you're gonna pay for it out of pocket. Now brb, gonna go pump shit-tons of tax dollars into your competition"

>Before AMTRAK, railroads in the US were reknown for their numerous scandals and for skirting any attempt at government regulation.
AFAIK, the railways were beholden to 19th century regulations until the Staggers Act of 1980.

I'll certainly concede, railroad companies were conniving, manipulative shits in the early 20th century, when they were ultra-successful. That wasn't the case after WWII, though.
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I disagree. It's a good idea to have varying styles.
>americans are incapable of detecting beauty
it's a real shame
>giant concrete snakes LITERALLY through the CBD/City/Downtown
LITERALLY why. And it's not just this city. It's every Murican city, except maybe SF
>The boxes mixed in with all the old and the new is what makes NYC interesting
it's not interesting though. literally every city in north america looks exactly the same: an acultural chaotic clusterfuck


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>it may be profitable [...], depending on the cost

That's got to be the most useless sentence written on this board today.
I love old world European cities

I really like classical, uniform American cities

I hate messy, mixed-style "just fuck my shit up senpai" postmodernism that we see today

Toronto looks like absolute shit because they have the mistake idea that internal variety creates a good cultural theme and city spirit, it ends up just being a generic mess without a consistent character to differentiate it from other cities
If it's posted here, chances are it's a joke.

But in the real world, most people aren't really that sinister. They just might not realize the long-term effects or harm their actions are causing.
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There's not a city in the world that looks anything like New York
I know, I don't feel the least bit embarrassed I """""fell"""" for his sarcasm.

We unironically have rural trash who do this thing called "coal rolling" here, so you never know if one of those things have discovered the internet
Explain or gtfo
they all do though. new york's only unique feature is it's size.
Obviously New York City has lots of modern skyscrapers but most American cities have a mix of new and old architecture
"It may be profitable, depending on the cost" is about as meaningful as "it may be big enough, depending on its size" or "I may be rich enough, depending in how much money I have".
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I agree entirely. American cities have been ruined beyond salvation.
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Tru dat
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No, there aren't famillia

All other cities look mostly like garbage, particularly because of their affinity for slicing up the whole place with six lane freeways.
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>the "good" buildings of today are objectively less attractive than the average buildings of yesteryear.

But to be serious the simple reality is you have no idea what the average buildings of yesteryear looked like.

Because pic related was far more common than what you posted, by a factor of more than 10 to 1.

This is what your average building of yesteryear looks like.

However, what has predominately survived are the more expensive stonework structures, and oftentimes the good ones at that. Gaudy, unusual buildings usual get torn down, as do follies. Thus you are left with a catalog of buildings that has little relation to what it would have been in 1870.
Shiny glass skyscrapers are generic. They're being built across the world now. When you see one, you never know if it's a McSkyscraper in Shanghai, Tokyo, NYC, London or Taipei now. It's like seeing a mcdonalds store

The more this generic, globalist style is built the more unique and indigenous vernacular is replaced, replacing the styles that actually set a city apart
Had to look it up but Jesus Christ, I couldn't live in the vicinity of people who did that.

They need to start imposing jail time for people who willingly do this stuff to the environment, the world is too far gone unless something changes quickly.
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I am so, so sorry for Le Corbusier
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>how you want your tripartite familia?

That's all ? I mean yeah I agree but that kind of thing happens everywhere on a board full of non native English speakers
>Because we're the only ass-backwards country that viewed it as a business and not a public service.
Yes, cause you don't buy tickets to go on trains in Europeans countries.

Oh wait.

>"Hey, you have to install these fancy signals, and you're gonna pay for it out of pocket. Now brb, gonna go pump shit-tons of tax dollars into your competition"
The CEO of CBQ bought a Diesel car that had not been properly tested in order to save costs. Implying its the Feds fault it happened makes no sense.
>AFAIK, the railways were beholden to 19th century regulations until the Staggers Act of 1980.
The ICC, in charge of regulating all rail traffic, was created in the 1930's

My point is, the Railroads couldn't compete with the rise of the Automobile, and the scandals that came up certainly didn't help them.
>they all do though

Its literally one of only two cities on earth with more than a few pre-ww2 skyscrapers.
you're on 4chan, not a sports bar in west texas

step it up man
Beautiful, srsly what happened to America.
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New York isn't all glass though.
There is a healthy mix as it stands, and architects have started to move away from pure glass designs.

This is no architectural masterpiece, but it's not cookie cutter glass either. Just went up.
It isn't just the modern, though. New York has done a very good job of acquiring and preserving the best architects and architecture from around the world. Other cities in the US and not many others in the world can boast the variety that New York has. It also helps that they don't have the London problem where they build a few jutting buildings out of the short cityscape. It's old, it's new, and it has organic growth.
I wish I could have gotten to witness the aesthetics of early 20th century cities.
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And there's more good designs going up.
get squished like proper vermin
its too bad about that hole in the ozone lol sorry
I wish it were illegal too, but lolbertarians always protest any "nanny state' restrictions against even the most heinous things because it makes them looks ideologically pure

In the US a vehicle is not road-legal if it can't pass a yearly emissions and safety inspection technically, I guess they could be arrested based on that.

Highrises like this look so rad, like a supercharged 19th century building.
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Seeing pre-war London or NYC is so dreamy
>Yes, cause you don't buy tickets to go on trains in Europeans countries.
Collecting farebox revenue = Private ownership

>The CEO of CBQ bought a Diesel car that had not been properly tested in order to save costs.
It was an EMD E5 locomotive, and the issue was that the engineer missed a red signal.

>Implying its the Feds fault it happened makes no sense.
The Feds put a substantial financial burden on an already troubled industry, hampering their ability to compete, while simultaneously subsidizing the competition. I never said they caused the accident.

>The ICC, in charge of regulating all rail traffic, was created in the 1930's

>My point is, the Railroads couldn't compete with the rise of the Automobile, and the scandals that came up certainly didn't help them.
And my point is, had their industry received any sort of government assistance prior to totally collapsing, we might have something resembling a first-world passenger rail network today.
>American figure how to drive in one of these
>Can't figure out a fuck roundabout

That should read

>=/= Private ownership

>Europeans will defend this

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itd be fucking awesome right guys

>le born in wrong generation faice
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This is an example of smart growth over sprawl. Originally they were planning to allow more suburban sprawl for miles and miles, but instead decided to compress it into a smaller area built around metro stations. Something like 90 square km of potential suburban sprawl comrpessed into around 15. There are integrated bike lanes including bridges over buildings, walkable to a metro station that goes straight to DC, residents use like 40% less petrol than suburban sprawlers nearby

Emded up being a huge success and one of the most desirable places near DC
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Not enough efficiency.
Should have used one of these
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why cant we get great architecture like this today?

just look at all this soul
They had a hell fucking lot of free space, so they built large.

Yes, because to fight urban poverty we needed to destroy nice buildings

Why would those white people let their children hang out with a niglet? No wonder they live in shit.
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>Collecting farebox revenue = Private ownership
The ICE division of Deutsch Bahn is privately owned dude, it controls most railway traffic throughout Central Europe.
>The Feds put a substantial financial burden on an already troubled industry, hampering their ability to compete, while simultaneously subsidizing the competition. I never said they caused the accident.
The industry was in trouble in the first place because it literally built railroads it didn't use to please it's shareholders.
>had their industry received any sort of government assistance prior to totally collapsing
It didn't totally collapse, it responded to the demand in the market like it was supposed to. AMTRAK exists in order to better manage the construction and management of railways so that the overbuilding they saw wouldn't happen again.
>we might have something resembling a first-world passenger rail network today.
You were never going to see passenger rail going through every town in the US. Federal highways were necessary to link up the country in a way that railroads simply couldn't manage.
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just look at this craftmanship

not like the soulless modern architecture we get now

where did it go so wrong?
Jesus fuck
I wonder what a person thinks who grew up in these cities then had to see them taken apart bit by bit throughout their life

In some ways, yes

The highways were almost always directed through neighborhoods that were trash. In many places it was seen as a way to fight urban blight while using federal funding to do so.

Most places also had blight laws that made eminent domain easy.

This is one of the main criticisms of the highway in the bronx - that it was intended to destroy poor black neighborhoods.
>Tfw narcolepsy
>Tfw cant drive
>Tfw live in Oklahoma
The nearest bus stop is miles away..
They'd probably rejoice if they're the average Omahan due to the jobs that came in afterwards.
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It might not look like much, but consider that it was deliberately built to prevent this:

The success of smart growth projects put the a big nail in the coffin of sprawl. Suburban sprawl apologists (some even exist here) lost the argument that sprawl is more efficient and safe.
Again pic related is not a city downtown or even a town, but a suburban neighborhood well outside of DC

No, because contrary to memes there hasn't been a real right-wing here. The "Right" got taken over by neoliberals who value money over tradition. The slightest bit of inefficiency or bother with an old building, a park, a house and its flattened for another office park. This pseudo-right got Amerifats thinking that environmentalism and traditionalist conservation vere commie things, so shit got all weird and backwards here. Ultimately it's all about materialism and money for the pseudo-right, and to a lesser extent religion, so culture and the arts are not profitable or valuable, nor is the environment to them.

They're stuck in a total bubble, I wouldn't have known about true conservatism if it weren't for the internet and the ability to talk to foreigners/read foreign things.
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>to find old buildings as ugly as modern buildings, he has to compare multimillion dollar hideous soulless office buildings to literal shanty towns

lmao. modern architecture is such shit.

FACT: NYC would be much, much, much more beautiful if they had kept their early 20th century empire style.
>The ICE division of Deutsch Bahn is privately owned dude, it controls most railway traffic throughout Central Europe.
It looks to me as though DB is a private company that is 100% owned by the German government, so it's essentially the same thing as Amtrak.

>The industry was in trouble in the first place because it literally built railroads it didn't use to please it's shareholders.
Well shit, better let the whole thing die.

>It didn't totally collapse, it responded to the demand in the market like it was supposed to.
i.e. by collapsing

> AMTRAK exists in order to better manage the construction and management of railways so that the overbuilding they saw wouldn't happen again.
While it's better than nothing, let's be real - It's a bare minimum effort and quite under-funded. Maybe letting the few railroads that did install those signals after your Naperville wreck turn around and dismantle them before handing service off to Amtrak was a bad idea.

>You were never going to see passenger rail going through every town in the US.
To clarify, I'm not arguing for a national network of bullet trains. Amtrak more-or-less goes where it needs to go. It's the state and local level where rail transit failed, particularly west of the Mississippi. It's insane that we have dozens of moderately sized cities relying entirely on highways and (maybe) buses.
>Toronto looks like absolute shit because they have the mistake idea that internal variety creates a good cultural theme and city spirit, it ends up just being a generic mess without a consistent character to differentiate it from other cities

No city can have an entirely uniform look. A young city like Dubai might. Toronto is relatively young compared to European cities and even some large American cities. So, its architecture reflects what was built at that time. Since its a young city, many of the skyscrapers have a modern look and thus do not possess a nice Art Deco skyscrapers like New York and Chicago. Buildings of this style do exist but they're small and are hidden.

Toronto didn't start off on an island like New York or Hong Kong and has lots of land around it. Therefore, sprawl was inevitable like many other North American cities. It does have 'nodes' where the city has a concentration of skyscrapers outside downtown, which helps break the 'sprawl look' of the city.
On a street level though I've seen a few Torontonians boast about how the diversity is what makes the city unique. Problem is they made it so it's hard to tell if a street view there is from Toronto, Chicago or Cincinnati etc.

I agree with you on that; architecture wise, the city isn't that unique compared to other American cities. However, Toronto has done a slightly better job of countering sprawl by having a concentration of skyscrapers in midtown and elsewhere.
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