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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 263
Thread images: 78

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fertile slovakia and comfy blankets
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not the best mushrooms

>40th anniversary of concordes first flight today
polite sage for the annoying edition
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Read the image.
All are imgur but I can't find the one you mentioned desu
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>his waifu doesn't have a hot sister and cute best friend

bad taste?
bad luck?
My waifu is a doll with sisters.
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Also she's a classic, thin but incredibly stacked
last porn post but I recommend
>inb4 leddit
archive has only threads from past week
it was more like two or three weeks ago

I'm gonna try searching my history.
I don't browse imgur all that much
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Make me nigga
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funny that femanon is the biggest lewd enabler here
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I'm trying to cut the lewdposting, I just like looking at pretty naked people.
>He has a waifu
>He watches anime
>"He" more like "it"
>It has a waifu
>It watches anime
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they look incredibly fake too
Don't ask me I am not a tit authenticity expert all I know is that they look nice
Which one of you is this genius?
you're so naive trami
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segg indeed
Good taste. Amateur > professional. Always. I was learning from amateur female masturbation vids where to touch etc and girl was impressed when I had my first time.
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>pic related
Homemade amateur is the best imo although the quality can be shitty
shut up sholty
Yes, but once you find decent site with good admins who remove fake shit, where people upload lot of stuff, you're in heaven. Just got to skip fat people.
Do Czechs have porn equivalents of facebook, like Poland has? Something like xhamster, but without professional porn.
>they're unironically discussing pr0n
I don't know desu, I don't really watch Czech porn or know too much about it. eroshare (r/gonewildtube) is a good homemade porn site.
I'm not familiar with reddit so no idea what are you talking about.
Also why don't you watch czech porn? Whenever I see polish, I try to check if I know the place (if it's some sneaky action on the parking, or blowjobs while drviging on the highway). Also familiar language for some reason makes it feel more hot for some reason.
kurva anyátok
Honestly I prefer English in this sense "šukej mě" sounds weird to me but it's probably because I grew up in the usa and there isn't a lot of homemade amateur porn in the cz or I don't know where.
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how are you doing lads
hearing hungarian in porn makes me cringe for some reason
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not bad, coding and waiting for qt to get online

how about you ?
How's the gym going?
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im great desu, passed my last exam and gonna chill til february
i will start going again in february, i swear
>because I grew up in the usa
Sounds like possible reason. For me hearing girl begging for harder fucking in polish is one of the biggest turn ons. "Oh yes" instead of "Och tak" sounds a bit more fake, probably because I'm just used to my own language. When american corporation took over some polish channel and suddenly niggers started to appear in the commercials, it felt fake as shit as well.

Do you find your language normal or weird?
4chan is literally full of meme users
why the hell do I come here?
because /v4/ is a nice and friendly place desu
>i swear
Iktf, yesterday you said tomorrow
>sounds a bit more fake
Same but in czech
>suddenly niggers started to appear
I wonder when immigrant rape porn will start
only when certain people are on
otherwise it's
>meme discussions
>more meme discussions
>actual memes
>kids exploring their sexuality
I mean it's fine once in a while, but it's gotten old after being spammed constantly over those years
sure, when I say shit thread, I contribute nothing, but whenever I do contribute, it rarely starts a discussion, rather than getting drowned in the above
I don't think most people come here for meaningful and thought provoking discussions but I could be wrong
we do cookin' too
magyar cigany
I think it's normal, but for me it's the other way around, Hungarian sounds more fake than English in porn, maybe simply because I'm more used to English. Although in general I prefer them not to talk at all, that "oh shiiiiit, fuck yes fuck my fucking pussy" thing is more of a turn-off for me.
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>Iktf, yesterday you said tomorrow
im serious desu
i will be back in the dorm with my mates and we will go together, i just didnt want to go alone while i was at home desu
I hate you all you uninteresting cocksucking shallow niggers. This thread is becoming worse by the day. A couple months ago you would find interesting content in these threads at least once a day, now it's like once in 2weeks. These days I usually just open the thread and scroll through it when it hits bump limit.
I don't understand how you can post the same fucking shit every single fucking thread and manage to enjoy it. Do you all fucking have alzheimers? Do you forget what you posted 2 hours ago for god's sake
I hate this russian-pole cancer faggot making these stupid threads and posting soviet soldiers with guns, I hate femanon and her stupidity, planeanon for being a fedora reddit mongler, animeposters, that anime hating underage magyar faggot who occasionally shits up the thread posting dumb shit in Hungarian, and those who feel the need to remind us that they are epic "normies" and describe how their gf looks like every day. And I hate everyone who gives attention to this fucking pile of filth.
I hope you all get fucked by elephants.

Kurva anyátok
tököm tele van ezzel a fonállal faszom az egészbe
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>immigrant rape porn
More like comedy considering countries like Sweden, Germany and France import those animals themselves. And yeah, I doubt we'll have problem with that in here. Last time we accepted some tiny amount, they all fucked off to Germoney because you can't leech as much cash here as you can in neighbour countries.

I can't understand it. I'm spending most of the time alone, talking most of the time on the internet in english, but still polish sounds more natural for me. Also of course when girl is cursing and talking constantly it's a turn off. I'm talking about occassional words between moaning. Maybe I'll post example if roommate will go out.
You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "MEME THIS, MEME THAT, FERTILE ANIME, ÁTOK, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EBIN AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than post stupid fucking memes on the international section of a god damn anime imageboard? You fucking people make me sick and you're damn lucky I don't have any of your fucking addresses you fucking pieces of shits. I'd spit in your faces.
Anybody read any good books lately?
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doing short stories only now by random russian authors, i need a break from longer books
The unbearable lightness of being by Kundera
Now I am reading Antigona
you're a rare pepe though
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I wanted to read Ghost Fleet, but I dropped it like 10 pages in, because near-future military fiction thriller feel insane urge to tell me that captain of US ship has a husband.
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you seem to be frustrated...
wanna talk 'bout it?
I didn't really have anything against the immigrants at the beginning of the invasion but I am more and more against them. I guess I couldn't imagine the impact they'd have and its but only been a couple of months and all this shit is happening but it could be expected I guess. The lives of European citizens are far greater than the lives of the immigrants if they continue to go ape shit on us, the politicans can't keep taking them in just to not be labeled "inhumane" eh but it's not easy.
>tfw my parents think I'm dumb and probably gay as well :DDDDDDDD
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having more culinary blogging would be nice

femanon prepare a nice fish and take photos
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Have you had Vietnamese food before? We have pretty good places in Prague
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only had pho
I fucking hate those blankets. They're not comfy, they feel terrible
Also I got a B on my exam thanks to you guys<3
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I recently read Julius Ceasar by Shakespeare.

All those feels.
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In the pic I posted we were having bun cha which is rice noodles, pork and lettuce and you mix all that together in a bowl of fish sauce, vinegar, carrots etc (don't know the name of the sauce) and it's pretty delicious, banh mi (Vitenames baguettes inspired by the french since they were a colony or whathaveyou, it's made with pate, pork balls, slice erc) also 10/10
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>rice noodles, pork and lettuce and you mix all that together in a bowl of fish sauce, vinegar, carrots etc
sounds great
It is, you guys don't have a large Vietnamese minority do you?
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we due but mostly in warsaw i think
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The only solutions are to either catch most of them and send them back, or beat them into submission. Muslims were making ghettos and sticking together in every country they emigrated to. I heard some stories from Germany because Poles were going there for work and to visit friends working there. One is especially great:
>guy goes to visit his friend in Germany
>has lot of bags in car so he has to make few rounds to bring everything to the flat
>after 1st or 2nd round he sees bunch of turk kids trying to break into his car
>shoos them away
>next round he sees bunch of buff turks, kids obviously complained to them
>he and his friend tells them to fuck off or they'll call the police and fun will end
>kebabs disappear at once
The difference was it was around Berlin Wall and communism in general falling. Back then they still had commie tier police which didn't fuck around. Whenever there was call there is a brawl or something, 2-3 police vans were coming, each had like 8-10 policemen in them, and they instandly stormed the brawlers and beat the shit out of them with rubber sticks without any questions. Then they grabbed the ones who didn't run away by legs and arms and thrown into vans and beat them inside a bit before driving to the police station. They started to ask questions and investigate who is who only when they got to the station, when everyone were already beaten into submission. This is the only language muslims understand: violence. And no wonder, it's both in their culture and they got used to it by having western troops on their ground for decades.

And now we have pic related, german AT forces removing shoes before raiding mosque due to terrorist activities suspicion/call.
Oh, also another solution I forgot is to divide them. Make them rat each other out, just like communists did. Their strenght is in their gang-like type mentality. In Britain in kebab infested zones they not only attack the ones who aren't submissive to them, but also DEFEND other muslims when they're under attack. Group consequences work decently for this.
>if no one will tell us who raped that woman, we're deporting/jailing random 10 or 100 muslims without any investigation
This often makes people rat each other out pretty fucking fast.
what are some good places in Prague? They mostly do shitty Chinese-Czech dogshit combo cuisine in their restaurants.
I know Sapa ("Little Hanoi") is a genuine Vietnamese district
Morally I am against violence desu but it seems it's probably true that they may respond more to violence for them to behave rather that rape girls when she makes eye contact with them etc
also regarding deporting them back that would take a lot of work and money and it doesn't mean it won't stop them, I guess you have to try something to see how much it fails/improves but it also can bite you in the ass greatly
That place is in Sapa, it's fucking delicious, the place is pretty rundown but it adds to the authenticity, I've been to a couple of places in the center but it's not that good as sapa imo
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Think that's just the bra, brah.
You don't see it here.
This is what pisses me too
>watching House Of Cards
>suddenly totally unrelated threesome with bodyguard
>watching Mr. Robot
>suddenly totally unrelated receptionist assfucking
Why the fuck is nowadays every form of enterntainment trying to shove political correctness down our throats? Do they really have some quotas, that there must be at least one muslim/black/gay character even if it makes zero fucking sense?
Actually quotas do exist at least in the USA, universities have quotas for chinks, nigs, spics etc that they have to maintain even if they aren't meeting the requirements
Violence won't fix whole problem, that's for sure. In the 90s police was beating the shit out of them and they didn't asimilate. But at least there was order and more safety than now. I'm not sure if people from that culture are even capable of asimilating, especially now, when western civilizaion is in crisis and it isn't that appealing anymore. How civilization in which young people can't afford homes and families, often have harder time to find job, full of mindless, plastic consumption can attract masses? It's shallow as fuck. Especialy that tendencies seem to swing every generation or two.
But yeah, still safety and order is better than lack of it, even if it doesn't solve whole problem.

And we have power, resources and technology, in short, physical ability to ship them back. There's not enough collective will to do that, and too many self limitations in form of human rights and other artificial bullshit, which had good intentions and can work with certain mentality, but also can be abused and beaten by simple savagery when you go full cuck mode, like many people now. Just imagine: those shitskins use boats we'd consider waste to swim across the sea, then smuggle themselves in trucks or march thousands kms. They pay smugglers most of their life savings. It's huge effort for them, and still this is all they can achieve. We have institutions, order and manpower to track most of them down, force them onto few supertankers and ship them back within couple of months. We have possibility, but we aren't radical enough to actually make a move.

Really, there should be rule that if you shit on our laws, we shit on your rights. If you avoid legal mechanism, rape and steal then we have right to beat the shit out of you and send you back or jail. Especially if you're foreigner.
>Really, there should be rule that if you shit on our laws, we shit on your rights. If you avoid legal mechanism, rape and steal then we have right to beat the shit out of you and send you back or jail. Especially if you're foreigner.
I think by trying to but them in a crash course of how to act here and what is legal and illegal would could help a few but also if they have been to this course but fail to act as a lawful citizen then they should get the boot and it'd be harder for human rights organizations to bully countries when they know the immigrants have gone to said courses although the guranatee almost nothing
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I heard they made some courses like that but they didn't work. When you have completely no respect among people who you talk to, it doesn't matter what you say. You either have to gain respect somehow (and this won't work because they find us degenerate and weak, they laugh at german cops faces and shout the cops can't do anything to them), make listening to you and obeying your words profitable for them (and this won't work as well because they profit by just coming here and leeching without putting anything in return and there're almost no consequences, no matter what they do) or force them into submission by force or fear, which doesn't fix the problem, but at least things go your way.

Also got any more of that kind of music?
Also translation would be nice
I don't think crash courses would be of any use. The Köln rapists knew full well that ganging up on women finger-banging them is wrong, they'd never do that to a Muslim woman. They just don't think the same rules apply to Westerners.

Even some girls I talked to noticed this same ambivalence towards Westerners. On one hand, they Muslims this crushing inferiority complex from getting their shit kicked so many times, on the other hand, they see us as less than them. By their logic, a non-Muslim is simply not a fully human being.
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This thread is rather boring now 2bh
I just saw a jap with a qt hun gf.
Why does it makes me so mad?
I don't think courses would help either but it could be away around human rights organizations from bullying and shit if the immigrants attend the course also since when is it ok to defend people who commit crimes against humans like hr orgs do, I don't really know any of the logistics here desu
Maybe we could send them to a working camp or something :DDD idk
then leave and kill yourself retard
thread is shit
thread is shit
thread is shit
thread is shit
eat shit

it's boring
maybe they think they are getting back at us for shit
What's something you hated as a child but now you like?
I'd rather check if human right organizations have any power to fuck you up. If not, just ignore them and do your way while drinking their tears. If yes then we can start to think about excuses.

Also another use for the refugees would be using them to beat guines record of mass, forced relocation of people, currently held by the soviets.
Why the fuck cant she have a magyar bf. or atleast an european white.
god i hate race traitors
What do you drink it with?
I don't know if they have much power but they can loud and annoying as fuck

>his waifu isnt pure immortal powerful vampire with big boobs

end yourself
does someone have the Kandinsky merci scrn?
Don't even mention reddit here
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Do you enjoy it or drink it just because it wakes you up?
My mother can be loud and annoying as fuck as well. I can handle it. I can even take the whole responsibility and rake all the support from people who share my views, but are too afraid to take responsibility to increase my power even more and use it to fix problems of native europeans and cause more human right activists tears.
At least it wasn't a nigger
I wonder how long before they start to come here, /v4/, how long we will be able to hold up the "fence" since there's going to be more coming
who cares, at least not a nigger
It really doesn't bother me and I'm a regular /pol/tard.
A nigger would be pretty bad tho.
I wonder if ODing on drugs is painful
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I think I could kill this guy without feeling an ounce of regret.
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Is there still snow in Prague?
ty bbi
Do you actually care about Germany and the germans? Because I don't, hell, I don't care about the Western Europe anymore and I'm kind of happpy that they are getting overwhelmed by shitskins
youre welcome homo
I do because they're close by.
Plus Soros doesn't just want to fuck Germany up, he said it straight that he wants to destroy nation states everywhere.
I don't think it'll be that bad. Firstly, the camp of people who are against taking refugees grows. Even during recent EU meeting regarding Poland there were many voices defending us from idiocy of EU. I hope our new gov won't betray v4 again, more and more people will start to acknowledge problem and join the cause.

Nationalistic movements are rising all across the Europe so even populist piece of shit politicians will have to change sides sooner or later to keep their asses at the top. Even if we'll be forced to take shitskins, most of them will run away to Germany, Sweden, UK, France and other richer countries.

And if whole fucking middle east will come, there's no fucking way people will keep being submissive. Even fucking mouse will bit if you push it against the corner too much. If nothing will be done to fix the problem before the crisis, there will be blood running on the streets. And I think we'll win it, at least in the eastern europe, mainly because europeans are much better at order and cooperation.

Just make sure to prepare for it: get a weapon if you don't have any, if things will get be getting worse and worse, start to stock up conserves and dry food in the basement, maybe get some gold. There was good guide to urban crisis survival in the internet, written by some argentinian who lived through argentinian crisis, when country went banrupt. Also get into good relationship with your neighbours.

If shit hits the fan, don't be scared of muslims. You should be scared of your own country bashing you for attacking them. But once delusional and corrupt politicians fall, muslims are savages who can't do any real warfare. It's fault of their culture and mentality, and this won't change overnight. They're doomed to fail. Even now they run away from harsher countries to the ones where they can profit by doing nothing. Once the troubles start, lot of them will pull their tails and run away.
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Not in the center but it snows lightly, next week is supposed to be warm
Sounds like a good way to end it desu
What good is sea when it's too cold to swim in?
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Looks like it's gonna be really cold tonight. The snow was beautiful I hope it's still there when I get back.
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It's the canals in Venice. It's nice for boat trips still.
>come here for a """better life"""
>they fuck it up for all of us

Giving out free shit and monies is probably what is keeping us """safe"""
It probably will be
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Care about germany? Fuck no. They were pests since the start, always stirring shit in Europe. I'm more concerned of domino effect and collateral damage, shistkins settling near our borders for good and trying to come here once germany completely goes into shit and what >>53929558 said. If it's really conspiracy then we might end the same way.

I'd gladly order the army to march into germany and kill both shitskins and germans.
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Why are old people so cute? Today I so qt old grandpa talking to himself.
*saw a
Well the refugees themlselves said that they hate Hungary and our goverment is anti-immigration and the leftists won't get to power anytime soon. The only thing that can fuck our shit up is the EU, but it's dying so there is that
soros is not cute you dumb cunt
Is there anything that you don't think is cute?
You're cheaping the value of cuteness.
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femanon you have some twisted sense of cuteness, maybe it's because you're ugly and fat
Yes he is, he has cute little eyes and bags
I am girl we think everything is cute but it's probably but low self esteem that I think everything else is better :DDD
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*a, just
I'm not fat :^(
post belly
>post belly
No I've posted enough of myself
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according to some ÁVH spy units and this picture, you are fat
They'll say anything just to get to the richest countries. This could as well be playing victim so europe would ship them to germoney faster.
>oh look how awful is there! they're giving us not halal food and pepper spray when we throw rocks at them! please help us get to progressive sweden, germany and france faster!

But yeah, I'm not worried. Firstly because of the reasons listed above, secondly because worrying never fixed anything. I'd rather spend this time playing vidya or thinking how to prepare for possible shitstorm and actually preparing for it. I'm already following the weapon laws changes, firstly because I was participating in shooting tournaments back when I was in school and I always liked it, secondly just in case shit hits the fan and I had to protect my family or something.

He definitely isn't cute, but depending on photo he either looks like he's evil demon, like he's dying, or like someone I wouldn't mint looking like when if I was 80-90yo. This pic in the thread doesn't look bad. I'd say moderately handsome for 90yo.

Most politicians are populist, opportunistic scum. Once majority of people gets tired of this shit and turns right, they'll change views as well just to stay in power.
No :^(
>this picture
What does that have to do with me?
this kind of lingerie is my fetish
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>Eastern European newspaper
>cover article is bitching about a lack of niggers among the Oscar nominations


Why should I give a fuck about this?
>moderately handsome
See someone gets it
I don't know, I thought that was femanon
Of course you're a fatty.
Nigga I don't own a thong let alone that :DDD
>reading zsindex
good goy
gee I wonder why
Would you fuck Soros?
Of course you don't, because you're fat
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>hating white people is not racism
this is why western thinking is degenerate
But, you know, even if they posted that article to push some liberal agenda (which they do most of the time), they could've chosen a topic that has some minor relevance here.

How the fuck do they expect people to care about this? Or are they just too afraid to post Gypsies and refugees because they know people would see througfh that shit?
Question is would he fuck me? :DDD
Ok I am a landwhale
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If he still can get his dick up, which I doubt, it depends on how you look like I guess. Do you think you're good enough for Soros? :^)
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I remember her posting a picture where she entwined her arms around her back, do you have that?
dunno the keyboard is too far to reach my brain is too slow atm to type long and coherent sentences i dont know why so im out of this convo
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Probably not, he fucks hot 15 yo Russian girls.
Wow, teen girls all look the same kind of.
There are exceptions though, like that tub of lard that sometimes posts here from her iphone.
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Don't you have any qualities to make up for it?
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what did I missed another femanon pic when I was gone ?
Damn I look like a solid 10/10 in that pic
Can't possibly be femanon. I mean the fingers do look kind of fat and stumpy, but she's not nearly fat enough in general.
10 out of 10 tonnes you mean
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you cant be 10/10 if you dont show your face desu
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or this pic matches it better because arms
come on man
get this furry shit out of here, it's worse than anime
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I like strategy games.
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I have ugly fingers that is true :^)
I don't even watch furry stuff. When I saw synx for the first time, I thought it's some /x/ tier shit. I liked the demonic look of this thing and weird poses. The only remotely furry stuff I have is couple of pics of pokegirls getting fucked by pokemon I think.
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I saw this music video in 2011 at an animation festival, it was made by art students. I really liked it but I couldn't find it anywhere until recently - it took me fucking years, but a few months ago I finally did it. I remembered it again so I'm sharing my triumph.
are all pictures that come out of eastern yurope blurry?

>thieves fingers
fuck off, Canada's pants
dumb frogposter
is everything that goes into your mouth a burger?

that's the best femanon's shitty iphone can do
no, some times its bullets
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That's right
Looks good.
Rather good.
I like X-Com.
I even did a playtrough of the original game with /v4/.
XC2 will be great with all the modding tools.
Yep that's a fatty hand.
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muj zivot.jpg
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when will you start eat healthy and work out ?

pic related is me desu
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Whatever you say
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The same as you probably never
What's wrong with your feet? Or rather ankles.
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theyre just fugged :DDD
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ebin road trip.png
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Sometime during the spring I'll put my bicycle on a train to Budapest and then come back by this route.

>still too afraid to post thighs
It's not hard to not have fat on your calves, you know.
Also, do you often cut yourself while shaving?
How long will it take?
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add me girls.jpg
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but I´m literally starting next week desu
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>those ankles
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>implying I shave my legs
I said that last week as well
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you even come here?
I admit that int is one of the more liberal boards but still this isnt a place for something with vagina to
Did you took this shit to the doctor? Ever had any problems? This shit looks ayylien tier.

Considering you can easily do 20-40km/day if you're in shape, he could do it within week or two. I'm in fucking bad shape and I can easily walk 5-10km, my legs will just hurt later.
Dunno, maybe four days.

yes but you are woman. You cant keep word and you dont know what willpower is desu

>implying he was talking about legs
Tell me to stop shitposting and I shall obey for the evening, this isn't the only board I visit but the only one I whore in desu
My doctor has never said anything and all I wear is jeans so I don't think anyone will mind seeing them
Does it hurt?
>implying I shave
That's fucking stupid, why would I shave? Just for myself? Fuck no, you get razor burns and shit.
Tbh I shave because long pubes are uncomfortable as fuck, and touching my smooth balls feels nice.
>Does it hurt?
Ive been walking on them for nearly 20 years and no problems
You're a beautiful young woman femanon, don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise.

use hot wax or something

what other boards you visit ? you better not be /b/tard
How the fuck can you shave to the point it's smooth? I'm only shortening pubes because I find being completely bald there weird and to not sweat so much there, but I can't imgine shaving those "gosebumps" on my sack completely. I think I'd cut some of those bumps.

Does it bend backwards or sideways then?
I trim but that's like once a month
Thank you my knight in shinning armor :^)
/pol/, /fit/, /r9k/, /out/

ok I can understand /r9k/ but what the fuck are you doing on /fit/ and /pol/ you fat jewess ?
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I can for you
I just lurk and why would it be weird that I do?
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Did they comment on your ankles?

pls don't bully, no one ever taught me about shaving anything, I only bought electric shaver to shorten beard
>tfw from single mother household

I cant imagine you as /pol/ material desu. You seem more like SJW type
I've never posted them
I was implying I could bend backwards for you not shave your pubes but I might as well do it
>SJW type
no girl can resist nigger cock
I don't know, use copious amounts of soap or foam I guess, I've never cut those bumps before.
On the other hand I didn't dare use a trimmer on the groin area for a long while, I just cut it with a small scissor.
Women hate threads are fun as well as qt threads
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gonna visit Slovak Tatry this summer

climbing Gerlach in flip flops desu wish me luck my niggers
has /v4/ really turned into a single femanons attention whoring fest?
come on, you can do better
That's what happens when you cheat on czechia by moving to niggerland
You can bend over for me when I come back home which is near Polish-Czech border :^)
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slovakia tatry.jpg
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at least you will get nice plaque


and why /fit/ ?
chill out vole, i'm returning back to pivoland in june
i couldn't seriously move here forever
i hope it's not Bogatynia or some similar shithole
Don't forget the trimmer so I can shave your pubes :^)
>why /fit/
Some threads are good, why do you go there?
We will see, they may turn you by then
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>nice plaque
>We will see, they may turn you by then
if anything, being here only makes me more racist than ever before
arab genocide best day of my life

I dont. Only FPS threads used to be good but not anymore. Why do you reply to me in two posts ?
It starts slowly, first you unknowingly stop eating pork, then you say good morning to your neighbor Muhammad and then it's just free falling from there
>complains about getting 2 (You)s
At least Ostrava, Karvina, Cieszyn and Trzyniec are also close

I've never been in Czech lands. How different is it from Poland and why Bogatynia is shit?

pls, even though it's joke, it still sounds tempting and I already have one girl on my sight, don't want to fuck this up by letting the dick take over and do something stupid
>I already have one girl on my sight
I hope she trims your pubes for you like a good girl
>I've never been in Czech lands. How different is it from Poland and why Bogatynia is shit?
Not much really by now, just more gyppos
Bogatynia is shit because the people there are mostly weird (no offense, I like polaks otherwise) and it's surrounded by wasteland, separated from both Poland and the surrounding countries and blocking the modernisation of infrastructure between Northern Bohemia and Germany (not like it matters anymore since Germany is turning into a caliphate now)
I pee in butts.
fuck off yank
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isn't watching porn during period messy as fuck anyway?

Oh wait, nevermind. I read the map wrong. Bogatynia is few hundred km away. The closest Czech city is Bogumin. Never been in Bogatynia, but you make it sound like comfy place. I never liked big cities so wastelands and lack of infrastructure doesn't sound bad.
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>az az érzés amikor nincs barátnő
Femanon in pizza coma
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speaking about yourself in a third person now, are you going insane femanon?
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We all know that érzés.
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i may not speak magyar but i know that feel
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>trami uses that as an insult
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>planeanon uses that as insult
>trami sees greentext and assumes an insult
insecure as ever, eh mate?
I just pointed out that it's not an insult
sup guys, teplicefag here.

guess who's got a date on his hands?
you're mum
your mother?
noice timestamp though

well done /v4/, so proud ;_;
come on mate, you practically asked for it :^)
good luck with the lass, it's good to have an actual person to talk to
well have a good one I guess
say hello for us if you have the balls
I deserved it for that blatant attentionwhoring, I know.

Thanks a lot man. It's gon be interesting, I'm 22 and she is 29, but I told it to her straight and she was ok with my interest. Man, after almost 2 years now without a touch of a woman, finally.

Been struggling with depression a lot and now the dopamine+endorphins are finally pumping. Goddamn I wish you the same feeling if you don't have a lady of your own.

Thanks man, I will let her know that my brothers from /v4/ are sending their regards.
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>tfw got an A from exam for which I've studied only the night before
>she is 29
finally someone with normal taste
just don't think about
>Man, after almost 2 years now without a touch of a woman, finally.
too much
I won't, don't worry man. Keeping it simple and cool right now, joking a lot and she is responding very nicely. Got my game on bruh! It's actually kinda funny, she lives like 50 metres away from my house and is sort of a normal person, which is two things I have never experienced previously. I just have to not fuck up and all will be well.
Nice! That's how you do the studies brah

projecting as ever,eh mate? I did not use jewess as insult,you did.
>tfw no fertile slav gf
you're boring
>inb4 har har you are out of arguments or some other meme

no you are.

Is pathetic how you always come hours later and try to insult me. You are not even smart or creative enought to do it properly.
no u
>You are not even smart or creative enought to do it properly.
it sure works well enough, no need to bother
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