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Do you support Palestine or Israel more? Who are the true vi

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Do you support Palestine or Israel more? Who are the true victims?

I used to think Israelis treated Palestinians too poorly but after doing some research it really seems like they're actually a lot less shit than Palestinians

>both sides play the victim cards.
>both sides bomb civilians
>both sides are not white
We should just nuke the place tbqh familia
Israel supported genocide in my country, so i side with palestine.
Besides, i hate jews and palestinian girls a qts
>monkey vs monkey
>do you support monkey 1 vs monkey 2
Somewhat reverse for me, Israel recognized the atrocities that Pakistan causes on East Pakistan and the Ar*bs refused to recognized us as an independent state.

But we ended up pandering to Ar*bs once the Islamists took over.
Israel by default

>the great Guatemalan genocide of the 20th century

literally what and who, kek
>>both sides bomb civilians
This is not bad because
>>both sides are not white
How is this even a question?

>do you support these people who live here who LITERALLY did nothing, or these jews instantiated in this land using bribery and deception
>Arabs vs Jews
Lel, the answer is obvious.

Speak when spoken to Muhamud
Let them kill eachother and finish off the remaining?
Please, explain to an ignorant like me what happened.

israel because islam is cancer.
Says a person from a country who has collectively forgotten to poo in the loo
Mahmoud Nielsen got it right.
CIA coups and 30 years genocidal civil war of the 50s-90s
US and israel backed military government waged war against indigenous peasant farmers and performed many massacres agains villages and other civilian targets
Modest ignorant frenchman of the quints.
thank you mehmet now fuck off
Best and most reasonable answer is that they learn how to live there together now, or a two-state solution.
nice dubs now post bomb shelter
>Some communist jungle monkey still mad that the west won the cold war and calls it a genocide.
I'm from Kashmir, you idiot.
Also, aren't you an Arab?
It's like asking which terrorist should I support, Al-Qaeda or ISIS
Both have always been there
Israel should just stop raking in land and make things worse
Muslims die, you're all rapists
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>we wuz cashmere and sheeeeit
how's it like to have a goat as a mom
Get "genocided" spic. Palestinians are ugly as all hell and you're actually butthurt Americas allies did what America said and blame us for it while supporting Muslims? Truly spics are just catholic Arabs
>Western country
jews are the bad guys
paliestines are the good boys

this is what the average spanish thinks
You wouldn't exist without US support
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This is why Spain hasn't been relevant since the 19th century.
How does Germany stand on the issue after the recent demographic shift? Or will it spark Thirty Years War II?

Why would anyone from the western world support muslims over Israel unless they were absolute cucks?
nice meme, mehmet.
> jews
> not ugly
Keep dreaming bagel boy
Hitler should have finished the job, then we wouldn't have all this jew backed degeneracy
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>Calls someone else a degenerate
how much ficki ficki does it take to get a germcuck to stop sucking muslim cock?
Without Guatemala's numerous contributions to mankind, we would not have:
> says the australian
Literal degenerate dirty fucking hippie
Israel, just because I hate arabs desu
You won't exists and will be Muslim

Better looking then spic Indians like Guatemala, America should've finished you but your own homicide rate will take care of your brown manlet commie ass terror penis lover
Tqbh the only good thing about Guatemala is its top tier aesthetic flag
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Your petty insults are meaningless. Your country is a third world shithole and the people are literal subhumans.
> captchas
> happy meals
> oscar isaac
> gallo beer
Death to Islam
They invented sneaking into Mexico and being box shaped turtle looking people
If they didn't have animals in charge and acted like civilized people they would've nothing to cry about. They are just reaping what they sow.
They turn down every opportunity for peace, it's time to just ostracise them for once until they come up with a Palestinian Spring and start doing things the right way. Look at the support they get from governments right now, only irrelevant cuck countries support them.
Think as if they were an enterprise, would you invest in them? I wouldn't.

It's fun that most of the people who side with Palestine are people who also side with Putin. It just shows how fucking ignorant people are.
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>Being proud of captchas and happy meals
Fucking kek, you couldn't make this shit up
> being this buttmad
Jesus fine you win mr shekelberg
A lot of Palestine supporters are young white people in western countries whose only knowledge of the conflict is "White-looking Israelis trying to kills brown-ish Palestinians"
It's really quite sad.
> captchas
Lying spic
> happy meals
Lying spic
> oscar isaac
Yeah Isaac is a real guatamalen name, lying spic
> gallo beer

Wow impressive! Truly master race
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Well what is australia proud of, dingo nigger?
The religion of peace orchestrated the biggest genocide of all time.
I am mad, I'll take shit from Europe or even Arabs who've become our main rival and doesn't surprise me but a spic from a tiny irrelevant shithole who's crime is more dangerous then our terror blaming us for the cia actions? You can die, you're not worthy of even talking to a Jew. Appreciate this privilege

same desu senpai
> lying shekel
What has israel contributed, apart from genocide?

>The page "Guatemalan inventions" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.

please help me find my sides
I have a question for Shekelbros. When are Israel going to begin the final battle against the Muslim Empire?
I'm not that type of peaceful Hindu
I won't hesitate to kill radicalized mudslim
> privilege of talking to a jew
Could you be any more jewish?
>Yeah Isaac is a real guatamalen name, lying spic
>Oscar Isaac (born Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada
>Who are the true victims?
the civilians
Guatemala on suicide watch if he hasn't been beheaded already
Lol really? A spic asking that? First off we haven't genocided muslims but that wouldn't be a bad thing. Second idk just about everything in medical science and border security right now? If you wanna add in Jews from Europe then we've done more then any another people for our small numbers. How much of a retarded spic can you be to think you compete with us? Do you live in a cave?
when the leftist cucks stop preventing us from doing so
Why the fuck are all Jews so racist
>not knowing how lucky he is to get any attention

Can you be more of a spic?

My fucking sides lel


>he was so ashamed he changed his name to prevent spic identity
I'm not racist, I hate all muslims equally regardless of their race
Pretty great.

After you, merchant.
>unironically supporting Palestine
Please don't tell me you really do that. Please.
Everyone is racist to us and we're racist back. The world is all racist, but irl I only hate Muslims. It's just funny when someone from a shithole like Guatemala tries to banter with us.
>the eternal polish jew
>his mom is a goat
>Muslims fuck goats

That explains a lot about why you're such rapey perverts
I choose Palestine, Cause Jews are the real terrorists and taking over Palestine.

Death To Jews, Judaism and Israel.
Death To Hindus and Hinduism.

One day I will sure kill some of these Jewish assholes.
t. turkish rape baby

really if you support one of the most extremist, backward and stupid muslims in the world you are either muslim or a cuck
Why the fuck do Jews always gotta play the victim card

Colour me surprised.
what are you gonna do, throw poo at us?
no, I support nobody in this conflict
But jewish misdeeds are well known everywhere since the beginning of time
To be fair I'd be a bit defensive if I had that amount of hate directed towards me from across the globe.
Jews die,you all murderers
people envy jews because they are succesful

fuck off
Come try and I'll shove pork up your dirty asshole and fuck you with my gun.

Are you blind? Kill yourself, I just said the whole world is racist to everyone and Israel is one of the most attacked countries and most hate crimes are against Jews. Sorry facts hurt your shit skin little feelings
We only murder Muslims, who aren't people but child molesting monsters. Clean your shit country before talking to the big boys.
Why do you write like an angsty 14 year old?
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Why do you write like a Muslim rapist?
It's almost cute a Bengali mudslime thinks he's a person. It's like a monkey wearing a hat.
Because I rape Muslim boipucci regularly
It does :D
Hope I cleared the mystery up for you.
How does it feel knowing what little support that exists for Israel fades more and more every day?
Palestine, with the jews dead muslims can go back to kill other muslims and leave the restof the world alone.
Raping your own people isn't cool Muhammad

How does it feel knowing your kids will be raped by Muslims and your country will speak Arabic?
>Death To Hindus and Hinduism
That Time has long gone
What a joke. Muslims have always killed none Muslims and all the ones in Europe have nothing to do with Israel. After U.S. And Europe your shithole would just be next.
I'm OK with Muslims as long as they don't mess with Yurop.
Israel because they post on here and seem more civilized.
Name one Muslim who served humanity
Mother Theresa followed Christianity
Mahatma gandhi and vivekananda followed Hinduism
No person served humanity who followed Islam in entire 1400 years of history
Wise mudslim sit behind all idiot mudslims orders blow themselves
Exactly like Muhammad
That will never happen. Their main goal is domination. No one is forcing mudslimes in Barcelona, yet it looks like Saudi Arabia.
Israel shouldnt be building settlements and should try to work with the Palestinians. However, the Palestinians come off as retards when they start violence against Israel when Israel practices asymmetrical warfare. The Israelis also managed to build a more successful society than their neighbors. In the end I wish they'd learn to accept eachother but if I have to choose Israel because they can act like a modern functioning society.
P.S. Israelis thanks for the fucking USS Liberty you fucking dicks.
Is it true that Sephardic Jews tend to be more friendly to us than other Jews?
Implying judaism isn't cancer,
I don't think anyone is really hostile to Spain, they're just always pro Palestine so we aren't exactly friends.
>palestinian girls a qts
A lot of them look like the Jews though. The hotties from both sides (non European looking ones at least) you probably wouldn't be able to tell apart.
Implying most Jews actually follow Judaism like your Durka friends
Only dumb amerifats support Israel
accept each other? are you joking? do you know what islam is about? it's about conquest

true muslim will never accept non-muslims

and israelis won't accept backward retards trying to kill them because they want to survive
>However, the Palestinians come off as retards when they start violence against Israel when Israel practices asymmetrical warfare.

Yeah why don't they just keel over and die already, huh?

>The Israelis also managed to build a more successful society than their neighbors.
>Western colonists built a more successful society than countries that just won their independence from UK/France and have to contend with all the social issues that come from postcolonialism, not to mention all the issues that came with the Cold War

wow who could have seen that coming
It's because Al-Andalus did useful stuff here and some of my countrymen feel a bit identified with them since we're called Moors all the time. Al-Andalus was somehow more relevant than Sefarad.

Anyway, some of us know that you supported Arabs during the invasion and there's still a bit of resentment about what hapened. Many blame you of the bad economic situation of Spain.
>jews just want to survive
probably shouldn't have stolen the palestinians land then
Not really a surprise even remotely. Though I think some Arab countries like Egypt have gotten sick of the Palestinian's leadership's bullshit.
jew side till I die
Only cuck eurofaggots suck Muslims cock while they rape their women, children and cities

>Yeah why don't they just keel over and die already, huh?

I know right? Muslims love death more then life anyway. Just sudoku already.
no one followed Judaism and Islam!!
Death to both!
I support double state. Jews won't leave the place, nor will Palestinians.
Greasing Gommies in the jungle is gods work to be honest. Next time don't side with failed ideology. Also genocide needs to have the explicit intent to wipe out a population. Killing a lot of people isn't great but its not neccesarily genocide.
Abdul invader spotted
>Only cuck eurofaggots suck Muslims cock while they rape their women, children and cities
see >>53868260
We have nothing to do with Spain's current problems though, it's dumb holding generations later accountable for things too. Surely you know Muslims are a cancer right?


Fuck off paki, only thing stolen from Palestine is their souls by Islam. they have Jordan and should fuck off there
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Yes, he doesn't hide it though as shown by the trip. Also, IIRC he isn't a durkah.
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Jews have hell, they should fuck off there
The map is just a map of places Muslims have invaded.
Casere is pretty comfy desu.
We are in hell, that's what living with Muslims is. If there is a hell you'll be there for sure for all the child rape and genocode your monkey people pull sand nigger
>entirety of South America
don't forget that the place is actually israeli BOTH HISTORICALLY and LEGALLY
Once you "stole" 1/4 of area of the world. It's called conquest.

Support your country first, but secondly support your culture and civilization.

More land for Muslims = objectively and in long term worse for any Westerner.
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How much are you being paid?
It's said Jewish bankers ruined Spain as a revenge for the Expulsion, but I don't know if this is the truth or just a legend.

People accuse you of many things, and sometimes /pol/ is right. How do you explain your support for murderous Bolshevism or the fact that a Jew (Juan March) funded the Civil War in Spain?

There are just tons of things you've to explain if you want people to like you again.
They didn't have our support in the beginning so yes, yes they would. The reality is non-Jihadi Arab armies have at least since WW2 have been utter garbage.
Israel, obviously.
>Yeah why don't they just keel over and die already, huh?
What they're doing now sure is working, it's only a matter of time before the jews are driven into the sea by the mighty state of Palestine whose resistance has borne such fruit.
You kicked Muslims and Jews both out desu. Shouldn't you think the're both human garbage.
Arabs have invaded South America with ideology, and Japan doesn't give a shit and hates Muslims too ugly paki. Commies side with Muslims, besides South America has the most Christian arapes and chile the most palishits.
>> jews
>> not ugly
At least your people here aren't winning any beauty contests.
that is job for pali shill dumbass, they know dumb indo muslims would waste their time licking palestinian smegma even for 0 (ZERO) paycheck
I think Israel has set the golden standard for how to deal with Muslims.

A Palestinian state would just make another shitty, third world, Islamist shithole.

Not even a republican.
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So you're admitting, the whole world hates you?

Mexico wouldn't have it's version of Mexico to look down on.
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This kind of shit is why israel/palestine threads always end up being nothing but shitposting.
Same amount as Iran is paying you, minus the goat pussy.

I didn't do anything, I don't blame you for Spain's actions so don't blame me for some Jews actions. Most bankers now aren't even Jewish and more one Jews supported the Spanish civil war but you ignore them for the one Jew that did. That's how pol is always "right", confirmation bias and grouping of all Jews as one.

They tried diplomacy before Israel was created, they tried conventional war, and now they try diplomacy and insurgency. If you ask me, it's working, and public support is more in favor of Palestine than ever.
>he shills for free
Not as much as they hate you Muslims shit stains, your removal is coming soon.
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>happy meals
I'm gonna need proofs on this.
t. Burger Lord MacDonald.
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Stop bullying him, he's a really decent and humorous poster, unlike you shitposters
pay military denbts to send more weapon to israel
good goy
israel so good ally
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Stay mad, Shlomo
No doubt, the beautiful state of Palestine and their unmatched quality of life is evidence of this.
>they tried deplomacy

Lol sure thing Ahmad, bus bombings and denying peace treaties are just that
Everybody who exterminates Arabs is a friend of humanity
hey i can make that pic with jidf stamp too!
Stay blind, butthurt, brainwashed and shit skinned Muhammad
Ok Mohammed
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I don't think all Jews are evil or whatever, but I wish you people said "I'm sorry for supporting Arabs during the invasion" in the same way we already said "We're sorry for the Expulsion".

People think you're victimistic and that's one of the reasons people sometimes dislike you, because they think you're not honest enough. I'm not saying you were never victims in the past because you suffered too, but you've to admit when you made others suffer too.
The thing is, "communists" were often identified as anyone who showed compassion for the poor and stuff, so the church was a huge victim out of all this. All it did was grow support for leftism today (see: the pink tide)
Talk shit get hit those're the rules.
Rapist muslims or Smart Jews, it's not hard guys
Soda Stream, the Desert Eagle, Golden Hampster, Laser Keyboard, jointly with IBM flash memory...
israel, i really really dislike mudshits. jews integrate and aside from a few bad apples they're good people, a standard jew is worth a thousand mudshits in terms of the benefits they will bring to the country they reside in. islamic vermin practice taqiyya while raping native girls and creating isolated communities so they don't have to integrate.
>bus bombings and denying peace treaties

Sounds like Lehi and Irgun in the early 20th century, eh?

How could they be expected to build a functioning state given the circumstances they're in? And since when does quality of the state produced determine the morality of ethnic cleansing?
t. kike

Palestinian women are thrird most obese in the world, way fatter than yanks
ok sorry, I personally hate Jews who side with muslims/arabs more then anyone and most Israel hates rich left wing Jews. The Jews people hate Israel for are all traitor Jews who hate Israel too, that what people don't get.
Israel should fuck off
Brits will call bullshit on this.
nope not like them at all and somehow we built a country under these circumstances and all muslims haven't done shit. You're just a lefty muslim apologist.


This is true, 9 out of 10 of the fattest people you'll see here are arab
muslims and islam hinder world progress, maybe lots of them don't bomb anyone but that doesn't make them less terrorist, muslims hate everything that could falsify quran and that including some scientific discoveries.
you can hate the jews or israel but at least they're contribute a lot and actually leaves their savage mindset behind
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It's OK, mate.

I just wish our nations had had a better relationship in the past, but the Reconquista led to Catholic radicalism and, well, what happened happened. Now you're back to Spain, please, help us fix our economy. I know you can. You're smart with business. Gain our friendship again.

I kinda like the Axis because Hitler helped us to defeat Stalin, who wanted to oppress us. I truly detest Communism with a passion.
Right after you fuck off your favela juan
I agree but there's also some compassion from third-world countries like if Arab Muslims don't despise Latinos and SEAsians.

Check this out:
JIDF going strong
>Death To Hindus and Hinduism.
Didn't the majority Hindu country support your independence from durkastan?
Drink some camel piss, Ahmad
>under these circumstances

What circumstances? Western colonists with Western support killing natives? I'm proud of you, Elijah. Really.
I bet we will once spain deals with muslims enough to hate them more then us. As soon as Spain stops supporting palis so much more Jews will come and bring their shekels.
>everywhere you go what you see is oppressed palestinian
>"JIDF is everywhere guys, don't let the media blinds you of palestinian sufferings"
>hurr durr muh JIDF
*starts to wear bomb vest*
I had to double check to see if I wasn't in /pol/

jesus you people are degenerates

>everywhere you go what you see is oppressed palestinian
>implying that's true

It's political suicide if an American politician says anything short of "Israel is our greatest ally."
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Thank you, merchant. This can be an opportunity to leave our bad past behind.

Promise not to be Antisemitic again.
>t. alvin santoso cu sin
that is the point, if anything this sheep are blinded into hating israel to the point it will discredit its supporter.
I think secular Israelis and Muslims could get along you just need to figure out how to throw the settlers out and de-durkafy the Palestinians.
בלתי ניתן להמצאה!
you realize islam was brought by chinks abdul?
now go pray and get your daily brain damage
They're all muslims or literal commies

Muhammad the molester getting upset

>What circumstances?
idk maybe being a newer smaller country surrounded and out numbered by hostile neighbors who went from getting baked to having a successful country
>Western colonists
your first class in community college told you that? Pretty sure I live here and most the people here aren't western
>with Western support
No one supported us the first few wars but based czechs and we still one
>killing natives
yep, the same natives who killed past natives including the Jews who once owned that land. The worlds a scary place filled with conquest outside your hugbox little guy
>How could they be expected to build a functioning state given the circumstances they're in?
Those circumstances being active rebellion against vastly superior "ethnic cleansing" forces with no end goal in sight or likelihood of achieving your objective that you claimed was working well?
How could they indeed, you'd almost have to be deluded to think they could.
>Yeah why don't they just keel over and die already, huh?
Well that's what they are doing when they get dumb and attack Israelis. They should have realized they need to come up with a new plan because this one is a dead end.
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>secular muslims
>Descendant of conqistadors pretending to care about natives
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>this damage control
>you realize islam was brought by chinks
God now I hate your kind more
A lot of Jews held high positions in Al Andalus desu.
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exterminate both and restore christian kingdom of Jerusalem
Lol why are you Israelis are so mad and angry??If you are the best then why don't you stop swearing???
Thanks amigo, but feel free to still hate lefty Jews.

literally can't happen. Ask Lebanese people how the Palis are over there, or in Jordan. They were always the most durka arabs, thats why they chose to fight for land with Jews.
Jews isn't considered a swearword in the civilized world.
oy vey
This could work, I hate it when people support Palestine because he hates the jews or support Israel because he hates muslims, why don't you hate both?
Plz muhamad, I can smell your curry from here

because we live around rapists savages and that's upsetting
>Pretty sure I live here and most the people here aren't western

Where did you people come from in the late 1800s and early 1900s, huh? From the ground? Or were you all Western immigrants?

>No one supported us the first few wars
See above.

>same natives who killed the past jews who once owned that land

Taken from Palestinian population genetic wikipedia:

One DNA study by Nebel found genetic evidence in support of historical records that "part, or perhaps the majority" of Muslim Palestinians descend from "local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD".

The Palestinians are more related to the ancient Jews than you Ashkenazi colonists are.

What else can they do? Everything else has been tried. And as Germany showed in the 20s and 30s, a population that feels wronged, is poor, and has no chances of improving their lot quickly becomes radicalized.
It's illegal to boycott Israel here, no joke.
because we actually need the jews dumbass

>implying my opinion matters
That's bad.I hope someday you people will happily live there once and for all!(I am not even muslim btw)
How does that work?
Pls be ironic since you're an Indonesian like me
Nope bhai,Now Atheist.Figured out that religion is poison!
Both sides are pretty shit. But jews are a way lesser threat to our society and humanity than mudslimes.
depends who am talking to.
if to a jew i support palestine.
if to a moslem i support israel.
>What else can they do?
The same old shit i suppose, this seems to be your solution. You did say it was working well after all.
>and has no chances of improving their lot quickly becomes radicalized.
Ohh shit, wouldn't want palestinians to be radicalised, who knows what havoc a radicalised palestine could wreak.
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Israel. They are right in that they are the original owners of the land, and show a spirit that I wish was more prevalent elsewhere in the world.
Also their women are hot
1800's and 1900's? before we were a state? Nice leftist mental gymnastics picking the year where more western Jews came. How about the 50's when muslims kicked 850,00 Jews out to Israel with nothing? And no those palis were forced to convert by the savages you defend. Most Israel isn't Ashkenazi and most Ashkenazi don't even look white, stop pretending you know more about where I live because you took a class by an arab at your community college kid.
>israel will acknowledge every "genocide" except for the one theyre committing.

also bengal genocide never happened. theres simply no proof
I miss when all Jew flags where banned
>בלתי ניתן להמצאה
Could this be also written as

?לא אפשר להמציא זה
you're deluded if you think we wouldn't benefit from jews existence
sure if we can get rid of muslims and ultra orthokikes we will

your alright
I don't recall us shitting on Bolivia when they had land reforms that gave land to farm to the poor.
Tell me about the recent jewish attacks on your country?
>genocide canaanites and steal land
>ashenkazis who claim there heritage steal clay,

sure thing shlomo
Palestinians are the victim (of the Eternal Anglo and his imperialism, not Israelis) but if they got to have their own state it would be just another Middle Eastern Islamic hellhole, thus I support Israel.
>ahh! This wall genocides us, must bomb school buses
this argument seems more about a question no one wants really to fix
they like to maintains this status to use it as an instrument to control citizens and it works
You can't protest against Israel without being arrested or fined.
It's considered antisemitism, remember muh 6 gorillion etc.
Do you post on /pol/ by any chance bhai?
>before we were a state?

Yes. Because, before you were a state, you were colonists, moving to land that Britain eventually controlled after betraying the Arabs they convinced to mobilize against the Ottoman Empire.

>How about the 50's when muslims kicked 850,00 Jews out to Israel with nothing?
Unfortunate, but they were seen as supporters of a race war YOUR PEOPLE started. That was also the result of a long process of anti-western and anti-jewish sentiment, stemming from the actions of France, the UK, and the Israeli colonists. And like I said, radicalization occurs precisely under the circumstances that the Middle East has been placed.
If ashkenazis aren't natives, neither are palestinians. They're both mixed, ashkenazis part European and palestinians part Arab.
You're the deluded one, we're having a bad time with capitalists ruling our important economy factors
Just look at Freeport, and I'm talking about Indonesians here, real Indonesians, those in rural areas obviously need equalisation, you think they'll benefit from the jews? Topkek
Role playing again, I see
>also bengal genocide never happened. theres simply no proof
Fuck off paki
They do exist. They aren't a huge majority but they border on fedoras so maybe culturally Muslims. A Bengali I worked with said Madrases were a major problem in his country and that education would go along way to get rid of the corruption there.
>mother Teresa and Gandhi as examples
Pajeet, I..
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i support juden
That's irrelevant question but capitalists fucked our natural resources
>Ask Lebanese people how the Palis are over there
I still blame your country for that and the exodus of Maronites.
Fresse Mehmet
yes, yes, lets forget the fact that they're holding lots of current tech patents that we will need in the future
>They're all muslims or literal commies
That's down right pathetic of you
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2 states solution

other than that you can kill yourself
Do you think they'll them cheaply to us instead of jewing us?
Isreal, because they supported us during our exiled years
so what, better than not available at all
sounds a bit unnatural
would be אי אפשר להמציא את זה
we are in same situation with israelis or even we are more right than they are but they are supporting k*rts. so i got no choice but supporting palestine
We can them from Japan, Germany, those countries has proved to be friendly with us OR we send our Engineers to study abroad and develop our own techs
Dasar mental Indonnya kerasa banget, kalo gak jadi babu arab jadi babu bule, pls deh
*we can get them
Fuck off Rasheed
>genocide christians and Jews
>force convert people
>pretend only ashkenazis exist
>want to claim land you never owned was stolen from you

sure thing ahmad

just kill yourself, you're a typical sand nigger apologist who wouldn't survive a day living among them.
>arabs countries for arabs
>europe for arabs
>israel for arabs

We didn't start anything, the muslims and nazis did and now the nazis are gone and the muslims are paying for their choices

this too, obvious muslim

of course you do, its never muslims fault.

PS Israel supported christian lebs, not our fault they lost


like islam

ay someone who knows history and doesn't accuse us of being anti white
Purging the Earth is the right term
we support kurds because you give us no choice
kurds are far more pro israel than turks, how could we side with turks?

salut momo
>we send our Engineers to study abroad and develop our own techs
and guess who we learned from?
Germans and Japs, even if it's the Joos I don't have problem if we leech education from them but being a dog and bark for them is a big no
Israel should build a WALL desu.

That would make it great again.
Israel. The "Palestinian" Arab identity is a political ideology created by Egyptian Ba'athists and the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas).
I know what it is when your people move into a country with nothing in it, work hard and fight for the land, cultivate the land and build industry, only to have people that have no idea what is going on there point fingers and accuse you of things. The media has a way to only show one side of an event, sometimes certain things are necessary to maintain peace and order, and to preserve what has been build.

Don't ever give up your land, or it will be destroyed like us
It's a propaganda war funded y oil rich muslims. A jew can't own land in Palestine, an arab can own land in Israel, so why is Israel apartheid when its more equal here. A muslims immigrant is called a refugee, a jewish one a colonizer. A muslims in Israel is called Arab-Israeli, a jew in palestine a settler. When muslim mass immigrate somewhere if you call it white genocide you're islamaphobe but when Jews do it it's genocide. The arabs underhanded double standards are a joke and anyone who believes their lies try to refute what I said.
you proposed to exterminate them all faggot
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Pic related is a beautiful Palestinian muslim grill

Pali grils are qt but I side with Israel
I support Israel.

It's unfortunate that kids and innocents die in Palestine, but their blood is on Hamas' hands, not Israels.

Really great video right here
Je suis blanc avec un nom bien Français.
Israeli girls are better tbqh
>Palestinians are the victim

Israel WARNED civilians to leave. Hamas told them to stay. Yet Israel is the evil one?
Yeah the media is all about the leftist and muslim funded "humanist" movement that always tries to paint the losing side in a war as poor victims. We won't become like what they did to South Africa, we'd rather nuke the whole middle east desu

Trust someone who lives here, they are not qt at all. You can find attractive girls anywhere but palestinians are seriously some of the ugliest people I've ever seen on average. Most are overweight and where a trash bag cloak so they look like some penguin. Russian and French Jew girls are most qt. Even Ethiopian Jews are more attractive then palis.
I was being ironic when I said kill them all but when I said that we should stay away from arabs and the joos and shout fuck you to them I wasn't
actually we literally have one
ca a quel gout, le penis d'un arabe?
Your provocation is not very good
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How are arab Israeli grils?
ça a quel gout le foutre de youpin?
not enough, we need to trade all our muslims for west bank Jews and just shut the border down.No more letting those ungrateful fucks in to work here, shop here, get medical service here, and basically anything where there's industry they use ours since they can't do anything on their own. Tired of my taxes being used to help people who want to kill me. Fuck them all.
le mien a un gout un peu salé, mais sinon rien de special
I thought I was talking to the OP, not to you. Go back to your gas chamber pls
shit, either ugly fat extremist muslims or leftist whores who live great lives in Israel and complain about it while doing things that would get them killed in their shitholes. Yeah some are attractive but very few and their attitudes are shit enough to make me stay away from them. There's so many different qt grills here that going for arabs is like having a bag of money but searching in a bag of shit for more money (sorry for Jewish comparison)
maybe we can make sweden and germany take in our aravim?
clearly you have absolutely ZERO knowledge about what's going on between Israel and Palestine

How's being 15?
you get no opinion, you're a monkey. Go get homicided by a tranny pls
They both act like shit towards each other.

They deserve the misery they inflict on each other.
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my comment will be lost in the sea of shitposting and insult throwing
here is my israelfu
and you?
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I support the civilians in both countries.
my Israelifu is my cousins wife

She's gorgeous ;-;
yeah if we stop giving them free medical, education, and jobs they'll go elsewhere but our government thinks we need to act like the good guy so eurofaggots and south american commies stop calling us nazis. I'd support a two state solution if all arabs fucks off to their state and stop trying to kill us while also crying we don't baby them every step. Seriously no one here knows how good these ungrateful fucks live here
fuck off dirty bengali nigger
That's good, but it's important to remember that Israel actually cares about its citizens, whereas Hamas literally uses them as human shields and bait as a means to make Israel look "evil".
>apartheid state supports apartheid state
pottery desu
I don't think the Israeli government cares about their citizens anymore than the average Western government does.
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Yes, it is easy to take photos out of context and send it into the world to brainwash people into believing what you tell them.

We are always portrayed as evil murderers while in the mean while

blacks killed by the government in 46 years: 518
blacks killed by other blacks in 46 years 21000
Let me guess...

You're voting for Bernie Sanders, aren't you? >>53871978
>I'd support a two state solution if all arabs fucks off to their state
Not going to happen. You've literally damaged the Islamic world by taking an important piece of it. These people won't rest until Israel is a Muslim state, but hopefully the rise of nationalism in Europe will see more people supporting you guys.
do they get welfare?
if yes why don't we just cut it out?
without welfare maybe they'll go away
>mfw when he really is a paki

die in a fire you dirty mudslime


muslim intellect

eh, more then America and the european countries being taken by muslims. We take care of our old, single mothers, sick,and put our people above immigrants
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>say I support Israel
>get called Shlomo
>say I support Palestine
>get called Mohamed
There's no pleasing you people. Still gotta go for Israel
He's a paki, even worse then lefty

I want to make them

yes, and I don't know. The people who defend it say it's because arabs do all our shit jobs Jews don't work in but I'd rather send them away and take in more asian immigrants for that.
are you serious?
these niggers are living off of fucking israeli taxpayer money?
I am mad right now
Isralel is a 1st world country with a high level of education which has contributed to the world. Some of its actions are shady as fuck, but overall they're still a democratic country with human rights and who've been incredibly patient with the durkas, all things considered.

Palelstine are a 3rd world islamist people who durka durka jihad, have contributed NOTHING to the world, and spend their time stabbing old Jewish women at bus stops (literally).

Really, how the hell can you side with the Palelstinians at this point?
the same people who side with palestinians are the muzzie sympathizers who support muslim immigration into europe
yeah, its fucking terrible. Our army pays .20 shekels an hour to the people fighting for them, our cost of living is insane, meanwhile arabs and ultra orthodox who don't serve get welfare while we struggle to pay the bills. We literally give terrorist that just try to stab us medical treatment after shooting them when they try to stab us. Each time that happens its on tax payer money. I really feel like our youth will snap soon and start free killing them.
is it socially acceptable to publicly beat leftists in Israel?
and when are we gonna get a new Kahane?
>I want to make them
How do Israelis in general feel about the situation? Presumably, you people have the same problem with Arab birthrates as we have.

>arabs do all our shit jobs Jews don't work in
This is a hyperbole used by cuckservatives to dump wages. They say the same thing in Sweden.

and yeah kinda, maybe not beat but we don't like them and make it known

We want the situation fixed, muslims out and 2 state is ok but never give up Jerusalem as our capital. Our arab birthrate isn't too high because Jews other then russians jews have lots of kids too. The arabs really do most shit jobs though but that's a shit reason to keep them.
Israel by far.
Since they are a sane well functioning democracy.
I bet if Palestine was its own state it would be a shithole like the rest of the muslim world.
Go fuck yourself
Fucking moroccan shit
why so aggro towards him? Better 1000 moroccan Jews then 1 muslim
because a shitskin with a label is still a shitskin
What is Judea ?
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"oh look he doesnt support my illegal state" better say something racist! Go fuck yourself you dirty rat, you're not any different from arabs and hispanics, semite.
Kek, Spaghettibro
yeah but Israel without the mizrahi wouldn't survive either. I hate interjew racism when we have such big problems around.

and no I'm not a shit skin
I wonder who could be behind this post
neither will france be in 10 years you frog fucker surrender pussy
Even fucking Jordan helds more clay of the Fantasyland Palestine
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France has been here since the beginning of time and went through alot of shit, we're still here:) but your little "imaginationland" whom you literally stole from natives wont last a second if the U.S decides to stop supporting you :^)
He is a Syrian/Lebanese sub human
>I have no argument left
Israel. Call me the JIDF, but Israelis aren't the baby killers Palestine tells us they are.
nice recycled argument, I'd say you're a muslims but it's believable a french would suck so much dirty mudslime cock. Those "natives" are shit people that only faggots like you defend and your country will surrender to the muslim horde first and will be new algeria
>Israel has been here since the beginning of time and went through alot of shit, we're still here:) but your little "surrenderland" whom you literally give to muslims wont last a second if the U.S decides to stop supporting you :^)
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Obviously support the motherland Israel
anti-Semitic goyim piece of shit

36 trillions NEVER FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!
"hurr durr your country muslim and muslim and new algeria"

Were you fucking shaking while writing this? or are you kikes this autistic?
I know you kikes steal everything, but try to make something of yours for once
Gtfo illiterate
You are both Niggers actually
Go blow something up in Paris, you nigger
>implying they're not all cucks
butthurt ayyrabs angry at schemeing shlomos
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